
If God, Why Evil? | Dr. Frank Turek 

Compass Bible Church
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Dr. Frank Turek visits Compass Bible Church to answer the question, "If there is a God, why does he allow evil?"
Turek is a leading apologetics expert and is the award-winning author or coauthor of four books: I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist; Stealing from God: Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case; Correct, Not Politically Correct; and Legislating Morality. He is also the president of crossexamined.org. ‎ ‎



20 окт 2024




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@desertlillie9659 11 месяцев назад
My son died Three years, eight months and twenty days ago. I’ve been battling with the ‘why my son, God? My only child’ since he was diagnosed with terminal cancer in August of 2019. Kaleb loved, trusted and had faith in Jesus. We prayed together and he would pray that the angel of death wouldn’t find him. God said “No” and took him home seven months later. He was 25 and autistic. He was beautiful inside and out. Although, I know where he is, I’m angry and hurt with Gods decision to take him. I don’t understand. I had been taking him to Urgent care, emergency rooms and physicians since 2017. No one could find anything. I’ve decided that God must have really wanted him home. The Lord and I talk at length almost everyday about this and I believe he led me to this video. This video has given me a little better perspective. Thank you. 🙏🏼 Please pray for me.
@MadelineDuff-tn5lv 10 месяцев назад
Prayed for you, ma’am! I’m so sorry for the loss of your son. I pray that you would feel our Heavenly Father’s love and comfort as He leads you through. ❤️
@desertlillie9659 10 месяцев назад
@@MadelineDuff-tn5lv Thank you 🙏🏼 ❤️
@tracyavent-costanza346 10 месяцев назад
i have nothing brilliant to offer you. I lost my dad and my brother to massive cancer and about a dozen other friends and family in addition. Whatever god "delivers" people from life-threatening diseases or conditions, is the same god which inflicted them in the first place. If his "plan" includes subjecting people and sentient animals to pointless suffering prior to death, that god cannot expect any great adoration from me. If such a god is going to judge me after I die, let that god then explain himself and face my rejection again if he fails to convince me of his benevolence.
@Masowe. 10 месяцев назад
I am deeply sorry for this loss. To share a story before i pray. My mom had miscarriages for boys and girls would survive. My father was getting more and more angry at this that. When my mom had 2sons and 2daughters, the next had to be a son but the LORD delivered twins to the family. A boy and a girl. My father was very happy for having a boy but the boy passed away in the next few days. Although he was already cheating at that point, he continued and became a husband of 3. I hated him and i didn't see where God was. We believed in a distant God who we didn't know what he is about. My father became physically, mentally and spiritually abusive which is what he is still. His second wife made twins (girls and they are alive) and the third had a boy who died within a few weeks of birth. I was angry, hurt, frustrated that i prayed for my father to change his heart but i became to struggle a lot as i was close to 10years. My childhood was full of dark moments when i had no hope to talk to my parents when i leave because i saw both as evil. I couldn't trust anyone so i couldn't make friends. It was when i started to commit myself to worshiping God when i started to be not too uncomfortable seeing my father but i still was always scared. when i got engaged in 2016 i got a new sense of hope but my father became more abusive and obsessed with money. My mum explained to me why she chose to stay but it sums up to she had nowhere to go with 4kids. I got married but i still didn't trust my husband which caused lots of pain and it some point i didn't think i could smile ever again as his parents are awful to me. All the anger and hurt got us to Christ, my husband about2years ago, me to ask the big questions 4months ago. I am completely healed and i don't hate my father, i deeply love my mum. The way i look at it is i don't know why but i know that if heaven is real and Jesus did resurrect, i will get answers then. I can speculate that it helped me grow but i don't buy that because some moments were too painful. I have come to terms with it by understanding that Jesus is the answer to pain and he knows what it is like suffer. One day i will be rejoicing with my LORD in a place without suffering. This place i am in took me over 10years to get to and i hope it gives you some encouragement. Lets pray. Our father in Heaven. We are thankful for what we have even those things we don't know of. Lord we pray for healing to my fellow human beings whom you made in your image who are searching for comfort and answers to the losses they have had. You gave me comfort LORD so did you to King David when his son died so we know you can do it. Please LORD give them healing from these heartbreaks as Jeremiah 17:14 and psalms147:3 talks about how you heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. Bring them hope and comfort all Lord and i pray in Jesus name. Amen🙏🙏🙏
@tracyavent-costanza346 10 месяцев назад
@@Masowe. I am sorry that crap happened to you. The frequency of fetal and neonate death in your family suggests that either they have some serious inherited medical situations or you have some kind of toxic agent in your home environment that the pregnant women could not defend against. Congratulations for more or less having survived whatever you were subjected to, and for whatever reasons/excuses. Really I am kind of skeptical that Jeezus accomplished this for you-rather STAYING AWAY FROM HIM might have been the biggest contributor to your healing. Jeezus did not do that for you. You did.
@leonieboateng2094 Год назад
Before you were born evil existed in your home, community, and your world. I was raped from the age of 8 till I was 15, I had to endure the pain and through prayer I remain until God answered me in a dream at 15 years old, he planned my breakout every single detail. Despite the setbacks in life I have grown to know I’m insufficient without my God. Christianity isn’t about religion is your relationship with Christ.
@joe-wm8sg Год назад
Amazing comment and I’m glad u used what happened to you not as a crutch and excuse which is very easy but to learn from it. My son had it happen to him at 3 with his moms bc and I tell him this everyday use it as motivation
@memastarful Год назад
@jerrylong6238 Год назад
Ain't that sorta like a relationship with Mickey Mouse? I mean they are both in the same boat ain't they? I mean that boat won't float.
@blusheep2 Год назад
@@jerrylong6238 Well thats a real a-hole thing to say jerry, but no its not the same as having a relationship with Mickey Mouse.
@zitens66 Год назад
That's called wickedness. Evil is what you are. It's how you were made. Evil in religious sense is "opposite of God." God being good all the time. Mankind is opposite of God. The goal is to make the evil into the good. Make mankind like God.
@geoffivatts6679 Год назад
I’ve only just begun my journey with Christ, and have already been brought here to listen to this incredible message. Thank you Frank, God bless
@briendoyle4680 Год назад
@jjevans1693 Год назад
@r.m.k.1974 Год назад
islam is only true
@dimasskarabas Год назад
@@r.m.k.1974 for starts, come out with one certain stance on the Gospel
@Pototoe-wu9uy Год назад
@@r.m.k.1974Philippians 2:10-11 “so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW [in submission], of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess and openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord (sovereign God), to the glory of God the Father.”
@benkline7761 Год назад
I once prayed to God to teach me patience…..I then had the WORST boss of my life….my patience was tested for two years. I learned that lesson well. Be careful what you pray for.
@pcdeltalink036 11 месяцев назад
I prayed that same prayer when I was younger and didn’t understand the depth of what I was asking for. I’ve never taken that prayer back but there have been days I’ve thought about it.
@jakem.1587 10 месяцев назад
My Papa was a preacher. He told a story about a lady that came to him asking if he could pray for her to have more patience. He laid hands on her and said "Lord, send this lady some tribulation." She hollered "No! I said I needed patience." He looked at her and responded "lady, tribulation worketh patience.".... Lol she wasn't so sure she needed patience after that. Lol
@tracyavent-costanza346 10 месяцев назад
@benkline7761 at least if you are imply to ASK FOR SOMETHING, it might be wise to not be really restrictive in terms of "what form the gift might arrive in" since the wrapping is not the gift. Unless of course "wrapping" is really what you were asking for.
@tracyavent-costanza346 10 месяцев назад
@@jakem.1587 interesting that your papa saw fit to "translate for her" when she seemed pretty capable of using HER OWN WORDS to express something. Did "god" really approve of him changing her request? I wonder if your papa ever had to answer for that move.
@tracyavent-costanza346 9 месяцев назад
WRT "...the job with the lousy boss..." maybe god did not do that, and you just failed to get a different job when it was time to.
@stringstroker2227 9 месяцев назад
My son went to be with our Lord, at 3:04pm, March 25th, 2021. With his life and maturity seemingly headed squarely in the right direction, he died 5 days before his 39th birthday. I never blamed our Lord God, but I did blame myself for not doing more or missing some telltale or standing up to those hard decisions that many a parent wrestles with, in their heart, for their child. He was my one and only child. He was my best friend and I looked forward to the fullness of life in him. There was one question that I asked God, in fervent prayer many times, “Why?” I never questioned God, because of my faith and my son’s faith. I know he is in Heaven…but he was on the cusp of completing his journey into adulthood. I don’t know that I will ever find out why God needed him that day. I know that my son’s pain was gone and he would never experience it again. Still, I miss him.
