
I Tested Her Mormon Faith. Where Is Eve Now? 

Carah Burrell
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28 сен 2024




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@CarahBurrell 9 месяцев назад
Your support would mean so much. Thanks. 🤝 CHRISTMAS EVE EQUIPMENT FUNDRAISER: donorbox.org/christmas-eve-equipment-fundraiser-2 👩‍💻 Join the Hoetown community on Patreon: www.patreon.com/nuancehoe 🍯 Tip Jar (Venmo: CarahB): account.venmo.com/u/CarahB
@eileenjared 8 месяцев назад
Just read the Bible because the LDS is not true, doesn’t mean Jesus is not real. Look into history and the Bible has been proven many times. Science is just a methodology and the Bible has never gotten wrong the scientific facts that it has. Look into answers in Genesis.
@planes3333 5 месяцев назад
So are you and Eve totally done with Jesus and christianity or ............I am a baptist christian personally.
@planes3333 5 месяцев назад
SO are you and eve totally off Jesus completely or ?
@planes3333 5 месяцев назад
I have watched the original video many times its very interesting. I am not mormon but a canadian baptist.
@eileenjared 5 месяцев назад
@@planes3333 Canadian Baptist? Never heard that before is it like reformed Baptist?
@dcinkc58 9 месяцев назад
Eve, hearing you say that the negative stance of the Mormon church on the queer community was a point of pain for you and a big reason for your disaffection towards it brought this senior aged lesbian great joy and a deep appreciation for you as an ally. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your truth! I hope the new year is filled with lots of love, light laughter and joy for you and yours!
@User_Happy35 8 месяцев назад
If she says that, it means she's rejected the teachings of the Holy Bible. The only sexual relationship ordained by God is heterosexual.
@everpearce 8 месяцев назад
You are so kind. I am honestly embarrassed when I look back on it that it took me finding out about other things like problematic church history in order to finally leave. I wish I had just left because of the harm I saw it had on my queer friends and family.
@FernLovebond 8 месяцев назад
@@everpearce ~ There's no shame in recognizing harm, in compassionate motivation, to learn and grow as a person. Thank you for your empathy and your loving action. (~ Fern, an ex-LDS person.)
@FernLovebond 7 месяцев назад
@@Venom-33381 So someone expresses sincere loving compassion and your response is to spew your unsubstantiated claims at them? Grow up. Religion is like a penis: it's fine to have one, it's even fine to be a bit proud of it, but you don't whip it out in public and wave it around, especially not around kids. When you make a claim that you have "the truth" of something, but you don't back it up with real, actual evidence (the book is the claim, so it can't also be the evidence), something others can verify with fair testing, you've failed to make a case for your claim. You want to convince sensible people of your little myth? First you would likely have to convince people that there's any kind of god. Then that there's _just one_ and not several or many. Then that _yours_ is that one. Then that it has the traits that you claim. Then that it interacts with the natural world. Then that it has concern about specifically the actions of the humans on this planet. *_THEN_* you can try and talk about your (deeply mistaken) beliefs about your hell. Here's what hasn't worked for me and many others: * Quoting from your scriptural texts. Remember, the claim can't also be the evidence, and the texts are the claims. * Telling us we _do_ believe but reject your specific god for some reason you make up. * "You just want to sin." (Often paired with the previous.) * "Just look at [nature of some kind]." We have science to tell us about the way nature works and many perfectly good natural explanations for things X-ians like to claim are somehow "evidence" of their god. * Citing "miracles" (resurrection from death, for example). Myths in other religions don't pass _your_ sniff test, why would you suppose they would convince us? * Telling us "you're not interpreting the Bible correctly" or trying to switch the meanings of texts by pointing elsewhere in the same book and pretending it's univocal. * The standard Christian apologetics arguments for god presented hundreds of years ago and still being tossed up today: Pascal's Wager, the Ontological Argument, the (Kalam) Cosmological Arg~, the Moral Arg~, any Arg~ from Incredulity, the Fine Tuning Arg~, et al. * Your personal experience. * Numerology or math tricks. * Calling us a sinner and threatening us with hell. If your god were real and wanted us convinced, it would know how to do it, and for many of us, that stuff up there is a big fail. Good luck.
@kyleepratt 7 месяцев назад
@@Venom-33381 not a great proposed system if the baseline is that everyone is headed toward a lake of fire. Even if that is true, it doesn't encourage faith in the designer of that system.
@davidmerrell5561 9 месяцев назад
I’m cheering from the sidelines :) Eve and her sister were in my ward at BYU-quality people. It’s been a privilege to hear Eve describe her journey. All the best!
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Awww thank you! Hope you’re doing well.
@marksandsmith6778 7 месяцев назад
@@everpearce great to hear how well you are doing. my parents were Xcomm-ed but my 2 brothers still count as LDs !! I never bought in, luckily M
@MCook013 2 месяца назад
God bless all and thank all for your content and for sharing . It's very raw, very public, and I respect you guys . I praise God for freedom .
@fat_bastard215 8 месяцев назад
I could tell right away Eve had left the church because of the change in her demeanor. She seems happier, more centered, more comfortable in her own skin. Less plagued by cognitive dissonance.
@AlisonKenzoland 7 месяцев назад
Yes! Eve is glowing and she seems so much more relaxed and centered.
