
How pollution is changing the ocean's chemistry | Triona McGrath 

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As we keep pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, more of it is dissolving in the oceans, leading to drastic changes in the water's chemistry. Triona McGrath researches this process, known as ocean acidification, and in this talk she takes us for a dive into an oceanographer's world. Learn more about how the "evil twin of climate change" is impacting the ocean - and the life that depends on it.
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18 июн 2017




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@FloppyDiisk 7 лет назад
I've been researching this regularly for about a year in academic databases. Everything she says is true.
@Dindonmasker 7 лет назад
Floppy nice to see some people are actively learning about it 😘👍
@Jayf1981 7 лет назад
Climate Tax is a Trillion Dollar pay out to War Mongers! The Media machine spinning Climate Tax 24/7 is part of the Military Industrial complex! They scare you into accepting new taxes then Bomb folks with the proceeds! It's a Globalist Scam!
@Jayf1981 7 лет назад
They own the Databases and Academia! Climate Tax is a Trillion Dollar pay out to War Mongers! The Media machine spinning Climate Tax 24/7 is part of the Military Industrial complex! They scare you into accepting new taxes then Bomb folks with the proceeds! It's a Globalist Scam!
@Zakkeus 7 лет назад
I'll just take your word for it.... Not !
@mikey3457 7 лет назад
Your an idiot and so is your president
@TheKillerayz 7 лет назад
Cortana in real life
@edi9892 6 лет назад
You do know that the voice of Cortana does exist IRL. BTW, that voice actress also voiced a villain in an anime which is hellbent on wiping out humanity...
@kimopuppy 7 лет назад
Greed is destroying humanity and the environment
@kimopuppy 7 лет назад
When the Republican party takes more and more from the poor then turns around and gives that to the rich in huge tax credits you can only call it greed
@Imperium83 7 лет назад
Stop with this Republican vs Democrat crap, globalists masquerading in the two party dichotomy is what the real problem is. Wake up already.
@kimopuppy 7 лет назад
Those "globalists" have bought off the Republican party
@tillybreja 7 лет назад
Selkie I think it's more our search for happiness IN materials is killing us
@edi9892 6 лет назад
Selkie I think the root of the problem goes far deeper: we managed to escape the natural equilibrium. We hardly have to fear any predators and most diseases are treatable resulting in an overpopulation of the worst invasive species (and we become degenerate due to the lack of selective pressure). 95% of the history of mankind we were hunter and gatherers and made no more than 6-12 million people worldwide. In the middle ages we were max 500 million and 200 years ago 1000 million. Now we're 7500 million and from what I know we can only support a population of 1000 million without destroying more of our environment and depleting our resources...
@takestime6 7 лет назад
This was in my chemistry exam today, would have been great if I watched it before my exam.
@ShraineSainath 7 лет назад
We want to Stop Ocean Acidification to save our lives.
@Jayf1981 7 лет назад
Climate Tax is a Trillion Dollar pay out to War Mongers! The Media machine spinning Climate Tax 24/7 is part of the Military Industrial complex! They scare you into accepting new taxes then Bomb folks with the proceeds! It's a Globalist Scam!
@friendinmiami 7 лет назад
4:15 "Unless we can start slowing down our carbon dioxide emissions, we're expecting an increase in ocean acidity of 170% by the end of this century. ... This is within our children's lifetime." ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY PER CENT!
@Yarshy. 7 лет назад
I bloody love an Irish accent.
@rainbowproductions6619 7 лет назад
go raith maith agat :3
@Laurenainewalsh 7 лет назад
Go raibh maith agat***
@rainbowproductions6619 7 лет назад
Go raibh a mile a miath agat?
@christopherlegg9674 7 лет назад
This is the real problem with our planet. More people need to bring this into the mainstream
@amehak1922 7 лет назад
I could listen to her all day, love her accent
@SusansEasyRecipes 7 лет назад
Interesting topic 👍☺️
@bradyokon4111 3 года назад
If you evaporate seawater, does the CO2 go back into the atmosphere, or is it left behind as part of a different chemical?
@TheEdgarMueller 7 лет назад
Isn't the melting of ice sheets dilluting the acidification, maybe even overcompensating it, also bringing coralls to deeper i.e. cooler water?
@briansandle1915 Год назад
26% volume increase to match the stated acidity or what?
@raheemvga1 4 года назад
Thankzz very helpful
@harekrishnahareram5066 7 лет назад
Top most news of chemistry...hatsoff
@wuwei0826 7 лет назад
We should try our best to protect our Earth!
