
Introduce Cats & Kittens WITHOUT Separation/Isolation (Fastest Method!) 

monsieur tn
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This is a step-by-step guide to go about the cat-to-cat introduction process in a one-room apartment, studio apartment, or even introducing new cats in one room of your house.
I have introduced all my cats in my studio apartment this way and I have discovered this is the best way to go about it if there are no extra rooms in your home.
0:00 Introduction and Brief Explanations
1:36 Step 0: Checklist Before Beginning
1:58 Step 1: Temporary Litter Box Placement (Homebase location)
2:33 Step 2: Release Cat or Kitten (Open the carrier)
3:31 Step 3: Observe and Take Notes Cat Interactions
4:35 Step 4: Play & Distraction Strategy
6:44 Step 5: Schedule Mealtimes/Snacks Strategy
8:01 Step 6: Combine Mealtimes and Play Strategies Until All Cats Get Along
8:24 How Long It Might Take
9:18 Conclusion
Some product links are affiliate links which means that I receive a small commission whenever you purchase the item. This goes towards supporting my website and channel. Thanks so much!
For the full in-depth article visit: monsieurtn.com/introducing-a-...
For the illustrated quick guide with other helpful tips: monsieurtn.com/illustrated-gu...
How many litter boxes to use?: monsieurtn.com/how-many-litte...
For more information about where to buy the cat products that I use and recommend in my small apartment visit my website: monsieurtn.com/product-review...
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Gear Checklist: kit.co/monsieurtn/cat-video-kit




9 июл 2024




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@sabrinacoelho6079 2 года назад
Finally a video that acknowledges small houses. I want to bring a new cat home and I have a small apartment so I’m definitely going yo try this
@opalfroggy-2156 2 года назад
how did it go??
@sabrinacoelho6079 2 года назад
@@opalfroggy-2156 so far so good ! The resident cat hissed a bit on the first days mas overall great. The only downside is that the new cat was a stray and doesn’t let us come close. I have the litters in different places cuz for like 2 times the new one peed on my moms bed but yeah I was really scared of how it could turn out but now they play and everything
@opalfroggy-2156 2 года назад
@@sabrinacoelho6079 that's awesome!! im thinking of getting my resident kitty (8 month old tuxie male) a playmate bc he has sooo much energy but i've been scared to make the jump. hopefully we find the perfect cat and they become besties :)
@sabrinacoelho6079 2 года назад
@@opalfroggy-2156 good luck !!
@opalfroggy-2156 2 года назад
@@sabrinacoelho6079 thank you!! we ended up bringing home a 6 month old kitten a week ago and things are going okay :) he loves to play with her under the door and always tries to get in her room but face to face gets a little hissy on his end bc she loves to get too close too fast. hoping she’ll grow out of it haha and again, they’ll probably just need more time
@wingabouts Год назад
I bring home a new pet in a crate with the blanket used by my current pets. By the time we get home, the blanket smells are comforting to the newcomer and the resident animals smell themselves on the newbie. 😁 Always works! 💞
@saralouise7199 Год назад
Omg what a good idea!:)
@asterism.x Год назад
Ooh thank you I’ll try this!
@rosegold9410 Год назад
This is an amazing idea! We’re going to be getting another cat soon and I will be trying this
@fredericapanon207 Год назад
A similar technique that I have heard is to use the same brush to brush the cats, thus creating a shared, family smell.
@tr0picknowledge Год назад
Thank you for this!! I’m gonna try soon!
@TheDawnofVanlife 2 года назад
4 days! I used your method and within 2 days my two year old tabby was eating side by side with my little blue 10 week old kitten. Now they play, groom, and even occasionally sleep together. Less then a week. There was some hissing and swats by resisdent cat, but I think it helped the kitten wanted to say hello and the older resident just had to yield to his presence and see that it was kinda fun to run around with a playmate. There was no other room to put baby kitten in, so if this hadn’t worked baby kitten would have needed a new/different home. And I was prepared to go that route. But now we are a happy 2 cat family. 2 is absolutely better than one. They really can now entertain each other. They still have human cuddle and play time, but if human is exhausted, they have each other.
@monsieurtn 2 года назад
I'm so happy to hear that! You gained a new skill and your cat gained a new companion :)!
@laineym515 8 месяцев назад
I just did this myself before I watched your video. I knew about the smell thing beforehand, and the resident cat loves her carrier and happily jumped in and played before leaving to get a new kitten. I think that greatly helped the newcomer, but the resident cat is tricky because she doesn't even like people company. After an hour or two of cat carrier interaction, only we let him out but did not remove the carrier. We had the same deal newcomer wanted attention from the resident. It made our resident cat have to deal where I think separating them would have taken forever. I have been living in a bedroom at my daughter's and she has a cat that after 6 months we only achieved playing under the door and some smells at the door but no further. 7 days in, we have had sharing bowls, litter boxes, and playing. There is no real cuddling yet, but the resident cat isn't a cuddler anyhow. No major incidents other than resident cat strained vocal chords hissing and growling the 1st day. Didn't even know that was possible until I looked it up. The clapping method works great when it gets slightly rough after a couple of accidental sneak attacks 😂. Your video is spot on. I also changed the room around after a week to accommodate the extra litter box and food bowls. I think this helped as well to break up established areas and allows them to start fresh together while still leaving the carrier out for newcomer and the favorite hammock for our resident. We even had a challenge for the hammock , and our newcomer stood his ground, but the resident cat went in the hammock. Win win in the smell transfer.
