
I'm about to leave the Watchtower Religion - Interview part 3 

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This is part three of three parts. The video was quite large and glitched out so I had to fall back on the audio for the rest of the interview but do not worry this one gets better and better as Isaac works through his story and approaches the crossroads he finds himself at now today.
This two hour interview with Isaac illustrates that no matter how many different people from different walks of life and geographic locations we talk to you, they have many unique stories to tell yet similarities always appear.
Watchtower abuses of power. Elders meddling and controlling the publisher's lives and exerting their control and meting out punishment to those they dislike, etc.
Our friend Isaac is in a difficult place, as he is right on the cusp of leaving but has not yet done so. His wife and parents and many JW friends are enmeshed in the WT's Jehovah Witness religion which makes his upcoming exit all the more difficult.
For those of us that have done research and opened our eyes to The Truth About The Truth (TTATT) there is usually only one thing we can do- leave the mind control and harmful social influence of this "Club" that we were raised in, and get away from the indoctrination.
Isaac has seen a number of things and has some interesting perspectives to relate. But the conclusion of this interview is in my view the best part; poignant, heartfelt and touching.
The future is uncharted and we hope that Isaac's transition into normalcy will be as smooth as possible.



9 авг 2014




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@barrowmeoct04 9 лет назад
This JW control thing goes very deep. When Isaac talked about having a beer while on the Spanish ministry, I got a sudden terror feeling in my heart, like, 'that's really inappropriate'... then I caught myself... though I've been burning away all the 'behaviour control' mechanisms ingrained during 30 years of association with JW's after 'escaping' 3 years ago, still, there are deep-rooted 'ideas' trying to hang onto me... thank you for posting these, a great reminder of what I left behind.
@music4hire779 8 лет назад
One of the hardest things of the organization is the fear factor of loosing family and friends. Over eleven years ago I was in that same position because of shunning I lost friendships and family on the inside and had no body to turn to on the outside. By starting to be true to myself and making a few positive choices I managed to get through it. It's a huge step at first,but happiness can be achieved outside of the organization. Most of us do understand of the cost of breaking away from the organization. One does not need the governing body or watchtower publications to supply spiritual food. One just has to read the bible while doing the research , also testing and questioning will help you to find your way. Cheers!!!
@clarebelzart 8 лет назад
+Music4Hire Definitely a 'testing and questioning' approach I find even after 15 years of leaving. I've been tempted to join some of the breakaway groups over time, but researching thoroughly has led me to the opinion that I posted above. It's great to hear of others continuing in their faith afterwards, and I wish you all the best in that.
@hagblay 7 лет назад
As for me I am willing to lose my family than to keep them under a false pretense. If my parents dont love me then I dont love them. I only love if I am showed love-You are not losing a family just because they want to remain with a sinking ship- It will go down and anyone with common sense can see that.
@Thelmajeanne 8 лет назад
One time, I went to a publisher's meeting before going out "in service". The elder that was conducting the meeting looked at me like I was a total rebel because he did not know me and I did not know him. And the "sister" who was "in charge" of the little group I was in, while out "in service", walked with me. I told her that she had made a huge mistake by separating one of the sisters from her baby while in service. She did not like the fact that I had the nerve to "boss her around". And then I told her, "We look like a bunch of idiots out here because this territory has ALREADY been covered. Finally, she said, "Let's get out of here because I would not let up. It was just embarrassing to be walking the streets, trying to get people to open their doors. What a stupid waste of time. It was just dumb. I told her that I had better things to do with my time.
@stevenwestern8199 10 лет назад
One of the cool parts of this is that we can all look back at our own innocent selves, learning about life, meeting people we would otherwise not and being completely open and honest without the learned filters we add so as to not reveal too much about ourselves. Isaac, keep being yourself, you are a delightful guy.
@thinkingcapon64 6 лет назад
Isaac, may you have true peace of mind and much happiness. I have been in for 57 yrs...and now beginning to research...My son, daughter and son in law know nothing at this point but they will wake up too. We must not forget the loving close friends we have met from being a witness...And think about the Bible knowledge we have gained. Imagine, we travel to a foreign land, do not speak the language meet fellow witnesses and they take us in like a long lost relative...Then there is Jehovah, what if anything is he going to do about the multi transgressions by his “earthly organization” ???