@DeDoomTech 7 лет назад
@danyka2888 7 лет назад
Remember folks, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
@oiinvadar 7 лет назад
As much as we discuss energy and trash reduction by changing our own personal life habits, ultimately that is a very ineficiente way to try and tackle the problems of climate change and subsequent ocean acidification, a better aproach is to openly support organizations, politicians and policies that seek to tackle the issue directly. There are many that do. That is not to say that a change in lifestyle is not welcome nor that it wouldn't help, is just that is simply not enough. Please, if you care for these issues contact your representative, donate, lobby, organize public demonstrations, this is how you do as much as can.
@Denasdc 7 лет назад
high five from Dublin
@toddkyler534 7 лет назад
i know we have the resources to end world poverty... i do believe it is in the best interest of everyone to help. i know we can create more jobs with greater impact to the world for everyone. it is very straight forward and simple. the only issues we face a s a human species we can face together and end them completely. we have the technology and great minds. lets change this world.
@GloryBlazer 7 лет назад
Her honesty worries me.
@perfectcircle1395 7 лет назад
If you care about climate change, then you should check out a video called "LFTR in 5 minutes". If you're feeling pessimistic about the future of the earth then I think this will give you hope.
@whykhr 7 лет назад
Big Oil doesn't allow such things. And they own our governments and media.
@BETAmosquito 7 лет назад
So grateful for the 2x speed feature
@asterius23 7 лет назад
I love how I keep seeing videos on pollution, overpopulation, habitat loss, deforestation, and a whole bunch of other stuff that humans have a negative impact on. BUT, no one does anything about it. I know there are small group of people who fight against this stuff, but in the end, no one really cares, they might say they do, but do u not use ur phone a lot? Do u not use electricity? Do u not drive a car? We humans are just going to end up killing our own planet, and ultimately our own species, along with many other species. No point in rambling about this stuff when no one in that entire audience is going to do anything to bring positive change. EDIT: A lot of you have been saying that we aren't told what we should do in order to prevent this. But we are! Students are taught about this stuff in school, and back when I was in tenth grade, I remember there was a unit on Climate Change in our science text book. So yes, we are definitely taught how to prevent this, and even if we're not, most of it is common sense, turn off the lights, try to carpool, etc., but only a small portion of people actually do that stuff. One source of the problem is our leaders, for example, in Brazil, the Amazon Rainforest is being exterminated, but there's no strict laws preventing deforestation. Similarly, in China, so many animal species have gone extinct there, yet there are no strict laws preventing poaching, etc.. If the leaders actually made some strict laws and enforced them, then I'm sure these problems would decline. I'm not even going to use a Donald Trump example only because Donald Trump is actually retarded. Lastly, we are the biggest source of the problem. The only people that can control a leader are the citizens. There's not enough programs, fundraisers, etc. that contradict poaching, deforestation, etc., so of course the leaders aren't going to enforce any laws regarding these issues.
@rachm8257 7 лет назад
I think the problem is the fact that we are not given as many solutions as we would like. Simple changes like cutting down on meat consumption and walking more and unplugging things could help, or using less plastic is at least a start, but we aren't told that as much.
@rachm8257 7 лет назад
There are some simple solutions that could really help, but the people don't know about it. Maybe because certain industries will go out of business, I don't know.
@SublimeParagon 7 лет назад
Plant a tree.
@EnceliaActoni 7 лет назад
@sharmishthach685 7 лет назад
Asterius Edits soon they would.. in the 11th hour, when the air can no longer sustain us. That will be the alarm bell. But then .. it would be too late.
@p.a.f.mitasol8071 7 лет назад
My biggest issue with talks of this nature, is they leave me feeling completely helpless in how I can actually affect change ??? plus predictions without certainty just compound the confusion & apathy. I feel like a "drop in the ocean" (pardon the pun).
@aemonblackfyre4159 7 лет назад
Peter Foote That's just the facts... we are fucked. If we want to keep the change on a acceptable level we would have to stop carbon emissions now. This is completely unrealistic. We'll rise above 2C and I actually can't see humanity even reducing the emissions from the current level.
@gilliet1 7 лет назад
how a normal average worker can help in his daily activities to stop poluting his enviroment; reduce and divide the plastic in natural substances , do not buy new furnature but buy old ones so no new trees need to be cut down ,do not buy plastic that disolve into water , cause they really don't disolve they get smaller but the whales are eating this and all the other life inthe oceans, now you might not think this but this is very important, BLESS AND SAY THX TO ALL THE ELEMENTALS OF AIR ?EARTH? WATER? FIRE AND ETHER., you might think does nothing but its really not true, your thoughts are energy and when you give love and apreciation towards nature and all that is involved it strenghtens!!Do this everyday !!! bless each water you drink and each food you eat.study nature !!!visualize earth being very beautifull and filled with trees and in perfect harmony each day for at least 17 minutes:)love to all that is.
