
How The Early Church Made Me LEAVE Protestantism w/ George Farmer 

Pints With Aquinas
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@Peaceful_Gojira Год назад
As a discerning Catholic, stories like these really speak volumes. I've been so tugged to listening to Gregorian Chants since I was in High School, which raised and fell a little bit...but it didn't become so important and a keynote until I was a Senior in College. After being stricken with (at least) severe Anxiety and (potentially) Depression and no outlook/way to counteract it, I was constantly drawn to weeping within Gregorian Chants. It was such a release, and it didn't really occur to me until that point that the Holy Spirit was trying to reach me. Jump ahead 4 years, and here I am...having put down Gregorian Chants until these last few months, and I am just drawn into my DRV Bible (which I bought a few months ago), into fellowship with discerning Catholics like me (who are also friends from college), and have just felt so much more at peace with The Holy Trinity. Oh, and Mary is just amazing. I have looked into her, and how she is essentially a catalyst to bring all sinners to Christ, and it just blows me away. The implications of a sinless woman are so fruitful, it's a no wonder why Mary and Christ are called the New Covenant, the new Adam and Eve. And to my exploration, I am just astonished how much of Protestants' arguments, views, and beliefs are tied to feelings. It's not that we cannot feel blessed or showered by grace, but certainly that should NEVER be the ONLY thing driving us to Him, and the foot of Jesus Christ. My next big commitment, obviously, is to pursuit a church I can go to and practice weekly (if possible). I know I am not a perfect Christian, nor do I ever think I will be, but I'll (literally) be danged to heck if I don't try! Be safe everyone. God bless you all! _Kyrie Eleison_
@robbymacklin Год назад
“My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior." Luke 1:46,47 The person who said this is acknowledging that God was her Savior. Who needs a Savior? Sinners do.
@Prettychica32 Год назад
If you like gregorian chant you should look into finding a parish that provides the latin mass (tridintine mass) it's very beautiful especially when it is a sung mass.
@angelsong6490 Год назад
Is not every human on earth a sinner but Christ?
@robbymacklin Год назад
@@angelsong6490 Yep! You'd think that all believers would be able to at least agree on that one. But when Catholic traditions boldly contradict the Bible they tend to hold onto the traditions and reject the Bible. Immaculate conception, assumption of Mary, purgatory, baptizing infants, transubstantiation, praying to Mary and other dead saints as though they can even hear us and asking them to do things only God can do, etc, etc.
@LeonidasGarcia08 Год назад
As a former Protestant this is quite interesting. I was Protestant and now am Catholic and am well taught on Protestant doctrines that gladly have abandoned.
@wayupduk Год назад
Wow big respect to his dad being a successful Christian businessman in England. Not a country its easy to be open about.
@Hadrianus01 Год назад
White male does well. Stop the press!
@jeremiahong248 Год назад
Thank you for these short snippets. The original show of 5 hours is really too long !!
@jeremiahong248 Год назад
@TrekieGal Год назад
@Jeremiah Ong It is so long, but it was all so good! I listened to it in chuncks over a full week. I highly recommend it. I saw it was 5 hours and said no way am I going to be able to listen to that monster and now I keep pestering my friends to check it out.
@hopeking37 Год назад
He looks like a ralph lauren model
@ashl8804 Год назад
True….! 😅😅
@TheBlinkyImp Год назад
Seems like the story is the same whether you go Protestant->Catholic, Catholic->Protestant, Catholic->Orthodox, whatever. It always goes: I was raised in this tradition but the people around me weren't well versed enough to defend it, and I found someone in another tradition who knew his apologetics and converted me.
@Hadrianus01 Год назад
I've not encountered a single ex Catholic or Orthodox who went Protestant.......
@kayleebaginski Год назад
Interesting! I’ve sadly encountered dozens of former Catholics when I was in the Protestant world. Their dialogue was usually like this: “Well, I was raised Catholic, but in my college years or 30s my friend invited me to their Protestant church, and that’s where I’m at now.”
@AndrewSmith-jm1cd Год назад
If you look at literally anything from the Early Church it is unequivocally Catholic.
@Bernadette613 Год назад
@@Hadrianus01 it’s usually for marriage or someone who wasn’t really vested in the Catholic faith to begin with/ didn’t understand it. My brother recently went Baptist and he’s throwing some misinformation at me a lot. Every conversation, we look at each other like “HOW did we grow up in the same household?” If he spends anymore time with me, I know he’ll return to the Church because I can tell he’s in pain over it. He isn’t able to really converse with me and shuts down in anything that doesn’t support his claims. Then, he changes the subject and essentially runs away. 😕 I am very careful to speak in a loving manner too, so I know this is just his own journey. However, what attracted him to begin with was the simplicity of sola scripture. I think he will grow thirstier though once he gets the basics. He didn’t spend time with the Bible as a Catholic so there were certainly some gaps in his formation.
@JeansiByxan Год назад
You hit the nail on the head with this one. You can excuse ignorance all yiu want but no one can make you learn your facts.