@lindalawton5399 7 лет назад
Any updates as to Isaac?
@JuanitaWaterman 6 лет назад
How is Isaac Now?
@khanwh74 10 лет назад
All the best. Life is great after leaving the Watchtower. We are much happier. Its true n we are grateful to Franz n you tubes like this. freedom rulz!
@motherfudger6664 8 лет назад
I've watched a couple of your short videos but this is my first time watching an interview all the way through and I'll definitely be watching more when time permits and am also eager to see if there's an update on Isaac yet. I myself exited the borg over 20 years ago but only recently have really started connecting with the apostate/activist community and am catching up with a lot of stuff. There's so many different stories from different walks of life and people waking up at different times under different circumstances, as you mentioned and I'm glad I'm reading/watching up on all this stuff now, both for helping spread info for the general public and other JW's that might possibly wake up and for my own therapeutic purposes that I largely ignored for a long time. So thanks for doing this, this is great.
@JWStruggle 8 лет назад
+Motherfudger 666 No matter where we live or how long we have escaped from the puritanical practices and thinking of The Watchtower Bible and Tract Corporations, we have many similar experiences. Kudos to you bro keep it up, and continue to make your well-informed voice heard.
@saraisastar8 10 лет назад
( Wife) "who is going to provide for me spiritually?" (Isaac) " I will... I don't want to stop." _ What a good man! That right there touched my heart!
@MyCatholicHeart 9 лет назад
When he said this it actually brought me to tears..unexpectedly.. the strangest thing ever! Isaac, thank you for having the courage to share your story. You and your family are in my prayers...
@c_rhynehardt 10 лет назад
I hope everything works out for the best and I will keep you in my prayers.
@RiverDanube 9 лет назад
Thanks JW Struggle and Isaac for spending so much time to put this together. It is very engaging. All the best to Isaac
@bellehaupi6888 10 лет назад
That was a great interview, thank you. I wish him well.
@linisar3502 10 лет назад
Issac I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your interview and so admire your strong desire to help others, which was wasted in the Org. As you yourself said, you have so much life ahead of you and you really do have so much to give and will gain so much more from doing that in the real world rather than as part of the limitations and restrictions forced upon you 'inside'. The support you will gain along the way as part of the ExJW community will spur you on and once out fully you will never look back. I wish you and your wife all the very best for the future and I thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey x
@poontang3zizo 10 лет назад
It's pretty clear that Issac has a large heart. He genuinely cares about helping people. So it makes complete sense that he's left a greedy egocentric religion. Well done!
@lietteverville3089 9 лет назад
Thank you so much Issac for you honesty.I dont know you but I find myself being very proud of you. Welcome to the best part of your life. Liette( awake for 10 years).
@Rupunzelsawake 10 лет назад
Thankyou for another great interview. Thanks for sharing your story Isaac! You sound like a very motivated and intelligent young man and will be sure to find success in whatever you plan to do!
@Thelmajeanne 8 лет назад
You know, when you are spending all your time and energy working for "the organization" and you are allowing "the organization" to prevent you from making your way through life in a reasonably comfortable fashion, something is wrong. You are making all the sacrifices and "the organization" is reaping all the benefits, You are living like a pauper and "the organization" is living like kings. Something is WRONG ! ! ! The money represents their true allegiance ! ! ! They could care less if YOU live or die ! ! !
@Havana1975xx 6 лет назад
I really really appreciate this interview. I really appreciate his honesty and just humbleness to share his experience.
@roseofsharon9480 10 лет назад
Issaac I really enjoyed listening to your interview. You are an all round good bloke with a really good, kind heart. You have so much to give. You will do much more good for people than just knocking on doors on a Saturday morning. May god bless you in all you do. I hope it works out well for you and your family. It is a painful experience leaving the jws when you have grown up in the religion but once you have made your decision you will not look back. I can assure you. Love and big hugs. X
@tombombadil3589 10 лет назад
Amazing interview. Intelligent, Insightful and courageous. Very inspiring. I'm in a very similar position as Isaac with my family and completely understand although I'm a fader and out. It have me strength and peace to know others are in the same place. Thank you Eric and Isaac.
