
If I've Already Confessed to God, Do I Need to Confess to Others? 

Real Truth. Real Quick.
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29 сен 2024




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@celescs4598 6 лет назад
Could someone please pray for me? I feel that I'm struggling with bad thoughts recently, and I want to be free from it. Thank you
@ethandement482 6 лет назад
I have prayed for you.
@celescs4598 6 лет назад
Thank you so much 😊 I know it has helped me
@ethandement482 6 лет назад
Without going into detail, can you pray for my troubles as well? I'm having a difficult time dealing with mistakes I have made as well as those others have made. The only person I know prays for me for sure is my mother. I am doubting my salvation and I feel trapped by my circumstances.
@celescs4598 6 лет назад
For sure, I will pray for you. Don't forget how much God loves you, no matter what you have done or what others have done.
@slomofome14 5 лет назад
I've been doubting my salvation for years and also feel trapped and headed for hell... It's the worst feeling on earth, I wish I had encouragement for u
@spoderpoof383 4 года назад
Can someone pray for me? I committed some sins that I'm not proud of. Ever since this whole pandemic happened, I feel like I've been haunted by these sins. I had opportunities to go back to them but I refused. I've been feeling depressed lately like something is holding me down. I didn't know what that was. All of a sudden, some recommendations popped up. Those recommendations were videos of people telling their rapture dream. It felt like a sign. I saw one and it got to me. I cried so much. I want to be saved
@Acameron-vb3qy 4 года назад
coolxxxkid 1 I am praying for you. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-r9jHZhghLVw.html
@i_am_donald116 3 года назад
How are you now bro??
@i_am_donald116 3 года назад
How are you now?
@tristanrose6545 2 года назад
Sending you my care ❤
@quilodinerro 2 года назад
Call on Jesus for repentance
@tonnahher6827 3 года назад
I have guilt, shame, and self loathing because of my sin. I feel sick from it. God is exposing my sin and I’m so convicted. Please pray for me.
@mrzuniga1821 3 года назад
Same 🚣‍♂️!
@hiptobesquare1887 3 года назад
Actually the holy ghost is communicating to you to turn from whatever sin troubles you and repent begin to get right with god. It may not seem like it at the time but actually its a good sign because you havent hardened your heart . Don't give up on yourself. The 27th psalm says "Wait on the lord:be of good courage,and he shall strengthen thine heart:wait i say on the lord. Verse 14.
@martinnottsperfectcoins1930 3 года назад
Let's pray for each other in Jesus name Amen
@lisasalvatore1643 3 года назад
Have you read Shame Interrupted? It’s amazing!1
@buns77 2 года назад
I had a child and my pastors doesnt know this bu my parents are. I do not know how to tell them but i already confess it to God. What should i do? I am so depress right now
@strawberriesblueberries2258 9 месяцев назад
People say you have to confess to others, my question is, what if you confess and things become worse. What if your confessions causes hatred and anger. People are not as forgiving as God is.
@cephas5053 4 месяца назад
Right you may be confessing to the Devil.
@isralite98 9 лет назад
we should also be aware of who we choose to hear our confessions because information is powerful. An immature person could be judgemental
@ilovetopraisegod 9 лет назад
amen yes we must guard our heart and be careful who we are confessing too.
@crueltyfreecolorist1025 8 лет назад
A good christian should be who you confess too. Sometimes you can know who not to tell.
@haudang3835 5 лет назад
Does that mean we should not confess to the people we love?
@GratefulTexan 4 года назад
That is so true. I found that out the hard way. So far, I hadn't found anyone, not one person out of 25 years after being saved, who is mature enough to handle a confession of a fellow believer. Not even a pastor, who actually started to criticize and ridicule me, even in subtle ways, afterwards.
@GratefulTexan 4 года назад
@@haudang3835 In my experience, it is never wise to confess anything to someone who personally knows you. They will turn that confession against you and judge you, condemn you, criticize you, and/or reject you. But that is MY experience, it may not be yours, or anyone else's.