@williamleadbetter9686 3 месяца назад
I converted to orthodox simply for stability in the chaos of the ever fractionated protestant denominations. Ever changing fighting over every crumb while their young people leave the church and their churches burn. Also, everyone in the modern protestant church has become their own church. There are many fine doctrines & biblically accurate protestant faiths in their beginning, like the Methodist, but sadly its been destroyed broken to pieces as those churches sought to conform to the world instead of working to conform the world to the ideals of the Church. Yet i have no animosity towards those who are genuinely fighting the good fight devoted to Christ. Onward Christian soldiers, i am with you in spirit, prayer, and action. "When there is a manic at the door feuding brothers unite"
@marrietvisser6195 Год назад
I will never bow my knee before anybody but only Jesus Christ and God the Father and the Holy Spirit in my heart. I will not bow before Mary and any important person who died. There is no Bible scripture for it.
@shobudski6776 Год назад
Not all Christian theology is written in the Bible.
@johnbrowne3950 Год назад
@@shobudski6776 Everything that is true is.
@andremember Год назад
@@johnbrowne3950 everything in the Bible is true, but not everything theologically true is in the Bible. For example, the concept of the Trinity is not in explicitly in the Bible but we still accept it as true
@johnbrowne3950 Год назад
@@andremember I don't know what you are talking about. There are at least 20 Bible verses proving the Holy Trinity. What I can't find in the Bible are numerous Roman Catholic claims about Mary.
@andremember Год назад
@@johnbrowne3950 my point was that the exact word "Trinity" is not from the Bible but we can still know that the Trinity is true, such as from those 20 verses you mentioned. So I'm cautioning against an overly rigid approach to reading the Bible (because if you take things that are only "from the Bible" as truth, then couldn't you say, because the Bible doesn't say "Trinity" we shouldn't believe in it?) I don't know anything about the Catholic claims about Mary
@dannisivoccia2712 Год назад
The account given in this video is another example of how important it is for a professing Christian to have a strong relationship with Jesus, as well as a strong understanding of God's written word. The devil hates God's written word, because he knows that it is eternal. "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall never pass away "
@jerome2642 Год назад
God's word doesn't have to be WRITTEN in order to be eternal. God's Word IS eternal, irrespective of how it is communicated or transmitted to men. The passage you referenced didn't say "my WRITTEN word shall never pass away".
@dannisivoccia2712 Год назад
@@jerome2642 Aside from the fact that the spoken words of Jesus were written (to a large degree not only once, but four times), it is important to know that God's word comprises three components: yet, one word of God: 1) the Holy Spirit -breathed word of God (the rhema), 2) the Word of God who became flesh (Jesus), 3) the written word of God (the logos), and all three are written in heaven.
@yungspaghetti1685 Год назад
@@jerome2642 '' Be ye therefore very courageous to keep and to do all that > is written < in the book of the law of Moses, that ye > turn not aside there from to the right hand or to the left. < '' Joshua 23:6
@jerome2642 Год назад
@@yungspaghetti1685 This passage you referenced has nothing to do with what I just said. I was bringing up the point that God's Word wasn't ONLY communicated or transmitted in WRITTEN format in the scriptures. I wasn't rejecting the fact that we are supposed to observe and obey the entirety of God's Word that is written down in the scriptures (which is what Joshua 23:6 is referring to)
@jerome2642 Год назад
@@dannisivoccia2712 Apparently, you didn't notice what the Apostle John said: " I have many things to say to you. I would not WRITE them with paper and ink, but I will come to speak to you face to face, so that your joy may be complete " (2 John 12). All those things that John wanted to communicate to the early Christians by WORD OF MOUTH (i.e face to face), weren't they also the WORD OF GOD ? Did the fact that he didn't WRITE them down change this fact ?
@kurtgundy Год назад
Because you bought the lie that, " to be deep in history is to cease to be protestant."
@suir2011 Год назад
I've changed over the years in my journey of faith. But this talk was kind of disappointing and typical. What I understood was that he grew up in the comfort of religious materials fed to him, and when he grew up, he realized there wasn't much of real faith in him. A catholic priest happened to have mentored him towards a better understanding of biblical teaching. He could criticize the protestants all he wants, but what he was referring to as "protestantism" was partly childish understanding of religious upbringing and half-hearted assumption filled misunderstanding of what might have been taught. Why couldn't he just admit that his faith in his youth was pathetic and not founded on the understanding of the scripture and traditions, and express his gratitude that catholicism helped him discover a thriving faith?
@joecastillo8798 Год назад
@suir2011 Regarding the Catholic Church, God the Father chose Simon and revealed to him who is Jesus. • MATTHEW 16:15-19 15. Jesus saith to them: But whom do you say that I am? 16. Simon Peter answered and said: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God. 17. And Jesus answering said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven. 18. And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 19. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven. The reality is clear: Protestantism is not the Will of God; it's the will of a man named Luther who had no divine authority to oppose the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, who affirmed in: • JOHN 17:21-23 21. That they all may BE ONE, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may BE ONE in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. 22. And the glory which thou hast given me, I have given to them: that, they may BE ONE, as WE ALSO ARE ONE. 23. I in them, and thou in me: that they may be made PERFECT IN ONE: and the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them, as thou hast also loved me. Therefore, no one else has authority to create a church in opposition to the one He personally founded and built on Peter. May God bless your discernment.
@jeremiahong248 Год назад
Dr Gavin Ortlund needs to hear this.