@unfeigned4997 5 месяцев назад
She only developed cognitive dissonance after she went on the show and was confronted by Dehlin's psychological tactics and incorrect information.
@harroldhenderson 5 месяцев назад
@@unfeigned4997 Incorrect information? What was a lie? I haven't seen anything that has been said that could be construed as misinformation. What psychological tactics? Do you think he made her cry on purpose?
@chrismiddleton4733 4 месяца назад
But is this true happiness? Sorry couldn't resist 🙈😂
@chrismiddleton4733 4 месяца назад
​​@@unfeigned4997like information from actual journal entries from Joseph Smith and other church leaders? Information from the Gospel Topics Essays on the Church's own website? Information from Egyptologists analyzing the Book of Abraham? Information from Rough Stone Rolling, a church commissioned history of Joseph Smith? It's not Dehlin's fault that the facts contradict the Church's decades-long narrative. I know it sucks that you were lied to and manipulated all these years and have had so much time and money fraudulently taken from you, but you're not there only one who's been there. And it's not your fault. Deconstruction is painful, but the freedom you gain to live your own life and be a better person is well worth it when you come through on the other side.
@yeshalloween 9 месяцев назад
My husband and I went through our deconstruction completely and utterly alone. His family has distance themselves from us quite a bit, and my family has cut us off entirely including our 4 innocent kids. It’s been a lonely journey. But you can’t live a lie once you realize it’s a lie. I remember watching the Mormon stories episode with you, Eve, and I felt such a…kinship. Carah and you are lucky to have each other.
@delhargis2219 9 месяцев назад
You both deserved to be honored for your courage. The truth is you actually can live a lie once you realize it's a lie. That's proven by many today. I know a couple personally who know it's a lie and have told me they don't care because they love the culture and don't want to be shunned or to have their children pay the price. Talk about setting a horrible example for your children. Your demonstration of living from courage for truth's sake will serve your children much better in the long run.
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
I’m so sorry for your pain. It isn’t fair. I hope your family can remember their love for you and reconsider their choice to cut you off. I can’t imagine how hard that must be.
@randyjordan5521 8 месяцев назад
@@delhargis2219 Your experience reminds me of something a friend told me probably 25 years ago. This friend was working his way out of the church like I did. He told me that he had discussed the church's dubious history with his stake president, and the SP admitted that "There ain't a damn thing true about the church, but it's a great place to raise a family." So he was a "social Mormon." Back when I was a TBM from the mid-' 70s to the mid-'90s, I would be taken aback when a church member would occasionally say something like "I like the church, but I don't believe the Joseph Smith story." My mindset back then was, how can you not believe the Joseph Smith story? The church's entire history, claims to authority, and reason for existing hinges on the Joseph Smith story being true. But after I began studying my way out in the late '90s, I began to understand those people. They believed as they did because they had studied Joseph Smith's true history that I had not yet been exposed to. But when I learned the facts, my wife and I and our four kids all resigned. There was no way that I would or could sit through Priesthood and Sunday School lessons hearing about how wonderful the Prophet Joseph Smith was, when I knew that it was a lie. I wasn't gonna waste any more time getting up on Sunday mornings and dressing up in a suit and tie and driving to church just to listen to that nonsense for the rest of my life.
@afwalker1921 Месяц назад
Everyday is Halloween, BAH-BAH-BAH!
@blahblah273 8 месяцев назад
The transition from focusing on “earning” the afterlife to being present and engaging in the life you have now is profound. Also, Eve’s hair looks amazing! 🤩
@whoseturnisit9733 8 месяцев назад
That is an indeed a sad scenario. You live your life unhappy on Earth, working towards an afterlife that you have no proof actually exists apart from the people demanding 10% of your earnings telling you it does! Just my personal experience but through illness I’ve been dead once, and extremely near death a second time, never saw pearly gates, or any paradise. The only thing I remember is on coming back, and having the realisation I was going to have a long recovery was ‘Thank goodness I’m not American, as I would have just bankrupted my family because if the healthcare costs’ Honestly that was my thought whilst filled with breathing apparatus and tubes. Free healthcare and free meds in my country! Americans vote it away because the thought of being responsible for even the guy sleeping rough broken leg goes against their form of Christianity. I just ring him an ambulance and he’s taken care off .Mormons would rather pay 10% of their earnings into a ‘church’ that has Billions just sitting there helping no-one and step over the guy with broken leg in disgust. How humane of them.
@marlenemeyer9841 9 месяцев назад
I thought our church leaders were teaching us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. How absolutely wrong I was. Good for you Eve! Welcome to the post Mormon world. Hugs
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
🤗 ❤❤ thank you
@rileymabry5387 7 месяцев назад
"I felt this drop into the human family" is such a beautiful way to articulate that sensation!
@hannahjoy4857 6 месяцев назад
One of the great things about leaving the church is that you get a 10% raise 😂
@joaosantos-uj9uw 2 месяца назад
It’s actually more than 10, funnily enough
@Cel_566 2 месяца назад
And a second Saturday
@dorarie3167 9 месяцев назад
I think Eve was exceptional in trusting you (this speaks to your relationship) and being willing to question her faith and its foundation. Whether a Mormon or not, she’s clearly a wonderful person with a querying mind. All the best for the journey ahead!
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Thank you so much ❤❤❤
@nerdybirdy420 8 месяцев назад
You could do a segment called, was it Warren Jeffs or was it Joseph Smith... no one would be safe! Haha
@nonrepublicrat 4 месяца назад
You THINK you are funny.
