
How The Last Wish Solves Its Insane Character Equation 

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@mjhtv5397 Год назад
One amazing detail in the Goldilocks cabin scene was when she was reading the "collection of fairytales" book. The first letter in every line on the right page spells out, "You already have it." basically telling her that the family she was yearning for is right in front of her
@ovidiubudeanu Год назад
How did You manage to catch that tiny yet amazing detail? Thanks for pointing it out! Now i wonder how many tiny details like this managed to slip right under our noses. The animators went insane with the level of detail like OMG! I love it.
@TNT-Thin Год назад
I just confirmed it. You're amazing!
@nikkothegoblin Год назад
Just another detail in a highly detailed movie
@tristancourtney5516 Год назад
I literally cannot believe this is true hahaha, I had to go back and check it too. As soon as I saw the movie I went home and bought it on streaming. I’ve watched it 36 times, thought I’d found every detail, and never noticed that. What an absurdly well produced movie
@kjj26k Год назад
That's gotta be the most insane detail I've seen yet in this film... Did y'all know that the bell tolls 8 times during Puss' battle with the Giant?
@dajim1342 Год назад
For me, this movie had 3 kind of antagonists and used them perfectly: The force of nature one; destructive, but with a moral code (Rattlesnake Jake or Predator), the Wolf. The sympathetic one, that could be redeemed (Loki, Zuko or Darth Vader), Goldilocks. And the villanous one, irredimible through and through (Alien, Scar or Palpatine), Jack Horner.
@axlorg89 Год назад
The director occasionally relates the cast to the stereotypical the Good, Bad, and Ugly as well. Puss and co. Being the good, Jack the Bad, and Gold the Ugly as there’s more complexity between the surface level
@kjj26k Год назад
​@@axlorg89 And those groups have a standoff all in a circle* at the end... *well, literally a star not a circle, but you get it.
@MiyaMam948 Год назад
You are so right for that Rattlesnake Jake callback
@g.d.graham2446 Год назад
@aidencordon7884 Год назад
@futureflea3917 Год назад
Jack Horner and Perrito basically perfectly balance out as opposites now that I think about it
@snowfloofcathug Год назад
#MistreatYourKidsSoTheyEndUpKind ~~Trust me it totally works~~
@TNT-Thin Год назад
After rewatching the movie for like... The 3rd time, I figure an interesting parallel (though it's a stretch) is the fact that Perrito and Death are both canine characters advocating the sides of... Life? Perrito being the optimistic and positive advocate while Death takes a more hands-on grim reminder approach.
@zljmbo Год назад
@@TNT-Thin well Perrito has only one life and doing his best, while the Wolf is final death that comes for us all and he want other to appreciate life, while also isn't cat person, plus Puss annoyed him personally so he come off a bit more violent
@hariman7727 Год назад
@@snowfloofcathug discipline and reward and support all must be balanced. You have to make sure that your kids understand that they are not the center of the universe, and that they will have to earn what they get in life via hard work and effort. But you also have to give the children support and love in enough measure that they have self-respect and aren't beaten down or traumatized. I have personally experienced absentee neglectful parenting and overly emotional lovey "you'll always be my baby!" Lack of discipline, and I have friends who experienced the other side of the abuse coin of overly harsh parenting. Both are their own little slice of hell. That's why balance in parenting is so necessary.
@g.d.graham2446 Год назад
@momsaccount4033 Год назад
I love Jack Horner’s final one liner of the film. He knows he has done terrible stuff to people, he’s just asking which specific bad thing was cashed in for his demise. Very simple character, yet he was used very effectively
@Hexagonaldonut Год назад
My favorite part is there's *just enough* time between him saying "what did I do to deserve this?" and "I mean what SPECIFICALLY?" for the viewer to potentially make their own snide remark on the matter.
@momsaccount4033 Год назад
@@Hexagonaldonut I didn't think about that. That is perfect
@DoomguyIsGrinningAtYou. Год назад
He flicked his consciousness off his shoulder. That's what done him in, in the end.
@tytoalba6573 Год назад
@@Hexagonaldonut He was never satisfied. Always wanted more and more
@VanNessy97 Год назад
​@@DoomguyIsGrinningAtYou. His conscience?
@writerlairchannel2636 Год назад
To be honest I was surprised that I as a viewer and a writer can keep up with 4 characters (3 villain groups and main characters group) in the story without causing confusing mess in the head, this is the achievement that I can respect, as my work focuses on one main character and his internal conflict (usually) (I know what I can and what I can't do being a writer for 4 years)
@SirEvilestDeath Год назад
🤣 Try a show like Baccano where you have 20 main characters and a disjointed but completely connected story that brings them all together on top of side characters and more. Something like One Pieces list of primary characters that are easy to remember would melt your sorry little brain. It’s impressive how well this story was told, it having a large cast has been done before at far larger scales and even in just the short film length of a narrative that is easy to comprehend that are using those characters to balance out the primary character or casts personalities or struggles. Foils for days.
