
I Hate Animation 

LisaTony Contreras
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My soul is ripped apart by my indecisive mind. Every little heartstring is cut so uncaringly. For years, I’ve loved the idea of animation. Making visually appealing characters, stories, sharing them, and being known as an artist was my dream for years. More than anything, I wished that I could create the worlds I lived within my mind. I wanted to share the stories that I had created and felt so deeply for in my heart. I saw no other way life could be, I was going to be an animator, and I was going to make the ideas I had come true. There was no other route, nothing else for me to long for or dream of, this was it for me.
Somewhere along that path my mind changed. It was a small change, just the smallest statement, that nearly destroyed me. It was when i finally realized, “oh, I have to be good at this”. After that, it’s been a slow decent for me. It’s not that my skills are poor, rather I think I’m quite skilled at art, but I don’t know if I want to base my value as a person on a career that has such an unreliable return. I suppose every career has a skill level you must reach, after all, you have to be able to provide something. Animation and art as a career however, is extremely discouraging. Along with the low chance of financial stability, your art being seen as “good” or “quality” is extremely subjective. Even if people perceive your art as good- if your style doesn’t fit the project, or you don’t have the right connections, you’re done for. In an industry where most are treated poorly, like drawing machines, worth no more than a line on a screen, why would I, feeling my artistic worth near nothing, subject myself to an industry that will only berate me and crush my soul? Why is it that I must be good enough? Why is it that I am not granted the ability to survive simply because I am alive? Why is my art not enough just because I poured my soul into it?
Maybe it’s because I’m lazy. I suppose I don’t want to be better because I just don’t feel I can be. I will never be as motivated as my peers, as creative, as talented, as acceptable as them. I am burnt out. I am tired. My hand is disfiguring. Nobody cares about what I make- my creations are a peek and a scroll. People may look at my art- tell me it looks nice- is that it? Is that all my work is to you? Something to look at? Something to awe at then forget? Within the visual layers on the page there’s meaning to me. Every kept paper- every excitedly drawn line, I want people to understand the effort I put in. In my heart it feels near none, as if my attempts will always be in vain, for I will always just be another “artist” and nothing else. I could never reach the levels of notoriety that my peers can- people just don’t care about who I am. They don’t see what I am beyond what I make. They don’t. They don’t, and there’s nothing I can do about that. I can’t beg for attention, I can’t scream at myself to get better, I can’t complain forever, I can’t hate myself for never getting better, I can’t hate myself for never changing. For never being what everyone else wants to be, for not forcing myself into an industry-sized box in an attempt to just have a little bit of a chance.
I can’t continue to grovel for people who won’t listen to me. It’s unfair to place the burden of caring on people who didn’t ask for it. It’s unfair of me to feel the dread I do towards my peer’s success yet ask them to enjoy mine. I do not hate my peers, I do not hate myself, I do wish to get better, I just wish my mind would not tear me apart. I am a good artist, I am not worth nothing, if my art is not beautiful on the page then it is beautiful by word. I try, and there are people, few people, but there are people who see it. The people closest to me recognize my worth aside my art, and that means the world to me. I am worth far more as a person than the art I make. Regardless of how my mind might try to coerce me into hatred, into despair, into jealousy, into depression, no matter how in the depths I may feel, I will always be proud of my peers. Proud of their creations and themselves as people. I may not feel I have any worth in comparison to them, but I will always marvel in the work they can produce. I cannot ignore nor push aside the heavy amount of heart and love placed in what they create- I hope one day I can see it in myself too.
I shouldn’t compare myself as heavily as I do. In some ways I just can’t help myself, but that’s only how I am right now. I say I hate animation, truly I just find myself frustrated at myself as a whole. I don’t see it as “giving up on a dream”, rather a realization I am not bound to it. I love animation, I love creativity, I love everything about art. The people, the work, the meaning, I can’t get enough. I want to be part of it, even if just a little, so I will. I’ll be myself. That’s good enough. Whenever my heart tries to weep, and tell itself I am nothing but a failure, I ask,
“Are you sure?”
Blank 2 Nowhere - Graham Kartna



13 июн 2024




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@-thunderstar-6414 21 день назад
Do i hate animating, or do i hate how society will treat me as an artist?
@officialthestranger 19 дней назад
Real asf question
@RedGuywithaSecondAccount 19 дней назад
Are you the dreamer or merely part of someone elses dream?
@Rainbonana 18 дней назад
These are the real questions the person who made this should be asking
@RainbowCrazyAngel 21 день назад
Then, stop. Genuinely. See where that gets you. Perhaps you might realise that you’re truly not happy here and find other interests to cultivate (and you can healthily pursue animation or return to it in the future), or you might find that all you needed was a break-so that you can rekindle your passion for this artform.
@jestrel 20 дней назад
Exactly its not for everyone and just anyone it is passion driven artist ambition it is all the effort you believe it will be.
@user-mn8ke5pe4r 20 дней назад
It's never that simple
@3than0lvideos22 20 дней назад
​@@user-mn8ke5pe4r in head maybe but its the healthiest advice dont brush it off
@testrobot7596 20 дней назад
@@user-mn8ke5pe4r yes it is, sometimes we forget that
@Your-Local-RX-Guy 20 дней назад
​@@user-mn8ke5pe4rYes it is. I wanted to be a mechanic, realized I was terrible after a year, and decided to switch to sound design. Best change I ever made.
@spinylizardz 21 день назад
I know this is a vent video... but it's sooo poetic and beautiful how like your response to feeling like a failure of an artist is to make such a powerful piece of art
@Gettstuffed 21 день назад
@mikehok8935 19 дней назад
thank you for putting the words out my head for me 🙂‍↕️
@TheRealDanTheManYT 18 дней назад
Vents are often the most powerful works an artist can make
@arlxquin 22 дня назад
im not even an animator (i just draw) but this rlly resonated with me, especially the "what is an artist" part. im not as good at expressing myself as you are so i always struggled to explain how i feel to my loved ones when i feel like i "hate" art, but i think this video sums it up perfectly. so that may sound weird but thank you for making this
@TheWeirdoWaffl3 20 дней назад
I think I know what you mean. I personally love art and pictures always helped me make sense of the world, even from a young age I’ve always love it. But the problem for me personally is that no matter what I can’t stop comparing myself to others, and the thing is that I know I have potential for making the art I want to, but I just can’t. Everytime I feel like I’m doing well it just goes wrong somewhere. I’ll hate it or it’ll just look off and I just rip another page out of my sketchbook. And I hate it, and I hate myself for it. But I can’t wrap my head around the question of Do I hate making art, or do I hate the process of making the art I want? I love art but I hate it. And that’s why it’s beautiful.