@KM-pm6qe 10 месяцев назад
I have found that introducing a new cat is always much easier to a household that already has two or more cats. The established cats tend to be less territorial and are already used to not being the only cat; and the new cat realizes they are outnumbered and less likely to be aggressive toward the established cats. Introducing cat #2 to the single established cat is always the riskiest, so I prefer to always have at least three.
@georgia3045 6 месяцев назад
This makes me feel less crazy about buying a third cat 😂
@melissa5907 4 месяца назад
@@georgia3045I have a dog and two cats and about to add TWO MORE CATS this coming weekend😵‍💫 My daughter has to rehome her two 8 month old male kittens, and I can’t let them go to a shelter- they’re sweethearts. Introducing 4 cats together plus a hyper year old big dog… what am I getting myself into 😂 My one resident cat is a 2 year old female that’s still playful, so she’s gonna love it… but the other resident cat is a 8-9 year old grumpy male that’s kinda territorial… he’s the one I’m worried about.
@CookieiscoolOG 24 дня назад
I have a territorial cat and so far just hissing... I hope she'll love her soon
@CassilovesMocha 20 дней назад
This is exactly what I'm doing this evening 🙄
@shadyatem 9 месяцев назад
Finally, a video dealing with small spaces. I have a one bedroom apt
@ForbiddenKitten 6 месяцев назад
in my opinion this is the best method to use even if you don’t have a small living space! i have found that the isolation method will actually cause the resident cat more restless and even agitated depending on their personality. because they feel as if the new comer just waltzed into his home and took a part of it as his own territory and without being up front about it or showing his face! the nerve, haha. but seriously. it can also cause anxiety and stress for the new comer for many reasons like: 1) feeling cornered in/trapped in a space (sometimes literally) where they can sense the resident cat lurking/smelling/pacing, making them feel unsafe. 2)being overwhelmed by all the new space to discover after getting used to their isolation space, on top of getting used to the resident. 3)false fear instilled into them of what the resident cat is like. if all they’re seeing is a paw from underneath a door and hearing them meow or hiss without seeing them , and seeing the shadows/foot steps of the resident cat pacing on the other side of the door, they start to form a scary idea of what they are like in their minds, basically already having a false prejudice of them. kind of like a little kid that’s afraid of the noise coming from the water heater in the basement. they hear the noise but have never seen it so in their minds they think it’s this big scary monster, causing them to be anxious and uneasy while sleeping. also the isolation method will usually take attention away from the resident cat, since most of the time the new comer is a kitten and if they’re secluded in a different room/bathroom/etc you have to be consistently checking on them and this can cause the resident cat to not only feel negelected but already dislike the new comer for taking away from their attention they like to pretend they don’t want 😂 it also makes the process of introducing a newcomer into the home much more lengthy in general. the method in your video not only gives them they’re own space with the separate liter boxes and distanced bowls but also unites these separate spaces which is a major key! this way they know they can have their own space but there is also room for everyone! thank you so much for sharing this video for i think it’s not only helpful for people with small homes but also helpful in making the experience easier on the cats when it comes to feelings of fear/anxiety/neglection/etc! my only thing and it’s probably just an ocd thing, but i cannot feed my cats from one bowl. they all have their own food and water bowls, even if they drink from one water bowl more than the others, or even if they are okay with switching bowls while eating (sometimes they end up with different wet food flavors haha) they have to have their own bowls, this way i can keep track of how much they’re eating. which also helps with figuring out if one of them isn’t feeling too well, because it makes it easier to keep track of their appetite! keep up the great content, sending love to your kitties! ♡
@ForbiddenKitten 6 месяцев назад
btw, my opinion is based on experience. i have introduced cats both ways and the isolation method took over a month for the cats to even be in the same room. then in feb of 2022, i was living with my mom and had my sphynx cat. one day in a terrible rain/thunder storm we noticed a kitten crying under the car parked in front of us. he was about just 6 weeks old. we just HAD to take him in. he was soaking wet and starving, and my mom fell in love with him right away. so we used this method instead to introduce them and although my sphynx Charlie was eye rolling and hissing and giving me major attitude the first two days, especially when i was looking after the new guy Fendi for my mom while she was at work. by the 5th day they were doing everything together from playing, to watching the birds, to cuddling. Charlie was even grooming him and holding him like he was his own baby! after just a few funny faces when discovering grooming him was different than grooming himself since he had hair hahaha. they still love to cuddle when they see eachother to this day, except now fendi is the one usually holding onto him since he’s a huge fatty and charlie was a premie! lol
@cinzeal Год назад
I just want to say a massive thank you for this video. I live in a small, one-bedroom apartment and this worked for me after only four days. Four! I was expecting the introduction process to last weeks or even months! My girl and her new brother are currently snuggled up sleeping together next to me as I write this. It really works! You're amazing! ❤
@amywalker7515 2 года назад
This guy is really into cats. Just look at that apartment. When we got our former cats, about 20 years ago, we just brought the new kitten in and plopped him on the floor. The original cat hissed and went to hide. The new cat hid too. After several days, they approached each other with no fighting. I don't know if all cats are like this, but perhaps we are overthinking the introduction thing. We have a new kitten now who is about 12 weeks old. We may be getting an older kitten of about 7 months old soon. Not sure what to expect. Both cats are from shelters. We could have "Oh boy, a friend" or outright war.
