
How Can God Be Sovereign And We Still Have Free Will? 

Real Truth. Real Quick.
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@albinsiby729 5 лет назад
Ah. This video was relaxing. I've been seeking the Lord for my Salvation. Please pray to the Lord to Save me by His Grace.
@michaal105 4 года назад
Place your faith in Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross, and you will be saved. God bless
@anthonycalipjo8669 3 года назад
Sorry Albin Siby can't help you mate, only God chooses, there's no amount of prayers that can change that. Your buddy; John C...😂🤣
@geico1975 5 лет назад
Tough man tough. I don't know if I should say Amen or O me:) For real....I've been struggling with this lately... I wished I had this pastor's faith is all I can say...
@EvenGodsDie 6 лет назад
He literally just answered the question in the first 45 seconds of this video. "We don't know." He admits that it's absurd. But you should believe it anyway....
@jacksonrelaxin3425 Год назад
Millions of idiots still believe the Big Bang but don’t know what happened
@manniec9426 8 лет назад
If God know exactly what the outcome of our life will be before he even created us , how then could we have free will? Would we only have the illusion of free will? God would never have a , i didn't see that happening moment. Would love to get different views on the topic
@veleicemajohnson2645 7 лет назад
We don't know the future ,..only calvinists seem to know the outcome ,..
@manniec9426 7 лет назад
Veleicema Johnson we don't, but God would. God would know what happened to us before he even created us. That would not be free will, in my opinion .
@evanu6579 7 лет назад
Mannie C I see it as though you were watch a replay of sports event. You may have full knowledge of the outcome and every play if you've watched it enough. This doesn't mean that you had to have controlled any of their moves. They exercised their free will and you simply witnessed it. Now when you watched the replay, it is true that the players were bound to do exactly what had been recorded and so in a sense the outcome was determined. It was determined by their own free will choices. I do believe however that God does interfere with our free will at times. He accomplishes His will through hardening of hearts and raising kingdoms against others for judgement etc. But I believe he uses a wicked man for the day of evil and doesn't have us do anything outside of what our own wills would have allowed.
@LuxeprivaeMedia 7 лет назад
Mannie C that's bc there is no such thing as free will. Google L Ray Smith on the subject...volumes of info. Don't take my word for it look it up and read the passages.
@icilahmb 7 лет назад
The answer isn’t that difficult. Nonetheless being that your a Calvinist ingrained and taught error since you believed, hold your breath and pay attention. Jesus said, he didn’t know when the time of His coming was, only the Father. Matthew 13:32, When the disobedience of Adam from God in the garden of eden happened, when God arrived he said “Adam where you?” What this tells us, (since I am speaking to Calvinist) that GOD IN HIS SOVEREIGNTY CAN CHOSE NOT TO BE AWARE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS HAPPENING. Not that He can’t, He can chose not to, PERIOD, ACCEPT IT THIS IS A FACT. This is why God said Adam, where are you? When God gave Adam dominion, (here comes another TULIP Correction) over the garden, God meant what he said, and said what he meant. If only Calvinist applied the same RULES to other words as they do to the word SOVEREIGNTY. a word that is not even used in scripture... gee if it was that IMPORTANT DONT YOU THINK GOD WOULD HAVE PUT IT IN WORD, MEANING LITERALLY. NO HE DID NOT. Dominion, means dominion, God GAVE Adam dominion AND STEPPED AWAY, GODS SOVEREIGNTY DECIDED THIS. YEAH FREE WILL WAS GIVEN TO ADAM, PERIOD. Genesis 1:26-31 NKJV [26] Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." [27] So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. [28] Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth." [29] And God said, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. [30] Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food"; and it was so. [31] Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. There you see, when Jesus is the Lord of your Life, and you believe, that GODS SOVEREIGNTY DECIDED THAT ALL MEN come to knowledge of Jesus Christ, knowledge of the TRUTH. TULIP IS DEAD! LONG LIVE THE KING OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST... 1 Timothy 2:3-6 NKJV [3] For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, [4] who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. [5] For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, [6] who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time,
@thenowchurch6419 6 лет назад
Weak. The Spaghetti Monster also has unexplainable mysteries, but I do not choose it as my God. Let go of the Calvinism guys; for all practical purposes God has given us ability and holds us accountable for what we choose to do.
@underworld1 7 лет назад
TL;DW They don't answer the question. Say it's the mystery of divinity.
@Spinner891 4 года назад
The answer is that both are true, but that we lack the ability to understand how. They back up this point by pointing to multiple places in scripture where God states, essentially back to back, that both are true.
@salashayder6354 2 года назад
Well if you not salah lol I swear it says or little faith cover the grass of the field lol
@mutulica10 4 года назад
Having Free Will, is actually what make God Sovereign. Calvinist God is a God limited by Human conception.
@jedimasterham2 Год назад
Good luck trying to explain this to Calvinists.
@Ravenghost123 5 лет назад
I honestly believe that calvinists are hardened
@AL-ri6bk 4 года назад
Come u rebels~ or sheeps. ; come; while theres still a chance~ ?hmmm Listen while u still can?