@Christian_Prepper 7 месяцев назад
*WHY is THERE SUFFERING & EVIL?* *Whether you like it or not, here is the simplified answer:* *1. The Bible is the authentic message and instructions to mankind from our Creator because it is in harmony with proven science, historically accurate, despite being the most persecuted book in history it is now available to everyone everywhere on Earth, its prophecies come true 100% of the time (something no human writers can ever do), when the oldest Bible scrolls/manuscripts dating back over 2,600 years are compared to modern translations of the Bible we discover what statisticians declare is mathematically impossible, and that is God's message has not be altered despite the efforts of wicked men, and lastly, among many titles for God, the Bible reveals only one holy name, a personal name that he chose for himself, an appropriate name for the Creator that means "He Causes to Become" -- YHWH (Hebrew: Yahweh; English: Jehovah) Psalm 83:18. It appears over 7,000 times in the oldest biblical manuscripts.* *2. Satan claimed humans could rule themselves successfully under Satan's influence without God, and that the only reason some humans choose to worship God is for what they can get from him, and sadly the first human man and woman believed him and chose to abandon God's loving instructions. Disobedience to God is called "sin" and thus they became "sinners". Sin becomes hereditary and so all humans after that are born as sinners. The effects of sin are imperfection, a general natural inclination to commit evil and act selfishly, sickness and death. In addition to sometimes being in the wrong place at the wrong time (accidents), Satan and some angels (demons) that sided with him are manipulating humans and world events from behind the scenes. This #2 are the causes of suffering and evil -- human imperfection, accidents, and Satanic influence and manipulation. False religious leaders teach the Satanic lie that death and suffeirng is somehow a "part of God's plan" or worse yet God purposely killed your innocent little baby because he needed another angel or "flower in his garden", or that because a person rejected God or committed certain sins for 80 or 90 years he will burn in a hellfire forever. SICK! That is NOT a God to be worshipped, that is NOT a God of love. We all know a father that burns the fingers of his "bad" child for even 30 seconds is a sicko, the child should be removed from his care and the father should be thrown in prison! THAT is the God of false religions.* *3. Meanwhile, Jehovah God did not abandon mankind, but has repeatedly provided representatives which even included his Son, Jesus Christ our Savior, to instruct us and provide a ransom to be paid for our sins and save us from eternal death, but gave us hope of everlasting life after all false religion, govts, the wicked, the demons and Satan are permanently removed from existence forever! It is under the rulership of Jesus Christ that the entire Earth will be restored to a paradise Earth the way God originally designed. All animals will be peaceful among themselves and mankind. There will be no more sickness, suffering or evil. There will be plenty of food for all and everyone will own their own home and no one will be required to work for anyone else or a human govt ever again. Humans will not grow old and die anymore, but even older ones will grow to be young adults again. All our loved ones who have died in the past will be brought back to physical life standing here on a peaceful Earth. And all former pain stemming from mental anxieties, PTSD, or emotional heart break will be erased.* *In conclusion, it is important to note that our perspective as imperfect humans is seen through short little life spans. Like a small child that thinks a month or a year is a long time to wait to get justice, so too we do well to realize that a day to God is like a thousand years to us. So although it has been several thousand years since the beginning of the rebellion in the garden of Eden until this day, it has only been a few days in the grand scheme of things. Once Satan's system is over and you have been alive for 3,690 years, you'll look back at these short little lifespans of 80 or 90 years and think "Hmm, that went by quick". Just as we adults think back to something we suffered through when we were younger and now decades later our wisdom instructs us that suffering is always temporary. Focus on all the things you will have accomplished and built after living for 10,450 years. All the friends you will personally know by name after exploring the Earth for hundreds of thousands of years. Scientific discoveries, inventions and space exploration? Yes! The future paradise is the reality. THIS is the nightmare we can wake up from. It's a choice. Jehovah is sending out people to you that have witnessed first hand God's wisdom, justice, power and love. And they keep knocking on your door to answer all your questions with simple logic and reasoning.* *Liberty = Peace & I pray you and your loved ones always enjoy both!*
@donrico5122 7 месяцев назад
Jesus likened death to sleep. Ecc.9 says theres no consciousness there. John 11 Jesus restored Lazarus to be with his family on earth. To prove that when he retakes control of earth from Satan (the temp ruler of the world) all families can be reunited, and death old age and sickness will be no more. Theres nothing he cant fix. To your son it will be the next moment, for us we have to endure this mess until the Kingdom we pray for returns the earth to that garden state having removed evildoers, human and spirit.
@tracyavent-costanza346 7 месяцев назад
i am sorry you lost your son. as for the ideology thing, I have lot of trouble with the notion that a supposedly omnipotent god, needs humans for any purposet at all. moreover needs them to die in order to suit whatever purpose this "need" fills.
@ChristineMorris-i8c 6 месяцев назад
Same. I feel for you and I thank God also that He has my boy safe now too!
@ingela_injeela 6 месяцев назад
Maybe God didn't 'need him', but maybe he needed to go to God? One day we will know.
@james4592225 Год назад
No matter what problems come, evil, pain, love and blessings and death... I WILL ALWAYS LOVE GOD and JESUS.
@alanberka4226 Год назад
And other Spiritual Teaches.
@toni4729 Год назад
Then perhaps you should remember God created all that pain, evil and hatred everywhere. He created the snake that tempted Eve to sin and we're paying for it all. If you believe.
@vjp2866 Год назад
Jesus is God
@alanberka4226 Год назад
@@vjp2866 Who said that? Donald Trump?
@toni4729 Год назад
@@vjp2866 You, my friend, are welcome to it. May it plague you for the rest of your life. You will die with the rest of us, and rot away or burn. Do you remember what you were doing for the billions of years BEFORE you were conceived? Now you know what forever is like.
@denisemays9078 10 месяцев назад
Oh how I pray the same for a baby boy born in 2006…a very brave woman who said she was raped, became pregnant and decided to have that beautiful baby and gave him to a family. I told her that I would pray for her and for this boy, for the rest of my life. And as time goes by, and the Lord brings them to mind, I pray for her, the family, and that boy who is now a man.
@tracyavent-costanza346 9 месяцев назад
so did god ever explain to you why so many women/couples (including same sex) WANT children and cannot have them, and meanwhile there are apparently quite a lot of pregnant women and girls who lack the means or the sense to raise them. I guess the adoption services are cleaning up the mess that god left behind. Interesting that despite this, god gets the credit for the heavy lifting that the humans actually did.
@tracyavent-costanza346 3 месяца назад
and why is it that somehow god(s) require your input if they supposedly have some kind of perfect plan according to apologetics ideology.
@tracyavent-costanza346 3 месяца назад
yet his birth mother was some kind of sacrificial lamb or other. I do not see the point of using her that way. Life is not all about her "baby" it is also about HER
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
i knew of one who had a baby girl. while gestating, that baby sucked the nutrients out of the young woman's body for its own development. The young woman never recovered from that, and was in pain for at least two months after the birth. I think she was also mis-diagnosed as well as mis-treated. So she died. Now her uncle, who had no means to support anyone else, is constantly facing starvation for both of them.
@nholbrook1682 Месяц назад
​@tracyavent-costanza346 Tracy, you are not able to see the future so of course you don't see the point... That sadistic and cruel act, caused the birth of a brand new unique human. Who knows what they'll accomplish on this earth? The mother had good tragic experience, but was already courageous enough to let that baby live - what more amazing things will she be capable of specifically because of her experience??? You don't know, and neither do any of us. Bad things can turn out to be AMAZING things in an ugly wrapper.
@Truth-is-King 5 месяцев назад
Probably the best video on evil and suffering I’ve seen. Thank you sir.
@Theonly_Onyx 4 месяца назад
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
hence number one in a field of one. And no, not that good either. Just the opinion of ONE GUY whose expertise is hardly beyond question.
@Truth-is-King 2 месяца назад
@@tracyavent-costanza346 - sir, I was speaking to people that believe in God and the Bible. If you think the cosmos came into existence without a Creator then please feel free to move beyond my comments. And best wishes for you as you pursue happiness, meaning and purpose in life.
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
@@Truth-is-King that depends. who or what created your creator. as a side note, I would suggest you consider the implications of presuming that only those who "believe" certain ideological content, would care about what the "truth" is nor is not.
@Truth-is-King 2 месяца назад
@@tracyavent-costanza346 - the Creator is outside of creation. Therefore there's no need for Him to be created. He's outside of space and time. And yes I believe everyone wants to know the truth. As soon as you realize the truth about God, everything else will open up to you and you'll have a chance to understand truth.
@gonsalomon Год назад
The best thing about Frank? He goes straight onto the point. And that's a great deal to come across
@AtamMardes 11 месяцев назад
The oldest most evil scam is to tell people that they're born in sin and there's a better place after death, but to be saved a spot they must repent and believe the story that someone was sacrificed 2000 years ago to forgive their sins.