@delbelle 10 месяцев назад
This is so helpful. I too have a 1 bedroom apartment and I’ve cried too many times because my resident cat is super hissy. They’re both around 3 and some of these comments make me realize it’ll all be worth it. I wanted her to have a cat because I’m gone for work for 8-9 hours a day. I’m glad hissing is acceptable and I’ll update y’all when they start getting along
@missyiss 7 месяцев назад
any updates ?
@safiyataylor 4 месяца назад
update?? my resident cat (8 months old) is hissy at the new cat (8 weeks old)
@jenNjuice Год назад
I had already started introducing this way before I watched the video. We’re on day 3 and my kitten is acting like she owns the place, barely noticing my older cat. Older cat is curious and always watching the new cat, but hissing. New kitten is able to walk inches by her without too much fuss, a bit of hissing, a little growling, but no swatting or bigger fighting. Tonight she jumped on the bed for the first time. Trying to teach kitten the bed is where we relax and cuddle, so hopefully it will become a middle ground for all of us.
@1234loci Год назад
Hey! Any news now? Same situation, new kitten arrived to our flat, older cat hisses and growling if the small one comes near him. Now 2 days passed nothing has changed Im guessing how long will this last. When will the oldie find peace with the newcomer.
@ohrnorcleor8967 2 года назад
The introduction is WORKING our two cats are getting more comfortable! And are playing while they see each other each of them get their own play time so no jealousy occurs during bonding time
@knee_gah335 Год назад
I feel bad for ur cats. It’s like you dictate who they get to be friends with. You are forcing the bonds of two random cats just so you can create this fantasy family and fanfic cat bond.
@ghostsnipertrue Год назад
​@@knee_gah335 ok psycho
@knee_gah335 Год назад
@@ghostsnipertrue how is it logical to separate siblings? So you can fantasize a non existent bond between 2 random cats? You guys are like those weirdos who match and arrange couples against their will for wedding. It’s also like separating siblings in foster care to be put up with random ppl.
@shananana778 2 года назад
I took a lot of good information from this video, but ultimately my cats were not compatible with a zero-isolation phase. That being said, there is still hope! We borrowed a large dog crate from a friend for our kitten and isolated him in the loft. From there we proceeded with steps outlined by Jackson Galaxy. The process is still underway, but the kitties played nicely for a whole two hours yesterday with only one time out!
@monsieurtn 2 года назад
Thanks for your comment! The traditional isolation introduction definitely still works and recommended if you can do it! I just wanted to show that introductions can be done without isolation/separation for the people that have no other room to put the cats in.
@wilsonchurchill6787 Год назад
Hello pretty Lady how are you doing
@Humyplayz 9 месяцев назад
I honestly felt like giving up until I saw this video. In just about 3 days my kittens are playing together. This video was a great help, I watched many videos and none worked. Thank you so much
@RiverCrystal Год назад
This is so useful. I tried the slow method before and it actually backfired horribly. We're getting a new kitten this week so I will definitely be using this advice!
@godwrote01 Год назад
how is it going at the moment? need Update
@RiverCrystal Год назад
@@godwrote01 Going really well! They're definitely not buddies, but my older cat lets the kitten get close to him as long as he's respectful. They even play chase sometimes. For full transparency, we did start *a little slowly* by keeping him in the bathroom for a few days, but part of that was because we discovered he was malnourished and didn't have much strength, and we wanted to let him recover. We also used a Feliway diffuser (multicat) nearby, and I think that really helped take the edge off of the older cat's stress. A few days later, we ended up using a piece of clear acrylic as a janky "baby gate", so older cat could observe him fully and study him. Th kitten was too little to jump over it, and Old cat disliked the kitten's smell so much at that time, we felt like we could trust him to not intrude into the bathroom, which he didn't. Then on day four, we let them interact face-to face. Kitten rushed right at Old cat, which made him hiss at him. But Kitten quickly learned he should give Old cat space, and since then, there's been very little conflict!
@kassshoemaker8774 7 месяцев назад
bit of a late question, but how did the slow method backfire for you if you don’t mind my asking ?
