
I'm about to leave the Watchtower Religion - Interview part 1 

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This two hour interview with Isaac illustrates that no matter how many different people from different walks of life and geographic locations we talk to you, they have many unique stories to tell yet similarities always appear.
Watchtower abuses of power. Elders meddling and controlling the publisher's lives and exerting their control and meting out punishment to those they dislike, etc.
Our friend Isaac is in a difficult place, as he is right on the cusp of leaving but has not yet done so. His wife and parents and many JW friends are enmeshed in the WT's Jehovah Witness religion which makes his upcoming exit all the more difficult.
For those of us that have done research and opened our eyes to The Truth About The Truth (TTATT) there is usually only one thing we can do- leave the mind control and harmful social influence of this "Club" that we were raised in, and get away from the indoctrination.
Isaac has seen a number of things and has some interesting perspectives to relate. But the conclusion of this interview is in my view the best part; poignant, heartfelt and touching.
Stay tuned for parts two and three coming soon.
UPDATE: The second half of the video (it was a huge video file) is corrupted and not editing properly. I may have to fall back to my audio recording which I always do as a backup... UGGGHH why do bad things happen to good people? ;) Stay tuned people parts 2 and 3 will show up but might take a while.



11 сен 2024




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@eliomoreno4399 8 лет назад
I'm a high school teacher now and a few months ago there was a talent show at my school. I saw some of my students with long hair, playing (poorly) and singing on stage and I thought to myself: man... I did miss out on A HELLUVA LOT. Ad I'm not talking about chasing girls or drinking and all that, but I'm talking about being a proper human being with feelings and emotions. Enjoying something for real.
@vonhimblefritz3249 9 лет назад
It's so wonderful seeing so many leaving this cult. It's too bad that they have wasted years and decades of their lives while in the jw cult. It's never too late to find the real truth which is everything against this man made hateful group. Keep up the good work with the testimonies of the many that have managed to escape the jw's and wt deviant ways.
@castle1144 10 лет назад
I went in to care work when I left the witnesses at that time my self esteem was on the floor and I can honestly say it saved my life. I was actually really helping people and they were so grateful for my help. I never got that feeling in the org. All I got was pressure and no entry to the clicks!! No help with my young family. Thank you for sharing your story
@emptythepain 10 лет назад
Thank you for speaking the truth. It gives me so much positive energy knowing there are real honest people out there, that won't stand for the mind control game anymore! Enjoy the healing process, it gets better everyday xox!
@mackiepimo-jwjones3019 7 лет назад
JW's are extremely hypersensitive. That's the GB program them to think. Growing up a JW it grooms you to be judgmental and conditional and I was tired of thinking that way. I don't want my kids going through the same thing I went through.
@sofietaylor2573 8 лет назад
This brought back so many memories, i can relate to everything that he's saying. I saw so much over the years and escaped about 10 years ago, and found the real truth.
@stevenwestern8199 10 лет назад
What a terrific young guy. So many things were covered here, people coming together in times of disaster, developing a desire to help others into EMT training. It's all good
@JWStruggle 10 лет назад
Steven Western Absolutely true!
@alastairwest5200 5 лет назад
I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT - praise Kurios!
@enlilnet 10 лет назад
Well, I can't stop watching you interviews, I am a former JW myself and is good to know that there is life outside there. Good job in gathering people and inspiring stories.
@hagblay 8 лет назад
People are leaving in droves but the biggest number are those who do not really believe but stay and pretend so they can keep their families. Then there is a large number who are slowly fading away. They are hoping to just one day to not go anymore. They are really fading out for family sake.The days of complete loyal jws putting in a large amount of time well these numbers are decliningFading is what I did then I just jumped ship. I do not hear from them anymore.
@bbuttercup7204 7 лет назад
John Newsome I thought I could fade, but it was impossible. The sisters kept coming by my house, and I had to hide. What if I told them what I know about the Royal Commission in Australia, or the UN membership for 10 years, or that pyramid in the Watchtower Society grave plot? One month of non stop investigation, and I wasn't ready to talk. IF you talk, they will pull you in the back room, intimate the hell out of you, and label you. Then, there is that scripture that plays in your head "a woman can't teach a man anything.". So why put myself in that situation, I didn't make the rules. I can't fade, thought I could da myself, but I am a Jehovah's Witness through and through, so now I have to witness. Now I am an apostate, or so they label me. Tonight is DF night. I watched your videos brother, yes the cocks of the walk will be crowing tonight. But they suckered down Audiomachine machine music in the paradise video of 2016. If you you tube Audiomachine, eternal flame is the song you will see if compared with the paradise video. Next check out Epica, as this vocal band worked with Audiomachine on the album. Look at more of their music. it is extremely satanic, and high class satanism. So you witnesses suck down that satanic frosting on your hope cake.
@hagblay 7 лет назад
If you want out then stand your ground- Do not go to any judical hearings-You are wasting your time- You are going along with their plans if you go. They will eventually get the message. These people are nuts-Get out now- They have you in fear. Screw them-They are a cult and all they want you to be is a zombie and give your life to them- I gave them 32 years of my life. I left after finding out what you found out. Dont try to convince them about the UN or anything else- They do not hear you or believe you- Do not waste your time- Its like talking to a brick wall.
