
Ikkyo: Aikido Techniques : Ikkyo from a Straight Punch 

ExpertVillage Leaf Group
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Ikkyo from a straight punch, or Munetsuki, allows you to dodge an opponent's strike to the abdomen and is one of the most important Aikido moves. Learn the basic Aikido move of Ikkyo from a straight punch, or Munetsuki, in this free Aikido video clip.
Expert: Fred Mastison
Bio: Mastison Sensei is an inductee into the United States Martial Arts hall of fame and is a 5th degree black belt who has been active in the martial arts for over 35 years.
Filmmaker: Dustin Daniels




17 июн 2008




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@MrOmaaL 15 лет назад
this surely takes time to master..and it is proved to be effective in CQ situations..i learned a few and has served me well
@martialway100 14 лет назад
Above all, i think that aikido, more than any other art i have studied is the most subtle. The use of the hips, nuance of tai sabaki, blending with the attacker, etc to produce a kuzushi effect is a really admirable quality that aikido possesses. It is an elegant system of self defense. I'm not sure how effective it would be against a hardened professional MMA fighter like Bas Rutten, etc, but that is why it is very important to cross train in other striking, grappling & primarily weapon based
@dorsiflector 16 лет назад
ty for sharing!
@H4I2I2EE 15 лет назад
When you sense him coming you get out of the way immediately(get off the line) it doesn't matter if it's a kick or a punch. The sense of distance and timing you get from weapons training, you learn to read the entire body and move at the same time, like "dancing" You don't try and catch anything as much as you put your hands up to REDIRECT in the direction the momentum is already going and thereby going beyond what was intended and taking his balance...easier to manipulate them while in motion.
@sakura0jp0aikidodesu 13 лет назад
i love these movies lesson. the advice of the Sensei are very accuracy and helpful for me. thanks a lot! 練習頑張りましょう!ありがとうございます!
@kithsg1 13 лет назад
@BotMig ...Dude. Im a brown belt after 5 years of training. This is a great video. Just that hes doing a prolonged easier to do version for people to view. The faster way is to blend, trap the hand, use his momentum to pull him around and face you. Use your second hand to twist his wrist down and slam him on the floor, continuing swiftly so you can make use of that window of opportunity to lock him, and proceed with more painful locks. What my sensei called, the baby lock.
@LeonLaguna 15 лет назад
@nikomof 14 лет назад
oh yes master. thank you for spreading your wisdom
@Screamorulz9 15 лет назад
I remember taking this lesson when I used to train this martial art... It always felt good when you did this to a person, it makes you feel safe hahaha
@shsh97com 14 лет назад
شكراً معلم
@Olbladele 15 лет назад
amen, finally some one undestands that it dosn't matter were they punch, as long as it's a strait punch and you block it in the same area, it'll work. Not to mencion that this would be even easier for a hook.
@Whiskie11 15 лет назад
@openthekimonoco Год назад
bushwhacker2k Shame it is 13 years ago lol! Wow yes! 100%! - I can’t believe that someone has said this. I found that everything is torifune based giving a “ from the centre” driven Aikido. Everything else is shoulder wrestling. Nice one. Keep it up!
@Ffojt 14 лет назад
My cousin has trained aikido. He told me to punch him, so i did, i waited
@YuGiOhGXJadenYuki 15 лет назад
i tottally agree with u dude
@MoonSapphireDemon 12 лет назад
Once I questioned my sensei about Aikido because it all seemed choreographed like Karate and he told me to attack him and all I remember was being down on the ground on my back in less than a second...Yeah I will never question sensei again. XDD And I love using Ikkyo. =)
@s3hammer 15 лет назад
Boom! lol the emotion ;)
@martialway100 14 лет назад
learning to control your emotions in a fight with the effects of adrenalin/dealing with the fear of a physical fight (i.e the 'fight or flight' situation imposed by the sympathetic nervous system) etc. IMHO as i have said before, the best policy is to avoid fights at all costs, but if you have to fight, then train in a realistic as possible way with resistance. If you have no other option but to fight, then fight to win. Remember that they are the attackers & you are responding in self defense.
