Many of us that are or were Jehovah's Witnesses are now awakening to the serious problems existing within the WT. My goal is to make sense of it all and give help and support to those among my JW brothers and sisters that are disillusioned and hurting.

This channel is setup to help you keep your faith and maintain your composure as you wake up to "The Truth About The Truth".
Pimping for Jehovah?
8 лет назад
Traveling- Don't Worry Be Happy!
8 лет назад
A second JW Elder speaks out!  part 1
9 лет назад
Let's help our exJWTeens!
9 лет назад
An active JW Elder speaks! Part 1
9 лет назад
@user-sx5gw3qd1q 3 дня назад
Does everyone know how to get in touch with this brother?
@user-sx5gw3qd1q 3 дня назад
It's sad that this religion cause some to not believe in God anymore. Leaving this religion doesn't mean you are learning God or Jesus. They don't have the monopole of God or Jesus
@kristinorr4434 5 дней назад
Only us that have been molested can do what Derek does!
@kristinorr4434 5 дней назад
Can you do another interview with Derek so we can see how he's doing now?
@kristinorr4434 6 дней назад
Wow, would love to know how he's doing now
@dianacryder7523 6 дней назад
I was wondering where that 3rd elder was. I laughed when he finally spoke because he represents the real organization. The real organization isn't about love. I feel sad for those other two elders because they're trying to show love but being overridden by the asshole elder. And that's how it goes. You can't be loving AND be a Jehovah's Witness. You choose love or JW. It can't be both.
@holirumicsfriend 7 дней назад
13:50 that is NOT what the Bible said., group counseling is better than one!! So evil!!!
@holirumicsfriend 7 дней назад
11:19 these guys are sooo manipulative! He evades the 1980 issue with a false flag of teaching the Bible!!! To answer yes there are many people and organizations teaching the Bible correctly! Using it to serve God and serve people! Those who have translations that are correct non-manipulative! Ones that teach what is taught in the Bible that people are important, truth is important, to see Jesus and serve Hod! Not like the WT that forces manipulates deceives!
@holirumicsfriend 7 дней назад
9:00 sorry that is INCORRECT!!!! God NEVER commanded rape! Yes he did execute judgement on evil societies! There was a purpose and He is God! This JW hearing is ridiculous, sorry you are having to go through it! Notice the persuasion or manipulation from the JWs! They do not stay on topic, they look to accuse, they don’t discuss substantive question, they distract! There is God, there is Jesus, there is man, fortunately we are redeemed through Christ! Look to the scriptures NOT an organization! No organization!!!!
@donnyetta 8 дней назад
How can they call it The Truth? - In the last three centuries EVERY prophecy jws have made turned out lies 🤷🏻‍♀
@stanley1771 9 дней назад
These elders got their asses handed to them! Hell yeah!
@WayneScott-w7z 10 дней назад
I can't help but feel deeply for Issac because he is like a sacrificial lamb to the organisations slaughter and they have basically drilled him a new one.
@WayneScott-w7z 11 дней назад
I was brought up and raised as a JW when my parents started studying and got baptised in 1973, i was then 11 yrs old. I left the JW faith at 16 in 1978. Over the decades i have had a bit of a study on and off and read a publication. I have struggled to keep my integrity to the teachings of JWs because of the guilt i have endured from time to time. It is so difficult to follow the strict guidelines and regulations so i have reached the stage after listening to all these videos on RU-vid to withdraw and i have even told my elder friend here in Oldham to watch some of the videos i have posted from here. I have since listening to all these video recordings felt sick in my stomac and feeling somewhat confused with everything so i an stepping back as i hate feeling guilty or ashamed, well not no more.
@stanley1771 12 дней назад
That elder in the back that said we are not martyrs, is a major dickhead. I know because I have one in my family who loves to df people.
@stanley1771 15 дней назад
It's hard to listen to these douche bags!