@arlxquin 19 дней назад
​@@TheWeirdoWaffl3 i think comparing yourself to others is fine within a certain limit! you can't grow if you only look at what you're doing, but you cant grow either if you're constantly beating yourself up for not being as good as someone else. i don't know how old you are or how long youve been drawing but i personally experienced that "phase" when i was around ~15, i think ive come to terms with it now. dissatisfaction is inherently part of being an artist (you'd never improve if you always felt like your art is amazing). i guess what i "hate" about art now is just the feeling of never improving. i mean, the more you improve the more you realise how much you don't know. it's daunting
@quesadidi 21 день назад
“Why are they better than me” hit me so hard as a fellow artist/animator 00:59
@drakesayshi3321 21 день назад
dont look at anyone elses art then think about your own if it isnt to inspire
@justcallmesmug 20 дней назад
I think you should find something special within your own art, even though it may be ugly or stupid to look at
@lobitodv 18 дней назад
i hate to compare my skill and i do it all the tine…
@chok1169 9 дней назад
Reality is often simple. They probably put a lot more work and time into their drawings than you. For example, I recently saw one girl that I really liked her art and she was showing sketchbook after sketchbook for about 1 hour of all the drawings she made in her career, and that made me realize that they don't get good because they're just talented... It's a mix of being hard-working, consistent, studying smart, and loving what you're doing. If an artist follows those simple steps they will become professionals in just 3 years (even if they have never drawn before). But the hardest step is being CONSISTENT and that may sound simple, but most artist are NOT CONSISTENT. I have seen a lot of artists in the 5 years I been drawing and the BEST of the BEST are the crazy mother fuckers that spend all the day drawing, studying and being consistent even when they don't feel like drawing or when they hate what they're making. THOSE GUYS are not TALENTED, they're amazing artists who put their sweat and blood into their drawings.
@shiyinn 21 день назад
i'm going into animation next year and this feeling is terrifying. looking at student work and feeling like you're lifetimes away from that level, seeing how art's value to the public is dropping more and more (especially because of AI), worrying about salary, worrying about potentially not being able to get a job, etc. comparing my art to the level that's expected to become successful feels like a claw in my chest, it digs at the back of my mind every second of every day, and all i can really do about it is practice. but even drawing makes me anxious because i don't know if i'm practicing correctly, or if i'm studying the right things, or if i'm going in the right direction. thanks for this incredibly raw and vulnerable video -- at our age, the future is so uncertain that (especially as artists) it feels like we're facing two doors that lead to either happiness or a pit full of nails, and we have no idea which is which. all we can do is work hard, have a backup plan, and hope for the best. if you feel like your passion for art is fizzling out, it might be best to pursue a different career path so you can draw without the pressure of needing to rely on it socially and financially.
@lyblank6946 14 дней назад
The only thing any of us can do is move forward, one step at a time. We'll make mistakes, fail when we might have succeeded, and lose out on opportunities. And we will keep living. We will grow and change, taking what we learned and doing better. Accepting our failures and our blessings. We walk forward. It's all we can do. TLDR: there's alot of life to live, remember to keep perspective of that
@shadowdemonaer 20 дней назад
The video ends with "are you sure?" Leaving the door unlocked or at least not burning the bridge. That feeling during venting where youre so sure of wanting to stop, but something in you asks if you're sure you want to.
@hpthelonesomeartist 21 день назад
I feel like this experience resonate with a LOT of creatives in the world. It’s a love/hate relationship between the process of making art because there’s so much time that passes from start to finish. We tend to impulsively pick up a project, treat it as though it will be our magnum opus someday, but then inexplicably drop it completely in frustration…perhaps reluctantly restarting the same abandoned idea years later at times. I feel like it’s a complex mixture of a lot of factors because the art you want to make tends to grow, shift, change as the creator changes. Sometimes a concept you once loved feels outdated and tied to a past version of yourself which is no longer relevant. And that’s frustrating. It’s part of the process but is no doubt laborious and can feel like running in circles sometimes. Plus the external pressure to prove yourself worthy of potential to others can get overwhelming. Longing to someday have a finished project that looks good and will be worthy of praise, but not having the dedication or motivation required to make it a reality. Or perhaps perfectionism and self critique gets in the way. Point being I understand where you’re coming from, as I’m an aspiring animator and have a plethora of scrapped animatics. I find the social aspect of this interesting as well, because it’s absolutely true. When dedicating all time & attention to art we tend to overlook relationships with friends and family or neglect personal needs in favor of productivity. And there’s that nagging feeling that no amount of progress is enough, that even with the hours crammed isolated in a room you’re wasting life away. I get it. Hell I used to listen to “Come Hang Out” by AJR whenever I was animating because it continually reminded me of the internal battle between pursuing content creation or getting out of the house. I don’t really know where I’m going with this long ass writing, sorry. But this video came into my recommended and it’s very thought provoking. I personally resonated with the texts showed and the premise of burnout from animating for so damn long with no feasible end in sight. Your video made me think deeply and reflect, which I think goes to show you’ve created something special here. Although it may not seem like a lot from your perspective, it means a great deal to find another artist going through the same motions. So thank you for sharing such an introspective video with us, I wish you well with finding a good healthy balance between work and maintaining connections. Don’t give up on pursuing your dreams…even if not as a career I’m sure it will still serve as a good outlet for self expression. Please take care, take needed breaks, and please know that you aren’t solely defined by what you accomplish. We’re all a work in progress
@STARS_SHIMMERS 21 день назад
This resonates with me so much, especially “I’d rather be an artist instead of an industry worker.” I always wanted art to be my job, but now I cannot fathom the work that is put into it. It nearly made me drop out of school entirely. Now I have no idea what to do.
@sournois90 20 дней назад
the animation industry suffers with the loss of so many creative people who just couldnt continue on their path anymore due to so many unfortunate VALID reasons. its okay to lose interest, maybe try to find another thing you like to do, also its okay to come back to it eventually. you are human and we're just so complex honestly you shouldnt have to justify anything to anyone. you are so strong for being here and for managing to do what you did so far (every little thing, every little sketch), i personally could never. please never stop being you, even if its hard, im sure your next step will be so beautiful, at least for yourself.
@hastypastry6353 21 день назад
Agh thank you so much for this. i’m entering art school this year and i feel like there’s no scarier time to be in or enter the industry. I used to listen to the gravity falls dvd commentaries over and over again and romanticize hearing about alex hirsch overworking and falling asleep at his desk writing an episode, or obsessing over the complex pipeline that goes into making animation. The pixar storyboard and previz scene rendering were like magical little gems to me. I think I love the *idea* of animation. I wanna be a plucky storyboard artist in burbank in 2006, or better yet an internet indie animation darling managing a team and jumping in to key frame specific scenes because i’m too precious about the quality of the work. But even without AI i find animation terrifying. so much of its reputation revels in how sickly it is. Tons of animators in the US are wildly mistreated, and it’s likely worse for those performing outsourced work in other countries. Sometimes i sit down at the tablet and enter a flow state, falling in love with the medium for the millionth time. but most of the time it’s like pulling teeth. i hate animation. it’s bad. it’s everything to me and it’s like the coolest thing ever but also i hate it.
