ExMormon with the jokes. Summer camp admin in Massachusetts June - August.
Unlocking Sexual Empowerment w/ Faith Erickson
2 месяца назад
Tim Ballard is Catholic now?
2 месяца назад
Mormon Men LOL
4 месяца назад
The Question Mormons Can't Answer
4 месяца назад
Mormon Purity Off! (w/ Alyssa Grenfell)
5 месяцев назад
What Every Ex-Mormon Needs To Hear
5 месяцев назад
Mormon Racism Throughout History
5 месяцев назад
@ioanekirarahu951 15 часов назад
I can't stop thinking about the very likely possibility that the LDS high-ups had "Apostle" Ballard "offed," in order to prevent the possibility of him "singing" about all he did to support, "bless," or condone Tim Ballard.
@StarLander6 16 часов назад
Though I never was a member of the Mormon Church, and used to live in Salt Lake City for many years. Listening to Eve's curious and honest questions about the actual history of Joseph Smith and finding out the truth about what when really on with Joseph Smith's polygamy and polyandry and the affairs that he had with his 37+ plural wives , and how Joseph was being exposed by William Law's paper release, with Eve learning for the first time about why Joseph Smith was arrested and was held in Carthage jail, and how that the Church leaders already knew about such things, put tears in my eyes.
@CMZIEBARTH 19 часов назад
Once again reacting to a caricature.
@anonmyss День назад
But what about Jesus being in charge of and responsible for our salvation? Why did Jesus give us salvation through His sacrifice if we can exalt ourselves through physical acts? How do we earn our own salvation and declare it!?
@shilohgoes5544 День назад
How do I get on the ballot for Mayor of Skanksville?
@anitakathleenpierce4420 День назад
Is your name Karen?
@markalot9728 День назад
what does Nuancehoe believe in now?
@josiahdrake8631 День назад
I had Mormons come to my door they told me to read their book and I would find the truth I read the book and then I wanted to talk to them about it do some comparisons with the Bible and they were not interested they were just surprised that I read the book there were no further conversations they just gave up and left
@BryceCarmony 2 дня назад
Did she get a nose job her nose looks different in newer videos
@JSharpe427 2 дня назад
@katherinefinnigan5096 2 дня назад
Hold on Draco ,you are afraid of Tim and his soul because he put this on his own podcast , can not tarnish him for youre evil agenda
@Mowingman 2 дня назад
Done watching :) fascinating ex mormons. I'm a convert from baptist to the mormon church. But I wonder why these two is very much interested in disrespecting or mocking what other people hold sacred.I left the baptist church and yet i dont go around and disrespect what u dont agree with their faith.. I guess people are interested in this contents? You guys using the mormons for monetary purposes? Unless proceeds from this goes to charity works. that would be great.. Also asking donations in sharing how u think of the mormons beliefs and sharing stories? Come on John. :) hope that donations are used in good things unlike the mormons use of their billions. Overall, what I got from here is not only 10 things of the mormons but also things you disagree on the Christians belief overall. Like Jesus' Sacrifice( john thinks its an inferior plan and that God could have device a better plan) Also with prophets.. i mean if God were to send a prophet to both of you. . .there will not be anyone to qualify apart from yourselves :) Russel M Nelson is not a perfect human and if I were to choose who I would choose between you two and him. . .i guess the wisest choice is to believe you guys 😅. Hey Donate the proceeds to those really in need yeah.. and document. i think that is a better content.
@braydenweese1407 День назад
Hey, congratulations on becoming a member of the LDS Church! I love the Bible Belt Christians. They have a really rich musical culture.
@Mowingman 2 дня назад
I mean, you accusing mormonism of making God genocidal and the book is the most violent book u read John?? Come on. So should i dismiss the old testament too? Noah's time? Drown everyone, Egyptians red se, drown everyone Cananite kill all of them. You seem to think God is arbitrary and just do stuff just because. And you seem to always say.. cant God just make a "better plan" like with Jesus sacrificing for our sin is that the best He can think of.. ok John what is a better plan? Where u can both have freedom to choose, answer to justice and extend mercy.