@agermangineer 3 года назад
This man knows what he’s talking about!! Thank you so much! RU-vid at it’s Prime!!! A Life safer!!
@nelacovarrubias3589 4 месяца назад
I came back to this video just to say that it worked, thank you so much! 2 days of semi isolation and 2 days of this method. Started with hisses, growls, and paw throwing. Now they call for each other. :))
@laurapalka3685 3 года назад
This is insanely good!! I’m a definite cat person but always found introductions challenging. Thank you for posting these excellent points.
@wilsonchurchill6787 Год назад
Hello pretty laura how are you doing
@ashleyplashleyy1133 3 года назад
Your suction cop idea for the walls is incredible. Thanks for the new idea
@nazeckbooley990 3 года назад
Brilliant. I'm stressing because I've been taking care of a stray female cat and she's been living on my porch in her own little cat house for 2 weeks. My own male cat has encountered her many times outside and is aware that she lives there. I desperately want to bring her in the house but so nervous about it
@biancaispunk6407 3 года назад
I'm going thru the exactly same situation! I'm so stressed How are things going?
@nichellemonteiro4655 3 года назад
I'm going through something very similar. The stray is a male cat who seems to be less than 2 years old. And my female cat (spayed) just turned 1. They've met each other and the male actually attached her when she was a just 3 months old. My cat still hisses at him. I really want to adopt him since he's got no one and is in dire need of medical help. So please let us know here how it went with your cats.
@yuritzylopez7171 3 года назад
@@nichellemonteiro4655 how’s it going? Did it work
@MrCJSherrill 2 года назад
I literally did that exact thing today. I’m here for that reason.
@monsieurtn 2 года назад
I just realized a lot of people are having this same situation/experience! Interesting! If it were me, during mealtimes I would place the bowl one bowl on the porch for the outside cat and another bowl behind the door/gate for your indoor cat. Make sure they can see each other while they eat. It's basically the same concept: if you can control their mealtimes you can control how they view each other and with time and consistency - the cats will at least tolerate each other!
@timeforringydingy 2 года назад
This is a great video! I use nearly the same method myself, as a lifelong cat owner who is always making space for rescues and trying to pair kitties up as lifetime buddies.
@funnybookworm09 Год назад
You are so cool! Your apartment is impressive. Love everything you’ve done for your lucky kitties!
@smk9320 3 года назад
Thank you for the tips. I've implemented these and I think my new cat is slowly integrating with the older ones. They are hissing at him less everyday and there's less aggression, less swatting everyday.
@monsieurtn 3 года назад
I'm glad it's been helping! I hope that they're fully adapted/integrated now.
@muriardilla 2 года назад
Hi, what's up with this situation, are they friends now?
@rachelp3949 2 года назад
Hi do you have an update?
@smk9320 2 года назад
@@muriardilla Oh, they got to be great friends after a few days of hostility. The female cat was more hostile towards the new cat than the male one, but she became the first one to befriend him. The sight of her grooming him for the first time melted my heart! The male one befriended him as well. They get along great!
@smk9320 2 года назад
@@rachelp3949 Yes, happy mom to 3 cats. They are getting along like a happy family. Leo and Twiggy do have some fights nowadays that look a little different to me than Twiggy and Gumball's play fights but no concerns otherwise. They get along so well. I was so worried when I first introduced him to Gumball and Twiggy. We were shocked by Twiggy's reaction. Twiggy, our sweet, petite, innocent babe with big doe eyes became a completely different character. Her whole body stiffened, she was hissing at him, she just started to look like a different cat altogether. But within a few days of trying really hard, I found her grooming him. She was the first one to accept him. She became her sweet lovely self again. And, Gumball is such loving big brother to him too! They are doing great!
@maddykitty805 Год назад
thank you so much for this video! I live in a small apartment with a cat and recently brought in a kitten, and this helped tremendously!
@borcsaster 7 месяцев назад
I love how this video is well thought through and built up with all the accompanying materials! I like the coloured graphic about the cat zones it really helps to understand that we should do things gradually, step by step according to our cats' personalities. Thank you!🙏
@spidermonkey304 Год назад
This was great! Our kittens have started playing together now that we have fed them together as you described. What a relief 😢 thanks!
@purplepie234 6 месяцев назад
Love this!!! This was the exact situation I was in and your video gave me so much peace of mind and was super helpful!!!
@totallydomestic433 Год назад
That was very helpful! We are on day 9. Things are going quite well, but we aren’t quite there yet. The 3 played really good today, each taking turns at attacking the flying toy. Eating and litter box is going well. My resident cats still have that barrier but are getting more relaxed.
@onestargreyconverse 3 года назад
LOVE your videos!!! I knew I was going to adopt two semi-feral kitties into a studio apartment (both 6 m.o. girls) and your videos gave me so much hope and excitement! I was really inspired by how you cat-ifed your space and used the vertical space so well. I also really appreciate how you talk about intentional routines and making sure your cats have stimulation all the time. Honestly, huge thanks for your videos and I can't wait to watch more!