@musicinspire1745 5 лет назад
The first REAL question is to ask how God sovereignly giving us free will can possibly violate His own sovereignty. Philosophically, the intellectual Calvinists knows that he cannot and will not ever try to answer this question because he knows that it's nothing short of trying to usurp the Throne of God itself; placing himself ABOVE God, to think that any man dictate God's Sovereignty and the parameters within which it must operate.
@tit3350 6 лет назад
WE DONT HAVE FREEWILL, or...... god is not all knowing, theres not way both can exist. If God knows everything there is to know, and knows it for sure, that theres not way we really have any say about the choices that we make, and therefore forfeit freewill.
@shanestrickland5006 6 лет назад
AKA_Tito True that is the only logical conclusion. I myself has come to this. Considering this i can not call myself a Christian any more. Why would I worship a God who punish people for a choice that they do not make. Plus why worship a God that have such a sidistic punishment anyway. Burning in hell for eternity for a finit amount of crimes is fucked up. Plus if you logicly analyze the story of the garden of Eden. God set Adam and Eve up to fail from the start.
@lukemerrick8517 4 года назад
The notion that all people have the free will to choose God or that God has revealed himself to an elect group sickens me. What a messed up theology.
@tiffanywright6653 5 лет назад
(Proverbs 8:22-31) - (JESUS) talks about his own creation/Produced by God Almighty & Him being the First of Gods Works. (Colessians 1:15) jesus was the First born over all Creation... (Revelation 3:14) jesus was the Most Faithful Witness for God.
@ristomikkonen5255 5 лет назад
No there is a concept (free will) utterly foreign to every single book in the Bible.
@anneonimous9306 5 лет назад
At 1:06 you say "Why worship a God that I can fully explain?" What a wickedly terrible thing to say. You are basically saying that the only reason you consider God to be worthy of your worship is because he's like an intellectual brainteaser that you can't figure out, and if you fully understood God and could fully explain him, you would cease to worship him. That is a breathtakingly shocking thing for anyone claiming to be a "Christian" to say. True Christians don't worship God merely because he is mysterious and we can't explain him. We worship him for many reasons: 1. because of his station. He is the King. He is above you in station and authority. He is the monarch and the King and the one in control, so you had better get down on your knees and worship him purely on that basis, because he is an absolute monarch. He's not running a democracy. Get down on your knees right now and repent. 2. We worship him because he is good and loving. Despite having absolute power over his domain, he doesn't abuse that power. He is good and kind, and worthy of our respect and worship because of his personality and loving kindness. 3. Most importantly of all, we worship him BECAUSE HE DIED FOR US. He paid the ultimate price by giving his LIFE.
@Luicovarrubias 6 лет назад
So dumb so Jhon 3:16 has not sense. off course we have free will is in every book of the Bible.
@suerush8823 5 лет назад
My parents wanted a child so they had me : Their divine choice, not mine. They taught me how to do what was right and good for me to have a good and productive prosperous life. I choose whether I follow their instruction and receive the rewards of obedience or I can choose to rebel and disregard anything they instructed, and reap the consequences of my choice.
@jesushad12gayfriendwhoallb50 2 года назад
Yes because you weren’t created by an all knowing dictator that knows exactly what your going to do. Your comment explains exactly why free will can’t exist.
@The300ZXGuru 4 года назад
no one comes to the son unless the father draw him. why BECAUSE NOONE CAN WILL THEMSELVES ALIVE> We are dead in our sins. DEAD DEAD DEAD a DEAD man can not choose GOD PERIOD... Does GOD pick and choose who the Elect are in the lambs book of life you better believe it. It is by Gods grace he picks and choose you for heaven bound if you believe. One can not come of their own free will to chose God. its Gods grace that we are saved. GOD DOESNT SAVE EVERYONE ONLY THE ONES THAT HIS GOOD PLEASURE SAYS SO. We are all hell bound every last one of us and it is solely by his grace that he chose you for salvation. Why did he pick me and not my mother i dont know im not GOD but i do know this and that is we all deserve hell and GOD decides whom he is going to bestow grace too. Esp 2 8 and 9 spells it out CRYSTAL CLEAR! for it is by GRACE you have been saved and that not of your free will but by GOD. PERIOD
@Mike-qt7jp 11 месяцев назад
In Jeremiah 19:5 God says, "they have also built the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Baal, which I did NOT COMMAND or speak, nor did it come into My mind)" So, who do we believe, Jeff Durbin, RC Sproul, James White, John Piper or God Almighty and His Holy Word, the Bible? So, while God does predestine some things, this verse says clearly NOT everything. It's like a university predestining a football team but giving free will to players themselves to decide whether or not to come out for that team.
@sekaybeastaj989 9 лет назад
This is awesome
@realtruthrealquick 9 лет назад
SekaybeastAJ Thanks. We're glad you found it helpful!
@audreydunham4600 5 лет назад
This is awesome. But the word "God" without a gender confuses me. That is why I use the word Jesus who is a Godly man.
@reynaldodavid4755 5 лет назад
@@audreydunham4600, God has no gender because God is Spirit.... But the Scriptures portrays God as the Father of Jesus and our Father therefore God is portrayed as male.....
