
Is "By them of old" a MISTAKE in the KJV?  

Dwayne Green
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@rodneyjackson6181 Месяц назад
I looked up Matthew 5:27 and 5:33 in the KJV, NKJV, NLT, WEB, ISV, CSB, NASB and the 1599 Geneva Bible. None of them say "to them" except the 1599 Geneva Bible. Alot of them don't even say "of old" or don't have the phrase. NKJV says to those. Some just say "it was said" or "it was told" or "to the ancients." I think it is simple phraseology and no mistakes in any translation. I love the KJV but have found 6 obvious mistakes in it.
@rosslewchuk9286 Месяц назад
Matt 5: 21, 27, 33 MEV uses "by" Bible Gateway The Holy Bible, Modern English Version. Copyright © 2014 by Military Bible Association. Published and distributed by Charisma House.
@Pastor-Brettbyfaith Месяц назад
In my studies, I have found out that every time I challenged the KJV translators, I was wrong. They knew what they were doing. You even said as much. You are coming around. 😊
@Pastor-Brettbyfaith Месяц назад
Context is King!
@Pastor-Brettbyfaith Месяц назад
Leave the text alone. If you see it as "To" or "By", put a note in the side column and leave the main text as you found it. Walk by faith, not by sight! Having said this, I thank God for your desire to understand the truth. God's best to you Pastor.
@ST52655 Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for including time stamps. 😊
@deeman524 Месяц назад
According to the KJVER; it's talking about the Author of the book of Exodus
@rosslewchuk9286 Месяц назад
Is it not interesting that God allowed the most influential English translation for 400 years to read "by them"? He sure knows how to keep us studying the Word! And, He reveals those of us who are of a gentle spirit as opposed to the censorious and acrimonious. AN ASIDE: Have you checked out the notes in Dr. Pickering's NT The Sovereign Creator Has Spoken? They function as a commentary of sorts.
@rosslewchuk9286 Месяц назад
Both Pickering and Boyd in their recent NT editions in English translate "to."
@genewood9062 Месяц назад
Brother Dwayne: The Law was mostly given BY Moses. By the one man, singular. I.e. "by him of old time". Moses gave the Law "TO them of old time". To all Israel, plural.
@Dwayne_Green Месяц назад
yes, that is one interpretation, but did you hear my discussion surrounding those who were teaching the law?
@genewood9062 Месяц назад
@@Dwayne_Green Oh yes, of course. I watched the full video. ........ 1) The KJV introduces these parallel Mt 5 verses thusly: [21] Ye have heard that it was said BY them of old time. [27] Ye have heard that it was said BY them of old time. [31] It hath been said. [33] Again, ye have heard that it hath been said BY them of old time. [38] Ye have heard that it hath been said. [43] Ye have heard that it hath been said. 2) Jesus was contrasting HIS teaching to the teaching BY [or TO, same difference] "them of old time". 3) Moses was the law-giver of old time. Israel was "them of old time". The Law was given BY Moses, TO Israel. [Hence, "by" and "to" are both right.]
@deeman524 Месяц назад
MEV say "By he Ancients'"
@Wanttoknowabout Месяц назад
This is interesting. I see that BibleGateway has "Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, ..." with "of them" instead of "by them". I am guessing BibleGateway has a typo?
@rosslewchuk9286 Месяц назад
I also ran into that one. Still looking into it.
@Dwayne_Green Месяц назад
Let me know what you find!
@rosslewchuk9286 Месяц назад
I just sent them a typo report with the link. We shall see what they say.
@rosslewchuk9286 Месяц назад
They replied. I am waiting for their permission to either forward it to you, or to post it here.
@rosslewchuk9286 Месяц назад
I suggest you file a typo report of your own with them. That's all folks.
@Pastor-Brettbyfaith Месяц назад
I was just looking at the NASB 77. It has "ancients of old were told". I am glad you are in the leave it alone camp. The modern critical text should be burned!
@jaredmcintosh4178 Месяц назад
This is a prime example of a false friend. It may not be "incorrect" but just outdated since we don't use it in that way anymore.