@wilsonchurchill6787 Год назад
Hello pretty Lady how are you doing
@arvinfinger Месяц назад
Thank you so much for your knowledge! I have been struggling lately with other methods and happy to have found your video ! Happy to see that I'm at step 4!
@qasimansari7540 Год назад
Really appreciated this video. Small flat with a 5 year old child. It was impossible for our resident cat to be kept away for long. Thank you so much.
@larocalarocaband2123 2 года назад
Jackson, thank you so very much! I followed instructions (and even built my own cat screen) and it only took a week of feeding before they became the best of friends. If anyone lives in LA and wants a free cat screen hit me up. Thanks again, Dominic
@caitlonscharf 3 года назад
This is so helpful! Thank you.
@rosauralopez7283 Год назад
THANK YOU! I want to bring in a third cat but have been putting it off because of lack of space for introduction. This tutorial gives me hope.
@kulsumreimoo8988 8 месяцев назад
This video was a lifesaver! I brought home a new 2months old kitten and my 2year old boy was having a hard time. It took 2 days ONLY! For them to become friends. We did everything you shared. Such a helpfup video. Thankyou so much❤
@Galatasaray71 8 месяцев назад
I got a new kitten today. My toys do not distract both cats, how did you guys manage to do it? And what did you guys do at night ?
@meggyfarnsworth626 2 года назад
Thank you….have new kitten (Siamese) introduced to my male orange tabby and they get along so well even at first sight….love your wonderful set up for your gorgeous cats…❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@jawnmark 2 года назад
Awesome strategy. Thanks for the tips. Following your suggestions in introducing a sister to my spoiled cat. Still working on the video of them slowly getting acquainted with each other.
@alightinthehorror1445 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for this. I live in an apartment so so I really needed this.
@thelostbassist450 2 года назад
Those wall beds looks really nice and cozy 😻
@cambasa3137 3 года назад
Thank you 🙏🏼 for this. I did a semi traditional intro b/w 6 yo & 2 mo cat. Small was in a bathroom w pocket door. When I’d open door big would peep. Both curious. Small would always cry & big camp outside the door. In less than a week they were interacting & getting along well. Now they only come to me for food ☹️ haha 😜 so glad they are both good tho
@monsieurtn 3 года назад
I'm glad your introduction went well! Sometimes owners have to improvise hahaha
@uvdur 6 месяцев назад
you know what, the slow introduction method intimidated me like hell before even having the second cat arrived. Having read all these positive comments below, I think I'm just gonna get a laser and bring them together after a few days, we'll see what happens.
@Patrick.E. 11 месяцев назад
Masterfully done!
@hellodereproductions1797 2 года назад
This was very helpful for me, as it may not seem like it for a channel like mine I am incredibly grateful you ended up making this vid! Great Job!
@allegrosotto2126 11 месяцев назад
Many thanks to Bob for his excellent help!😄
@Joeybatz33 3 месяца назад
3 to 5 days??? 😭 We are on 2 weeks & Counting
@FDelV28 2 года назад
We have two siamese blue point kittens that just turned 6 months. We picked up a 4month old exotic shorthair 3 days ago.He's been in my son's room isolated. I started your technique today with pretty good success. Little bit of hissing but they were all distracted by the laser pointer. I was also giving them treats at the same time. Very minimal hissing but better than day 1 for sure. Hope to have them playing with each other soon.
@monsieurtn 2 года назад
I'm glad it's been working! How are your cats now?
@knee_gah335 Год назад
If I were you, I would’ve have them separated. You can’t force two cats to bond with each other you don’t get to pick who ur cat gets to be friends with. Next time, adopt 2 bonded cats in pair.
@MsRoxas101x 7 месяцев назад
because of my living arrangement, I haven't done the slow intro yet. thankfully, all of my cats have been so good to each other and social enough to greet each other. new ones were typically young but it always went smoothly. not saying it's what I'll always do, age def matters here but this is good to have for other people!
@CassandraCee_ Год назад
Thank you! thank you! thank you! I started by doing the isolation method but my older cat was not happy. He kept hissing and getting aggressive. I did one play and feeding session last night after watching this video and now this morning they’re eating near each other and playing together. My older cat is biting the kitten’s neck but no more hissing or growling.
@rjwn50416 Год назад
Amazing helpful video. You are a lifesaver. Thank you!!!!
@elizabethpeterson1644 8 месяцев назад
When I was 11 that my parents adopted our 2nd cat. We had another cat,too. Both cats got along really quickly. We never had them in separate space. The 2nd cat was more than my cat. I became best friends with him. He was sweet and friendly towards other members in the family.
@vanessagee3942 3 года назад
Great video! Incredibly helpful. Thank you!
@monsieurtn 3 года назад
Thanks! I'm glad it was helpful!