@kiyasuihito 4 года назад
This IS seriously the best explanation I've ever seen! I like his phrase, "I sleep like a Calvinist, but preach like an Arminianist." That sums it up so well.
@Jmriccitelli 4 года назад
This gentleman comes off as very angry, and is using religion as a form of power. Not the message of God I know
@vinnyv949 3 года назад
I call it righteous indignation. Which is sometimes needed to battle evil and wickedness. The hippy pacifistic Christianity of the modern secular world clouds you.
@Jmriccitelli 3 года назад
@@vinnyv949 hahaha.....The most religious people I know are the kindest and happiest. They also are frustrated with what's happening to Christianity, but they don't come across as uncontrollably angry.
@liftny 7 лет назад
May the Lord bless you guys. Well spoken and a taught. This is maybe the best I have ever heard teach this topic. Not bad for 5 min.
@markspears1167 6 лет назад
I love these videos and you guys are keeping them under 10 minutes, which I love and you get to the point.
@foreleftproductions756 3 года назад
I've never understood the need for this argument. We're saved by faith, right? Faith comes through hearing the message (Romans 10:17), which was shared with me by a young Christian fellow. After hearing the good news about what Jesus had done for me, I obviously had a choice to believe & repent, or just walk away. Read the caption on the screen at 3:02 , it literally says God wishes all to come to repentance. This is a choice that humans, who were created by God, must make. Grace is a gift from God, faith is not.
@adamjones6473 4 года назад
I think of God as a generator and faith as a light switch. Flipping the light switch while the power is off isn't going to do anything. But when God intercedes and plugs the generator into the switch, we can turn on the lights. It's God's sovereign will that we have free will. We are dead without him.
@MyPhilemon6site 2 года назад
To me it’s rather simple….God is fully sovereign but when he made man, He (God) chose to limit His sovereignty when He gave man the first spoken and written promises to distinguish Himself from all other god’s who man create who are “capricious”. Therefore God sovereignly created man with freewill to choose in receiving or rejecting His promises because it declares that “whatsoever a man soweth he shall also reap” good or bad. In this God does not violate His main attribute of Love over a fallen creation who is given the opportunity to redeem themselves to their creator.
@spreadingthelightofchristj9081 4 года назад
Good answer, if we know everything about God and His ways He will not be God at all, we are finite and He is infinite, that's why we believe and worship Him, stay safe Jesus loves you.
@2timothy23 7 лет назад
This video is trying really hard to answer this question and I appreciate the time and energy that was spent doing so. There are problems here, though. First, comparing the mystery of the Trinity or the Hypostatic Union (Christ being 100% God and 100% man) is not the same as sovereignty and free will. Sovereignty is plainly declared in scripture. Free will is not plainly declared, but many will say it is based on inference. In other words, the commands to repent, believe, come, etc. is equated with the ability to do so. John 6:44 clearly tells us man is not able to come unless the Father draws them. And nowhere does the Bible declare that man's will is free, but it does declare that man (his whole being) is bound by sin and only Christ can set them free (John 8:34-36). And this sin nature is shown to be total in its depravity based on Romans 3:10-18, John 15:18-23, Ephesians 2:1-3, and 1 John 3:4), Many of these verses tell us sinful man doesn't understand God, doesn't seek God, doesn't fear God, that He hates God, and that he is dead in trespasses and sins. In fact, his very carnal mind is against God and nothing in the flesh we do can please God according to Romans 8:5-8. In other words, the will of man is based on his desires and man doesn't desire or seek after God. Yet we will take the commands of God to come, repent, believe, etc. to mean that mankind has the ability to do so because he is responsible. No, he is responsible because He breaks God's law in thought, word, and deed (again 1 John 3:4 and Romans 3:23 defines sin) though his conscience and creation tell him that God exists (Romans 1:18-23). Mankind is commanded to repent and believe because the just Judge and Lawgiver must tell wicked, wretched sinners to do so because they violate the law and nature of God. They can't do so in their own will because they won't. Unless God changes their heart, they will not repent and believe. Even the Matthew 11:27-30 verses he alluded to (which I will preach a gospel message on next week) doesn't demonstrate God's sovereignty and man's free will. It demonstrates God's sovereignty and man's responsibility. He is responsible to come, but the verse never says he will come in his own free will. We infer this. The same with John 3:16. We know whosoever believes, but it never tells you how sinful man believes. It is by grace through faith, a gift from God according to Ephesians 2:8-9. And Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), therefore the faith is given by God. The bottom line, man's will is not free, but bound by his sin nature that dictates his decisions. And sinful man will always decide not to choose what he hates, which is God (again, John 15:18-23). He must be spiritually brought to life before he can respond, not unlike Lazarus was brought to life so that he could come when Christ called him from the tomb.