@writerlairchannel2636 Год назад
​​​​@@SirEvilestDeath I don't think you understand what I meant: my personal preference is writting one character (main character) and his internal conflict in the world that expands on that theme and then write other characters or something else if I need it, I enjoy stories with huge amount of characters like Naruto or Walking Dead and it was especially masterful how they put 4 characters groups in the two hour movie so perfectly. I said that writing the main character with internal conflict is what I am professional at, that doesn't mean I doesn't like stories with more characters, you can't understand it fully without being a writer yourself
@buttchicken22 Год назад
@@SirEvilestDeath nobody's saying stories with larger casts haven't been done before. The point is Proportionally, this movie does a good job of balancing it's character arcs. I don't see why you feel the need to insult a guy who just enjoyed the same thing as you lmao. Additionally, a show has the time to develop more characters so of course it has the ability to have a cast of 20+ with character arcs
@writerlairchannel2636 Год назад
​​@@buttchicken22 yes, thanks for your help (he really gone too far with "little brain" words that he used for no reason), he wouldn't read mine or your reply anyway as it looks like after 3 hours without an answer but thanks
@greanbeen2816 Год назад
@@writerlairchannel2636 Plus he is comparing a show over 100s of hours to a movie with a tiny fraction of that. Within the runtime of the last wish, it would be very very difficult to write in all the characters from one piece so smoothly. He seems not to have understood whatsoever.
@kyubi78 Год назад
I'd like to add the nuance that Goldie started out wanting to team up with both Puss and Kitty. She became an antagonist because they wanted it for themselves and if not for their internal conflicts they very well could have been a team from the start.
@Hexagonaldonut Год назад
This is also an excellent point! Really, their being enemies is purely a matter of circumstance. They want the same thing, but their opposition to each other *isn't personal.*
@alexisreve1 Год назад
Exactly. For that matter, Goldie is as much as a villain as Puss is.
@Al.j.Vasquez Год назад
Hey, another detail that you didn't mention. The villains are something like counterparts. Puss is a daredevil, Wolf is Death Kitty knew she wanted Puss to be family but she knew it would take a miracle for Puss to settle down, Goldilocks wanted a family when she already had one. Perrito was good despite of having every reason not to be good, while Jack was bad and evil beyond reason. Imo, these 2 are perfect polar opposites.
@SuperMaster000X Год назад
And Jack said he had loving parents, and money. But still an asshole haha
@cutiepie120048 9 месяцев назад
Oh, nice 😯✨
@nielsjensen4185 6 месяцев назад
Goldilocks and Jack are the narrative opposites as they both start out with the same abstract desire, "I want to use magic to get what I want and I'm okay with using other people to get it." Then during the journey, the paths of the two diverge as Goldilocks learns to realise that she always has what she wants and is just too blind to see it. Meanwhile, Jack continues down his destructive path. That's the reason when they rip the map she's the one who initiates it by giving an affirmative nod. She's learned to that she has no need of magic to get what she wants, she just needs to open her eyes.
@LaneMaxfield Год назад
The Wolf also ended up being an example of one of my favorite character archetypes. (spoiler below) Death archetypes in Western media are often just life-hating monsters, which is boring. I think it is much more interesting to see the Deaths who have a secret love for life: the Death from Sandman, Death from Discworld, and the Death who narrates The Book Thief are all among my favorite characters. The Wolf struck me as brilliant because of the way he played with these two interpretations of death. When he needed to be a scary force of nature, driving Puss on his quest, he seemed to just be the death-as-a-monster variation. But as Puss's quest drove him deeper and deeper into self-awareness, we also got clues that Death's real motivation was anger at the arrogant way Puss had wasted his previous eight lives. This set us up to be satisfied when Death walked away from their final duel. He was gradually revealed to be the life-affirming interpretation of death - the one who wants people to use their lives to fully self-actualize, and is content to take them in the course of their natural lives, so long as they bother to appreciate the finite gift that they have. In a way, The Wolf was not an archetype, but a sort of mentor figure all along, secretly rooting for Puss to learn his lesson.
@alexrox0008 Год назад
This is so dope
@GB-6705 Год назад
Well put! I hate when the Death characters in stories are the scary bad guys. I was so happy, that especially in a movie aimed at children, Death wasn't a beast in the end. Kids shouldn't be conditioned to fear Death so the turn around at the finale was beautiful to me.
@Stolanis Год назад
Reminds me very much of the monster in A Monster Calls. At first it seems as though its only purpose is to torment the protagonist when he's already going through significant pain, but it soon becomes apparent that the monster only looks angry and scary when the protag is trying to run away from or ignore how he's really feeling. I would absolutely recommend this film, although I will warn you it's VERY heavy.
@earnestbrown6524 Год назад
The Legend of Vox Machina S2 E11 had a good speech by the Matron of Ravens about Death.
@lidla2008 Год назад
If you haven't seen Meet Joe Black, do so.