@cmMoon 14 лет назад
@Icekler i understand what yours saying about the leverage and using the person's momentum against them since I train in bjj but whats demonstrated in this video is him catching the punch which really isn't real likely to be done
@martialway100 14 лет назад
unarmed/weapon combat too. Some of the nicest people in the martial arts i have met are aikidoka's & i think it is a more discerning defensive system for people who want to give a measured response to an attacker, rather than all out explosive violence from arts like muay thai, karate, wing chun, goshinkwai yawara, etc. In terms of the law, then aikido's restraining techniques definitely would be construed as 'reasonable force' in countering an attacker, in a self defense situation.
@martialway100 14 лет назад
Having trained in other martial arts besides aikido, i find that when i am fighting an aggressive MMA type fighter then usually i would employ techniques from more aggressive styles like aikijujutsu, jujitsu, wing chun, bjj, Muay Thai, western boxing, etc. For instance, if i'm taken to the ground, then aikido has no ne waza (apart from koseikan aikido). As a defensive art, although there is atemi in aikido, it is not of the same calibre as other more offensive systems, which is to be expected.
@martialway100 14 лет назад
As any aikidoka knows, there are many styles of aikido which branched out from the original daito ryu aikijujutsu/aikikai routes of aikido. Koseikan & Yoshinkan are regarded as harder syles, whereas iwama ryu, aikikai, ki aikido,etc are progressively, so called 'softer' styles. Mōchizuki Minoru, the founder of 'Koseikan' was an expert in many forms of martial art i.e. judo, karate, iado, jiu jitsu, etc but his style is considered as a form of aikido. For detractors of aikido, contemplate that.
@martialway100 14 лет назад
comments, because i really respect the art of aikido. The ability to take a punch, kick, etc if things haven't gone to plan are important & there isn't any of that kind of 'reality' training, if you are hit, which are present in systems like 'krav maga' or 'goshinkwai yawara', etc. The ability to take a shot or two & still fight on whilst possibly being concussed,etc, or being able to control your adrenalin in a fight situation are important & training should try to simulate that aspect of
@HgMichA 13 лет назад
i just started 2 month ago with aikido. How long do you need to practice until you are "moderate skilled" ? Imho aikido is very difficult to learn, compared to other martial arts.
@sshhaammiiiiiiiiii 15 лет назад
pritty much agreed... but practice makes a man perfect !
@martialway100 14 лет назад
Aikido is an art which is accused of too much co-operation between uke & nage/tori, without the resistance or 'alive' training methods of MMA's. In my experience, this maybe the case at a lower level, but resistance or reversals of tori's techniques are taught at a more advanced stage in an aikidoka's training. If given space to be mobile, techniques like the abbreviated form of iriminage will generally work against the average brawler that you are likely to meet in a real life confrontation.
@InkGraff 14 лет назад
i just started aikido and im learnin my basic grabs blocks and locks ive read tht critics find the attacker to be a bit sloppy in training as it would not happen in reality but the basic attack what an untrained attacker would use is a punch...wich aikido counters fairly well also ppl always say no1 ever grabs ur wrists in a fight well ppl dont notice it..half the time of a fight a n untrained attacker will try to grab ur arms to "disarm" you :P
@ketsan 15 лет назад
Yup it is nikkyo. It's the same where I train, ikkyo is seldom practiced, even when explicitly doing ikkyo.
@katana126 13 лет назад
Vorrei informare tutti, che il Maestro in questione, nel video, sicuramente ha molta esperienza in arti marziali, ma pochissima di AIKIDO. Quello che fa vedere è pieno di errori, oltre al fatto che mi chiedo a che cosa serve far vedere queste cose, nessuno imparerebbe qualcosa. L' AIKIDO, quando lo metti in pratica, hai gia' perso, quello che avviene dopo è solo, capacita', destrezza e molta molta fortuna. Meglio una persona viva, che un' eroe morto!
