
Hazelcat Presents Spiderman Season 2 Episode 4: Criminals In The Clouds 

Irving's Zoo
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The Sky Master, a villain who lives in a blimp, kidnaps the star player on the high school football team. The boy's father owns a chemical company with lots of secret government contracts, and the Sky Master wants a certain one. Hand it over and you get your son back. Peter has to figure out how to save both the boy AND the big game.




24 июл 2024




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@christopherjudge1138 8 месяцев назад
One of those Season 2 episodes of the series, which production is now passed on to both Ralph Bashki and Krantz Films in New York, where Peter Parker faces many problems, as in the comics! After all, it was the late '60s1
@nooctip Год назад
The doctors in New York really need to start doing something about all this jaundice going around. Of course he ends up in the same place. He has no idea where he's going. Why would there be a factory recall? I'm pretty sure the company dosen't advertise shoot our control panel with a laser gun as proper operating procedure.
@julianblake3140 Год назад
These reviews of series 2 are fascinating- on this side of the pond we only got series one I think. Marvel didn’t have much presence in the UK (tho DC did) before 1971 when they launched the weekly comic The Mighty World of Marvel (no hyperbole there) which reprinted Spidey The FF and Hulk weekly from the beginning but split the US 20 page monthly releases into 2 parts over 2 weeks. That was the beginning over here and the rest as they say is history. If you can guess which character caught my imagination most you deserve a jelly baby!
@iconoclast137 10 месяцев назад
your channel cures depression
@matthewmarcinko9157 Год назад
Hey Dave it's finally occurred to me what this season of the show was intended for: You have to be stoned to enjoy this. I'm being serious here. Bakshi's art was always psychedelic, and these images are meant for a brain enhanced on THC. Because when you're baked, you're not really paying attention to the plot, you're too busy tripping out to the visuals. If you have any, smoke a little weed, watch this again, and you'll see that I'm right.
@ramblingRJ Год назад
Its a totally different show after season one. Less Marvel involvement. Different animation. More padding due to the longer running time. Smaller budget. Less focus on the comic book villains, or supporting characters like JJJ and Betty. I agree with you that the first season stuck with me since childhood, but I barely remember anything after that.
@stillaboveground2470 Год назад
Listening to the "Zip!!!" noise every time he swings, starts to get annoying.
@jeffreyclinard2002 Год назад
"Upon video review, we find there was fan interference on the play. There is no touchdown. 10 yard penalty on Midtown High; repeat third down." The filler music isn't bad. It's sort of like what I consider 60s surf music. Which makes sense, considering it is the 1960s. Peter is making all kinds of teenager mistakes. Susan is out of his league... at least, as teenager dating rules go. She likes the jock types. Peter is deluding himself if she thinks joining the football team as the waterboy is going to impress her. There's also the matter of the kidnapped Roy. If they had the budget and didn't want to use the stock footage filler, they could have had the entire sequence. Roy is missing. Peter is given an instant tryout for the team. He suits up as quarterback. He wins the big game. He spends the night in the backseat of a car with Susan, finally earning the "Man" part of "Spider-Man". It's a nice dream, but I can see a few things wrong with it. I was no better as a teenager. Maybe worse. My only defense is that I had some undiagnosed medical issues that are now effectively treated. So, Kandance and Kristy, if you're reading this, I'm sorry I never acted on your hints you wanted to date me.
@dwashbur Год назад
I need to tell Deena the same thing.
@criminallyautistic8372 Год назад
Hazel's back must hurt carrying this show lol. Also I don't care for the voice actor for the Sky Master. He's a decent actor but there are times he goes through his lines so fast, that it takes a couple of seconds to comprehend what he just said. And yeah that laugh is dumb
@dwashbur Год назад
Honestly, it reminded me of Tucker Carlson, but I try to keep politics out of my videos as much as possible.
@criminallyautistic8372 Год назад
@@dwashbur Lol. Sick burn though
@GreenBoy9000 Год назад
4:54 Pol Pot. The British at some time in the 1700s until the Americans have decided that they've had enough (that's how the US was started). The Chinese Communist Party. Kim Jong-Un. Aaaaand, I think there was some guy in Venezuela who fell under this list/category, but... I'd need to read it more. Last I heard of it was from a RU-vid short, so, take what you will with a flake of salt.
@dwashbur Год назад
Nicholas Maduro. A friend of mine grew up as a missionary kid in Venezuela under his regime. She was happy to get out.
@joannemcclenathan3290 Год назад