@slickbill9488 Месяц назад
Nope, Like always the KJV has It right. Stop listening to Mark Ward. He’s wrong most the time
@christopheryetzer Месяц назад
It should be noted that the 1588 Pastors and Professors of Geneva French Bible says, "par les anciens" and has in the footnote "aux anciens" as well as Diodati's 1607 Italian Bible translated these as "dagli" hence "by the" and in the footnote says, "or, to the elders." Also the Malerbi (or Malermi) Italian Bible translated from the Vulgate (the first Italian Bible printed in 1471) reads the same as Diodati. Beza's footnote: Au distis, ηκούσατε. His verbis significat falsas legis interpretationes iampridem in Iudaeorum synagogis receptas. Praestat enim τοῖς ἀρχαίοις explicare quasi scriptuum sit ὑπὸ τῶν ἀρχαίοις (vt sic notentur synagoge doctores, iampridem sic docentes, qui solebant patrum & maiorum nomina suis falsis interpretationibus praetexere) quàm ad auditores referre. Et diligenter obseruandum est, ita praecipuè notari adiectas à Scribis appendices, qualis est ista, Quisquis occiderit, damnas erit iudicij. Caeterùm prorsus ineptiunt, neque quod sit Euangelij & Legis discrimen intelligunt, qui ex hac Christi disputatione constituunt, Christum idcirco etiam venisse, vt nos arctioribus quàm veterem populum vinculis constringeret: guū è contrario idcirco fuerit missus vt nos à maledictione Legis absolueret. Semper igitur Lex ita suit intelligenda vt nunc à Christo explicatur, spiritualis nimirum, vt loquitur Apostolus Rom. 7.14. id est, non tantum ipsas exteriores actiones, sed imprimis intimas etiā cogitationes arguens: sed quum altier à Scribis explicaretur, & recta explicatio ad intelligendum & expetendum Euangelij beneficium prorsus requiratur, atque preire remissioni peccatorum resipiscentiam oporteat, nec ad resipiscētiam adduci possit nisi qui se coram Deo reum esse cognouerit: idcirco fuerunt etiam false istae opiniones, praesertim longo iam vsu inueteratae, detegendae ac refellende, vt cognito morbo ad vnicum hunc medicum homines accurrerent: quod omnibus quoque fidis Euangelij doctoribus est sedelò faciendum. You have heard, ἠκούσατε. In these words, it signifies the false interpretations of the law that have long been accepted in the synagogues of the Jews. For it is better to explain τοῖς ἀρχαίοις as if it were written ὑπὸ τῶν ἀρχαίων (so that the teachers of the synagogues, who have long been teaching in this way, may be noted, for they were accustomed to cloak their false interpretations with the names of the fathers and ancestors) than to refer to the listeners. And it should be diligently observed that the additions made by the Scribes, such as 'Whoever kills will be subject to judgment,' are particularly noted here. However, those who believe that Christ's purpose was to bind us with stricter chains than the old people are entirely mistaken and do not understand the difference between the Gospel and the Law. On the contrary, Christ was sent to free us from the curse of the Law. Therefore, the Law has always been understood in the way Christ now explains it, as spiritual, as the Apostle speaks in Romans 7:14, that is, not only addressing outward actions but especially the innermost thoughts as well. But since it was otherwise explained by the Scribes, and a correct explanation is entirely necessary for understanding and desiring the benefit of the Gospel, and repentance must precede the remission of sins, and no one can be led to repentance unless he recognizes himself as guilty before God: therefore, these false opinions, especially those now long established by use, had to be revealed and refuted so that, knowing the disease, people would rush to this one physician: this is what all faithful Gospel teachers must diligently do.
@Dwayne_Green Месяц назад
This is great! Thanks for sharing this :)
@rosslewchuk9286 Месяц назад
Very informative! Thanks! Is that 1588 Geneva on e-rara or Internet archive? I need to correct a comment I made.
@rosslewchuk9286 Месяц назад
Eureka! I found the 1588 Bible de Genève on Internet archive. ALSO: The 1539 Calvin/Olivétan/Girard (on e-rara) has "aux Anciens." Thanks & Blessings!🙏📖
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