@bbuttercup7204 7 лет назад
I gave them a da letter. But while the brothers were at the meeting I delivered proof of the UN membership, and info on the Royal Australian Commission on child abuse, and put it in some brothers doors. So I know I will be DF tonight. I am free. I would have rather faded, but since I had been a good sevice partner to the sisters, they were concerned and wouldn't leave me alone. It is inevitable once you are awake.
@hagblay 7 лет назад
beth--you did the right thing- you wont be sorry- like i said i was in it for 32 years and truthfully saying i never did believe in it--i just went through rthe motions--it is a cult and a book publishing company--jason zelba--go to his site and you will find out all about the stock they have--stocks in boeing--coors beer-honeywell a weapons manufacturing..good luck and God bless.
@miranduri 9 лет назад
Wish you well. Stay away from those who shun you! Left decades ago. That is when my life really started.
@rhapsodydiva 9 лет назад
This video is more than a year old but I can so relate to everything he is talking about. From the selective punishments based on friendships. The double lives and just all out mind controlling practices. I'm glad I had a non JW parent and a mind to never get baptized.
@alteregothi8697 8 лет назад
You were smart....
@padussia 8 лет назад
I was planing on getting baptized but I changed my mind because my spiritual mom, has been a baptized JW for 40 years is an in the closet homosexual and comes on to me every time I go to visit her. And when I told her that I may have some unnatural feelings towards her, she not only deleted me from her friends list on fb, she wanted to out me to the the elders and the whole congregation and I haven't done anything wrong. What I'm not understanding is that if I had let her, she would have committed a homosexual act on me the second time I visited her. But now that I'm telling her how I may feel about her, she's acting like she's so innocent and is throwing me under the bus as if I'm a bad person. And this hurts my feelings so bad. I feel she's thinks I dumb enough to be manipulated into thinking I'm at fault and she wants to hide in the closet and act as if she's this perfect person and judge me. This really put a bad taste in my mouth about some JWs. I also makes me feel like I want to stop going to the kingdom hall and just listen in.
@SanuraMoore 10 лет назад
"Get Together," LOL, I remember that! You can't say party, you have to say "get together" aka more JW lingo. Yup, I remember the home school kick too. We were all pulled out of school in the early 90's and home schooled as JW kids. After Kindergarden we were done. A lot of witnesses do it now too because they are afraid their children will leave the religion aka "truth" if they remain in public schools and forget college. I was really lucky, I had no intention of not going to college even though it was completely frowned upon. When I started college I left the religion however, LOL.
@williamperry9796 10 лет назад
What about "gathering" for a word instead of party..? You remember that? Oh growing up a witness what a sham.LOL
@dottyparadise9419 10 лет назад
Ok, the recording over the recorded tapes was epic!!! My sons can so relate to this brothers issues. Thanks Eric for his interview!!
@paulwebb6263 10 лет назад
Hell yeah, man! Glad you're making the choice that will allow you to live your life.
@82gigglegal 10 лет назад
great interview, so interesting! ...can't wait for part 2! :)
@waltwest3091 10 лет назад
This is great, cant wait for the rest. Thanks
@tierraaguaybosques9236 5 лет назад
This young man looks so nervous while he tells this story. Going through all those feelings for some meaningless lie. As if life didn't give you enough problems.
@aristotlestudent 8 лет назад
The ability to take away a person's life is very powerful. Without your kids, brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, spouse, friends, etc... a person could think it's not even worth it to go on. I'd never do that to a Muslim, Buddhist, Witness, or other. An inmate, while locked up, still can have some interactions with his people. The shunned one, while seemingly "free" must start another life...or not. What terrible cruelty to do that to a person trying to find themselves. I'm sure the elders only do that for "ones own good." LOL If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a cult... or something like that.
@improg 10 лет назад
I'm enjoying your story. I just have to mention that 9/11 is one of the main reasons I'm no longer in the organization. When I saw that footage of New York under attack and people jumping to their deaths and the towers falling and all, it hit me that that was exactly what we were thinking Armageddon was going to be and I remember thinking that I didn't want to have anything to do with a god who's best solution for mankind's problems was destruction like I was seeing on the news only on an earth wide scale.
@matthewscott1091 5 лет назад
Ah, 9/11. It was a month before my 14the birthday & I was at my “evangelical” emotionally scarring school. 7th-12th grade was in one big room (only about 35-40 students). Our principle, who’s in his early 60’s walks in, “Class, I don’t know how to tell you this...but I think World War III has just begun. There’s been terrorist attacks in New York, Washington & possibly Pennsylvania.” And we got to watch the news for an hour. The scariest part was there were rumors planes might hit LA or Houston (where we live). A lot of people don’t realize Houston is the 4th largest city, with a huge oil industry & trade ports. Ugh what a dark day that was. 😢
@NadjaSabine 10 лет назад
i feel so bad for luke. even being our cousin, i could never get a straight answer about why he was df'd until years later. then the deal with his narcissistic, cheating wife using their daughter against him. poor guy. jim, tom, etc.... those families were always at war with ours. they did everything in their power to cause problems at every turn.
@michelejashinsky8409 3 месяца назад
When we were “ learning the “truth” I had already been a Bible reader I actually was a bar tender when I started reading the Bible and I quit bc I didn’t think I belonged in a bar nor did I want to be in a bar anymore and we were poor I really needed that job. We didn’t drink or dance or go to bars etc….. witnesses took us to a bar where an elder had a band! Absolutely blew our minds shoulda ran then as fast as I could the hell away from these ppl. Elder w a band playing in the bar…. 🙄
@krissykatportal 5 лет назад
Isaac is a cutie! ❤️❤️❤️
@woundedangel 5 лет назад
Does anyone know how to reach Isaac? I would love to chat with him. My experience was a bit different.