@gonsalomon 11 месяцев назад
@@AtamMardes I wonder how we might test it. Ah, it seems only by death. Too bad we have plenty of reasons to live for
@tracyavent-costanza346 10 месяцев назад
i can summarize: frank regards the POINT as "frank is the authority on what god wants and how god thinks. And disagreeing with him, is a direct insult to god."
@Yajeeb 10 месяцев назад
@@gonsalomon This is why i stopped debating with atheist/non believers😂. The last discussion i had with one who always wants to debate , i told them nothing i say will change him and nothing he says will change me, but when these lives expire, we'll see🤷🏽‍♂️
@tracyavent-costanza346 9 месяцев назад
frank is adept at creating a point if he has none to make. I find it amusing that his tendency is not more often identified by his adoring choir-audiences.
@curahee69 Год назад
Thousands of hours spent watching youtube has finally paid off.
@picklikeapro6952 7 месяцев назад
@tracyavent-costanza346 7 месяцев назад
LOL, yeah you meet god in the strangest places.
@billkotas9049 6 месяцев назад
Total BS
@Desert-edDave 5 месяцев назад
@@billkotas9049 Your hate ultimately only hurts yourself.
@Theonly_Onyx 4 месяца назад
Your PP makes your comment better 👍. Pepe went through a lot. Amen.
@junepeyer1200 Год назад
I’ve recently had a conversation with someone and I mentioned my intention to follow the laws/teachings of the Bible closer than I have been. I mentioned I intended to curb and hopefully eliminate my use of curse words. The reaction was interesting. It was one of a glassy-eyed , stare off into the distance, in one ear and out the other. I was asked if I believed I wasn’t a good. Person, to wit I replied: “I’m a sinner.” I was told, “You don’t curse that much.” And I responded, “Whether I do it once or more, I do it and I don’t want to.” It was as if I should remain behind with ‘others’ and if I changed my behavior there would be an ‘abandonment’. Realizing this I stated, “Each individual person has to attend to their own eternity.” This was met with an interesting question regarding this person’s ‘eternity’. I said, “I can’t drag you there- nor will God or Jesus. I can’t by proxy assure you of this.”
@Masowe. 10 месяцев назад
Wow! Congratulations for taking that step. I am still struggling with the cursing. Sometimes it just feels better to curse and the conviction right after
@CryptoBonsaiDogs 9 месяцев назад
Will your innate moral sense allow you to follow these as well by resorting to the Nazi defensive argument “ we can’t question our fathers atrocities, he writes the laws, he loves us” Deuteronomy 22:28-29; God’s punishment for the raping of a virgin is to pay her father 50 shekels of silver and marry her for life. The rapist was seen as ruining someone else’s property, not ruining a young girl’s life. Forcing a girl to marry her rapist and have her father accept some money as compensation is disgusting. 2 Samuel 7:11; God, through Nathan, says he is going to punish David’s affair with Bathsheba by making all of David’s wives prostitutes. God making David’s wives prostitutes, despite what His own law said, is not moral. Leviticus 26:29; God describes how he will punish people by making them eat the flesh of their own sons and daughters. Any God threatening to force people into cannibalism on their family is not moral. Joshua 6:20-21; God helps the Israelites destroy Jericho, killing “men, women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys”. C’mon. Ruthlessly murdering all the women and children in a city is not moral. Deuteronomy 2:32-35; God has the Israelites kill everyone in Heshbon, including children. Later in chapter 3:3-7, God commands they do the same to the city of Bashan. Killing children ain’t moral, dude. 1 Numbers 31:7-18; God decides to not kill everyone this time. This time, He commands the Israelites to kill all the Midianites except the virgins, whom they will take as spoils of war. Killing everyone besides virgins and using them as sex slaves isn’t moral. Genesis 7:21-23; God drowns the entire population of the earth (except for Noah and his family): men, women, and children, both born and unborn, because they were “evil”. I don’t know how unborn children could be evil, but whatever. Killing the entire population of earth, including innocent babies, is not moral. Judges 11:30-39; Jephthah burns his daughter alive as a sacrificial offering for God’s favor in killing the Ammonites. Jephthah is crazy for burning his daughter alive and God is crazy for allowing it. Child sacrifice is not moral. Deuteronomy 21:18-21; God demands we kill disobedient teenagers. Stoning disobedient children to death is not moral. Exodus 21:20-21, Colossians 3:22-24, Ephesians 6:5, 1 Peter 2:18; God legitimizes slavery by saying it’s okay to own slaves and to beat them. Slaves are told to obey their masters just as they would obey Jesus, even if their masters are harsh. God blatantly supports slavery. Supporting slavery is not moral.
@jeffsmith5787 8 месяцев назад
​@@Masowe.You can't curse, but you can beat your slaves. 🙄
@jessicachoy5244 6 месяцев назад
I don’t think you have ever read the Bible. It doesn’t say that anywhere.
@jeffsmith5787 6 месяцев назад
@@jessicachoy5244 ....except the part in Exodus where it says that you can.... So long as they don't die.... Unless it takes a couple of days... In which case, no harm, no foul.
@calderart Месяц назад
One of the most impactful things God said to me was when a 'brother' was attacking my character...my reputation....I was getting ready to defend my reputation when God said, "If My Son made Himself of no reputation why should you have one?" I stopped and forgave my brother in Christ ( Who was on the other side of the world at the time). Shortly after, I got a message from him apologizing for his accusations and confessing that he had discovered that all he was believing about me came from the lies of another who confessed everything. Praise be to God who is soooo good!
@anitarose7915 Год назад
Evil proves God's existence. As a Christian I am treated poorly by non-believers even when they don't know I am a Christian. It is as though they resent me and not sure why, even I have no negative interactions or unfriendly behaviors. I have experienced this enough in my 55 yrs to realize this truth.
@derekardito2032 Год назад
That's a bit rich of a statement when it's Christians that throughout the centuries have tortured and murdered unbelievers just for not believing the bullshit they do in the name of their imagined god, never known of any unbeliever torturing or killing any Christian in the name of another unbeliever.
@brettconv83 Год назад
As someone who is agnostic I can tell you my biggest issue with Christians not Christianity is that they bend. You have Christian churches putting up pride flags which goes against Christianity. Islam, now Islam doesn’t bend. Muslims don’t bend.
@SkkyyC Год назад
I just said these words to my sis today. “Why is it that some people just want to irritate and backstab me? Especially when I have little to no interaction with them”? I feel that their resentment towards me is unwarranted and I am fervently praying against it now. I’m tired of being the good guy, not that I want to turn bad but I want them to stop bothering me. It’s getting tiresome and I’m getting too old for it. It makes me wonder what type of evil will exist in someone enough to want to scheme against someone that’s not concerned with you. Just terrible!
@SkkyyC Год назад
@@brettconv83 the issue somewhat lies within the ideologies behind Christianity. The inclusivity, love, acceptance and forgiveness. This allows people to easily mock Christianity and Christians and to think it is ok to allow these sinful acts, all in the name of acceptance. We “true” Christians know to discern these false doctrines but unfortunately non-Christians see them and lump us all together. And we cannot forcefully fight them or use brute force because our religion teaches love and peace. All we can do is keep spreading the Truth of our Lord Jesus and hope we reach more people than the damage the false prophets can create. It’s a vicious cycle.
@frederickfairlieesq5316 Год назад
⁠@@SkkyyCYou should share this comment with them. They might be unaware that their actions are affecting you negatively. Maybe they’ll apologize and treat you better. On the other hand, they might bring up some of your behaviors that are affecting them negatively. There’s no downside to just being open with them. In order to make the decision to communicate with them, you’ll first have to drop the victim mentality. I know Christianity encourages this way of thinking, but it’s not healthy. The only way to fix the problem is to confront the problem head on. If you don’t want to have a confrontation, you have to grow thicker skin and stop paying heed to their words and actions. Why let these people ruin your day if they don’t like you and you don’t like them?
@angelamurphy6233 2 месяца назад
Just as darkness cannot overcome the light. Unless the light be removed, darkness cannot prevail
@leonardwilliams2796 Месяц назад
Love this man ... love to indulge in his knowledge.
@patricial3494 Год назад
Evil exists in the world because the world has pushed God aside. When God is removed, the evil one moves in. And right now the evil one is running rampant on this planet.
@trumpbellend6717 Год назад
Grow up
@antonego9581 Год назад
Lol so animals pushed God aside? are animals living in Sin? if not why is there such horrific, needless suffering in the animal world
@auntybiblebeliever887 Год назад
​@@antonego9581 A judgement upon man, destruction for lack of knowledge and rejection of God. Animals nor land can sin. Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. 2 By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood. 3 Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.
@deshon3523 Год назад
​@@auntybiblebeliever887perfect response.
@auntybiblebeliever887 Год назад
@@deshon3523 Thanks. The Book has the answers. Glory to God.