@CodyCarlson-i3p 9 месяцев назад
Eve is an exceptionally genuine, open person. Allows herself to be vulnerable in the face of deeply scary things. So much courage. Each of her family members and friends are SO lucky to have her in their lives I wish her all the best in her journey!!
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Thank you. I hope they know how lucky they are haha 😜. But really, thank you, that is so kind to say.
@TheBoss-ie8dj 9 месяцев назад
I think the temple would have bothered her more if she went through it when I did in 1989. After swearing to slit my throat and disemboweling myself if I were to ever divulge the secrets of the temple which were all masonic. I upset my new wife when I said I'm never going there again. My dad said don't worry, you'll get used to it...
@mindoablues 9 месяцев назад
Lol dads always just along for the ride
@marylamphere2112 9 месяцев назад
The idea that my mom joined the church while there was a ban on full membership for Black members and she mimed slitting her throat every time she went through the temple really messed with my head when I realized how old she had been when she joined and when I learned about what they did in the temple.
@mindoablues 9 месяцев назад
@@marylamphere2112 It's always worth pointing out that the Mormon church is explicitly based on racism. It's within living memory that they are trying to backtrack. I've heard testimonies from non-white members that they are treated very poorly still by other white members. It's abominable and needs to be brought up constantly
@randyjordan5521 8 месяцев назад
I did my endowment in the SL temple in 1974. It was the live action version with the blood oaths and the whole storyline about Lucifer paying a Protestant minister to teach false doctrines to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. If an older Ex-Mormon like me tells a young TBM about that stuff which has been removed from the ceremony, they call me a liar and a disgruntled apostate.
@johndavolta3124 8 месяцев назад
What are the secrets of the temple?
@Foxemblem 7 месяцев назад
As a deconstructing Catholic, I can’t find many videos that resonate to the extent that exmormon videos such as these videos do. There is so much gentleness and calmness and peace, but also a lot of questions and critical thinking (which is where I’m at). It makes me know I’m going to be ok ♥️ thank you both.
@Freaky0Nina 3 месяца назад
i wonder. because catholicism can look so different across cultures. what does it look like for you. what needs to be deconstructed? to me, it was never a conscious deconstruction process, as religion in my culture is seen as very private, personal beliefs are seen as very intimate. so, changing one's mind on religion over time and over years can look just like changing one's mind on ANY topic really.
@emk7132 8 месяцев назад
My response to the original interview was awe at the empathy and clear concern from Cara and John for the pain they could see Eve experiencing
@BebbaDubbs 9 месяцев назад
Your initial interview with Eve was my first exposure to ExMo deconstruction and it was really beautiful to see how other people are able to face this.
@LoveMeSomeTrueCrime 9 месяцев назад
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
@oliviablomquist9408 9 месяцев назад
Omg, thannnnk you!! That superiority complex thing- I moved to Salt lake months ago to be with my dad when he was diagnosed with ALS. I've struggled so much trying to connect with people here as well as understand why the culture here is so different. I feel less crazy hearing someone else speak about the superiority complex weaved through Mormonism. I tried explaining how condescending it feels the way my family talks to me because I'm not part of the lds church. As much as my brother's effort was appreciated, my siblings just can't see it. I'm glad I'm not alone despite how isolated it feels
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
I’m sorry you feel so isolated and talked down to. They really don’t realize how bad it is… it’s embarrassing looking back at it.
@tsblanca 9 месяцев назад
Post jw and I share the experience of realizing...just very recently....how arrogant I must have come across. Some of my own words echo in my head.
@SatansRoerhat 9 месяцев назад
Eve, you wield your bravery with a unique elegance. Thank you for being you! My heart is full and I'm sending you all the good vibes and hugs from Denmark (if wanted) ✨🌈
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Awww thank you so much. My ancestors were converted from Denmark and left for the church… maybe we would’ve been neighbors in another life!
@KARENboomboomROXX 9 месяцев назад
​@@everpearce❤❤❤ I've loved seeing you break free ❤️❤️❤️I too understand all the fallout. Ex fundi. Lost everyone. Best thing ever 🙌
@DustinHawke 3 месяца назад
@@everpearce Or you wouldn't be born, seeing as your ancestors wouldn't have met and had your other ancestors. I wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the LDS Church, so it's a love-hate relationship in a sense. I don't consider myself Mormon, but I'm baptized and it's just a part of my history. It's alright to change paths while not rejecting the past, because the past happened for a reason.
@juliejanesmith57 9 месяцев назад
“I felt like, this, drop into the human family.” I LOVE the way Eve put that. I was raised evangelical and that is a wonderful way to describe how I felt when I stopped believing. That is why all religion frustrates me so much, it creates imaginary divisions among the human race what just makes so many more thinks so much unnecessarily harder than it already has to be. People all over the world are far more alike than they are different when you get down to a personal level.
@lc5666 9 месяцев назад
I had a very similar experience after leaving Catholicism. Well said, thank you.
