
Hearthstone: Trumpo and Kazoo - Part 2 (Warlock Standard) 

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7 сен 2024




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@SaturninePlaces 8 лет назад
30:57 "The beasts obey me" "The beasts betrayed me" Cool!
@Munchmaster2000 8 лет назад
Looks like we got a little bit of Prison Trump with that fire freestyle
@zaxamofo 8 лет назад
+Nicholas Curcuru Yeah haha, I lost it when he started rhyming
@Syrange13 8 лет назад
+Zack Lem Could someone throw some effects on that and set it to a beat?
@zarakikenpachiish 8 лет назад
He was humming "A girl worth fighting for" from Mulan at 20:00 x)
@FeamT 8 лет назад
18:32 this is the only Hunter representation that matters.
@ScaryBRIT94 8 лет назад
"There will be pain, so much pain." Priest plays Shadow Word: Pain next turn.
@EldestOrion 8 лет назад
I just noticed the Usher of Souls is wearing the Dreadmist set. Neat!
@dingding12321 8 лет назад
"The beasts obey me!" "The beasts betray me..."
@barfvader6712 8 лет назад
Kazoo, kazoo, KKKAAAZZZOOO!!!
@Darkczarek 8 лет назад
+Nathaniel “Anony M0U53” Palmer *Kazoo intensifies*
@fahmiinabdullah 8 лет назад
Trump is totally in denial about councilman haha
@sixthsealEats 8 лет назад
"It's just a fad" - Trump on Darkshire Councilman, 2016
@ktktktktktktkt 8 лет назад
37:55 I strongly disagree with the statement that C'thun should always be a card you play last. It's completely dependent on the matchup. In slow matchups such as non-dragon priests, it's good to hold back cthun since the opponent can probably answer with a death or an entomb so by playing slower and getting more buffs on cthun, you gain more benefit from the battlecry and you lose less tempo from getting cthun deathed or entombed. On the other hand, in many cthun mirrors such as druid, it is important to get cthun out asap because cthun is extremely unlikely to die to your opponent's cthun unless his cthun is double the size of your cthun where the probability approaches 50%. Thus, you can take board control with cthun AND you have a huge threat pushing damage on your opponent the next turn.
@gabba789 8 лет назад
This video title brings back some good childhood memories
@Mathmachine 8 лет назад
Wow these matches are faaaaast! Zoo is a speedy devil of a deck.
@FrontierChampion 8 лет назад
If only Trump knew how OP the councilman is. One of the best cards of the expansion.
@jerodast8349 8 лет назад
+FrontierChampion Trump always assumes everything gets cleared instantly. Even though it obviously doesn't...especially 5 health on turn 3.
@Vincentoist 8 лет назад
+FrontierChampion Yep, especially when Zoo needed 3 drops
@deathseaotter 8 лет назад
Every time C'thun's chosen comes out I always want it to say "C'thun is my spirit animal!!"
@FellTheSky 8 лет назад
"the meta will slow down" they said.
@anovanull6124 8 лет назад
I was humming a song and when Trump started humming, i had just hummed a pause in the song and he started and we baca me a sick duo
@anovanull6124 8 лет назад
@Grimm___gaming 8 лет назад
Hey Trump, I was curious as to your take on a C'thun based handlock deck? I built one last night, obviously far from refined, but it seems to run really well. I'd like to see your take on this archetype.
@deoxysdominator 8 лет назад
30:57 "The beasts obey me" "The beasts betrayed me"
@Warclam 8 лет назад
19:05: Huh, look at that. That hunter literally died of shame.
@MuppetLord1 8 лет назад
Love when you can combo Brann Bronzebeard with Emperor 7 battlecry. :D
@Izandaia 8 лет назад
I think in that last game he should've just played C'thun's Chosen on turn 5, traded his abusive sergeant into the Loot Pillager(?) and planned to double Disciple on turn 6. His opponent would've had just a 3/3 and he'd have a 4/3 Divine Shield, with 4 burst damage and a couple of 2/1s coming to help clean up his opponent's next play.
@fukyomammason 8 лет назад
Flame Imp's stance in his picture reminds me of Elttil Hctib. EEEEEEeeEeeeEEEeEEeEEEeEEE!
@vane505 8 лет назад
After PrisonTrump is out of jail, he and Trump shouls have a rap battle
@nelsmork9446 8 лет назад
Of the three legendaries, which single card would be the best to craft?
@bindair_dundat 8 лет назад
No, C'Thun is a broken card not a fast card. This Warlock deck is only half-C'Thun, yet it still buffs him to 16+ by turn 10. And the buffer minions are so good, they along with the other half of the deck, can easily chip the opponent down to about 15 health for a C'Thun finisher.