@PeterPutz82 7 лет назад
There was only one reason I clicked on this video... ay boys? ;D You know what i'm talking about ey? Ey? the title had the word Chemistry!!!!
@archisha3428 7 лет назад
I'm more concerned about the sea animals 🐳🐋🐟🐠🐡🐙🦀🐬than humans 👺 and whatever it will have on them
@RADSHORTS 7 лет назад
Archisha * me 2 😢
@RADSHORTS 7 лет назад
Archisha * wanna do chat about it ?
@Zakkeus 7 лет назад
That's pretty pathetic. Valuing animal life over human life? :/
@npoznak 7 лет назад
Sea animals are vital to the ecosystem of the oceans. The oceans may be void of fish by 2050. No blue. No green. No life.
@DaDanDolya 7 лет назад
Those that can't keep up with the environment will unfortunately succumb. Don't lose hope though :), after every mass extinction life flourishes to occupy all the spaces that are left open (give or take a few million years). Hopefully we'll still be around!
@MelModica 6 лет назад
Everyone recycle and reuse as much as possible! We need to eliminate plastic bags, bottles, cutlery and straws!!! Use cloth grocery bags, you can buy paper straws off eBay and amazon! Use glass bottles as to go cups for beverages, and use chop sticks or wood cutlery! We have options and we have the power as individuals to make a massive difference! Also check out and donate to 4Ocean they are cleaning our beaches and oceans! I’ve already donated and plan on donating again! Please help the wildlife desperately needs our help and as adults we are responsible to leave this planet in a good state for future generations!!! We cannot let the wildlife die!!!
@Night.League 7 лет назад
thank you for helping the earth bless you
@TiborRoussou 7 лет назад
Too many people just don't care; question is, how do we change that?
@chip0109 7 лет назад
Epic video tho
@michaelmaxfield3744 2 года назад
What's the worst mistake you ever made, throwing something away? Was that the worst day of your life? Was your life over?
@nguyenthithanhduyen7850 Год назад
@morgangreen2526 7 лет назад
Rick Grimes says "Coral". Triona McGrath says "Carl".
@Cazy243 7 лет назад
How can a 9 minute vudeo already have two dislikes, when it was posted 5 minutes ago?
@kemonoautumnfall6331 7 лет назад
Cazy243 Damn those non-believers of Global Warming!
@barupens8141 7 лет назад
how can a 9min video have 70 likes in 5min?
@barupens8141 7 лет назад
same for the likes
@agoodartist 7 лет назад
Trump was
@wohdinhel 7 лет назад
Cazy243 because it's a woman giving a TED talk
@georgeseletski718 7 лет назад
She is right. I will try to decrease carbon dioxide gassing. Let's do it together.
@Sudanesetube 7 лет назад
On top 🐸
@Dindonmasker 7 лет назад
can we hope for a sparkling ocean by 2050?... we're so fucked 😭
@JustOneAsbesto 7 лет назад
I know a guy named Carl. He's got a pretty cool shell.
@welcomesp 4 года назад
Ocean is deep...they measure the surface.
@gulluda 3 месяца назад
Ocean acidification poses a grave threat to marine ecosystems worldwide. As carbon dioxide levels rise in the atmosphere, oceans absorb a significant portion, leading to a decrease in pH levels. This acidic environment hinders the ability of marine organisms such as corals, shellfish, and plankton to build and maintain their calcium carbonate structures, essential for their survival. Consequently, coral reefs degrade, shellfish struggle to form shells, and plankton populations decline, disrupting entire marine food webs. Preventing ocean acidification is crucial not only for safeguarding marine biodiversity but also for preserving the countless benefits oceans provide, from food security to climate regulation. Efforts to mitigate carbon emissions and reduce ocean acidification are imperative to protect the health and resilience of our oceans for current and future generations.
@JoshShuman 7 лет назад
Just another reason to support the development of renewable, nuclear and geothermal energy.
@jackpullen3820 7 лет назад
It's a theory that long ago this is what happened to mars and will repeat here on our planet.
@antoniovargas6770 7 лет назад
The principal problem of the acidification in the sea is the people don´t want to listen this problems.
@MichelLedig 7 лет назад
the world Will end for the human actions
@morgangreen2526 7 лет назад
Hopefully I die before king-crab costs $1000 per pound.
@TakaBrute 7 лет назад
does she talk about the trash contanants? and how no one wants to clean them up because "we didnt do it"?