@briand4622 Год назад
I'm sure Dr. Ortlund who has a doctorate in theology, written academic papers on St. Anselm and St. Augustine, would be convinced by George's reasonings
@jeremiahong248 Год назад
@@briand4622 Of course. Not even sure where he got his doctorate from. Even the devil can quote scriptures. Also without being partisan, if the doctorate were from a Protestant University, someone writing from a Protestant perspective will undoubtedly achieved the doctorate. So the wrong reinforces the wrong.
@JeansiByxan Год назад
Good one. Translated Anselm: even more Protestant.. Heard influencer: no, I’m Catholic now. 😂
@ContendingEarnestly Год назад
Why? One person reading the ecf's isn't a convincing argument to swim the tiber.
@jeremiahong248 Год назад
@@ContendingEarnestly its not about swimming the Tiber. Its the about correct reading of the ECF. Its akin to saying Biden wants the wall of Mexico built or Biden is pro life. Or that Luther doesn't pray the rosary.
@novarch Год назад
“A living relationship with Jesus Christ.”
@kathleenirish Год назад
I knew there was something extra special about him!!!
@aaronshipp8766 Год назад
The thing I don’t get is why don’t we just look at how the apostles and Yeshua lived as well as the prophets before them and follow scripture instead of these man made concepts that replace a lot of scripture
@sigmacronos9382 4 месяца назад
Where does scripture come from, and who decides what is and is not scripture?
@JessicaJLandi Год назад
The early Christians, as written about in the Bible, met in homes (not church buildings); the early churches had plurality of elders overseeing (not a senior pastor or priest) and serving; and everyone in the church were participants as the Holy Spirit led one to have a hymn, another a spiritual song, another a scripture or prayer, etc.,. So it seems that neither the catholic or protestant of today would be "comfortable" in the early church that has been recorded for us in the scriptures.
@matthew7491 Год назад
The uncomfortable truth. The most you can say is that we would probably describe it as liturgical. But I don't think the eucharist would look anything like how it does in a modern Catholic or Protestant church. I don't think that invalidates Catholic or Protestant traditions, it was just the nature of a church in persecution. I just think it's so silly when people act as if what we do now is exactly the same as it was 1900 years ago.
@SneakyEmu Год назад
He doesn't seem very versed on his reasons why
@johnsmoth7130 Год назад
Sounds like his Anglican experience was more Evangelical than Anglican, because we believe that the Sacraments are necessary and communicate grace. The Eucharist is the centre point of the liturgy every Lord's Day.
@JeanBaptiste_ Год назад
Learning that Anglicans deny transubstantiation and the other 5 sacraments is what first made me consider leaving.
@johnsmoth7130 Год назад
@@JeanBaptiste_ I mean we've got the 2 Dominical Sacraments, and honour the other 5 Sacramentals.
@IowaRonin Год назад
Essentially originated because of Henry VIII's sexual sins. How could anyone know history and think that the Anglican Church (and the entire Church of England) is correct?
@johnsmoth7130 Год назад
@@IowaRonin There was a church in England long before the pope decided he needed to have control. Modern Anglicanism is more of an African church than anything anyway, but I wouldn't expect you to know that.
@Hadrianus01 Год назад
@@johnsmoth7130 loll triggered 😂
@johncopper5128 Год назад
Thank you.
@ExpiditionWild Год назад
This dude has a net worth of $180 million. Maybe he should leave the top 0.0000001% before he shits on another denomination. The early church wouldn’t consider him a Christian
@FollowGodsWord 3 месяца назад
Catholic: Teachings (even from the Bible) contradicting the church are heresy. Protestant: Teachings (even from a church) contradicting the Bible are heresy. "Nowhere in the Bible is it stated that worship should be changed from Saturday to Sunday....Now the Church...instituted, by God's authority, Sunday as the day of worship. This same Church, by the same divine authority, taught the doctrine of Purgatory long before the Bible was made. We have, therefore, the same authority for Purgatory as we have for Sunday." Martin J. Scott, Things Catholics Are Asked About, 1927 edition, p. 136 Mark 7:9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.
@ContendingEarnestly Год назад
These interviews are all the same. its like they've been given notes with certain buzz words they need to work in. "Make sure you say you were 'anti-catholic'." "Make sure you say the early fathers were what convinced you to become catholic." I rarely, if ever hear any catholic say 'Jesus Christ saved me from my sin and to Him and Him alone do i place my trust.' Its always; ecfs, catholic morality, the papacy, the sacraments and on and on and on. Becoming catholic because you read some church father is like buying the 747 for the peanuts. Its what Paul calls empty deception.
@carolinpurayidom4570 Год назад
You know the motto of christ divine mercy is litterally Jesus I trust in you
@Rosie_C Год назад
Because Catholics are putting all their hope and trust in the Eucharist, rather than in God and the blood Jesus shed. I love old hymns and know hundreds of them - I’ve wondered how the Catholics would have to sing some of them… Instead of “Jesus Saves” they would have to sing “Eucharist Saves”; instead of “Nothing but the Blood” they would have to sing “Nothing but the Eucharist.”
@punstir1292 Год назад
Sounds like you don’t have as clear of a picture what Salvation is. Maybe you need to listen and watch and pray. The Church gave us the Bible, there is no other way
@ContendingEarnestly Год назад
@@punstir1292 God gave us the bible.
