
Homeschool Mum Reacts to Jordan Peterson on Homeschooling | Jordan Peterson Reaction 

Nurturing Discontent
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0:00 Should I really upload this?
01:12 [Reaction] What does Jordan Peterson think of Homeschooling?
12:00 Do we agree with Jordan Peterson?
Actually slightly nervous to upload this because I know how divisive Jordan Peterson's views are, but I couldn't pass by this video of him specifically talking about Homeschooling. What do you make of Jordan Petersons views on Homeschooling let me know in the comments
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ORIGINAL VIDEO: • Jordan Peterson on Hom...
I'm Cathryn, Mum to 3 Home Educated kids in the UK



28 июн 2024




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@jonasgucci Год назад
Don't you realize how you just agreed with everything he said, he is just laying out the options and dificulties that can come with either alternative, because he is not trying to influence your desition, but to present the information he considers needs to be considered, the thing is you involuntarily want to see his speeches as contencious with your ideas because he must be wrong or bad or mistaken.
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
This is actually a good point and something I am very aware of. Because he has said a lot of things in the past that I really don’t agree with, I did try and watch this with an open mind, which I clearly stated at the beginning. But obviously in your opinion I failed at that. There is no denying his speeches always cause contention between people which is exactly why I said I was hesitant at the beginning 🤣
@sharadtiwari1465 Год назад
Problem is not in being a home educating parent, but in being a homeschooling influencer. It can be tough as all great things are tough, but for sure great things are not for ordinary people too!
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
This is an interesting comment. Am I right in interpreting it that you think I should continue my home educating journey, but not 'advertise' it as a possibility for other people and try to influence them to take the same route?
@sharadtiwari1465 Год назад
@@nurturingdiscontent Well it can be a possibility for a very few people, but not a general possibility for ordinary people. So, I think it would be more responsible to atleast give warning, although they don't work in most cases (as you find mandatory warnings on cigarette 🚬 and tobacco products, but still people consume it anyway). It's up to you, what you have to say and do, it's your life, your channel and your decision, how can I tell you what to do! It's just what I think of it and advice so!
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
@@sharadtiwari1465 😄 yes, very true, warnings usually fall on deaf ears. Thanks for your input; always appreciated!
@sharadtiwari1465 Год назад
His concern is right at his place, maybe in the public education children are being indoctrinated and things are not perfect, but homeschooling also have possibility of indoctrination of your children of your own doctrine and limitations! It limits the exposure of children to other ideas and things around and so their world view can be skewed and limited very much in homeschooling. Now, some people can be mature enough and capable of educating their children better than school with more skills and open mindedness, but it is for sure not everyone's cup of tea. Wisdom is extremely rare thing I find and over that you need intelligence and academic capability too, so that makes such ability rarer. So, even if I may find myself capable of homeschooling my kids and even do so, but I won't recommend homeschooling to everyone else and will not advertise it for sure. I will try to keep it to myself cause people can be mistaken to think that they can also do what I am able to do while they may lack the ability and can decide wrongly. So, even if I do homeschool my children myself, I won't go for its activism. So, I would advise you to not take his arguments personally on your situation, but by a larger picture. Everyone do not have the same capability like you! Hope you understand it! Best wishes 🙏!
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
Hey Sharad, great to have you on this channel; you know I always really value your input! I have to disagree with your comment that home education limits children's exposure to other ideas, and things around the world. If anything I've found this to be the opposite, as we are not constrained to the very limited (and white washed) UK curriculum, and my children interact with a vast array of people from different walks of life that they wouldn't get if they were in a school building all day. Do you think the UK school system will expose them to anything to do with finding their own spirituality? Sadly, not. "some people can be mature enough and capable of educating their children better than school with more skills and open mindedness, but it is for sure not everyone's cup of tea." Yes, you are right, of course. Not everyone will be up to the job, like many teachers are not up to the job they are employed for :) I agree, I will definitely not take JPs comments personally, and certainly never would engage him in a debate over this, because he's far more intelligent that I :D
@sharadtiwari1465 Год назад
@@nurturingdiscontent I am just stating the possibility in some cases, if parents are not capable enough can be motivated to impart only their understanding to their children which may be limited, so I am just saying of that possibility. In other cases like yours, things can be opposite, I have just stated possibility!