@bagelb 9 месяцев назад
1:28:09 "I have never felt more connected to everyone else on earth than I had in those moments. For how much the church preaches we're all children of God, we should love each other and we're all a spirit family. But as soon as I decided to leave that, that's when I felt more connection to everyone than I ever had in my entire life." This happened for me shortly after my faith deconstruction earlier this year! It's cool and validating to hear that it happened for Eve too! When I was a faithful member I THOUGHT I loved everyone in or out of the church unconditionally, and tried and thought I did pretty good at not judging others who weren't members, but I never realized just how judgemental and non-loving I really was until I "woke up" from the false indoctrination that the LDS Church and members are better than everyone else. Makes me sick to think about it now, but I know it wasn't completely my fault and I'm excited to move forward and know what it truly means to love myself and others unconditionally! Best of luck, Eve, as you continue to figure things out! You're not alone!
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Thank you. ❤❤❤❤ best of luck to you too. I’m glad we aren’t alone.
@HelloThere-xx1ct 9 месяцев назад
So beautiful. The things that connect humanity are so much deeper than any religion ever could go. Striving for real human connection that comes genuinely from your own heart and not any doctrine is essential.
@LoveMeSomeTrueCrime 9 месяцев назад
Yes, it was so beautifully said! I went through similar feelings!
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Thank you! I’m glad to know I’m not alone. And you described it so perfectly here. It is embarrassing to look back on, but freeing to feel so differently now. ❤
@kiblee 9 месяцев назад
I am so glad you did this. Several months ago I watched the first video with eve. I was/am just like she was at that time. I have continually wondered what she did after that interview over these months. There have always been questions I have had throughout the years, and was always taught not to go outside of the church for research. I was 8 years old when I started questioning things. Younger really. I could never understand why black people could not hold the priesthood. I was 8 when they change that policy and to this day remember how happy I was when it was announced. Things like this have piled up over the years and have left holes in my beliefs. That said there are other things I have lived by and always felt blessed from doing so. In 2019 we had a life altering, faith crushing event happen. The “reasoning” that was given to my questions about how this could happen was the biggest whitewashing, faith shattering excuse I have ever heard. We trudged through the next 4 years devastated and mitigating the damage on our own. We are in a good place now and in some ways better off, but not my faith. There a so many reasons, I’m afraid to do what Eve did. a lot she went through. I am in my 50’s, and always lived in Utah, so my indoctrination is probably even more ingrained. There are so many things I cannot reconcile for myself and my family.
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
I’m so sorry to hear how difficult this has been for you. I hope you can find peace and courage to do what will bring you the most happiness. Everyone’s timelines are different. Sending you love ❤❤
@randyjordan5521 8 месяцев назад
If you started questioning the church at age eight, you're a lot smarter than I am. I was a hardheaded thick as a brick arrogant TBM until I was in my mid 30s. And even after I started studying my way out, it took another 7-8 years to finally break my mind completely free and resign.
@MartineReed 9 месяцев назад
Another great conversation between two autonomous, intelligent women. Thank you.
@CalamityArizonaGirlJane 9 месяцев назад
Thank you Eve for your honest testimony. I have had all the same questions as you but I have a different perspective because I didn't live anywhere near Salt Lake (yes, that makes a difference) and also my brain never stops asking questions and couldn't connect with Mormonism my whole life because I wasn't allowed to have real answers to any of those questions. I was born into Mormonism, raised in it, etc. and yet, I could never be one, not really. When I asked questions, I was treated badly and talked down to. I am de-programming my brain and I see the world so much more clearly now.
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
@Ms.Prairie 8 месяцев назад
I live with scrupulosity OCD, too (ex/post-Catholic). It’s so validating when other women voice it because it’s so hard to explain how debilitating it is when people around you believe, even closest femme friends. So lovely to me, so affirming. Love to you both! I’ve already teared up and I’m about six minutes in. 😂
@everpearce 8 месяцев назад
It’s sooo validating to know we’re not alone in those experiences! Thank you for sharing yours ❤❤
@psychologicalprojectionist 9 месяцев назад
Glad the friendship survived! As an atheist, I would like to concur with Carah, people of all backgrounds admiring Eve's courage in facing up to becoming more informed about her faith. I have faith that the choices she made/makes will be right for her and her family, she comes across as a really nice, smart person.
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Thank you so much. I’m glad we’re still friends too. 😊
@reneelotter8653 3 месяца назад
"Never felt more connected to everyone else on earth." I can relate, its brought about the greatest feelings of love and connectedness with mankind that I have ever experienced.
@caitlynmullins1608 9 месяцев назад
Carah, bringing the gun show as always… I definitely would too if I was you!😂❤
@CarahBurrell 9 месяцев назад
I can't stop, won't stop.
@VonPatzy 9 месяцев назад
A system that can and will not allow other ideas or concerns to be voiced but also focuses its culture on “missions” and spreading their truth is both incredibly fragile and predatory. When you send your barely grown children to go question other people’s reality you as an organization are just a money hungry bully hiding behind thousands of smiles that rarely reach the eyes.
@wildinwonder3700 9 месяцев назад
Eve, your thoughts about life post-deconstruction is so relatable. It feels very validating. I especially resonate with not living for the next life anymore, and how much more precious each moment is now. Living life for simply living this life feels so much better. Thank you for sharing!!
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
I’m glad you feel that way too. ❤❤ it’s the best.
@elizabethsmithakaelizabeth3332 9 месяцев назад
Eve is so brave. I can not imagine how difficult a faith crisis can be, and her courage to share that journey is inspiring. I have no doubt her story is helping many people.❤
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Thank you. I hope it is too.