@mercedesrossell3122 9 лет назад
Was D.F in 1988. I really thought it was the "Truth". I not only had a scary fear of God during my "run" but felt sad and unfulfilled. It was a journey since that time that started on the road to the "real truth" of who God really is. I am not only free but more spiritual and very "aware" of my path and the direction of being more loving and being unjudgemental towards others truth. LOVE is the only reality. Everything else is an illusion. I feel sorry for Jw's. They are sincere people. It took years to be un brainwashed. The first thing I prayed back in 1988 was Lord..I have a problem with Trinity..I then heard a voice..not my own that said very clearly.."When you worship me you are worshipping my Son." Since that day my life changed.
@diapersFTMFW11 9 лет назад
Mercedes Rossell The Urantia Book. You're welcome.
@thesoftlifeadventurer 7 лет назад
Mercedes Rossell Wow!
@larrygonzales2033 10 лет назад
Wow, his story is similar to mine in a few spots. Both musical, both got in dutch with the elders over music. Both wanted college and went. Both wanted to be firefighters, he went but I tested all the way through to the physical and the doc killed my application for my asthmatic condition. Oh and about twenty years difference...Great story! Waiting to see how it plays out! JWS...Thanks for your efforts to rid the world of the parasitic wt!
@childofyah6776 5 месяцев назад
When I appealed my second disfellowshipping, all 6 elders met with me in the back room, all with copies of my letter. What’s funny is that wasn’t even the most uncomfortable moment in my life, but it was definitely up there! Lol
@childofyah6776 5 месяцев назад
I knew they judged me already, because the lead of the second group who was leading the second judicial meeting, before we convened, he slipped in our conversation and said Im going to have time to think about things in the coming months, so after the prayer and the meeting started, they asked me to explain what I wrote, and I wrote like 7 pages, talking about all kinds of bible verses, like the prodigal son, and the shepherd leaving the flock for the one lost sheep and etc, and after knowing that comment about me going to have time to think about things in the coming months was said before the meeting and with them all with copies of my letter staring at me, I guess it felt like a charade and I closed up and kept it superficial and showed no emotion, but answered directly their questions with as little info as could, just wish the meeting would hurry up and be over. Up to that point I was not going to the kingdom hall for years and life was really crazy for me, and I just wanted to come back to the kingdom hall, settle down and live a peaceful and quiet life, but they agreed with the first elders decision.
@makediadavis117 9 лет назад
I like your point that you put out there. I too for the last year left the JW's and what they did was conspire with my family that are in the faith or learning about the faith to set me up as a paedophile and a child abuser. Illiterate and one who is immoral and sleep around with married men. They even went as far as my pads life before I knew the truth and brought all of my history to the congregation so people could jare me and shun me and my kids. When that wasn't enough they got me to loose my job and when that wasn't enough they got my sister to put poison in my food and also put disease so that my children and I could get chicken pox and claimed that it was plague from jehovah as a punishment for my sins. They told her to call the police on me when i found out what she had been doing behind my back. As i got angry and confronted her she still denied the things she was doing and when i left her spresence she later contacted a physciatric hospital to come question me to examine my stability. When that didnt work sge persued me all the way to london so they could work against ne in the other congregations and send out members to different branches that knew me to shun me if i spoke to them abd told them i was mentally diseased. After all that and i did not become crazy they put up my mum to convince my step dad to rape me and my kids and when u found out I started keeping keeping a watch as it lost my home and everything and had to stay by my mum's. He one day came round flashing his penis in in a towel so it could see his nakedness and when I saw eat he wanted to do do quickly ran out the house with my kids and stayed on the bus for hours. I went to council for help and told them what was happening to me and they refused to help. After that I had to return home and when when I when I did my sister rang him at 3am in the morning to go to the house as I was there so that he could get to assault me. I herd him banging down the door to cone in so I called the police. A few minutes later I herd the police at the door with my step dad and that I should let let him in. When I let him in said said he the police was banging the door for a long time so i said thats impossible i just rang you he said no my family member rang him to come see if i was ok ad i needed some mefical help and that an ambulance was waiting outside for me. All this while the police was working with the JWs and it was a conspiracy to get me raped and then immidiately have me put in an hospital for mental health issues. I quickly started crying and told yhe police what mu step did earlier that day with his penis and that am not safe around him with my kids. They allowed me to go get a cab and take me and my kids away from the house. So i went to a men5ally sick sister to stay by her only to not know it was another set up to place me and my kids in her broken diwn chair that looked like a homeless person then take photos of us to circulate around the social network to humiliate me and my ids. When that wasn't enough they got the government to stop my benefits ad they also banned me from working and I am unable to afford to pay for further education to retrain in a new job. When that wasn't enough they had the school put up kids to bully my children and abuse them physically. When that wasn't enough they got the school to with held educational support and classes from my kids so they could perform poorly in school. When that wasn't enough they video recorded me at work and around the country and audio record me in my house so the public could listen in on my daily life living with my kids. When that wasn't enough they had a white young man stalked me and gave them keys to enter my house when I was out so he could let his dog urinate all over my carpets and he would wank himself and put sperms in my food in my refrigerator. When that wasn't enough they told the people in the neighbourhood to drive wrecklessly when they saw me and my kids walking along the road and to drive superfast in on us when they were parking up in their drive way. When that wasn't enough they had the young white man followed me and my children into the park where he let his dog loosed on us as I saw that my kids were in fear of the dog and when I challenged him to take his dig away he became agitated at me trying to scare his dog away from my kids. He then started shouting abuse at me and swearing at me and my children verbally and then told me am eating his crotch and so forth. These are some of the things JWs are doing today to ruin members who refuse to accept the scriptural lies and over bearing rulership they put members under. They are lording it over them to rule their lives and destroy their future and families future and if we don't comply they make sure your resistance to them meet with great adversity. I have also found out that they also use witchcraft in their worship but in secret. They also use pioneers that messed up their younger days with sexual immoral practices as their secret harlots and intoxicate them with wine. These things are hidden from the millions of worshippers but they have them in there that practices these disgusting things. The governing body is fully aware of all the ill deeds in the faith as it's part of their ritual sermon in their worship. I hope people wake up before its too late before God smite them with the wrath prepared for the beast and false religion. They have the world fool to the greatest measure and even when you show these people the truth they deny them as they have their minds programmed and completely under their control.