@SanuraMoore 10 лет назад
I can't wait to hear the 1 year updated video! You will be glowing once you leave and filled with joy! Only good things come when you leave because you let go of all the stress and your body begins to heal and you are able to free your mind and body from being so controlled and worried. Your whole body and soul changes and your mind grows and you begin to be filled with such joy! It's nothing like you are taught that only bad things will happen to you. That is only to control you and to make you stay because that is the only way any organization can grow, is with numbers meaning more people. Good Luck to you and your wife! You will now grow stronger! OX
@MsBlessed11 8 лет назад
isaac...where are you ! we need an update are you well?
@Carl0690 7 лет назад
MsBlessed11 Yeah I'd love to know how he got on to.
@slowjamcdub 8 лет назад
You don't need JW, you only need Jesus!
@larrygonzales2033 10 лет назад
Isaac, I hope things go smoothly and that there is no more stress in your exit
@pochito_javiercito 9 лет назад
much love. wish the best for everyone. i felt every part of this interview.
@BELTED007 6 лет назад
So I’ve just watched a few of these videos. Can I ask if Issac ended up leaving the cult ?
@Jbeliski 10 лет назад
Yes Isaac definitely deserves a break from WT inc. It's true what he says. The witnesses have no respect for the earth. They don't care about recycling, or proper health or good deeds. The Watchtower eats all that up. I hope you can make a clean break and start a great new life. Your a smart highly adaptive guy who's time has come for himself and not an org.
@Imokanurnot 9 лет назад
Isaac, you are about to embark on a journey, a new chapter of your life. This is a very scary undertaking, as I can't imagine being faced with the loss of my family (which in my opinion, smacks suspiciously of the cult of Scientology) because of you;re freeing yourself - basically from bondage. I'm very glad to hear that you won't abandon the bible as many before you have done. There is no doubt that you will need every ounce of inner strength you can muster, as well as the development of a real relationship with God, but you have a beautiful and genuinely loving spirit. I have no doubt that God will bring you safely through. Isn't is greatly comforting to know that you don't have to go through a group of humans, just a frail, and faulty as the rest of us are, to fellowship with the Father? I hope and pray for nothing but the best for you and your family as well, and I will wait for a hopeful update on your journey!
@danielabadie5384 9 лет назад
really good story man... I just want to hear the continuation of this... I really hope you have been able to breack out of the organization... I know how hard it is to take the step, but unfortunately you will be stuck if you don't make a descition soon... I feel really bad for you dude... it takes years to erase all the crap off your mind. I know that the family is a huge pull, but the reality is it's a choice they make, if they don't want to accept you the way you are, then they don't deserve you. Know there is a lot of us that have done the same thing an survived... there will be people willing and able to help you through this tough time.
@stevenwestern8199 10 лет назад
Boy I did not see the marriage and Coast Guard coming, a surprise around every corner
@essy111 10 лет назад
I really feel for this fella so all of us EX JWs please give him our upmost support he needs us
@dhamlitsch 9 лет назад
Great interview. I got diffed in absentia 12 years ago because I wouldn't play their game. My heart goes out to Isaac and everyone in this situation.
@mynameis8666 9 лет назад
Isaac, I hope you and your wife are doing well now, I am looking forward to hearing about your exiting the WT.
@christiansparlock-freedom2660 10 лет назад
Great interview you two . Covered a lot of ground
@JuanitaWaterman 6 лет назад
Isaac is definition of a true Christian. WT let true Christians go.
@saketashol6728 6 лет назад
This guy is definitely a true JW and his anecdotes are a testament to his attachment to the org. Taking JWStruggle for a ride.
@jexodussouthafrica177 3 года назад
Watching in 2020. I enjoyed all the three parts of Isaac’s story. I wonder how he’s doing now😁
@Sonia4Him 10 лет назад
God bless you brother for all your information.
@teresarea8193 10 лет назад
Isaac, You will be in my prayers...our Father in heaven will give you the strength to stand even if it is alone...You are stronger than you think...Even the witnesses teach to beware of false prophets but many do not realize that the organization they belong to are just that false prophets...You are strong...Look at all you have accomplished in your life...because of your testimony others may follow...it could even be members of your family...they too deserve to know the truth and a chance to be set free from the mind control...Remember you Father still loves you.
@kt746 10 лет назад
thanks for the great interview
@sovern009 9 лет назад
Isaac, it aint over yet.. You have family in that organization,you married in that organization. When they realize the path you are considering,they will be incited to retaliate against you. If your wife and family chooses to love you even after your decision,consider yourself very lucky. If you are serious about leaving; just walk......if you don't want them to ruin your marriage.
