
I was wrong, success doesn’t bring happiness. 

Nathaniel Drew
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22 окт 2024




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@carmeng2982 2 года назад
Happiness is not having everything you want, it’s loving everything you have.
@anomie1000 2 года назад
This right hereee
@ic2063 2 года назад
It’s giving to those who don’t have. It’s sharing. It’s not always about you. Doesn’t mean you give everything away..the joy of sharing is incredible.
@holembac 2 года назад
The same thing bro just different ways to phrase it
@brentpeddy4223 2 года назад
💯 Agreed
@LoveLaRieXO 2 года назад
Happiness is a choice. With or without things.
@anja7787 2 года назад
The goal is to be content. Not to be happy. Happy is an extreme emotion like sadness. Happiness is a moving target. Practice gratitude daily and your life will be better
@birdlover7776 2 года назад
@luisdaprodigy2208 2 года назад
@janebaker966 2 года назад
A life of felicity. (Its not just a girls name). Sadly a lot of people looking from the outside don't get it. Because they're uneducated and stupid and think Felicity is a girls name.
@aehong7332 2 года назад
@user-not-found-777 2 года назад
@jcfontech 2 года назад
I love this kind of content. I don't see people around me questioning these things and that tends to make me think there's just something wrong with me. But then I come online and find this and it's very relieving to see you (or other people) relate to these feelings. Thanks for sharing, Nathan.
@fulanito1532 2 года назад
That happens to me all the time, even when I try to have this kind of deep conversation whith people around me, I feel like they don't understand what I'm talking about because they just try not to think too much 😕
@miriamalonso3959 2 года назад
You are not alone
@ralfnyberg3264 2 года назад
I feel like so many are merely afraid to even begin to question their personal bubble and the societal norms they were brought up with. Personally i feel like it's the saddest thing ever, to be so afraid of reform and change that they'd rather sacrifice better life and eventually even happiness for it. But we, however, are ready to take that leap and let us celebrate ourselves for that! We--you are not alone!
@TheMusic29Lover 2 года назад
It is nice to see these sharings. Internet also can bring beautiful things like this 🤍
@misskoool 2 года назад
I totally relate! I have people in my life who call me weird for asking deep questions and pondering the meaning of life, etc. But I love this kinda thing! It just seems to be how I'm wired. I can't NOT think about these things. Some people seem content to not ponder life and are even opposed to it. People are different but that's really foreign to me. I'm glad to know there are others who think like me.
@InnerResearcher 2 года назад
You summed up my feelings from the last year in an 18 minute video. I feel the same. I lived in nyc and had a business in Manhattan, then moved to the netherlands, worked for awesome companies, i’m super healthy and fit, meditate, journal, just got a fully remote job for a health tech start up (i dreamed for years of being able to work from anywhere in the world) and..... Here I am. Feeling the same as i felt 8 years ago, just after high school, dreaming of what I want to achieve. I’ve achieved so many things yet don’t feel any different. If what, at times i feel less happy than BEFORE achieving these goals. Sigh.
@michaelgiako 2 года назад
Sisyphus has entered the chat…
@Drenius 2 года назад
I feel you, and I'm serious on this message: Please watch Andrew Huberman's scientific youtube/podcast episode on Dopamine, it has a bit over 2 hours but it is truly helpful to guide us on the process of learning to understand more of how our behaviors are influencing or not our happiness (among other areas). That understanding might help you a lot.
@InnerResearcher 2 года назад
@@Drenius i’ve watched it! 🙏🏻 i listen to his podcast when commuting at times and yes - brilliant stuff, especially about dopamine
@damianr98 2 года назад
Because life is not about achievements, it’s about the journey leading up to them. The growth and anticipation is what makes us happy :)
@Mysteri0usMem0 2 года назад
You guys are trying to always achieve something, you will be unhappy as long as you desire those things. It’s not your fault its the conditioning we all have due to our upbringing. Remove yourself from this. Listen to Allan Watts he has the answer your looking for. Good luck.
@hashirunowasuki 2 года назад
The last part reminded me of one of my favorite quotes, by Paulo Coelho: "Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place." Your videos always manage to give me hope in humanity (because you are obviously such a deep person and I often feel like most people are pretty shallow - even though I hope that's just my perception). Thank you for sharing these thoughts and your journey with us ❤️
@donnawoodward3163 2 года назад
@srouc69 2 года назад
Un-becoming everything that isn't you 👏
@Milow_Running_Wild 2 года назад
It's a journey with a destanation that can only be approached but never reached, you will never reach the golden pot , why care about the gold when you are walking on a beautiful rainbow ???? 🙏💪💖™️
@rafamuttoni 2 года назад
@lexiesanders929 2 года назад
Omg this quote just struck me. So accurate
@valentinapenta2715 2 года назад
My Italian grandmother always said, "who told you you were suppose to be happy?" I figure if we were happy all the time, we'd end up taking it for granted. One thing I try to do is not take the people in my life for granted and cherish our happy moments together. For me it seems hard to deny that any individual, no matter how important or successful they are to human history, will be insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
@flatterdd 2 года назад
Hello! Your grandmother is a wise woman 🥰
@valentinapenta2715 2 года назад
@@flatterdd Yes she was. I'm almost 70 years old now and will always be grateful for my grandmother's wisdom and guidance. She embodied the saying a person was ,"the salt of the earth," + she was funny as hell.