@matsh5633 Год назад
9:56 - So the writers literally enlarged Jack in the climax to balance the equation, since by the end, there is no more antagonistic force but him, and he has no more minions left. I love how you enlarged his portrait for emphasis, very smart of you.
@abadyr_ Год назад
The Wolf's goal is not exactly to kill Puss. It's to punish him for not valuing his lives. That's why he haunt him as he does rather than killing him swiftly. PS: also, Big Jack Horner's quest for unlimited power is not quite for the sake of power itself. It's an overreaction to his perceived humiliation for lack of power in his youth, when he was outdone by Pinocchio because he had magical powers, while Jack was inconsequential, like his song was (it's about a boy eating pies). That's why he wants to be "Big" Jack Horner with all the power, because he is ashamed of "little" Jack Horner with no power. It's still the most simple and "pure" motivation for power though, I guess.
@hariman7727 Год назад
And Jack focused so much on the perceived slight and wrong in the world that he took it out on everybody else and failed to understand that he had everything already. And yet Perrito, who had nothing, sees everything as a joy, and just being able to have someone to talk to and pal around with is all he wants or needs.
@Hexagonaldonut Год назад
Honestly, I think his motivation mostly exists to accentuate how flat he *actually is* as a character. They explicitly call attention to the fact that this asshole by all accounts had everything he could ever want, but he's so god damn petty that even *one* perceived slight was enough for him to start murdering. It's like OG Maleficent on pie-flavored steroids. Works pretty well, honestly.
@yuin3320 Год назад
​​@@Hexagonaldonut Agreed. As much as I love and even outright _prefer_ understandable and sympathetic villains, Jack Horner works perfectly as just a pure evil, inhuman bastard down to the core. No real meaning at the core of it, no way to interpret him as a victim of anything, he just sucks THAT much as a person. And they handled it so perfectly, I can't see it being improved with anything "deeper" to him.
@Hexagonaldonut Год назад
@@yuin3320 Exactly! He just works super well, especially as a contrast to the other two antagonists. Plus, the movie just wouldn't be as funny if he was some sympathetic villain type. Jack's antics are a big contributor to the movie's comedy.
@Taygon45 Год назад
The wolf did want to kill Puss. But he wanted Puss to know _why_ he wanted to kill him. That he didn't value his lives, the many lives that others would kill for, that went against his nature as death. What he grumbles in Spanish is "Why did I have to play with my food!" He's pissed that Puss matured out of the narcissistic legend and now respected his life, and him, Death.
@YumesukeSutashika Год назад
Great video. I think another part of the equation is that Death is an antagonist for Puss's internal conflict while the others are antagonists for his external conflict. Like you said, he doesn't care about the wish, he just cares about Puss's internal struggle and development. Once Puss grows internally, Death leaves.
@hariman7727 Год назад
On top of that, all the other characters except Jack horner have internal conflicts to work out. Perrito is the only one that doesn't have an internal conflict, but his external conflict is making friends and finding a place to be.
@ZotharReborn Год назад
The more I see breakdowns and deep dives of this movie, the more I'm blown away by just how well-written this movie was. And considering it's a sequel to a spinoff movie about a side-character from a sequel, it really has no right being as good as it is. It's also a bit daunting looking at that, and then trying to look at my own writing and figure out if I'm anywhere close to the level of storytelling we see professionally. Thank you so much for the further insight!
@hariman7727 Год назад
Puss in Boots panic attack is also extremely realistically depicted, and gave me a bit of anxiety watching it.
@hawkticus_history_corner Год назад
Well if it makes you feel better, one of the reasons this movie is getting so much attention is because it has virtually no competition. Now, its a genuinely great movie that is put together in such a way as to earn the title "professional", what I mean is its stands as such a towering success because everything else that came out near it is a 7/10 at best, and most of the things we've been getting the past several years have been closer to a 5/10. Puss in Boots 2 is a 10/10 movie that deserves that score. So don't feel bad that you can't match it, but feel good that you'll probably clobber its competition.
@carterf3585 Год назад
Just remember that the only way to learn and grow is to try. Start by writing simple, compelling stories and then as you gain experience, you'll get a sense of how to make those stories more elaborate
@sooyster4033 Год назад
"A sequel to a spinoff movie about a side-character from a sequel." That's an awesome way to sum it up.
@nataliaborys1554 Год назад
I am still impressed by how this movie manages to juggle three groups of antagonists with different goals, three main characters who have conflict between eachother, a magically hostile environment - and do it in such a way that the audience can follow without much issue
@ZandoFox Год назад
it's a perfect script imo.
@memecliparchives2254 11 месяцев назад
They more like have one similar goal (the Wishing Star) just different means of using it to gain another one. That's why almost every main character's journey and their companions (well except Perrito and Death) is exhilarating from their perspective because it was truly a race to a goal that is beyond its nature. And in the end, they developed and undergone personal growth in ways far more than they expected from the goal(well except Jack Horner).
