
I’ll Stop Reacting When You REPENT Of This Heresy.  

Onorato Diamante
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Does Matthew 25 contradict salvation by faith alone? I pray this video provides clarity and dispels confusion about this passage. God bless! - OD
HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN: • The Bible Way To Heaven
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29 сен 2024




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@OnoDiamante 23 дня назад
The Bible Way To Heaven: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-yvOzb8_ou_s.html
@HiItsme-zu1yz 23 дня назад
I'm prob not your typical viewer. E.g., I believe the gifts are for today and God still uses people by the Holy Spirit to exhibit them unto His glory. I was actually pleasantly surprised to see you didn't just bash Saldivar here, though whilst disagreeing. I don't watch much Isaiah Saldivar, only seen a few videos, btw. But one critique, the thumbnail/title kinda comes off as schoolyard childish sounding, like "I know you are but what am I?" Other than that, this was all respectfully done, though I may disagree with you here (and also Saldivar on this issue), I appreciate your candor.
@Savedlight 15 дней назад
@@OnoDiamante This was someone else making a video about him. I watched this Guy for a long time what’s your thoughts on this ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Mj5V6yiFQyo.htmlsi=-SIFJmrXugjG2a42
@dansmith9724 26 дней назад
We all fall short, that's why I need Jesus.
@newbeginnings5610 24 дня назад
Amen brother 🙌🏽
@amnobody117 24 дня назад
And that's why we need to obey Jesus too. It's a lifestyle
@newbeginnings5610 24 дня назад
@@amnobody117 It really is. Today is a hard day. I wish we knew people who know and love the Lord Yeshua they claim to know. I am in a broken place. 💔
@dansmith9724 24 дня назад
John 6:28 Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” 29 Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” John 6:40 For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”
@blackforestdouche6285 23 дня назад
​@@dansmith9724 Yeah, but we also have a responsability to fellow Jesus Christ and to maintain a solid relationship with God (also) not to become lukewarm ! "If you want to follow me, deny yourself, pick up your cross daily, and follow me." (Luke 9:23) Our name is written in the Book Of Life, and it's our responsability that it stays written there ! It's not about works, but it's about a good/healthy relationship with God which produces fruit and righteous works ! God bless you 🕊🕊🕊
@Jxs1ah 26 дней назад
"Fear mongering ministries". Last time I checked Christians go to heaven and it's sealed, Romans 8:1.
@heatherakins814 25 дней назад
Right ♥ praise Jesus !!
@JosePineda-et6uq 24 дня назад
False teaching
@Theveganshift77 24 дня назад
​@@GeoffBaxter-c7nso you think parts of the Bible are false? The Word of God from Genesis to Revelation is all truth When you reject parts of the Bible you don't like you are comdemned, lost
@jj19n11 26 дней назад
Found your channel from a comment on a shamounian video. Praise Jesus for that. The simplicity of the gospel is on display here on your channel. We are saved by Jesus Christ alone. Amen.
@chrisgagnon5768 26 дней назад
@@TanielDillman-z1jdo you know what the will of God is?
@777Treeoflife 25 дней назад
​@@chrisgagnon5768To beileve in the Lord Jesus Christ.
@robg_ 13 дней назад
@@777Treeoflife Correct...The work of the Father (not our works of the Law) so simple yet so muddy by so many churches today.
@robg_ 13 дней назад
@@chrisgagnon5768 John 6:29 / 6:40
@jamesrey2940 26 дней назад
cursed ones are the one's trusting in themselves and not trusting Jesus alone with their salvation.
@newbeginnings5610 24 дня назад
Yes sir
@davidmichael1981 26 дней назад
The thing he fails to realize is that this is actually the Sheep And Goats Judgement, and it is preserved for those who survived the Tribulation! Not everyone, everywhere. And if you read all the unbelieving do to the children of God in eschatological theology Bible verses, you could see that. The goats are obviously those who took the mark, not believers who didn't do enough.
@MgtowFreightTrain 26 дней назад
God bless you and your channel!
@xmodplayer2775 23 дня назад
Yes we are saved by grace alone through faith. But the question is, is that faith true, he's only emphasizing that if we truly believe we will also have fruits. This will not save us it will only prove that we believed. God bless us all.
@rubylove9475 24 дня назад
Let me tell you, when I was trying to figure out if we can lose our salvation or not, I could not stand you ( I was on the other side) I would listen to people like Isaiah and others like him.BUT I had no peace I keep looking and looking for answers and explaining to why others believe we cannot and would be upset. TILL one day I was watching a debate (I was very much into debates back then) I came across a debate between James white and Trent horn (can you lose your salvation), and I’m sitting here thinking I guess I’m on the Catholic side (never would have thought) annddd omg it’s was eye opening. James white explain what grace actually was, like no one else has. I was filled with joy ( and in shock) it was very life changing. I no longer live in fear, confusion or anger if someone disagreed…. I showed GRACE. Now I see your videos and couldn’t agree more. I now SEE. The end.
@pigsfood27 26 дней назад
Galatians 3:10 - For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, CURSED is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. Galatians 3:13 - Christ hath redeemed us from the CURSE of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: Matthew 25:41 - Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye CURSED, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: The goats are under the law, the sheep are under grace.
@theomegawerty9688 26 дней назад
They often seem to miss this part: "he who keeps the whole of the law, yet offends in one point, is guilty of ALL" ... Good luck with that
@bennyguardian3225 26 дней назад
​@@theomegawerty9688 Amen.❤
@WWJD799 25 дней назад
AMEN. "Whoever keeps the whole law but stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it." ~ James 2:10
@danilotus6842 26 дней назад
Brother Onorato, Praise King Jesus and All the Glory to Jesus Christ!!! Keep preaching brother!!! All Glory to God Almighty Jesus Christ!! God bless you Onorato!!
@kathleenwharton2139 26 дней назад
“Forgive and you shall be Forgiven.” 😊❤
@alb2941 23 дня назад
We need faith to do good works. Faith is needed to produce good fruit.
@troy5659 26 дней назад
Also, I think the context of Matt 25 is right after the 70th week of Daniel and the sheep are the ones that will enter the 1000 year reign of the Christ.
@lulusanchez483 26 дней назад
James 2:17-26 KJV KJV NIV NLT NKJV ESV Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Amen.