@Peakfreud Год назад
This was awesome, a very sincere discussion. I stopped listening to sermons years ago because of the pageantry and its was mostly just church culture disguised as spirituality. But this was very rewarding & fruitful.
@benidect5955 2 месяца назад
Very enlightening. Thank you sir Dr Frank Turek
@i-primeproductions1517 10 месяцев назад
This reminds me of the story of the worlds, greatest scientists, challenging God, telling him that they, too, are now able to completely create human beings out of the clay so God shows up to this challenge, forms the clay, and then breeds life into it, creating a human. When it was the scientists turn, they began to form a human with the clay, and God said “no no, get your own clay” hence we have atheists constantly stealing from God to try to argue against God. I always tell them “no, no, get your OWN morality before you try to make a moral argument”
@smigletat9634 3 месяца назад
😁😂😊 That is a beautiful point
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
why create humans "from clay" when they could have been made with better materials. for example ROCK which seems to last longer. despite which, NOBODY KNOWS where this magically "empty tomb" is. If it were hewn from solid rock I would expect it to still exist and be identified as well as painstakingly examined. Neither is the case apparently. Maybe you can explain that, but so far nobody else can. Why do you accuse "atheists" of "stealing from god" when supposedly god could do her own guard detail on whatever is supposedly hers by some unique divine ordination. If she fails to do that, how do you claim that anything is forbidden to evaluate at face value by anyone interested in considering the available evidence (or lack thereof).
@tracyavent-costanza346 Месяц назад
yeah, that reminds me of a completely fabricated story too. Where a bunch of people claim to know how god thinks and which gods like christians (no matter what they really do). and this god is especially enamored of people to claim to "believe" completely convoluted mythology: They get extra points if their mythology tells them to kill other people.
@cincioofficial4228 9 месяцев назад
Wonderful Messages and a really beautiful Presentation. Thank you God for this Masterpiece from Dr. Frank Turok 🙏🏼
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
it's TUREK and if this was a masterpiece, your standards are low. here, let me sell you the brooklyn bridge.
@FromNewAgetoJesus 11 месяцев назад
Wow!! Such a powerful presentation on why evil exists and how it coexists with God. This man is clearly incredibly knowledgeable and engaging as well. A must-see for Christians and non-Christians alike! 🙏♥️
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
WRT "...A must-see for Christians and non-Christians alike!..." the only diff is that the non-christians do not buy his story.
@mcfarvo Год назад
We can understand intellectually all of these arguments, but it is up to the Holy Spirit to strengthen our hearts to be able to live in peace and joy when the world and our own bodies are bent, broken, fallen, marred, ruined, painful, suffering, hopeless but for what God has done for us and promised to us
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
hence if somehow this wonderful message is either misconstrued or rejected outright, WHOSE PROBLEM is that to solve.
@tracyavent-costanza346 Месяц назад
nothing doing. if the creator did such a hideous job of creating us without the means to deal with all of the "tests" he is claimed to be throwing us, why is that god not held accountable for being a persistent sadist.
@RickEccher 8 месяцев назад
Ok-My tears have stopped. Desertlillie, I am so happy that you still carry on a conversation with God! A couple of my best friends lost their beautiful 17 year old, cheerleader daughter. She was a believer and they were not. She witnessed to them and they said that it was very nice for her. When God took her home 20 years ago, and they are stilk shaking their fist at God. She has probably met your son already! Praying for you all!!!
@tracyavent-costanza346 Месяц назад
WHAT was "very nice for her" ?
@Mikah234 Год назад
What a blessing to have found this message. Thank you Jesus.
@tracyavent-costanza346 10 месяцев назад
i'm sure Frank would not discourage you from conflating the two.
@tompollockjr144 Год назад
Incredible presentation. Praise the Lord and thank you for sharing the Gospel!
@tompollockjr144 Месяц назад
@@cobracommander1890 He already did that, about 2000 years ago. Want to learn about Jesus?
@josiah9912 Год назад
This message was a Godsend at the moment where I am in my life now I needed this, I feel changed from it and it’s the start of a better connection with God!
@Black-mz4wy Год назад
Lmaooo 😂
@wally-corentin-tamane Год назад
Amen !
@MadelineDuff-tn5lv 10 месяцев назад
That’s wonderful, Josiah!
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
that is likely to be a temporary sensation. go ahead and enjoy it for as long as it lasts, but in the meantime STOP VOTING.
@homeiswheremycatsare 10 месяцев назад
Boy, that's an amazing short clip. There has me in tears. Boy is that good. I wish I could get my son to watch this.
@philipaldrick5363 Год назад
That's the way an atheist would see it, because the truths in all the stories are hidden from every person who is in rebellion against God. I praise God that I only read one story in the bible when I was about 10 and never looked in the bible again, yet I went off thinking I was a Christian. I was only 10 and loved the story of Ruth. I thought I fully understood that book, but I was only 10. I was very angry, I was deaf and no smell or taste and had serious memory problems, but I had no idea what was wrong with me or why I was so frustrated and angry. All the way from 2-3 year's old until I was 30 years old. Then 3 months before my 30th birthday, JESUS came to me and set me free. I got born-again. ❤came into my heart. Suddenly I started seeing beautiful things in the stories of the bible. 30 years it took, NO, 40 years, to understand one powerful lesson that I am convinced few Pastors know. It took 6 days for the HOLY SPIRIT to create all of Heaven and all of Earth and all the plants trees, the ocean and all that was in there the land with all the mountains and the valleys, the sky and all the birds and butterflies 🦋 everything, all the universe with all the galaxies. All in six days. Think about that. What a powerful God we serve? Yet it took 40 years to change the hearts and minds of the Hebrews in the wilderness. Look what it took to get through to Jonah, Giddeon, MOSES and even Elijah! And how about you? If you are being stubborn, arrogant or whatever, WHATEVER, you are are not bothering God at all, you are only troubling yourself, and maybe someone near to you, but God will have His way, sooner or later. Sooner or later. Save yourself the heartache, Surrender, who can fight against Almighty God and win? You will only win when you Surrender.
@lutkedog1 11 месяцев назад
The stories are not hidden. you are using that example to cover all those contradictions. You are only fooling yourself.
@Silver77cyn 9 месяцев назад
Why would god hide knowledge from the people who need the most convincing, that’s just stupid.
@lutkedog1 9 месяцев назад
@@Silver77cyn They cannot sugar coat the lies and contradictions in the Bible.
@Silver77cyn 9 месяцев назад
@@lutkedog1 Exactly!
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
if god somehow motivates "rebellion" maybe god needs to re-examine her own tactics and expectations. For example, stop imagining herself to be perfect and immune from skeptical evaluation by mortals.
@olumideabina2781 9 месяцев назад
“Knowing and growing in God often requires pain” - Dr. Frank Turrek
@bikimajic9610 9 месяцев назад
Ain’t that the truth.
@jeffsmith5787 8 месяцев назад
​@@bikimajic9610It ain't.
@tracyavent-costanza346 7 месяцев назад
WRT “Knowing and growing in God often requires pain” ***great, so that item in addition to the rife examples of other pointless suffering. WHOSE fault is this exactly. ***
@jeffsmith5787 7 месяцев назад
@@tracyavent-costanza346 it's YOUR fault! Because..... you.... were born. Better think on next time. 😠 It's called "god's love" 🥹
@tracyavent-costanza346 7 месяцев назад
@@jeffsmith5787 god's love. with all inherent ambiguities intact. yeah I got that all right. I wonder if frank really gets it at all.
@Vicky-bn6in 19 дней назад
God Bless Frank Turicks Ministry, what a wonderful Theologen!
@trustenbaker8766 11 месяцев назад
Job 13:15 "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him"
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
never mind that if job were slain, how would he be able to say that "I will trust in him" despite being dead.
@defiantspirit8512 2 месяца назад
​@@tracyavent-costanza346he would trust that he would be raised, Jesus also had to trust in God's plan or why would he accept the cross. He surrendered to his father's will, and he will be made King over all, sit at his father's right side forever.
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
@@defiantspirit8512 WRT "... He surrendered to his father's will, and he will be made King over all, sit at his father's right side forever..." so since that position is supposedly FILLED ALREADY, what is left for you. remember you are implying that you only do it for the payoff at the end. Yet somehow there is a logical disconnect about what you would be expecting for this supposed reward. For extra points, show me how you know this.
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
@@defiantspirit8512 WRT "...Jesus also had to trust in God's plan or why would he accept the cross..." so above you imply two things: 1) "jeezus" did not know this plan himself 2) hence had to "trust in" something not available to himself 2.5) so he himself was not god and did not magically become god by being sacrificed either. 3) let me just point out the parenting skills of a "father" who ritually sacrifices his "only son", are not impressive. 4) and how is it that an omnipotent "father" could not simply beget another son. my sister in law has made two of those PLUS a daughter. and still nobody prays to her as far as I'm aware. Nor has she ritually sacrificed any of them and has not blamed anyone else's wrongdoing upon them either. so I guess your gods have some further evolving to do, before I would remotely find them appealing let alone worthy of my eternal devotion.
