
How Much Do You Have to Believe About Jesus and How Precisely do We Need to Believe 

Grace Evangelical Society
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22 окт 2024




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@James-d6v5b 2 месяца назад
Faith alone in christ alone is what saves grace alone ❤
@soljos1190 Год назад
Best news ever . Undeniable truth . The free gift gets it done because He cannot lie . Only deceived liars lie about the Gift to twist it into a Performance Contract until death , that obliterates the Promise (John 3:16 & Ephesians 2:8-9) . It's so easy to spot the lie whenever it shows up . Little kids can see & understand. Not those seasoned in deception by years of self hardening , through the Enemy who steals the seed ..."lest they believe and are saved". Faith and Grace are not works , unlike what modern Deceived Deceivers (Lordship Salvation proponents) teach . Not in any Dictionary or Lexicon in any Library that's ever existed .
@timgrady4630 Год назад
Amen . Grace through faith are the opposite of merit and what we perform to gain entrance into His Kingdom . ..."therefore it is by faith that it might be according to grace that the Promise would be certain" (Romans 4:16) . Faith alone for His doubtless Guarantee sets the anchor in the water , forever . This endless Life is the present possession of the one who takes one sip of the Water of Life (John 4:10-14) , with forever consequence : (John 1:12-13,3:1-18,5:24,6:47,11:23-27,20:31 ; Acts 16:31 ; 1 Timothy 1:16 ; Romans 3:20-5:11 ; Ephesians 2:8-9 ; Titus 3:5 ; book of Galatians) . BTW endless = never ending = Everlasting Life = never perish = "passed from death to life and shall not come into judgment". Or , He lied ...which is clearly impossible .
@2Chronicles714_ Год назад
If we are in Christ Of course performance will determine whether we see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone AND TO BE HOLY, WITHOUT HOLINESS NO ONE WILL SEE THE LORD. 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 IN FLAMING FIRE TAKING VENGEANCE ON them that know not God, AND THAT [OBEY NOT] the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: 9WHO SHALL BE PUNISHED WITH EVERLASTING DESTRUCTION from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power. 2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “EVERYONE WHO CONFESSED THE NAME OF THE LORD MUST TURN AWAY FROM WICKEDNESS.” Titus 1:16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work. 1 John 2:4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
@PinkyToe Год назад
​@@2Chronicles714_Planting seeds of doubt again here & everywhere the glory of the gospel of GRACE is preached... You're twisting scriptures to your own damnation. If you refuse to listen, refuse to learn & be corrected, why don't you leave? Satan doesn't need your help. All religions teach good people go to Heaven and bad people go to Hell - you're no different, that's how WE KNOW you have a false gospel, for Jesus said there is NONE GOOD but God. Satan is deceiving YOU! Salvation is the FREE GIFT of God's GRACE (GRACE MEANS UNMERITED OR UNEARNED FAVOR). Read Galatians and Ephesians. Read John! And please, if you are just hear to sow seeds of works salvation, stop heaping coals on your own head & go to your like-minded works salvationists. Front loaded, back loaded - works are works & make a false conversion. Relying on the death, burial & resurrection of Christ for one's ONLY reason to be saved is the ONLY Way to be saved, but you are spiritually blinded... apparently willfully, as you never listen to a single teaching in the videos you stalk. You just plant demonic seeds everywhere the TRUE gospel is preached on YT. Shame on you! Listen! For your souls sake & for His name's sake! REPENT OF YOUR DEAD WORKS & PUT YOUR FAITH IN CHRIST INSTEAD!
@hunterhestekin7420 Год назад
I love GES!!!❤️📖✝️🙏💪🏆
@DV77737 Год назад
Lots of nuggets for me. So good and God bless
@charleyjohnson4823 Год назад
Great teaching, praise JESUS! Jesus made salvation easy because of His great love for us, I pray that there will be a great host in His kingdom!
@christiandam6803 6 месяцев назад
So I have to believe that Jesus guarantees my eternal destiny?
@christiandam6803 6 месяцев назад
@ok-qt4kr Год назад
So good . Who's "Laundry List" gets it done ...? Tops out at the arbitrary . But it's clear to any reasonable person that belief in Him for what He actually certifies regenerates. Not faith in "stuff about Jesus " like whether He existed , was Virgin born , walked on water , changed water into wine , ate fish with His disciples on the beach post Resurrection , or died on a Cross , or 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 (etc...ad infinitum) . The book of John tells us precisely how to be born again with irrevocable Life (20:31,3:16,4:10-14,5:24,6:47,11:23-27) . Every other misdirection from His doubtless free Guarantee is an attempt to "come in some other way" , that most definitely will not avail .