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
@@sharadtiwari1465 yes, you're right, it' definitely a possibility! I'm sure it happens
@DvitusR Год назад
Maybe allow him to finish a sentence without pausing and don’t come at it from a default defensive position as if JP is the bane of your existence and you might learn something.
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
Great comment. Thank you for the advice. You’re probably right, I don’t think I succeeded in my attempt to remain open minded. Wishing you a more peaceful week than you are experiencing right now 💜
@DvitusR Год назад
@@nurturingdiscontent sorry I came off so aggressive, I may be abit too overprotective of the figure that’s influenced my life for the better so much to the point I consider him the man that saved my life.
@TheJthom9 Год назад
@@DvitusR You just got killed with kindness
@ronbobo8897 Год назад
​@@nurturingdiscontent While I can agree with the above criticism about beginning each reaction with an open mind, I do not often find it particularly helpful to begin a productive dialogue through aggravation or aggression. There are times when these tools can be useful in discourse, but you seem to kind and respectable to approach in such a manner. I am a father, and was a stay at home father for some time, who had also considered home schooling our children. I do disagree with some of the ideals that children are being taught these days in the public education system. For us, the homeschooling issue came down to reasoning. We did not want to pull our children from school because they may encounter differing ideas (within reason ofcourse), different morals, opposing views, or even mean kids. We want our children to be the kinds of kids that can discern, think, speak, and stand up for themselves. Lickily, we were able to offer our children the full school curriculum of at least a public school. We were able to provide physical activities to replace physical education. What we could not ever offer our children through homeschooling is the world experience, the socialization, and the play (even rough and tumble play) with as many other children their age. I'm happy to say that we are more than thrilled that we settled on the decision that we did for our family and children. We are more amazed by their abilities to tactfully and confidently navigate conflict with other children, their ability to judge information, to discern what they believe, to Express their feelings, and their abilities to be confident in who they are as individuals. I do not believe that our children would have learned such confidence, bravery, coping mechanisms, negotiation, deescelation, pride, sportsmanship, or self respect without the peer and teacher relationships they have had to navigate in school. What we had to realize is that the potential in our children was far greater than the worries we had for them. I'm not sure about all of the reasons your family decided to homeschool, but please don't let parental fears ever keep children from what and who they are capible of being. Best to you, from our home, to yours. I hope you continue to see success in all of your endeavors, especially this one.
@ronbobo8897 Год назад
​@@DvitusR While I could possibly agree with your point of view, I don't often find it productive to begin any criticism that one means to be taken genuinely from a point of aggression. Just as with the criticism, it can often come from a preconceived notion.
@mollamour Год назад
His notion that it’s not fathers who would have an active interest in their child’s education, it’s only mothers- with talons 😆
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
This is a good point! I’m not sure why it has to all be about over protective Mothers!
@laceyarrie 8 месяцев назад
IMO He projects his Oedipal complex on the rest of the world.
@nurturingdiscontent 8 месяцев назад
He’s certainly a divisive figure!
@amylouise6387 Год назад
While I definitely don't agree with everything that Jordan Peterson says, I enjoy listening to people with varying view points, and find him to have some very interesting perspectives. In regards to this answer, it doesn't seem to be something he has given a great deal of thought to/researched beforehand. I also home educate in the UK, and what he speaks of I just haven't witnessed myself. The other parents I have met along this journey so far are kind and loving, and the children are interesting and able to think for themselves. My husband and I hope to cultivate a love for learning in our children, where they are free to pursue their interests and form their own opinions. Of course we have our values that we share with them, but by giving them a strong foundation we hope they will feel confident to follow their path as they grow older. I believe that a more gentle approach helps children to feel secure, thus equipping them to be both compassionate and mentally strong as they grow up in our world. Of course, as parents most of us are just trying to do what is best for our children. For some that is sending them to school, and for others that is home education. I think the important thing is to not make either decision out of fear.
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
Hello! Thanks for such a detailed comment, it’s great to connect with other UK home edders. I agree with your analysis; I think he’s coming from a place of not really knowing much about Home Ed. I love your second paragraph; those are definitely qualities I hope to cultivate for my children too. And completely agree it’s best not to make any decisions out of fear. For me choosing to Home Ed (when I realised it was an option) just felt like it made complete sense on levels I couldn’t always articulate. It just sort of felt more normal for our family. Thanks again for taking the time to comment!
@amylouise6387 Год назад
@@nurturingdiscontent I'm glad that you didn't mind my rather long comment haha! And yes I agree, once I realised that home education existed it just felt like the natural choice for our family.