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
wrt "..."Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him"..." what exactly is the point in trusting someone who kills you when you are dead. Never mind that "Job" wasn't killed by yhwh. Instead the KJV/OT story is that yhwh killed Job's original FAMILY. That dead family did not appear to have been given much of a choice in the matter, so the outward appearance is that yhwh kills people for purely capricious "reasons" and offers them no particular reward over it. Rather just uses them as some kind of bargaining chip. They are never restored nor offered a reward for being sacrificed either. and further in the KJV/OT version, yhwh engaged in this entire questionable exercise just to win a bet with satan. so much for resisting temptation. It really makes satan look like the more powerful of the two, since satan did not have to do anything.
@shawnmason8543 Год назад
If God did away with all the evil in the world…He would have to destroy me as well. The only reason I am good at all is due to Jesus and His Grace.
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
great, I shall not wait up for you then. just in case god suddenly decides to do a better job that so far has been doing.
@daneumurian5466 2 месяца назад
"May my life bring joy to God's heart And bring God's heart to the world." --From my song "Worship Round."
@tracyavent-costanza346 Месяц назад
if god needs humans to do something in order for "his heart to have joy", your god is not omnipotent. if god does not already know who will and who will not, god is not omniscient either.
@psyck Год назад
Ok, that story about the atheist and the man that stands up next to him to tell his story, got me. “If my mom can bring good from evil; why can’t God?”
@lutkedog1 11 месяцев назад
Because your mother existed
@neekomofoluwaso2819 11 месяцев назад
@@lutkedog1 and what caused his mom's existence?
@lutkedog1 11 месяцев назад
@@neekomofoluwaso2819 Evolution
@liubei3058 10 месяцев назад
@@lutkedog1 What's your proof God doesn't exist?
@lutkedog1 10 месяцев назад
@@liubei3058 The Bible God don't exist because the Earth is older than the bible says. You think god created light 6000 years ago? With the James Web Telescope we can see light from 13.5 billion years ago. Adam and Eve were not created 6000 years ago as we have Human fossils that are 2000,000 years old and we have Ape Fossils that are 2,000,000 years old. No Adam and Eve the you and i are not sinners the whole thing is a Fluke.
@mikebazinet2702 9 месяцев назад
Thanks to God I heard Franks sermon and it answered what I have always known
@wally-corentin-tamane Год назад
Magnifique !! Merci Frank et Gloire à Dieu ! La Paix du Christ à tous !
@buteur9418 Год назад
Amen et amen ça fait plaisir de voir un français par là. Continuons à propager la parole de Christ ❤
@joningram4187 Год назад
I absolutely love this dude! He is very concise yet seems very compassionate and sincere
@southernknight9983 Год назад
Just going by the title, I know the answer. If God, why evil? Answer: Free will. Think long and hard on that and it answers everything that revolves around this type of question. Praise God!
@caroleevandyk5544 Год назад
How about this one? Isaiah 45:7, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and CREATE EVIL: I the Lord do all these things.” There is no such thing as free will. You have a will, it’s just not free. You only have the ability to make choices, and this is influenced by a myriad of factors, most of which you are unaware, yet God says He is sovereign and in control of humanity. He says He make vessels of honour and vessels of dishonour. He is using evil as a temporary tool and evil will eventually be removed once all lessons have been completely learned. Humanity needs to see the depths of evil in order to accurately appreciate the opposite as the state of goodness, peace and love is the planned eternal state that God intends that all His creation will enjoy. 1 Corinthians 15:28, "When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things in subjection under him, that God may be all in all." What does "all in all" mean? It means God fills up all of His creation with Himself, after all necessary lessons have been thoroughly learned and appreciated, as that is why He created His creatures in the first place. Colossians 1:20 says, "For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him(Christ) 20 and through him(Christ) to reconcile to himself ALL things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross." Christ is the reconciler of all creation, not just a miserable fraction of humanity as Christianity states. Those who trust Christ in this life have been chosen by God and GIVEN the ability to trust Him, as they will become co-labourers with Christ in future ages to bring all creatures into reconciliation with God the Father. There will be appropriate discipline applied to those who need it to bring them to where God wants them. God says He makes vessels of honour and vessels of dishonour, it is God who is in control of humanity, not the other way around. And when His purposes have been accomplished through His righteous judgements, all will see and gladly confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. But this will not all happen in this particular age in which we live, it will be in the future, after Christ has returned. But, no one can believe this unless God gives them the gift of faith to trust Christ and see this. Most of humanity has not been given this gift, but all will eventually be adjusted, redeemed and reconciled.
@tracyavent-costanza346 Месяц назад
if god gives you "free will" and expects something in exchange for it, it isn't free. if god can take it back for the same caprice as it was given, it isn't YOUR will. it is god's. and if you are punished for exercising it, your freedom is worth nothing.
@shirleysmith9421 13 дней назад
As we grow we understand that Caring and Loving actions and we grow towards Loving actions and will Grow to be Happy and Rejoice in Paradise with Our Loved Ones and Our Heavenly Father and Jesus 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇💘💘💘
@homeiswheremycatsare 10 месяцев назад
Well as i'm getting along in my Christianity, I am learning and knowing now. What I haven't known forever is that God is patient. God is kind and God is loving all-knowing and forgiving. And he's known from the time that he made it Adam and eve. What was going to happen? He knew before everything happened. What was going to happen all the way up until right now? And he has been patient to wait and see with giving us free will to follow what we want if we're going to accept him. And follow him and love him and accept Jesus Christ in our heart and know that he died on the cross for us. And he's we're here on this Earth. Waiting for him to come and take us away from this terrible place. Because those of us who believe in him. We can't wait to leave here. And be with him and the ones that don't believe in him. Boy, that got a rude awakening coming. And he's patient to wait to see how many people that us as his followers can change to follow him. And soon very soon he is Jesus's coming. And they're gonna be questioning. You know what's going on and the ones that think that they've been following him. The right way and are left behind or gonna be saying why. And I'm learning all this stuff. And it's like you said you knew me but I didn't know you. It's what Jesus will say and we will we as a society. I don't mean me but maybe me even will be left behind. And then we'll have time to try to fix it before. There's no more time and that's gonna be. You know we're gonna have the rapture. We're gonna go up in heaven. You know, be with God until judgment day and then 7 years will go by and then you know it's called thrown thrown in the Lake of fire, I don't know-it-all. I don't know it a 100%. I'm just learning it but there are key factors. I know I want to be with Jesus. I want to be with him. I wish I could have known him when he was here before when he came the first time. And he hung on the cross for us. Even though it was such a hard time to live. But it would be amazing to meet him. And I just can't wait to meet him. The next time he comes so praise. God praise Jesus, thank you, jesus. For you for what you did for us and I pray for all of those that are lost right now, my son is one. He's an atheist and I just keep praying for him that he will come a soon and I know it's him God's will whatever happens to him and I'm still gonna stay with god. Stay with Jesus and go be with him. And pray that my son makes it there too.
@Jersey-towncrier 9 месяцев назад
Years in addiction and in AA have taught me that pain is the first stage of growth, and that doesn't just apply to muscle in the gym, it applies to life generally and to the soul specifically. Chemicals provide a counterfeit experience of growth; they give us the experience of growth without the fact of it. In order to get true growth, you have to be willing to suffer, to apply effort, to endure pain, to rest and heal, and do the process over and over. Thus, the small sproutling grows into a full and budding tree, flourishing in the rough and tumble of the dangers of the forest that life can be.
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
or maybe pain is just evidence that you have stepped barefoot upon a sharp rock. hence it is advisable to GET OFF IT. in AA or other 12 steps, such details would probably become clearer once you have a sponsor who already has scarred feet.
@theeeway7 7 месяцев назад
Scripture provides the only explanation for this world. The evidence makes sense. Praise Elohim. Thank you Frank.
@solofourohsixgaming Год назад
People always blame God for evil instead of looking in the mirror.
@Yujifanik Год назад
People always say "Read the Bible and you'll believe!" More people who do that, become atheists.
@AtamMardes 11 месяцев назад
The oldest most evil scam is to tell people that they're born in sin and there's a better place after death, but to be saved a spot they must repent and believe the story that someone was sacrificed 2000 years ago to forgive their sins.
@solofourohsixgaming 10 месяцев назад
@@AtamMardes I believe what can be proven with historical facts.
@solofourohsixgaming 10 месяцев назад
@@AtamMardes one day you will see it's true. By then it will be too late.
@gingercake0907 10 месяцев назад
@@AtamMardes Quit trolling. You are only here to argue with people. God won’t twist your arm and make you love Him. He’s not a liar like you and me and everyone else. So move along. Stop trolling videos that speak of faith.