@Guhjy 7 лет назад
Well said
@ernabruwer5730 7 лет назад
Hi Eric - where can I listen to your preaching on Matthew 11:27-30. Regards
@2timothy23 7 лет назад
Hi, erna, I just want to disclose up front that my church sends different members to a homeless shelter in my home city of Rochester, NY to preach a gospel message or give a testimony at their Sunday night chapel service. I teach regularly at my home church but have welcomed the opportunity to actually give a gospel message from time to time, so I've signed up at least five times this year. Not every message I've preached is recorded and the messages are certainly not polished. I've recorded the last few messages myself to critique and evaluate my own preaching (which is quite raw and needs work), but I do have the Matthew 11:27-30 message on my RU-vid page (I'm not computer savvy, but I managed to upload it). I would greatly appreciate and would be humbled if you listened and would give me any type of critique (something I missed or something I may have been incorrect on Biblically). I want to handle the Word of God rightly. This is the link: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-gziwSY1IcFk.html Please comment after you listen; I truly welcome anything you have to post. God bless.
@honiaraotukolo6635 6 лет назад
Eric Smith QANTAS
@davidfink8240 2 года назад
What if God created free will as a useful illusion to men? If God is sovereign and omnipotent ( all knowing ) and created the universe, and orchestrates our salvation by sending the spirit (for nobody can come to the father unless God sends his son Jesus), then we do not have any free will as it relates to our salvation. Furthermore how could we have any free will with respect to any other decision that we make? It could be the case that free will is just an illusion created by God.
@everlastthomas3549 7 лет назад
Amazing explanation. God bless you.
@deepakkapurvirtualclass 2 года назад
I don't know about humans but I think God does not have total free will... 1. You can choose to cease to exist by committing suicide (God forbid!)...but God can never cease to exist...come what may... So, how can God be called free? 2. You can choose to leave the path of goodness and start doing bad deeds...God can never ever even wish to do bad deeds.. So how come God has total free will??
@gregjay9933 5 лет назад
John 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, 13 who were born, NOT OF BLOOD nor of THE WILL OF THE FLESH nor of THE WILL OF MAN, but of God. When the Calvinist reads this passage he sees man’s responsibility in V12 and God’s sovereignty in V13. He then attempts to harmonize the conflict between man’s responsibility and God’s sovereignty by appealing to mystery. V12 speaks of us becoming sons of God and V12 tells us what DOESN'T save us. Not of blood - this refers to Jewish heritage. No-one is saved because they are born Jewish. Not of the will of flesh - we cannot save ourselves. Not of the will of man - this refers to man-made systems, ie, religion. Religion cannot save. We can only be saved when God saves us and He saves all those who receive Him. Hence, this passage does not support the view of God’s sovereignty in Salvation.
@Kman. 5 лет назад
*Greg* You basically put for the same thing the pastor did in the video, but is so doing, it supports *BOTH* Verse 12 says that *HE* gave the power to even become His child. Some Calvinists I believe, believe in "prevenient grace" which is an enabling or preparing of the elect's heart to even receive truth. Be it as it may...one can argue for *EITHER* side and find much scripture to support his/her point of view. Cheers~~~:)
@herkfsu 9 лет назад
God is simply more free than we are. Faith is a gift(that no one may boast). God has the most freedom in being able to chose some, rather than all or none. And quoting 1 Timothy 2:4 that God desires all men to be saved could easily be speaking to all kinds of people as verse 2 indicates. OR Paul is saying God does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked in another way. Because God COULD bestow Christ's sacrifice on all if he truly desires to above all else, as He is God. Whoever the Father gives to Christ will be saved. Btw the Bible says God hates certain people, so to say its clear God loves every person is wrong in my opinion.
@MrMosis 9 лет назад
In consideration of your last statement for sake of argument, FWIW, IMHO, (insofar as hate is even a thing in the same sense that love is a thing) hate and love are not exclusive to one another. I can conceive of hating or feeling hatred towards someone for their actions and being desirous of justice being executed. I can likewise conceive of at the same time finding joy in and experiencing joy at the prospect of God having mercy on whom he will have mercy, including the aforementioned person. And I am just one of the pea-brained with mere creature-ly capacities (as opposed to Creator-ly capacities).
@savedbyjesus7365 7 лет назад
This was awesome! Seemed very well balanced and informative. Good job!
@nevbillett7554 Год назад
The last words of scripture revealing God's glorious plan for mankind are recorded in 1 Corinthians 15:22-28, not the last verse of the unveiling . All things are subdued to become the King of Kings subjects , every knee has bowed and every tongue has sworn allegiance to Him Isaiah 45:23 and every tongue has declared that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father Philippians 2:11 No one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 12:3 God is sovereign and His purpose and will to save all men 1Timothy 2:4 can not be thwarted Job 42:2 The Almighty works all things according to the purpose of His will Ephesians 1:11 Whether or not man has free will (which he does not) has nothing to do with salvation from sin and sins penalty : God owns us firstly by right of creation and also He purchased us with His blood "You yourself are not your own for you were bought with a price " 1Corinthians 6:19-20 God made us from the dust and He owns the land/dust and His law declares the land can not be sold permanently Leviticus 25:23 Psalm 24:1 We can not be sold to sin permanently and as the owner of us God is responsible and liable for us. His law of liabilities compelled Him as our owner to buy the debt we owed to the law because of sin so He came in the flesh and freed our slavery to the law of sin and death so that we are now bond slaves to Himself who now owns our debt to the law as well as all that we are in His creation . There is no " tension " in scripture ; only in men's misinterpretation and mistranslation of it because God did not give them understanding yet An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth law of God also compels Him to set us free . God is so gracious ! " If a master puts out his servants eye he shall let them go free ' Exodus 21:26 " For He has shut their eyes so that they can not see .." Isaiah 44:18 Luke 8:10 etc The tooth law , same thing God's glorious law of Jubilee in the end sets all creation free Hallelujah but few know God's word and laws at present but God's glorious promise is that all will know Him from the greatest to the least because He will write His law on our hearts Hebrews 8:10 Deuteronomy 29 makes the same covenant with with all who were there present and all who were not there present which means everybody Hallelujah
@Rick-kp6wf Год назад
The problem with this is God is also ALL KNOWING. He already knew what was going to happen before the foundation's of the world. So with knowing that, how do we have true free will? What He set in motion is going to happen.