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
I love long comments! 😃
@YesYouCanHomeEducate Год назад
Homeschooling is “complicated and difficult”… so is parenting! If you can parent then you can homeschool. As parents we are supposed to educate our children… choosing to homeschool just means you’re no longer outsourcing that responsibility to anyone else. ❤
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
Yes, 100% agree! " If you can parent then you can homeschool" love that! So many people think you need to be superhuman or have some special qualifications, but I really think anyone can do it if it's something they want to do!
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
p.s. love your channel! Have subscribed. Great to connect with you
@YesYouCanHomeEducate Год назад
@@nurturingdiscontent thank you so much! Lovely to connect with you too. X
@CalmintheChaosHomeschool Год назад
I agree with a lot of things JP says, but I think he has more to learn about homeschooling and the people who do homeschool. More people should be homeschooling… Not less…
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
I would love for more people to realise that home education is, firstly, an option and also that it’s totally possible for your children to thrive without school. Maybe we could even convince JP one day 😄. Thanks for leaving a comment, it means a lot!
@TheJthom9 Год назад
@@nurturingdiscontent Why do you want to convince JP? If you think he is wrong, then why do you care what he thinks? Do you think he is an anti-homeschooling influencer?
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
I don’t feel the need to convince him. I don’t think our paths will ever cross. But videos like this probably do perpetuate the idea that Home educators are weirdos, or to be “viewed with scepticism”. Which were not. Just a bunch of normal people trying to do the best by their children like most people are. Thanks for commenting 😊
@hlockeyLFC7 Год назад
I’ve heard him talk about the overprotective mother before and it’s more to do with the type of mother that won’t let the child leave the home more so than schooling. It’s usually single mothers that really build a close relationship with their children and are scared of being left alone. There will be some mothers who home school for this but I agree with you it will be in the minority. In terms of indoctrination I don’t see this in my school in the uk. I don’t see anyone pushing left wing propaganda down their throats we just teach people to respect each other and treat people how we want to be treated, we stick to the curriculum and try to make them better people with options. But I have seen plenty of videos in America where this indoctrination is taking place. Overall I’d say it simply comes down to the motivations behind the mothers actions which more often than not will be to provide them with the best support they can. I just wanted to say your child is clearly very lucky to have you and I wish you all the best with their homeschooling.
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
Thanks so much for taking time to leave a comment, and explaining the overprotective mother bit he has. You're right, I definitely think they are a minority in the home school world, but sure they exist in all walks of life. Sounds like you work at a school, so really value your insight. It sounds like your school has a good philosophy of respect; although, has a home educator I enjoy not having to stick to a curriculum made up by someone else. Yes, I'm sure, like you say, it's a different story in the US. Thank you SO much for your kind comment at the end; it's not often you get a positive response when strangers hear you are home educating. Best wishes to you!
@mollamour Год назад
For a man that has so little faith in parents, he comes across as incredibly thick.
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
😄 or possibly even too academically intelligent, that often removes people from common sense
@Dimension_eleven Год назад
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
Indoctrination not education?
@AliMitchell 7 месяцев назад
Jordy Peepeeson 🤣🤣🤣
@nurturingdiscontent 7 месяцев назад
@vickyrichardson7468 3 месяца назад
I think if you did want to discuss rates of abused children who are home schooled it would be better to know the statistics first.
@nurturingdiscontent 3 месяца назад
"I think if you did want to discuss rates of abused children..." do you mean Me or JP? Just want to make sure I don't misinterpret your comment 😊
@bunkaaa8726 Год назад
Wrong to favour *Equality of OUTCOME* not equality of opportunity, a common mis understanding of the things JP says :) There is a gigantic difference.
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
Thanks for explaining, that makes sense. Maybe he also misunderstands that people are fighting for equity of opportunity and not equality of outcome. I think there is misunderstanding on both sides of the argument. Isn’t that usually always the case with everything
@jendrizzyy 2 месяца назад
You just made me hate him 😂
@nurturingdiscontent 2 месяца назад
sorry 🤣
@sugarspice7768 Год назад
It is apparent that he has a limited understanding on homeschooling and little expose to modern homeschoolers.
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
Yes, I think you’re right!
@yungrenzel9107 Год назад
sorry! you're wrong!
@nurturingdiscontent Год назад
Thanks for commenting. Would love you to expand more; always looking to understand the things I am wrong about :)