@Dwelleronthethreshold89 Год назад
Brother out there spilling the truth. This is my most favorite topic ever, having been agnostic and requiring evidence of God. It’s perfect and incredible and it’s interesting that much of the church overlooks this this concept as it runs very deep. To understand this concept is to understand much of life. This is Satans world. What’s is the nature of health in a world that is sick?
@Israphel776 11 месяцев назад
So you're telling me the world that God designed as he saw fit belongs to Satan? So... God gave the world to Satan. Because... reasons I guess. So much for "all loving"
@tracyavent-costanza346 10 месяцев назад
WRT "...This is Satans world..." 1) interesting that your trinity just leaves the earth to the fourth god of the trinity 2) and still expect great adoration from those supposedly abandoned 3) that fourth god seems vastly the most powerful since either the other three are UNABLE to defeat "him" or somehow intentionally choose not to. In any case "satan" seems not beholden to their joint authority. 4) which as above either eliminates the "omnipotent" aspect or the "just and benevolent" aspects if not all three (as goes the epicurean aspects of god).
@Nana-gg1re 10 месяцев назад
@@tracyavent-costanza346 you haven’t watched the video, have you? Satan is no opponent to God, don’t get it wrong. Satan is the ruler of this world because we make him, and God does not stop it to not stop our free will. It’s like an election lol we chose the bad guy, we do it everyday by following his ways. God can delete Satan and we would still be sinning :p
@jacob.tudragens 7 месяцев назад
​@@Israphel776Adam and Eve gave control of the earth to the enemy, not God.
@Israphel776 7 месяцев назад
@@jacob.tudragens Let me add this to the long list of "things God can't do anything about"
@Nenad-ICXC-Shuput-GFAMMA 4 месяца назад
Frank Turek is amazing Preacher
@ivykunsona5294 Год назад
You just answered all my questions so brilliantly. God bless you 🙏
@kudzaidotnet Год назад
This was so powerful, informative, and entertaining! 😅 I will watch this again. So much information to help us when we're asked those challenging questions
@AtamMardes 11 месяцев назад
The oldest most evil scam is to tell people that they're born in sin and there's a better place after death, but to be saved a spot they must repent and believe the story that someone was sacrificed 2000 years ago to forgive their sins.
@Masowe. 10 месяцев назад
Jesus is the answer to pain. Please read the bible and meditate on it. Jesus is the only answer you will find in this universe@@AtamMardes
@gingercake0907 10 месяцев назад
@@AtamMardes You are wasting your time trying to destroy God. When you die people will still be reading the Word of God and choosing Him. You can’t stop God , He will move on without you.
@cassius213 20 дней назад
Evil defeats its own purpose as it defines the depths of God's love for all of us. ⚔️✝️⚔️
@georgedbakersr.5242 3 года назад
Thank God for this teaching.
@JamesRichardWiley 2 года назад
Yes thank Frank for this teaching otherwise the contradiction would not make any sense to a thinking person.
@hntrl8880 2 года назад
@@JamesRichardWiley care to elaborate?
@darthbane2669 2 года назад
Don't engage with athiest trolls you will simply be wasting your time
@marcustsheole2292 Год назад
​@@lucasseattle8572 he sacrificed to pay the price of sin, cause a soul that sin must die
@marcustsheole2292 Год назад
@@lucasseattle8572 that iswhy had to be sacrifice
@WRWhizard Год назад
This showed up in my RU-vid list for the last week. I did not want to click on it for some reason. Now I know all this. Don't think I learned anything... but I was glad to watch it through.
@ewanwilson7928 6 месяцев назад
“God is responsible for the fact of freedom… Humans are responsible for their acts of freedom”
@Bugsy0333 5 месяцев назад
Oh, I'm certainly sure that the non-Hebrew slaves of the Bible, who were slaves for life endorsed by God would have a different viewpoint than yours !
@nholbrook1682 Месяц назад
​@@Bugsy0333you don't even understand the concept of slavery in biblical times, nor why God established the laws He did to govern it.
@Bugsy0333 Месяц назад
@@nholbrook1682 Are you finished with the excuses ? Ok let me respond thanks . Can you give me an instance when it would be acceptable for one person to own another person as their property ? 2 Timothy 3:16 Everything in the Scriptures is (God's Word ). All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live.
@tstjohn777 Год назад
It is to know God but it is also to glorify God. For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen. It is also for us to exspierence His mercy. That's how we know Him
@deshon3523 Год назад
He's so worthy of praise.
@MadelineDuff-tn5lv 10 месяцев назад
So true! He is so kind and good!
@tstjohn777 Месяц назад
@cobracommander1890 , your lack of understanding is evident. Their is a difference between the human body and the soul. The body lay in sleep until the return of Christ. The soul stands immediately before God in judgment. As to people, just being hoovering above the room is true.I can only assume these have not physically died. Their are others who claim they are drawn to a bright light and extreme peace. Some even say they say Christ.
@Caolan-b6r Год назад
Praise jesus and God. Amen
@Silver77cyn 9 месяцев назад
Hail Satan! 🤘
@jeffsmith5787 8 месяцев назад
@Mineshine89 8 месяцев назад
Priceless!! God is the almighty ❤
@jeffsmith5787 8 месяцев назад
which god? There are thousands of them.
@michaelking7874 Год назад
15:10-15:55 that phrase was so real I literally had to rewind it
@natestein5988 10 месяцев назад
"Good morning everyone!...Some of you have watched your loved ones die." I'm just struck with the fact that he had no beating around the bush storytelling things right at the start. I'm looking forward to the rest of the video.
@tracyavent-costanza346 Месяц назад
let's see how well it works out when it happens to himself.
@MrTrack412 7 месяцев назад
Thank you Frank Turek for being reasonable.
@christ-son 9 месяцев назад
Intelligent presentation!
@ejacquin01 11 месяцев назад
This video is amazing! Words can't express how much I love this l
@AtamMardes 11 месяцев назад
The oldest most evil scam is to tell people that they're born in sin and there's a better place after death, but to be saved a spot they must repent and believe the story that someone was sacrificed 2000 years ago to forgive their sins.
@ejacquin01 11 месяцев назад
@@AtamMardes I fail to see the scam if no one is asking for anything in return for that sacrifice other than belief/acceptance of it for that salvation they've been promised. Where's the harm? Where's the evil? I would venture to say the true evil would be those who try to convince those of faith of anything else and possibly destroy their chance at true salvation. Be well and happy Thanksgiving! I'll say a prayer for you.
@rockmusicvideoreviewer896 10 месяцев назад
this video never answered why there is evil.
@ejacquin01 10 месяцев назад
@@rockmusicvideoreviewer896 choice and freewill
@AtamMardes 10 месяцев назад
@@ejacquin01 The sin-sacrifice-resurrection story implies a superstitious God who values blood-sacrifice. Obviously the superstitious early folks, who valued blood sacrifice, created the God of the Bible in their own image.
@bvrfrog 6 месяцев назад
MgT: I've been looking for answers on the question of evil for a long time. Thank you pastor Frank for the wonderful insights you've given me on this subject! Finally someone (you) said, "free will" & then explained the ramifications so Well!! Yes; God, Jesus, Heaven or... separation~ a choice. As for why the innocent little baby may have died? Perhaps so the parents could grow from this tragedy. Plus God called him/her home for some reason that only He can know. I grew closer to God after my Beloved husband passed away, even though I am still Sorely grief stricken! (Sadness is a choice too). I also know I will be reunited with him in Heaven someday. Thank you with all my heart for this truly Amazing video!! It is the answer to my prayers that I've been desperately seeking. I have saved it to play again when I need to review it for increased understanding & inspiration. God Bless you sir, & please continue your fantastic ministry!!🙏✝️🛐💖
@JP-ec9rl 2 года назад
Anyone who says that babies didn't do anything wrong, never had twin girls. My twin granddaughters have been fighting over what the other one has, at any given moment since they could crawl under their own steam, and nobody taught it to them. If one has a toy the other wants, it's war. If one gets attention that the other wants, it's war. They're precious and beautiful but the nature of the beast is what it is.
@JP-ec9rl 2 года назад
@@Peekaboo-Kitty no. What I'm describing is the fallen, sinful behavior of the flesh. Almost every human being is born with a conscience. There are exceptions. Those rare cases of complete psychopaths that are clinically described as having zero empathy. Who's that girl in Florida that killed her toddler and dumped the body in the bushes so she could go clubbing? Zero empathy. No conscience. Never had it. You look in their eyes and there's nothing there. The people like that display that from an early age. Everyone else is born with a conscience . They're also born into sinful flesh that wants what it wants but if you didn't have a conscience, it couldn't be convicted by guilt on any level. That's why when you tell a baby no, they get angry or cry about it. A psychopath would just ignore you and keep doing whatever they want and display no emotion at all about it. Charles Manson never developed a conscience. Never showed any remorse for what he'd done. He said if they'd let him out he'd do it again and worse. He was born without a conscience. Criminally insane. The rest of us have a conscience to curb our impulses. It's much more instinctive than a developed and evolving moral code. That's much more philosophical and debatable.