@SELAHPAUSE 7 лет назад
free will Agrippa heard the gospel from Paul and he rejected it he said Paul you almost convinced me to be a Christian free will choose this day whom you will serve free will...
@bobclifton8021 Год назад
That's easy to answer. It was God sovereign will that we be assigned the responsibility of Choice. However it's not freewill at all. Choosing comes with consequences. Every choice we make has consequences, either positive or negative. It God's way of teaching us to make the right choices not only in everyday life but in those things that concern our spiritual life. So it's not freewill, it's responsibility of Choice. Let's call it what it really is.
@SAMBUT 2 года назад
excellent - wanted to little dig what others say about this and the first and shortest vid exactly what I believe God is 100% sovereign and at the same time we have 100% free will - are 100% responsible - and there is more to it - the power of prayer - anyway digging little into this here in the videos I upload here on YT
@jasonstephens8157 Год назад
If "Calvinism" is so biblically sound - why not preach like a Calvinist and go to bed as a Calvinist?
@monkkeygawd 2 года назад
Is there free will in Heaven? If so, then why didn't a loving God start with that sort of a set up from the get go? And... If NO free will exists in heaven, then why not and why would we have free will here on earth to mess up our salvation? Hmmm?
@Ominousheat 8 лет назад
Seeing as I'm in the mood.Climate change is happenning because of you souless basterds and when it gets bad I am going to make sure you will see all it's horror..Whilst swinging from a poisonous cactus.
@madgodloki 2 года назад
"Why worship a God I can fully understand" Uhh why would you worship a God you cannot understand?
@donhaddix3770 8 месяцев назад
God ordained freewill within his parameters. not Calvinism.
@anthonycalipjo8669 3 года назад
A joke. He said only God knows. God elect. And contradict it in revelation..🤣😆😅
@salashayder6354 2 года назад
Even if give you money the devil makes the homeless come to jesus said give to everyone that ask ok God no money what is the devil going to do ask for my sleeping bag all I got was umbrella some old shoes and a sandwich
@markrohde1050 3 года назад
Is this what happens when you mix Bible with Calvinism? I think so if it’s a mystery.
@thyeconomy 4 года назад
..... peganism.has invaded the judeo Christian church truly..
@klivebretznev2624 5 лет назад
No matter what there is a serious problem with God's foreknowledge if you allow freewill.
@Spinner891 4 года назад
Foreknowledge does not contradict free will. Knowledge of our free will choice isn't the same thing as a predetermination of said choice.
@chrismichellijr9217 8 лет назад
Sovereignty and free will aren't really that difficult to explain... I'm always confused when I hear people say that it's some kind of a profound or inhuman mystery. Sovereignty is an expression of authority, and power is an expression of ability. For God to be sovereign just means he's in charge - authority doesn't have an effect on people's will - power might, but not authority. My being president doesn't mean no one will act contrary to my wishes - my authority doesn't change what people are able think, feel or decide. So maybe the question could be: "If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, then how can human will be free?" but I have yet to hear someone explain to me clearly and coherently how it is that God's authority as King and Lord somehow strains logic, or contradicts or confuses human volition...
@CWHankerson 6 лет назад
CJ Michelli The President is not Sovereign over the people. We create govt and endow the president, as head of the Govt, with certain powers. But if you are a Christian you don't believe that man created God well that God gets his power from man. That analogy doesn't exactly work.
@thomasthepromise8430 4 года назад
@@CWHankerson but the point remains: Calvinism redefines "sovereignty" to fit its theology.
@gregpayne7861 6 лет назад
You have a will but it's anything but free. , it's under the law of cause and effect. A mans heart devises his ways but the lord directive his steps, it's him in you that wills and does all his good pleasure
@eagleclan75 6 лет назад
I love how you said you lean to calvinist but preach like Armenian. To me thats showing love to all. It's not out job to determine whos elected or not.
@inmyopinion651 5 лет назад
This is for sure the question of the world. Good answer to boot I think
@lloydfrancis9149 3 года назад
Who can understand the mind God. Blessed be the name of the Lord. This is why God is always telling me, trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. Praise Jesus I don't have to know everything but simply believe thank you very much God bless you!