@altermann1991 Год назад
Yeah Jack was certainly necessary for the plot to work. Puss has to face the Wolf while still having the option to try and use the wish as an escape, but then there also needs to be a reason to destroy the wish in the first place, which is why we got a small final fight with Jack after the Wolf.
@hariman7727 Год назад
The movie sets up multiple conflicts between the different groups as the movie goes on, and wraps each of them up in turn in the end. Also yes, having a fight where puss-in-boots can utilize his newfound courage and love of life was it necessary plot device to fully show how much he grown after beating his fear of death and learning to appreciate life.
@nykole1963 Год назад
I'd like to make a correction. Puss was fearless in the face of death before meeting Death because he had more than one life and thought he could afford to be reckless. At the end of the movie, he was brave in the face of Death, because he'd felt that fear and was then facing it.
@austincarlson9270 Год назад
Death was making game out of killing puss. He enjoyed torturing puss but it was no longer satisfying once he valued that life
@Hexagonaldonut Год назад
Effectively having the extra lives *insulated* Puss against that fear of death. He doesn't need to be afraid of death if there's no risk of it coming to claim him.
@Strobeliite Год назад
not really a correction, more like a different interpretation, tomato potato i guess
@diegoreckholder945 Год назад
i was trying to understand the balance of so many characters a few days ago. Of course I didn't thinking it this complex, but i said: - Perrito balances Jack - Kitty balances Goldi and the Bears - The Wolf balances Puss This was a much better explanation, and thanks for that! It makes me appreciate the writing of the film a lot more!
@tubby1833 Год назад
2:42 The Jack Horner and Perrito portraits caught me off guard.
@Tax_Collector01 Год назад
Bald Jack Horner is cursed.
@humantwister9209 Год назад
Took me a bit to notice that he's bald
@the.one.who.knocks9812 11 месяцев назад
@@Tax_Collector01 idk man I think he's a bit sexy 😍😍
@fluffcake Год назад
The way it implements the three ways of Man’s personal struggles, (Nature, Self, and Man) is so GOOD and as a literature student fills me with so much joy, god I love this film.
@eaglest0554 Год назад
I feel like the best about the Goldilocks subplot is that she is the "hero of their own story" antagonist, but she's also at the same time her own antagonist. Her whole conflict is started by her own idea of "I'm a person, they're bears. I should get my own family and get out of their hair so we can both have our just right.", and her happily ever after is only possible because momma bear pointing out how much they love her lets her realize that it was already just right for both of them all along.
@MorningDusk7734 Год назад
It's fascinating when you mentioned that there are three antagonists to mirror the three protagonists, because they line up so well. Puss fears Death yet doesn't respect him, so Death comes for him without respecting the fact that Puss hasn't died yet. Kitty is desperate for someone to trust and feels like she can't match Puss' true love of himself, meanwhile Jack Horner is surrounded by people willing to die for him and he is more than happy to let them while feeling unashamedly superior to everyone else. Perrito has nothing yet wishes for nothing, meanwhile Goldie wishes for something she already has.
@dissection39 Год назад
Most of the videos I watch on this movie revolve around the Wolf, it's refreshing to see this video's focus on the whole cast's involvement to the overarching plot and themes throughout.
@captainstroon1555 Год назад
Death and Jack Horner are perfect to explain the difference between story and plot. Death is a pure story villain. His actions and intentions directly center around Puss as a character. He embodies Puss's internal conflict as an external force. Jack on the other hand is a pure plot villain. His actions and intentions all center around a plotpoint, the wish. He would have gone for the star anyway and opposes Puss only because Puss also wants the wish. He also drives the plot forward by giving Puss an effective deadline to reach his goal.
@gregjayonnaise8314 Год назад
Also, in a way, all of the villains reflect a flaw in Puss’s character that he later develops out of. Death; it’s obvious, Death forces Puss to confront his fear of mortality, and to not take life for granted, and to appreciate those close to him. Goldi: Puss and Goldi both want something that is not as positive as they’d like to believe it is; Puss wants to reclaim his glory days, and Goldi wants a “proper” family. Both realize that what they want, they had alongside them all along (Goldi had a family with the bears, and Puss has everything he needs to make his life count already). Jack: Jack is kind of the anti-Puss, as a rich, animal-hating human while Puss is a vigilante talking cat, but they are more alike than they seem. Both begin with a disregard for life (Puss for his own life, and Jack for the lives of others). The difference is that Puss grows out of this flaw, and in doing so escapes Death. Jack never grows out of this, and it ends up killing him. Also, the villains can be defined by how they treat Perrito. Goldi and the bears never hurt him, even when they steal him, and they get along well after getting to know him, showing that they aren’t bad people. Death never speaks to Perrito directly, but he does push him out of the crossfire in his final fight with Puss, showing that while he’s adamant about killing Puss, he doesn’t want to harm anyone innocent in the process. And Jack carries Perrito by the scruff of the neck (which is seen as the wrong way to hold a dog) and tries to shoot him in between the eyes, showing how he’s a true monster.