@sigmacronos9382 4 месяца назад
@@ContendingEarnestly According to who, and on whose authority?
@ismailaeyoussef Год назад
The more I study theology and history of Christianity, the more I question Catholicism. It is not as neat nor straight of a line as many Catholic apologetics would like us to think. I’m not saying I’m not Catholic, or that Catholics are not saved/Christian, but I find the arguments for Catholicism weaker when I look into history. This is just my personal opinion :)
@ValRhapsody 5 месяцев назад
You think the arguments for new age Christianity are better lol?
@st.christopher1155 Год назад
If you had been with Christ Jesus from the beginning instead of “with Protestantism”, you would have no need to tell everyone that you moved “to Catholicism”. ✝️🙏🏼😇
@ChristoJP 6 часов назад
Jesus is God and loves you!
@ranicesmeragulio9299 Год назад
If you are reading the Bible everyday then there is no way you would be a catholic or worship as a catholic.
@minanajam251 Год назад
Who is George Forman?
@rkatrails Год назад
George Farmer (not Forman) is Candace Owens husband.
@H3roin1620 5 месяцев назад
George Foreman is a boxer, most known for the "rumble in the jungle" in which he took on the GOAT, Muhammad Ali!
@MMC-jp1gl Год назад
Great interview except for the host being rude and checking his phone during it. He needs to stop doing that. God bless~
@ashl8804 Год назад
Yes, hate it when people do that….! Very rude. A Pastor kept doing that while I was trying to speak to him….the whole hr that I was there.
@gloriapatri1 5 месяцев назад
This is a year late but it's interesting that it's edited to show that.
@matthew7491 Год назад
I'm confused because a big part of his journey from Protestantism to Roman Catholicism was his Anglo-Catholic teacher who defended traditional small-c "catholic" doctrines. Sooooo, why does he think he had no choice but to become Roman Catholic? Sounds like he was just looking for a more liturgical, sacramental church, which exists in Anglicanism. To be honest he comes across as having made his decision first and determining the reasoning later. One of those, I read the Church Fathers so I must become Roman Catholic stories. Meanwhile the Protestant Reformers also used the Church Fathers...
@fakeyououtdotcom2409 Год назад
From one version of self-righteousness to another.
@katej910 Год назад
This is an honest question. I’m an atheist so don’t have a dog in this fight, but why do Catholics (at least in the West) sin so much, comparative to Protestants? I don’t know a single one that’s not on birth control, if female, or who didn’t have sex before marriage. I know Protestants don’t have a prohibition against contraception, but it just seems as though they stick to the rules a bit better. At least in my experience.
@jeniosk1097 Год назад
Those Catholics are Catholics only nominally. They were probably just born in Catholic family, attended church because it was tradition and didn't think much about God nor the Bible. I was the same way. As I began researching more I only encountered the Protestant apologetics. Everywhere online I looked, there were only protestants defending the Christian faith, people like WLC and Frank Turek and Mike Winger. So naturally I became more and more convinced of their perspectives. Basically, it seems like today, protestants actually seem to think more about their faith, or put more effort into it.
@JJ-cw3nf Год назад
It’s your personal experience
@annemary9680 Год назад
The Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council has become much more protestantized than Catholic. Go to a Novus Ordo mass and it'll look more like a Lutheran service than a pre 1970-s Traditional Latin Mass. 2/3 of Catholics don't believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. Now compare stats on moral teaching between Novus Ordo Catholics and traditionalist Catholics. Over half of Novus Ordo Catholics believe abortion is permissible while that number is around 1% for traditionalist Catholics. Spend time in a traditionalist Catholic community and you'll find that your observations don't apply to those people at all. I don't think protestants sin less as much as they're better at covering up their sins in public, and Catholics are more scrutinized because we do have a dogma that we ought to follow. For instance, people associate predatory clergy with the Catholic Church even though rates of sexual abuse are higher among protestant clergy than Catholic priests.
@yungspaghetti1685 Год назад
The reason for that is that protestantism puts the Scriptures at the center of their faith, to put it very simply (and this is almost a caricature) they '' stick more to the rules '' because they read more the '' rule book '' and give it more importance . Whereas catholics consider the Bible only as one source of authority among other sources (Tradition, Magisterium, Councils ) protestants consider the Scriptures the sole infaillible authority in all matters of spirituality (this doctrine is called '' Sola Scriptura '' ). This difference in classifying the authoritative source of their faith has a major effect on the way both groups approach their religious life, catholics place much less emphasis on the Bible whereas for protestants it is the nucleus of their faith, there is a huge culture of Bible reading every morning, bible studies with friends, their sunday services are centered around 1 hour-long sermons that are based on explaning the Scriptures sometimes verse by verse etc. By comparison catholic masses are centered around...the mass, that is eating the eucharist. I read a pew research center study and it did confirm this observation, protestants on average do read the Scriptures more so naturally their views align more with the material they consume more, hence why they '' sin less '' so to speak.