@_DeadlyNightshade_ Год назад
That last sentence always bothered me. It makes me not want to achieve anything because it will die in the end.
@MishaElRusito 2 года назад
For me happiness is 1. knowing what you love, what drives you, 2. being able to do that everyday for the rest of your life and 3. you and your family are healthy.
@warren1126 2 года назад
Your filmmaking skills can't seem to stop getting better!
@hannahdigitals 2 года назад
life should happen in rhythms, moments of focus and striving for goals, and moments of slow enjoyment. I get stuck in the same paradox you described when the balance between the two is off
@khalilahd. 2 года назад
Wow this is so well said. I think I’m in a moment of focus but I was recently lost but I believe it leads to growth
@carmeng2982 2 года назад
Very well put. The balance part resonated with me. Thank you.
@sirensong2302 2 года назад
exactly! wonderfully put.
@eliontheinternet3298 2 года назад
This!! I feel like I need to have a routine in order to be able to break it. Sometimes I need to go faster and do more, sometimes I need to rest and do less, and sometimes I need to just relax and coast through my days on autopilot.
@aleahappling7914 2 года назад
Happiness to me is heavily linked with gratitude. It’s about feeling happy and grateful everyday, not all day everyday, but at least once recognizing and enjoying what you do have and who you are at that moment.
@rizultra 2 года назад
the more I try to chase happiness, the more I stress about it, the more unhappy I am. the key is just flowing and enjoying what's in front of me 🙏🏻
@lancelotdufrane 2 года назад
The revelation that happiness is illusive, is a lesson in its self. You’re doing a brilliant job of living fully and noticing your experience at the same time. I think you’re doing it right.
@annescholl420 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing this video Nathaniel. As a 52 year old woman, what I have learned, is that I was not created, born, to be happy or to make others happy. I feel so much joyful when I love and serve people, when I have deep and meaningful relationships with my fellow humans. Most of all, walking with my Lord daily brings me tremendous peace. Praying that you will find Joy. Love you and your fellow “Yes Theory” team members. 🙏🤗
@jesusisking3814 2 года назад
True happiness is not found in world but in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Biblical explanation of the Gospel: God doesn’t want anybody in hell, but you must understand why we deserve hell and why those who refuse to live under His authority will go there. He gave us the law (Ten Commandments) not to make us righteous, but rather to show us our sin (Romans 3:20). God gave us free will and since Adam sinned in the garden, sin is the nature of our flesh and we ALL have sinned. (Romans 3:23) The law demands death to those who sin (Romans 6:23). Since we have all sinned, we all deserve hell. Revelation 21:8 says that all liars will go to hell. Yes, even if you have lied once in your life, you are sentenced to hell - that's how high God's standards are of moral perfection because God is holy and righteous, there is not one sin in Him. For someone to be justified before holy God they have to be sinless, that's why everyone need Jesus Christ - for He lived a sinless life, died on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day. None of us are good in God’s eyes, because for God good means moral perfection. We all have broken God’s commandments, we all have sinned in our lives so none of us are good. ‘’For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.’’ (James 2:10). Our carnal mind is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's moral law and it never will (Romans 8:7). We hate the thought of God for the same reason a criminal hates a policeman - we know we have sinned against God and are guilty of it and we don't want to be damned. No good works will ever save you. You can't earn salvation by good works, because God will judge us for our sin. Good News is that Jesus Christ lived a perfect, holy, sinless life and He died for our sins according to the Scriptures, He was buried and He was raised from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.’’ (John 3:16) We aren’t saved by our good works, but only by the grace of God through faith in Christ. ''For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Jesus said ‘’it is finished’’ (John 19:30) just before He died on the cross, which means He paid the fine for our sins (past, present, future) to be forgiven only IF we repent and trust in Him. This is how you can get saved from sin and hell - repent of your sins and trust in Jesus Christ. Get to know Him by reading God's Word. So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.” (Luke 11:13) ''What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not!'' (Romans 6:15) ''Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out'' (Acts 3:19) Repentance is a turning away from sin and all evil works, and it always results in changed behavior (Luke 3:8). Biblically, a person who repents does not continue willfully in sin. While sorrow from sin is not equivalent to repentance, it is certainly an element of scriptural repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10). Do not play a hypocrite. ''God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.'' (1 John 1:5-6) (John 3:3) Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." If you have repented and have genuine faith in Jesus Christ then you will receive the gift of Holy Spirit and be born-again spiritually. When you believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession - to the praise of His glory. (Ephesians 1:13-14) Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. (John 3:36) ''You will know them by their fruits'' (Matthew 7) If you have been truly born-again with the Holy Spirit and He has regenerated your heart, you will desire righteousnes - to do what is good and righteous in God's eyes, to seek God everyday in His Word and prayer, to strengthen your relationship with God. You will no longer desire to willfully continue living in sin but will want to obey God out of your love for Him because of His amazing grace revealed to us through the death and resurrection of His Son. ''Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.'' (2 Corinthians 5:17) ''For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.'' (Eph 2:10) You will have a testimony - of what your life had been before and how has it changed now when you have surrendered it to Lord Jesus Christ. As a declaration and affirmation of your faith in Jesus Christ, get baptised in water because He commanded us to do so. In John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.'' ''Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'' (Matthew 28:19) ''Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.'' (Acts 2:41) ''And this water symbolizes the baptism that now saves you also - not the removal of dirt from the body, but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God - through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,'' (1 Peter 3:21) ''We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.'' (Romans 6:4) ''Having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead.'' (Colossians 2:12) Please get right with God and get to know Jesus Christ personally today before it’s too late, because there’s not much time left! "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.’’ (Mark 13:32) Get to know Christ through God's Word - Bible. At first I recommend reading Gospel of John and book of Romans. God bless you! Jeremiah 29:13 - ''You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.''