@emanuelcolon2680 10 лет назад
greed also applies to overeating yet you dont see the 'elders' calling people down on that, go figure
@trinikenshin 10 лет назад
yup....it more has to do with the elders at your committee that whether you are repentant or not
@brianino77 10 лет назад
Wow. Nice information. I left almost 20 years ago as a teenager. It sucked. It still sucks sometimes. But that was before the internet. I survived. If I can survive my family and that f***** up religion then anyone can. Isaac will be fine. He is not alone and he has people behind him that have been there.
@khanwh74 10 лет назад
Thanks for sharing. Its sad to hear.
@essy111 10 лет назад
Well done for being brave enough for coming forward
@essy111 10 лет назад
I cant believe what Im hearing this poor fella gets DF'D I like the term DF'D But how creul of them to bring in total foreign elders into the JUD HEARINGS it cant get any worse.
@danielabadie5384 9 лет назад
Great story!!! nicely told... LOL... teminds me of so many aspects of my life... LOL.. can't I waisted so much of my life in that cult...
@SuperTaper1 9 лет назад
Anyone that leaves JW's is a hero,, and has the courage of a lion... You are on a journey that will take to freedom.. i know,, my wife and I stopped being a JW 30 years ago.. i was an elder during the time of 1975 the big hoax of the end coming,, actually the real end came in 70 AD 2000 years ago with in the same generation Jesus lived in you see the world that ended was the Jewish cosmos,, no more bulls sacrificed and the end of the Jewish age,, "THIS generation will not pass away until ALL things are fulfilled" so there you have it JW's are like a lot of so-called Christians when it comes to the end times,, sad,, everything changes when you find out all things have been fulfilled like Jesus said they would so here we are,, in the next age,, love bob
@ireneevans1853 8 лет назад
+Bob Piddington i undestand how you feel, the return of Christ in 1914, is another hoax, Jesus has not arrived in his Parousia yet, when he oes te first place he wil go in judgement is the governing body, this will be the start of the Great Tribulation, the G,B, are not expecting this, thats why Jesus sid he will come when you least expect it, Daniel 11, speaks about the end times, and speaks about Apostates who sit in the temple of God, and who put themselves above God,........who do you think this is referring to, its going to come as a shock to the witnesess, so they will need help ,a they will be stumbled
@RealDukeOfEarl 5 лет назад
Ozzie Stardust and the Paranoid Spiders: my new band name.
@Gigislaps 8 лет назад
learning alot. thanks for sharing
@lokisfriend 4 года назад
Can I make an observation that has nothing to do with either of these men but with the subject matter? IF, and that is an IF, anyone wants to leave the JW's but still live a Christian life without turning their backs on God, but an organization instead, there are still rules to live by i.e. no gambling, no fornication, no drunkenness, etc. I see many ex JW's who feel it is ok to do all the things the JW's didn't allow although many of them are Biblical, , , maybe not pillowgate and the like but you get what I'm saying...
@TracyLeaBeauty 7 лет назад
Don't feel bad, we didn't have a dad that was a witness so we were never invited to anything and then they would talk about a gathering or party right in front of us, knowing we weren't invited!!! Both my kids got DF'd, my son for "willful non support of his spouse"!!!! He ran off at 18 and married someone he didn't even know! He couldn't find a job and they DF'd him! Then my daughter saw a brother at the gas station and he said something to her and she said she didn't want to go to the meetings anymore and the next thing we hear, she's DF'd!!! They never even talked to her!!!! I don't think they should even allow kids to get baptized. They aren't equipped to make a life long decision, just like they can't get married!!! Crazy!!!
@TheGreatApostate 9 лет назад
love what you are doing!
@FreakyScaryChannel 9 лет назад
I respect your courage...
@StaleyTraining 9 лет назад
Wow crazy shit! So thankful I wasn't raised a JW
@09mrLION 4 года назад
Why no more recent videos jwstruggle 🙁shout out to NM !!
@bernadettekennedy2981 7 лет назад
Glad your out.
@jakelandshark1143 8 лет назад
I'm a fad away JW for 35 yrs . But I can't stop reading the bible, praying to Jehovah, and avoiding sin were I can. I just don't play well with others. Though I agree with some of whats said here ,but its the WT society that got me here. Go figure. Good truth hunting you'll.
@bryanhouse3644 8 лет назад
ohh glad you are fading away, You MUST be a genius! I will follow you, you seem like you have alot of the answers! Jake, tell me the real answer if you have it?