@taleseylad1249 Год назад
Puss ends up escaping death temporarily. . . At some point death will collect puss' soul
@reptilerandykrusha6426 Год назад
Correction: A true, *irredeemable* monster. A wise -magic locus- cricket once said.
@DoomguyIsGrinningAtYou. Год назад
"Yo... you not gonna shoot a puppy are you jack?" "Yes. In the face. Why?" God I love that exchange.
@coralmaynard4876 Год назад
I actually gave the characters a lot of thought last night, there's another reason they work so well - each character is a representation of Puss in one way or another. Death is his fear. Jack Horner is his ego, while the cricket is the little voice that stops his ego from making him hurt others for no reason. Kitty is his distrust in others. Goldilocks is his failure to see what's right in front of him. The bears are his desire for things to be simple and just... how they are. Purito is his desire for friends.
@kurosan0079 Год назад
It's really cool that they can have so many characters in one movie, yet not make it feel overcrowded.
@Nyyre Год назад
Can’t believe how value-packed this entire channel is. I have started taking notes on your videos for future reference. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the writers of the world! You’re the best teacher I never had!
@OmnipotentSpud Год назад
As a huge Disney/Pixar junkie I've been clamoring for a great new villain since my 1st son was born. I was certainly not expecting DreamWorks to deliver the goods first, but here we are, and I love it. Not to mention, they essentially gave me 2 top-tier villains.
@blackprism5381 Год назад
By maintaining all the characters quality, being consistent of the character traits, and also make sure the screen time is divided for each character and also try to make it an impactful scene at the same time with these characters by having dialogue that actually makes sense it doesn’t feel out of place or out of character and makes the character more consistent and grounded to the point that you feel for them, and that you feel for her motivations and what they’re trying to accomplish at the end plus little comedic moments sprinkled between the moment with our characters in the movie, therefore making all characters have a meaning to the story and playing important role make an all characters valuable to the point that any scenes with our characters, don’t feel dragged therefore, that’s why everybody cared for every character in their best moments. That’s why I put some boots is a 10 out of 10 movie. Sorry, I was caught in the moment typing this
@hariman7727 Год назад
"this is an Antonio Banderas vanity project, right?!" "Didn't Antonio Banderas have a massive heart attack in 2017?" Wait...
@shadeblackwolf1508 Год назад
I think it works really well cause (almost) everyone has the same goal, allowing them to bounce off of each other naturally. They're all very different too, which help highlight different topics surrounding a shared core theme. The core theme here is appreciating the value of what you already have. Then the story has an avatar of the thesis in Perrito, and the antithesis in Jack. Death is the protagonist's motivator. Kitty and Goldy are such a fun balance.
@xqt6339 Год назад
I never saw the first PiB nor The Last Wish, but I will say that it looks like it deserves all of the praises it is getting as a movie
@mythicaldragon4354 Год назад
It is a great movie, definitely one of the greatest in DreamWorks's catalogue. I find it quite unbelievable that a sequel of a spin-off of a side character that got introduced in a Shrek sequel can be this good. I can't really complain about the movie without being nitpicky.
@oqo3310 Год назад
It's a perfect 10/10
@Draco-9158 Год назад
Don't watch the first one. It's complete garbage. Which is part of why everyone going into the movie before it became huge had no expectations. Why expect a sequel to a bad spin-off of a side character to be good considering a lot of the movies by the same studio recently haven't been good
@astralaurora4165 Год назад
@@Draco-9158 The first one wasn’t that bad, and I know many would agree with me. It just wasn’t spectacular.
@papagaiofilmes6642 Год назад
Fr it literally got a better rating than avatar 2 in rotten tomatoes
@frankunodostres473 Год назад
I've seen 2 movies in theaters this year and both had 2 rather specific thing in common that I appreciate a lot. 1. balancing numerous subplots and characters within one coherent story. puss in boots has the protagonist and his friends, 2 different groups of antagonists and 1 "final boss". some of them get more screentime than others but all the characters are fleshed out just enough to not feel underused. they made some absolutely brilliant choices. same applies to avatar 2. you have the main family and the group of villains. but then almost every family member branches out to have their own little adventure and arc. incredibly well balanced imo. if we dissect it, we get a bit of backstory on the dog in PIB and the blue family's youngest daughter has no arc because she is a little kid. but that's fine because we get just enough to care about them as part of a family/group/team/whatever. this balance is what many stories fail at. and 2. one of my favourite tropes. the "human character is shown real humanity by non-human characters". the moment where goldi is confronted with her own beliefs and realizes these wild bears showed her what family actually means. for me the emotional high point of the movie. they made me care about what would've been throwaway villains in most kids movies. and in avatar we have the whales that are simply more noble, compassionate and "human" in every way than all the speaking characters in the movie. good stuff.