@OnoDiamante 26 дней назад
@anonymous24ification 10 дней назад
The problem is Isaiah does not look at the context of what is being said nor does he go to the original Greek translation when determining what the scripture is saying
@kamss1k 24 дня назад
How we can interpret this passage? John 5:28-29: "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation."
@s981318 24 дня назад
There are multiple resurrections: 20But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 24Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. (1 Corinthians 15) 1. First fruits (Christ & some O.T. saints (cross reference with Matthew 27:51-53)) 2. afterward they that are Christ's at his coming (the Christians who died in Christ during the church age are resurrected at the rapture of the church) 3. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. (the tribulation saints who are faithful unto death will be resurrected (cross reference with Revelation 20:4-6)) These three resurrections are for those who are in Christ, because verse 22 "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." And there is the great white throne judgement: 11And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. 12And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.(Revelation 20) This judgement are the one the Lord Jesus was referring to: " And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works." (Revelation 20:13) v.s. "And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." (John 5:29)
@harpuia101 20 дней назад
"Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have." There are key details in this parable, that reveal more than meets the eye.. namely: 1) The sheep were praised for ministering and doing good.. but they reacted in surprise, asking when they did the things they were praised for. 2) The goats were also surprised, asking when they did NOT do these things. The standard was different between the two groups. For the sheep, anything they did for even the least of these was praised. For the goats, they fell short of THEIR standard. This isnt a story about you doing enough. Its a story that if you seek to enter the kingdom YOUR OWN WAY (ie: your own righteousness), the standard is perfection.. and wherever you fall short will be judged against you.. Goats are willful creatures.. they dont follow the shepherd, they do their own thing. Just because you zealously do what you THINK God wants you to do, doesnt mean it is in fact what God requires. He has ONE demand: To BELIEVE on His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.. whom He sent.
@reallee9385 26 дней назад
Anyone who believes in fruits or works added to the gospel of salvation, doesn't fully believe the real gospel and most likely will be left I the tribulation. They think that the death of jesus is not enough for salvation and haven't believed yet in the true gospel. The true gospel is salvation is only through Jesus ONLY by BELIEVING THAT JESUS DIED FOR ALL SINS.
@winstonsmith2391 26 дней назад
Wonder how many hungry people you need to feed before a goat morphs into a sheep.. if a sheep walks by someone thirsty and is not aware do they turn back into a goat?
@AidenCampos-o8g 14 дней назад
Faith with our works is dead
@OnoDiamante 14 дней назад
@vincentwood7036 24 дня назад
Jesus said "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.". This is impossible, and that is the point. We can not save ourselves or make ourselves righteous, only the death of Jesus Christ can cleanse us, and only through His resurrection do we have Eternal life. Jesus has done for us what we can never do for ourselves; we walk by the Spirit not the flesh, that is, we are saved through faith, not works. My pastor told me of a case that he was involved with: a certain woman had taken her own pastor's lordship salvation teaching to heart and went around trying to live that way. One day they received a call which led them to find the woman lying naked in a field; she had given everything away. Today she is a schizophrenic.
@anonymous24ification 10 дней назад
Whats crazy is he doesn’t understand what being righteous is. We are righteous (justified) by the death of Christ and his resurrection
@Sawday1 24 дня назад
True faith is faithfulness to Christ.😊
@van-michaelgraves1456 24 дня назад
Goats always refer to unbelievers. Sheep is always refer to believers. It was already odd to say that the unbelievers arent the goats but awfyl where he literally was adding onto the gospel. Isaiah is the one who is teaching falsely. Terrible. But God is sovereign and I know Judge of all things. Im afraid for that day for these people. God will be just.
@roottruth3829 26 дней назад
IsaiahSaldivar‬ be like : maybe if you work hard you will be in heaven
@newbeginnings5610 24 дня назад
@newbeginnings5610 24 дня назад
He's not the only one claiming to be a Christian who's like this.
@MichaelMonsanto 24 дня назад
This is basically where Jesus test your heart. In times like this our hearts are being tested. But our jobs are to serve. Jesus came to serve not to be served. (Washes the feet of the disciples for ex) Our good works does not get us into heaven. Only faith alone in the Son Jesus Christ. Do the will of the Father. Believe in Jesus who sacrificed himself for us.
@TheBlubunni 26 дней назад
Matthew 23:4-12 KJV [4] For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. [5] But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, [6] and love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, [7] and greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. [8] But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. [9] And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. [10] Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. [11] But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. [12] And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
@deneverett34 25 дней назад
Dude quotes not of works lest any man should boast but in the same sentence says that people that don't have works will be cast into hellfire. Smh
@christofferhansen1041 25 дней назад
"Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure" (Philippians 2:12-13). Works are part of your salvation, you just need to understand it isn't your works but God's.
@OnoDiamante 25 дней назад
@christofferhansen1041 25 дней назад
@@OnoDiamante so what about Jesus saying every tree with bad fruit will be thrown into fire and the good trees will bear his fruit?
@OnoDiamante 25 дней назад
@@christofferhansen1041 Do you concede that this passage is not saying that works save you?
@christofferhansen1041 24 дня назад
@@OnoDiamante I say that works are part of our salvation. It’s not our own works and it’s not what saves us. But yes it is necessary which the Bible makes very clear
@jayd3078 24 дня назад
That’s good. Gods grace upon all of you trying to divide the church. Really good work. How about going out and making disciples of your own and not break them down.
@austinhernandez8050 20 дней назад
The reason why you have so much uncertainty is because of your unwillingness to face the unknown, so quit trying to fill empty space because it’s not meant to be filled. Courage, face the unknown. Forget about everything you know and embrace the unknown. You will gain wisdom.
@JeffKMayo 23 дня назад
Guys like Isaiah don't scare me. I grew up in one of the strictest sects of oneness Pentecostalism. It was a very performance based doctrine and church. Funny thing is, Isaiah would be totally condemned by them as well as "hardcore" as he is because he doesn't fit their mold. By grace alone through faith alone we are saved. There is only ONE time in the New Testament someone asked the question "What must I do to be saved?" The answer? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved and your household." God graciously made salvation easy. Religion has made it complicated.
@servantofthealmighty77 26 дней назад
Pray for those that are lost, confused & in darkness. Jesus is the way, the TRUTH. It's about being converted! reborn in the spirit. 1 new man from the 2. released from the prison, broken from the yoke.