@bbuttercup7204 7 лет назад
Jake Landshark + brother Brian The answer is join the UN for 10 years, hang on to a 2 witness rule, and the names of pedophiles up in Bethell, and keep a mason pyramid as a a grave marker in the Watchtower plots next to Russels grave, and inspire people with Audiomachine machine music in the 2016 paradise video. Yep those are the answers from the organization.
@timspangler8440 9 лет назад
The most insidious doctrine of the JWs is that if you leave them, God won't want anything do do with you.
@tedtan6449 5 лет назад
seems like Catholic; no salvation outside the church
@juan58102 8 лет назад
When things happen like this... do what i did... when an elder told me in the field service this.. " Have you manipulated a vagina".... I went to the elders.... they didn't care too much...... so i went to the Circuit overseer ...Lamentable .. the elder again denied what he said to me... he lay to me and to the Circuit overseer..... still I m looking at his eyes anytime when we are the K.H..... It is just fantastic... I will keep doing that until Armagedon comes... period!!!!!
@stopscammingman 8 лет назад
A man hears a knock at the door and opens it to find two Jehovah's Witnesses. He invites them in and they have a long talk. Before they go, they give him three books; The Bible, What Jehovah's Witnesses Really Believe and a book called, The World Is Going To End Really Really Soon (100th anniversary edition).
@msjacqui72 9 лет назад
+ Ben burns Yes Ben, I was hurt and have seen others hurt. I ignore the slander of the normal publisher/pioneer. But when a MS or ELDERS show their lack of love or lies or asks me to lie saying TO KEEP JEHOVAHS name clean then I walk away. Regarding Sammy God I hope his young. He has No idea the reality I have 2 active JW friends 4 not so active friends and 2 DF friends. ANYHOW ..... I rather be a non hypocrite than a judgemental A hole
@essy111 10 лет назад
How dare those Elders try and ruin this wedding till the point this couple had to hold it in a park for gods sake!
@moemorales4317 9 лет назад
I don't necessary belief I have to attend their meetings which I see nothing wrong as long as I know who jehovah and Jesus are. Most important change for better.They are things I don't agree with .but I think they got alot of accurate knowledge.They do deep reading into bibles not just one kind but quite a few . I been studying on and off I be been going to diffrent churches too. I was a baptise catholic."had no choice".when I was 10 or 11 . JW are nice people compare to. our reg worldly people.I know how they get accurate knowledge.how they research how they uncover truths. of not all have the same faith like those who have fallen and did great sins. which all of us stumble or fall because we are not perfect Matt24:24
@travishardy7322 8 лет назад
That's why so many people hate on them
@jamescoleman4747 8 лет назад
Thanks guys
@kathrindoll6903 7 лет назад
This organization is so against God.
@essy111 10 лет назад
I know how you feel they didnt like me attending Karokee competions either
@robsimm19 8 лет назад
This may have been the case when you were in school, but the public school system is utterly a vehicle that corrupts children, and this is the strong case, today.
@bbuttercup7204 7 лет назад
AETHER MARTIAN The Watchtower joined the UN for 10 years. The harlet rides the beast. Charles Taze Russel died on HALLOWEEN and the Watchtower plot area has a pyramid grave marker with a mason symbol. Good king Josiah gets rid of idols, but Watchtower doesn't. Jeffrey Jackson takes the stand on the 8th day cause our organization can't df child molesters, a sin that not even the nations do. Keep on eating the spiritual bread from Watchtower and remember he that eats with or says a greeting is a sharer in his sins.
@SteveSmith-ix3vv 9 лет назад
Hey, there is a brilliant audio recording entitled _Judicial Committee Meeting with Rick and Laverne Townsend_ that I think everyone should check out - to find it Google search - *JW Info Line Audio Tapes MM Outreach* and there you will find the recording under the heading "Specialty tape" ... Rick Townsend absolutely wipes the floor with the elders using the bible, an exceptional knowledge of the Watchtower and secular history.
@poontang3zizo 10 лет назад
They called it 'get togethers' in Trinidad too. I guess this really is a worldwide cult.
@watchingyourback100 7 лет назад
The book of 1 Samuel talks about Eli and his sons God took care of them but the rest of the people did not stop worshiping God because of their acts , each time God took care of the problem, free will and the bird catcher?
@sweetrecey 5 лет назад
at time 19:50 I'm reminded of my own situation of how |'m being persecuted in my own congregation. There is a group of elders daughters who are regular pioneers who have been making my life a living hell via gossip. I've been denied regular pioneer forms, no one will call on me to comment despite raising my hand for EVERY SINGLE QUESTION ASKED, and since being here I've never had a part on the school. Why? all because I happen to be a very beautiful, bubbly sister and the elders daughters are jealous because the brothers pay attention to me. They've spread rumours about me saying that I'm a bitch and a slut and that I"m trying to seduce all of the young brothers, when in actuality I fist pump and high five all of the brothers and never flirt so as to keep them in the friend zone. I'm a very awkward sweet person who cares deeply for others, yet these sisters have gone through lengths to ruin my reputation by means of wicked rumours saying that I'm full of my self and I'm not humble and I think that I'm better than everyone and that im a slut and a flirt. The reality of the situation is that my only crime is being a woman of enviable beauty.