@longjohnney1 5 лет назад
@kingbeats5182 4 года назад
This made me sign in comfort
@slft47 3 года назад
@Hazel_Basil youre right, to be righteous is to be perfect, because the bible says no man is righteous. The comments above are false
@Fishhon 5 лет назад
1 john 1:9 is directed to the unbeliever. Once we are Born Again all of our sins past, present and future have been forgiven. As Christians we will need to confess our sins and repent to restore our fellowship with God, how ever the forgiveness issue has been settled once for all with the death of Jesus Christ. Read these bible versus Hebrews 10:10-12, Romans 6:10, Hebrews 9:26, 1 Peter 3 :18, Hebrews 10:14. By saying that Christians must confess for our forgiveness puts a lot of emphasis on us trying to remember ever wrongful thought or action or intention we ever did for our entire Christian life. Forgiveness is not contingent on what we do or say as Christians it is all about what Jesus Christ did on the cross.
@kerrijohnstone7588 4 года назад
Wow that is so WRONG. 1 John 1:9 IS for BELIEVERS. God Bless
@Domenico-br5hd 3 года назад
Hey my name is domenico , do we need to confess to a priest to repent and be forgiven or can we just repent to Jesus ?
@Fishhon 3 года назад
​@@Domenico-br5hd We do not need to confess to a priest to receive forgiveness. Colossians 2:13-14 says: When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. Once we accept Jesus into our hearts thru faith you will be saved. Read Romans 10:9. At the point you make this profession of faith and make Jesus Lord of your life your legal sin debt has been cancelled. This does not mean you will not continue to sin, since you will now have the Holy Spirit living in you there will be a battle between our flesh and the spirit that lives in you. So when you do sin you need to confess to God and repent of your sins. This is the sanctification process that starts when you put your faith into Jesus Christ. I hope this helps.
@Domenico-br5hd 3 года назад
@@Fishhon THE JUSTICE COMES THROUGH FAITH.for if thou confess with thy mouth that Jesus is lord , and believe in they heart that god has raised him from the dead ,thou shalt be saved .whoever believes in him shall not be disappointed.”for whoever calls upon the name of lord shall be saved . Thanks I found this in that catholic holy Bible . Case closed !!!!!!!😇💥💥💥
@SF-uv4xz 3 года назад
I am still feeling guilty .... After confession I confess and repent all of my worst sins but still feeling guilty pray for me guys 🙏🏻
@Joy-Hawkins 3 года назад
Keep the faith.....that's the devil, fighting you...but u are kept by the Holy Spirit 4ever, Amen.
@slft47 3 года назад
@@Joy-Hawkins no one is kept by the holy spirit because the holy spirit is the 2nd coming of jesus and the new jerusalem
@Joy-Hawkins 3 года назад
@@slft47 John 10: 28 kjv ....1 Peter 1:5 kjv....Christ is Salvation, once saved always saved...Christ is the truth, he will never leave us nor forsake us. Stay trusting Christ!
@slft47 3 года назад
@@Joy-Hawkins thats unbiblical because the bible teaches that those who depart from god have it worse in the end, this alone shows that its possible to depart from god and lose salvation and also if the passover is a yearly thing that grants you salvation that also means christians who dont celebrate the passover yearly arnt saved too!... stop spreading this false doctrine of once saved always saved because thats unbiblical and is taught by the words of men not words of the bible
@Joy-Hawkins 3 года назад
@@slft47 those who leave were never the elect....no man can take us out of Gods hand.We are kept forever -thats what eternal means.....the god of this world is the devil (the lower case g is the devil- Read 2 Corinthians 4:4 King James Version 4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.) the true GOD is GOD the Father, GOD the SON ( which is Christ) and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT. JOHN 10:26 But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. 27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. Romans 8:35-39 King James Version 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. GODS Word, I don't give my opinion , because mine don't matter, I'm following Christ forever, by Grace, and want you 2 follow Christ as well, and know the truth. The devil is blinded the truth. keep reading your KJV bible.
@mr.nobodyhere 5 месяцев назад
Compare old testment verses with those that our apostle Paul wrote to us today: "Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;" - Romans 3:25 KJV "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. ... Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law." - Romans 5:8, 12-13 KJV "Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. ... For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace." - Romans 6:11, 14 KJV
@phuakiangee8626 3 года назад
Need to confess your sins to others so that they can pray for you. His Word says, confess your sins to one another, pray for one another, that you may be healed, the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
@strawberriesblueberries2258 7 месяцев назад
People don't always pray for you. Most people gossip and give revenge.