@shrunkensimon 7 лет назад
Current dislikes: Tirdy tree
@whale6833 7 лет назад
Legs =)
@alinourudin9262 7 лет назад
@salbaker82 7 лет назад
And yet, 90% of the Ocean's remain undiscovered.
@vrj93 7 лет назад
@LUCTIANITO 7 лет назад
Dont get me wrong, I am ok with the ambiental matter but all these people who wants to preventing it are doing it wrong. You have to look and make people concern about the economics consecuenses of climate change and ocean acidification. When the consecuenses of climate change hit the powerfull CEO wallet I bet there will be a comitment to take action in less a year
@JoshFlynn101 7 лет назад
Why does she have canadian accent with a tiny hint of irish
@Successor123 7 лет назад
@elsagaillard5992 7 лет назад
Tablespoon professor financial plain vast lead endure.
@terrence5796 7 лет назад
They should really stop chem trailing then.
@loubloom8370 4 года назад
Putin will react the same way he did with greta now ?
@TehJumpingJawa 7 лет назад
Ultimately we need to reduce the human population without reducing its research efficiency. At our current level of technology selective procreation is the only means of achieving this. Selective procreation will never happen in democratically governed nations because it is against the short term interests of the majority. Thus we need nations to switch to some form of autocratic government. However, achieving this peacefully and in a nondestructive manner is exceedingly unlikely. TLDR; it doesn't look good.
@sungingernovabomoreo7420 7 лет назад
TehJumpingJawa we need to give country's such as India access to birth control
@whykhr 7 лет назад
Reducing population won't solve the problem. The problem will ONLY be solved by switching to a rapid build-out of factory produced molten salt reactors. A thorium based economy.
@SystemLordNemo 7 лет назад
If you want solutions let's first talk about genetic engineering: We could create new variants of endangered organisms that are more tolerant to acidification while the people of the states are kicking Trump and other Republicans out of the government in next elections. All the rest of us should also prepare to vote green. Renewable energy with energy storage + electric cars are way to go if you dare not use nuclear. Ocean fertilization is one serious subject to be considered and forestation is always good. Advanced algae ocean farming would be best way to satisfy rising demand for food. The last line of defense is industrial level carbon removal(if possible) and space based shades for the poles(if those can be relatively cheaply constructed from the moons materials).
@x2highx 7 лет назад
Well all that is running out over greed & stupidity. They just don't care.
@gabrielchuah2537 7 лет назад
The last time I was this early. Global Warming wasn't a issue
@Prairielander 7 лет назад
Humans have shown little interest in changing. Our planet is doomed.
@j0j0kh 7 лет назад
why she is naked ?
@adityaraj8364 3 года назад
She's putting all the expecting data... Future reality could be far more worse.
@jungleflame6776 7 лет назад
Its too late for the human race, this world is too far gone. Perhaps in a parallel universe we are doing a bit better.
@AndreaGonzalez-sq6il 7 лет назад
stupid youtubers get over a million views but this has only 57K??? Shows how much people care about our earth...
@bobbygirl5092 6 лет назад
Go vegan and yes people can just do it. Yes it easy. Go try the beyond burger. It's in the meat isle. All vegan.
@loganmurphy1205 7 лет назад
@rarestpepe3917 7 лет назад
that accent is bae
@user-rt4kv5je3h 7 лет назад
We need translation to arabic, not all of us are good in English
@Samzillah 7 лет назад
There is a closed captioning option on youtube. I use it for when TED has people with strong accents. Id assume they would have arabic.
@BananasFUNClub 7 лет назад
1 like
@carolmueller748 4 года назад
Soon all things on earth will change. Psalm 37:9-11,29; Revelation 11:18. Want assurance? See jw.org
@gherBUC 6 лет назад
don't speek of polutin, f propaganda, this has been done in 1993!!! for f sake :James Dyson shows cyclonic diesel exhaust filter to Blue Peter in 1993, and your parents denied cose of f comodity ffff comodity!!!!!!
@luishenriques6364 7 лет назад
Hawaii? Seriously? You open your talk by talking about Hawaii? You should be collecting data from the coasts of Europe, America or Asia. Not Hawaii! People won't relate. Expecially those who don't want to relate. Even if it applies to the whole world. People's little minds will only hear that it is in Hawaii, and they won't care as much or at all. Come on! You should be smarter than this! What a waste of an important message... :( (It still gets my like, btw)
@welnatwelnat4378 7 лет назад
And again human trying to be smarter than Mother Nature.....I see some business behind....