@ellielarkin1 4 года назад
I hope you research the date of the fall jerusalem its not 607bc also research the history of the blood policy and most importantly if you can take it. The Royal Australian Commission case 29. Xx
@IndiaAniya25 10 лет назад
His thoughts about the whole home school thing and not being allowed to participate in school activities or hang out with anyone outside of the Kingdom Hall really disturbs me. I am studying and I have a 7 year old son and I keep asking so what exactly is anyone allowed to do outside if going to the Kingdom Hall or out in field service.
@brianino77 10 лет назад
I grew up in the organization. I have been out for 20 years and things have changed, a bit. So I cant tell you about today's policies. During my time it was difficult. We played in a gray area. We had worldly friends, provided my mother would approve of them. But we made sure to keep them separate from anyone from the kingdom hall. Some family members raised eye brows but we ignored them. Teenage years were difficult. I had other issues going on so I tried to make worldly friends but it didnt always work out. But I was absolutely shunned by the other people my age in the kingdom hall because I didnt care about fs so much. I wasnt athletic so going to play football or basketball was out of the question. It can be difficult for young people. If you find a group in the KH that is ok you can survive. If people were allowed to hang out with whoever they wanted no one would stay. Home schooling was a big thing in the 80s and 90's. I thought that the practice had died off actually. Make sure your child has a way to express himself. Make sure that he has a feeling of self-worth. That is the most important thing for any child to have. If your only feeling of worth comes from this organization it is a rough road into adulthood.
@MrSuperman3334 10 лет назад
@mmsmith1777 10 лет назад
Those people give homeschooling a bad name. I think their idea of homeschooling is just indoctrination masquerading as education. All of my daughters have gone to college. One has graduated with two AAs and a BA besides graduating from a trade college. This guy is inspirational, BTW. I feel so bad that he only wanted to help people and got crap for it.
@ayrsine 5 лет назад
Here is are a couple of questions. How can billions and billions of people for no more than ~2000 yrs or so believe in a resurrected Jew/Savior/King/High Priest/God who died for their sins, a Jew nonetheless, and call themselves Christians? How do you get Christianity out of a Jew (born a Jew, who lived as a Jew and died a Jew, whose initial followers were all Jews) who was "continuing the word of God" as he had received it from God by starting a new theological concept of the very God "he was/came from"? Xtianity is Heresy.
@benjaminfalzon4622 5 лет назад
What's the difference between the Watchtower society and the JW Governing body?
@mryto 9 лет назад
isaac, what part of south florida are you from, because you look familiar... was a bethelite from 98-99..
@TheOnlooker101 10 лет назад
part 2! part 2! part 2! :)
@danielchurch8791 10 лет назад
I remember Jean Fields, he was pretty cool! Great speaker.
@JWStruggle 10 лет назад
Daniel Church Yes Gene was/is one of the "better ones" but the JW.Borg continue to lose good people to their mind controlling teachings!
@MrSuperman3334 10 лет назад
@sandfordhilldave1 10 лет назад
Taped over WT cassettes pmsl
@moemorales4317 9 лет назад
just cause the end didn't come, people get upset? If. the. end was to be here now people will people be ready for judgement day? Will people be ready to see who is going to be destroyed or like many believe sent to hell are you ready to be burn like most believe. or be destroyed .
@ninfagarzamontez5440 9 лет назад
It's going to be futile if you attempt to find the "perfect" place while on this earth. All we can hope for is a powerful relationship with God, and to trust in Him in all matters great and small. If you hold your hope in any man, or institution you will be let down. When you find the place that you think will guide you in the right direction--just remember not to base your decisions on any leaders, or mega leaders, because at the end of the day, due to original sin, we're a fallen race due to fall again and again. Be open, and love everyone, forgive as often as possible, and as often as you fall, get back up again. He died so that our sins could be washed away, and we could be made anew in His name. God bless you dear brother in Christ. I am just passing through--loving both Jehovah God, and Jesus Christ. Remind yourself everyday, do not hold your hope in man, but in God--almighty and everlasting.
@faithafterdark7801 9 лет назад
***** lol
@rosanaclarkson1742 6 лет назад
I'm an apostate too
@dorothydaltorio5250 8 лет назад
I left - was disfellowshipped in 1997???? I would NEVER go back....
When is part 2 coming out ? I can't wait .
@JWStruggle 10 лет назад
UPDATE: The second half of the video (it was a huge video file) is corrupted and not editing properly. I may have to fall back to my audio recording which I always do as a backup... UGGGHH why do bad things happen to good people? ;) Stay tuned people parts 2 and 3 will show up but might take a while.
JWStruggle Thanks for the update ! I'm really looking forward to it. Makes me wish I recorded my Judicial meeting.
@gordongopher4894 10 лет назад
JWStruggle file got corrupted? No new information / light surely.
@saraisastar8 10 лет назад
Eric, maybe I miss it but. How were you when you sat on judgment to a fellow believer. What type of " Forest Gump candy" were you among the three elders?
@JWStruggle 10 лет назад
saraisastar8 Well Sara I would like to think that I was a considerate shepherd to these folks and I know that I was sincere... But in all honesty I upheld the company line and DFed many members in judgment. This is no longer my life and I have righted as many of my benighted wrongs of the past as I have been able to. I don't care to judge people anymore and it's not my job! True freedom exists apart from hierarchical religion.
@saraisastar8 10 лет назад
Thank you Eric! Great work by the way!
