
Have gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased? Does it matter? 

Faith Hope Future
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15 сен 2024




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@D.J.W.B. Месяц назад
Keep up the good work, your channel is one of a kind
@edarnold1647 Месяц назад
Thank you for your teaching. I have been a believer for many years. You covered some of my highlighted scriptures and gave me some points that were excellent, with new insight! Yes, the gifts are here for us today!
@newfiejoe4998 Месяц назад
What a great video! I do agree, why would God leave his true children defenceless against the wicket attacks of Satan. It's like saying that God doesn't care about us. However, that isn't the case, because he loves us and his Holy Spirit is our defender.
@faithhopefuture Месяц назад
Exactly my point! You got it. 😊🎉 Trying to deny the power of the Holy Spirit with cessationist beliefs (ie. gifts ended with apostles) is a lie of the enemy 👿
@expatbrit32 Месяц назад
This is really interesting, thanks for sharing. My take on this is that speaking in tongues hasn’t been completely done away with. As always, it’s the content of the message that’s important. 1 John 4:1-3 says to “test the spirits.” Where would one go to do this? To anyone who had the gift of prophecy. They are also known as mediums because they allow spirits to channel them. In the Old Testament there was a spirit school that trained people for this purpose. Not everyone is suitable for mediumship / prophecy. It’s said that children are born with psychic abilities but they become latent as they get older and like a muscle that isn’t used the gifts atrophy. Some people can get gifts later in life or when they are born again and if they have the gift of prophesying they will usually act under compulsion to say something. Satan is an angel of light and he and his demons can also give the gift of prophecy to people. It can come as the result of taking drugs or over indulging in alcohol. Anything that can alter the mind and weaken a person’s resolve is fair game for these critters to hang out in the person’s energy field and inject them with thoughts so they feel compelled to speak. Speaking in tongues where there is no one available who understands the language is a sign of demonic hosting or possession. God is not the author of confusion. If someone starts speaking in Latin or Aramaic and no one in the audience can speak or understand these ancient languages it’s likely this is not from God.
@faithhopefuture Месяц назад
I agree with most of what you say here so thanks for adding to the conversation. My video on tongues will increase your understanding of this incredible ability, its multiple uses and how to discern Holy Spirit tongues from the demonic fake tongues.
@NyaCrea Месяц назад
I have to catch up on all of your videos, you always give great insights on Jehovah’s Witnesses 🙏🏼 and much more ❤ thank you for spreading the truth sister!
@faithhopefuture Месяц назад
Thank you ☺️ ❤
@cherikerr8595 Месяц назад
@HeyBenRichards Месяц назад
Paul said Christians should be “above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one” (Ephesians 6:16). The “fiery darts”-that is, the arrows, with the points made red hot, or wrapped in with burning tow (comp. Psalm 7:14; Psalm 120:4)-may fix and burn themselves out without harm onto a shield. Paul likens it to “faith.” This, however, is neither the “faith in which we stand” (2Corinthians 1:24), nor the energetic faith of Hebrews 11. It is the faith of patience and endurance, the almost passive faith, trusting in God’s protection and submissive to His will, on which the darts of temptation, whether from fear, or from lust, or from doubt, fall harmless. Reference: BibleHub Ephesians 6:16 Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
@curtischristensen2034 Месяц назад
Thanks for bringing up an interesting topic. I think you make good points showing that "perfect" has not yet arrived and there is still a need and use for the powerful gifts of the spirit which is strong evidence that they have not been done away with. I think the kingdom where the last enemy has been done away with could be the "perfect" thing to come. Although I agree that "perfect" is not here yet I have to offer a different explanation for the current spiritual gifts or lack thereof. According to Act 8 and 19 the receiving of holy spirit was through the apostles so it could be that after their death there was no more holy spirit dispensed. Without the guidance of the apostles and the holy spirit confusion and divisions could develop and unsavoury elements could assume leadership and what could be termed as "darkness" may fall over the people. Perhaps this is what Christ was talking about when he said the night was coming when no man could work John 9:4 or Matt 24:29 where he said, "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken." He also warned of imposters and deceivers in Matt 24:24 " For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Is it possible that an intermission was foretold and when the "last days" continue we will see apostles and gifts of holy spirit again? Rev 11 and Zech 4 foretell future witnesses dispensing the golden liquid. If this is the case then many things could be explained and in particular the excess of iniquity among religious establishments.
@javiermoreno7746 Месяц назад
Should we care about this not so holy spirit, according to Acts 5:1-10 "this holy spirit" killed zafira and ananias
@faithhopefuture Месяц назад
And good riddance they lied to God! I urge you to be careful what you say against Holy Spirit its a dangerous path my friend. It won’t offend me - people say ridiculous things against God all the time - but places your salvation at stake.
@javiermoreno7746 Месяц назад
@@faithhopefuture you seem to be offended and the holy spirit should help people not kill and be good all the time, your god fails to do good and about my salvation l don't need any opinions l will do what is necessary
@Harper-k3e Месяц назад
I have just listened to your video. Not once did you mention love, which supersedes all of the gifts. Speaking in tongues is not necessary for a Christian to fight the spirit realm. You are incorrect. Speaking in tongues is a very personal matter between the speaker and God. Paul stated many times that speaking in tongues should only be appropriate when there is an interpreter along with the Holy Spirit. The gift of prophesying, for example, is way superior. Just because you claim to speak in tongues, then bully for you. But dont impress it or force it on other Christians who have no need for it. It's not a niche gift. The bible doesn’t say that. You strike me as someone who is full of her own self importance. Thats not ridiculing. Its what im observing and how you come across. Speaking in tongues is not needed for salvation. There was a preacher called Derek Prince who spoke in tongues on his tours, publicly, but no one could interpret what he was saying, which goes against the bible. So be very careful what you say
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