@TrineofFire 8 лет назад
I wouldn't mind that gnome ushering in my soul if you know what I mean.. Ooooh baby! *kappa* ...but seriously, she's adorable as hell.
@laurelhill3505 8 лет назад
C'Thun in this deck seems like a big win-more card.
@waltermoran9344 8 лет назад
What was the song you were mumbling?
@Joris0815 8 лет назад
Ive played this deck quite a bit and I have never cast C'thun in it. Barely ever gets to turn 10, win or lose.
@Schmidteren 8 лет назад
Anyone know list so I can copy the deck into Deck Tracker? :)
@KambEight 8 лет назад
It's on the left for the entire video...
@Schmidteren 8 лет назад
+KambEight Yeah. I know that.. BUT Putting each card in 1 at a time is slow and annoying. Having a link for deck tracker so you can put every card in within seconds is much better. That's what I was asking for.
@nikolas__ 8 лет назад
+Schmidteren You could try finding the deck on a site (googling "trump kazoo" found me a hearthpwn link), then copy the link, click import->from web, paste the link, make the changes you want/need, click export to hearthstone, and your netdeck is complete in less than a minute! :D
@protv9322 8 лет назад
Somebody please tell me Trump knows what he is doing?the Kazoo deck is good?becouse i can't even pass rank 17 with it.
@Backup_PChan 8 лет назад
19:58 A girl worth fighting for!
@lolzifer 8 лет назад
"Councilman is going to be a fad" -> lul
@Eon2641 8 лет назад
Am I the only one who has a weakness for blood imp? I love the idea of the card, I always want to make it work.
@protv9322 8 лет назад
+Trump I lose every game with your C'thun zoo what can i do? i wasted the dust again first was when i crafted a N'zoth hunter and the deck was good of nothing i losed very much and now with your kazoo i lose the same what can i do i can't even pass rank 15 with it i wasted all the dust...
@protv9322 8 лет назад
Sir Drand can you recommend me a good one? and... have you read all my sad story ;( i waste the dust again and again.
@Amphidsf 8 лет назад
Worgon Stalker is Corrupted Ram Wrangler.
@warhammer3012 8 лет назад
+AmphiDsf "The beasts obey me." "The beasts betrayed me."
@Amphidsf 8 лет назад
Reikr Same Gun too.
@metallicakevin1 8 лет назад
C'sad ... really...
@M0torsagmannen 8 лет назад
+metallicakevin1 you say it like it is a bad thing :P litterally cracked me up when he said that
@myonlyfriendtheend4958 8 лет назад
anyone know a good deck vs zoolock? I've been paired up vs 6 of them in a row and won 2 because I was lucky also dark con is godly trump you can have a 5/5 and 4 1/1 by turn 4
@darttito 8 лет назад
Dragon priest crushes Zoo.
@myonlyfriendtheend4958 8 лет назад
anything else f2p account here?
@darttito 8 лет назад
myonlyfriendtheend Maybe Tempo mage, but it's a lot weaker right now. Aggro Pally maybe? Control/C'thun Warrior works as well. Or you could just build your own Zoo, it's a very cheap, versatile and fun deck that's really powerful right now.
@myonlyfriendtheend4958 8 лет назад
Tito bubblebutt pally here I have a 30% win rate vs it but it may just be because of miss play
@Songovstorms15 8 лет назад
+myonlyfriendtheend Priest in general is good vs zoo. Mid range Hunter is not bad either, but a heavy control deck is your best bet.
@Crete32 8 лет назад
what's something I can replace black Knight with? don't have that legendary rn ahah
@Billis75 8 лет назад
+Crete32 With TBK being teched in to stop taunts. You could try something like a silence, or maybe even something like Corruption.
@FlyingJetpack1 8 лет назад
That hunter died from sheer shame, #feelsbadman
@Lootmare 8 лет назад
I be usherin souls while my viewers smokin dem bowls
@dfg484 8 лет назад
anyone got a replacement for the black knight?
@OdaSwifteye 8 лет назад
+Neethos If the enemy has over 7 attack it would be BGH. Under 7 you'll have to use a Silence or any form of instant removal. technically the Black Knight is just instant removal with a minion on the board but unless it's Sloggoth you technically have what the Black Knight does in most classes.
@coww74 8 лет назад
What is the program being used to display the deck?
@PsionicsHD 8 лет назад
Hearthstone Deck Tracker
@coww74 8 лет назад
@isaacnorris3432 8 лет назад
Darude - Sandstorm
@Yamaneko81 8 лет назад
i dont have emperor or imp gag boss what could i use as a replace?