@garrettzanin940 20 дней назад
Differentiating between an art form and its equivalent industry model is important: that one is malleable by the artist and their time, energy, attention, and experience; and the other exists as the marketplace allows it to. Both things can change. I graduated art school last year with a BFA in illustration and I have had a rough, but rewarding time in redefining what artmaking means to me outside of pursuing it as a job. People of all social classes through all of time have made art. I hope this helps a little, and I’m sorry if Ive rambled off-topic
@ask343 21 день назад
rlly good video I lost my passion for 2D animation quite quickly, I can't bear to spend so long drawing all of those frames, especially since I reach burn out so quickly. It became too much of a chore to materialise my ideas into something tangible before I lost interest. What helped for me was to switch to 3D and it actually feels fulfilling and fun, like how 2D animation used to feel. I think what helps is that I don't have to constantly redraw characters, just move them around every few frames. But it's different for everyone, one of my friends who used to animate just makes still drawings now. I hope you find what you're looking for
@blixibengo 22 дня назад
Oh man. I'm kinda feel the same way. No wonder why your video appeared in my recs
@cataclysmsun 21 день назад
This feels like your thoughts when you're laying down in bed in the dark and you're at your lowest point
This is why when I become an animator I'm not going to go to college or to an animation studio Instead I'll do it on my own. To entertain the people that like the same stuff I like, not because I'm being forced by a corporate big wig to make them movies based on shows that are outdated. I want to make different characters and express the way I feel and many others without feeling trapped and overwhelmed. I mean think about it (whoever is reading this) wouldn't you rather see original characters and stories with no propaganda or over used nostalgia milked characters??? I personally would. That's why I want to change the perspective on animation. Hanna Barbera, warner brothers Disney and many many more have done just that in the late 1920s and 1940s so what's stopping us from making a difference in animation and changing the ways we express imaginative and creative ideas. But what do I know?
@Plumpus3545 20 дней назад
I wish you the best, dude.
@@Plumpus3545 thanks
@Plumpus3545 15 дней назад
@Stickamajig 22 дня назад
I understand to the best of my ability. I may be misreading it, but if being an animator means giving up my way of art, I won't animate. *The industry* is becoming exactly what people predicted it would be. A *souless, corporate mess.* With big animation companies like *Pixar, one of the founding fathers of animation, basically saying "independent ideas don't make money", is heartbreaking.* Not to mention the general disrespect animators are getting. Hardwork being thrown out the trash, and to never be published because "the company owns it". Or maybe an animation being run over by the cash cows of RU-vid. I may be rambling, but that's what I'm getting. Besides that, this popped up on my recommendations out of the blue. I clicked on it, being a person who creates animations, intrigued by what you meant. *And I agree.* This is art, this is self expression. Its more than a movement of a character. But, me personally, if you're losing passion for something, let it go. Art is about creating something with a passion; to prove a point, or to tell a story. There are different art forms. Find one that you find passion in, and go with it. Don't feel you're glued to it either. I can practice animation, but sometimes i want to test out editing, or cosplaying. Anyways, whatever you do, true people who stick by your side will always be proud of you.
@lavendalla 19 дней назад
I have no words for how incredibly close to home this hits. I don't mean to write a book over here, but I have been sitting in this exact feeling, these exact thoughts and doubts and bitter outlooks, since my first year of college. I graduated last year. Still have no idea where I'm going, what I want, who I am without the "artist" identity attached. It's scary. I'm tired. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm trying to not stew in the shame I feel for working a non-creative job, but it's hard because of expectations and my own lack of fulfillment. More and more, though, I fear working in the art field will be the final nail in the coffin for my turbulent feelings toward art. But then I see beautiful works! And things I wish I could have worked on with the other artists that produced it! And I want connection and to express and to share! And it hurts, to both love and resent this thing that once was purely for the mere act of creating it and nothing more. And now I don't know who I am in relation to it, yet I'm more lost imagining a "me" without it. It feels like a failure, a betrayal, a piece of myself being abandoned unceremoniously. Like it was all a big waste of time. (What's that concept called, where you invest a ton of time into something and don't let it go purely because of the amount of time invested, even if it no longer serves you/works? It's that lol) I stumbled across this video as I was going to turn on music to sit down and try to draw, ironically. I have multiple animations started, none finished, and everyday it eats at me. Why can't I just SIT DOWN and DO IT. It's like pulling teeth, and yet, simultaneously, the urge to still draw exists. I have a plethora of other hobbies, overwhelming in its own right, because every single time I try to do those other things, my brain is yelling at me, "If you have time to do this, you have time to work on your projects!" And it's just a perfect figure-eight of guilt, guilt, guilt. Always. Even when I'm out doing other things, with friends, family. I know this is unhealthy. But it's an incredibly tangled, complex relationship, and I've been trying to untangle it for nearly 7 years, when I was told I had to figure out what I was going to do for the rest of my life and pick a college major, and I thought, "I love art, I can't imagine doing anything else!" How twisted that truth has become. Sorry for whatever this was, I just really appreciated this video and everyone sharing their feelings around it too. It's comforting to have this solidarity, being someone who has no one to talk about this with and is constantly being hounded by family to finally "get a job in my field, you went to college for this, you can't waste that degree, just keep applying" and so on. Welp, time to go draw lol Edit: Just read the description, and I am once again completely, wholly in agreement---that is exactly how I feel. I'm exhausted by my mind and whatever this creative limbo is.
@Meyasaurus 21 день назад
As a high school animation student wanting to go into college and make it into a career, I felt this on a personal level. I’ve contemplated if this was the correct path for me, if maybe I should turn my traditional drawing ability into my main career instead, maybe become a tattoo artist, but I’ve been so stuck on animation because of how much of an impact it had on me as a kid, and I want to make films like people I look up to in the industry. However, I will admit I’m so lazy that every time I bring myself to work on an animation piece, I give up after a few frames, and it takes me a while to really lock in. (By a while, I mean a few weeks) I’m also scared that if I do turn this into a career in the future, I’m going to be so worried about losing my job or not making enough money to provide to my family or myself because animators don’t make enough money in most cases. I’m also scared that I’m not good enough for the industry’s standard when going into college that they’ll reject me instantly from every college I try to attend and so I’ll have to give up on my dream job which will crush me, and I’ll have to focus on something else.
@manzana1314 20 дней назад
Same bro. Same
@snickersnaps 21 день назад
I’d like to put this out here for anyone watching- The animation industry is very intensive and fast paced. It’s easy to get burned out and compare yourself to others. Just know that despite how hard it all is, you usually aren’t working alone- and if animation isn’t your strong suit there are still plenty of jobs within the animation industry that you can get into (ex. Background artist, character artist, storyboarding, etc). A lot of the animators that I’ve met from the industry have told me the same thing: art is great, but don’t let working get in the way of life. Prioritize your health and happiness. If art is something you’re genuinely passionate about, don’t give up on it
@p0p525 21 день назад
I relate so fucking bad. The only path for me was to be an animator, yet I dropped out twice due to how overwhelming things are. In fact, I decided to change my path this year. Seing my friends moving forwards will I go in circle is just painful. I love animation, but this ain't cut for me.
@spezzyspezzy 19 дней назад
I've been reading the description over and over again. Its so genuinely cathartic and touching. Thank you for making this.