@AmberMichealsCholeNicole-cj7sy 21 день назад
Keep up the good fight never stop and doing this
@JesusChrististheonlyway777 25 дней назад
A person who has love in their heart is of the lord and we need to obey God's words. There are differences between doing works and obeying God and every one will fail but our God is mercyfull and we are saved by grace through faith.
@mikeha 25 дней назад
the sheep are being rewarded according to their works, and the goats are being judged according to their works as it says Rewards according to their works for the saved: 1 Corinthians 3:14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. Judged according to their works for the lost: Revelation 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. Saldivar has this technique where he fakes being surprised to see what it says and even implies that it could happen to even him. It's a psychological technique to get people off their assurance and into his wicked fasle gospel.
@maxmaximum-sh4bx 25 дней назад
Hey Onorato Diamante, grace and peace to you and your family 🙏🤠 Could you please call out a pastor Andrey Shapovalov (he's a pastor of The Transformation Center Church International, located in WA) he has similar testimony to Isaiah Saldivar's and i think they preach the same heresy.
@user-ie1qh7pk6m 21 день назад
He talks about casting demons out of Christians also😮
@Ilovedarealjesuschrist 24 дня назад
I can already smell the smashed keyboards already
@CA-or9ix 25 дней назад
There are so many sick people he wasn't helping while making that video. He must enjoy the hamster wheel of despair.
@racerx4152 24 дня назад
we as christians are to do works, not to be saved, but because we're saved. jesus said " you will know them by their fruit" mathew 7:15-20. he also said" apart from me you can do nothing"=john 15:5. in view of this is it possible that james 2: 14-26 is not even real scripture? look at what happened at the council of jerusalem in acts 15. james also has a heavy emphasis on the law, which paul condemns. this is why james should never be quoted all by itself. it needs to always be put along side other scripture.
@bennyguardian3225 25 дней назад
God: I will not count your sins anymore. ❤
@sdf32asd 25 дней назад
give me a verse for that
@chrisdiperi8062 24 дня назад
Both you and Isaiah are correct. I believe the orthodox church views this as a paradox and really nothing to debate over. To debate over this implies that there's some kind of contradiction in the bible. There's not. Jesus says what he says and Paul says what he says And peter and john and james say what they say and so on. If you have true faith In Jesus Christ for your salvation you will receive the Holy Spirit which will produce good works through you if you allow him. You show your faith by your works. Good works are a product of true faith in Jesus Christ. We don't just go to God for a get out of hell free card, but we must stay in Christ, grow in the Holy Spirit and renew our minds daily with the God's words. Jesus saves, the Holy Spirit sanctifies and the Father judges. The 3 stages of our christian life is justified, sanctified, glorified. The only heresy is thinking you can reach glorification before scientification. Sanctification Is the training ground. Glorification comes in our glorified bodies which come after this life If we stay in Christ. The bible says a lot of stuff. Rightly divide and then Harmonize all that applies to us today. Being righteous is not just some ancient Jewish practice.That somehow doesn't apply to gentiles. It applies to gentiles just as much. But ultimately through your Christian journey, there is the grace of God through the blood of Jesus Christ that helps us to continually fall forward. Trust in Jesus and be like Jesus. You are not your own anymore. You were bought with a high price.
@fredhall579 25 дней назад
We have Isaiah the prophet of Israel and here we have Isaiah the false profit of the deceived
@Sirazucar 25 дней назад
Okay Gnostics who "believe" the right thing. The demons believe and tremble, but do they obey? Jesus said those who hear Him and DO what He says will be like a wise man building on a rock. If you believe in once saved always saved then every person who has trusted in Jesus is saved whether they believe obedience is necessary or not, they won't "lose" their salvation but if holiness and obedience are necessary then you are leading people from the true faith in a false comfort.
@ptrward 11 дней назад
Rightly dividing the Bible is one of the hardest concepts in the world, not only to explain but to rationalize. I totally understand why people say "repent of your sins" because that example is found in the Bible in various lessons, maybe not exactly those words and seems logical even in the New Testament even if not spoken that way. On the other hand I understand why it is lunacy to say it because no one can achieve sinless living which is also why I thought Christians were lunatics years ago. This is really a difficult matter but the only way to solve it is to simply repeat what Jesus or the apostles said per situation and just not argue about it, the reality is this won't stop happening.
@ricsrecipe6530 25 дней назад
1 John 1:8-10 King James Version 8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
@bencruz563 23 дня назад
Faith is born out in works. "Faith without works is dead". Faith in Christ is the basis of salvation, but there is no such thing as faith without the fruit of faith. You have no faith if you are not faithful. Even the demons know His name. Knowing the truth and being faithful to the truth are two very different things. Being full of pride in your works is infidelity. No "works" is faithlessness. By the grace and mercy of the Father we have the Christ as our standard and the Holy Spirit to regenerate us. Through the power of the spirit and by combatting our sinful nature through faith/obedience we are brought closer to The Form. We are made in Their image and our fallen state has corrupted our form. We "work" through the Spirit to come closer to the image of God which is His purpose for us. We are to reflect His nature and to be beacons of light and truth to a blind and lost world. Your works do not save you, but they are evidence of the Holy Spirit inhabiting you. "You will know them by their fruit". The idea of acknowledging the incarnation of God as sacrifice for our sins and His victory over death all the while living your babylonian lifestyle ought send shivers down your spine. We serve our LORD with fear and trembling if we are prudent. We go on living a sinful life if we are fools.
@toxinrazor6489 26 дней назад
Wait it also says that the sheep took him in and did all that unto those people, can you explain?
@robertmcvicar5824 26 дней назад
It's amazing what you can do without being born again. Lord Lord all in the flesh. They thought their works were wonderful. Flesh. James is just saying good works are the fruit of faith.
@chrismokvack 25 дней назад
I am not 100 % certain I will go to heaven when I die, but I am 100 % certain God will resurrect me unto eternal life on the last day. For this is what the bible teaches, as you quoted from john 6.40. The doctrine of going to heaven isn't anywhere in the bible, yet the vast majority of christians believe it. It's all about the resurrection. A secondary issue. The primary issue is that salvation certainly is by faith alone, apart from works. Isaiah Saldivar needs to repent indeed, and cut his connection to Benny Hinn.