@2Chronicles714_ Год назад
Not one scripture in John says believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. Luke 24:47 And REPENTANCE FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS will be preached in his name to all nations starting in Jerusalem
@2Chronicles714_ Год назад
@Alvin Fen I never said Jesus forgives dead people. Only those who have acknowledged they are a sinner and repented of their sins and lived for Jesus will enter the Kingdom of God. Those who died as unrepentant sinners will be cast into the lake of fire.
@2Chronicles714_ Год назад
@Alvin Fen John's gospel wasn't written for evangelism it was written for encouragement for already repented believers to continue believing that Jesus is the Son of God and further evidences that he was also truly man. Jesus's teaching about repentance in Matthew Mark and Luke and then Acts tells us how to be saved. Here's the Bible way to be born again. Do you believe that Jesus is theSon of God died on the cross was buried and rose again for our sins? If yes then everything Jesus preached on repenting of sin applies to Gentiles as well Luke 24:47 And REPENTANCE FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS will be preached in His name to 👉ALL NATIONS 👈Starting in Jerusalem. Jesus said: Matthew 16:18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. When did Peter start the church? Acts 2 is the day of pentecost. How did Peter say the Jews as well as the Gentiles are to be saved? Acts 2:37-39 When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39The promise is for you and your children AND FOR ALL WHO ARE FAR OFF (meaning gentiles) for all whom the Lord our God will call.” Acts 3:19 REPENT, THEN, AND TURN TO GOD, SO THAT YOUR SINS MAY BE WIPED OUT, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord. Note Peter said the same thing as Jesus We are to repent of sin for the forgiveness of sins, without forgiveness their is no Salvation. Peter again makes it understood that this includes Gentiles. Acts 11:18 When they heard this, they had no further objections and praised God, saying, “So then, even to Gentiles God has granted REPENTANCE THAT LEADS TO LIFE.” Repentance leads to eternal life. Paul too preached repentance. Acts 17:30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance but now COMMANDETH ALL PEOPLE EVERY WHERE TO REPENT. Paul's teaching in Acts is also for Gentiles. Acts 20:21 I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they MUST TURN TO GOD IN REPENTANCE AND HAVE FAITH in our Lord Jesus. Acts 26:20 First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and then to the Gentiles, I preached that they should REPENT AND TURN TO GOD and DEMONSTRATE THEIR REPENTANCE BY THEIR DEEDS. Paul says Repent and believe and show your repentance by your deeds or how you live. 2 Corinthians 7:9-10 Yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because YOUR SORROW LED YOU TO REPENTANCE. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. 10 GODLY SORROW BRINGS brings 👉REPENTANCE THAT LEADS TO SALVATION 👈and leaves no regret, but WORLDLY SORROW BRINGS DEATH.
@EmeraldLeafVids Год назад
Jesus' adversaries knew He claimed deity, equal with God, the "I am" statement, etc. So, we do see their recognition in the scriptures. This was that was one of the biggest reasons why they wanted Him dead.
@christiandam6803 Год назад
"believe that I can give you everlasting life" So if I believe that Jesus can give me everlasting life then I am saved?
@christiandam6803 Год назад
@Alvin Fen In these exact words(?): if I believe that Jesus can give me everlasting life then I am saved? Because I am afraid of hellfire and the thing opposite to hellfire is everlasting life, so therefore I believe in everlasting life. And I also believe that Jesus is the person that can give me everlasting life because it is in his power to give everlasting life. Is that enough to be saved?
@christiandam6803 Год назад
@Alvin Fen Thanks Alvin for all the help.
@christiandam6803 Год назад
@Alvin Fen Thank You Alvin. I hope that all of you are okay. If I will have anymore questions I will ask you. God bless you for all the insight you gave me. I will reread the thread where we spoke about only believing that Jesus is the giver of eternal life that has already given me eternal life. I will ask this: Does eternal security(GES Bob Bryant lecture on eternal security- do we have to believe it) add anything to believe in or is it only that Jesus has really already given me eternal life and all I have to do is believe that he indeed did already give me eternal life(in the past tense) because He is the giver of everlasting life?
@professordr4059 Год назад
@Grace Evangelical Society. Why didn't you begin to answer the question in this video title by starting with the stated purpose of the Gospel of John, which reads, "And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name" (John 20:30-31 NKJV)? Cordially, Bible Professor Al, Ph.D., Th.D.
@Smerm Год назад
That’s a great point … if you would be kind to do so, I’d like your take on things I’m pondering…. do you believe there has to be at least some concept of who the true Jesus is versus the false Jesus’ of say Mormonism or other religions that follow a different Jesus. I understand their points yet it comes across as belief in any Jesus saves. I mean if a person believes that a Jesus that sinned, isn’t God etc can still give them eternal life, are they saved. That just seems skewed. Maybe I’m missing something.