@godzillafan19543 23 дня назад
Hey dude, IK this is extremely weird for me to comment, usually i don't comment alot and we're not rly friends, but i do want to say this. I understand how you feel in that video, rejection in general and feeling self doubt within your self. Also i want to do Animation myself one day but i don't a the equipment that you do besides the tablet. The Animation industry is harsh these days lots of layoffs and outsourcing from different countries which ik Dreamworks did, and Underpaid animators for example Across the Spiderverse. Honestly its your ultimate decision if you want to continue animation or not i sympathize with people who want to. I've seen a couple of your animation vids pop into my recommended fee and they're pretty good, i've never made a animation onpar to your level. Your a very creative person, i can see you being a prop designer or even a director/writer. Animation is hard, i have dreams on working in animation (Mines are a bit more ambitious and i'll admit it a bit unrealistic) but i think you can do great things besides just animation. At the end of the day its you're own choice if you want to peruse animation but whatever you do just make sure you're passionate about it, most people don't even attempt to make their careers come true and work to a 9 to 5 Job around at that age. you still have a LONG TIME to figure out what you want to do in life.
@CoolGuy_LT 23 дня назад
I think regardless of what you have, you can definitely make something you’re happy with! I remember using some free online software when I was younger. But still I’m grateful for your kind words, we’re both pretty young and the industry can still change so I hope for the both of us it is kinder.
@godzillafan19543 23 дня назад
Ofc man, the most I have is Procreate which does allow you to animate, I hope the industry does change its kinda on fire if I have to be brutally honest, my dream is to make a animation studio one day even tho that’s kinda unrealistic but hey dream the dream. also EDIT: @CoolGuy_LT congrats on your first 1K video on your channel
@spaceboy7413 20 дней назад
Man, some of this reminds me of how I am in regards to music production. For me, it was perpetually comparing my work to people who had infinitely more experience than me. It's like constantly hitting my head against a brick wall, trying to force your creations to be as 'good' as theirs. I think one of the realizations that liberated me was that music wasn't something I 'did for a living', it was something I 'lived to do'. Thus, I was free from expectations that I could not possibly meet due to my lack of experience. I think it's great that you want to expand into other fields, as that is (I think) a good way to avoid burnout. Don't want to invest in a craft for a while? You can invest in another one. I also understand what you mean when people just call your creations 'nice', rather than offering any deeper insight that recognizes your toil. However, if those people are laymen to your craft, can they be blamed? Can you expect them to understand the methodology behind every line, every tween frame, every line trace? I don't know if you have this in your social circle, but having at least one person who is sufficient at understanding your work present to offer a more detailed insight and commentary on your creations helps a lot. Not only can they appreciate in greater depths the hard work you put in, but they can offer genuinely constructive pointers rather than just, 'it's nice'. Sorry if I went a bit too much 'problem solver' in trying to address what your going through. If none of my suggestions are what you're looking for right now, then at least know I understand where you're coming from. Don't stop animating, but don't destroy yourself over it either.
@qq-me2vo 21 день назад
animation is not the only way to be an artist; it’s one i aspire to do but ultimately one i do not feel happy doing, and i have to deal w that
@IZABELAqqqqq 21 день назад
I feel like this might end up being me eventually. I've barely started animation (just as a hobby, not in any art school or anything yet) and I've finally made something I'm proud of, but I find it hard to get myself to animate even though I feel like its the only thing I really want to do, and the only thing that fully appeals to me. But then after putting hours and hours into thinking out every detail and making it very personal to me, I show it to people and they say "Oh that's cool" and it kinda feels like despite everything I put into it, most people will only gawk at it for a few seconds and move on and forget about it. Although I get it, maybe it doesn't appeal to everyone, its kinda discouraging that most people will completely forget and move on in a day for something that has made a huge impact on the recent years of my life. Even though this is the only way I can really express myself, as a career it seems so insecure and I don't wanna spend my whole life cultivating this skill and pouring out all my effort into it only to end up with nothing. I never decided to pursue this for money or recognition but I at least want it to reach an audience who resonates with it, rather than just being forgotten in obscurity. I feel accomplished about a 15 second animation I worked on for at least 2-3 months, only to see someone else do something way better in a much smaller time frame and it feels like I have so much to go to really be able to freely express myself the way I want to. Plus it doesn't help that my family barely cares about art, its like they see it as something that can only be valid if it meets their narrow expectations, and they only see it as an unimportant side hobby and knowing them, someone is gonna lecture me sooner or later about how I actually have to contribute to society rather than just doing these silly moving pictures. So I just convince myself that someone out there values it, and they just don't see its worth because its not something they grew up with. Even then, I'm still going to dedicate myself to this despite everything because I know that other people have done it, despite being unconventional (or even considered plain 'weird' or 'bad' by the general public) they have found their audience and made so much progress in the span of thier careers. As for your case, I really feel the "that haunting black mass that haunts my desk". I honestly don't think I could give you any worthy advice but all I could think of is taking a break, and doing all those things you feel like you're missing out on and maybe in that time you'll figure things out, and if not, I wish you the best of luck. This video is a masterpiece and I hope you know that, because it captures the same feeling lots of other animators and artists are feeling right now, and I can tell you for a fact that this video isn't just something I'll forget about the next day, because I know for sure I'm gonna rewatch this a lot in the future.
@EngineerMonkey-zp3yj 21 день назад
If your past self, who is so excited anout art, and about making it, could peer into the future and see how they would feel about it now, and what it would become to them, I wonder if they would continue to persue it.
@oh_dunamis_ 21 день назад
hey you’re video stumbled in my feed I don’t know your journey or where you are now, as I’m just a hobby artist, BUT what I can say is that you can tell your skill for the craft just from this video alone. I know right now things might feel bleak, and I’m sorry it’s been tough for you, but I believe you have bigger and better things ahead of you! Where there’s a valley there’s a mountain, good luck, you can do this! Take this time to recoup so you can get back up on your feet and make a difference:) I’m rooting for you!
@pickleostrich 21 день назад
For me it helps for me to keep my head down and just make stuff every week. I push something anything out. It doesn't have to be good and no one needs to like it. It really does help if people like it but at the end you just gotta make things for yourself. I hope I can stick to this I've done it for a few months now. I relate a lot to your feelings on the industry I think it's really bullshit how they treat people like us. I'm maybe ignorantly trying to be indie making my super niche weirdo cartoons but I feel if I like it maybe enough people can find it in themselves to like it as well. Anyways good luck Lisa much love from another animator. Sincerely.
@atoucangirl 11 дней назад
when you make a geniunely amazing animation about hating animation. passion and purpose are what drives the artist.
@sunbakedtomatoes 20 дней назад
Sometimes I wonder if I keep making art because I want to or because I feel the need to punish myself
@joseoh5856 20 дней назад
This is truly one of the greatest video I've ever seen. The editing, the sound design, the feels, the rhythm, so much... And the description. All of it vibrated a chord in my soul I hadn't heard before. Thank you, and have a great life
@madmillion88 20 дней назад
I am going to college for animation too, and wow. This brought up a real feeling inside of me that I couldn’t pin down for a long time. Thank you.