@philebike 25 дней назад
Yes that scripture is about people that are in THE CHURCH sitting on pews doing nothing nothing to reach out to the lost. But not every church is the body of Christ. There are many Harlots out there
@dgc7321 25 дней назад
God will not be mocked...keep that in mind when your commenting on this subject AND "you shall know them by their fruits"!
@OnoDiamante 25 дней назад
@Dasher49225 26 дней назад
Again, these guys go to parable and twist them to their own destruction instead of understanding that they should look at the clear verses about salvation like those in the book of John.
@toxinrazor6489 26 дней назад
But earlier in the chapter it says that the sheep took him in and did all those good things, why didnt you explain that in the video?
@Joseph123y 25 дней назад
Believing is the easiest thing to do even demon believe in God and shaking, kindly explain the 10 virgins that's the parable given by our Lord him self, what is the meaning of oil and fire
@OnoDiamante 25 дней назад
@Scotty-Z70 26 дней назад
he's confusing...because he's confused. REFUSING to help?
@Dom_Weronik 25 дней назад
Isaiah said we should be scared. No, we should be filled with joy for what Jesus did for us.
@timslee0618 23 дня назад
Yes, there is a difference between having some healthy fear of the Lord & being scared
@josephpeters7076 22 дня назад
How can you even be scared like that when he lives in you after being saved? I think that’s nuts.
@N_FORCE_5 22 дня назад
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom
@josephpeters7076 21 день назад
@@N_FORCE_5 The Bible says we fear his power but understand He loves us. He wants us to have a relationship with him. That’s the whole point of the Book of Job.
@Dom_Weronik 17 дней назад
@@Taniel-x9mNegative. He is implying if we dont “work” enough for our salvation we should be scared. You cant work your way to eternal life. Salvation is based on faith in Jesus Christ…. The bible explains this many times.
@MattM.Silva01 26 дней назад
Helping people in need is a thing that we need to do because it's the right thing, it's the kind of thing that pleases God. We need to do this kind of thing with love as our motivation, love for God and for our neighbors. If we do such things because we are afraid of the fire, then this is not love, this is pure fear.
@thethiefonthecross9092 26 дней назад
When it comes to Salvation we don't need to do anything but believe in Jesus Christ all those other things are for crowns and Rewards and to help you with a blessed life and avoid the cursing of a Believer not giving the good fight but those cursing have nothing to do with salvation
@TheRoyalHat 26 дней назад
@@thethiefonthecross9092 your right, but original commenter wasn't saying that we need to do works to be saved. Rather he was saying we need to do works to please god/glorify our father in heaven. He was simply saying that if salvation WAS by works, then those works we'd do wouldn't be out of love but of fear. Works not being apart of salvation makes them more meaningful than if they were.
@richiemac2395 26 дней назад
@slavwolf94 26 дней назад
Most people believe in God because they fear hell and to be tortured forever....church did a good job of keeping people in line with fear of hell fire. How many people would believe if they found out you get destroyed in lake of fire? Not so many....trust me when i say this....hell doctrine is keeping a lot of christians in line....their whole life is a fraud....like you said serving God out of fear is not the way to go
@NYCNY92 26 дней назад
@@TheRoyalHatbut we don’t ! We don’t please god by giving to the poor he literally tells us that our works are filthy rags. U please got by FAITH
@trentthompson2899 26 дней назад
Dude's pretty zealous and energetic and at the same time seriously mistaken.
@freegraceaus 26 дней назад
For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
@OnoDiamante 26 дней назад
For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. Romans 10:2
@brandonwellington3547 26 дней назад
@@OnoDiamante He immediately sent off red flags. Saved but misguided? What's your take?
@OnlytrustinJesus 26 дней назад
Saldivar is likely unsaved; you know one of those who will say Lord Lord didn't I cast out demons and do miracles in your name? I hope he doesn't die in that unbelief he currently has, but as of right now he is someone to mark and avoid, possibly a reprobate, self trusting loser. ​@@brandonwellington3547
@nsubugapaul4900 26 дней назад
If one doesn't understand the gospel, they are not saved. Isaiah clearly rejects the gospel. 👉Rom 10:14. This Isaiah dude has heard the gospel but he still rejects the simplicity in Christ and trusts in his works. He's not saved.
@acidpilled8733 26 дней назад
Everyone on Judgment Day refers to Christ as Lord, because every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. When you are standing in front of the creator of the universe no matter who you are you will call him Lord.
@TheBlubunni 26 дней назад
Amen! No matter how much people deny His existence they will call Him Lord because That Is Who He Is. From everlasting to everlasting. Blessed be Your Holy Name Jesus.
@apexone5502 26 дней назад
Exactly. Folks can’t help but speak truth and humble themselves before Him; even the unsaved. The Most High’s presence alone brings the truth out of everyone. Even wicked spirits can’t lie to Him.
@matthias8015 25 дней назад
You got it right!
@JosePineda-et6uq 24 дня назад
@gumecindogarcia1070 23 дня назад
Good point. I've been doing outreach and have discipled some serious guys over the years. I see lots of ministry work turn into enabling. I don't judge or know the balance. What is your insight?
@Ariia206 24 дня назад
Isaiah's teachings made me fearful of demons. Constantly talking about, how to cast it out or self deliverance made me question myself if I had a demon. Not focusing on knowing Jesus but constantly focusing on "demoneology" is a red flag 🚩 i was just a baby christian having no discernment Thank God he openened my eyes thank you Jesus YOU are my saviour
@newbeginnings5610 24 дня назад
Focus on the Holy Spirit and how you can bring His presence! 🤍
@tkstone8387 23 дня назад
I am a proponent of free grace however I believe there is some validity to demonology in that we battle against spirits and principalities Eph 6:12. However I do not agree that demons possess many people, at least not those with the Holy Spirit. There is no doubt that there is an unseen spiritual warfare currently happening around us.
@Ariia206 23 дня назад
@@newbeginnings5610 thank you, God bless you ❤️
@Ariia206 23 дня назад
@@tkstone8387 yes i agree with you God bless you ❤️
@stivennolasco7777 19 дней назад
@@Ariia206but please don’t be ignorant in your walk with God there are sins that can not be overcome unless you cast out those demons there nothing to be ashamed or afraid search for a Dereck princes self deliverance
@dianewilliams7888 26 дней назад
Notice, Jesus Says, "I never knew you." Not, "I knew you while you did this or that and I stopped knowing you." There are so many people out there that believe an act saves you rather than what Jesus did for us. Why would he come to earth and do all he did if we could save ourselves? In my old church I have asked people if they are saved and they will tell you when they were baptized. It's so sad.