@JJ-cw3nf Год назад
Yung. Protestants don’t follow the scriptures on adultery. They have remarriage from divorce in their churches. Totally contrary to what Jesus said many times. George Farmer discussed how the Church of England was formed. For this reason. When it comes to feelings. Protestants choose churches that fit their views. “Sola Scriptura” is man made tradition starting in the last 500 years. It was never meant to be sole authority. The Bible was made by the church centuries after Jesus
@j.p.9295 3 месяца назад
Two main differences I would like sombody answer me: Why Catholics pray to Mary as if she could answer their prayer . In bible says "Praise and worship Lord your God and serve him only ". Another one is Purgatory- does it exsist or not . I didn't see in Bible proof of it , unless is in Catholic Bible with deuterocanonical books ?
@Mark3ABE 3 месяца назад
The fact that George was at St. Pauls reminds me of an incident, years ago now. When I was about 25, I went on holiday with a group of Christians. It was a coach holiday and we slept in tents, so we all go to know each other quite well. One person I go to know was a policeman in what was then the Royal Ulster Constabulary. He explained, very grandly, that he had needed to obtain special permission from the Chief Constable to not carry his firearm with him for the two weeks of the holiday. Apparently, the police in Northern Ireland were, at that time, required, to be armed at all times, whether on, or off, duty. He was, needless to say, violently anti Catholic, so I did not let him know that I was a Catholic! Then, another friend had been at St. Pauls. He was rather High Church and suggested that I join him in going to Mass at Cologne Cathedral when we were in Cologne. He thoroughly enjoyed it and explained that he believed in everything that the Catholic Church believed, but was not happy about the claims of the Pope to universal jurisdiction in the whole Christian Church. When we returned, he (possibly unwisely) let our policeman friend know that we had just been to Mass at the Cathedral. The policeman’s response was simply non belief. How could anyone who considered himself a Christian go to Mass at the Catholic Church?
@444finbar Год назад
The early church made me leave the Catholic Church...I became an Orthodox Christian...the schism was a mistake...the Patriarch of Rome became the Pope and that was the mistake..Roman Imperialism took over the church.
@BarbaPamino Год назад
I eagerly await his "How the Orthodox Church made me leave Heresy" video ;)
@NiklasKontio-bs5zd 11 месяцев назад
U mean ”How Orthodox church made me leave the real church”?
@BarbaPamino 10 месяцев назад
@@NiklasKontio-bs5zd when did I leave? I can trace my family back to just outside Corinth over 1000 years. I can't imagine we were anywhere else for the 1000 years prior. I wonder how all these illiterate greek worshippers of Christ practiced the board room protestantism of today.
@ynrisbarrios5771 Год назад
He left God embracing the empire of the lies...very sorry..hope his wife keep her grandparents evangelical faith.
@christinabernier4860 Год назад
I’ve actually read the whole New Testament, and no one can explain to me why there are thousands of Christian denominations and each thinks the other is “going to hell.” The Christian religion is the most confusing on the planet. The fact is, there are two scriptures in the NT that should put the argument to rest-“…god so loved the world that he gave his son that WHOSOEVER believes in him will have eternal life,” and the other is, “…if you confess with your mouth the lord Jesus and believe in your heart god raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah witnesses, etc. all believe these two things, so if you are a Christian and are hypocritical enough to say these groups are going to hell but you’re not, then you better figure out what it is that makes you a Christian.
@pocketsand6876 Год назад
So I think what I’ve found (because I’ve had similar thoughts in the past) is that each different religion had their own Jesus. As in he’s different in each teaching. Some sorta key points but the second commandment is “thou shalt not make any graven images” think basically the golden calf Aaron helped make for the people while they were waiting at the foot of the mountain for Moses to return. Now the reason I linked that to the idea of “different Jesus” is because they twist him into what they want to live like. He is who he is. Second point to add on is that if you look into Mormonism. They believe that God was once human on another planet. That he ascended to his state today. And that we can if we do well enough. That’s like Scientology level strange. And The Jehovah witnesses believes honesty similar teachings. Basically the man that started it believed he was visited by angels (reminded of Paul here. Who said you may be visited by angels. Test them to make sure they’re from God.) Anyway he was apparently given golden tablets and told a bunch of stuff no one can corroborate. And he designed up their bible. Took away the divinity of Christ essentially in the first paragraph of the bible. “In the beginning was The word, and the word was with God and the word was God” you know putting Jesus equal to God as he is. But with the JW bible.. “In the beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god. Taken from their official website. Notice the little g and not a capital. He’s not equal to God to them. Which leads me to the culty practices of the JW organisation. I’ve had JW friends. This was confirmed by them when they left their faith. You’re not allowed to read the bible on anything other than their website. Or from the one version of the book they have. You’re not allowed to question anything. If you do you can be removed from the service and or congregation. You have to evangelise. It’s mandatory to get into heaven apparently. The better you do- the nicer heaven you get. Seems MLM like to me. Girl that left was abandoned by her family because the church isn’t allowed to talk to her anymore. She’s a heathen to them. Totally cult behaviour. But those are the key points. Please look up more content on why those two religions are.. well they’re brainwashing a lot of poor folk who don’t deserve it. They need help out because those places really make you feel like you need them or you’re doomed to eternity in hell and that’s not what our God teaches us. He made it very simple. If you believe Jesus died in the cross for you, take up your cross and follow him. You follow someone you love and respect. Jesus says if you love me you’ll follow my commandments. Which were the moral law 10 commandments given to Moses (twice lol he had a tantrum when he saw that Golden calf). So like this is a PowerPoint presentation. In conclusion. Look up why the Mormon and JW churches are bad. Because it’s something you have to do on your own to learn. I like Melissa Doughertys video on being invited to a JW church. Kinda confirmed what my friend said years ago. People most certainly do worship false Jesus’s (think of the new age movement. He’s not the same guy. Just the same name) And thanks for reading. I’m reallllllly new to the theological side of Christianity. I hope I got across the answers you were looking for. From at least how I’m coming to understand them.