@professoryeetus8955 21 день назад
once you start fixating on your skill, it gets more and more comfortable to practice in order to finally become an Artist. but then you realize that you're JUST practicing and you don't have the spoons to actually create Art... trying to draw something with any semblance of storytelling feels forced and it just feels meaningless to hear people compliment the aesthetics of your art style when skill wise there are still countless people better than you and emotion wise it's completely hollow. i've done a little animation practice, but it's not at all my main thing. my main goal is comics, but i've never even drawn one. i spend so much time studying my fundamentals, but when i ask myself if i'd like to try drawing just a single sketchy comic page today, it's like my brain is screaming at me to just leave it alone, so i do. i want to be recognized and appreciated, but i don't have anything i want to share with anyone. not even that there are no ideas in my head, just that it feels pretentious to bring them out... i do want to be authentic, but i don't want to bring the real parts of me out for people to scrutinize. even if i try, i can't get far because i know i'm putting my real thoughts, emotions, and stories through a filter that others will be comfortable with. it's like i can draw, but i can't create art. when i said "you", by the way, i didn't intend to project onto you or tell you any objective truths i thought you didn't know, i just wanted to share the thoughts that came to me after watching this a few times and reading the description (i hope that's okay). so if anyone reads this, read those first "you"s as "i"s.
@archonicmakes 21 день назад
“it’s not that there aren’t any ideas in my head, it just feels pretentious to bring them out” wow…
@graysonrussell8310 20 дней назад
Thank you for this. Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable here. I think I just came to a realization too. I’m gonna try animation but, if it’s not for me it’s okay. I’m not bound to it like you said. Thank you. This made me feel a little better about my opportunities and pathways I could take as an artist. Thank you. Much love. Brilliant video. ❤
@aun7106 20 дней назад
I feel you. Thanks for speaking up about your struggle
@Maoncake 20 дней назад
As a former animator, I feel you deeply. I was once an animator who made animated videos of my original characters like these cartoon shows. I didn't go to animation, and now I know it was a good choice. I don't hate animating, I hate how people take my animations for granted. Won't spend a second to take a look at it, or just give it a like and move on. I had 2 animation channels which all failed. Now I made a new channel for posting videos I want.
@fntthesmth423 21 день назад
Woof This kinda reminds me of a conversation my coworker and i had recently, where he kept encouraging me to get more games in my portfolio and maybe i'd get a good job--and i interrupted him, basically saying "no dude, you're looking at it backwards. I want a livable wage that i use to supplement a game-making habit, not to depend on games to survive. That would take all the fun out of it"
@_kaleido 22 дня назад
wow, I don’t really know what to say, but, just don’t give up okay? Even if you decide art as a career isn’t for you, you can always do it as a hobby. we need more artists than ever and you are putting good things into the world!
@LuvstarX3 19 дней назад
And that’s what I’m scared of. Everything I’m trying to work for now. I love animation or animators (I’m planning to be one when I grow up) but I’m scared of losing that passion. I don’t ever want to lose it
@theaterkidstew 21 день назад
im going into my sophmore year and im already stressing so much over the future. i want to do something creative, but i love so many creative mediums like singing, acting, drawing, writing, its all amazing to me but im terrified of burnout which leads me to go on a creative slump and do nothing creative for days. the freat pf burnout is causing me to burnout and im already worrying that ill either hate my future “dream” job or not make enough money off of it. this video is so accurate with my love hate relationship with art. i love creating, but im not exceptionally good at anything i like to do.
@artifuljordan 19 дней назад
I’m majoring in animation, but for some reason, I’m wanting to change it to film. Not that I want to give up animation-I just think it’d be better for me if I learn the ways to break into the industry in the first place. Especially with the way that it all is now, and I somehow enjoyed my first film class more than my animation one, I’m in limbo right now. I just hope that I can make it. I think we’re all experiencing this feeling right now. You’re definitely not alone in this.
@gergokun7154 19 дней назад
I felt a similar way, i was studying animation but i left the school. I dont actually want to give it up, its just that school was very demanding, i wasnt quiet on the skill level yet, and while i knew that animating is very hard and tedious i didnt truly realised it for a long time. I keep practicing, and one day i might get good enough.
@timeblade 19 дней назад
I’m not even a artist but the “I’d rather be an artist than an industry workers” hit me.
@mr_mist7891 20 дней назад
Making art, of any kind, requires the enjoyment of the process itself first and foremost; in short: You make art because you like to *make* art. Not because of the people that may or may not see what you make. I'm going to translate one of my favorite quotes from my favorite writer of all time, Julio Cortazar, who is regarded as one of the single most influential latin american authors, I'd argue ever: (What he says, he says about authors, but it can, of course, be extrapolated to any kind of creative and/or artistic endeavor, such as animation) "When you're writing, if you create expecting that, already, there will always be someone there to experience your art other than yourself, then you are lost as an author. When you write, you're on the other side of a river throwing pieces of paper across it. Yes, maybe there will one day be someone that picks the paper up and enjoys it, but that's just luck. So if you're not a fan of yourself and of the process of writing, then you've lost yourself at the beginning." Still, there is no shame in being connected with yourself and what you really want to get out of any part of your life.
@Undefinedartisan 20 дней назад
I started to really animate because i enjoyed doing it, giving up on that is giving up because i genuinely enjoy doing it. I hope you can enjoy whatever you do, programming is fun too, and just art by it's self, maybe try story boarding or concept art, just dont do something you actively hate. Animation was not my first love and it hurts to let go of one, I know but if you don't you'll screw your life up, draw, make a game, make a song, a board game whatever just don't animate. And if you still don't have the will to stop maybe try 3d animations they are different.
@NO_ir777 20 дней назад
I love animation to bits, too. I'm hoping to be really good at it someday, somehow. I think what you love dearly is animation by itself, the process of creating, putting in the effort, putting in the time. What you despise is simply the competition, the competitive industry and the online space where all artists are fighting for some sort of attention or praise. Obsessing over whether you'll "make it" or whether you'll stand out will drive you insane. The best thing you can do is enjoy the process. Try to be better than you were yesterday. If someone likes your work when they find it? That's great. If your work is good enough to give you a career? That's also great. But ultimately whether you're seen by this chaotic algorithm or found by a recruiter looking to hire you for a job is by chance. In this game the only thing you can control is whether you animate or not. Whether you try to improve or not. The only thing being more skilled will do is potentially increase your chances of being seen or getting a job, but that's only a chance. I have seen amazingly skilled animators in every corner of the internet go unnoticed or without a job and its just how it is. Stop animating to prove yourself to somebody, stop animating for the sake of other people. Stop animating for the sake of the competition. Just animate for yourself. Animate for the fun of it. I think that is how you can appreciate animation again.
@pepitocovid-91 21 день назад
Genuinely this made me tear up, I feel like this video reasonates with a lot of us artists and animators
@Ord1naryOne 21 день назад
To me it seems like the idea of value is destroying you. A mountain of pressure to be a good artist and live up to all that prestige you associate with that title. I think anyone would be crushed by such a heavy burden. That's why I've given up on carrying such an insanely heavy load. Ambition? I don't need any of it. I've dropped the weight of trying to compete with the entire world. All ~8billion of them. I don't need to better than everyone let alone myself. Relax. Existing is enough. The birds fly and chirp everyday. Whether they have any value or not they still exist nevertheless. Tying your value to your creations like you're worth everything or nothing seems so exhausting. If value is decided that way I'd still live how I want nevertheless. If it isn't then it's still the same to me. I don't care if value exists or not because to me it's all the same regardless: I'll still exist however I want. If the birds can so can I.