@annamosley1491 Год назад
Peter when He asked him whodo man say that Im and Peter said yourthe christ the son of God and Jesus said blessed are youSimon Bargona for flesh and blood did not reveal that to you but my Father who is in Heaven!!!
@James-d6v5b 2 месяца назад
John 8 v 24 if u do not believe that I am he u will die in your sin.😢
@PinkyToe Год назад
How come scripture states "Even those who believe on His name"?
@timgrady4630 Год назад
@Alvin Fen Amen . Once Faith = Forever Life . One sip of that Water of Life quenches the thirst for eternity (John 4:10-14) . Not being Super-Glued to a Fire Hose !
@johneymunayer8705 2 месяца назад
Hmm 🤔if any does not believe "...Christ has come in the flesh..." #1jn4 and same author "the Word became flesh..." -#jn1 then... Idk but im attracted to the fact that many possesors of Eternal Life did not know Christ was Divine but...He did claim it oft to the point nonbelievers wanted to stone / crucify HIm... B4 Abe was #I_Am...maybe at the point of 1jn4, Christ's Divinity became Essential ? 🤔
@GESvids 2 месяца назад
Must We Believe in the Deity of Christ to be Saved? - Bob Wilkin & Mike Lii ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-M8mY7BKaIws.html Does believing for eternal salvation require believing in the deity of Christ? Are there any attributes of Jesus that need to be believed?
@Smerm Год назад
While I understand your points, Is is nut necessary to believe in the right Jesus. Based on your explanation, Mormons and other false religions who “ believe in Jesus” are therefore saved yet we know the Jesus they believe in is not the biblical Jesus. It would seem that there needs to be a basic understanding of WHO he is such as God in the flesh, sinless and WHY only he is the one that could’ve died and give eternal life. Knowing core facts of him would validate everything else about him that we would then be able to accept by faith. Otherwise any ol Jesus conjured up would do.
@thereturn2361 11 месяцев назад
Brother, I think you need to re-examine what GES really teaches. They teach that you can live the most wicked life ever and still be saved if you believed in Jesus. Yes, I said, "believed" and not believe. I listened to a video of Wilkin's and he actually taught that you could believe in Jesus one week and change your mind the next week and stop believing and because you did believe previously, you will be saved forever. Now I don't know if they have ever said or ever would say that you can live the most wicked life ever and still be saved. But if you understand their teaching, that is an inevitable conclusion you could reach. You just have to say you believe in Jesus first. I have known and do know people who believe that. Makes me wonder what they do with 1 John 3:8: Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil. My guess would be that they would say you could be of the devil and still be saved if you believed in Jesus at one point.
@colel.1560 11 месяцев назад
The people the apostle Paul used to teach about the doctrine of grace came to this very conclusion as well. That’s how you KNOW this is the true gospel. Same reactions thousands of years later. Paul’s response? Of course we should not sin it up so that grace may abound. It will take the sinner time to learn by grace and the word the character of christ to imitate him. Rest assured though the Christian has complete liberty as to his level of growth and rewards. You don’t lose your free will after being saved. You have to abide in Jesus to bring fruits and be rewarded in heaven
@Watery_G 6 месяцев назад
You practice sin. We all do because we sin everyday because of the flesh. You’re a heretic. It’s is just faith alone in Christ. Once you believe on Christ your filled with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption Ephesians 4:30. The Holy Spirit can’t sin. The flesh still does. Paul talks about this in the book of Romans. Also go read Romans 4:5. Your works don’t prove salvation or save you. We do works to give him glory and grow spiritually in him cause he wants us to. But if we don’t then we will be chastised and have problems here on earth but we still going to heaven cause trusted on Christ who finished everything on the cross. John 19:29-30 29 Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth. 30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. If you don’t believe on the finish work Christ which is believing on Christ. You don’t believe Him. Your unsaved. You don’t trust that once you believe on Him all your sins are forgiven. Past, present, and future. Your working for salvation and your gonna go to Hell. Matthew 7:21-23 is for you. Believing is a one time event not continual cause if your saying it’s continual your calling God a liar that he said in John 3:16 that just believing isn’t enough. YAH REBUKE YOU GO READ GALATIANS 1:8-9 it’s for people like you. Repent means a change of mind. Doesn’t mean repent of your sins. God repented in the Bible so your saying God sin. So repent of your works trusting and trust on the one who did it all Jesus Christ. So just believe on Him and your saved forever this is the GOSPEL you don’t believe it your unsaved. This comment is directed to first guy who commented. He is a deceiver and being deceived himself. Your Father is the devil. You’re no different from the Pharisees they believe the same thing you do. Also you won’t find the phrase repent of your sins just the word repent. I already explained what it is.
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