@CMZIEBARTH 2 дня назад
All these reactions are against the insufficient understanding of some of the members, not against the actual Gospel.
@gustavomrolon 2 дня назад
It doesn’t say glass windows… also Noah’s ark spoke of windows too. If you don’t like the book just say that but you don’t have to insert lies to make your point.
@Mowingman 2 дня назад
59:49 the Sacrifice of Jesus, you question too now. Ok.. btw its not only mormon theology, all Christian believes in the Atonement of Christ for the sins of the world.. youre againt all Christianity now? Thought only mormonism. Amazing to witness the development of you guys.
@Mowingman 2 дня назад
59:49 so you guys dont believe Mary was a virgin and Jesus was conceived a literal son of God? That is clear in the new testament. Are u guys new testament denyers now too? Jesus was resurrected with a physical body he has all the parts, unless u believe the new testament people saw apparation.. He ate boild fish with them.. You guys ae getting interesting.
@Mowingman 2 дня назад
With temples, David, solomon and other bible figures built and maintain temples, are they wrong and wasting resources?Solomons temple is built with the most precious things there is.. so in your view, are they fraud??
@Mowingman 2 дня назад
In regards to the Holy Ghost personal revelation, is this a question for the mormons? Or you guys questioning Jesus' teaching about the Holy Ghost? Im sure the new testament teaches the fruit of the spirit. So what is the alterntive in your view?
@Mowingman 2 дня назад
Great opinions. And how you see things.. how great to make a career of someone's faith.
@chazrussell6391 2 дня назад
kwaku never read the books Dr james white gave him during the Apologia debate 5 years ago...As a reformed calvinist we have lots of teachings on the afterlife and what Heaven is like. its all in the Holy Bible, Boom. Imagine that.
@BryceCarmony 2 дня назад
Now you just tell your daughters there's no first cause? Why?
@CMZIEBARTH 2 дня назад
This is people reacting against a poorly conveyed version of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
@lindaraterink6451 2 дня назад
she seemed so scared to be excomunicated next to the disapointing sighs... I feel so sorry for her
@0dhowel 3 дня назад
Same logic applys to christian churches, or any religion for that matter...so if the standard is perfection from leadership...nobody gets a church then Also the whole idea that we are floating on a tiny rock in outerspace and we rely on a big giant ball of burning gas for light is also a little unbelievable Point is, you are getting hung up on things that dont matter. Again this channel exists to make money not to bring anyone closer to any truth. If you want to know about the church I suggest you gather all the information you can from both LDS sources and Anti-mormon sources....and when your done going down every little rabbit hole possible and youve exhausted your little brain out....actually take a step of faith and pray. Then pray some more. Do this and keep doing this. You will find your way and the truth shall set you free indeed. Losers like to hate. But Jesus is all about Love. I love this chick running this channel and her abnormally large nose. I think its cute, I also have a messed up nose. The struggle is real. Peace and love all your internet scrollers!
@Hermitthecog 3 дня назад
Judging by my own overreactions whenever I catch someone in the act (woe be unto thee who mocketh me!), I suspect it's a key part of how and why we develop our keen sense of justice.
@dilianafarias4503 3 дня назад
At this point I feel like its just a matter of time until he wakes up
@503Aquatics 3 дня назад
I just found you through this podcast!! I’m so excited for your content and I really enjoyed your interview.
@codeincomplete 3 дня назад
John, Mormons believe the virgin birth, just to make it more confusing. The Godhead argument could have been better constructed.
@codeincomplete 3 дня назад
But the Muppet Movie is true and from God! You should have trusted that feeling.
@strjfs 3 дня назад
Um, the Book of Mormon never mentions submarines. What a bizarre rant.
@NeonNijahn 3 дня назад
I love eating out on Sundays!
@connortilson7141 3 дня назад
The notion that a Ulster Presperterian, who combines Masonic principles to create a “True Religion “ is NUTS ! The only question that actually matters is “ What is Conciseness? “ And Judo Christianity doesn’t even attempt to answer that question!