@vera747 9 лет назад
Stay strong ,,,thanks for sharing
@lulubellers 10 лет назад
@ 19:00 bingo.And 28:27, Also for those ready to research and learn the truth about the truth,Ray Franz's books are instrumental and so valuable in 'modern times' so to speak. Not to mention interviews like this ... good work!
@debski32 6 лет назад
Had no idea that wearing a breast cancer support pin was not allowed
@jodigirl6610 10 лет назад
Isaac I only wish you the best! I really enjoyed listening to your interview. As Erik said you have a community standing behind you as you make your exit! You have a bright future ahead of you, I promise!
@anneroberts6287 4 года назад
Hearing the story of your journey just now I looked in vain for a further update. Have you got out yet?
@theresefournier3269 9 лет назад
Just tell me you are okay! Just tell me Isaac is okay! just tell him, he lights up a room too... that's why that person recognized him. He is "special"! Poor soul!
@mackiepimo-jwjones3019 7 лет назад
I'm in the same predicament. I have mentally disassociated myself ever since 2015 when my mom passed. She was the only active family member (my brother has been inactive for 8 years my dad and my siblings on my dads side are not JWs.) But my Husband and in laws are JW. I have to prepare myself mentally, financially (just in case it breaks up our marriage). I'm pretty much trapped right now.
Isaac told the truth about the part about the Spanish witnesses, and who to get your 'Mac' on at the assembly .
@mamaschili 7 лет назад
I ve enjoyed the interview very much. Yes Yes its difficult in leaving especially when you have family still active. In the spanish populous. that needs to be address. God bless
@1steeltown 9 лет назад
Issaic you seem well balanced, bright and caring. I'm an ex jw and I now feel better since I walked away from the organisation. I still believe there is a god but not sure that jws are divine!!
@titomartinez9653 5 лет назад
Has Issac ever gotten back to you? I don't see any other videos with him on your channel. Just wondering
@jamieangel3766 7 лет назад
this guy is a genuine hero! firefighter, medic, coastguard, peace corps anything else while your at it?.I know exactly what he means about te JW out look of 'The new System is going to fix everything so fuck it, no need to try now', which is the exact attitude that perpetuates the problems in the world. Guess there is no point recycling and stuff or caring about pollution and global warming. When I left I nearly had a nervous breakdown realizing that God was not going to sort out all the problems in the world and that we had to try ourselves. Every time I saw a pregnant woman \id feel depressed knowing all the nappies they were going to generate and future consumerism and packaging that would neer biodegrade and landfills filled....
@childofyah6776 4 месяца назад
Did you guys ever do the update video?
@GEC416 9 лет назад
i was baptized at 13 and did it bc my friends were doing it mainly and was disfellowshipped in absentia at 30, and the worst part is not being able to visit my brother who is a witness. I hate that a decision I made at 13 now governs my family life. It's just wrong!
@theresefournier3269 9 лет назад
So very touching! Such mind-control! Well... did you break away now? Surely they saw you! and that is something else! so many Witnesses are all over the places they are told not to go! What gives? Rules only apply to certain ones!? Others are so strong, they can take it!? How does it go anyway that there are so many different Witnesses!? Never mind! They just call it "The Truth"! From what I see, they must now learn to live it! Apply it! It looks like it won't be that easy! No they are not happy! I hear they even wanted to put fat people out! Poor fat girl! how does she feel now! eating even more! such fears will make them mad!
@GG-kv8vv 5 лет назад
Was there an update video?
@robert55726 7 лет назад
all the best issac from england
@vonhimblefritz3249 9 лет назад
What a wonderful man Isaac is. I pray he is out of the jw cult. I pray he's found true happiness. Hopefully his testimony about the real truth has shown others what a complete lie the jw cult is.
@barbaratucker6489 10 лет назад
I too kept going to meetings, wanting to make a difference and be used by God on the inside. Notice the WT studies glorify the organization again and again.
@davidhope5713 3 года назад
This guy is totally beautiful , much respect issac
@4jesus4truth38 10 лет назад
Are they really your "friends?" A friend would support you in a time of crisis ~not shun you. Does a friend let 8 men in Brooklyn tell them how to treat you?