@bellak333 26 дней назад
@@dianewilliams7888 great point! He never did say, “I used to know you”. Lol
@apexone5502 26 дней назад
Exactly. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes to show me how I and other saints need not fear that passage due to how it pertains to the unsaved who think their works save them. He let me notice how the folks who were pleading to Jesus only mentioned what works they thought they did in His name and how He told them that He “never” knew them, which indicates they were never His in the 1st place since one cannot be both saved and not known of God. He later confirmed the info days later via letting me see a preacher teaching on that passage and they broke it down exactly as I was shown. Prior to that revelation, I used to get scared of that passage because of my misinterpretation.
@BingoNamo-gb8pz 25 дней назад
That’s because salvation IS being fed, being clothed, being set free from prison, being made healthy. As you have done it to the LEAST of these (yourself) you’ve done it unto Me. Read Revelation letter to the church of Laodicea.
@None-if3mo 25 дней назад
@BingoNamo-gb8pz do you even watch the video? That's discipleship not Salvation! Using revelation only is ridiculous, when John himself agreed that we are saved by faith. All of the things you mention are done by many muslims,hindus, buddhas. But will you say they are saved?
@None-if3mo 25 дней назад
@BingoNamo-gb8pz remember every knees and mouths will confess Jesus is Lord on the judgement day. But among them there are many unsaved people who say Jesus is Lord only because they are afraid of him.
@Rafaelll1616 26 дней назад
The bible is so clear on how to be saved but people twist it so much smh
@jamesmcallister9645 26 дней назад
Exactly,believe in In Jesus Christ alone for salvation and not works. ( Obviously satan comes to steal and kill and destroy woth doubt as he has been doing since the beginning in the garden of Eden, did God really say that ? Yes God really say no-one can snatch you out of my hand, none shall perish who 100% believe Jesus Christ alone for salvation, you cannot add anything to God's free gift of eternal life
@kennyproctor7691 26 дней назад
Matt19:17 is clear you're right, and reply to this with your stupid reason why He's not saying exactly what He said in that scripture. How I wonder will you twist His words to match up with the fables of Christianity?
@williamburroughs2273 26 дней назад
@@kennyproctor7691 Jesus didn't teach the Law to show people how to justify themselves, Jesus taught the Law to show us that we can't keep the Law, we can't live up to God's standard of righteousness, and thus we need a Savior to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves (that is the crucial revelation of grace that we receive from Paul). If we could keep the Commandments, we would not need a Savior. The Tenth Commandment - Thou Shall Not Covet - is the one that gets everybody, especially if you think you can keep the Ten Commandments and you are covetous of the myth of your own righteousness.
@bellak333 26 дней назад
@@williamburroughs2273 wow very well said!
@Racingfan101 26 дней назад
If we have the Holy Spirit in us there should be a difference in our lifes and not live like the world. Not meaning perfection. But those who love me follow my commandments Jesus said. Faith is not just a mental confirmation it shows with our actions. If we trully understand the Gospel we should be wanting to obey Jesus. Those who love me follow commandments. Out of our love for Jesus. The question is do we really love Him? I do believe that a believer living contrary to God's word willingly without being conficted is likely not saved. If we do feel convicted about some wrong we did, we can go to Jesus. He is our refuge and shield. Jesus is our example where He always did what the Father told Him. Complete obedience. I do believe every true believer shoud aim to wanting to do the same as a sign we are saved.
@sidasida4299 26 дней назад
Never stop exposing false teachers who complicate the simplicity of the Gospel through Faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. Thank you, Ono. Amen.
@kennyproctor7691 26 дней назад
Objective reality. A couple examples, no man named "Jesus" ever existed 2k years ago. Yahushua in English is Joshua. Now if you're deceived about His name, what possible discernment do you have??
@LazyActor 26 дней назад
@@kennyproctor7691 lets assume no one knows the real name, allow me to introduce you to the concepts of titles, Lord, king of kings, The lamb, son of god, He who is the most high, which one of these do you think refers to someone who isnt christ?
@Deagle-lj7tv 26 дней назад
​@@kennyproctor7691 Jesus is an English translation for Yeshua, pretty simple. All the names in our English bibles are translations of Hebrew names.
@sidasida4299 26 дней назад
@@kennyproctor7691 There is only one author of the Gospel. And God knows I believe in the Gospel. Therefore, it is foolish to argue that it must be a Hebrew name. The way a bunch of idiots insist that you must know Hebrew to worship God.
@YakmonSaysItLikeItIs 26 дней назад
​@@kennyproctor7691pharisee. There is power in the name of Jesus. Language doesn't limit God.
@Westguitar683 26 дней назад
1:27 look at the fear in this man’s eyes, he’s unsure of his own salvation. He’s unsaved and he knows it. Keep putting pressure on him, you’re doing God’s work! God Bless you Onorato! 🙏
@Westguitar683 26 дней назад
@@TanielDillman-z1j why don’t YOU 🫵🏻 kiss his feet, because you don’t know the scriptures. You believe Isaiah over the true word of God. And I never said he was unsaved because of his eyes, I said that his eyes are evidence that he clearly doubts his own salvation. I say he’s unsaved because he believes a works-based salvation, and if that’s what he’s always believed then he’s 100% going to Hell.
@babysealio 25 дней назад
I wouldn’t go as far as to say he’s unsaved, he clearly believes in Jesus, but you are right that he is sorely mistaken, hopefully he can see the fault in his thought processes, none of us are perfect.
@burgersbiblesaeh849 25 дней назад
He's saved but in error. Living in fear.
@Westguitar683 25 дней назад
@@babysealio no, he doesn’t believe in Jesus. To believe in Jesus means to trust in his finished work on the cross (Ephesians 1:13-14). As you can clearly see in the video, Isaiah doesn’t trust Christ at all, he trusts in his works. It’s true that he could’ve believed the true gospel at one point and got saved, but I personally don’t think he ever did. My reason for that is if you listen to his testimony video, he says he was an atheist before he started preaching and then he made some sort of “deal” with God to become successful.