@domeplsffs 8 лет назад
+Yamaneko81 Different Deck.
@SaviorSix 8 лет назад
I see them nerfing C'Thun cards hardcore next update.
@shanedestroyer 8 лет назад
+SaviorSixtySix i highly doubt it, just because you're salty doesn't mean it's broken, they tested it a ton before release i'm sure
@SaviorSix 8 лет назад
deamonyoshi876 ... Because I'm salty? I don't even play the game. I'm just saying as an outside observer. All the C'Thun cards, whether you're playing a C'thun deck or not, are objectively better than most of the cards currently available.
@sofb59wbe9 8 лет назад
+SaviorSixtySix Now I can tell you don't play, because you think a vanilla 2/3 is better than all the cards available. Or a 3 mana 3/4. C'thun buffing minions mostly suck, and u only run them to buff C'thun. Only exceptions are Disciple and Dark Arakkoa
@pseudogenesis 8 лет назад
+SaviorSixtySix "All the C'Thun cards, whether you're playing a C'thun deck or not, are objectively better than most of the cards currently available." This has honestly got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever read about this game. It's wrong in so many ways. First, there are no Cthun cards that are objectively better than a non-Cthun equivalent. I'd love to see you provide an example, but I think it would just show that you don't know what "objectively" means. Second, saying ALL Cthun cards are better with or without Cthun is just patently untrue. Beckoner of Evil is literally just a vanilla 2 mana 2-3 without Cthun. Amani Berserker, Flame Juggler, and even River Crocolisk are all strictly better cards in a non-Cthun deck. And that's not the only one. There are only a tiny handful of Cthun cards that are being run without C'thun. If you try and run a Cthun deck without Cthun in it, you will get stomped. And finally, no. Just no. C'thun cards are not stronger than all the other cards, they're understatted because they also buff C'thun. C'thun decks aren't even the strongest decks in the game right now.
@SaviorSix 8 лет назад
Twilight Darkmender, Klaxxi Amber-Weaver, Beckoner of Evil, Twilight Geomancer, Twilight Elder, Usher of Souls, Cult Sorcerer, Hooded Acolyte, Skeram Cultist... All of these cards, played by themselves, are objectively better than most of the current cards currently available. Where as Dragon priests have a condition to get a buff, most C'thun cards are good and have an added benefit of buffing C'Thun. I'm worried about power creep more than anything. It's going to suck seeing cards just not being played anymore because Blizzard releases cards that are just better.
@fukyomammason 8 лет назад
Fight cancer with cancer: beat down Hunters with a Zoo deck today!
@MehmetTurk21 8 лет назад
24:14 No Old Gods for me. I'm an arena player so I still accept RNGesus as my Lord and Savior.
@accaplc 8 лет назад
WTH, his opponents play like shit. I'm at 15 in EU and everyone plays with disgusting decks and always an answer for everything.
@SadBirbHours 8 лет назад
The struggle is real for us EU players. Everyone's running Zoo heavy aggro decks in the low ranks.
@Apuzito 8 лет назад
Welcome to consecration sadness
@Drako2k0 8 лет назад
19:20 this is what happens when Huntards try to think
@addygoldberg4897 8 лет назад
27:43 Can we all just bask in how much trump got punished for not trading on turn 3? Watch how the game develops from there, that "cheeky" decision is literally the turning point. Hunter just snowballs his board into a win. Greedy trump, is greedy.
@colbymay6044 8 лет назад
I just don't understand the hate for Darkshire Councilman. At the VERY worst, it's a 3 mana 1/5. which isn't terrible. But in zoo it'll never stay a 1/5. I agree it isn't a great turn 3 play, but you don't have to use it that way. I really can't see a downside to it.
@robibubble1656 8 лет назад
only hate it receives is trump hate
@terskinsBBX 8 лет назад
Just Kaaazooo it! derdiderdiderdi
@joelhemi1740 8 лет назад
Mulan a girl worth fighting for at 19:50
@danielnorton9803 8 лет назад
I think its safe to overextend your field nowadays, because most decks can't afford to run AOE anymore in current meta decks.
@chkmte1304 8 лет назад
I agree. The nerf to Blade Flurry and removal of Light Bomb were big changes when it comes to clearing large boards. Plus people tend to be running big bulky minions instead of a few small ones more often than not
@chkmte1304 8 лет назад
I believe that this will also make decks like Control Warrior even stronger, the strong AoE 1-2 damage clear they get from stuff like whirlwind and ravaging ghoul plus their solid taunt minions can save them early game so they hit really hard late game. Plus having more than 30 health can deny a lot of burst combos. I could see them throwing in Corrupted seers to get even more clear going too, in fact I've been working on a Warrior deck that incorporates Seers, I just don't have a lot of cards lol.