@mariosolano8905 6 лет назад
This interview is going nowhere. JW Struggle is surprised to hear that he’s going to meetings. Going in the opposite direction where JS Struggle wants to take him. Quite funny.
@riseupnow7037 5 лет назад
Mario Solano he is leaving! What are you thinking? He’s going to stay in this cult?
@andreadiamond7115 6 лет назад
So, did he leave? Don’t leave us hanging please!
@leeharvey3550 9 лет назад
Hi guys im just starting to research JW, what are they referring to by "The UN thing"? Thanks
@deksper 9 лет назад
Wiki it! Notably: Associate membership to the UN Department of Public Information The Watchtower Society became an Associate member of the United Nations Department of Public Information (UN/DPI) in February 1992 and maintained this membership until October 2001. According to the United Nations Department of Public Information, the primary purpose of NGO association is, "the redissemination of information in order to increase public understanding of the principles, activities and achievements of the United Nations and its Agencies."[10] The association status was ceased the day after it was made known in the Guardian newspaper.[11][12] In a letter dated March 4, 2004, the UN website explained the association it had with the Watchtower Society: "By accepting association with DPI, the organization agreed to meet criteria for association, including support and respect of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience about UN activities."[10] The official UN/DPI Web page explains about associated organizations: “Please note that association of NGOs with DPI does not constitute their incorporation into the United Nations system, nor does it entitle associated organizations or their staff to any kind of privileges, immunities or special status.”[13]
@leeharvey3550 9 лет назад
deksper Derek Cheers i will now i know it's on wiki :)
@thuggie1 9 лет назад
it must be hard for someone to leave all there friends and family that must hurt
@cindyarnold7322 6 лет назад
You are better off focusing on your career and living your life. It's hard to leave your family and turn your life upside down. Hugs to you. There is support for you in the exJW community. Just reach out. Good luck!
@dereckamcknight3247 7 лет назад
just be inactive... you don't have to explain why you left that's no one business just stop going. If you get asked why you stop. Just say that something I don't want to discuss that's all.. If they get mad cause you won't give them the answer they want oh well...
@michaelashworth4391 10 лет назад
Hilarious and so well told. Your talking about Malawi well let me tell you about what went down in Mexico. They were linked with UN for about 11 years and probably still are they should be flying the UN flag over their Kingdom Halls and have a direct link to UN web sites on their JW.org site. Lol Great, Recommended. Already looking for the next episode in 6 months time.
@riseupnow7037 5 лет назад
Update ?
@emanuelcolon2680 7 лет назад
when you write a letter like that you should send one to each member of the k hall and everybody you know most likely somebody will be thinking the same as you it would be a public service
@GG-kv8vv 5 лет назад
Where is Isaac today?
@gennakrokodil1 9 лет назад
I like him.
@Carl0690 7 лет назад
Update please 😁
@TheTexasChickadee 10 лет назад
Enjoyed the interview. Intelligent guy, things will work out and wish the best for your future to pursue your endeavors.
@sofietaylor2573 8 лет назад
When you are a JW you cannot make friends with people in the world, and when you leave your JW friends are not allowed to speak with you, so you are isolated, and then they tell you that you are dead in God's/Jehovah's (i now call God Yahweh) eyes, so they leave you without any hope. Thankfully Yahweh God did not leave me, but led me to the real truth.
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
you have no contract with WT and no signature, so that DF in absentia is illegal. You don't have to have anything said other than YOUR NAME and they have publicly defamed you just by making an announcement
@pitbullruss5636 5 лет назад
Was wondering if he left this walking dead religion ..... last I heard he’s one of the Governing Body !