@ryanpasmore3676 3 года назад
Great videos guys! Have you considered the term "free agency"? Meaning we have the choice to do what we like... ie when the Spirit opens our eyes to the gospel, we choose to accept Christ freely. It's wrapped up in what AA Hodge wrote on pg 339 (I think) of his "outlines of theology" "The permanent affections of the soul govern the volitions, but the volitions cannot alter the affections" Simply stated, if your child whom you love, is about to fall off a cliff, you do not have the free will to let them fall because your love for them will not let you. Think about any conscious decision you are to make and the outcome is always due to your affection, whether it's to do something you don't want to, but do it anyway to obey God or maybe choose something else you don't want to do because the consequences are worse than if you decide otherwise... all other decisions that come from what you WANT to do, are obviously because it's what you desire Point is, your will is decided by your affections and the only reason any of us chose to love God, is because he "effectually" loved us first & that was our ONLY response Just my 2 cents, I honestly love your quick videos, I just found them this eve & have been enjoying them Keep it up👍
@TysonDooley 4 года назад
Without Him there would be no opportunity, but it’s our responsibility to take advantage of it
@KoleSlaww 4 года назад
How can God say I wish all men to be saved and receive eternal life "meaning he wishes people to come to salvation by their own choice" but then it also says he chose men to be saved in John 1:13 by God's will not our own. So if it's actually not our own doing that brings us to salvation then only God can choose who is to be saved. Confusing!
@joshc606 4 года назад
It can be brotha. But God reveals himself to us to come to Him and be saved. He does wish all men to be saved but we know that all won’t. I think lol. Like he said, we can’t wrap our minds around everything, especially mine
@allenmorgan4309 2 года назад
I have been studying this topic for years and you are the first person I have heard that seems to get it. The truth is we have freewill and are responsible and at the exact same time it is God that calls and chooses us. We cannot understand the things of God but we can choose to repent and follow Jesus and as long as we do that in time all else will be revealed because it is repentance that leads us to a knowledge of the truth. The closer we draw to God the more God reveals Himself to us. It is a process of growing in Him.
@ashungmarchang2165 5 лет назад
I just love your explanation.......God bless you both
@nearislespringdike3084 7 лет назад
The John 1:13 verse, I looked up the surrounding verses, and I think this video might be taking it out of context: (NIV) 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God- 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. 15 (John testified concerning him. He cried out, saying, “This is the one I spoke about when I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’”) 16 Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. Verse 11 describes humanity in general betraying the creator when he tried to seek them out. But in verse 12 it says that those who did receive him he gave the right to become children of God. So he gives the right based off of WHO WILL RECEIVE. Then it goes on to describe what a child of God is in 13 as not being "born" of natural decent, nor of human decision or husband's will, but of God. It doesn't describe how you become a child of God, but what a child of God is. I could be wrong about the interpretation above, I'm no scholar, but that is what it seems to describe when I read it. Anywho, all that is to say, you have to be careful with listening to Calvinist (or Calvinist-like, this video wasn't completely saturated) teaching. You have to really pay attention to the verses they are citing, the surrounding verses, and the Greek and Hebrew words as well. Most, if not all of the time, the verses that are cited are being used out of context to prove a point it wasn't written to prove. I disagree with most Calvinist teaching for that reason. However, I do agree that lots of other factors of God's Sovereignty are a complete mystery, and we just have to walk in faith and trust that God knows what he is doing. The nature of choice, along with God electing leaders, makes no sense to me sometimes. But as far as salvation goes, there is definitely choice involved. God won't program you to accept, all he does it make himself look as attractive as possible. Sometimes Christians (or people who claim to be Christians) act weird and mess the whole attractiveness-thing up (historical events such as the Salem Witch Trials and the Crusades), but in general God isn't the puppet master over who goes to Heaven and who doesn't. I am very thankful that God provided a way for us to go to be with him forever though. Jesus paid the ultimate, brutal price to earn salvation for everyone who receives.
@evanu6579 7 лет назад
Isaac Callaway Amen brother. I look at those verses like this... Being born of God, is being born again, which is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I can't choose to be born again. God chooses that. I can choose to repent and believe the gospel. He looks at the heart of man and chooses those who are sincere, to which He will give His Spirit to. He promised He would. God bless
@unkownanonymous281 4 года назад
Psalm 73:28 I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge
@markchambers7315 5 лет назад
Excellent I totally agree thank you
@chrissilver8461 Год назад
The bible says so is not an answer.
@sageway479 2 года назад
That dude is smart
@theoffensivegamer9943 6 лет назад
look up leighton flowers
@hike2024 8 лет назад
Calvinism is the most depressing doctrines on the planet. When do you really know if you are the elect or not? And how do you really know? Are you one of the called ones or of the damned ones? Is there a biblical answer for this?
@Awesome_Wow_ 7 лет назад
reb1 "So, dear brothers and sisters, work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen. Do these things, and you will never fall away." 2 Peter 1:10 NLT
@selflessoptimism4774 6 лет назад
If we want the best for ourselves, we treat others the same to make the selfless circle of Love to cause Happiness as peace. Selflessly, Ps. The ultimate visibly valid human example is that Hope always exists as a perfectly infinite choice, whether we choose to do or not do. Therefore, Love is a choice of free will that is built on blind trust as Hope (not its result) and when chosen by each half of a couple, it reciprocally makes a selfless circle. (Global Love Formats) facebook.com/notes/eternal-optimism/causality-of-love-cause-and-effect-law-of-love/10157264829300720
@sandratagaban5541 Год назад
Not by works. Lest any man should boast
@robroy4058 4 года назад
I needed this, I've been torn on this lately.