@TheYarnman 3 дня назад
It is hard for man to understand a god that makes universes and worlds , and infinite avatars to explore them , we are but dust compared to him , he can do things any way he wants weather we like it or not ,or it seams believable or not, I have chickens and I care for them every day, but they still can’t prove I exist
@daniprado-castro3695 3 дня назад
Eve has fuuuuuully glowed up 🎉
@NeonNijahn 3 дня назад
Eve. I don't care who "the lamb" is. You're the GOAT!
@Mowingman 4 дня назад
Your thoughts, Christ said " by their fruit you shall know them" Practicing Mormons have been some of the kindest people ive know. And Reading the contents of the book of mormon and applying it to my day to day life makes me choose better.. im conflicted.. so.. if i apply what Christ said to look at the fruit of this book. and what is being suggested that Joseph Smith is fraud because of his actions.. can the book of mormon remain a testament of Christ? Are prophets supposed to be infallable? We cant accept polygamy in this day , how can i justify the prophets of old? Shall they be rejected too? David, Solomon, Jacob. Is their a possibility that the inconsistencies are human errors? God cant really find a perfect human prophet? Hence there will be human factors that wil contribute for it not to be perfect?
@jaredlallatin5140 4 дня назад
Breathtakingly shallow
@LZona-xc3oq 4 дня назад
In the decades after leaving the Catholic Church, I’ve formed many friendships with people of so many different backgrounds. I have also maintained cordial relationships with practicing Catholics. (Catholicism is weird in its own way, but in the USA at least, it isn’t nearly as demanding as Mormonism). But there is nothing quite so special as my friendships and discussions with my fellow ex-Catholics. We just “get” each other. Especially if they went to Catholic school. And this special understanding is something I sense in your discussions with Eve, John and Alyssa. Good luck to all of you.
@NeonNijahn 4 дня назад
What could Trump do that would make his followers stop supporting him?
@OneidaGC 4 дня назад
Im just mad i didn't see this vid earlier... love this energy <3 . undoubtedly probably lol
@Ancientrepentor 4 дня назад
Right this is like calling the kettle black or going to the Devil to learn about Jesus!!! Don’t ever try learning from anti Mormon or you get what Satan wants you to believe
@joymanigo4061 4 дня назад
Jehovah's witnesses are slanderers.
@Colonel_Bat_Guano 4 дня назад
A lotttt of things are cults. Religions, mainstream political parties, et cetera
@merricat3025 4 дня назад
So crates. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
@Lovethisguy-kf1ku 4 дня назад
That Alyssa grenfell girl does nuancehoe better than nuancehoe does nuancehoe. More bitter, more crass, faster wit, less respect for the people she attacks. Everyone check her out if you haven’t seen her yet. Great content.
@kimdelo9795 4 дня назад
Mormonism is utterly ridiculous. Absolutely every dusty corner of it has been disproved 10,000 times. But having to break away from your entire family history to leave that fake ‘faith’ is terrible. And that is why sad little Mormons stay. ‘Sealing’ is such a joke, but even ex-mormons can’t seem to mentally get away from the idea that they’re somehow ‘sealed’ (lol) to everyone from mommy to pedo uncle ‘Hyrum’ & can’t get away from the idea of still having to deal w/them in the ‘next existence.’ Mormonism is so, so sick. A cult trap that convinces members there is NO WAY OUT, not in this ´life,’ not in the next ‘life,’ not ever.
@LSS495 5 дней назад
Why did you try to inject so much humor and joking into a talk on this very serious subject? The two of you engaged too much in fussing over each other during your talk..I found it very distracting and inappropriate.
@Llulaaa 5 дней назад
This is so good! YOU’RE the perfect human to deliver all this information-playfully irreverent, when possible, serious as a heart attack when necessary…but-ALWAYS with shades of humor. Just know-you’re helping far more than you’ll likely ever know, and people-those who need to hear-are listening. Thank you for caring enough to insist on sharing your truths❤
@StarkyKz 5 дней назад
Doesn’t Utah have some of the most consumption of porn on the internet? Wouldn’t that work against his argument?