@lilithofthevoid4922 Год назад
Your analyses are always such a nice time. Always makes me understand and appreciate the movie better. And bald Jack is something I both wish I knew I needed to see and also something I want to unsee
@Trashgriffin Год назад
I could listen to you for hours, there's something captivating to me in someone knowing the intricacies of storywriting in such deep detail. I think I'm too ADHD to ever write a story myself but it's people like you that still give me the opportunity to find joy in dissecting stories and learning to understand the many different ways one can write a great story, with meaning and impact. It helps me understand why I personally liked or disliked a story, and there's just something that tickles my brain just the right way when there's fictional characters that are actually relatable to human experiences - and then understanding what makes them that way. Very enjoyable, thanks for making this!
@olamideakinola7297 Год назад
The film definitely deserves to win this year’s Oscar.
@hariman7727 Год назад
You said it better than I could. And honestly it's how tight the script is that lets the movie do this. There is not a wasted scene in the entire movie.
@Brandon-ew9xx Год назад
dude, your narrating voice is amazing. I could listen to you all day.
@Sandra-hc4vo Год назад
one thing i was wondering was whether Kitty went through growth in the movie. or whether it was just Puss who did? and then she benefitted by his self improvement? I mean maybe she learned to be able to trust somewhat again and that was her growth?
@gregjayonnaise8314 Год назад
I think it was her learning to trust other people. She didn’t only change for Puss, but for Perrito; she starts off not believing him for what he is, but once she realizes that Perrito really is as harmless and friendly as he seems, she realizes how she misjudged him. I feel like it’s a lot more subtle than everyone else’s arcs.
@lacyn9082 Год назад
She learns that some people are exactly as good as they appear to be, while others can change for the better. She can also influence them for the better. She also gains a new understanding that those who hurt her may have not meant to (Puss's bad case of cold paws)
@Yesnomu Год назад
This was really cool to see! I especially like how you highlighted a flat character being the right choice when you have a lot of dynamic other characters around. Great work, and it was cool seeing you on camera!
@astralaurora4165 Год назад
Usually films with this big of a cast I’ll find myself only caring for a few characters, but in this film I loved EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER.
@crilleedara Год назад
Very, very good review!! Most classify Death as a villain, but I really liked how you point out how he's not just Not a villain, but the only true antagonist to Puss! Hi-quality stuff, most recommendable
You have verified me in my writing, creating stories, & characters. In my research. Most people in my life are discouraging. Especially when I am working on other people's projects. A lot of people don't take writing seriously & prioritize graphics over writing. But I'm the opposite & have been since I was 10. Gald to know that my 20 years of research & studying of how to make remarkable content wasn't a waste & everything I know is correct. I need to be surrounded by better people..
@512TheWolf512 Год назад
You first need to learn to play by the rules, before breaking them
@kdub3890 Год назад
This was really eye-opening. Everyone knows when they finish a story or walk out of a theater when something just wasn't right about it. It had all the right elements, but still missed the mark somehow, and you can _feel_ it. Your description of the protagonists/antagonists as an equation gives one more vocabulary to begin to dissect why that might be the case. Bravo!
@user-cw4hg3re1d Год назад
woah, i think i've never thought about a story in this way, it's amazing! i wasn't very familiar with this sort of dissection but you made it very clear! it makes a lot of sense and it's way more complex than one would initially think!
@LoxtXDoll Год назад
Every time I watch a video of yours the stories I'm writing evolve. Also this movie was so much more streamlined and well done than I thought. The mapping for the story and characters is so straightforward and well done! Thank you for these vids!
@hendroidLaura 10 месяцев назад
I also love how each of the antagonists have a connection towards one of the protagonists. Puss in Boots is hunted down by Death who hates him personally. Kitty Softpaws used to work for Jack Horner and stole from him. Perrito is taken by Goldi and The Three Bears, and they connect over both being orphans, but Perrito is able to find happiness in his situation while Goldi isn't.
@qgdm6426 Год назад
Knowing about personal character goal, this video will certainly be helpful for future storytelling. Thank you!
@prplhrs Год назад
While I was watching the film for the first time I was amazed by how well all the characters fit into the story. Thank you for putting my feelings into words, great video
@FredwardDrawn Год назад
This is such a lovely video with so many well thought out points that i KNOW I'll come back to just to watch again.... but i kept having to double take at the bald jack horner in the chart 🤭
@story_appreciator6666 Год назад
Your insight in stuff like this blows me away. Great video as always
@axlorg89 Год назад
I really am wow’d by this presentation. I stumbled on this video and it makes me appreciate the movie even more.
@sooyster4033 Год назад
Bro, wonderful analysis, thank you. I've wanted to see an analysis like this and you made everything super clear.
@Galimeer5 Год назад
This 15 minute video on the internet was more useful and insightful than any creative writing class I've ever taken
@borntoclimb7116 Год назад
So many persons and no one is boring, this movie is stunning
@DajhiraJo Год назад
Dude, I love your videos. Thank you for clearly explaining and getting straight to the point.
@jadenkapla2560 Год назад
This is one of the best video's I've ever watched. Great analysis!