@freegraceaus 26 дней назад
Believe in Jesus Christ for Eternal life - this is the gospel
@TheElizabethashby 26 дней назад
@bndwoodlands775 26 дней назад
This is EXACTLY why the book of Galations was written. Isaiah “dude perfect” is not capable of living up to the standard he is running his mouth about and he definitely doesn’t understand the Gospel. If he is trusting in ANYTHING other than Jesus Christ, he is not saved. He’s got to stop trusting in what Isaiah does and start trusting in Jesus if he doesn’t want to hear those terrible words.
@robertquinones89 26 дней назад
That’s not the full gospel but that is where it starts
@kennyproctor7691 26 дней назад
Yeah, no. "Jesus" is the sungod. His day of worship is SUN-day. Wake up sleeper!! Christianity has you trapped!
@freegraceaus 26 дней назад
@@robertquinones89 ok John 20:31 disagrees with you. Edit: let me clarify, that is the irreducible simplicity of the saving message of Jesus, the gospel is huge, much larger than just the DBR.
@colonalklink14 26 дней назад
Imputed righteousness. Isaiah Salvador doesn't understand that.
@tyvsty 26 дней назад
Exactly, Jesus’s righteousness not our own.
@MattCool007 25 дней назад
The sad truth is that ever since Jesus rose from death, that old serpent has been doing everything he can to hide the free gift of eternal life.
@missiletoad7015 26 дней назад
If you read the passage this way Isaiah, you better be careful then that you never walk past a needy person without giving them money and food. Or ever fail to clothe a person who needs clothes. Or neglect to visit those in prison. Or fail to do any number of other charitable works for other people. Don't screw up, buddy. Yeah, that sounds like a huge frustrating bondage, but your eternity is supposedly riding on it, dude. Maybe eventually you'll get enough community service in to redeem you from death, and have enough to boast to God about. Good luck with that...
@bellak333 26 дней назад
@@missiletoad7015 last I heard he lives in California, so he will be walking by the needy each time he leaves his home. Good luck, Isaiah!
@missiletoad7015 26 дней назад
@@bellak333 Ooof!
@BingoNamo-gb8pz 25 дней назад
@@missiletoad7015Oprah & Bill Gates are the greatest of all the sheep according to Isaiah. It’s a shame all those poor people who have nothing to give won’t be able to make it.
@newbeginnings5610 24 дня назад
My pleas for help have fallen in deaf ears of more than 400 churches and thousands of people altogether. I only just learned that God's word says He will curse those who turn their backs on the needy and the poor. It was actually heavy to read. I'm sure his church received my letter.
@zTaq 26 дней назад
I used to follow Isaiah. I was full of fear every night for nearly 3 years because of his teachings. Once I came to realize that I’m saved by Grace through Faith and not my works I finally found peace and assurance in my salvation. I still sin, I still hate my sin but I don’t have to worry about fearing my salvation is gone forever just because I accidentally slipped up. Isaiah is a parasite in the Christian community. The way you should think about it is, if they’re loved by many, they aren’t teaching biblical salvation. All of these preachers with hundreds of thousands and potentially millions of followers are almost always heretical and teach a false gospel.
@jamesmcallister9645 26 дней назад
I recently came out of the False doctrine you could lose salvation, spent 3 decades listening to false teachers and ,that once saved always saved was as lie ,now praise God I 100% know it's true, believing Jesus Christ Jesus alone for salvation. Not by works
@YakmonSaysItLikeItIs 26 дней назад
​@@jamesmcallister9645ephesians 1:13-14. Sealed by the Holy Spirit.
@undeniabletruth3550 25 дней назад
yeah, there are many parasites, that blind your mind. I also followed but smth wasnt right when following them good thing i got out.
@mayommayom7088 25 дней назад
Amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen
@richardbarton6146 25 дней назад
we dont "accidentally slip up. WE know exactly what we are doing! Onoranto is not teaching the full WORD of God. at the end of the day, if You will do good works and deeds out of compassion that is evidence you are truly saved! works will follow.
@Zarakikenpachi69420 26 дней назад
Isaiah is 100% a false teacher
@kennyproctor7691 26 дней назад
No offense but you wouldn't know.
@arneedlund8512 26 дней назад
We shud know that if we have the Holy spirit in us telling us the truth.
@Deagle-lj7tv 26 дней назад
Don't be so quick to call people false teachers, so many authentic Christians have differences on non salvific issues
@Tommy06289 26 дней назад
@@kennyproctor7691 it is real easy to spot a false teacher. If you are saying we wouldn't know, then you are easily deceived.
@YakmonSaysItLikeItIs 26 дней назад
​@@Deagle-lj7tvbut he is mistaken on a salvation issue.
@AppalachianHistoryDetectives 26 дней назад
Isaiah contradicts himself the scripture also says, Lord Lord did we not....prophesy, cast out Demons and do mighty works (which could be feeding the poor, and sacrificing your life to others), and they don't go either. To the righteous any act can be blessed but to the unbelieving, any act short of trust in Christ is futile works.
@alakazoom87 26 дней назад
Saved by grace through faith. Dead faith had no fruit Living faith has fruit/sanctification
@Thomas116-m2n 26 дней назад
How do you know when you have done enough works? Whenever you say "grace," they equate that with a sinner's prayer. A prayer doesn't save you. Faith does.
@jason8445 26 дней назад
Of course, Isaiah is exempt from all this judgment. It’s everyone else who should be worried. 😒
@kimwestwood8840 26 дней назад
It is sometimes scary how many of these people make a trainwreck of scripture. Being on fire for the Lord doesn't mean you act like your on 3 cups of espressos.
@bellak333 26 дней назад
Isaiah deceived me horrifically last year and lead me into such a depressive and fearful state. I constantly thought I was going to die in my sleep because, “each day isn’t promised!” And that I would go to hell because I wasn’t doing enough/good enough etc. God bless him and I wholeheartedly pray he stops with this demonic madness that he spews out.
@ThemCoversMB 26 дней назад
God bless you. It's good to share.
@Okenshield69 26 дней назад
Exactly. If works is any part of salvation, no person can ever have assurance. Because you could never know if you had done enough. And even if you thought you had done enough, you could be deceived, as we're taught we don't even know our own heart. That's why the gospel is so simple: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved....