@lukashollenbeck6452 2 года назад
The storytelling, videography quality, content, it feels like I should be paying for this. Incredible video!
@LighthouseSun 2 года назад
My opinion is that you're pretty wrong from the very start about happiness. Its not a perfect state of mind, non stop euphoria or something, not the perfect ostacles in your life, or right "perfect/loyal/you name it"people in your life, perfect work, let alone any material stuff. Its almost always small moments, waking up feeling good, calling your family/friends, good weather, joyful meal, pleasant day at work, or not that pleasant, but you moving through it that makes you realize how much stronger you've become bc of it, moving towards your goal, or finding it, NOT RUSHING IT, just movie towards, in your own speed. And yes always learning from your mistakes, pain, loss. Accepting ALL of the aspects of life both good and bad, pleasant and hurtful. That's true happiness. Its never stable, never 24/7, but what is stable these days anyways? There is no formula. Just you now and here.
@user-of5mj5nl6r 2 года назад
Yes so true!:)
@elenagarcia3466 2 года назад
This is basically the conclusion he came to end of video lol
@MochinoCherry 2 года назад
You can't feel true happiness without experiencing sorrow and failures. Only being happy and not experiencing any ups and downs in life we would just become numb in it all.
@sliceofpie1741 2 года назад
happiness is overrated. One who's always happy will never want to look beyond. That doesn't mean you must stop feeling happy but the thing is to not chase happiness. Because in chasing it we're only fooling ourselves. In the end all the business we build friends we are attached to, travelling that we do, are all an escape to avoid seeing our inner existence. Like Eckhart says, Life isn't her to make you happy it's here to make you conscious.
@LighthouseSun 2 года назад
@@sliceofpie1741 I can't see why you can't be happy and conscious. These two aren't contradictory. We are here for a very small amount of time,. People, art, travelling, joyful work and etc are important parts of human's existing. And for most of us "seeking your inner self" isn't even a thing. But I personally agree with you. If you aren't satisfied with your inner self ,nothing from the outside world can make you happy.
@magdawu8239 2 года назад
Someone way smarter than I am once told me that happiness is a constant within yourself, not just a moment or a highest swiniging point. It's all about having peace inside yourself that allows you to float during harder times and appreciate the great ones when they happen. I find this video to be very in the spirit of that person and the conversation I had. Great job, I really loved your story!
@dj_wilson 2 года назад
hands down, bro…this is your absolute best video. Ever. And that is saying a lot. You consistently produce phenomenal content, and tell engaging stories. You’ve inspired me, a man years your elder, for years now. But this video, sir. This video is cinematic and engaging on another level. May this find you well and encourage you to continue to push the envelope of your filmmaking journey.
@exceldesign 2 года назад
I've had a theory that many people that build an audience on youtube seem to have hypomanic tendencies (the algorithm seems to reward that kind of personality). I think people that are hypomanic experience happiness in a very different way than most other people. They have so much more energy that it's easier for them to rely on accomplishments to feel happiness. People that aren't hypomanic don't have that same energy, so they just can't rely on constantly accomplishing things. They have to find happiness in their current reality, instead of their aspirations for the future. It's an interesting dichotomy I've noticed, especially as I've seen it play out in the trajectory of many "successful" friends over the years.
@jesusmaryandjoseph1 2 года назад
this what ive been thinking. I can think of countless YTers like it.
@null33334 2 года назад
I feel that as Nathaniel progresses through life same do I. It was definitely interesting following Nathaniel's growth through years and observing my own growth too. Such a fascinating thing how we humans evolve physically, mentally and spiritually throughout the years. Such a great content on this channel. Well done, Nate!
@sarakelleher3590 2 года назад
This hit the nail on the head today. Me being late fifties. I feel as if I have it all but internally that is not what makes us happy. It's more being happy with the little things. I love being simple and mediocre. This large house we have , yea it provides shelter and warmth but we really don't need it to be fulfilled or happy. Great conversations 👌
@EricHrahsel 2 года назад
I'm in my 20s, what lesson would you give me to feel better?
@NelsonQuest 2 года назад
I think the insight you shared into life being 'forgetting and remembering and forgetting and remembering' is fantastic, and is in a way the price we pay for pursuing excellence. That being said, by becoming more self-aware, I've found that while I've embarked on most of my personal journeys for the *wrong* reasons (I started my business to get rich, salsa to meet girls, boxing to impress people) as I move through the journey with self-awareness I'm able to course correct and pursue those things for more fulfilling reasons (my business is now about giving value, which has made me rich. Salsa became a way to express myself through movement, and in doing so I attracted women. Boxing has taught me discipline and the importance of prioritizing application over theory, which people tend to find impressive). The real danger in the pursuit of things seems to be the lack of self-awareness.
@DudeitsLandon 2 года назад
Ive had this realization about myself too. Important to do things from a place of love. Not ego.
@Catthepunk 2 года назад
My man watching Nathaniel's videos. Based.