@carnamate Год назад
more of this! please! - - great insights i literally haven't stopped thinking about since i watched the video yesterday, my mind keeps referencing this video in attempts to improve my story. CANNot thank you enough, feels like i'm twice as good at writing now! So thank you! and more of things like this!
@justjesssss1026 Год назад
Far and away, this is my favorite video of yours. Great insight!
@ZancralthePariah Год назад
I have recently stumbled upon your channel and just wanted to say that I am thoroughly enjoying your content and analysis. I don't have to hope, because I know you will continue to blow us away with future videos.
@savagebooks7482 9 месяцев назад
This is a late response - but thank you so much for the support!
@jaggedjottings Год назад
Great analysis. Slightly unrelated, but I've seen some people misinterpret Puss rejecting the wish as a depressing analogy for accepting a terminal illness. However, I prefer to think of it as a superhero losing his superpower, and then realizing he never needed it in the first place.
@Benry87 Год назад
Phenomenal breakdown. Your videos always inform and entertain!
@Jacksontruman92 Год назад
This is a very well thought out explanation of the balance this story has with its characters. You earn a sub good sir!
@bumbleguppy Год назад
I could argue that Perrito had some conflict and character growth as well, though it is taken for granted. He starts in a situation where he is friendless and impoverished but surviving and relatively safe. He meets Puss and confesses his dream of being a therapy dog to the discomfort of Puss, naturally. What is so often taken for granted with personalities like Perrito is that his devotion was a matter of choice and opportunity, over and over, not a given. His goal was thwarted by his lack of opportunity and then through his choices to devote his friendship to Puss, he realized his dream and really was a therapy dog in the end. It's the hidden conflict in a personality like that that is virtually invisible. He could have stayed in his situation, or saved himself on numerous occasions...devotion isn't a guarantee, but a new choice in every moment to cleave to one's dream or abandon it, free will is the antagonist. BTW, this has been my favorite YT vid about this film I have seen. Thank you.
@jackdccole Год назад
Love this video. Love learning about internal and external conflicts. Would love to hear more of your thoughts how to execute them.
@ThePageTurnerPT Год назад
As a person who has always been good at math, this is a PHENOMENAL analogy!
Very interesting deep dive. I'm super glad yt recommend your video! That background picture is top shelf 👌
@moanamayer Год назад
A voice smooth as butter, intelligent and analytical and now you're telling me he is handsome as well? He has won the gene lottery for sure.
@jerryrohr5096 Год назад
What, Mr Savage. First, that voice! Omg! Great instrument. Second, terrific breakdown. I become a bit obsessed with The Last Wish. Your commentary is excellent. Thank you.
@Logan-tinyplanetss Год назад
this is broken down so well, thank you!! absolutely fascinating :)
@catprog Год назад
The Wolf and Perrito also kind of got their wish as wekk despite not going for the Wish. Wolf wanted respect from Puss. Perrito wanted companionship
@Shammrye Год назад
I always love your insightful takes and wish I had money to hire you
@k_slyons7346 Год назад
This is a really cool take on the characters!
@ZandoFox Год назад
It's crazy to me that I keep seeing people saying "Death isn't a villain! He's just doing his job!" when his only goal in the movie is to murder Puss because he has a grudge against him. Meanwhile they say the Three Bears crime family are villains. They're set up almost immediately, and explicitly, as rivals. They're criminals & antiheroes, but so is Puss!
One awesome video and two watching this actually made me realize something about Perito and Jack Perito was treated with nothing but abuse practically his whole life and yet he chooses to be kind and compassionate and tries his hardest to help bring joy to those around him Jack on the other hand from what we’re told was treated with love and compassion by his parents and was given success on a SilverPlatter yet he chooses to act with nothing but cruelty This of makes Jack and Perito a two sides of the same coin scenario which is interesting
@parkerking6410 Год назад
Thanks for giving me a better understanding why Puss and the Last wish is truly a work of art.
@ECRWriter Год назад
I viewed Jack Horner as a perfect foil to Puss suffering from essentially the same basic problem. Like the Wolf says, Puss didn't value any of his lives. And like the Conscience Cricket says, Jack Horner doesn't appreciate the value of a life. They both just kept throwing lives away. But Perrito knew how to be in the moment and appreciate his life, and make the most out of the one he has. All of the characters needed to learn to appreciate what they had, especially the people around them (Goldilocks with the bears, Puss with Kitty).
@driedjello Год назад
Great analysis, I learned from it. Thanks!
@joshuacarter4611 Год назад
I love your channel man
@luisreynamboarcos2958 Год назад
A) Its brillian how well this movie balances so many characters in such a way that all of them are complex and tridimentional characters, and the ones that aren't, are in stead so charming and charismatic that you don't even notice they are flat. That's true top tier writing. B) Has anybody told you how handsome you are? Really, I wish I was half as handsome as you.
@rustkarl Год назад
Metaphorically speaking, Death got what he came for. He came for an arrogant self-assured legend who took his life (lives) for granted. It can be said that man (cat) died when Puss found himself, his resolve to cherish life and at least some humility. Like another comment said, I have a fondness for the characterisation of Death as one that values life.