@SN-nr8po 22 дня назад
hey. i dunno what i can say to help. but id like to say. i think its fine. if you come to hate animation. or if you regain love for it. its all- i struggle with this stuff too is all i can say i guess. and coming to hate the notion of industry is something i can empathize with. everything that can be said has been said but i think its fine. we are not yet old enough to be doomed.
@Dice27 20 дней назад
crazy how I've been asking myself these questions and feeling very similiarly to what you described, the dread of getting to the drawing tablet kills me every time, in a time where the industry seems like could fall apart at any moment, to only be replaced by ai...and then, while you try to improve, many others are just way better than you and the feeling of inadequance just doesn't end- I hope you find a suitable answer to try and live your life at the best of its capabilities, it sucks to think about what comes next, so try one step at a time. love ya fellow artist❤
@tododokii 20 дней назад
You’re still very young /gen- Kind of was in a similar position as you, wanted to test out the path of doing post-secondary for animation, but it didn’t line up- I was in the process of attempting to apply into schools, but I stopped mainly from the lack of stability of the industry- (to me personally. Whether it was seeing how many professionals had projects cancelled or were laid off, as well as seeing how frequently it’s common to have to continuously apply to new projects once you finish on one-) And amongst other things- other experiences, and then becoming overwhelmed by similarly to you- comparing myself to others, having imposter syndrome, really killed the love I originally had for it. I always had imposter syndrome, and always compared myself to others, but this time around with everything piling up on each other became a huge blow. Right now, I think the best you can do, is things like: being kind and be proud of yourself. Your effort and grit to commit and be brave enough to try your hardest to achieve something you are passionate about is something to be really proud of regardless of whether it leads. Genuinely feel proud of yourself for all of that energy and time you put in, because it’s not something everyone is brave enough or can commit themselves to. I for sure would applaud and cheer you on for doing so. :) Additionally will mention: I am sorry to hear your experience with animation in a way feels tainted and ruined. Like I said before, I think I understand the feeling, and you’re not wrong at all and alone in feeling these things with it. And again, I feel similar, where I’m currently in a time where I’m trying to rebuild my relationship with it, and find that fun again. If it’s something you still want to keep dabbling in, keep in mind you can always still do it for fun or for a hobby and not go in the traditional sense professional with it- You can try doing freelance/commission work to get some income. You can build an audience or community around your work, like you gathered all of us here to this video through social media accounts! Apply into some zines or collabs for fun with other artists, or hell, even make fanart, or even oc art for your own little stories-. There’s endless ways of being an artist or animator you don’t need to become in a traditional sense an industry animator, and even then, some animators don’t even go into pos secondary, just hone their craft, or even just do it for fun, and still get into the industry! There’s no right or wrong with art, if it is something you want to pursue as a job, or just something you want to do for fun, technically no set path or education you need to go down to be one! That snippet you shared about wanting to use that time to spend hanging out with friends and doing other things- Honestly, if animation/art is something you want to still keep up, I support the idea of taking a break, or spending less time drawing and doing other things you enjoy for a period of time! Similarly, I realized how burnout I was after drawing at least 1 hour daily for a few years, spending for the first time at least 1 week from the “grind” mentality relieved the pressure I put on myself that kept stunting my fun and motivation to learn and improve anyways! Lastly too, ensure when you are drawing that you are having fun! If you!re drawing and it no longer feels fun anymore, definitely just do something else for the meanwhile. I’ve been having a lot more of a relaxed and fun experience really on drawing things that I like and when I actually feel like I’m enjoying, having fun, or learning. Drawing more and more when I don’t get something or get frustrated with myself just compounds into days of negative feelings about my work. And OVERALL LASTLY HAHA (I swear :)) if you realize that animation maybe just isn’t your thing, that’s entirely okay too! Again, I applaud you and support you in seeing how hard you tried, it’s something few ppl are brave enough to actually commit to. there’s nothing wrong ever in wanting to pivot to something else for any reason. And hell, it’S not like you can never come back to it again, may industry pros, or even those learning in post-secondaries are on the older side too! And again, so many routes to becoming an animator than traditionally going to school- No matter what you do, go out there, have fun, and raise some hell :) ❤️
@FlareLaunch 21 день назад
You’re heard.
@bwkanimations7352 19 дней назад
i really did stop drawing for the same reason, its not sad or anything atleast not anymore, i just felt like my life has become better when i stopped drawing digitally and taking it too siriously and started doing more active hobbies like going to the gym, seeing progress in a way that isnt dependant on society is immaculate (most complicated word i used in my life)
@FluttershyLeet 20 дней назад
I hope everything works out for you, don't give up
@avchez2527 21 день назад
Absolutely amazing video, amazing job on it. I've always felt as if I'm never truly passionate in art, music, coding, or animation. I see myself doing it in the sense that I have to. Whether it be constantly making gifts for friends, or working on personal projects. I try to make every ounce of my free time trying to work on these projects, because if I don't, or do something fun instead, I'm being a lazy slob. If I have time to myself it will be spent working, or not doing anything at all.
@comicallysmallcerealbox489 21 день назад
I make art to create something so no matter how much I hate it, no matter how much my art looks off, or like I’m no trying, or stiff, I’ll still make it because, one day I decided that it was a part of me I can’t throw away. I’m not the same person that I was back then, for better and for worse, but my love for art hasn’t changed, I don’t think it ever will, and so I keep hacking away at drawing, because I love it. That will never change. (Awsome animation btw! Sorry for dumping this in your comments lol, keep on keeping on!)
@SirJr.alot237 21 день назад
Bro this is literally me rn, but i cant give up cause i made a promise to myself and i intend to keep it
@zomxy643 17 дней назад
this is so true, like I’m literally scared of my future of wanting to become an artist/animator :(
@I0IRosellaI0I 20 дней назад
We understand take breaks take the time to take care of yourself and go do the things you want
@cheezeebutter452 21 день назад
I hope you find the life you're looking for and that you deserve. Also, I love your video "In the Midst of the Killer," but comments were turned off so I couldn't say that there.