@katana126 13 лет назад
Vorrei informare tutti, che il Maestro in questione, nel video, sicuramente ha molta esperienza in arti marziali, ma pochissima di AIKIDO. Quello che fa vedere è pieno di errori, oltre al fatto che mio chiedo a che cosa serve far vedere queste cose, nessuno imparerebbe qualcosa. L' AIKIDO, quando lo metti in pratica, hai gia' perso, quello che avviene dopo è solo, capacita', destrezza e molta molta fortuna. Meglio una persona viva, che un' eroe morto!
@martialway100 14 лет назад
aikido in a multiple opponent or armed assailant confrontation. The ability to be mobile, hence evading an attack & using principles such as 'kuzushi' are IMO very effective at dealing with those types of assaults. The drawbacks to aikido are obvious. There is no 'ne waza' (apart from Koseikan) and therefore the aikidoka is very vulnerable to a skilled grappler. Also in my experience i do find that most aikidoka are not the most physically conditioned of fighters. Please don't misunderstand my
@jkmoore1120 15 лет назад
Even if the attacker doesn't step, and depending on how far the person was away from you to start the attack, they may or may not, the technique will still work. In a real situation, what you see in the video will take place in a time span of maybe 2 seconds and an attacker will likely not have time to react before he goes face first into the pavement.
@wildbill6976 14 лет назад
@cmMoon even if you miss the punch, you're in a perfect position for a elbow shot at his head while he's still traveling forward and off balance.
@sonsofdon 14 лет назад
that may be true (Gullick), and of course it all depends upon the individual and his/her dedication, acumen, instructors, etc.. aikido may take me years to learn for combat value, but its principles help me avoid combat at the verbal level every day. but go with whichever one feels the best for you. all of the arts are great.
@StormbringerStudios 13 лет назад
@vxa1314 After watching the video, I see what you mean. The attack, munetsuki, is a straight punch to the chest or abdomen. The strike, when done correctly can severely damage internal organs. In this case, the punch was exaggerated for demonstration purposes.
@keiteenguyen 13 лет назад
Akido works perfectly on defensive (maybe lethal if the defender wants to), but the offensive side is not so focused. So it'd be better to accompany Akido with something more aggressive, Karate or MMA or even boxing would help you. But if you're just a peace-lover, like me, Akido is your best friend.
@macf9321 8 лет назад
Several issues 1) As stated in other posts you expose yourself to the second hand or to grappling by entering the center. 2) Your partner can't throw a proper punch. He's off balance from the very beginning. He might fall down if you just move out of the way. 3) Catching a fast punch and twisting it? Looks fine at slow speed. I haven't seen this work successfully at speed with any consistency.
@pkPUX 15 лет назад
they have to become your reflex !
@martialway100 14 лет назад
others, depending on the situation, but i have always believed the tenets of a martial way of life are more than just fighting. Discipline, respect, perseverance, diligence, industriousness, tolerance, kindness of spirit, etc are the things that true budo tries to engender in it's students. It is not just about fighting. Speak to anyone who has been involved in real fighting/ war situations & life or death fighting is not a pleasant thing to do. There is no glamour in fighting, so concentrate
@Aria132 13 лет назад
@HgMichA I have practised for 5 years and still have the same feeling like yours. That is a long journey.
@Olbladele 15 лет назад
**READ BEFORE YOU COMMENT** This is a "dynamic Technique", his words not mind, notice that he "started" the technique after he had trapped the other guys hand. The type of punch doesn't matter, only that you can manuever it to a certain point, and go from there.
@IronEdDo 15 лет назад
Even so Boxing is still deadly in the right hands.
@martialway100 14 лет назад
does one know how effective it will be against a skilled fighter, who isn't an average brawler. It is an unlikely hypothetical scenario which most probably very few of us will ever encounter, but i have always believed that aikido is primarily a budo art & therefore should be rigorously tested to see its' efficacy in different combat scenarios.
@martialway100 14 лет назад
Sometimes it is necessary to have those offensive strikes in your repertoire. I'm not advocating violence here, but in a serious self defense situation against hardened criminals,etc, if for whatever reason your aikido techniques don't work, then it's good to have alternative strategies in that situation. Also, if an aikidoka has never been hit hard before in training, then how does he/she know how they are going to react under that type of duress, if it happens to them in a real life fight.