@RoseSharon7777 4 года назад
The chosen elect are predestined and beloved for the fathers sake from the foundations of the wirld. Those saved by grace are the whosoever WILL, the CALLED. Those who choose to the calling of God. Together they are household of God. The presdestined will be saved by destiny and not be lost. Those of freewill can fall away of their own choice and never return and be damned. Israel in the bible is the elect predestined of all nations. The those of freewill are called by grace of the gentiles, heathen, or strangers or foreigners in the old and new covenant. The elect are Israel, the presdestined of all nations. It has nothing to do with bloodlines and never did. And btw, Elohiem is not 3. He is one alone!! Elohiem is NOT A MAN Hosea 11:9 and he never changes. He the father alone. Isaiah 44, 46, psalms 18:31, 2nd Samuel 22:32. Eph. 4:6, John 17:3, I Cor. 8:6, I Tim. 2:5, Mark 12:29, Deut. 6:4. Theres not one bible cerse that defines Elohiem as 3 seperate persons. Not one!! You worship the antichrist that Yeshua warned you not to be deceived by the catholic beast. Worshipping a man claiming to be Elohiem in the temple. You need to figure it out quickly. Perhaps Romans 1:3-4 will help you figure out when Yeshua became a divine son. It was not his physical birth. You have been highly deceived.
@girardwhiting2086 6 лет назад
If I have free will and I do something wrong that doesn't get me into heaven, I'd rather have no free will and make it to heaven
@Gaminglord123 6 лет назад
Well, you have free will. Enjoy it and praise God for his gift.
@thomasferlauto7981 6 лет назад
Daniel Randall Why not God create us happy to be controlled? That would be ethical, in my opinion- as we wouldn't have to "fight our evils" and such misery.
@Gaminglord123 6 лет назад
Refreshed Mind, Of course, God could have done that. But he didn't. He made us in his own image. God is a free being, and thus we are also free in our choices. It is what makes us human. We are not slaves to our desires our drives like the animals. We transcend the mundane and the ordinary to ponder the transcendent, the beautiful and the sublime. Only through our free will can we appreciate and love our families and friends. Without free will, there is no love as love can't be coerced, nor can true happiness. If God created us as robots to be "happy", we wouldn't be, since true emotion requires freedom of expression. Moreover, free will is itself a product of supreme love, since it is a gift from God who is love. It is true that evil originated due to free will, but it wasn't necessarily so; it could have been otherwise. Satan rebelled against God in hubris, arrogance, and greed. Adam and Eve were likewise created innocent but fell into sin due to their choice to disobey God. The fight of good vs evil has been raging ever since but it isn't an eternal battle. A Christian fights against sin and evil through prayer, good deeds, fasting etc, but knows that their sin is accounted for, and they are redeemed. Persevering and enduring in this world are tasks given by God to purify us and do his will as we become salt and light on the Earth. In the end, we know that Christ will establish his kingdom in its fullness, and creation will be renewed as evil is destroyed for good. Whatever happens, God works all to his own glory and for the good of those who love him. It would have been highly unethical if God had created us in his own image, but then taken away our freedom. Soli Deo Gloria.
@danielwilson8887 6 лет назад
Well you can only make that decision or have that preference because you have free will...
@thomasferlauto7981 6 лет назад
Daniel Randall Wow. Detailed response, but I believe happiness is a mind-state, and like all others can be synthesized, as is love. We might not "notice" it without a contrast, but we would still feel the same. I just want a nice experience- like most everyone else- in which free will gives us the opportunity to avoid evil, whereas we could have no evil to avoid in the first place. Though, I am a determinist, I believe that you and I and everyone is one and the same of the world and universe we live in. Everything was created by occurrences, our political views, our thought process, and our religious beliefs. Me typing this right now is a consequence of everything that had happened before. But I do not know what originally set everything in motion, there I leave absolute opportunity for a higher entity, or god. I think myself and everyone too fallible to know the whole truth, so I will "go by" what sits well with me. That may change.
@fredthehead4603 Год назад
@Over-for-now 11 месяцев назад
Wonderful truths. I love it --- God receives ALL the GLORY and HE WILL NOT share HIS GLORY with another
@ronneff5379 2 года назад
The reason sovereignty and free-will don't contradict is because sovereignty does not mean that God is determining every single action of everything, which is what Calvinism teaches which is why you hear calvinists say that we don't have free will. It's because their creeds consistently teach that God decrees (not allows) WHATSOEVER occurs.
@Rocket278 4 года назад
He is correct, but his monologue may be dangerous for some because he leaves out critical information. Here it is: because of Adam's sin, every member of the human race possesses a will that is in bondage to sin (Romans 5:12). A will that is in bondage is not free! Every human being that has not received Christ is dead in sin (Ephesians 2:1). As a result, we need the Holy Spirit to revive us so that we can choose God (John 3:3-8, 1 Peter 1:3). We must be born again in order for our wills to be free to choose God. The troubling part about this pastor's answer is that he leaves open the idea that humans have power over their salvation because they have the power to choose God. Not so. Humans are powerless to choose God, which is why Jesus says in John 6:44, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him." In John 11, Lazarus was dead. This story is a metaphor of the salvation process. It was not Lazarus' cooperation with God that resulted in his resurrection. It was the word of Jesus (John 11:43) that raised Lazarus from the dead.