@Splat654 21 день назад
I went to university on design and animation, which turned out to be a complete scam and a time waste. Simply, we didn't get any promised classes to teach us how to animate. But still, we had to figure it out and make cartoons with our schedule, being 90% filled up with unnecessary classes. Then, when we finally got to present our cartoons, we were judged based on the personal taste of whoever was the jury at that time. All that made me believe i am a failure, when in reality, i was put in the scenario where i couldn't succeed. I got severe anxiety disorder, i got burnout, that, at some point, felt like a full-on depression. After uni i literally couldn't draw for 3 years. I felt disgusted whenever i took a pencil and tried drawing characters. When in reality my mind was preventing me from doing something that hurt me in the past, again. And that artblock turned out the best thing that happened to me! All these 3 yeas, i blamed myself - "How's that, if i want to draw, why can't I force myself to? I am probably just lazy". No, I needed rest. I needed time off. And its completely okay. You can take rest from animation for a few years and come back to it later in life. It won't make you less of an artist, less of a creator. That 3 years let me heal, let me finally learn to respect and love my own art, to see its flaws and cons, and to realize what i have been doing wrong in my art journey. Take time off. Heal yourself. You have a whole life ahead, you can turn back any time you want, and in any way you won't. Your art journey is only yours, dont let other opinions define it for you.
@jjmersn 20 дней назад
This video speaks to my soul. Thank you
@AdrianAnimations360 4 дня назад
I thought this was going to be one of those cringy click bait RU-vid videos but instead I got one of the most heartbreaking and most inspirational animation I have ever seen.
@krampus7520 17 дней назад
THis hurts me bad because so many artists get sucked into the idea that University is good and once they get through it they'll have amazing animation skills after hey trug through 4 years of suffering, and thats not how is in real life. art skill, animation skill, it takes a good amount of discipline to cultivate. I wanted to be a huge animation meme channel when i was younger, and i started so many projects, and never finished any of them. I "quit" (shifted my focus) from doing animation in favor of doing a comic, which taught me disapline and "cutting corners" to make something still look good but circumventing the work needed. i'm much better at animation now, i'm SO much better at project management and having the disapline to finish something i start. If you hate something, it gets really hard to do, it's so much more frustrating that you feel like you've wasted years on your life on it. University is such a soul sucking scam, i wish more people were able to see this. Hoping for the best that you'll one day find something you love doing.
@BVK. 18 дней назад
That's why it's recommended to do something else for financial sustainability and keep all those artsy stuff for expression! Relying on art for paying bills etc. is absolutely a bad idea as far as i am aware.
@noahbanana7526 20 дней назад
I don't like to call myself an artist, I feel egotistical and _Hee Hee hoo hoo I'm so cool and good at everything, I'm an artists!_ when I say that. Recently I heard in a podcast someone call themselves a _"Magician of the Imagination"_ and it's what I would say if someone asked what I want to be.
@donnycorn3086 18 дней назад
I'm an artist. I just watched a Ghibli movie, "Whisper of the Heart", and I think it's worth watching for anyone here who's an artistic people.
@maglev957 21 день назад
I had experience trying to get into composing and realizing the hard way that I just have zero passion for it. If you aren't passionate about something, that's not your fault, it just means that your real passions lie elsewhere.
@Jace666lol 19 дней назад
Animating makes me wish I was rich enough for rigging software
@Luke_Martynov 20 дней назад
Good job, I liked this art.
@Sanpaku-san 20 дней назад
I have a big ole pilot that I wrote and storyboarded and ready to go, but I can't bring myself to work on it. I hate the animation process and I hate the work that goes into drawing good drawings. I've started working on my webcomic again which has brought back some passion, which is ironic since comics are the same skills as animation in a way.
@LeboufMinaya 17 дней назад
In this area and I am very excited 😁
@heeyy3 21 день назад
Unlucky, for the industry or the world or even my mind will not stop me. I will listen to my heart, even if I die a homeless man.
@ConvenientlyShapedUsername 21 день назад
Understandable. Very understandable. I've thought about making animatics for fun since I'm ok at stills, but animation.. Respect for trying your best, though!
@jaydreams5007 21 день назад
Just graduated AUB. They dont care about the 3D students, i can’t actually do shit on maya, blender, redshift or unreal or ANYTHING jobs want. And. I have no portfolio. Nothing to hand in to get a job. Plus, i realised the way the industry works, changing jobs every 3-5 years, moving countries in search of your next paycheck, never settling down and buying a house- Thousands and thousands graduate animation a year. A few junior roles are posted. Even when you land your first gig, when the projects done you’re liable to be made redundant and lose your job. Ive been looking for a normal retail job for 9 months. I wont have 9 months of rent saved. So I’m getting an apprenticeship in content creation. Storyboarding, creative authority, bit of numbers. It’s nice, and boring in a good way. Most brands need advertising/content. Few animation studios exist in the uk outside of london.
@-Teague- 21 день назад
Maybe you should get into therapy. It seems like you need some help to sort this out. Best wishes for you 🩵
@thisdeath 21 день назад
this is sad... hope u heal from this... person
@ElijahWLYT 21 день назад
I felt this way before. I wanted to be a 3D character artist, it took me a year of no progress and almost no motivation to realize I wasn’t even enjoying it now. Just try a different form of art, from the looks of it you have time to course correct and adapt all that you learned
@Algorith_ 21 день назад
i fw this video heavily investing at 285 likes (hope ur ok man, and hope you find something that fulfills and makes u happy)
@prettyoriginalnameprettyor7506 21 день назад
Just do it whenever you want, if you never want to it's not a big deal
@anorthkey 21 день назад
wow, incredible ^^ you might not be able to take your time and stop, but if you can, do it. and embrace change, try music, 3d animation or writing, being an artist is creating, not destroying yourself in the process, yet many have done it. if you have to be an animator, try joining a real life community of one, might be hard these days cuz of the digitalisation age, but it's worth it. anyways, whatever you do, i hope you'll find a way that does not mean suffering, good luck
@bigdummy3443 21 день назад
Honestly seeing how all his videos barely reach 100 views and this video reaching almost 6000 by now makes me wonder if people will only listen at your lowest or do people secretly enjoy seeing it.
@fernbreeze723 20 дней назад
im only here because the algorithm recommended it. maybe its the algorithm that's learned thats what people click on
@professoryeetus8955 20 дней назад
i got this in my recommended then subscribed and watched through their other work. very glad this video was recommended to me because otherwise i wouldn't've found this animator
@safidasango 20 дней назад
You never thought of it being recommended? Because that's what it did.
@CoolGuy_LT 20 дней назад
For a while my most popular video ever was a video about me talking about Kim K’s hands
@spicyshark 18 дней назад
As an aspiring animator, I really understand this. Animation can be fun but there’s no denying it’s hard as hell. It can be mentally exhausting and overwhelming. I can tell you’re a very creative person through this video alone, and you’re passionate about art. The thing is that everyone has various mediums that they enjoy using. Sometimes a medium isn’t the right choice for someone. If this is the case, I feel like you can take your creativity in art mediums other than animation. But if you’re still passionate about animation, my advice is to take a break, art can be mentally exhausting sometimes and as passionate as we are, mental health is a top priority. And I know CalArts is a #1 ranked school but it’s very expensive like other private art schools. If you want to go to college for animation without being in crippling student debt, my advice is to go to a public college with a highly or at least decently ranked animation program that’s accredited by NASAD, I know that’s what I’m doing. I’m entering this semester and I’m scared as much as I’m excited but I know I can express myself, regardless if I go with animation or not. I read the description and you venting about how good your art is and how little people look at it and boy did it hit close to home. I’ve felt like my art didn’t get much traction and felt like it sucked. But the thing is that most of the time, people say it doesn’t suck. Is it perfect? No, but name something that is. Whenever I vented about this, people say it didn’t suck. And as I said before, I can tell you’re creative just from this video. In my opinion, you’re not bad at all. I don’t know if any of these are the right words but if you’re still passionate about animation, take a break and instead of blaming yourself and others, try looking at your art and see if you can improve on something along with being proud that you worked on something you’re passionate about. If you aren’t, you can focus on other art mediums that will suit you better. This video really hit close to home and again, I don’t know if these are the right words but this is me trying my best. Regardless of whenever you choose to continue pursing animation or go into another art medium, I wish you good luck! Cause I know you’re talented.