@blessedhope4you519 4 года назад
we have one priest Jesus Christ, we do not need to confess to people, just stop sinning against each other. Repentance is towards God not man. Rely on The Holy Spirit not other people
@childofgod3141 4 года назад
How about if i sinned agaonst someone and he has no idea? Do i need to confess it to him before i can be forgiven by God? I mean i want to ask forgiveness to him but it might end our friendship. I have repented over the sin but i dont know if God has forgiven me because i havent confessed it yet to the one person i sinned against.
@ruvarashemukuu9355 4 года назад
@@childofgod3141 im in a same situation. I asked fo forgiveness n confessd bt not in detail bt i prayed to God to forgive me
@steveturner5047 4 года назад
You should really think about what you said.. did you watch the video..confessing our sins to one another eliminates shame and pride.
@steveturner5047 4 года назад
Your confession brings others to the mercy of God.
@lostandfound625 4 года назад
The Bible is clear to confess to one another. Confessing to Christians is good for you because they can help you. It's so healthy to be fully open to your Christian friends. Don't hide the sin within you. Let people help you
@lukepascual9944 2 года назад
I have confessed my most grievous sin to God, but am still feeling a bit of shame and regret, additionally, I am having a hard time asking forgiveness from whom I sinned against, my younger sister. I do not know if she remembers it, I do not know if she will remember it. I have been putting my trust in the lord for a long time since confession. But the devil is always making me feel worry and fear. I was waiting for the time God will tell me to ask forgiveness. Maybe now or ten years later. I have no idea. I feel so wrecked everyday, pls pray for me.
@RealFish87 2 года назад
Dont’t feel guilty, guilt is not from God. You have been forgiven and redeemed!
@JJ-ck1vg 2 года назад
I'm in the same boat bro ,
@bkohler89 Год назад
Dont feel guilty bro. You confesed your sin to God and He forgave you IF you still feel guilty after confession, that's Satan wanting to you feel sorrow and shame for what you did. Satan WANTS you to feel bad about your sins. The LAST thing he wants is for you to run to your heavenly father for forgiveness. He HATES that Let satan get mad, run to God and His love/forgiveness will NEVER run out
@junetaylor8396 8 месяцев назад
Guilt is your friend - your conscience is telling you to make amends while you have time. Guilt opens the door of opportunity to make things better for you and your sister. Ask her for forgiveness. A person can only forgive what was done to them. Hopefully she will forgive. But if she does not, then be man and accept responsibility and pay for your crime. Don't wait.
@buhlemlmini277 7 месяцев назад
Did you ever ask for forgiveness?
@vidamitchell1529 6 лет назад
Well if I have truly repented and confessed to God, let’s say I’m not struggling with the issue at all. I’m fully committed to never do that again... I just don’t get why I have to tell other people. People are really not always trustworthy. Of course I do have trust issues, not with Our Lord, but with People. People have just let me down too much! I’m Catholic and don’t even trust the priest. I do however trust Jesus totally and completely.I know that whether or not I confess to another human, as long as I confessed to God, My Father, and gave up the sin... I’m forgiven.
@strawberrychickens6849 6 лет назад
Yep! I learned the hard way, I was severely burned and now I have major trust issues.
@rascal211 4 года назад
You want the easy way out. Confessing to a priest is not easy. But after you do it you will feel a weight has been lifted much more than so called confessing to God which is easier.
@lifeisbeautiful1323 3 года назад
@@rascal211 Confessing to God is not easy at all....
@alexanderthegreat9641 2 года назад
@@rascal211 so you think Priest is greater than the God? Maybe you fear the priest more than the God or you don't consider God as holy that's why you find it easy.
@alexanderthegreat9641 2 года назад
Our sin is going to be judge only by God, not by human, a priest or a Pastor so it is not necessary to confess our sin to another human. If we truly confess our sin to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ than that is more than enough.. Jesus said, "I'm the way, the truth and the live, no one comes to the father except through me" So No human can save you from your sin but except Jesus Christ. Yes sometimes there are sins that we need to confess to the other fellow whom we've hurt but not necessary to confess every sins to the human.
@alexsaenz6949 3 года назад
Please pray for me I abused 2 dogs and I’m only a kid I am terribly sorry for what I did I want to make stuff right with god and Jesus Christ my lord and savior could u guys please pray for me
@user-vj4dp4xr8k 2 года назад
Jesus has forgiven you the abusing of the dogs. He loves you. Always follow Him.