❤❤❤❤❤🌕💝😍 hello Irving how are you I miss you I've been having a difficult day today I've been awfully sad for some weird reason but I know when I talk to you I feel a lot better I can't tell you what is wrong because I really don't know all I know is that how I'm feeling is not great nothing is medically wrong I just can't shake this feeling a being sad I just went to the bathroom and started crying I've been trying to go back on the Sims I've got some ideas but now we have two houses instead of just one I kept my original one so I would not have to rebuild it if something went wrong there's one room that I just closed off and I put Windows all the way around it both houses have three stories but one looks better than the other on the outside and I put red sconces on either side of the Terrace the Terrace by the way is perfect now All there is now is my favorite light fixture but it's nice and large and it's got a beautiful blue tile floor it took a while to figure out that I had to stretch the Terrace out to be able to push it away from the wall to put the wall back after the Terrace was installed I hadn't put anything on the deck yet because I'm trying to stay within the budget where we don't have to live in another house because I ran out of money and I'm so proud of the rounded bathroom I really didn't think that would work I'm trying to work up to actually going on The Sims before I go to bed because I took the water pill I'm waiting for that to pass I figure if I get some sleep I might feel better I really can't tell you important you are to me right now I'm actually kind of climbing the walls I did refill my medications today they're going to be delivered tomorrow Edmond on Thursday I'll be seeing Melanie for an appointment 11:45 I've already told her how I've been feeling so I don't know what she is going to do yet we'll just have to wait and see I hope your day is better than mine though I really wish that I could hug you right now everything seems to hurt emotionally but let me give you some good news the swimming went down in my left foot and that's the one that gives me a lot of trouble right back to me when you can don't overdo keeping your wonderful incredible unbelievable Shelf yeah and before I forget most of all keep being my wonderful incredible superhero I'm still waiting for a date haha are you still going to your concert tomorrow I hope you have a wonderful time love always Jojo
@dwashbur Год назад
You bet we're going! I met the guitarist, Dave Amato, in 2019. I was wearing a shirt that says "World's Okayest Guitar Player". Since we have seats nice and close to the stage, I'm going to wear it again tonight and see if it catches his eye. I doubt it will but one never knows, and it doesn't cost anything to try. Could being 65 be part of the reason you're feeling down? There's a genuine psychological phenomenon that happens when we hit a milestone like that. It most often happens in years ending in zero, hence it's normally called "decadal review". But 65 is a big deal, and it naturally leads to some review and reflection, and that sort of review almost always leads to being depressed. It happened to me at 60, it happened to Kathy at 50 and was one of the factors that led to our divorce. When you chat with Melanie you might mention that and see what she thinks. You can get past this. You're not alone and and you're way stronger than you realize. I'm here to help you work through it, and I'm not the only one. So you WILL get through this, because like many things, it may be bigger than *you*, but it's not bigger than *us*.
@joannemcclenathan3290 Год назад
@@dwashbur 💝🌆💝🌆💝💝💝 I know you're there for me and I really appreciate it I am going to tell Melanie about how I'm feeling so please don't worry about that I just got my meds an hour ago but they forgot my: colace but it's okay I've got plenty for now I'm very very nervous about tomorrow I did get a reminder about the appointment already I think part of the problem is that nothing feels normal right now everything still feels like it's upside down I think that is what's making me feel like this I think I'm going to have to get my leg x-rayed although it does although it does feel much better there's still some pain in back but we'll just have to figure out what Melanie says about it and my glasses are going to be mailed to me so I should have them in a few days I want you to know just how much I love you I know I say this a lot but right now you are the only stable thing that I have in my life I really need you to know that everything else is a mess I have been trying to build I really wanted to but I was so tired I went to bed around 11 p.m. but I had to get up and use toilet and that took way too long I don't even know what time I climb back in bed again I want you to please have a good time at the concert I hope you can really bring the house down and I really do want to hear all about it when you come back I have been going on your videos a lot to try to shake this depression when you flub up your lines I can't help but laugh and that does a lot to help me realize that I'm not alone I look forward to hearing from you when you have time I am going to try to get into the house again tonight end build I'm going to put both versions of the house in my gallery I put red sconces in the area where you walk out onto your Terrace Ben Windows Galore I just have to figure out what I want to do next besides eat I'll check in with you again in a couple of hours I really wish that I could hug you but if I ever did that I probably would never let you go thanks again for being there for me it really is appreciated I have to run and charge my wheelchair I love you so much it is not funny you are the best love Jojo
@dwashbur Год назад
Well, fuddle de doo. The concert has been rescheduled, don't know when yet. Or, to put it in REO Speedwagon terms, "You say you're coming home but you won't say when!" So we're going to sneak away for a nice dinner by ourselves to compensate. I'll save you some leftovers, ha ha! Let me know what you find out about your knee, and how it went with Melanie. I make tons of flubs. I try to show the funniest ones, because I know I make a lot of goofy noises. I don't know where they come from, they're just suddenly there. But they're silly enough that they make me laugh, so I figure they can make others laugh, too. There are plenty more that aren't especially interesting. I get tongue-tied a lot, especially when I try to talk too fast. I keep thinking one of these days I should make a reel that's nothing but me telling myself "slow down!" It would probably be 3 hours long! What you've told me about the house sounds lovely. I hope you can keep the reports coming, I really enjoy them. You're going to be okay, and you're not alone.
doing impossible challenges✅❓
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