@berser50 14 лет назад
he is just underrestimating aikido
@bushwhacker2k 15 лет назад
I was a little weirded out by that too, I can't imagine anyone launching a downward punch to the abs to attack someone.
@ilikezappa 15 лет назад
@Derukugi2 14 лет назад
When I hear "trap the hand" my eyes glaze over
@aikidunk 15 лет назад
insults are easy thats why youve just made one, so what do you think of this technique 123 ?
@bushwhacker2k 15 лет назад
I agree, footwork is disregarded too much from my experience, even though it is totally vital to executing techniques correctly.
@openthekimonoco Год назад
Wow yes! 100%! - I can’t believe that someone has said this. Shame it is 13 years ago lol! I found that everything is torifune based giving a “ from the centre” driven Aikido. Everything else is shoulder wrestling. Nice one. Keep it up!
@unjedi007 10 лет назад
straight punch to the stomach?
@pimpdalyrical 15 лет назад
It's an introduction to being stabbed in the stomach. The point of Aikido is being unarmed against an armed attacker.
@MetalicAtheist 13 лет назад
@motley0crue12 Just thought you ought to know, even though you're not taking aikido anyway. The only reason they punched to the stomach is because in a demonstration, you don't want to risk being hit in the face. Trust me, it works at head level as well. Obviously it involves a bit better reflexes, but it's essentially the same. I've practiced many aikdio moves where I had to defend against a head-level punch. the best is when you just throw them down in a twisting motion. Simple and effective!!
@jkmoore1120 15 лет назад
Like I said, the whole thing would happen within a second or 2. The attacker would be on the ground before he could react with his other hand. But if you don't think it will work, look up the Sensei demostrating the moves, go to his dojo (its in Phoenix) and try to punch him. I have a feeling you'll end up face down on the floor with your limbs bent up like pretzels.
@cmMoon 14 лет назад
@wildbill6976 yea but wat im sayin is that if u know how to really punch u shouldnt be off balance and sure as hell not be close enough to catch an elbow
@martialway100 14 лет назад
I think that although the techniques of unarmed combat in aikido are from kenjutsu/katana/spear arts, etc, they are still viable, in the modern world. They have definitely worked when i have had to use them. Another criticism levelled at aikido is unrealistic weak attacks from uke on tori. I wouldn't necessarily concur with that thinking, but i do think there should be more sparring between aikidoka's & boxers, karateka's, kung fu practitioners, bjj, etc. Unless the art is truly tested, then how
@OathOfCalm 15 лет назад
If you can train yourself to punch that fast, than surely you can train yourself to block that fast too.
@juanaguitar 13 лет назад
@Ffojt what if u kicked him instead and said u punched him with ur foot lol
@audiobuttmaster 15 лет назад
I get attacked like that almost every day and always use the technique I learned from this video. It has never failed me yet. Thanks Expertvillage!!!
@joelquebec 2 года назад
Define "attack." Is this in practice where the attacker has no real intention of harming you?
@martialway100 14 лет назад
The filipino martal arts like kali/arnis or the Bruneian systems of silat are also formidable fighting arts, but i think that they are almost too aggressive in their response to an attacker, especially considering that legal concerns have to be addressed. Life is not like the movies and sometimes certain martial arts responses are too aggressive / possibly lethal in countering assaults. Yes it is important to be safe, but you don't want to be prosecuted for 'gbh', 'abh' or manslaughter either!
@namayake 13 лет назад
If the person attacking was Karateka doing lunge punch or a brawler doing a similar motion, this could work. If it were a boxer however, this would never happen. Boxers never step into punches unless they're going for a knockout, and they would only do such a wild attack when it's assured they'd hit ie their opponent is already stunned. Doing so otherwise exposes the boxer, leaving them prone to counter attack and breaking all the principals of boxing.
@douyang545 15 лет назад
WHY IS DANIEL TRYING TO PUNCH YOUR WAIST? shouldnt he punch a little higher???