@thuggie1 9 лет назад
in Hinduism (sanatana dharma) we have a similar group called the Brahma kumaris they believe we are at the end of what they call the system of things and that an atomic war will wipe out all the non Brahma Kumaris a select number will become like gods in the new golden age and the rest shell go back to their idea of god which it an odd one. they also encourage disconnection from non Brahma kumaris and shun people who leave them, to be honest it sound more like a money racket as the leadership live in luxury paid for by its members. not a nice group and there has been many cases of child abuse with them as well
@Breakdown916 10 лет назад
Hey Eric, were u at the south lake tahoe pope beach a few weeks ago? I saw someone that looked liked you. I thought it might have been you.
@JWStruggle 10 лет назад
I was! There was over 40 of us there camping.
@gracetimothybennett4570 7 лет назад
me too leaving soon
@steph7947 7 лет назад
Interview me please.
@revan9173 9 лет назад
I had Richard Finley in KY circuit 6, 2006-2009. I can't stand him but to his credit he did not like parents who homeschool their kids and don't give them any education.
@Ni1234cka2 9 лет назад
@jcstruggler992 8 лет назад
Where is this guy today? After he release his DF recording we haven't herd from him. Eric can u get a hold of him? Its time for a reinterview!!
@maryshaffer8474 8 лет назад
You won't be hunted down. There are too many waiting for the chance.
@juliethomas8748 5 лет назад
This is hilarious!!!
@CHRIStopher.C.V 8 лет назад
what is the name of the Facebook group?
@HomeroSignorini 7 лет назад
The Bible very clearly shows that only Jehovah, the Almighty God and heavenly Father of Jesus is the source of all creation. Psalm 36: 9 says, referring to the Creator Jehovah (YHWH): "Because you are the source of life" Most versions of the Bible removes the name of God and replaces it with the title "Lord", including this passage. Many, when they read this verse, believe and preach that this "Lord" refers to Jesus. The first creation of Jehovah (their only direct creation), his only Son Jesus is referred to as the channel through which it caused that all creation came into being. Yes, "Your son, whom he appointed heir of all things" is mentioned as a Firstborn Son. "Through [only Son] that God made the world." - Heb. 1: 2. "All things came into being through him .... The world came into existence through the Son of God" - John 1: 3,10. New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures In many versions of the Bible can not understand it correctly. This is because they fail to apply exactly the Greek preposition. The best-known evangelical version in Brazil, Almeida, not to apply precisely. So this promotes a misunderstanding. We read in John 1: 3 and 10 in the King James Version: "All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made of what came to be" --- John 1: 3 "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, for through him all other things were created in heaven and on earth." - Colossians 1: 14-16 So what is meant when God said, "I alone stretched out the heavens, when I made the earth" --- Isaiah 44:24 (Good News Translation) There is no contradiction with Isaiah to say that Jehovah alone was the Creator, and also with the text of Colossians 1: 13-23 saying that Jesus was the agent used for the purpose of the Creator. In the text of Isaiah 44:24, Jehovah is mentioned in an active sense, the Creator. But in Colossians 1: 13-23, and in some other places, Jesus Christ is only the passive agent of the one Creator, Jehovah. The Supreme God is the one who creates, but actively uses his only Son as a "collaborator master." Isaiah's context does not address the question of whether Jehovah God used someone in the creation or not. The biblical context is a contrasting comparison between the Creator and the false gods. BDB Lexicon on the page 94 gives a definition of the Hebrew word used in Isaiah 44:24, (alone) as meaning "acting independently". In that sense, Jehovah did not need the help of false gods, in the context of creation. But the activity of Christ in creation is never described as being independent but collaborative. Jehovah often says it does something "alone" BDB lexicon lists the use of ADB in Isaiah 63: 3, where Jehovah indicates that "he alone" acted when he demanded vengeance upon Edom. But it was not Jehovah who personally punished these people, but the Most High used men as agents who were active instruments of divine purpose. then we can ask: Is there a contradiction here? Or just means that Jehovah was the source of retribution? Deuteronomy 32:12 says: "Jehovah alone led them" Jehovah was the "one", guiding Israel? Exodus 32: 32-34 says that Jehovah used Moses and an angel to lead Israel! (1 Samuel 9: 16; 13: 13-14 & 2 Samuel 5: 1-2). Again, there is no contradiction here. Jehovah used his agents representatives who have been appointed to lead his people, but "only" He "was the source of direction!" In Ezekiel 36:33, 36, Jehovah says: "I myself will build" the cities of Israel after the exile. How it was rebuilt by Jehovah? It would have been people who did the work under his direction? All these acts were done with permission and authority of Jehovah alone, but there were other people who then participated. Therefore, Jesus Christ actually only made the divine purpose of salvation happen in practice because the purpose architected the salvation of people who have repented on earth proceeded before the Almighty, Jehovah! the Supreme God said, Sovereign Lord Jehovah of Hosts in Isaiah 43:11 "I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior." This indeed always deserves to be heard with great attention and respect!
@compositioncompilation 5 лет назад
Marjories beef jerky Inc. You made some interesting points. Bit long but will consider more of it later . The truth of jesus appearance and heritage does not impact however on the fact that the jews saw to it he was killed. The killing of God's Son was enough reason for him to reject them as a nation.jer 31 :31 onwards. The promise or covenant with Abraham would sti be fulfilled by the great Purposer Jah ! There are remnants of the Roman Empire , that influence our understanding, clouding the picture God wants us to fully see, yet He saw fit to use this World power , to bring to completion, His written word and preserve his prophecies, and spread the message of hope using its orderly system. The dream image of Daniel , itemised the powers that had control over God's people, we are now at the feet, and the stone , cut out but not by hands , looms . There is more to learn, as always , but it is important to keep following, imitating closely the example of Christ Jesus ' personality and teachings.