@Peekaboo-Kitty 2 года назад
Believe whatever you want. I don't argue with Religious Nutters like you!
@In_time 2 года назад
_Babies_ didn’t do anything wrong. (Ps, fighting and bickering children do not deserve to be ended.)
@DejiAdegbite Год назад
So they deserve pain, death, and hell for that?
@DBUCK_ Год назад
This guy lol
@lwiimbokasweshi Год назад
I agree with everything except the healing part. I don't think he laid out the healing part well. Healing can also be used by God to convince people of himself. Like in the Bible with Jesus, with the apostles and my own family. My family wouldn't be saved if my sister wasn't healed. That's how we were introduced to Christianity.
Blessed are those who have not seen and believe by faith.🙏🏻✝️🙏🏻
@alexanderdavis9636 Год назад
He stated that God knows what's best, healing and other miracles happen if God allows it for his purpose but blessed are those who believe without seeing 🙏, 2 Corinthians 5:7 we walk by faith and not by sight.
@christinaspurgeon9564 Год назад
I haven't gotten to that part yet but thank you for that.
@Faith0929ROK Год назад
When I was 11, in 1976, I had an horrible illness that that required major surgery of my right lung and hospitalized for 3 months at UVA Medical Hospital. In the beginning, my parents were totally dejected, hopeless, helpless in depression because we just immigrated to USA, could not speak English, they did not know what to do or how to get help etc. through miracle of Jesus, they were introduced to a pastor of small Korean Church in Alexandria, Virginia. Pastor of the church will without hesitation, will drive my parents from Alexandria to Charlottesville which is about 3 hours every Saturday to sing me hymns (it gave me such peace even in pain), pray and I never forget his voice and warmth of his hands. Through this pastor’s fruits of the spirit my parents saw, both of my parents, gave their life to Christ. Both my parents are elders since 1992, I am a deacon of the same church although names have been changed. When I got married and had our first daughter, every time she went through tough illness, I would cradle her in my arms and sang her the same hymns the pastor sang to me (Jesus loves me, Be Not Dismayed whate`er Betide) to comfort her because I was. Yes, I truly believe even through any bad, God always plans for the bad. Glory to God, through the pastor’s love, kindness, patiences, God has gifted his salvation to my parents, myself and now my family and future family. Hallelujah! Glory to Jesus! And forever Amen!
@ceciliamullanaphy1171 Год назад
God is sovereign and not everyone is healed evening when we pray in faith for it. My Christian friends and church prayed for my son Conor at 37 from Sepsis. I was confused and disappointed with God. I chose to run to God and not from Him in my grief and that was my best decision. God healed me from my grief and I am able to feel joy in the morning and God has used me to minister to others in grief and to show God's love through me to those who have dispared. I have such a heart for the lose now.
@larick6067 11 месяцев назад
Amen the great physician will make us new again ❤️🙏🏻
@locke6854 Год назад
26:17 I was relaxed, listening closely, and when the punchline to the Cowboys joke came, I jumped out of my seat lmao I was not expecting that
@charlesobekpa7391 Год назад
Very pertinent questions. I just love this guy❤
@Rodney-w3c 10 месяцев назад
I think the analogy of the unwanted lover is very interesting because I once heard a rabbi use almost the exact same argument to explain why he could never be a Christian.
@lloydfrancis9149 Год назад
Great discussion Jesus Christ is Lord
@craigruebesam9225 Год назад
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: KJV - Romans 5:12 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. KJV - Romans 5:18 The not so good news is spoken about in Romans 5:12 but notice verse 18. This is the Good News of the Bible. One thought we might want to think about. If God wiped out sin which began in heaven with God's leading angel, Lucifer, which He could have, what about the two thirds of angels who did not fall with Lucifer when he rebelled against God's government, would they have followed God out of fear knowing that God would sap them out of existence if they sinned? Of course we know the answer to that. In God's love to His creation, He is letting this sin issue play out but has given all a Saviour who has died in our place, that we may not have to die the second death which is spoken about in the book of Revelation. Do we see He does not want our worship of Him to come out of fear but wants our worship because He first loved us. Amen!!!
@jeffsmith5787 8 месяцев назад
Where did you hear that not nonsense? Some storybook? 😐
@AnthemDrums Год назад
WHat a wonderful testimony this video brings! I am not an adherent to the so called "prosperity ministry" and its false teachings, but wow - I could never articulate why it is so damaging until watching this video.
@joserobertolima5575 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing your hurt and unimaginable loss in this World. I can see the blessing that his faith in Jesus is the most extraordinary gift you somehow could introduce and share with him so that you will meet again in the new World and new Heaven that God has promised for those who believed in his son Jesus Christ. God bless you 🙏
@davidross5593 2 года назад
"Could God create a rock so heavy he could not lift it?" has been directly addressed by AIG. The question presupposes God be susceptible to the same laws of physics we are. So it is importing logic into a framework belief that logically can not apply.
@beantown_billy2405 Год назад
Neither can he create a circle with four sides. Omnipotence is constrained by logical coherence.
@briandwiggins1576 Год назад
I went to High School with Pastor Gary Bingham, and his sister Judy. Two more kind and Godly people you'll never meet. God truly does make evil work for the good .
@cameron.t 2 месяца назад
10:20 this is life (for the last year) changing. Thank you, I don’t know why I couldn’t figure this out, or be around someone who could explain it, sooner. I mean, the concept makes complete sense because it can be understood literally everywhere. No day without night. No up without down. No evil without good. I have spiritually begged this question be answered and literally struggled to find an answer for awhile, so I guess I’m more thankful for not getting the answer until now than for the answer itself. It is comforting that Evil proves Good… and it is interesting to consider the difference in the God of OT and later in this context. And to say why I’m more thankful for the difficulty in getting the answer than the answer itself: we are all on a journey… and I had some learning to do. It is good to be in community with other believers. There is only so much we can understand in a vacuum. I think, personally, 15:30 answers the “delay” I had. Didn’t get this answer until I asked to be stopped instead of stopping others… (a summary). Haven’t doubted that He is always listening for some time now, so if I don’t get an answer I know there’s a reason Why is there so much evil? Because there is so much Good. And so much God!
@rep3e4 Год назад
Awesome, spot on
@Phoenixxx18485 Год назад
I really felt the story of the pastor who was conceived in rape. Thank you for this lecture 🙏
@adriancano3991 Год назад
I wasn’t sure about god until I experienced my near death. I felt super charged like an electrical orb with vision better than any eagle alive today. I went to the ER feeling like death and when I popped out I felt absolutely amazing. My life review is what shocked me. It started in my mothers womb. Pictures flashing like a super computer and I absorbed every photo. Pictures I completely forgot about. There it was.. It’s much more the point is Pray and thank him. His religion is Love
@Bugsy0333 Год назад
Since you are hear telling us your story can i assume that you are not dead ?
@adriancano3991 Год назад
@@Bugsy0333 by the grace of god I’m alive. It was up to him not me. I told him about my kids. I cried like a baby and ask him to plz put me back in my body. In that split sec i opened my eyes. Anything else?
@adriancano3991 Год назад
@@Bugsy0333 Research NDE brain surgeon. He was an Atheist likes to think like Scientist. Keep researching
@Bugsy0333 Год назад
@@adriancano3991 Well i am happy i mean that ! But i have a problem ok ?
@adriancano3991 Год назад
@@Bugsy0333 ask any question. What’s the problem?
@repelsteeltje310 Год назад
If the Christian God exists. You can call him a lot of things... But " good" sure isn't one of them
@tracyavent-costanza346 2 месяца назад
"inconsistent" would be the most diplomatic term I could imagine, to describe christian gods and christian leaders. "untrustworthy" might be a more accurate encapsulation.
@desmonderondu3967 11 месяцев назад
Love u Frank Turek... And pray God's increased wisdom for you
@msalantis Год назад
How awesome!!! Thank you Lord for revelation!!! Definitely sharing this!!!
@ashleyshaw3557 Год назад
About 18 years ago I was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma. I had 40 rounds of chemo, pneumonia 5 times in the hospital during this time, and 3 of my friends from the hospital passed away. I was very young and was so close to death, why would God allow this suffering? 😮Because now I have the strongest calling to become a pediatric oncologist. that wasn’t my want intentionally, I spent one semester in collage and realized I was better at biology than anything else. That first semester I was stronger in my faith than I had ever been. Evil exists in this world because even if we don’t know why at the time or may never know why, good comes from it.
@briendoyle4680 Год назад
@JessDiaz-d1c Месяц назад
praying for you!