@jensentung 2 года назад
How I see it, achieving happiness is not a constant state of smiles, but the acceptance of frowns. It is in fact necessary to produce smiles. You can then see the beauty in the struggle.
@TheDoomerGoGetter 2 года назад
Inspirational, this is exactly the type of content I want to make when I have the money for it, travel vlogs mixed with self analysis plus self improvement advice, for now I'll keep grinding making self improvement content in my local city
@nahomededeya7286 2 года назад
Yesss I was saying that to myself the exact thing
@KayKayBayForever 2 года назад
And do you think you’ll be happier when you get to the place where you can do that?
@loupisani236 2 года назад
Your editing skills are amazing, from the image (stunning videos and fonts) to the sound (the fx, the clarity of your voice and great choice of music). Congratulations!
@JalynCommentary 2 года назад
It almost seems that from my perspective the people that want to achieve happiness and achieve something great are the ones who aren't happy because they are too busy trying to be happy instead of actually being happy, That's why people who don't think too deeply on this tend to be the happy ones
@userzquid 2 года назад
Relate to this 100%! As I've gotten older I have learned what keeps me happiest, more-so level with my mood or where I am in life, is being okay with having "one of those days" and acknowledging that it'll pass
@Matias-op3nv 2 года назад
Having a religious faith (Catholic) has helped me immensely - I’ve learned to accept sufferings / hardships which in turn has lead to true peace and contentment.
@ilcondottierocartografo6770 2 года назад
Me too
@judyconstantino7035 2 года назад
Nathaniel, I truly enjoyed watching this and hearing your, and your friends’ perspective on happiness. Thank you for posting such great content. How lucky we are to have friends who we are willing to discuss such introspective ideas. I am fortunate this way, also. I appreciate that you share trials, as well as triumphs, in your life. Let’s face it. That is reality. Sending positive energy out to the universe for you.
@khalilahd. 2 года назад
I love that you notice the higher moments in life and the fact that it does come and go and needing these ebbs and flows. Very powerful message 💜
@ewrockford 2 года назад
Happiness: Designing a life of purpose, meaning and significance in the service of others.
@carolineA56 2 года назад
Maaaaan I feel you so much 😄 I love how introspective you & your friends are, you guys are definitely asking the right questions! Happiness is such a big topic and my measure is this one: how comfortable are you when you sit down, close your eyes and do nothing? If you are agitated, nothing in your life will ever calm that agitation. If you are calm and serene, truly enjoying your pure “beingness”, then you can go anywhere and you will always be joyful, satisfied and at ease. Then you naturally take life one moment after the other, appreciating it without rushing. Blessings 🤗
@jeng5591 2 года назад
I love how reading your comment made me feel the groundedness of that stillness in meditation. I agree that when I allow myself to stop and meditate, everything changes. I don't feel that I'm run by my ego, instead I have more clarity, insight and focus. When I have so many stories running in my head, it helps me to take distance from them.
@nataliegates16 2 года назад
@val9351 2 года назад
so true! life is an infinite cycle of forgetting and remembering
@yvonnebirch6026 2 года назад
I feel happiness comes and goes. Since I am in the last years of my life I am on the inner journey and hope to be content with that. There is no chasing after happiness. It is about being isn’t it ? Love your conversations ! 💕🌷
@diegolima5805 2 года назад
It’s great to see young people like yourself searching for what’s real , when you fine your true self it’s the greatest feeling in the world . Keep in mind that the sooner you find it the longer you will live understand what we all are looking for. Life is very very short so make it count .
@LJStability 2 года назад
It's easy to get stuck in life thinking that misery has to be normal. I had a really great mentor that recently passed away that helped me a lot through this. I think the main lesson I learned was to embrace being normal. It's okay to want to sit back, drink some coffee, and turn off my brain. In fact, I realized that pursuing other things besides my goals really served to shut off my brain for a bit to help me focus on people and other activities that help rejuvenate and keep me balanced. Overthinking things can be as toxic as being simplistic. Not everything in life needs to have an immediate answer and it's okay to stumble. I'm still learning myself, but I've found embracing life beyond my goals, even if it's simple stuff, makes me happier than always trying to prove myself or achieve some unrealistic expectation. Most of the time, we kick ass more often in life than we realize.
@yangana4099 2 года назад
Listening to this while rearranging my room and decluttering my mind to the ambient sound of raindrops on my window is doing wonders right now
@pippistyles 2 года назад
sounds wonderful!
@flamemax91 2 года назад
I totally agree, i've been doing the very same thing! Feels truly calming
@ikammel 2 года назад
I absolutely love your vulnerability with us. It really touches my heart. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us while being honest with it. This is worth more than gold!
@juliacamerongowens2025 2 года назад
I feel so grounded when I am in Italy. That engrained American feeling of "keeping up with the Joneses" just fades away. Incredible video as always!
@Caniii_ 2 года назад
As someone coming back from a month long journey and even revisiting Italy since the last time i actually lived there aswell ~ I slowly and painfully started to accept how much im running away from myself while running towards something ~ Slow down and listen as a great friend of mine kept telling me over and over and seeing this video on the same day that i finally decided to search for actual help felt good so thanks for that !...