@watchmansascha4764 26 дней назад
You should not wish him blessings. Pray for him to repent yes, but definitely not wish him blessings. John says this in regards to false teachers: "If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds." (2 John 1:10-11 KJV)
@bellak333 26 дней назад
@@watchmansascha4764 oh, thank you for sharing that with me, I didn’t know that. I appreciate you helping me learn! God bless you
@kennyproctor7691 26 дней назад
Obedience is "demonic"?? That is something a demon would say but you're too good for obeying Him right? You're special. You don't have to bother with not murdering or faithfulness to your husband or stealing, you can have other gods before Him, you can worship idols, cast His name(that you don't even know) to ruin, you can buy and sell and do your own thing on His Sabbath and then go meet up with your pagan friends and worship the sungod on Sunday then stuff your face with swines flesh, right??
@crossing3790 26 дней назад
He being deceived deceiving others
@silvercri3356 26 дней назад
Blind leading the blind
@OnlytrustinJesus 26 дней назад
@mysterycheez 26 дней назад
Thank you so much for clarifying the scary scriptures in the Bible and speaking out against those who use them to terrifying Christians. I have suffered from Scrupulosity/Religious OCD and it is seriously Hell on Earth because you are constantly analyzing your actions and thoughts and worrying that you are disqualified from Salvation. Thankfully, I have been set free from this horrible disease and I hope you can help others also to realize that they can be completely set free through putting their faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. God bless you.
@bellak333 26 дней назад
@@mysterycheez wow! I’m so happy to hear about that, God bless you. Jesus will continue to help you with your challenges each day, I wish you the best 😊🙏🏻
@jaysonb.6669 26 дней назад
God bless you!
@nigelreid186 23 дня назад
i suffered a lot from that some months ago while listening to him too, I think it's easy to fall into because of zeal as a recent convert, awakening to the reality of hell, and not wanting to displease the Lord. At least thats what it was for me. Happy to hear you're doing better, hallelujah!
@bellak333 23 дня назад
@@nigelreid186 I say you’re spot on with that assumption, because that’s a large majority of why it was so appealing to me back then… I’m glad to hear you’re set free as well, God bless you 🙏🏻☺️
@nigelreid186 21 день назад
@@bellak333 thank you you too! Yeah through prayer and just worship/praise God will let the holiness just flow out of you it’ll be less of something to perform yourself. Ezekiel 33:12-20 is a great passage for just putting to rest the scrupulous mind!
@MatthewHastreiter 26 дней назад
Catholics Methodists and even Mormons refer to him as Lord.
@apexone5502 26 дней назад
Exactly. False prophets looking for a flock of targets they can fleece will say “Lord, Lord” all day. Based on Isaiah’s bad logic, folks who take the Lord’s name in vain, including those who insert an expletive or two in between “Jesus” and “Christ” are saved folks as well. Scriptural proof that calling the Lord by His titles isn’t an indication of one being saved is how demons would say they know He’s the Son of the living God, right before He would tell them to be quiet.
@devadasn 26 дней назад
Thank you brother! I’ve been saying he’s leading people astray for the last year or two and I see slowly people are starting to realize it. He has his followers defend him like a cult. There’s not one preacher or Christian RU-vidr that I won’t judge against the scripture yet his followers don’t want anyone to criticize him, scary
@D.O.R.E.I 25 дней назад
Cult 101
@newbeginnings5610 24 дня назад
We don't always get it right. But maybe he should take a break. I have seen him become very prideful the last year or so.
@IL-948 26 дней назад
He is zealous. Lord God, give Isaiah knowledge and understanding. 🙏
@BookshelfBrando 26 дней назад
He is really dangerous. He is leading people to hell.
@Sirazucar 25 дней назад
How can they go to hell if they believe on Jesus? 🤔
@mobbin4christ332 26 дней назад
This is the danger of guys like Isaiah. In his testimony he talked about being a pastor and teaching after being a new believer, scripture is clear one should not be in a pastoral role being a new convert
@SoDamnMetal 26 дней назад
@@TanielDillman-z1j He's dangerous because he's teaching a false gospel
@Jesussolos777 26 дней назад
@@TanielDillman-z1jI think it’s pretty dangerous when you’re misdirecting people to hell tbh
@mobbin4christ332 26 дней назад
@@TanielDillman-z1j I literally said"scripture is clear" not what I said but what the word of God says, Isaiah said in his testimony after he got saved he started teaching and pastoring which is a complete violation against scripture which Paul was cleary against when it came to qualifications of a pastor
@newbeginnings5610 24 дня назад
​@@mobbin4christ332That's the truth.
@TheElizabethashby 26 дней назад
@apexone5502 26 дней назад
Yep. He misinterprets Scripture and adds his own spin to It.
@aaronguzman2258 25 дней назад
Isigesis ​@@apexone5502
@Jesusandcoffee3382 25 дней назад
He’s not saved. He doesn’t understand the gospel. He’s leading many to Hell because they are trusting their works, not Jesus.
@ezequal 20 дней назад
​@@Jesusandcoffee3382awfully bold of you to say someone isn't saved. Or should I say pretty arrogant... Who do you think you are to say such a thing??
@Mstorrance 20 дней назад
@@ezequal don't be dumb. he is not saved. he doesnt understand the gospel
@susantoth9216 26 дней назад
The Holy Spirit who resides within us as believers gives us the desire to reach out to those less fortunate. It just happens automatically. Also it seems that after we obey this we get blessed. We don’t try to earn God’s love through works. But Him living within us inspires us to the good works that He told us to do. It’s all through Him.
@newbeginnings5610 24 дня назад
@susantoth This is so true. ❤️
@RichardM1366 26 дней назад
Isaiah is a goat who has denied Eternal Security and uses this to scare people into obedience. That is not biblical. The good news in his eyes is conditional.
@stevenespinoza7735 26 дней назад
isaiah saldivar is so lost , hopefully his eyes will be opend before its too late
@BowDown_JesusIsKing 26 дней назад
That's right brotha, educate this false teacher and goat. Can't rightly divide the word of truth. One big reason I subscribed to you is because you use God's perfect word the AUTHORIZED VERSION. God bless you.