@spearageddon3279 11 месяцев назад
Great tips and beautiful kitties. 💖
@kristinjoni Год назад
Thank you for this. I’m in an apartment and I was trying to separate cats. There’s a long hallway and 2 rooms and they were hissing and growling a bit. No fights but I thought I was doing something wrong. I picked up some good ideas from you and some reinforcement that what I’ve been doing is ok. I just got a second rescue cat and the instructions have been tedious. But this video helped a lot. Thank you for putting this out here. We don’t all have space for traditional 2 week separation introductions
@my5ticdrag0n Год назад
any update?
@spookyspoon6589 Год назад
I loved this video! Thankyou ❤
@eunicetamayo7739 2 года назад
your videos are so helpful!!
@JestemGlonojadem 2 года назад
You're saving my life, holy smokes. I have 2 huge adult Siberians and a 6 month old kitten that somebody abandoned in the snow. Currently on our first day together, with no means to separate the newcomer. I was wondering which behaviours were acceptable - this video answered my questions and then some! Thank you!
@Hunter_IRL 2 года назад
Thank you. Well explained, I think this will help.
@acvo7 Год назад
We brought a new kitty home about a month and a half ago and he was suuuuuper shy. We are lucky to have a spare room just for him and he would hide his face against the wall and didn't even want to see us. It took him awhile just to adapt to us and finally we can pet him and pick him up. He's a super sweet baby and loves neck scratches but it took him some time to get out of his shell. Ive watched lots of cat videos and he just let him take his time while rewarding him with treats and let him let us know when he was ready to explore the rest of the house. Now he meows and cries and scratches at the door to come out and he has time at least a couple times a day for him to freely roam around, run, play and receive lots of cuddles. Now as for my resident cat- she's a super playful and energetic and feisty girl (she is about 2 and the new boy is about 1). We've done a lot of scent swapping but Ive noticed shes been more aggressive since he's been neutered (she's already spayed). She used to go into his room and sniff around but now when she smells/hears him she growls and hisses and attacks the door of the room he's in. They still have not been introduced because I don't feel she's adapted quite yet. I feed them at the same time from outside the door but she continues to attack the door. I sit with her and when shes calm I reward her with treats to teach her positive association. We would love for them to meet and start co living but it seems my girl needs more time. I've had cats my whole life but this is my first time having two at a time. Does anyone have any suggestions/tips? Thanks so much! 😻💗
@saladinallah5299 Год назад
Simply excellent. Bringing in new kitten soon.Thank you, sir.
@ellamayo1452 Год назад
This was really helpful 😻😸
@oliviaw5132 Год назад
We just received a new 12 week old kitten. My 2 year old cat wasn't very happy at first and stayed in the living room. She wouldn't even sleep with me that night 😭 It took about 2 days before she roamed the house again willingly and the two girls were chasing eachother around and playing together. I was so worried at first, thinking it might not work out, but all it took was a little time and effort. They are adjusting wonderfully and last night, both were in the bed!!
@munirasultana2313 Год назад
Loved Your Video 💟
@katthefantastic 11 месяцев назад
You are amazing, thank you!🫶🌈
@katiehiggins7086 2 года назад
Thank you for this! I live in a one bedroom apartment with a 3yr old cat and I was thinking of getting a kitten, but there’s no way to separate them so they could acclimate to each other. This was super helpful. 😊
@wilsonchurchill6787 Год назад
Hello pretty Lady how are you doing
@sid_28 Год назад
Did it go right?? Bcs I have 3male 1 and 1/2year cat and bought a female kitten today
@safiyyahvadala Год назад
​@@sid_28how did that go? my new female kitten seems to completely hate my resident kitten
@alyssacofano1677 Год назад
This is pretty helpful since we adopted a stray cat and I swear he is the most adorable cat ever but my mom did leave my door open a little and he wandered through my brother’s room and through the hallways I think we’re getting there pretty soon cause I have now two cats and a dog
@I_Bully_The_Bullies Год назад
Brought NEW cat home 10-weeks old. To my 1st cat 5-6 months old. Both are male cats, both are neutered. I have there litter boxes side by side. They still use them with no issues. It’s like little brother big brother now. My sign is the TIGER 🐅 & the wife is sign of the dog 🐩. We all get along just fine. 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
@blu4085 8 дней назад
Oh great, finally found a video for a different type of space to introduce cats as i have no doors in my house except for the obvious, bathroom and front door. Brought home two rescue kitties today and my "ol lady" missy wasn't appreciative at all. Looking forward to getting good tips from this video. Thank you so much for the upload.
Good advice but one thing that has worked for my cats is petting newcomer to get their scent on my hand then going immediately to resident cat allowing them to sniff and get familiar with newcomer scent. I then pet resident cat with opposite hand and then allow newcomer to smell resident cat scent. I do this over a few days until I feel confident that they can actually see each other. I hold the newcomer on my lap while talking gently to resident cat as I observe both watching their reactions to actual seeing each other. I spend no more than 3 to 5 minutes on this step as I want it to be a positive experience increasing the time each day. If all goes well I will let resident cat and newcomer an initial direct contact praising both for acknowledging each other and again doing scent exchange. If all goes well I will commence with floor contact between them in a confined area providing food and interactive toys. Again if all goes well I increase the open space until they accept each other. The scent exchange method really does work as cats rely on scent and the more familiar the scent is the more accepting it becomes to them. Hope this method helps but seriously wouldn't it be nice if we could say this is Ostaria and you are sharing your room with Reo and will come to love each other!