@Ihavemadeit999 2 года назад
3:07 -3:20 in arabic the word ”human” is ”insaan” insaan has another meaning which is ”forgetting” So arabic the word human also means forgetting. When i speak arabic (my mother tongue) and say human i’m subconsiesly also reminding myself i’m a being that forgets by nature.You connected the dots super well. Super interesting how non-arabic speaking human can sense that they infact forget and remember again. Super fascinating.
@donnawoodward3163 2 года назад
@euscieu4246 2 года назад
Nisyan نسيان (forgetting) and Insan انسان (human) are totally different words and are unrelated. You’re just connecting them because of the Arabic saying “الانسان كثير النسيان” which just means “Humans are forgetful”. But I get the point you’re trying to make.
@deandrademari 2 года назад
I just came out of a therapy session on this very topic. It was beautiful to continue this flow of thoughts here in this video. Thank you!
@soy__drea 2 года назад
I'm going to a really hard time health wise. And just earlier this afternoon I was writing something in my journal about some parts of your video (without watching it yet), and other parts of this just helped me validate my feelings and perspective on life. Is good not to let the noise of others stop you, at some point in your life you need to become who you are, for real. Thank you for this :)
@EmilymarieTovar 2 года назад
3 minutes in, wow Nathaniel. This video looks amazing. The editing, animation, the b roll. It’s BEAUTIFUL.
@sandrapopovic2494 2 года назад
Nathaniel, every time I watch one of your videos I am reminded of my ambition to live a life true to myself and values. It tends to die down when I get so caught up in the modern world, and this video in particular was refreshing. I couldn't have seen this at a better time, thank you from the bottom of my heart
@offelambrechts 2 года назад
I’m always really fascinated by the visual style in your storytelling 🙏 great video Nathaniel! Both content and production :) thank you for sharing with us
@miguelbinnios 2 года назад
I resonate with this a lot. I, too, feel like the more I achieve, the less fulfilled I get even thought the whole point of working towards something is to get that sense of fulfillment… a paradox. Amazing movie as always bro.
@lamarthisse9400 2 года назад
I couldn’t agree more ! Mate , you’re a kind of modern philosopher. Love your channel , the most inspiration- resonating and beautiful place on RU-vid 🌺
@101hamilton 2 года назад
You are such an insightful young man and I love watching your videos. I also have been watching your parent's channel and see that amazing story telling/presentation skills runs in your family. Thank you for making the world a better place with your amazing content!
@PokhrajRoy. 2 года назад
Nice to see Nathaniel Drew have his Liz Gilbert from ‘Eat Pray Love’. To quote from that cinematic masterpiece: “I’m just through with the guilt.”
@jessemessi27 2 года назад
I had a corporate job I hated for years and one day I had the epiphany for my own happiness formula: Gratitude = Joy. I kept that on a sticky note above my monitor so I would see it every day, and realize that there are always moments to appreciate, and ultimately, get myself to a place where I'm emotionally healthy enough to pursue my dreams, and value them from a grounded reality, not a far flung fantasy. Love your content dude. Thanks for sharing!
@banzy3 2 года назад
Happiness is just a fleeting emotion, it's better not to chase it, but enjoy it when it's there.
@tulinbeyduz920 2 года назад
i drove trucks for 5 years earning really good money . you know what happiness was for me ? it was walking through it the fields of grass , with my two dogs and a coffee . Don’t need anymore than that .. That’s when i felt the most happiness . Also just cooking for my daughter and reading her a book . everything else is here or there .
@romigoletto 2 года назад
12:46 "Accettare che non si può avere tutto è quello che ti rende felice. Semplice come concetto". Loved it.
@fairydust3493 2 года назад
I can’t even express how much i love your videos. I found them very comforting and relatable.
@williamgarcia1995 2 года назад
I think the key lies in being able to distinguish a difference between happiness and joy. Saying that happiness is external and joy is internal begins the correct path to understanding this. I always wanted to live a happy life and BE happy but the thing is that happiness is momentary and conditional. I get to hug my mom-I’m happy. I walk up to get my diploma-I’m happy. I spill coffee on my favorite shirt-unhappy. I lose a loved one-unhappy. Now, here’s the difference; joy (or living a joyful life) is a decision you make that translates into a constant state of being. I can experience and be joyful through the loss of a loved one even though I can only cry instead of smile. I can be joyful when things aren’t going my way and I’m stressed. On the flip side, I can NOT be living a joyful life while out on an adventure with my friends laughing and experiencing “being happy”. The formula of time + space I think is an awesome take on understanding what it means to live a joyful life because I 100% believe that it begins when we decide to step out of the river rapid that is life. Life is mostly pulling everyone through it, so fast and occupying of our time that we forget to stop and breath or even appreciate the simpler things in life. I believe that stepping out of this state of hurry that we live in is an essential part of understanding how to live a life of joy. But an even more important piece to living this life of joy is HOPE. The reason we can experience joy throughout the ups and downs is because we hope and have faith that a better tomorrow will come and that any pain or suffering we may be experiencing is momentary and better days will come. However, the key thing to this is making sure you put your faith and hope in the right thing because it will be the thing you lean on and trust wholeheartedly when you are faced with life’s challenges. This something has to be powerful, personal and never changing.