@clarebelzart 8 лет назад
Isaac, you are a very brave man, and you are right, the JWs CANNOT be the 'true' organisation, even if there was such a thing, because as you clearly state 'by their fruits you will know them'. Like yourself, I still knew there was a God, and the pleasure of reading the bible again independently will not only prove this, but stop you making the mistake of the now many breakaway orgs that use the name Yahweh (though that's the name I use; I can't bear to use 'Jehovah' due to the associations with them), and who do things actually even in a stricter way. The scripture you know from Revelation 'Get hour of her MY people if you do not want to share in her sins', I believe means to get out of religion, including the JWs, otherwise, what were his people doing in Babylon the Great in the first place? You're not regaded as part of the JW org unless you are baptised, so why would God's people be within Babylon the Great that represented false religions and governments? No, right at the time of the end, people are given the choice of either following their religion or following God, because any religion that claims to represent him is infected with apostasy and as such is part of Babylon the Great. Why do I say that? Because of another well known JW scripture in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2. Paul said that right back then, that the apostasy has started to infect the congregations (and btw, Paul still went to the synagogue and temple to worship, so work that one out! Some of the 'Christians' remained as part of the Jews, and still followed the Jewish festivals; Paul DID NOT condemn this, just said that they weren't to judge each other). Back to the 'apostasy', Paul said that once the holy spirit had left with the dying of the apostles - the spirit that gave the power to heal, raise the dead, and speak the languages - then the apostasy would fully take hold. Yes, ironically, the apostasy is NOT coming from those LEAVING the JWs, but that, along with other religions, the apostasy is WITHIN religions. By now, that apostasy will have made ALL religions largely corrupt; satan will have seen to that. So no matter what the good intentions are when these religions are started, they will fall into corruption. That does not meant that good people aren't within all religions, that is why God calls his people out of them at the time of the end. And it isn't just JWs who survive. Read the last chapter of Zechariah that directly talks about the time after Armageddon. It speaks about 'nations' that survive who refuse to fight against Israel, but since they weren't believers they are obligated to swear their allegiance to Yahweh in Jerusalem. Once you start reading the bible again, then you'll find so many references to non believers. For example, in different places it talks about the haughty who lord it over people, being made to be the servants! I wish that there was an update on this; if not, I hope that you will pass my message on to Isaac, but I guess that you've given him loads of advice as well. I think it's sometimes better for all to fade away; this avoids you having to cause family such a shock, but apart from that, you're a good guy Isaac, like me perhaps, you will feel that by staying non disfellowshipped/disassociated, you can be there for your family and friends in the JWs, if and when they lose their faith in the org. That's the only reason I've not disassociated myself. And I have been able to be a help to individual JWs from time to time. I was a regular pioneer, and I must do regular pioneer hours still. I've talked to people from all over the world about my faith and the bible; you never stop witnessing when you truly believe. I hope that you too will retain your faith, and not let the actions of a few people turn you away. God bless Isaac, you and your family; so be it. All the best, and thanks JW Struggle for the work that you do! You must have given some real comfort to people over the years.
@HomeroSignorini 7 лет назад
The Bible very clearly shows that only Jehovah, the Almighty God and heavenly Father of Jesus is the source of all creation. Psalm 36: 9 says, referring to the Creator Jehovah (YHWH): "Because you are the source of life" Most versions of the Bible removes the name of God and replaces it with the title "Lord", including this passage. Many, when they read this verse, believe and preach that this "Lord" refers to Jesus. The first creation of Jehovah (their only direct creation), his only Son Jesus is referred to as the channel through which it caused that all creation came into being. Yes, "Your son, whom he appointed heir of all things" is mentioned as a Firstborn Son. "Through [only Son] that God made the world." - Heb. 1: 2. "All things came into being through him .... The world came into existence through the Son of God" - John 1: 3,10. New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures In many versions of the Bible can not understand it correctly. This is because they fail to apply exactly the Greek preposition. The best-known evangelical version in Brazil, Almeida, not to apply precisely. So this promotes a misunderstanding. We read in John 1: 3 and 10 in the King James Version: "All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made of what came to be" --- John 1: 3 "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, for through him all other things were created in heaven and on earth." - Colossians 1: 14-16 So what is meant when God said, "I alone stretched out the heavens, when I made the earth" --- Isaiah 44:24 (Good News Translation) There is no contradiction with Isaiah to say that Jehovah alone was the Creator, and also with the text of Colossians 1: 13-23 saying that Jesus was the agent used for the purpose of the Creator. In the text