@rascal211 4 года назад
It is very easy to confess to something who you don't see in person and who already knows everything, much harder to confess to priest.
@mrzuniga1821 3 года назад
Yup 👍
@kinhos9 3 года назад
But, we must be careful to whom you do it to. The majority of people in church are not ready to cope with a confession of a sin. I have seen it happened in several situations and churches. Christians must be taught the principles of what is behind confession, which according to Galatians 6 one of the principles is to restore the one who got caught. Today's actions by the church reminded me what the Pharisees did to the people. We must not forget our history. We must not forget that everyone of us, me included, are naturally inclined to self patterns. It is fully (100%) in Christ and 0 (0%) me. As aposttle Paul states l: it is nott I who leaves in me, BUT Christ.
@rolandorzabal1955 2 года назад
This is dead on accurate.
@longjohnney1 5 лет назад
None are RIGHTEOUS?! Well GODS WORD says that without HIM, you are NOTHING! Remain in ME AND I will remain in you. A PART from me, you can do nothing - Jesus Christ IS THAT "VINE" and HIS followers are "HIS BRANCHES" unless you are CONNECTED TO HIM, you will bear NO FRUIT! So, can someone who is NOT "RIGHTEOUS" can they "BEAR ANY GOOD FRUITS"?! Answer: NO!
@harlendavis1430 4 года назад
The reason for confession of sin to others is because the sinner may need help and guides to abstain from sin.
@cathyhamlin3611 2 года назад
I found that you must have discernment about who you choose to open up to. Some Christians will tell your secets to others whom you don't want them to know, it's happened to me, so unless you can truly trust in another believer I think that you should be careful
@mcoz6934 3 года назад
🤔💭⁉️ GUILT & SHAME are _not_ tools God uses, only CONVICTION⁉️ What do you think CONVICTION is⁉️ If you're CONVICTED in a court of law, it means the judge declares you GUILTY. If you're GUILTY, then that's _definitely_ something for which you should feel SHAME. So, yes, God does _indeed_ use GUILT & SHAME as tools of correction & discipline, and rightly so!! If someone doesn't feel GUILT, they'll instead feel INNOCENT. If someone doesn't feel SHAME, then they'll be SHAMELESS & UNREPENTANT about their sin. Rather, as believers & saved sinners, God does _not_ use CONDEMNATION as a tool of correction & discipline. Satan, on the other hand, specializes in CONDEMNATION. What's the difference, you ask?? GUILT & SHAME are the natural consequence of breaking God's eternal law. Unbelievers, or UNsaved sinners, are all under God's CONDEMNATION & WRATH, under the sentence of destruction. We who are saved sinners _were_ all _once_ under God's CONDEMNATION & WRATH, headed for destruction, but Christ stepped in on our behalf, so even though we are _absolutely_ GUILTY & ASHAMED for ever single sin we continue to commit, when we turn ourselves in & confess (instead of remaining a fugitive), Christ then takes our GUILT & SHAME from us & puts it upon Himself, and _in return_ applies His HOLY RIGHTEOUSNESS to our hearts & His INNOCENCE to our conscience. That's why it's _so_ crucial and _literally_ vital for us to confess.... This is what Jesus meant by washing the disciples feet. He told Peter he was already clean but needed to allow Jesus to wash his feet. Why does James follow his instruction to those who are sick with the instruction that we are to confess our sins to one another?? Because just like Psalm 32 & numerous other Psalms, sin causes _spiritual_ death, which will be felt _physically_ if it's not healed.... Why has there been such a sudden _epidemic_ of mental health issues the last several decades, and predominantly in the United States & the West?? Because the dominant _atheistic_ culture promotes so-called "human progress" by means of embracing any & all natural desires the corrupt human mind can conjure up, and at the same time condemning all feelings of GUILT & SHAME as products of old social institutions, like family & religion & out-dated value systems.... The GOSPEL is _still_ relevant & so _desperately_ needed today, _both_ in the secular world & in the Church: REPENT & BELIEVE in Jesus Christ who will FORGIVE all your sins & HEAL all your diseases‼️🙏🏼 ☝🏼 🙌🏼 💯
@otsoytmusic7338 2 года назад
I have a problem. I want to become religous but I don't dare because my father just laughs at matters of faith. Also I have asperger and OCD and I don't speak so much. And and I fear hardening because I think I'm just postponing joining. I'm 16 Help me... pray for me... 😢 how I get bible?