@maryjodeblasis4484 11 месяцев назад
@endeeray4295 Год назад
Excellent, Excellent video. Thank you.
@sarahb6004 2 года назад
Gorgeous cats! Our 13 week old tabby is called Loki and our new 8 week old black kitten is Zuri! This has helped a lot to know their batting, squatting and play fighting is ok.
@amywalker7515 2 года назад
Good they are younger before they have established dominance. Little kittens really need feline companionship.
@larsonfamilyhouse 2 года назад
Such shiny coats! What food do you feed them? I can’t wait to check out your website and look at the different products you use, I love those window shelves and I’ve never seen a cat tree like that one before!
@lesleyhanna1666 Год назад
Thank you for this video.
@PinkFlowers365 3 года назад
very helpful thank you!
@ZyliceLiddell 2 года назад
*“Live and love!”* 💖
@california3716 3 года назад
Awesome video !,,, definitely subscribing to your channel
@Stephierdh Год назад
Thank you for this video😊
@tatuajeleanutei 5 месяцев назад
We will try this method.. I will come back here as soon as they start to be friends! Wish us luck! 😅
@Nerd502 Год назад
Thank you for this! I’ve got a 10 year old and am bringing in an 11 year old and both are used to lots of human and other cat interaction. I really think isolation is gonna be harder on them both than if I’m just watching all interactions. I’ll keep the new 11 year old in his own space to sleep as he’s used to sleeping in a cat bed by himself for a few weeks though.
@EPalsson 6 месяцев назад
How did that go? Please give us an update. We have a 12-year-old male who is very social, and tomorrow we are bringing home a 10-year old male, also very social. We are really hoping they will be good buddies. 😸😸
@Nerd502 6 месяцев назад
@@EPalssonWe actually kept them apart for about 3 weeks and it wasn’t going well at all. A year later and they still don’t love each other all that much but I’ve gotta a two level house with a basement so there’s plenty of “territory” for both of them. Every now and then they sniff each other up and sit side by side, so I’ll take it! I don’t need them to be best friends, I just don’t want them stressed or trying to rip each other’s fur out 😂
@kwilder6444 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this! I live in Vancouver BC and not everyone can afford a big home!
@antoniomata5642 2 года назад
thank you for this video
@HonesTeaBeauTea 4 месяца назад
I actually honestly did not even know about this method until recently after I had already gotten my two cats and four kittens. It makes complete sense. And I never even thought of it. I had actually heard my Galaxy talk about it. I am very lucky My introductions went as well as they did even with a cat that had no interest in other cats or dogs, any animal
@TheNomadicJamaican Год назад
Very helpful.
@s3nsc268 3 года назад
Thanks a lot for the fast introduction method as i was trying the slower method and my cats hissed at each other a lot finally found a way to get them together. The only problem is my resident loves food a lot and doesnt play a lot.
@knee_gah335 Год назад
You could’ve: 1. Adopted from same litter 2. Isolate them. Why do you force two random cats to be friends when they don’t want to be friends. You could have searched for two cats that have already bonded.
@BAMtastico 9 месяцев назад
Recently introduced a new three month old adopted female kitten to my four month old male I adopted two months before. I realized cats are nocturnal animals so most of the face to face interactions happened in the middle of the night, supervised (I'm retired). In just five days they were playing together and grooming each other. Follow their natural schedules and not yours.
@hall67m 9 месяцев назад
Thank you.. very mindful
@jeetsang1 2 года назад
Thanks for the awesome vid! I'm just having some trouble with my cats, they can eat in the same room and have treats but as soon as the food is gone the resident cat will pounce on the new cat. He'll just chase, pounce and bite the new one who doesn't like it and wants to hide. Toys help a bit but the resident cat quickly gets back to staring down the new cat.
@MorrisonNo8 2 года назад
If you like animals and have a heart you'll mostly subconsciously/naturally do the right things.
@user-qq6mk5rr7t 3 года назад
I can never believe how beautiful Latte is... We had a really sweet bengal at my family home and she was so much tinier, I guess they come in a lot of shapes! Always excited to see another one of your videos, I just got my 2 birman kittens a few days ago and I've definitely been able to use your advice, last night I got my first full night of sleep since arrival thanks to your advice about how to tire cats out and how to play with them best :) I'm thinking once they're bigger and calmer in a few years I'll try adopting a third cat from a shelter. Just out of curiosity, if you ever moved into a bigger apartment would you guys consider another cat or do you think with 4 you've reached your ideal number for a little group?