@sircracksman3517 8 лет назад
C'thun zoo new meta
@chasejacobsen 8 лет назад
Did that zoolock play a 10 mana force of nature? Lol Someone wants to play druid.
@thyrell 8 лет назад
Trump thought a 5 health minion would basically always die if played on turn 3 and he thought +1 attack whenever you SUMMON a minion was bad? Jesus..
@liger04 8 лет назад
+Thyrell I think he's so used to Zombie Chow being the juggernaut of early-game control that he forgot Warlock still has some of the best 1-drops in the game.
@lanegraver9812 8 лет назад
You should go to pax
@santafelicidadedh2259 8 лет назад
what legendary i do,from old gods i have no one,andfor classic i have deathwing and all legendary of adverntures
@equardo 8 лет назад
12:44 A for effort
@INPUR3IFY 8 лет назад
I just played someone called "TrumpW" and got really excited thinking maybe it was one of his other accounts then I beat them..... it wasn't him
@matthiasjanhaska 8 лет назад
+Lewis Ramos to bad he was called TrumpSC
@INPUR3IFY 8 лет назад
+matthiasjanhaska Ikr
@matthiasjanhaska 8 лет назад
@TsukadaHina 8 лет назад
Poor hunters... :
@atti1120 8 лет назад
the shame concede is real :D
@videocadet 8 лет назад
Ohhh, the shame...
@mohamedosama3980 8 лет назад
WTF trump used a golden card in the second game
@user-bb5ik9vy4z 8 лет назад
Cartoon... CARTOON!
@lanegraver9812 8 лет назад
Oh and hi mr trump
@Diotialate 8 лет назад
I don't get why Trump doesn't like discovering Blood Imp. Sure, it got nerfed, but with these weenie matchups, 1 health can save a creature, over and over.
@robbywoolums9071 8 лет назад
+Walloficecream It can, but it's too inconsistent. You're better off with a card that will do better 90% of the time.
@isaacnorris3432 8 лет назад
With Druid, you don't often take it cause swipe, and a void walker has 1/3 of stats, the blood imp would have to stay on the board while always maintaining board control for three turns in order to get close to void walker. It's okay but it's not great
@isaacnorris3432 8 лет назад
Replacement for black knight
@inquisitorgrand 8 лет назад
Sunwalker or Cairne if you want a strong 6 mana 4/5 body. Siphon Soul (Warlock), Cabal Shadow Priest (Priest), or Assassinate (Rogue) for the minion manipulation
@EthereanOriginal 8 лет назад
Everybody tell me their most daring life story
@MrSockySocks 8 лет назад
+thediablo3dude one time i drank soda past 7 pm Kappa
@NickDAwsome 8 лет назад
Call me a rapstar says Trump
@loliksdee 8 лет назад
TrumpO WutFace
@butttter 8 лет назад
Bubbledin ;'D
@MNalias 8 лет назад
This is not a good hand, has lethal. (i know he drew into it, but what ever)
@conticc661 8 лет назад
@branplays8884 8 лет назад
+Conti cc heyy :3
@thekkl 8 лет назад
8:02 "Most of my calculations involve it being really bad on turn 3" Well ya suck at calculating then.
@hearthstone5225 8 лет назад
го ко мне :D
@neverrecover 8 лет назад
@riddlearmy 8 лет назад
@Benjlmao1996 8 лет назад
Never rap again
@baedezecrate3500 8 лет назад
@TLordProductions 8 лет назад
@Redsfan1442 8 лет назад
Sorry but this deck isn't good imo, even with the weaker c'thun minions compared to a full on zoo you are still ending the game way before c'thun comes out. Open to opinions, this is just mine.
@Mr.Flemen 8 лет назад
trump problems. deck to good, game doesn't last long enough to play c'thun
@lanegraver9812 8 лет назад
@KratozPaladin 8 лет назад
@almondmilk7319 8 лет назад
@pseudogenesis 8 лет назад
"The beasts obey me!" *"THE BEASTS BETRAYED ME"*
@dfg484 8 лет назад
anyone got a replacement for the black knight?
@EMCEBANANA 8 лет назад
+Neethos Rag or sylvanas will do i suppose
@Critical_Cabbage 8 лет назад
I tossed in a Siphon Soul as a replacement. Haven't played a whole lot, but having something to easily deal with any big card is nice.
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