@Karla-yd8nf 2 года назад
You can read the Bible online. There is also a Bible app for your phone. I would pray to God and ask him for help with your family situation. God does not want us to deny him on earth.
@youjerbchannel1533 2 года назад
Dear Heavenly Father,i prayed to you today for my brother who is struggling to find you father.I pray that he gets to know you better and how much you love him.I pray that he shouldn’t be afraid to come to you.I pray this in your sons name Jesus Christ Amen❤️
@buddym333 Год назад
No worries as soon as we become Christian’s our family and friends are the biggest stumbling blocks , they make fun call us fanatics, crazy etc etc .. you have to stand up for your new faith, don’t argue just walk away if you’re not ready to defend your faith.. I pray for strength is a beautiful walk not happy times “ but to know that it doesn’t matter what life brings God is in control and He had bless us with a piece that surpasses all understanding in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior..
@diggy1108 3 года назад
We are ALL sinners that fall short of the glory of God. And we ALL are deserving of eternal punishment in hell because sin is so serious (sin is evil and it is the cause of all pain, death, and suffering). And that’s why Jesus suffered soooo much for us, and that’s why He died on the cross for ALL our sins (past, present, AND future sins) and rose from the dead 3 days later! Jesus did all this because He loves us sooooo much, you can’t even fully comprehend it! And you may have eternal life with Him if you repent (to change your mind about Jesus, to believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord our God) and have faith in Him, then you will be saved! (Let’s make it clear that being a good person WILL NOT get you into Heaven! You can only be saved by the grace God will show you, if you repent and have faith in Jesus and in what Jesus did for us on the cross and that He rose from the dead 3 days after He died for us! ONLY THEN, will you will be saved)! And do not wait because you do not know when you will die (sit and think deeply about that. You have NO CLUE when you will die! Today could be your last day, tonight could be your last night. You can die in your sleep or even in the next hour!) Im saying all this because I want you to realize how urgent and important it is to have Jesus! If you have Jesus, you will NEVER have to worry! You won’t have to worry about school, family problems, life, or EVEN DEATH because you will have the LORD your GOD, RIGHT BY YOUR SIDE, EVERY SINGLE DAY, EVERY SINGLE HOUR, EVER SINGLE MINUTE and EVERY SINGLE SECOND of your life! GOD can help you through ANY challenge, through ANY hardship, and through ANY depressing time in your life! GOD WILL NEVER leave you, GOD WILL NEVER forget about you, GOD WILL NEVER betray you, GOD WILL NEVER forsake you, and GOD WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!!! And that is why GOD is calling you RIGHT NOW to be saved!!
@mr.nobodyhere 5 месяцев назад
1 John 1:9 is written to the nation of ISRAEL in "time past/old testiment mosaic law" Jesus on the cross was the END of the law for us today in the world. 2 Corinthians 5:18,19 says God was in Christ no longer charging our sins against THE WORLD but placed our sins on Jesus Christ. Sin cannot be charged where there is no law. Jesus on the cross for ISRAEL meant that all of ISRAELS PAST sins were forgiven until Jacobs trouble/Great tribulation. Dont miss the double feature on the cross, or the progressive, dispensational nature of scripture rightly divided. Otherwise, you'll never understand Gods word the way He intended you to understand it: Gods prescribed study method is found here: 2 Timothy 2:15 kjv Hope this helps. Grace and peace.
@ftucker 3 года назад
Pray for me I feel guilty and shame of what I done 😞 I had 2 abortions before I got engaged cause I want listening to my parents about sex before marriage even tho I was courting at the time and I knew that having a kid outside of wedlock wasn’t good and my parents would be disappointed and this was a whole year ago and I haven’t even told my parents about it or anyone but I repented to God but I just need prayer 🙏 and strength and encouragement and healing
@ieshacarter7986 2 года назад
I think healing might come from sharing your story I want to share mine about pornography addiction so I am able to help other kids to never fall into that terrible addiction that causes shame and unnecessary pain
@lukepascual9944 2 года назад
@FLpalm 6 лет назад
This is IGNORA SCRIPTURA. Let's here what jesus has to say about the subject. James 2:19 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man has great power to prevail. AND WHO HAS THE POWER TO FORGIVE SINS ON BEHALF OF JESUS?“Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven. 18And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”…Yes the Catholic church which can trace it's pope back to Peter.