@jitkadrahotska7880 2 года назад
Thank you for making these videos! I have recently started journaling in a completely different way to help myself ask these questions. Instead of weekly reviews or ad hoc entries about all the troubles happening in my life, I try to reach for my journal anytime when something triggers me to reflect on what happened and how to help myself. Having this instant response has accelerated the change in finding what makes me feel happy and fulfilled. So thank you for reminding me once again of the importance to ask these big and difficult questions. Can't wait for your upcoming videos :)
@ChristinaMorassi 2 года назад
Yes! Love this! So much. Great equation. From my experience at 51 though, there is one more element: Savoring. It is the savoring of the joy that truly brings us the nutrients... Just like it's the digesting of the food that brings us the true nutrients, not the mere act of eating it. Thank you for sharing your journey.
@hhacque 2 года назад
Thank you so much for this video. I hope you find your happiness, joy, serenity and peace of mind. It takes courage to look within and realize that the goals we set for ourselves are sometimes society's goals and not our own and then it takes more courage to actually do something about it and recalibrate. I struggled with this for a long time and still do sometimes. But I've made big life changes and chosen to have a simple life. My simple life is filled with love, happiness, laughter, hugs, good food, quiet moments and my beautiful family.
@organicallyme 2 года назад
It is always a breath of fresh air whenever I watch a video from you!
@Athena-dy9xv 2 года назад
As always, you've conjured a thoughtful and beautiful narrative, thank you for sharing. As I was watching you discuss success, it made me think of my favourite quote from Maya Angelou “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”
@kellymcdaniel6272 2 года назад
The realization when I’m watching 9:56 contently drinking my coffee at home seeking a fleeting beautifully peaceful moment between my six kids’ school drop offs…🤣💜
@marinastoyanova7009 2 года назад
I needed to hear this and see that we are all going through the same! Thank you! The quality of that video was beyond magnificent! Thank you for the beautiful landscape in Italy! Stay blessed!
@YesTheory 2 года назад
Loved this story Nathan!! The blonde dude didn’t seem know much about what he was talking about though 🙄
@amandal8404 2 года назад
You hit the nail on the head. I'm someone who gravitates toward slow living, while my partner is more active. After lots of experimentation, I learned that everyone is wired differently with different needs. The key is knowing how to rebalance when you're feeling off kilter. For example, too much doing can be balanced by slowing down and just "being". Similarly, too much "being" can lead to feelings of boredom even for someone like me, and it can be balanced by intellectual pursuits/more action.
@LaurenOliviArt 2 года назад
Silly billy that’s you! 😂
@extremefilm 2 года назад
@sloowed_reveerb 2 года назад
Haha :)
@louisdewit4429 Год назад
I found him very profound. And gorgeous.
@paarismann 2 года назад
For years now, I have loved and been intrigued, listening to you just by the titles of your works. To improve the world around you for other people's growth and maintain having that kind of heart, raises your internal vibration. Doing so not only makes you happier, it heals the whole planetary equation. I admire who you are.
@sparklej1142 2 года назад
Nathan, count it all joy. I'm elderly and I can tell you that peace and love and contentment come when you do as James, the brother of Jesus, suggested: Just count it all joy. Where's the starting place? A little meditation (Headspace is a good start) and prayer in the faith that works for you. The rest takes care of itself. And don't worry--that's just fear, the opposite of faith. You're gonna be just fine. Blessings.... (Just subbed. Your videos will get better. I want to watch the evolution. Remember Carl Jung and how we all are the heroes of our own narratives...I suspect his work might help.
@diadiasara 2 года назад
I learned past couple of years to tune in on how I feel, to check with myself how I am doing. It really helped me to start realising which parts of my life are making me feel better and which take my energy without giving any back. I realised my job is one of second ones. It's still a long journey, but I really like how I am more connected to myself and how I am letting myself being more me 🙂
@aushafwidisto7658 2 года назад
“Meglio essere felici in questa vita, che aspirare a esserlo nella prossima." ("Better to be content in this life, than aspire to it in the next.") - Ezio Auditore
@TilikaVispute 2 года назад
Joy is literally core of my current life and YT journey. And even then I soemtimes stumble but having it as my North Star (along with Love) has made me happier. Thank you for your beautiful visual storytelling… such a magician you are, Nathaniel. Thank you for sharing your world with us. 🌸🧚🏻‍♀️✨
@ryancxe 2 года назад
Your accomplishments may not have made you happier but they gave you something to work towards and feel fulfilled through meaningful contribution to the world?
@khalilahd. 2 года назад
Couldn’t agree more!
@OcularAMVs 2 года назад
The production on this video interwoven with your thoughts is absolutely amazing. I have a problem where I don’t start projects because I try to make it so perfect and it’s been a hurdle and seeing your content for years makes me so inspired to chase and create
@eliseeichler7943 2 года назад
Book recommendation: “The ruthless elimination of hurry” by John Mark Comer. It’s written from a Biblical worldview, but anyone who is open for new ideas can get some really cool wisdom out of it. 10/10 recommend!