of Isaiah 44:24, Jehovah is mentioned in an active sense, the Creator. But in Colossians 1: 13-23, and in some other places, Jesus Christ is only the passive agent of the one Creator, Jehovah. The Supreme God is the one who creates, but actively uses his only Son as a "collaborator master." Isaiah's context does not address the question of whether Jehovah God used someone in the creation or not. The biblical context is a contrasting comparison between the Creator and the false gods. BDB Lexicon on the page 94 gives a definition of the Hebrew word used in Isaiah 44:24, (alone) as meaning "acting independently". In that sense, Jehovah did not need the help of false gods, in the context of creation. But the activity of Christ in creation is never described as being independent but collaborative. Jehovah often says it does something "alone" BDB lexicon lists the use of ADB in Isaiah 63: 3, where Jehovah indicates that "he alone" acted when he demanded vengeance upon Edom. But it was not Jehovah who personally punished these people, but the Most High used men as agents who were active instruments of divine purpose. then we can ask: Is there a contradiction here? Or just means that Jehovah was the source of retribution? Deuteronomy 32:12 says: "Jehovah alone led them" Jehovah was the "one", guiding Israel? Exodus 32: 32-34 says that Jehovah used Moses and an angel to lead Israel! (1 Samuel 9: 16; 13: 13-14 & 2 Samuel 5: 1-2). Again, there is no contradiction here. Jehovah used his agents representatives who have been appointed to lead his people, but "only" He "was the source of direction!" In Ezekiel 36:33, 36, Jehovah says: "I myself will build" the cities of Israel after the exile. How it was rebuilt by Jehovah? It would have been people who did the work under his direction? All these acts were done with permission and authority of Jehovah alone, but there were other people who then participated. Therefore, Jesus Christ actually only made the divine purpose of salvation happen in practice because the purpose architected the salvation of people who have repented on earth proceeded before the Almighty, Jehovah! the Supreme God said, Sovereign Lord Jehovah of Hosts in Isaiah 43:11 "I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior." This indeed always deserves to be heard with great attention and respect!
@uckyouyoutube4087 8 лет назад
I wish you well on getting out. It took me some time but I did so after being bugged and harped on that I need to give money...They are into profit. The 2013 Revision of the bible is available in Russian.
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
Animals? um they will flee to the mountains when the baptism occurs. Here are the animal rules. Kill those who prove threatening as in a lion who tries to attack, but with those you kill, feed everyone on the mountain island (for example Colorado Pikes Peak) and include the hungry animals feeding those docile but killing those vicious. If you are wise, you dont kill a bad dog in front of a good dog, it freaks them out. But the point is the animals will become tame by the fact you shared a survival with them, and fed them, ridding the uncooperative ones. Physical laws, yep, as in Denver and the Springs do not get saved by being next to mountains. The day of asteroid impact or within 7 days, the faultline valley between the cities and the mountains will open up down to the mantle 26 miles down. And anyone in fear for the 2 months watching the water rise as it comes toward Colorado will get washed into the fire by the Gulf sea salt water. The great crowd might just have to make sure they are n the west side of each mountain with such explosions.
@SisterGoldenHair1964 10 лет назад
Makevtge movie!!!!!
@emanuelcolon2680 7 лет назад
not that they are serious they like cover their butts when it comes to GOD ,i am of spanish decent AND LIVED IN P.R.I would say that i had a good time for the most part in the jws but most part of it had nothing to do with religion and when i started thinking for myself i left
@johnjearos8783 4 года назад
Isaac and JWStruggle, I pray you guys never forsake Jesus and our Heavenly Father because of your bad experiences with an organization that has so much erroneous doctrine and inhumane, un-biblical policies. I went thru some really bad experiences with the org too a few decades ago and now I'm a born again Christian. Who would've thought that would happen?
@kaynoth 10 лет назад
i am back JW Struggle where are these questions you had for me? its been 2/3 month since i e-mailed you. and if you hate JW's so much why on Earth do you not leave them alone and ignore them. and to Isaac dont leave you will just regret it and come back
@jeanettewilliams9629 9 лет назад
try listen to the interview rather than taking this at face value as someone who as studdied with the jw when i was teenager my freind actually gt babotised and yet she went to opublic school had friends outside the witness my questios are the fact that jw actually belived that the end of the world was in 2000 aslo the fact that the jw covers up a lot of things like pedofilia i actually confunted one the other day about this belive in god but the fact of the matter is that god would not want to be assocated with people whoactually dont live by the bibles rules
@bbuttercup7204 7 лет назад
kieran westron . I see it's been 2 years since you posted these remarks. Last year there was a court case called the Australian Royal Commission on child abuse, have you seen it? It is fully documented on a channel called Jakke Control on you tube. It is 8 days long, 2 segments each day as they break for lunch. Jeffrey Jackson takes the stand on day 8.
@letigre3410 8 лет назад
Any updates on Isaac?
They got a Golden Buzzer 🤣✨
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