@stoobpendous 20 дней назад
It amazes me how elders disavow any responsibility when it comes to shunning. If JWs are already shunning, why the announcement? That is directly owing to the decision and action of the elders. If a JW talks to someone suspected or accused of apostasy there's no judicial committee. But if he talks to a df'd or da'd person accused of apostasy the elders form another committee.
@eez_physiq2378 22 дня назад
wonder what chael is thinking 11 years later
@tinkerbell1666 29 дней назад
I don’t care what people say or think. JW’s have the true way of serving, honoring Jehovah, and following Jesus.
@tinkerbell1666 29 дней назад
He can’t ever be an elder, but he needs to be prosecuted for his crime of abusing the child. Just one thing this does not happen with JW’s, but with Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Jews etc. and they all sweep it under the rug.
@robertpiper9324 Месяц назад
Tell me now: what hope do you have? Heaven is out of the question, so is living forever on earth when you leave the truth. Pride, ambition, and fear of man are the main ingredients leading apostacy. Convince me of your newfound-believe and I will join you!
@CraigHodges9100 Месяц назад
Idiot elders.
@jamesgastaldo4710 Месяц назад
Your only an apostate if they are 100% correct and can prove it, which they can't. What you know is true and can prove most of it. What jws shovel is bs lies dogma and opinion. Protect their real estate tax free empire!!!
@mericarmack3480 Месяц назад
My husband who is not an elder is just like these guys. He accepts that i wont attent meeting & that i dont want any witnesses around me. But if i were to talk to him like this...i cant have hime leave me. We are seniors & have a limited income. Not much of it comes from me. I am very ill with several life threatening illnesses & cannot be left alone. So i keep my thoughts to myself & watch videos when he is away from home. Also, i attempted suicide a few months ago. It was touch & go for me. This organizations kills. I have never in 42 years made a lasting friendship in here.
@Ruth-Thal Месяц назад
What does his story about running away from communist country try have to do with them willingly participating in UN card to ise the library or whatever.
@Ruth-Thal Месяц назад
So if the dates they set up is wordly history can we then say that the entire relegion is wordly? What makes people trust that what is being told to him now is not worldly history too?
@TheKakajones Месяц назад
Information overload. To much talking. You spoke down AT them. I’m surprised they allowed you to talk for so long. I wouldn’t and I’m apostate. I stopped listening a quarter way through. I don’t know how they didn’t roll their eyes at you. They had a lot of patience. You didn’t. Anyone would forget what you said. To much. To much. To much.
@wasabi6507 Месяц назад
Threatening is not an act of love
@wasabi6507 Месяц назад
This organization offers nothing but is a long term trap n spits u out once ur of no use.. All a fallacy
@user-qd9cp9tw2x Месяц назад
Why does anyone give these people power over themselves. They have no power except what you allow them....
@MiguelMartinez-zz4iw 2 месяца назад
Cian esta gente no se puede razonar. Todos dicen las mismas estupideces. Tu te vas nosotros no te sacamos, eso si me quedo con tu familia y amigos hasta que regreses.
@EdvardOmdahl-if3md 2 месяца назад
No, Jehovah witnesses are the truth. You guys should go to different churches, misinterpreted the Bible we had the truth.
@EdvardOmdahl-if3md 2 месяца назад
I’ll go up Jehovah witness IPA leave this is gonna happen if you want to survive in Jehovah’s organization, you have to put your trust in Jehovah is true Armageddon will come we will go through Armageddon you better you better not talk bad about Jehovah witnesses or white
@MrNorman1947 2 месяца назад
How can heretics call the young lad an apostate bunch of hypocrites
@JWConvoBroadcast 2 месяца назад
I was raised in this organization and I left. Basically they want you to shut up and keep quiet.
@kevinmaxey5207 2 месяца назад
Well handled my brother!
