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Is Christmas a pagan holiday? 

Got Questions Ministries
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Is Christmas a pagan holiday? Why do some people view Christmas as an entirely pagan holiday when it is the celebration of the birth of Jesus?
Source Article: www.gotquestio...



5 сен 2024




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@jaeljones8711 Год назад
To post this and blatantly flat out lie saying that Christmas is not a pagan holiday is CRAZY
@kellyanne7225 9 месяцев назад
Where is your proof and source that it’s pagan? I’ve been pouring over this the last two weeks looking for concrete evidence, and what I have found, as well as many historians and grounded, trusted Pastors, is that there are NO sources. Only stories. The internet is filled with the stories, hundreds of them, but none can be proven true. In fact, they contradict each other on dates. No one can keep their lies straight. And you should know if you’re a Christian, that paganism always copied Christianity, never the other way around. If you can be the only one to find the sources of these so called pagan origins, give it a shot, and I wish you the best of luck with that.
@theviperman1947 5 месяцев назад
@Joe-ic3xe Год назад
Christ was not born in December.
@janaethatradiates Год назад
Amen . This was never in the bible
@kellyanne7225 9 месяцев назад
So? This isn’t new information. And there is good reason to believe why it’s celebrated on December 25th.
@WayofYahushua Месяц назад
​@zomerzim7117 Friday 3rd of Nisan. First Friday after the Vernal Equinox. Study to show thyself approved.
@minoritymind Год назад
This is ridiculous... Jeremiah 10:2-5, explicitly condemns the Christmas tree. 2 This is what the Lord says: “Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the heavens, though the nations are terrified by them. 3 For the practices of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel. 4 They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter. 5 Like a scarecrow in a cucumber field, their idols cannot speak; they must be carried because they cannot walk. Do not fear them; they can do no harm nor can they do any good.” It's a simple as that....
@notredameandcoltsfan Год назад
As a Christian, I love Christmas! Going to church and celebrating our king
@therealblacksheep330 2 года назад
It’s 100% a pagan holiday. Question: why can’t we celebrate Halloween by changing its origins and meanings to fit biblical principles since both holidays have no root or instruction to celebrate Christ?
@SelflessLiving Год назад
Halloween is to served Satan and its followers. Period. Determine on what you serves.
@therealblacksheep330 Год назад
@@SelflessLiving Halloween is a pagan religious celebration to welcome the harvest at the end of summer, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. Period. Both are pagan holidays, period. Both have been misconstrued with western ideologies to fit their narrative of “good and evil”. It would help if you research topics you’re not sure about
@rsagape7300 Год назад
Shush Pharisee.
@firstlast5454 Год назад
How is it 100% a pagan holiday?
@adriaancox7311 Год назад
@@firstlast5454 No place in the Bible does it state ever that the birth of Jesus was celebrated or was seen as His birthday that should be celebrated. The only sacrament we as Christians have been ordered to celebrate/remember is the death, resurrection and return of Jesus christ through taking and practicing the holy communion, 1 Corinthians 11:25-26.
@butler_NA Год назад
the person who did this video is wrong and needs to learn to think for himself. I went to school for Theology, World Religion and studied quite well I might add. One of my papers was on Pagan holidays and how they came to be in the "Christian" world today... you sir really need to look at all of the histories or just above all stop trying to make everything fit to your agenda for your content. Also the source article you are using can be seen as being non-credible material because it is from your website which can be seen as biased. Look up the true origin. of Easter, Christmas, (Yule). You cannot take away the history of the holidays that were here long before Christianity. which didn't show up until after Jesus had been crucified. After all, Jesus only had 3 years or so for his movement to really to take stride. It wasn't until afterwards, when the Emperor Constantine made it legal in Rome to practice Christianity and that was due in part that the Romans couldn't get the Pagans to stop their festivals or worshiping others than that of the emperor of Rome at the time. That was a whole 313 years after Jesus walked the earth. Christianity might be the largest Religion known today, but it by far isn't the oldest Religion or practice.
@calculators401 Год назад
Yule was in a completely different region of the world. You really think Theology class isn’t gonna lie?
@butler_NA Год назад
@@calculators401 so was Jesus and I bet you didn't know he was a dark complected man either. But I bet you don't know anything about different regions of the world anyway.
@mco6472 Год назад
@Eman-wj8gq Год назад
They have to say this or they would lose a lot of supporters. They need that cash revenue. If you tell people not to celebrate Christmas they won't support you. America lose materialistic commercialism. The church would die without that support.
@antonelledavis2712 Год назад
Do this in remembrance of me ,jesus tell his disciples ,he never said his birth ,but his death, Christmas is for the merchants, for the spending of money, people put up reindeer and Santa Claus and said it is Christmas ,is this showing the holy spirit what is represent for ,love is not once a year, it is everyday ,people have it just like holloween ,,giving chocolate and sweetie , jesus when he did walk this earth see how little love we did have for one another ,that is why he said a new covenant I give unto u is love , love him with your whole being, and love your neighbor as u love yourself .no amount of money can't buy love ,it is free and it comes only from the holy spirit.