@lalboihatlau8476 5 лет назад
But there are so many sins that we dont want to expose to others becausw its shasmeful to tell them especially in respect to different culture,norms in that particular area
@SF-uv4xz 3 года назад
I am dealing with that too 🙏🏻
@longjohnney1 5 лет назад
I believe, if it's something that you keep having problems with, then you should definitely EXPOSE the problem and ASK for PRAYER... But, make sure you ONLY talk to a Holy GHOST FILLED believer that you can TRUST that might be stronger than you IN your walk with GOD and WISER.
@istiwinarni2054 2 года назад
When I confession directly to God,a human is not God.
@shaniquebryant3754 3 года назад
I like the terminology about thinking that we can control our little sins when in reality no sin cannot be controlled what it does is becomes greater.
@traviscutshaw5889 4 года назад
i need someone to talk to because i have done a terrible sin. I haven’t told anyone and i been dealing with guilt for more than 5 months. I mistreated my two cousins but i don’t want to say how. So Can someone please reply to my comment and help me.
@ditav5283 4 года назад
Brother Travis, confess your sin to our Lord Christ, seek forgiveness and He shall forgive you, and give you a new heart. Pray to the Lord to deliver you from it. Also, read Psalms 51. And remember there is nothing the Lord will not forgive if we are truly honest in our repentance.
@childofgod3141 4 года назад
Hello. God only requires us to repent confess and turn to him. Leave the past and move on :D . Jesus did not come to condemn you. He come to save the lost
@Non-religiou 4 года назад
I am also kind of in similar situation.
@sphesihlezwane6013 2 года назад
Please pray for me guys I've done a lot of bad things I've hurt offended disrespected lied sworn and used the Lord's name in vain I've sinned against the Lord myself others and the Lord
@paulgabler1476 2 года назад
Little bit more and I find out if I do anything wrong at all (sin"" ) then I'm not reconciled to God !!
@RoseSharon7777 4 года назад
Jesus did NOT offer his life for our future sins! Psalms 49:3. If we willfully sin there is no more sacrifice for sins. He was the propitiation for our PAST SINS read Romans.
@parkersheahan5471 4 года назад
It is possible that I do not understand you, and that im imature in this matter, but if Christ died for the sins of our past, then are we not condemned when we sin against God? Just as Israel was condemned before God? If Christ's sacrifice only counted our past transgressions, then is it not true that today we are still under the law? Should we not give animal sacrifices to God? God's forgiviness through the sacrifice of the infinitely valuable Christ covered all sins of those who acknowledge God in Spirit and in truth. It is true that the wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." However there is nothing stating that Christ died for the sins of the past separate from the sins of our future. Otherwise there would still be a need for an offering today. Then there is no security for us. Romans 8:1-2, "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death." Now are those who are in Christ without sin? 1 John 1:8, "If we claim to be without sin, we decieve ourselves and the truth is not in us." If we are separate from the law of sacrifice and still with sin, then were is our salvation? John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." For God so loved the world, past tense, that He gave, past tense, His one and only Son, that whoever believes, present tense, in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For salvation is not of the works of the law, but it is in our faith in Christ eternal, for we have all fallen short of the Glory of The Lord. Galatians 3:7, "Understand, then, that those who have faith are children of Abraham." Yet what does Paul say, speaking in the truth? Galatians 3:10, "For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written, 'cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.' Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because the 'righteous will live by faith.'" What is the payment for our lives if Christ is not our offering? It is clear that we are not in the law, otherwise we would die by it. So therefore, a sacrifice of great value must have been given for us, otherwise we would be dead. That sacrifice was bought for with the most valuable blood, that of God himself.
@RoseSharon7777 4 года назад
@@louisemitchell3418 The bible is CLEAR, if you continue to sin unto death after you come to knowledge of the truth, you will perish. Period.
@RoseSharon7777 4 года назад
@Solar Sharp Shooter Clearly youve never read the new covenant for yourself. Why do you think you must pick up YOUR OWN CROSS and die?