@simonwills540 Год назад
It's actually not that complicated. It's just down to works vs grace. Christian's believe its grace, and mormons, jws, and many catholics believe it is down to works. Muslims are the same. Mormons and jws have as much different in their religion to christianity as muslims do. They are very very different they just like to make out like they are. Also the different denominations defo do not all believe the others are going to help. Denominations only refer to differences in things like worship style, structure of church leadership, baptism, those kinda things. I have many Christian friends I disagree with on many things but we are unified by our belief that jesus has saved us by his death, and not that we have saved ourselves by our works.
@brenosantana1458 Год назад
See the whole picture of the words of Jesus in John for some context of the believing part. Test Paul as a true apostle
@Prettychica32 Год назад
Ofcourse we are not to judge who goes to heaven and who goes to hell, that power is solely given to Jesus when he returns to judge the living and the dead. I think no matter what type of Christian you are there is one thing you gotta do in order to get to heaven: to let God guide you on the path that He wants you to go, not what you think He wants, but what he tells us through the bible and through the small ways He communicates with us everyday. As long as you wait, listen and obey, and pray that you do His will, He will take you where you are meant to go.
@patquint3291 Год назад
It’s Calvinism that teaches God condemns people to hell, not Catholicism. The Catholic Church teaches it’s only YOURSELF, using your God given free will to reject God and His Commandments, that sends you to hell.
@WilliamCooper-l6f Год назад
You left because you were looking for an excuse to leave.
@danitapowell2291 Год назад
Not to be thick, but did George then become a Catholic?
@JDwJC11 Год назад
Honest question: Why do Catholics need deceased saints to intercede for them when Jesus Christ is the intercessor between us and God?
@paulvillarreal4855 Год назад
Why do you ask friends or family to pray for you in times of need?
@pocketsand6876 Год назад
The saints are all dead.. Jesus sits at the right hand of the father praying for us. We all agree on that. The saints have been and gone. They did what the father wanted them to do. Let them rest ha.
@rudymatheson1415 Год назад
@@pocketsand6876 this is grave heresy
@zacdredge3859 Год назад
@Rudy Matheson I don't think the graves will mind actually, nor the people they contain. 👍
@pocketsand6876 Год назад
@@rudymatheson1415 was that a pun?
@susansusanne6157 Год назад
There is only one church and that church is called The Church of Christ (The Bride of Christ). To qualify to be The church of Christ, you MUST be Born Again (in and out). The word of The LORD says so in John 3:7
@ContendingEarnestly Год назад
One of the more sensible (and biblical) things i've read here yet.
@punstir1292 Год назад
The Church existed before there was a Bible. How did we get the Bible? Only when you have a divinely appointed and protected hierarchy can this work, and there is one
@fakeyououtdotcom2409 Год назад
"The sacraments are all about grace?" Right, and grace is works, and works is grace.
@StAnthony_Catholic Год назад
Grace is God’s life within us.
@Melo0323 Год назад
We have issues on both sides- which we should correct, but I see us as all the same.
@nancymansfield6693 Год назад
Maybe you should go back further in “church history” and read the book of Acts and the Epistles… Then, imagine how comfortable you would feel going back in a time machine to that time. Does your church look like that? Mine does.
@Orthocurious 28 дней назад
@@nancymansfield6693 Are you Orthodox?
@TheJpep2424 Год назад
Salvation is by faith alone in Christ. Not works, sacraments, church tradition, prayers to Mary, confessions to priests, or the mass. Faith alone in Christ alone. Jesus said it is finished!
@faitha6155 Год назад
O foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is worthless?
@rkatrails Год назад
Glad I saw this. I've been curious about George Farmer's profession of faith from when I first learned about him and his marriage to Candace Owens. There's something very dry about him, like he has an intellectual knowledge of Christianity, but I'm really trying to discern if he has saving faith in Christ through the gospel. He just doesn't seem to truly know Christ, he's just so dry.
@christopherus Год назад
Where’s Aquinas?
@TomoyoTatar Год назад
This is very interesting
@aclark903 Год назад
But it stops too soon. As he said, Anglo-Catholics are a wing within Anglicanism, so it doesn't explain why he felt the need to leave entirely.
@dwightschrute900 Год назад
@@aclark903 Because The Church In Rome is the fullness of the faith.
@aclark903 Год назад
@@dwightschrute900 Well, Catholics like to believe that, but #Jesus Himself said Wherever 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, I am there with them...
@dwightschrute900 Год назад
@@aclark903 and the keys of saint Peter? 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
@JeanBaptiste_ Год назад
@@aclark903 why stay in something that copies the real thing and claims to be basically the same when you can just go to the real thing?