@SublimeParagon 7 лет назад
BUT Water (H2O) has a ph value of 7.14. And being acidic would make the value LESS than 7... But your graph shows the low point of 8.03, so it is not technically acidic. And I don't know so I am asking - What difference would a 0.35 difference in Ph level have?
@rachm8257 7 лет назад
7.14 is the pH of pure H2O, not seawater, which is composed of many elements. And, yes, it is not acidic yet, but it is becoming more so. A 0.35 change in pH is relatively large on a 14 point scale as well.
@faheemrasheed9967 7 лет назад
SublimeParagon If you extrapolate the graph it will come down and the PH of sea water is always greater then the tap water or normal water that you are referring to moreover the interval gap is 10 years.
@Corvus-fw2hr 7 лет назад
SublimeParagon the standard pH of ocean water is usually weakly alkaline, so a drop is inherently acidification. It doesn't have to drop below "neutral" to be acidifying. A drop of 1 pH means quite a jump. Remember there is a 10x increase between each number.
@SublimeParagon 7 лет назад
But isn't sea algae and plankton alone responsible for the bulk of photosynthesis on the planet? I read a study a while ago that stated algae was responsible for more photosynthesis than the amazon rain-forest... I don't think the problem is Carbon Di-Oxide (CO2 = Plant food) It is other chemicals in the atmosphere and concurrent temperature increases in certain parts of the planet.
@Malandirix 7 лет назад
The problem is carbon dioxide. That's the main variable that has changed in the last 100-200 years. Yes algae are responsible for the majority of net oxygen production but what's your point there?
@TheMeanArena 7 лет назад
Them legs though!
@micahwhite1246 7 лет назад
We are not going to solve these issues. I say live your lives well and take what you can from the environment, until our inevitable extinction.
@geraldmerkowitz4360 7 лет назад
That voice...
@whichisuprise7346 4 года назад
I've never got to go to an ocean. I'm 28 years old now. I have always wanted to see an ocean... Except now I really don't care. It's very hard to care about the ocean and it's lifeforms when you grew up landlocked and never got to travel until you're an adult... All i feel for the ocean is bitterness. Oceanic pollution has literally zero bearing on *my* life. And you fish-heads will receive no help or sympathy from me.
@JimGriffOne 7 лет назад
I thought she was going to talk about real pollution, not a naturally occurring trace gas that is essential for MOST life on this planet. Also, I don't know where she is pulling her percentages from, but they have no basis in reality. "26% increase in ocean acidity"? This doesn't make any sense. What is the baseline? What is the starting pH and ending pH? What does this "26%" correspond to? We the actual need data to get a proper context. This is how fearmongering from a political activist disguises itself as science. SOURCE: 04:00
@brendarua01 7 лет назад
Jim I agree she should have been more thorough in presenting her basis. But then she did have the charts that show the trends. As for the rest, I think you know better. Being a naturally occurring gas is irrelevant to the issue. The issue is the volumes and ratios and rates of change.
@Incognito-jj2wt 7 лет назад
first :D
@mcrettable 7 лет назад
I pleasure moaned a little when I heard her accent
@DemonZest 7 лет назад
looks like garbage political science but i could be wrong.
@sungingernovabomoreo7420 7 лет назад
MorpheusVector yes. You are very wrong
@DemonZest 7 лет назад
your arguments convinced me.
@BenjaminOienMB 7 лет назад
MorpheusVector Have you tried looking it up in the font of all human knowledge? There's tons of science if you want to deep dive into acidification proof. Political lobbyists and their agendas are in fact destroying this world with their greed. All you have to do to combat the spread of ignorance is demand peer reviewed studies. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_acidification?wprov=sfla1
@DemonZest 7 лет назад
im not saying acidification isn't real im saying that she is over simplifing it, i don't see the data for her examples.
@BenjaminOienMB 7 лет назад
This is a presentation. When your data is sourced from dozens of studies with dozens of sources, it's impossible to cite them during. Regardless, when she shows the acidification trend graph at 2:28, it has a url at the bottom for finding the data. Anyway, if you want corroboration, there was a "Rate" sub-section on the Wiki page which is agreement with the speaker here. I tracked back one of its sources for you. Have a look at Table S3. Each row is a different model. Each of the models were developed by using massive amounts of data. to predict changes in ph among other things. Notice how closely they match each other. I googled a few of the models. They were all from very reputable scientific organizations & studies. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3797030/#pbio.1001682.s005 Have a look at Table 1: "Likely biological responses to changes in ocean biogeochemistry". Notice how many corroborating sources there are for each likely bio response. If you are interested in data, there are massive amounts at your fingertips. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3797030/table/pbio-1001682-t001/
@azhiriviolet8710 7 лет назад
@adilm2448 7 лет назад
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