@RoseSharon7777 4 года назад
@Solar Sharp Shooter TLDR.
@RoseSharon7777 4 года назад
@Solar Sharp Shooter No you didn't.
@georginajovanovic 3 года назад
I would like to have the friends that were trust worthy to confess to! What if the office gossip christian made the problems and destroyed lives or calls him or herself that?
@maxmateush7090 2 года назад
I confessed my sin to people that are close to me but my church teaches that we must confess to the ministers. The problem is I am afraid to confess my sin to my pastor because we get punished. We are taken off ministry and we can’t partake in communion because you are considered unclean. I heard my pastor say one time that yes God forgives you but you still have to be punished for your sin. So idk. Please pray for me.
@thewordistruth399 Год назад
@maxmateush7090 - honestly, I would prayerfully ask God if this is the church you need to be going to. It sounds like they may be over reaching by "punishing" you, but then again, there is such a thing as church discipline. If you were part of ministry at the church for single people and were engaging in pre-marital sex, even after confessing, it might be prudent for you to be removed from leadership of single people. I'm not sure.
@ankitekka9286 3 года назад
And what about your secret sin.God says in scripture, that I shall forgive secret sins also???.Do God forgive our secret sins ,if we confess our sins to God , but not to other peoples.
@jesuschristlovesyou2015 3 года назад
Yes God will forgive you but the Bible also says Confess your sins to one another, so confess to others to get that weight out of your shoulders, Jesus loves you ❤️
@luismoquete3971 4 года назад
Please pray for me
@atejenofficial Год назад
I have sin to much, brother I am guilty of everything. My kids really affect the most because of my past
@donaldduke2233 3 года назад
JESUS CHRIST DIED FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF MY SINS. If, today, I need a Catholic Priest to forgive my sins that means that Jesus Christ was a failure in his attempt to have God forgive my sins and I need this priest to do it right, demonstrating that the Priest is more powerful than Christ. Do you believe that Jesus Christ was a failure? I don't.
@hadassaaishafoluke4261 Год назад
I thought that this passage I had to go to the exact person I sinned with and confess, I made one of the worst mistakes of my life, at the beginning of my Christian walk more than 50 people with enmities 😬🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
@paulgabler1476 2 года назад
Is it me or was there a total contradiction between seconds 30 ... 50 for about those 20 seconds.?My question is , being that Jesus has already (about 2000 years ago paid for my sins, been buried and risen ) and the Father God accepted the payment for my sin : then why is there even any talk of having to confess my sins"" in the first place !!!?
@paulgabler1476 2 года назад
So here's some more helpful information !!!! Now I learn that if there's an area I struggle with "" that would make me : " prone to leave the God I love """ !! But how does this stack up against another passage/verse .. which I think I'm right in saying that Paul, to paraphrase , explains that someone joined to Christ IS "seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus". So, since I'm joined to Christ ..... how could I possibly do something to leave?! Is this gentleman telling me that .. I would then depart fro a period (presumably until I "repented" and "confessed" ) that seat in heavenly places in Christ Jesus !!? Where exactly would I be going in the meantime !? Somehow I think not !! Which is why I'm posting this as I've heard all of this type of teaching for decades, about 35 years, and it only leads to pride, and insecurity and even depression .... or just into a position of self delusion !!
@paulgabler1476 2 года назад
Just heard a bit more ... so now we're being told that if we don't behave right then it's going to "death" !!!
@mrfrains 6 лет назад
From a way of Catholic thinking 1 John Did not say confess to God, but confess our sins. James 5: Call for the Elders (from the Priest) - committed sins they shall forgiven him. It did not said they are forgiven before that. 16 Confess your faults -who is praying the Priest, who are we confessing to the Elder or Priest who is praying. Jn 20:23 Jesus given the power to forgive sins. You have to confess for the sins to be forgiven. Not out to make any one mad, only giving the Catholic way of looking at this.
@strawberrychickens6849 6 лет назад
Scripture says one must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. Are you born again? Otherwise anything you say counteracts. Not trying to make you mad.
@mrfrains 6 лет назад
O no, not mad, all Catholics are born again.
@mariateresa9965 5 лет назад
@@strawberrychickens6849 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-8ZOt7dbrpOY.html
@highlyfavoredMG 5 лет назад
@@mrfrains really?how?