@kenharness1417 8 месяцев назад
I loved this. I grew up in the IFB (now an Atheist) and hearing Eve describing how there were things in the church that she didnt agree with but chose to trust the church hit heavy. That was me exactly for much of my teenage years. It is so hard to admit that the church you grew up in and trusted could actually be wrong.
@LazarWolf07 9 месяцев назад
Eve is super rad! Really enjoyed the first episode and now this follow-up! Please rope her into more episodes and discussions. She is such a refreshing and genuine soul.
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Thank you!!! I’d love to participate more ☺️
@LazarWolf07 6 месяцев назад
@@everpearce makes me so happy you responded and know that I think you are awesome!
@DoeMeNeek 9 месяцев назад
I was shamed by my x- (then)- husband for my post-partum depression, then also for my "psychosomatic" mono heaped on top... then that was used to attack me during the divorce, since i was "unstable and depressed"... oy. may gd bless him, and keep him Faaaaaaaar Awaaaaaaay from me!
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
I’m so sorry 😢
@JPdeStCroix-cq9ie 9 месяцев назад
Carah and Eve, I’m not exmo. Exact opposite, but shine in the light and everyone scatters. I did listen the Eve’s interview with Carah and John Dehlin in it’s entirety. I heard “me too”. What you are doing is important. The truth matters. You are both so brave. I heard Eve express how difficult her loneliness was. Just please know there’s so many people “on the outside” who want the best for you.
@codename495 9 месяцев назад
I don’t see how you can stay knowing all of the idiocy, lies and hatred the church is based on.
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Thank you.❤
@randyjordan5521 8 месяцев назад
So, how do you feel about Joseph Smith plural marrying other men's wives?
@Kas_Styles 7 месяцев назад
Exact opposite? What do you mean by that?
@trevanon7450 9 месяцев назад
'Ex mormon Voldemort' 🤣🤣
@ryanbb474 9 месяцев назад
Love this episode I enjoyed the first video and great to see an update.
@greyschreiber7755 6 месяцев назад
i’ve grown up in and lived in utah as a non religious person my whole life surrounded by lds people. i’ve witnessed so many people harmed by this church, and think meanwhile that they are being protected. i have seen so many friends deconstruct, and work like this is so damn important for that process. glad i found this channel, and im so proud of you, eve. carry on ❤
@raindance1962 9 месяцев назад
I like your sofa and the ambience of the subtle lights in the background
@CarahBurrell 9 месяцев назад
@MackenzieNoelle 9 месяцев назад
I hope to someday have even a fraction of the integrity that Eve has! I would have killed to have a friend like Eve during my deconstruction. Thank you both for your openness and for sharing!! This was such a cool follow-up. ❤ much love
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
🥹🥹 ❤ thank you. This is one of the kindest things anyone has ever said to me.
@delhargis2219 9 месяцев назад
There are few things more inspiring than an intelligent, vulnerable inquiry that is then empowered by an authentic, courageous stand for truth and transformation. Thank you both for being inspiring.
@anjelikag 9 месяцев назад
HOOOOOW did I miss this live?! 😂 Sad day! Oh well I’m here for that replay all daaay baby! Glad to see you looking happy and healthy Eve!
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Thank you ❤❤❤❤
@cellistmike 9 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for sharing that incredibly vulnerable experience with us. Absolutely love how Eve portrayed that interview as allowing others to see themselves in her shoes. Just beautiful.
@dbkaggie 6 месяцев назад
Not me getting an ad before your video for a 'come follow me study guide' 🤣🤣
@wakebreaker 9 месяцев назад
Thx for the update, edits, and content.❤
@amanda_weber1 9 месяцев назад
Eve, I really appreciate your vulnerability and openess. Your feelings and journey are so relatable and helpful!
@californiagrandma 9 месяцев назад
I’m here now because of the first interview that you did together. I’m really looking forward to watching today’s show!
@taytilley 7 месяцев назад
I recently watched Eve’s video and even though I’ve never been in the LDS church, I was a strong Baptist/Non denomination Christian. I deconstructed over the past few years and her responses to the info felt sooo familiar to my own experience. When I found out about the Council of Trent and true Christianity vs. Black Baptist church……I made the same comments and sounds as Eve did in the video. You helped me a lot. To see myself.
@terrilj 8 месяцев назад
Eve, I just wanted to let you know that one day, you will have true peace. The fear will be gone. I promise. It just takes time. You'll eventually get to know who you are and you will become the person you want to be without Mormonism. I was a Jesus freak through and through. I loved God with all my heart. I led Biblestudies and prayer groups and wrote plays and poems desiring to bring glory to God. At 32 I walked away. A few years later I deconstructed and now 25 years later, I can tell you with a sincere heart, I am happy, I am at peace and I have been for many years. You will be okay. You will experience genuine happiness and love. I am progressive and I am still moral. Kindness, understanding, generosity and love rule my life, yet I have no religion or spiritual belief system. You'll find your purpose and you'll find joy. Just give yourself time. You are a beautiful person, Eve, and I'm proud of you.
@everpearce 8 месяцев назад
Aww thank you. This is such a sweet thing to read and gives me lots of hope. It’s so good to hear from people who have gone through similar experiences and have found such peace and happiness. ❤
@BeachKid74-ct2ob 8 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for updating us Eve!!!! I’m so relieved that you have been able to use this as a springboard to get to a better place and happier/healthier mental health space!!!