@Joeythedungeonmaster Год назад
That is a good breakdown of this topic, like the video!
@kevind3974 Год назад
What I love about the villains is that they also vary in difficulty massively Goldilocks. If it wasn’t for the star they would probably be friends. She’s good enough to hold up but not strong enough to dominate or even lead the race Jack. an op megalomaniac who’s only in it for himself. Plus to be honest probably could have done it himself but doesn’t want to just because. And then you have death whos a frikn agragor. Theirs op and then theirs being an agragor which is a “go fuck yourselves” level of power. You don’t beat agragors as their reality. This death was no basic reaper or jailer like we get in the standard western media. this death is much much more powerful as an agragor just is. Plus what makes it even better in his case was that he was playing with his food the whole time. He put no effort into it. Yet he still lost only because he alowed puss to beat him.
@Telcontar86 Год назад
The way he _casually_ passed through the Wishing Star's barrier is one of the biggest flexes I've seen in a movie recently. He did also reap an arrogant legend at the end of the film, it just wasn't Puss lol
@jenniferariesta6464 Год назад
this is a Masterclass-level study of a great film!
@izabelamisiak Год назад
I love the idea of seeing stories/narratives as equations, never looked at it that way - thanks for the food for thought!
@lafregaste Год назад
As always an amazing video, it made me see the movie in a different light
@zerjiozerjio Год назад
Love the organization of your analysis. Very clear way to show us why the film works structurally. Also, been following you for years, has no idea you were such a looker! 😻 (totally irrelevant, but was struck by it. lol)
@krummakiza Год назад
Excellent analysis / breakdown, thank you :) This movie really is the gift that keeps on giving
@jwr6796 Год назад
Shout out to Zelda and Chill, which I've been hearing in the background of every Savage books video I remember hearing music in.
@TOUGHEYES Год назад
Subscribed. Excellent video essay.
@Thorax420 Год назад
i learned a lot from this video thank you for the thoughtful analisys :D
@h0ll0w0ne Год назад
I think Perrito is what balances out death. Though it's never stated in such a fashion, it seems clear to me that Death and Perrito balance each other out in the internal conflict for Pusses soul. Even though Perrito never consciously goes on an "quest" for it, it is his "narrative quest" so to speak. Perrito wants a happy and healthy Puss, Death wants a fearful and dead Puss. In that sense, Death is Perrito's antagonist more than Pusses. He's Pusses consequence, sure, but Perrito's antagonist.
@captaincrowfish6042 Год назад
Very good analysis video!!!
@figlet6427 Год назад
Great video, definitely made me look at my own writing differently!!
@kelmirosue3251 Год назад
You're the first person who's into literature that said story writing is more like an equation. Which as a DM for D&D, is a very interesting way to think of story writing. Thank you as I'll take that knowledge and try to use it!
@barnabusdoyle4930 Год назад
Death was never trying to actually kill Puss, he could have done that dozens of times in the movie. Death was trying to make Puss take his final life seriously and make the most of what he had instead of constantly squandering it away. I look forward to seeing the wolf again In Shrek 5
@jordand8371 Год назад
Great video!
@steampocalypse2429 7 месяцев назад
Most of your points regarding Jack Horner are very good, however I will say, that while he’s a static character he does have a reason for his actions beyond just gaining power; since he had no magic growing up, he’s jealous and wants it for himself. Not necessarily because of being able to rule the world with it, but an ‘If I can’t have it, then no one can’ motive. (I’m sure you know that and just didn’t mention it, but worth adding that even with a reason, he can still fulfill this flat character role while being a more fun and unique antagonist.)
@TheQuietTyper Год назад
One thing I thought when you were mentioning it being an equation, was that Death/TheWolf's opposite was Perrito because neither of them want the wish. Both of them are static characters, and while they have goals, their ability to achieve their goals is reliant of the actions of Puss. Their main difference is that they are on whether Puss can find his happiness and confidence. Perrito pushes Puss to make up with Kitty, and helps Goldie realize that she has the family she wanted. Perrito's path when he held the map were things that encouraged people to treasure the moment (eg. stopping to smell the flowers). While Death only interacted with Puss, he seemed to make Puss focus on either the mistakes of the past or the terror of the future.
@ryanakers1372 9 месяцев назад
I think you missed Perrito's vital role in the story. He is another static character done well because he is both a parallel and antithesis to Jack. Jack treats his people as disposable in his selfish pursuit of the wish, while Perrito selflessly cares for everyone he meets and has zero interest in the wish. These two static characters remain at opposite ends of the spectrum throughout the story while the rest of the characters start somewhere in the middle and gradually move towards Perrito's side. In the end Perrito is surrounded by his new friends and family, while Jack dies alone, further reinforcing the themes of the story.
@hiftu Год назад
I saw Wolf as the manifestation of Puss' internal struggle. He helps Puss to finally accept to live a fulfilling last life.
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