@martialway100 14 лет назад
In the final analysis, a martial art should try to address all possible contingencies. For example, grappling, offensive stand-up fighting, defensive stand-up, weapon defenses from baseball bats, knives, chains, swords, firearms, machete's, hammers, metal bars,etc, multiple unarmed and armed assailants too. The training system should incorporate other variables into the mix too. The terrain on which you are fighting on, fighting whilst maybe physically impaired, fighting tactics/logistics,
@giovannyec 15 лет назад
fast technique
@djmland 15 лет назад
sure did make alot of movies tho didnt he?
@salsalover69laters 13 лет назад
@Ffojt Yeras ago I taught my 9 year old cousin a move in about 5 minutes that would be useful for a girl growing up - where a guy might grab her arm to control her...my uncle/auntie said its useless - shes too small to defend against someone your size. I told her not to think and just react next time...she threw me back so hard that if the couch wasn't there my head would have gone through the window...they didn't say much negative after that...lol
@supah1337B 14 лет назад
@IronHorse210 13 лет назад
Yes, it's the real deal... I've been a cop for 17 years, taught Aikido for 14. There's no BS involved. It's all business.
@bushwhacker2k 15 лет назад
Someone tries to punch you in the stomach everyday? DANG! Where do you live!?!?!
@aikidunk 15 лет назад
18 years old victortaiwo i should have checked yor profile before responding, what do you know about aikido or any budo etc.
@bigbadboriqua 15 лет назад
love to see smeone try to throw a punch at a akidoka, Watch what happens to them. Btw the instructor is a 5th dan black belt and is a hall of fame inductee. He really knows his shit.
@ilikezappa 15 лет назад
He might eat a punch from the other hand?
@Ffojt 14 лет назад
@azreal289 I disagree... Aikido is all about using the attackers energy.. We're not talking "the force", we are talking about the energy an object uses to move. When you do this you get extreme speed and the person would have NO change to react, no matter how quick he was. This is extreme basics in the vid, but no, you wont have any time to attack when being thrown, slammed, locked or whatever the erson does..
@aikidunk 15 лет назад
sorry 123, glad am not the only one who can see how dangerous this example of (poor) aikido is. he makes the same mistake on a yokomen uchi type punch, he should checkout morihiro saito (9th dan) yokomen variations for a good example.
@Kenshincz 10 лет назад
This style of entry is wrong for 2 reasons. 1) You focus too much on the attacking hand instead of the attacker himself. 2) You even enter in such way that you no longer face the attacker but you turn your side to him! As the result, he would be able to strike you with the second hand imidiatelly.
@gregoryw.1160 9 лет назад
So glad to see you agree! I literally scrolled down thinking the exact same things that you wrote. Pictures of O-Sensei, Saito-Shihan, Shioda-Kancho (and scores of other masters) fly in the face of this sad little video. The whole point to Ikkyo is to get control with a sword cutting move that ends the attack abruptly with kuzushi. That means one move with the same side (i.e. right arm-right leg). Then you can finish with a second step or even tenkan to the outside with the second leg while grabbing the wrist and throw him into the guy behind you! He's counting on uke's wrist pain to stop his forward momentum--not likely in real life.
@mickymorton7148 6 лет назад
with this technique has you irimi the attack or enter as it's called. your other hand is free to strike delivering that atemi waza to his head / throat then kuzushi / technique break his balance.. ?
@H4I2I2EE 15 лет назад
BTW a linear motion probably isn't as powerful as circular...think about...tornadoes, hurricanes...
@TchaLawa 15 лет назад
faut être extrèmement rapide pour prendre un atemi en plein vol!
@martialway100 14 лет назад
IMHO on more constructive things in life.
@StormbringerStudios 13 лет назад
Technically this is Nikyo... the difference being in the hand grip and pin.
@MorochaFunakoshi 16 лет назад
Besides, if u don't let them "drive" u with the technique they could easily break ur whole arm, I mean not just the wrist but the elbow and probably have a serious shoulder injury. But again if u don't believe me, go to a dojo a challenge the senpai or the sensei and u'll see what it feels like..