@leadevr 2 года назад
I just loved waking up and watching this before starting my weekend. Made me realize again how much I appreciate what I've accomplished in the last 2 years. I actively worked towards the person I am today. Thank you for sharing your journey and thoughts and adventures ❤️ couldn't go without your content (also referring to your newsletter)
@christiandaniel4993 2 года назад
Listen guys I think this is important and I hope at least one person reads this, I have been there in my early 20s where most people that watch this channel are at, young, hungry, looking for meaning, looking for purpose and adventure and ultimately happiness. I’ve been there and now about to be 30 I’ve learned this turning point. There’s only a few primal truths that have been the reason for humanity to continue since the beginning of time. Those primal foundations are building with our hands, marriage and reproduction. I know it’s super unpopular now in days but it’s the foundational truth to why we live and have purpose. I’ve been the creative, adventurous, traveling, abstract, deep type. But a common thing amongst these type of people is feeling unfulfilled. Because here’s the truth in this focusing on “our” happiness tends to be a selfish desire if we’re being honest. The thing is humans are made for each other and community and family. So what we think in this generation is going to make us happy which is “finding ourselves” is actually hurting us why? Because we’re ignoring our primal needs to care for others. I got married, started having children and let me tell you I have almost no time to think about “my happiness” now in days and somehow I’m at the happiest I’ve ever been, depression, anxiety are almost nonexistent. There’s two stages in life, before becoming a parent and after. It’s true what your parents always told you, one day you’ll understand, i consider myself a extremely deep and critical thinker and some call me wise, and I couldn’t in my wisdom ever fathom the feeling of being a parent, it’s something that has to happen for you to understand, it’s like almost every thing you ever thought about life becomes foolish when you have to keep a tiny human being alive, when you see your child develop you understand the purpose of life and that is to keep life going. It’s that simple, your calling is to keep humanity moving and provide and build for you family and your generations to come. One day you’ll be a old man or woman and sit there and see your grandchildren and understand this is what life is about, this is where happiness lies. Anything else is just not enough, money, status, power, careers, travel, all that won’t measure up to reproducing and building your own family tree, that’s what my grandpa says and now I believe it. Guys believe me we need to go back to our primal reason to exist, modern life has us thinking way too much and drowning in depression and anxiety. Hope this makes one person think and change mentality about what they’re chasing. Peace and love
@Pezerinno 2 года назад
Did you struggle making the decision to have children and get married? I'm a massive over thinker and just end up going round in circles when it comes to having children. There will be a time in the not too distant future where biology will make that decision for me. I'd rather make it myself...
@christiandaniel4993 2 года назад
@@Pezerinno I struggled to get married, I was young wild and free and I liked it but still didn’t feel fulfilled, I committed and though it’s not easy it def mans you up and I delayed having kids for a bit but I realized that it’s just the next step in marriage and there’s no point in delaying you’ll never be fully ready but let me tell you, it’s like delaying true riches in life, very fulfilling and motivating to conquer in life go for it brother!
@JustLukeMorgan 2 года назад
Redefining happiness and success has been an ongoing process for me. By no means am I done with that process, but it's helped me immensely to make that internal change and realise why I'm chasing what I'm chasing. Life is too short to spend it sad and chasing the wrong thing, so the sooner you make that switch, the better. Thank you for this video and this series, Nathaniel.
@Diane_Roberts 2 года назад
This is so beautifully filmed and edited ❤
@elevate5136 2 года назад
When the guy said success isn’t just monetary or business, it’s being a good father or husband etc, literally changed my life ! Thank you 🙏 honestly thank you for that ❤️
@fakename4683 2 года назад
I feel the paradigm offered here is fundamentally wrong. There is no one “thing” you can spend your time on that will bring fulfillment. Success is usually chained with anxiety reduction. I have noticed a lot of people chase this feeling of reduction. But that’s relief, not happiness. Fundamentally, we are asking the wrong things from our actions. Relief from boredom is not the search for happiness. It’s the relief of boredom.
@mursalrizaey4777 2 года назад
How beautifully said, exactly the reminder I needed right now. Thank you. ♥️
@joefelcui8241 2 года назад
clicked so fast HAHAHA love you Nathan 🧡
@KoenBlom 2 года назад
What you just did there at 15:27 is really amazing. Love the video! Much love
@evanopilismithjones214 2 года назад
Happiness... It's not found at the end of success but the process of pursuing that which you want to do. I suggest you to check El Camino de la Felicidad by Jorge Bucay. This Argentinian psychologist makes a good comparison between what we think happiness is and what really is. It's not material, is not the end of something... It's the process of doing that which we like and love.
@yeremycuevas3064 2 года назад
I’m 1 min in the video, in a cold gray day in Massachusetts and with the silence of my room and I say to myself, men, I enjoy this guy and his weird ideas, his strange transitions and his unique way of doing art. Keep it up Nathaniel
@BeTheEnergySteve Год назад
HOW!! How are you creating masterpiece after masterpiece!! Super inspired brother! Truly incredible work and love watching you expand! 🤩🤩🤩⚡️⚡️⚡️💛💛💛 thank you for shining!!
@erickim828 2 года назад
The quality, content, pretty much everything about your videos (especially the articulation of your self-expression) should be the gold standard for all RU-vid videos. Thank you for sharing your talent and insights.
@shayma95 2 года назад
the answer is in one of your videos when you tried fasting in ramadan, perhaps try reading the quran whenever you get a chance and you will find alot of answers to your questions
@elisaharp 2 года назад
Dear Nathan, finding this video today has been incredibly comforting as I am struggling with this questions a lot lately. Being a musician you are constantly brought to believe that if you are not chasing the top of the pyramid then you are failing. So thank you for your video, it has made space for my own thoughts and it made me feel less alone. It feels wrong to receive so much and not give anything in return. Please if you ever are in the mood to explore the south of Switzerland (Ticino) I would be delighted to be your guide.
@rebeccagutierrez1960 2 года назад
1 John 2:16-17 The Message Don’t love the world’s ways. Don’t love the world’s goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world-wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important-has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him. The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out-but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.