@monsieurtn 3 года назад
It's quite surprising to me as well that Bengals can look so different from each other! A lot of the other Bengal cats that I have seen here in Korea were quite muscular and large. Latte is somehow quite slender and a lot smaller in comparison. I'm surprised to hear that you had a smaller Bengal cat than Latte! If I moved to a larger place, yes I think another cat is always going to be a consideration for me (such is the life of a cat lover) but I'm quite satisfied with the dynamic and relationships that my cats have with each other. So I would have to think carefully about it but I do have a soft spot these days for...specific hairless breed hahaha.
@knee_gah335 Год назад
Oooorrrrr…… why not adopt from the same litter? Seems more logical ain’t it?
@gliters007 3 года назад
Wow I really like this method
@fernandahda Год назад
Hello TN and thank you for sharing so much information about cats! I would like please to hear your opinion about the situation I have at this moment: I am introducing a new 4-month old kitten with a 2-year old and 6-year old resident cats. It has been for about a month and only the 6-year old one has accepted the kitten so far. I actually adopted the kitten for the 2-year old to have who to play. They are in mealtimes and they meet at dinnertime with wet food to be special. These encounters do not last long as the 2-year old loses the interest on the food and starts to stare down to the kitten, so then I call it a night, and this is the only time they cross sights. However, the 2-year old has a more territorial/jealous/rough playing personality, and often charges to the kitten, and she is now a mature cat (they are all female by the way). The 2-year old often demonstrates a sort of hunter behavior toward the kitten, so I am reluctant to expand the boundaries further than the dinnertime meetings. I thought about introducing playing time after meals with laser pointers, however, I am afraid the running can trigger the hunting behavior, so I feel the 2-year old need a bit more time (the veterinarian said this process can take up to 3 months). I have even got a cat screen door to allow them to see each other more "freely," but I believe this is not the time yet. Sorry about the long comment, but I wonder based on your experience with cats, what would be your thoughts about my next steps or any advice/comments for me, please? Thank you for your time and assistance. Kindly, Fernanda.
@leslies.9262 7 месяцев назад
what about night time where you cant supervise the cats?
@christiansaravia7865 Год назад
Thank you, I rescued a female last year when she was only two months and she’s close with my dog but has never interacted with other cats before ever since I’ve had her. But this past week I found an adult male stray and I took him in too. And she’s so angry with me and keeps hissing at him even though I never heard her hiss before this
@FlowerKnight2 3 года назад
Thank you for this! I live in a single room with the only doors being my bathroom and my closet, so the separation thing just isn't viable. Going to use all of your advice! :)
@amywalker7515 2 года назад
Use the bathroom, unless it is tiny.
@mantisrl9896 12 дней назад
Got our second Kitten on Monday night, first 24 hours were a bit rough with all the hissing and swatting from the resident kitten who we've had for a few weeks. They're now playing and eating together with no problems. Thanks.
@robindixon2090 Год назад
@laus7504 2 года назад
Very informative. Thanks! A tiny pregnant stray came into my son's home through a window. Looks like a kitten. Then she had 2 preemie kittens who didn't make it. They have a cat and 2 16 month old human twins. He asked me to take Mama. I have an 18 month old male cat and a dog. I will need to isolate the dog during feedings. I'll get a spare litter box, but this cat already knows to go outside with her business apparently. I think we need to skip any isolation attempts fairly quickly. Thanks!
@tomlavelle8340 7 месяцев назад
I just released the kitten in the presence of the older cat. The kitten approached the elder, the old cat hissed and walked away. That was all. They have been loving ever since.
@hennakh 10 месяцев назад
Glad I came across this video. I’ve been trying isolation and calming spray.. its been three days but my resident cat isn’t getting any comfortable in front of the new cat. I’ve kept them in separate rooms. I will try the scheduled meal method.
@hbinfinity 6 месяцев назад
Gonna use the term "intercat relationship" from now on. ❤
@LondaCs 4 месяца назад
Thank you for this video! I will try this method with my cats. Its one month so far but now I am more motivated to push them tiny further to make them eat in one bowl. I also decided to buy sniffing mats for them so they can spend more time in each other presence looking for tasty snack. Trying everything possible at this point and If it works i will come back to say another thank you:D
@narcissa6581 Год назад
I'm so grateful for this!! We are bringing home our new kitten tomorrow and I was so worried about getting my cat to accept her as we do not have a lot of space or time to separate them and introduce them slowly. I will use your method and let you know how it goes, fingers crossed! 🥰🖤
@lanataliamaria Год назад
How’s it going? I’m on day 2 of new kitten vs resident 😂
@narcissa6581 Год назад
@@lanataliamaria So far so good! There was a little bit of hissing and growling at the beginning, but neither one of them was agressive, just vocal. :D Now they are totally fine chilling in the same room next to each other. I wouldn't say they are fond of each other per se, not yet, but no fighting or any signs of agression. They willingly started to use the same litter box as well. I think 1-2 weeks and they will be best friends. 🥰
@suliidany Год назад
how long did u wait to introduce them? i’ve had my kitten for 3 days already and i’m not sure if it’s too early
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