@jdm11060 Год назад
Don't know why the early church is treated with either/or gloves, when's it's clearly both/and. We're all God's people. Why stop at the early church? Why not go back to Judaism? After all, Jesus was a Jew... Progressive revelation, like it or not, is a thing. God's people have always taken on different identities throughout history. Thankfully, the barrier to entry is simple: true trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sin. Don't add to the gospel, lest you be anathema. So long as we understand this, it's not a matter of who has the "right" theological, soteriological, eschatological, etc. identity. Our identity is in Christ.
@bernardokrolo2275 Год назад
Let me guss..protestant?
@izabeera166 Год назад
Not the brightest comment
@EJ-gx9hl Год назад
@@bernardokrolo2275 but what type?
@bernardokrolo2275 Год назад
@@EJ-gx9hl i m not expert..i m not from this culture
@JeansiByxan Год назад
I’m starting to believe Catholics who don’t use ad hominem are a rarity.
@clearstonewindows Год назад
Great now just one more step... It usually goes like this Protestantism > Catholicism > The restored Gospel of Jesus Christ
@sigmacronos9382 4 месяца назад
The restored Gospel of Jesus Christ -> polygamy -> no blacks allowed -> oh no wait just kidding! - no more polygamy -> -> -> okay blacks can be Mormons too i guess
@clearstonewindows 4 месяца назад
@@sigmacronos9382 Why the hate bro? Look into it more, it's not as simple as what you said. Unless you're a hater and you're just spreading content. Sometimes people leave the church and it's because they hate the loving commandments of Jesus Christ.
@electric336 Год назад
The early church was Orthodox.
@izabeera166 Год назад
Russian, Greek or which one exactly?
@tonyl3762 Год назад
Irenaeus, who was from the East, certainly was not Orthodox. Clement of Rome exercising authority over the eastern Church at Corinth was not Orthodox.
@sillysyriac8925 Год назад
They have the same theology. So you tell me?
@CPATuttle Год назад
Orthodox are Catholics
@izabeera166 Год назад
@@sillysyriac8925 cult is heavily connected to nationality and regional traditions. You won’t be able to participate in mass without knowing the local language. It’s ridiculous when an American person is self describing as a “Greek Orthodox”. For that reason, like in the case of Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch is acting like governmental puppet on service to the regime. Also orthodox churches are fighting between each other and further dividing. There are even some that came back to unity with Catholic Church.
@lcs-salam Год назад
The problem is Catholicism drifted from being catholic just as Orthodoxy drifted from being orthodox and Protestants today drift from the Reformed doctrines and practice. To the Law and the Testimony - the Scriptures.
@punstir1292 Год назад
Nope. The Bible’s canon wasn’t set by a ghost, it was set by the Holy Spirit working thru a hierarchy and the only one is the Roman Catholic Church
@lcs-salam Год назад
@@punstir1292 I don't believe you can argue that by the Bible itself. And even still, if church tradition contradicts the teachings of Scripture, that tradition must be abandoned, not the other way around. This is a problem even beyond canonization of Scripture.
@simonaivancic Год назад
Is there anyone here who isn't protestant, Catholic..but just real KJV believer...indipendent baptist ....they truly have the clearest dispensational theology ..because.doctor matters..and was born as catholic in Croatia, which is 99 % catholic...but maybe 20 % of those today are true christians
@Lz-cy5gx Год назад
I don't get it, what about all the murdering that happened in the name of the catholic church? His seems a rather superficial reason to convert.
@JJ-cw3nf Год назад
Lot of murdering in the hands of Christianity. So should you leave it?
@LP-ln3ot Год назад
Definitely a must read-The Great Controversy shares where the Catholic Church is in Bible prophecy and Gods call for His people to come out of her. Non fiction- especially check out chapters 25 &35.
@JeansiByxan Год назад
Catholic propaganda. Again…
@MadDog7XL Год назад
@CPATuttle Год назад
He sounds honest
@punstir1292 Год назад
What a nice way to skirt the issue and avoid the truth. It was one church not endless splintering sects, The Holy Spirit use the church to give us the Bible the Bible did not birth the church. Hierarchy is a fact and necessity only one church can call councils and end them and there is only one canon of scripture not several, protestant ism at its very nature incentivizes canon and scriptural relativism
@adam7402 Год назад
I get kinda tired of hearing this. The early church was only Catholic if you are listening to Catholics .
@1nviaggio Год назад
This is simply not the case. I've listened to the MANY conversion stories of Protestant theologians and pastors who became Roman Catholic. Virtually all of them credit the writings of the early Church Fathers with leading them to understand that the central belief tenets of the RCC today align with central beliefs of the Early Church.
@PaulDo22 Год назад
There really aren't many options. You are left with either Catholicism or some version of Greek/Russian/Pick Your Ethnicity Orthodoxy and it's clear the latter can't be the case.
@TheBlinkyImp Год назад
@@PaulDo22 Orthodoxy is way more appealing to me at least. I grew up Catholic, left, and then tried to come back for years but couldn't find God there. Nor could I agree with many of the dogmas, you probably already know which ones. Happily non-denominational Protestant now, at a church where I finally encountered God.
@PaulDo22 Год назад
@@TheBlinkyImp I would personally be a terrible human being as a Protestant since they don't have the grace of the Sacraments but whatever gets you closest to God. Better to be on fire for God even as a heretic than to be lukewarm as a Catholic.