@LeTrashPanda 2 года назад
So glad you're exploring questions like this, I asked much earlier because I grew up in a violent family and had to hit the road much younger. There will be a million different angles to this question over a lifetime in the process of getting to truly know yourself. You don't need a workshop or retreat, engage where you are....just as you are, then it's authentic. It's wonderful to be much older now.... and have those issues sorted out....the beauty of aging is not struggling with YOURSELF anymore.
@shukrmessage7640 2 года назад
"the ones who believe and their hearts are peaceful with the remembrance of The God. Listen, the hearts find peace only in the remembrance of The God.” (Quran 13:18) Even if you are not religious or never plan to be religious I believe it's worth reading or examining some of the religions especially Islam. Islam is the religion that most people brush away for last. Yet it has the fastest conversion rate. Even if you never agree to accept it, it is always worth learning about imho.
@joanahenriques8863 2 года назад
I think this was my favorite video ever of yours, great stuff!
@bellac4556 2 года назад
Hi, I always love your videos, but I just want to say no perspective on life or no accomplishment will fill the void you have for Jesus!! He’s the best and He’s not trying to boss u around He’s loving you by guiding you on a path that the world will say the opposite of freedom. But following God is freedom!!! Ok just leaving this here💕😊 😘He loves you ❤️
@bethstratton3391 2 года назад
The Buddhist philosophy that life is suffering resonates here within this video. Searching is painful, knowledge leads to struggle and awareness that everything is achievable but that the more we learn, the greedier we become and the more self absorbed our mind sponges get. We eventually realise that our love emanating is what makes us whole, as it is the journey not the achievement that quintessentially fulfils us and others. ‘Attainment’ alone in and of itself is a hollow master. Simplicity is key!
@Tristan_Willcox 2 года назад
this may sound strange but i dont think you have too much abition, I think you have to little. You are actually being honest in this search for happiness, ultimately never satisfying you fully. For me this hole is filled, completely, by realizing that when you have Jesus, he fills this hole that you so deeply have expereinced, that its only when you run away from him that you feel empty. It is as if you are a phone, disconnected from its charger, and slowly losing charge, you can put things on the outside like a new phone case, new apps but you are still losing charge internally, It is only when you are connected back to the life source that you have life, and have life in full. complete and lacking nothing. It is clear that you are not empty because of to much ambition, just as a phone is not empty because of what is on the outside, It is because your ambition is aimed at obtaining the things which cannot truly satisfy you, that you are slowly running out of charge. praying for you.
@jonaskristiansen781 2 года назад
This is exactly what I was thinking too. This world can never fully make you satisfied, you're just chasing the next thing and the next thing never feeling complete peace and fulfillment. Jesus is the only way you can feel truly at peace. It's a long and ever evolving spiritual journey, that is what I believe the meaning of life is. Love, if you truly live by that and love God which then leads to loving so many other aspects of your life, that is when you've found purpose and meaning. I will pray for Nathaniel as well. His "joke" about gluttony and how he doesn't seem to care that he will end up in hell with his current trajectory is deeply concerning to me. Glad to see a fellow brother/sister in Christ here in the comment section. God bless and have a wonderful day
@Tristan_Willcox 2 года назад
@@jonaskristiansen781 You could not have put it better, Love is like a overflowing cup, that gives to all who are thirsty, while a life removed from love, can never drink enough to be satisfied. Thanks for your comment. Have a great day, God bless.
@Tristan_Willcox 2 года назад
It seems there are three paths people take to confront this problem - Gluttony: living with all wants and passions constantly wanting the pride of life. - Stoic: accept that nothing will satisfy you and try to "want less" - Christian: realize that removed from Jesus we will always be lacking, but knowing Him will be life in full. .
@Anastasiiia_an 2 года назад
This was a beautiful short film! Thank you for creating it and for the useful pointers on happiness ;)
@matkapolka762 2 года назад
Life is about LOVE. Spreading love to the world, especially people. I understood this today, that the simple acts of kindness makes the life worth living. That's the Truth.
@callumhornigold1961 2 года назад
Loving the effect where the truck goes past and it brings up the text. Awesome!
@benfitness_ 2 года назад
Knowing that we are finally all in the same boat trying to figure out our own destination is really liberating. Thank you for sharing this story and lesson Nathaniel 🌟
@tieraarakawa4570 2 года назад
This video hits the spot. I’ve always thought of this concept of happiness as well but recently I’ve been thinking about it a lot more what it truly means to me. Thank you for sharing and I also like how you used an analogy of food comparison, I appreciate analogies as it is a way how I learn/understand things better.
@csabakovacs1563 2 года назад
What a beautiful video. The talk reminded me of The Happiness Trap with its definition of success as living by our values, enjoying the process rather than chasing goals.
@nicholaspearson4246 2 года назад
This is probably the best of your many videos. I wish that millions of young people could see it. Your conclusions at the end are the right ones. The formula for happiness is in fact simple as you said. And we also do have agency in generating happiness both for ourselves and others. Young people always feel impatience to experience and to reach goals. They want life to be a bit like a magnified orgasm which of course is impossible.and in the end would be exhausting and self-defeating. I was like you and your friends when I was young. Now I am old and wise....and easy on myself. I understand the need to connect with others and find reasons to laugh. Joy is indeed the goal. Shared joy.
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