@everpearce 8 месяцев назад
I’m so happy about that too. Thank you for cheering me on. ❤❤
@anjelikag 9 месяцев назад
As a “long time” investigator I can’t get over the stuff Mormon missionaries do not teach. I really believed it and was waiting to be baptized when i found the stuff they left out.. it’s spiritual manipulation. It needs to be talked about more!
@marylamphere2112 9 месяцев назад
That is awesome you found out before joining. Both my parents were converts in the 70s and I can't understand how they stayed once they knew about the priesthood/temple ban.
@EmeryShae 9 месяцев назад
I think there are many naive missionaries that actually don’t know many of the secrets of the church. I have talked to several missionaries (I’m not LDS) and some of them know basically everything, while others are shocked at some of my questions. I think I scared the last missionaries off when I told them that according to the Bible, Joseph Smith cannot be considered a prophet.
@marylamphere2112 9 месяцев назад
@@EmeryShae oh I love that! I feel so bad for those kids. My sister was one and it was so bad that she ended up requesting to come home because she was DONE.
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
The missionaries don’t know most of what they are leaving out unfortunately. I’d be kind to them but blame the church
@anjelikag 9 месяцев назад
I wanted to comment here highlight eves comment about being nice to Missionaries! Some of them really do not know what they are leaving out because they are simply teaching what they were taught, and they are doing this all in good faith. When I heard Missionaries’s were not able to eat in homes where they can’t talk to investigators my heart sank.. not only do these KIDS get shipped to a new town, state, Hell to even a new country, they get their passports taken away, and they have to pay for their food and their own way. I had a missionary tell me it’s his fault for not having enough money for food because he spends his money on fast food. But if you knew how hard these KIDS had to work going door to door to you’d just hit the fast food joint too to make it an easy night. This billion dollar corporation should be paying these KIDS to be doing this or at least pay for all of their food and necessities! But.. as a long time investigator, I’ve been through a few cycles of missionaries and LDS practicing friends. First without gospel topics essays available, second with gospel topic essays available, and by the third time when I met the missionaries I made a blanket statement saying there are things in church history I don’t agree with. Without prompting they mentioned racism in the priesthood, polygamy, stone in the hat, and homosexuality. I’m still not blaming the missionaries but what the church keeps getting away with is ridiculous.. the church would excommunicate members who were vocal about “anti/negative” Mormon Truth claims, that the Church now says are actually REAL.
@SuperDuperAutoPets 2 месяца назад
This is very cool. It's not often that you get to sit and actually watch someone's deconstruction. Also, she just seems so much more confident and at peace this time around. Super proud of, and happy for, Eve. 🤘
@auzziemel8983 9 месяцев назад
Was so awesome seeing you two together! Eve I'm so glad you have come out the other end with that smile on your face. I hope you both keep this friendship going strong. Ps Eve show her yummy drinks, not wine unless it's with orange juice 😂😂
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Haha thank you!
@skittlezblueeye 4 месяца назад
I am so lost and heartbroken I may have been a jack Mormon but it was all I had and now I have nothing 😢 It got me through cancer, depression, and now I’m alone.
@skittlezblueeye 4 месяца назад
I talked to my aunt telling her what you guys said. I still consider you guys missionaries and I said why would missionaries lie. She told me to pray about it she said God would not lie, but in my heart, I know this is true She’s the only one I can talk to who won’t turn her back on me
@xoxogigibo 8 месяцев назад
eve is an angel. thank you for hosting this update, carah! ♥️
@everpearce 8 месяцев назад
❤❤❤ 😇
@marquitaarmstrong399 9 месяцев назад
Good to see Eve again. Her interview on MSP is still one of my favorites.
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Thank you!! ❤
@tsblanca 9 месяцев назад
Holy ....wha...this was amazing and wonderful and appreciated.
@DanielFreed-f2b 9 месяцев назад
This was fantastic. Loved hearing the follow up.
@aldogomez6787 8 месяцев назад
Hello, I just want to thank you for the podcast with Eve, I am an inactive member and this channel makes me heal the many doubts that have been making me noise for years due to all the anomalies due to the abuse of authority that exists in the Mormon sect.