@ninpadin8008 5 лет назад
My aunt husband cheated and mistreated her and she was the one to df.
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
Candle Mass Feb 2 is 40 days after Christ Mass, check out 2002NT7. Then check out Christmas dates for 2370bc 2020bc 909bc 560bc 33AD 552AD 2012AD.Then compare that to the Tamuz date of 1915 May 7 Germany sinking Britain, to the British license of 1914 July 1 gathering for Christmas on the actual Tamuz of Mars behind the sun 1914 Dec 25. Today is 5 days to the gathered bride if 2002NT7 is the asteroid impact. Do we see Judas yet?
@ellielarkin1 4 года назад
I would like to understand this. Where do I start please. I hope you can help thank you from the UK
@bensmokespipes 7 лет назад
+jwstruggle hahaha ok so speaking of music contraband growing up in the JW cult I loved metal, and what i had done was buy the parental advisory music while spending the weekend at a friend's house who was also a metal fan and we all were musicians too. I had a small amplifier that I would take the screws out of and remove the back panel. this is where I would stash all my "innapropriate" music in and that way i'd be able to smuggle it into my house. my parents being as anal and strict as they were somehow figured it out and threw all of it away. this is the very reason I have purchased Deftones Around the Fur album close to ten times in my life but to look at how far I went to have and hide my passion I gotta say youngsters in this cult have to either be wicked crafty with the process or just give up.
@moisesalva 7 лет назад
I guess they need the 6 months to conduct a proper Theocratic investigation for your cousin...
@essy111 10 лет назад
It was a Tuesday 9/11 happened and yes I went back didnt a lot
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
That's all your problems is you get raised by a religion, not by Jehovah, you allow a religion to control you, not Jehovah, you get punished by a religion,not by Jehovah, the religion false-promises you instead of knowing direct personal promises by Jehovah. Then after all that crap, you leave not just the religion, you leave Jehovah. I can see why because you never knew him. As for me i don't need to fear false education from school because i am the only one in the world that has been shown the answers to every false claim a school could or would make. To bad watchtower didn't want it, it's killed millions not to have it. Don't worry, there is a catch basket, not only for DF great crowd but also fallen anointed down to earth, and even 8 ruling men who thrive on ruling the least of their anointed brothers.
@kynancecove 7 лет назад
Blimey I was Lucky I used to play at a Jazz Club mind you I wont lie I was a drummer for a small band that were on the edge of making it.and I was coming to America the Elders must of forgot I was a Musician that was a bullet I dodged I was a RUBbISH JEHOVAH's WITNESS .Yet I started off by helping to encourage a weaker one he's still in I am out ar well.The elders would of bought themselves a major problem if they try to stop me & my Music because they'd have to prove it that Jehovah hated Music plus Prince anyone and his guitarist mate I believe they're known as Musicians .IF the Elders are picking on Creatives how pathetic but as the Bible is the voice of GOD in Textual form they'd have to prove it in CONTEXT NOPE it's a COMPANY Ruled by Rules very similar to the Scribes & Pharisees just like companies do ie Dress Codes etc no Cleavage showing and ifa man even if Hot no shortsleeved shirts if muscular I was when 20 I was Body building forears no not the Hulk size no I wanted a pretty sister and because I am super Ugly I thought build a decent chassis/body and because I like a laugh and I'm a Laugh and being a musician& wanted a very Large Family kind person didn't hurt blimey I missed acouple of Sterling Silver Bullets with my name on em' Phew!
@dannycasey2832 9 лет назад
I had one kindfolk appeal his being dissed, as in dissrespected lol, and my Dad was talking about appealing too, I asked my Dad since the Holy Spirit made the decission, then he was basically appealing the decission of the Holy Spirit, maybe there was some things that Jehovah didn't reallize about the situation that Jehovah needed to be informed about,,,,SAY IT ISN'T SOOO!!! LOL! Things that make you go Hmmm??? ; )
@travishardy7322 7 лет назад
What the hell is the watchtower religion? #false.
@bellehaupi6888 10 лет назад
Where's pt. 2?
@katb945 10 лет назад
yes waiting for part 2!
@archieliburd4327 6 лет назад
I do hope you remember to tell Jehovah that the vow you made to serve him means nothing to you and you are going to do the impossible unvow the vow you made to him.like removing a tattoo after you mad a concious decision to make it
@dand1186 3 года назад
Do you not remember that the last 2 questions that you have to answer is,,, in accordance with gods spirt directed organisation,, new light for you now it’s just been changed lol why well I think you can answer that question for yourself 🤨
@augiemusky 2 года назад
I’ve never been JW, but did study with them for long enough to cause damage in my relationships with friends and family. I didn’t know so many homeschooled. It explains why so many exjws I follow have such terrible spelling and grammar. It’s sad. I’m sad for them. The good news though, is that the organization taught them good public speaking habits… which is why so many exjws have successful RU-vid channels.
@arubagirl1976 9 лет назад
ahhh the memories. How i do NOT miss the craziness.
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A second JW Elder speaks out!  part 1
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A second JW Elder speaks out!  part 2 of 2
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An active JW Elder speaks! Part 1
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I was a JW Elder Mole - An interview with Isaac Carmignani
Interview With a Friend - Moving on after Watchtower