@kevinmaxey5207 2 месяца назад
That brother is a complete a hole! What a insensitive jerk! Do better elders! This is terrible 😞
@Nosaphira 2 месяца назад
Excuse me, brother. I just found your channel after XJW fifth was interviewing you. I have a question for you. Did any of the brothers involved in your committee come to their senses? I was amazed that they spoke with you for as long as they did because the men here where we live are such incredibly rude and disrespectful men on every level on every occasion. And the other question is this please: do you still feel the same way about protests as you mentioned with those brothers and that it is very disrespectful to engage in them? Thank you.
@connormusic9274 2 месяца назад
Famous last words of an elder on the judicial committee,.."we are genuinely interested in your spiritual welfare". No you're genuinely interested in playing gestapo, policeman, and judge so you can punish them for daring to think and ask questions!
@Farmgirlathart 2 месяца назад
So encouraging!
@SalCasl-rz6qi 2 месяца назад
That is still God's Visible Organization according to circumstances !
@SalCasl-rz6qi 2 месяца назад
The Only True God has been creative concerning His Dealings with mankind.
@SalCasl-rz6qi 2 месяца назад
True ~ No doubt >
@suecowles4560 2 месяца назад
Great interview... It is great to take the good and use it and continue to do good.
@johnny2363 2 месяца назад
emigrant JW's couple crestinismclasic.blogspot.com/2024/06/heartless-for-movie.html
@birdiemarciel5408 2 месяца назад
You said you were baptized in the name of Jehovah, his son Jesus and the holy spirited organization. Holy spirited organization is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Mark 3: 29. Separation from the organization ,yes. You are still baptized in the name of Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ. My Jehovah and Son bless you in the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
@raijagullmes802 2 месяца назад
Their praying is just theater.
@jerryeasler440 2 месяца назад
Talk about taking things out of context !
@jerryeasler440 2 месяца назад
Questions From Readers ● Is Jesus the “mediator” only for anointed Christians? The term “mediator” occurs just six times in the Christian Greek Scriptures and Scripturally is always used regarding a formal covenant. Moses was the “mediator” of the Law covenant made between God and the nation of Israel. (Gal. 3:19, 20) Christ, though, is the “mediator of a new covenant” between Jehovah and spiritual Israel, the “Israel of God” that will serve as kings and priests in heaven with Jesus. (Heb. 8:6; 9:15; 12:24; Gal. 6:16) At a time when God was selecting those to be taken into that new covenant, the apostle Paul wrote that Christ was the “one mediator between God and men.” (1 Tim. 2:5) Reasonably Paul was here using the word “mediator” in the same way he did the other five times, which occurred before the writing of 1 Timothy 2:5, referring to those then being taken into the new covenant for which Christ is “mediator.” So in this strict Biblical sense Jesus is the “mediator” only for anointed Christians. The new covenant will terminate with the glorification of the remnant who are today in that covenant mediated by Christ. The “great crowd” of “other sheep” that is forming today is not in that new covenant. However, by their associating with the “little flock” of those yet in that covenant they come under benefits that flow from that new covenant. During the millennium Jesus Christ will be their king, high priest and judge. For more detailed information, see Aid to Bible Understanding, pages 1129 and 1130 under “Mediator”; also God’s “Eternal Purpose” Now Triumphing for Man’s Good, page 160, paragraph 10; also The Watchtower issues of February 15, 1966, pages 105 through 123; November 15, 1972, pages 685 and 686, under the subheading “Leading the Way to a New Covenant”; and April 1, 1973, pages 198 and 199, under the subheading “The New Covenant.”
@sadtruth3066 3 месяца назад
The elder in blue shirt/red tie sometimes appear absent minded. I won't be surprised if someday hecsays he's done with the organization. The old Romanian guy has invested so much he's going nowhere
@mountainbrease2723 3 месяца назад
I don't think you want to leave the Lord. It is that it hurts to face the fact that you were raised by wolves. Oh that hurts but look at the story of Joseph. His brothers sold him to egypt but God turned it around.
@mountainbrease2723 3 месяца назад
It is impossible for a celestrial angel to fall by the way. A Terestrial angel is another story.