@TheSaintelias 9 месяцев назад
So interesting how fast deconstruction happens, when one is open to the facts of history and facts on the BoM. More time is needed to fully process deconstruction of your world emotionally
@rainbowiam 9 месяцев назад
Eve, you are an amazing person. Thank you for being so open with your journey. It was amazing to watch you as you processed the questions during your Mormon Stories interview and it is incredible to hear how your story is progressing. I am so glad that your husband has been supportive and am so inspired by your calm, honest willingness to learn. 💕
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Thank you so much. These comments make the difficult parts of leaving all worth it. ❤❤
@SebastianJArt 8 месяцев назад
It was really important - thank you Eve ❤
@elaineg60 9 месяцев назад
I’ve been a retired recovering Catholic for over 40yrs now. I was also extremely sheltered in a very violent home. I literally went out my window when I turned 18. I had a few friends at the tiny private school I went to; but I was still kept locked in my room most of the time at home..the only things I was allowed to do was my volunteer work at the nearby animal hospital and people hospital. I not only broke the record for teen volunteer hours at the hospital, I tripled it by the time I turned 18. But despite that, I felt alone. I didn’t think anyone knew what was going on my house of horrors. Even at church, where I was at least 4 times a week; I thought everyone thought we were a good, loving Catholic family. The way my parents acted outside the house MOST of the time; was diametrically opposed to the non-stop screaming and yelling, drinking, beatings/flinging and dragging by my braids. (My mother had told people I insisted on braids because I thought I was the girl in the Heidi musical. When chunks of hair missing became obvious? Mommy dearest lied and said I’d done it by accident while trying out new hairstyles…doesn’t every girl? 🙄). I didn’t dare say anything to anyone after what happened when I was 12 and my PE teachers saw the welts, bruises and missing hair. I had NO desire for another beating by the priest and then locked in an empty room in the convent for hours every day. After I left the house, the church…holy crap. EVERYONE knew, everyone feared for my safety. One neighbor said she thought one day I’d just disappear. At the same time, first, it was the mid-70’s South. It was a very wealthy neighborhood. Everyone seemed to have crazy secrets I found out later. But most of all, my “mother” has never been afraid to use her money, political and church connections to destroy others lives. It still took many, many years to finally break things off completely. She’s 90 and still telling people she’ll have me “locked up” before she goes (she’s thousands of miles away..my Dads dying wish was for me to stay away from her, she’ll never change. She was tentatively diagnosed in the 90’s with BPD & NPD. NOTHING is ever her fault and I destroyed her life the day I was born “deformed”. Her brother is a Catholic priest..probably the most unconventional, liberal priest you could ever meet. He knows everything that’s happened over the years, that he was lied to about me for MANY years when he was in South America. He rarely speaks to his sister..calls me twice a week. He has NO issue with me being retired from religion, we even joke about it. Especially because my best friend is married to a wonderful man..a REFORMED Orthodox Priest. 😁. Cie la vie! 🥰
@DoeMeNeek 9 месяцев назад
Y'all are both amazing. Out there being smart and witty for young women and girls to look up to and emulate, and for boys and men to be impressed by. So glad you're both there to be the articulate and thoughtful role models that our youth need! (We had... Dorothy Hamill, Nadia Komenichi... from my memory mostly sports- gymnastics, entertainment- singers, actresses... but not enough women known primarily for their intelligence.) Carah, im so impressed by how many little facts you keep swinning around in yr head! And Eve, im so impressed at how well you were able to stay open to hearing more things that were rocking the foundation of everything you knew and understood to be real and true in yr world... so hard not to shut that right down! Y'all are awesome.
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
Thank you ❤❤❤
@tresmom3 8 месяцев назад
Thank you, Eve. Now you walk in the light. I miss the Mormon culture so much and I still pray for them and rejoice when I see the scales of deception fall from their eyes.
@theelectricharpgirl 8 месяцев назад
I’m so happy I stumbled upon this! I served in the LA mission but never as Eves companion but at the same time as she did ❤
@Cowboysfan40 9 месяцев назад
Eve, you are a strong and brave woman. Thank you so much for coming on with Carah to give an update. Please come on again and give an update on how you are doing.❤❤
@ibtihale1 2 месяца назад
This is like a wish come true! I wondered about this beautiful innocent soul and what she is up to now
@CieraHeadrick Месяц назад
Its really hard to question your truth..! And then being honest with yourself.. starting over.. living and speaking in a way that you know your friends and fam will not like or agree with.. Damn. Nice job girly 👍 for real
@Parker.r.winder 9 месяцев назад
Eve is our favorite! (next to you of course)
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
@unpredictable913 9 месяцев назад
1:01:40 I so agree with you, by doing all of those things we forgot to live the present which is quite important. Excellent viewpoint.
@skyleawood2649 4 месяца назад
What an amazing transformation in Eve! She looks healthy, happy, confident and 💪. Inspirational. I am a never Mormon but have dear LDS friends that I hope find the strength to get out as the impact on their struggles of faith is making them literally sick. Thanks for sharing these stories as it helps me to understand. 🙏 🤲
@cmd2875 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for the follow-up, it is great to hear part 2 and accompany you on your journies. There was a comment about true Christianity which i imagine will be a large pill to swallow for former Mormons and other protestants, but find peace in the fact that Jesus started one true Church and (as crazy as it seems especially these days) He promised the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church. May God bless you. Please keep up the great work!
@LibertyBooksAZ 4 месяца назад
"It's okay to not know"---YES! That is a HUGE step! Letting go of the need for answers for everything... allowing the mystery of life to exist just as it is. To let it overwhelm me with awe and wonder instead of the fear that some eternal death /punishment is the price I & my family will pay for "leaving" a fundamentalist Christian belief system. Loving people in the world more than I ever have. Yes yes yes!
@katietomlin253 9 месяцев назад
I had post partum depression with both of my children something I would not wish on anyone
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
I’m so sorry. I hope you’ve been able to find help and peace.
@cassandrabranch1729 7 месяцев назад
I'm amazed at Eve's willingness to take such as risk and be vulnerable. You're both amazing people.
@username_undefined 9 месяцев назад
That was a great follow up episode, that’s for doing this!
@mattskustomkreations Месяц назад
So glad to see this update. I must admit, Eve’s prior video was pure schadenfreude for me. But I also had a feeling the walls had cracked for her and she would come around. Glad to see her more humanized and free. I feel sorry for kids who have BroJoe’s baloney foisted on them.