@kenrichgumanid9235 20 дней назад
I see how you've been through, go ahead.
@ayeslpirninsev 19 дней назад
I've had thoughts like this for so long, this Is accurate to how It feels
@nef36 17 дней назад
I don't think I'll ever know if I truly love art or not until I'm on antidepressants or something
@Elliot-qm3uh 21 день назад
That's okay
@erniebeasley8521 18 дней назад
This one hit me personally
@Undercover_Femboy 21 день назад
Hey man, aspirational artist (so take my words with a grain of salt) here who's currently self learning (cant afford art uni) I dont know much about you or your struggles so I cant say much, but what I can say is that the most important aspect to art (of any kind) is to first learn to love it. That's just the kind of work it is. Art expresses our creativity and by extension the art we create can be seen as a part of us. If you dont love yourself, you wont love your art and it'll show in your work. Take a break, take a breather and try to imagine why you went down this road in the first place. I say this because often in the pursuit of fulfilling others expectations of us, we forget to fulfill ourselves, we forget and lose sight of what made us love art in the first place. And if you cant find yourself loving art? Then quit. It's okay, we are only humans, and we dont always know what to do with our lives. It might feel like you have wasted time but trust me you haven't, what you learned, the expirences you gained through this journey will help you through out your life, even if not directly. Pursue a profession which truly invigorates your heart, otherwise what's the point in working so hard? Art can still be a fun hobby if you choose to go to another path. I know its not much coming from a stranger but I want you to know that your work, effort, and patience is appreciate. You have it in you to make it out of it. And whatever bad times you're going through right now will come to pass, it might seem like an eternity right now but a couple of years later you'll looking back at these times as if they were just a glimpse in you're life. Best of Luck and Best of Wishes with whatever path you choose.
@chok1169 9 дней назад
99.9% of artists that are called "talented" didn't become good artists just because they're prodigies... They became good, because they put a lot of time into their drawings, and their studies, being consistent, asking for feedback, and just enjoying the ride of learning art. One of the things that made me realize that anyone can learn art was watching the progress of ONE SINGLE DUDE that decided to start learning art and in 1 YEAR the guy was making studies that almost looked professional and a lot of pros were surprised by his progress. Was he talented? No, but he was the most CONSISTENT MOTHER FUCKER I have ever seen in my 5 years of doing art. All the days he connected and was doing his studies and asking for feedback. Sometimes, he had bad periods of time in which he hated what he was drawing, he felt repulsed by what he was making, but... he still pushed through that feeling and completed his assignments. That lvl of dedication made me realize that I have to up my game if I don't wanna get left behind, because holly shit people can achieve anything if they are really set on accomplishing their goals. Of course, this is only possible if you have time, but if you wanna make this your career remember that there are a lot of people like that guy who probably start drawing from the moment they wake up till the moment they go to sleep. ART is not EASY, ART IS FUCKING HARD, but the enjoyment we get when we see progress in our art is something irreplaceable.Good luck soldier.
@yayorneigh 21 день назад
I don’t think I have a good way to describe my feelings on how the animation industry is as a whole, or even the disparity in being proud of your work and being successful. Like you and many others in the comment section, I share a great deal of admiration and appreciation for the people in the animation industry, but I do know, in just about any professional setting, it can rip you a new asshole. It can be unruly, unfair, and downright dehumanizing. This is not new. Even without that standing however, art is inherently competitive. In the eyes of thousands, viewing hundreds of forms of arts at a time, you’ll be spared a glance at most, a letter of appreciation at best. I’ve fallen into this line of thinking dozens of times before- feeling like what I contribute to this massive world, full of thousands of other competent artists, is never going to be good enough. Not because I despise how talented other folks are, but because it always felt that they were all worth looking at. That line of thinking always sickened me, because it’s not even remotely true. People like you _are_ filled with unbridled potential and creativity. It is ultimately up to you how you decide to show it. People will naturally gravitate to what you have to offer, and what you have to tell. It will take your time, and it will take your devotion to create something special for yourself and the people you want to show it to. I’m relatively young and have so much more to learn about drawing and animation. I’ve been burnt out before, felt like not drawing for days at a time, struggled completing projects, but I don’t intend to drop animating anytime soon. All I have to say now is, I hope whatever you do decide to go forward with in your future career, you are genuinely happy doing it. Genuinely. Safe travels :)
@mobfilms2285 21 день назад
Art and animation is hard, if you need to rest, rest. But if your passionate about art, take your time. Start over again, start off with 30 minutes animating or drawing. Some other advice is that this is what art is, it tears you apart a lot of the time. Although I haven't experienced it myself due to my perspective on everything I do understand the struggles that a lot of people have. Everything is simpler than it may seem, so keep this in mind: don't overdo yourself.
@NIRDIAN1 21 день назад
If this is genuinely how you feel... All I can recommend is to develop a sense of positive nihilism. The world we currently live in is incredibly hostile to all but the most privileged people. Work, effort and care are disrespected and all of our appearance and success is at the whims of unfeeling algorithms... Focus on other people, make art that you care about and that you can show to Real Human Beings Around You... As for survival... find something you can do that sustains you and leaves you enough time to still create for you. All art is made for people, not profit. Some art is profitable, but art can not be made for profit (it is no longer art if that is the goal). Find art for you, and survive through any means necessary...
@xXDa_R4nd0m_0ni0n_G4rlXx 19 дней назад
@ratofthecity6351 17 дней назад
@TrulyAtrocious 18 дней назад
very convenient confirmation for me that I should get a job then do art and not the other way around
@itsafish4600 19 дней назад
i feel that
@someone9331 20 дней назад
Hey, I gave up on being an artist because it was never more than a hobby to me so maybe im not the best person to ask but i genuinely think you shouldn't go into the industry if thats not what u want. Some of the best artists were shunned for their art because it "failed to meet the stamdards" of what art should be like. Take this video for example, look how many ppl it resonated with! You have things to say, things to give to the world. Experiment with it. Try different art forms. Do whatever YOU want. I think thats the most honest way to be an artist. Its not practical at all thats true but thats okay. I would argue it makes it even more admirable. And if u decide you dont want to create anymore that is okay too, it's okay to just be. Life is hard but you have time to figure it out, i promise. Life is pretty long tbh
@stanisawjurek9775 21 день назад
Animation is my everything. I don't want you to become a mirror to me.
@thefunnychiptuneman 17 дней назад
even if your art isnt as good you can still like animation its not like it got bad
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