@user-ew8tf3qp3o 5 лет назад
He is coming soon One key Scripture reference to being “born again” or “regenerated” is John 3,5, where Jesus says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” This verse is so important that those who say baptism is just a symbol must deny that Jesus here refers to baptism. “Born again” Christians claim the “water” is the preached word of God. But the early Christians uniformly identified this verse with baptism. Water baptism is the way, they said, that we are born again and receive new life-a fact that is supported elsewhere in Scripture (Rom. 6,3-4; Col. 2,12-13; Titus 3,5).
@angelmd43 3 года назад
no unless God leads you to a person you hurt to ask for them to forgive you.
@pinkfuschia8140 6 лет назад
It's so good when you have a friend you can trust or a church leader that won't judge you. My good friend and I both love Christ and differ on theological views, but we have known each other for years and we pray for each other in times of trial and temptation. It is so great to have that encouragement. I also find it helpful to find a quiet 10 minutes each morning to speak to God and ask for Holy Spirit to help me deal with whatever I have to face in the day ahead and whatever anxiety I have and give thanks for each beautiful day. Then to speak again before going to sleep and reflect on trials and temptations and give thanks for his help when I got close to sinning or ask again for help if i succumbed. My good friend is always there if I need to talk and her prayers are faithful and provide great strength and power from God.
@i_am_donald116 3 года назад
@cynthiakanali2500 3 года назад
Should you confess to people you dont trust???
@juandrebotes187 3 года назад
I committed sexual sins against my neighbour's girlfriend, and she does not know, should I confess to them?
@frick6946 3 года назад
in my opinion, it sounds like you just had fantasies and thoughts and may have acted on them in your own home , and I wouldn't. Then that's what they will think about when they see you. Plus, especially don't if they're not Christians. If all you had was thoughts, fantasies and then acted on those thoughts and fantasies, I wouldn't tell them. Just ask God for forgiveness and try to the best of your ability not to do it again.
@JakeLoni 4 года назад
Hey guys, who is this pastor??
@bettyhaufiku2052 Год назад
If I confess my sin to God only and not to others am I going to hell for that?
@burleyant274 8 месяцев назад
I don't know maybe
@The-Lord-Jesus-Christs-Vessel 2 года назад
Thank you for this video
@maplesden6768 5 лет назад
i need to find some body to help me with my shame and guilt of a sin of omition. when ive reached out to others, the pain of my confession is to much for average belivers, they usually tell me they dont know how to help me. i dont have money to pay any one. how do i find help?
@carmenarispe2510 4 года назад
God loves you with all your blemishes for He sent His one & only Son Jesus to die for you...Jesus Loves You no matter what you have done focus on Him & what He did for you on the cross...JESUS LOVES YOU!!! HE is your help!!
@kilobyte7814 4 года назад
Pls talk on Christian restitution
@wonderland_1322 5 лет назад
Do I have to confess to someone I know? I don’t think I can
@mary-lynpineda7767 4 года назад
To someone you can trust that won't judge.
@jaredmick7339 6 лет назад
What if it is like a lustful thought that you pray to God for forgiveness and you dont confess to other and you forget it and you never confess it
@jester7736 6 лет назад
i think you will still be forgiven 1 john 1-9
@frick6946 3 года назад
in my opinion, don't confess a lustful thought about someone to the person. I say just confess those to God.
@anthonycalipjo8669 3 года назад
You're just twisting words my friend. Confession is confession. James said it clear, you just don't want to accept the definition of the Catholic faith...so simple and yet you're struggling. Because you know there's no going around that verse...😂🤣❤️
@beadoll8025 2 месяца назад
Confession has zero to do with unnecessary priests of today. Priests claim to absolve another's sins when only God can do that. Catholicism teaches falsehoods and many Unbiblical rituals and doctrines.
@stephenjoshua5103 Год назад
thank you brother i just did it and thanks for the advice that you guys given and Thank you lord for helping me through these guys! amen!!
@killingmewithcancer9940 3 года назад
I love how people make excuses to avoid the truth. We make these excuses to try and paint ourselves in a higher light... make excuses why we sin so keep it close to remain within the sickness of sin. The traditions have not failed for a reason and they keep us honest and in truth.
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