@alexanderdavis9636 Год назад
Thank you Dr I learned a lot through your sermon, God Bless You 🙏
@jjevans1693 Год назад
Stop being so gullible.
@kentelardo7572 Год назад
@@jjevans1693 Got some counter arguments? Or just pure hatred and arrogance?
@jjevans1693 Год назад
@@kentelardo7572 Virgin births, resurrections, miracles, Dec born Messiah's......all stolen from previous cultures before The Bible was even written. Obviously just a myth that they humanized to control the population through fear. It condones slavery, mass genocide, rape and the killing of children. Not to mention talking snakes and donkeys. So calling people gullible isn't hatred, it's fact.
@alexanderdavis9636 Год назад
@@jjevans1693 lost soul
@gingercake0907 Год назад
⁠@@kentelardo7572 You know someone has got to say something hurtful to remind you of evil. Satan’s got to influence somebody, it might as well be jevans1693.
@tylerhale1696 Год назад
Evil is like temperature, cold is simply the lack of heat, evil is simply the lack of good
@oswaldcobblebot 8 месяцев назад
Powerful! Clear and precise analogies!
@Bones151 Год назад
I must say it is amazing I've been struggling recently and this video just came up on RU-vid and has answered and given me understanding of some big questions I've had
@tracyavent-costanza346 10 месяцев назад
WRT "...has answered and given me understanding of some big questions I've had..." I gather you grade on a curve and only consider submissions from people you regard as within your cultural bubble.
@ronniebuchanan6575 Год назад
When God created the world wisdom stood beside him.
@jeffsmith5787 8 месяцев назад
Where, in your bible, does it say that? 🙄
@ronniebuchanan6575 7 месяцев назад
​@@jeffsmith5787Proverbs 3:19 I was listening to a preacher he was doing some translation of Hebrew text. :
@riggstwenty2 8 месяцев назад
Absolutely Brilliant. Thank you .
@fireballxl-5748 Год назад
I realize this video is over a year old. I've been saved over 40 years and have heard thousands of sermons. I can't say this one was the best because I simply can't remember them all. But of all I remember, this one is the best.
@tracyavent-costanza346 10 месяцев назад
WRT "...But of all I remember, this one is the best..." hence number one in a field of one. really you need to get out more but I can understand your horror at the prospect of that.
@HegelsOwl 2 года назад
Love the thumbnail for this vid. It reminds me of the picture of the charlatan shaman after the failure of the Aztec prophecy, in 2012, that was all over front pages on newspapers, magazines, and TV news.
@271830066 Месяц назад
AWESOME ... Frank. I love your sermon... Can you tell me where did you buy your shirt... I LOVE the Style.
@sseltrek1a2b Год назад
Frank is so good...regarding how God uses suffering to grow us: it's interesting to me that we have no problem with the, "hero's journey" in our favorite films, but have a real problem with it in our personal lives (i know i do...i hate having to "grow"- it's painful...)...
@jjevans1693 Год назад
God uses suffering to grow us. lol lol lol lol You even know what your invisible supernatural friend thinks and why he does stuff. Wow!
@tylerhale1696 Год назад
@@jjevans1693invisible huh😂 I couldn’t imagine being so simple minded out of choice, God bless you bud.
@jjevans1693 Год назад
@@tylerhale1696 Simple minded says the sheep that believes in invisible supernatural beings watching over us. lol lol How many invisible supernatural beings do you believe in?
@Pototoe-wu9uy Год назад
@@tylerhale1696Dont even try hes just trying to win the arguement and not try to learn
@LizwiththeFrizz Год назад
@@jjevans1693I bet you believe in aliens lol
@monkkeygawd 2 года назад
"The Vedanta recognizes no sin it only recognizes error. And the greatest error, says the Vedanta is to say that you are weak, that you are a sinner, a miserable creature, and that you have no power and you cannot do this and that." ~Swami Vivekananda
@marculatour6229 2 года назад
Evil doesn't exist. Are you evil if you eat a pig ? The pig would say yes, you would say no. +1+-1 is zero. Evil doesn't exist.
@monkkeygawd 2 года назад
@@marculatour6229 lol nice. I'm a vegetarian, BUT... I get it 🤣
@monkkeygawd 2 года назад
Kinda like cows eat grass and are vegetarian, so if i eat a cow then really arent i still just eating veggies? 🤔
@marculatour6229 2 года назад
@@monkkeygawd There are even plants that have spines or poison against being eaten. I assume that plants don't want to be eaten either. Except for a few, of course, who use it to spread their seeds.
@marculatour6229 2 года назад
@@monkkeygawd Don't think that cows only eat grass. I saw one eating a mouse here on RU-vid. Not accidentally, purposefully.
@ALEXANDER6888 Год назад
As someone once said: God is either all powerful or all good; he can't be both. So, if there's evil, god is not all powerful to end evil. If he is all powerful, he is not good for he himself put evil in the world.
@troyboldon1 11 месяцев назад
Whoever said that was a moron. Who ever heard they and believed that is a moron.
@MSandovalPhD Год назад
Excellent talk. You make me think a lot, specifically about the meaning of eternal life (John 17). God speed.
@derekardito2032 Год назад
Funny thing he neve gives any actual sourced,verified corroborated evidence for the shut he spouts that suckers like you swallow wholesale to suit your indoctrinated narrative.
@IbelongtoJesus. 2 года назад
I've often wondered myself if I'm being punished. I belong to Jesus, I walk in faith, I stay in repentance,,, and yet I've been without a home, even once in the actual streets, as a born again Christian, I now sleep every night in a car, hoping it doesn't breakdown,,,, for 2 years, no breaks in between,,, but still stuck in this life of constant survival mode, exhausted, but,,, I continue to trust God, knowing He is good, and knowing I have eternal life with a home in heaven with Jesus,,, and I've done everything I can of myself. I'm a senior, no family, but thank God He led me to a good church for fellowship.
@principledthoughts9506 2 года назад
Charlene, how can I help you?
@joshuat5140 Год назад
I'm 31 and my faith is strong as ever. I didn't have much faith until the last 10 yrs of my life. I was a herion addict and just lost. But I've come to realize alot about God. And I also wondered why God allowed evil things to happen etc? And I've realized that it's free will. God doesn't intervene and allows things to happen on there own. Faith is a test and God can't test one's faith if he intervened. So free will explains why God doesn't intervene. God is not evil. God is love. And love is another reason to believe imo. Because science cannot explain love. That's why interstellar is one of my favorite films. I like how Christopher chose to make love the answer in the film. But if your struggling to have faith? It's something that you yourself have to find.
@bjornsvartsen Год назад
New subscriber!! I saw your other videos where you let atheists and non believers challenge Christianity. Unlike a lot of pastors I love how you allow people to have uncomfortable questions without over reacting and coming from a place of understanding
@jsmall10671 Год назад
The only problem is he consistently has the wrong answers
@bjornsvartsen Год назад
@@jsmall10671 that’s your opinion!! I know it’s a public space but if I need a useless response I’ll go talk to a bird
@IbelongtoJesus. 2 года назад
Evil proves there is a devil
@priscillajervey8345 Год назад
I agree.
@reality1958 Год назад
How does human beings behaving badly “prove a devil”?
@peterkrim6579 Год назад
No it doesn’t. Evil=uncontrolled EGO
@HEXAD17 Год назад
@tammy5926 Месяц назад
This is one of my favorites!!
@toneandcolors Год назад
Wow! "If there is a good God why doesn't He stop all the evil in the world? Because if He did He might just start with you... and me" Whenever we complain about evil we are always complaining about someone else never taking a second thought about ourselves. I couldn't have said this any better.
@logicalatheist1065 Год назад
Sounds fictional...
@chrissonofpear1384 11 месяцев назад
Sounds unnecessarily, complicated. Also, no need to stop ALL - evil. Just all that might, possibly, come, from any verse, far too easily, misused (ala Leviticus 25:46, say?) For over three centuries.
@troyboldon1 11 месяцев назад
@@logicalatheist1065your fiction.
@logicalatheist1065 11 месяцев назад
@@troyboldon1 what about my fiction?
@kevinmatthews9469 Год назад
“There is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things” Isaiah 45:6-7
@j.d.s.8132 Год назад
Says any God, ever.
@DS-ld8ns Год назад
What does the passage say though. There is No other, I am the Lord. If i take this at face value. It means there is illusion of others but all of it is"Me". How can this be? the great I am. Existence makes one being yet that being is seemingly experiencing different moments of time space appearing separate from itself while still in cohesion with "others" like the human body is made of many beings forming one being. The cells carry the same dna but act as independent entities that preform duties and work in a way that is affected by their environment. when things go well, they do well. So this passage is saying God is all beings, there is no other. Yet that doesn't mean Every being is aware to the full extent of what is going on. @@j.d.s.8132
@discharge29 Год назад
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