@MorochaFunakoshi 16 лет назад
U r the one who's wrong, the only reason why the "attacker" had his hand openned is because when the technique's done correctly it forces u to open ur hand cuz of the pain. Even if it weren't a straight hit to the stomach but a "circular" hit (wich is the most common way to hit when u don't know how to do it correctly) the techniques forces u to open u hand. U should try going into a dojo and chalenge someone. But of course it's efectivity depends on how trained u r so don't pick a begginer ;)
@Benkeiminamoto 10 лет назад
mune is chest not stomach mune tsuki punch to the chest /solar plexus
@martialway100 14 лет назад
systems too. IMHO no martial art system has all the answers. A combination of martial arts in conjunction with more modern tactical training/special forces combatives is the key to a more comprehensive fighting system. A mixture of the classical arts in combination with more realistic training methodologies. Sometimes studying a traditional art's techniques which were specifically designed for certain weapons, such as the katana, etc of the samurai, maybe obsolete in a modern world.
@Seanuk 15 лет назад
its hard to say in a demonstration enviroment
@pkPUX 15 лет назад
if you react really quick you are safe from left hand :D
@daichikyo 15 лет назад
Only like seven. :) But Bruce Lee did actually have real skill do to all of his training in multiple diciplines.
@JLiddle91 13 лет назад
@1089nat well if he was carrying a knife, and i snapped his arm.. he would be going to prison. im not starting this anyway, im doing Pentjak Silat now instead.
@123ralle 15 лет назад
i like aikido (attitude, movement, etc.) but for a real defense on the streets it takes too long to be more or less effective, for example: Krav Maga gives you more fast-to-learn-techniques, that can be useful after 10 minutes repetition.
@TheRogueMonk 14 лет назад
@kwekhc007 you right if it was a knife it would work.. that is why this guy automaticly thinks it works with a punch.
@NoActuallyGo-KCUF-Yourself 15 лет назад
yes, it is demonstration for the purpose of technique, but there should be some implicit demonstration of proper martial principles...
@20alphabet 14 лет назад
Ya, I bite the opponents ankles so none of these counters are usable.
@InkGraff 14 лет назад
ahahahaha good 1 xD
@AlejandroVillanueva 15 лет назад
Do it this way and uke's other hand will gyakutsuki you...
@abkmf 15 лет назад
LOL I have no hard feelings, bro. Have a good one.
@abkmf 15 лет назад
You're right but still you need to do so. You might face up a MMA fighter. No hard feelings, bro. ^_^ MMA = Mixed Martial Arts
@martialway100 14 лет назад
just going to get you seriously injured, regardless of the prowess of bjj in a 1-on-1 fight. Use one's mind to avoid conflict. Anticipate & be very aware of your environment. That way you may be able to avoid confrontations before the need to resolve them with physical force arises. Fighting is a last resort & it amazes me how certain martial artists threaten other practitioners of different arts about the validity of their art. Yes, maybe some styles might be perceived as more effective than
@abkmf 15 лет назад
Ops. I should've thumb-downed your comment. You need to consider every possibility in a fight, so you can have the upper hand.
@ichiberto 15 лет назад
no, but in a street fight no one follow rules, they can punch whatever they want, and you need to be ready for anything, not just for what you learned
@Daski69 15 лет назад
The special forces guy would kill an UFC fighter assuming both had weapons, unarmed, regardless of environment the UFC fighter would win, close combat taught in the military is often meant to be employed in disarming or neutralising an opponent, surely the special forces guy will have an advantage over the average male but that advantage is not vast.
@martialway100 14 лет назад
MMA is not a 'new' concept. Martial artists have been cross training, long before Bruce Lee formed Jeet kune do. Having studied goju ryu karate, wing chun kung fu, bjj, budo taijutsu, western boxing, fudoshin aikido, muay boran/muay thai & am currently learning daito ryu aikijujutsu, i ferv ently believe that aikido is a great form of self defense, especially in the higher dan grades. BJJ is great in a one on one unarmed situation against any other single art, but is much less effective than
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