@tomw7644 26 дней назад
The sheep and goat judgement occurs right after Christ returns to Earth after the Tribulation. The sheep are believers who converted during the Tribulation and the goats are unbelievers who lived through the Tribulation. Prior to the Tribulation, all Christians, living and dead, will have been raptured.
@polarvortex6601 26 дней назад
there's no rapture, its a lie. christians will face antichrist. the book of daniel speaks about this Daniel 12:10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. Daniel 7:21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
@tomw7644 26 дней назад
@@polarvortex6601 You're wrong about that !
@Myrridan19 26 дней назад
@@polarvortex6601 No. Christians are not appointed to God's wrath. Jesus is coming for his bride, which is the body of Christ, i.e. all those who have trusted in Jesus alone for salvation. We will gather with Christ in the air. There will be people that are saved during the tribulation, however. And those are the tribulation saints. Then, Jesus will return and set foot on earth to bring an end to the Antichrist and the tribulation, and we will return with him.
@mobymagg 26 дней назад
@@polarvortex6601 Daniel is prophecy for Israel. The mystery of the catching up of the body of Christ before the tribulation is revealed to the apostle Paul. If you're not aware of the revelation of the mystery, read Romans - Philemon.
@TheUnknownScholar777 25 дней назад
You all believe in a doctrine that contradicts the apostles and their writings and the bishops who were appointed by them. Study the early church
@adrianchase6922 26 дней назад
The carnal minded constantly crave validation and adulation!
@SoDamnMetal 26 дней назад
Yep, look at his shirt "look at me, look at me, I'm better than you"
@adrianchase6922 25 дней назад
@@SoDamnMetal Spot On! That's one of the first things I noticed at the start of the video. It's not only the words coming out of his heretical mouth but the subliminal presentation that these "influencers" also use to deceive!
@AbideMinistriesJesus 23 дня назад
@iamachildofgodbecauseibeli2491 26 дней назад
Amen 🙏 brother in our Lord Jesus Christ ✝️ God bless Let’s keep reacting until they all stop 🛑 spreading damnable heresies which leads souls to Hell.
@Livingingrace 26 дней назад
Amen OD. Broad and plenty is the road of people trying to add their works to what Jesus did and few are those who submit to Christ's righteousness by total faith in Jesus alone. God bless you and yours...
@kennyproctor7691 26 дней назад
Our own works are filthy rags before Him, that is why we deny ourselves and our own will and live according to His righteousness and His will which is the ten commandments. Anywhere you read "good works", like in Ephesians 2:10 its talking about the ten commandments. His laws never changed. He finished and fulfilled the sacrificial law by becoming the final blood atonement in THAT system. Remember, the sacrificial law is the curse of sin and death added to them for not obeying the ten commandments, this is the parchments of divorce that He took out of the way, understand?? Unmerited favor is NOT a teaching in the scriptures. "I am coming to judge each according to his deeds". If you're not keeping His commandments then you're a liar and truth is not in you.
@SoDamnMetal 26 дней назад
@@kennyproctor7691 Unmerited favor through the blood of Jesus Christ is explicit in scripture. You think you're keeping the commandments? We know who the liar is, the truth is not in you.
@mikewelton 25 дней назад
@@GeoffBaxter-c7n Yes but what are His commandments? Again plural commandments is mentioned here: "And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight." 1 John 3:22 Then the verse directly after this one answers what His commandments are: "And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment." 1 John 3:23 So it comes down to the receiving the free gift, simply belief on Jesus Christ.
@mk71b 25 дней назад
Isaiah Salvidar never gives anyone a cup of water to drink (the true gospel of righteousness in Christ). He only hands out cups of vinegar (a sour false gospel of sin in Adam) and leaven.
@BryanLChess 26 дней назад
Those verses Isaiah were reading is dealing with ppl who refused to help the Jews during the tribulation. He’s a false teacher.
@joelc9329 26 дней назад
@BryanLChess imagine being someone who tries to gaslight what the Son of God said.
@BryanLChess 26 дней назад
@@joelc9329 I know right. Isaiah is a fraud and has no comprehension of the Bible.
@doublev1454 25 дней назад
Can a believer choose to refuse to help the Jews during the tribulation?
@newbeginnings5610 24 дня назад
He's coming to flip those digital tables bro. ​@@Yuckerb
@newbeginnings5610 23 дня назад
@@Yuckerb Thank you!
@JohnvonLovehq743 24 дня назад
YOU CAN KNOW YOU HAVE ETERNAL LIFE ! Realize you are a sinner being sorry. Sin is lying, evil thoughts, lust,etc. Therefore, do not trust in your own works to go to heaven because you realize, being a sinner, you cannot offer the perfect blood sacrifice that God requires to pay for sin. Instead, believe, meaning fully trust, that in Christ's love for you, on the cross, His one perfect blood sacrifice, when Christ bled, suffered and died, in your place, paid for your sins in full, past, present and future ! Believe that Jesus rose from the dead ! Believe Jesus is God Almighty, God the Son, alive for evermore ! And believe that the sinless blood of Jesus Christ is what cleanses you from all sin, which purifies your soul ! Then the Lord Jesus will forgive you,save you from hell and give you eternal life ! And you will be sealed with the Holy Spirit who will dwell within you forever! And thank Jesus ! Rom.3:25,5:8,9,10:9, Is.53:5,6, II Cor.5:21, Ephes.1:7,13,4:30, Heb.10:14,38,39, I John 1:7, 5:7,13,20
@JJPhillips-jy1ut 25 дней назад
The helping those in need is referring to those in Christ's church. While we should help those in need, Jesus identifies Himself with the BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Not good if a church goes out to pump a bunch of money into homeless shelters while members of the congregation aren't sure if they will eat next week.
@newbeginnings5610 24 дня назад
Wow. If I could send you the hundreds of emails I have sent to churches. If I could tell you about the pastors, or the musicians, like the 3 Heath Brothers staying at the same hotel as us; how we were going to be kicked out because we couldn't pay and we had no food. How they judged us, how they said, "If I could help I would" or "We'll be in contact" only to never reach out. We have three little girls and no family. It hurts and I have had to pray about it. But God sees.
@jkey3835 23 дня назад
Isaiah is correct. If his video offends you, you’re probably going to hell.
КВН 2024 Встреча выпускников
How to pray properly
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Matthew 6:14-15 / Forgiveness
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Former Muslims Talk About Jesus | IFTT Roundtable