@TheBlinkyImp Год назад
@@PaulDo22 I love that spirit of camaraderie. My understanding is the sacraments are supposed to increase your grace, meaning they give God more control over your will, is that right? I am admittedly a bit skeptical, since I partook of the Eucharist for many years without any noticeable effect on my sinfulness. The big change came from willful submission to God - I'd argue from my experience that many Catholics think if they do the sacraments then they're good to go, and don't take that step of complete submission.
@MyMy-tv7fd Год назад
so long as Catholics cannot burn me alive at the stake for heretical wrongthink that is good enough for me, thanks to Napoleon Bonaparte for that contribution to civilisation #waterlooStillCounts #andIDoNotLikeThePope
@lupea8079 Год назад
If anything thing you will probably be burned at the stake for using the wrong pronouns.
@christophersalinas2722 Год назад
Um ok? We do not live in Iran dude. We are not gonna come to your house and beat you to death for being a heretic
@bethanyann1060 Год назад
So long as Anglicans can’t hang, then draw and quarter Catholics while they’re still conscious just for not wanting to submit to the Anglican heresy, then we’re good. It goes both ways buddy.
@dwightschrute900 Год назад
Napoleon Bonaparte died a catholic with last rights in exile. Lol so that backfired on you.
@christophersalinas2722 Год назад
@@bethanyann1060 remember St. Thomas More
@georgechristiansen6785 Год назад
Basically a disappointing strawman argument.
@electric336 Год назад
Please expound.
@georgechristiansen6785 Год назад
@@electric336 You first. Which words don't you understand?
@electric336 Год назад
@@georgechristiansen6785 I'm asking you to explain how his reasoning for turning to Catholicism was a straw man.
@georgechristiansen6785 Год назад
@@electric336 His version of Protestantism in general, and Anglicanism in particular, is a strawman. You cannot claim an idea is wrong without first finding the best version of it. He brought the worst. One could easily do the same with Catholicism.
@electric336 Год назад
@@georgechristiansen6785 Interesting. So in your view, what is the "best" version of Protestantism?
@paulsmallwood1484 Год назад
Steven Ray asked the wrong question. The question he should have asked but sadly didn’t is “was the primitive church which came to be called Catholic to distinguish it from heretical groups in fact the Roman Catholic Church”? The historical evidence answers that question with a resounding no.
@isoldam Год назад
Not true. The historical evidence is a resounding yes that The Catholic Church is the early church.
@kevinmc62 Год назад
Looks like S. Ray left an impression.
@paulsmallwood1484 Год назад
@@kevinmc62 Yes he made an impression alright. A bad one. Ray is a crass propagandist for Rome who knowingly teaches falsehoods regarding church history and Protestantism. It has to be deliberate on his part because no one could be that stupid. He makes a nice living spreading his lies. What is he charging parishes these days for him to show up and talk? I bet it is a nice chunk of change.
@jordand5732 Год назад
I think Steve Ray way oversells the arguments of the Catholic Church. He talks about many of the arguments as being silver bullets/knockout punches but there just aren’t any such arguments that I can tell. I say this with great love for steve and as a catholic. He just oversells the product.
@jeremiahong248 Год назад
@Paul Smallwood. Jesus, has set up a Church headed by Peter to preach the Good News and to teach others what Jesus has taught. This is divine investiture that the Aposltes are His "authorised agents" who can act and teach on His behalf. They had been given the "licence" to preach and teach in John 20:20 when He breathed the Holy Spirit into them. The Apostles were the 1st generation Magisterium of the Catholic Church. The Aposltes and the Christian followers were the Catholic Church. JESUS gave divine backing and assurances to the Catholic Church that Satan will not over come it in Matt 16 :18 I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. Jesus promised to be with the Catholic Church till the end of time in Matt 28:20. Jesus gave the keys of His Kingdom to Peter and the authority to act on His behalf- to.bind and loosen in Matt 16 : 16 -19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. "The keys" are abilities to open and explain the Gospel truths, and commission from Christ to preaching the Gospel first to the Jews, ( Acts 2:1-47 ) and then to the Gentiles, ( Acts 10:1-48 ) ( Acts 15:7 Acts 15:14). There are numerous Christian denominations each proclaiming to be the one true Church. How do we know if which one is really the true church ? The only way is to look back to see what Jesus taught and what the Apostles and early Church believed. The Aposltes and Early Church Fathers were taught by Jesus personally. They travelled with Him, prayed with Him, listened to Him preached and witnessed His miracles. Thus the Apostles knew the correct interpretations of what Jesus taught. In addition, they wrote the New Testament under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and hence knew the what they wrote. The Apostles passed on these teachings and correct interpretation to the Early Church Fathers and their disciples who passed on these teachings and interpretations from one generation to the next. The teachings and dogmas of the Catholic Church after 2000 years is the same as what Jesus taught and what the Apostles upheld since day 1. All of the present Catholic clergy can trace their ordination back to the Apostles. These are the biblical basis of the Catholic Church. All other Protestant denominations are founded by men without any divine authority and are not found in the bible Protestant churches have no lineage, no divine investiture and incorrect interpretations of the bible inconsistent with the interpretations from the Apostles.
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