@bearlh40 6 месяцев назад
I don't wanna gush or be all hyperbolic, but there's so much that's just amazing about you, Eve. You really are a beautiful and inspiring person--regardless of the outcome of the process you so bravely and sincerely shared. I admire you so much. You're an inspiration.
@amberselectronics 8 месяцев назад
Actually had a similar experience, watched a Mormon Stories interview with Matt who was my wife's cousin, I have the utmost respect for him and his wife Stephanie. My shell was already cracked but that finished it right off and I'll always be grateful to them, and for you + John for that interview from someone I knew and trusted.
@HeatherWinfree 8 месяцев назад
Wow... I got goosebumps when you said how you feel about your name now. Eve had to partake of knowledge that she was told not to. That's profound.
@CarahBurrell 8 месяцев назад
Eve ❤️❤️❤️
@esteehanvey5647 17 дней назад
I can’t wait to watch this follow up
@lastweasel 9 месяцев назад
i don't find it surprising that Eve wasn't familiar with the history of her church. many Muslims, also, are not familiar with the history of their religion nor the Quran. people really aren't encouraged by thwir religion to learn these things.
@liliesofthefieldyt 6 месяцев назад
I just discovered this channel and Mormon stories over this past weekend. I have been impressed by the deep, thoughtful conversations on difficult topics. I just watched Eve’s original interview today, and immediately was struck by how truly honest and earnest she was. It was obvious that Eve was genuinely seeking truth. When there were issues that came up (polygamy, the Nauvoo Expositor, etc.), Eve didn’t automatically shut down and insist that you were evil anti-Mormon liars. Instead, she asked insightful questions and wanted to know “where can I find resources to research your claims and verify them for myself?” Eve - You were so brave to go on camera and have a discussion that you knew might cause your community and/or family to disown you. People have been excommunicated from the LDS church for much less than having an honest conversation about Joseph Smith’s creepy crimes.
@liliesofthefieldyt 6 месяцев назад
Also, I know this is SO not the point of this video, but.. you are both so pretty! Eve kind of reminds me of a Disney princess with a sweet face, while Carah looks taller and more sporty and has striking features like a model. You prove that we can be smart AND pretty!
@HeiwaTori 9 месяцев назад
Dont worry Eve, Im Australian & in my late twenties & still dont like wine(or any alcohol except rum, I just hate the alcohol taste) I say Im australian because Ive been exposed to alcohol tasate since young, Ive never grown to like it & wine is one of the worst I can only tolerate super sweet white wines lol
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
I’m glad I’m not crazy! 😂
@Maguire708Julie 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for the follow up!!
@KarenSDR 5 месяцев назад
I loved so much Eve's answer to the question about what she believes now. She said that as a Mormon she was supposed proselityze and tell people all about her beliefs, and now she wanted to deconstruct that too. I was listening to the podcast as I was walking, and when she said that, I found myself saying out loud "Yes! Good for you!"
@RunningtoHim828 9 месяцев назад
My deconstruction has found me finding Jesus. It’s been unreal to find that Holy Spirit presence that is hidden from all religions….
@noahcockroft6859 8 месяцев назад
Eve, I truly enjoyed hearing your story and journey, thank you for sharing! It was very courageous to do this and it's hard to put everything on the line like you did.
@biercenator 2 месяца назад
Scrupulosity is a new word and concept for me. ✔️
@TheSchmuel 9 месяцев назад
thanks for the update
@mp7140 8 месяцев назад
Girls I'm proud of you. Such a nice conversation. You mention Ekard Tolle, Stoicism... Welcome to the real world❤❤❤❤❤
@n4musica 2 месяца назад
You two are a prime example of why the church at large - including other Christian denominations - encourage making friendships in the church and avoiding non-believer relationships. They know that once you really get to know and love people who are different from you, the facade falls away.
@VerbenaComfrey 5 месяцев назад
Eve! I am so happy for you! Your deciding not to go into your beliefs at the moment in front if the whole internet is not only good boundary keeping for you, but an amazing kind of wisdom about coming away from a tradition that required public affirmations of belief and faith at all times. I will absolutely check out Reclaiming Mom Brain. i think few people understand that I had post partum depression after the birth of my first child. my second is now three and I still have it. I don't have a different post partum, I have the same.
@MicahBell_1860 8 месяцев назад
I just finished watching the video with Eve, John & yourself. Very much enjoyrd it, though I have no idea why it popped up for me, as I am not religious or watched anything relevant. This video came up straight after. I felt compelled to watch this too. You look so much like my best friends daughter, it's uncanny. My wife went through post natal depression with all four of our children. I tried to make her get help. She refused to get that help. It cost us our marriage, even though I tried to support her through it. I wish you the best Eve
@jmh6835 7 месяцев назад
@everpearce thank you for being willing to do your original video and this one too. I was fresh into my deconstruction when you went on Mormon Stories and it helped me to hear you digest the info they shared.
@sueclark7408 8 месяцев назад
Wonderful interview! So heart felt. Thanks!
@jeremybilbrey1133 7 месяцев назад
It's very interesting to see how relaxed Eve is now after the deconstruction...amazing to see. love your honesty and strength.
@elizabethgriesse1775 8 месяцев назад
What an amazing sense of curiosity and open-mindedness without judgement.
@cannabotany 9 месяцев назад
Im so happy to seenher again! I have been wondering how she has been doing, im glad to see her smiling though ❤
@everpearce 9 месяцев назад
😀 ❤
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