@LuxeprivaeMedia 7 лет назад
No such thing as free will. End of discussion. You did not "choose" to be born, and a whole host of other things...
@emilymorales5887 5 лет назад
Dude, that’s good!
@luzrodriguez3898 3 года назад
I always believe God's Sobering, no doubt about it. But not how Calvinist will look into it. He will give us free will because He please to do so! It's He's choice and will, nothing we have anything to do about it or to approved or desapproved. He's sobering!
@dalekelley 2 года назад
It cracks me up when guys like you call your contradicting views as "tension."
@beamyourlight Год назад
So good 🙏🏽
@naturalisted1714 4 года назад
It's called the Bible contradicts itself. Just admit it.
@eugenejoseph7076 2 года назад
I've come to understand that God cannot be totally understood. He gives me the grace to live in the mystery of our Great and Loving Father.
I’ve been in a religious family my whole life and up until a couple years I’ve never questioned it I saw religion as a beautiful thing but as I got older and saw many different things I’m not sure I can believe any more I’ve tried to have people explain it to me but they can’t and their logic always has flaws to me
@robinq5511 3 года назад
Notice when reading scripture no Calvinist nor Arminian dogma need be added...
@adamcolejones 3 года назад
John 1:13- “not the will of man but of God” I believe that God is the cause of the love for all those who love him by giving us the ability to love him. (John 12:32).
@talkbibletome4698 5 лет назад
Loving this show!
@enkisbudanu8816 4 года назад
I have the Most Evilest Ex wife on Earth.and if you know evil then there is also good out there.....some where?
@xerxesunderwood1975 9 лет назад
All of this conviction and believe sounds eerily familiar... Yes, Zeus....this is how convicted the Ancient Greeks were when they spoke and wrote about their God(s).
@athenasmith5866 4 года назад
Anyone down for personal bible studies? 😇🙏📖✨🤗🙌🏼
@chantalszemenyei1682 3 года назад
Someone told me this: every week there is a football game and someone at the club predicts the outcome every week. After a view months they tell the predictor that they are not gonna play the game because he or she can just tell them the outcome. But he or she cant because there is no game that has been played!
@angelmd43 3 года назад
Because God loves us he gives us free will to love him back. Love doesn't force.
@chase6790 7 лет назад
THANK YOU! I know I come off as ecstatic because my first knowledge of Calvinism and Arminianism was observing a very violent debate, lol, so all I knew was there was reason to be concerned and involved. After looking in to it, I could not find one single piece of unbiased information and it actually began to make me worry about my salvation but upon watching this I see clearly now what this is all about. I've got a fully loaded life to live and worry about already so taking this off my plate is a God-send. Thank you 1,000 times over and God bless. Sincerely, Chase (The Calminian)
@johnmoore6930 2 года назад
God Is sovereign,but man is responsible!
@musicprodave 8 лет назад
He never answered the question like every Calvinist I listen to
@naturalisted1714 4 года назад
If God controls everything then he controls who goes to hell. Which makes God evil.
@TheWarriorLV 4 года назад
People choose their path and if that path leads to hell God is not evil in allowing them to choose that. He gives us Jesus as a way not to go to hell. You can choose to follow Jesus or not. You can choose heaven or hell. If you don’t choose God here on earth, why would u want to be with Him for all eternity ?
@foreverfun6909 3 года назад
Thanks! I’ve been struggling with this.
@noah7477 5 лет назад
Wow so he preached instead of answering the question
@AL-ri6bk 4 года назад
Sovereignty vs determinism pls?
@koketsomokone2975 2 года назад
Very poignantly put!✊🏾🥺
@rerere175 8 лет назад
We are puppets but our strings are invisible. We in our human minds have "free will". We can do whatever we choose. BUT God is still the puppeteer and in control of our lives. I for one find JOY in knowing that it is ALL in God's hands!!!
@chrismichellijr9217 8 лет назад
When you say "all," do you mean your sin, too? Or just the good things? If your will is not under your control, how then is it free? Perhaps you and I are thinking of "free will" differently.
@rerere175 8 лет назад
It is free will in our human minds....In other words I can type this right now because "I" want to. I have the freedom to do this, I don't feel restricted. BUT God is the one doing the driving ultimately. His plan is being fulfilled no matter what we do. The choices we make will be made by us will be made because He willed it
@marcossimian9583 8 лет назад
+Thomas Cleveland , you didn't answer CJ Michelli's question... Does God cause and dictate people's sin also?
@eplclassics9980 7 лет назад
Michael Hanchera I think I understand what you mean. First question, I have to ask you is are you a born again Christian?
@dan9509 7 лет назад
Marcos Simian Yes. And God sends people to hell because of their unrepentance of sin
@omarflores8035 4 года назад
eXCELLENT ! God bless you guys.
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