@Joe-ic3xe Год назад
@kellyanne7225 9 месяцев назад
So silence means paganism? You’re inserting your own opinions and calling them truth. Don’t be that Christian and demand that is sufficient enough to be gospel truth. That is not our job, that’s also legalism. I believe the Bible speaks against this?
@WayofYahushua Месяц назад
​@kellyanne7225 and the Bible also speaks about adopting pagan practices into the worship of GOD.
@ConcernedONETOO Год назад
I truly don't understand why so many pastors and ministries, such as Got Questions/Compelling Truth or Answers in Genesis continue to make excuses for Christ-Mass. Even the name is from Roman Catholicism. Where in the Scriptures does it tell us the date of Christ's birth? It doesn't. Where does it tell us to allow pagan worship to coincide with the worship of God? It doesn't. Where in the Scriptures does it tell us to make a day called Christ-mas? It doesn't. All of this is tradition or paganism, sprinkled with the idea of the birth of Christ and ALL man made. This is an anathema to God. He wants us to follow Him, NOT tradition. A decorated tree has NOTHING to do with the honoring or worship of Christ and His birth. Nor do lights, decorations, mistletoe (another pagan use) or the Yulelog (again, was burned to ward off bad spirits). The over spending to buy gifts and children are LIED to by their parents (generations) and told there is this Santa Claus that judges children and brings gifts to those who are good. Does any of THAT celebrate Christ or is it Christian to lie to children? The entire made up day - because it is NOT Biblical - focuses on a tree, yes the TREE is the centerpiece for 99% of people and then the gifts. Its about spending, retail establishments making boatloads of dough, cashing in on this "holiday" and children anticipating THINGS, material goods. How many households actually focus on the birth of Christ? And considering we were never told when Christ was born (even though he is the Alpha and the Omega) - somehow its OK to pick a day that is the same as many pagan celebrations which worshipped Sun goddesses? Deuteronomy 12 says otherwise. Matthew 15:9; Isaiah 29:13
@Joe-ic3xe Год назад
They 5 their childhood programming. Telling them otherwise causes cognitive dissonance. They will go to extraordinary lengths to try and justify their idolatry!
@sffsf81 Год назад
You should assume that gotquestions are satans institution to lead people to hell.
@gkd1645 9 месяцев назад
Well said!👏
@timothykoscal 9 месяцев назад
Quite the rant obviously you don't see the good in anything only evil. I choose to worship my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Christmas Day and yes I have a tree
@kellyanne7225 9 месяцев назад
A decorated tree , lights, gifts, candles, and songs, do not dishonor Christ either. You’re making up your own theology here and expecting the rest of us to follow. Even Paul said that eating meat from a pagan ceremony, didn’t make the object itself pagan, not the act pagan. If we went the route of you Christians who think it’s all sinful and pagan, you will find everything we do, say, eat, and use to have some sort of pagan root. Knock it off. Mind your business, and quit being everyone else’s Holy Spirit. I’m so tired of this legalism. 🙄
@anthonyjohnikins7959 Год назад
Why is it that people always want to justify or rationalize this pagan holiday, most of the ads glorify giving gifts, rudolph, and santa claus. As far as Sunday, it is not a holy day and is supposed to be looked at as a regular work day, God set aside, blessed and Hallowed The Seventh Day Sabbath (Saturday). This christmas in it's name Christ (Mass=death) is a mockery within itself. Emperor Constantine wanted to bring pagans and Christians together so he merged and Christianized certain festivals to appease both sides. The scripture you used about judging one on days Romans 14:5-6 refers to the Jewish feast days which were shadows of things to come but the body was Christ, meats and drinks were associated with these days but were ended when Jesus died on The Cross. It is amazing how people will twist scripture to make it seem as their error is justified. If God says to not learn the way of the heathen or to worship Him as the heathen worships their god, what is so difficult about leaving it alone? God calls that type worship, Vain worship (Idolatry) and a many of His people will be destroyed because of it. Hosea 4:6
@Joe-ic3xe Год назад
@deonliberator8953 Год назад
U don't get it, Christmas reminds the world of Jesus, no one can ever have an excuse, that he never heard of the cross and that Jesus died for their sins
@shazamrx1358 Год назад
How does Christmas remind the world of Jesus? When the entire holiday is a Pegan holiday called Yule? Also, name a verse in the Bible that Jesus and his disciples actually partake in this innovation?
@deonliberator8953 Год назад
@@shazamrx1358 Why easy` For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9.6
@janaethatradiates Год назад
@@deonliberator8953 this isn't Jesus bday and there is bad history behind Christmas
@janaethatradiates Год назад
The bible don't say it..the world do
@janaethatradiates Год назад
I don't mean to offend you but this is out of love what I'm saying. Christ said love one another we shouldn't argue angry. The devil is the father of lies it's in the bible. The devil is ls also the king of this world that's the bible. The world celebrates holidays but not Jesus it's the devil..truly it's his holiday . Santa even sound like Satan
So then according to you're logic, I can celebrate Halloween right, because it is no longer the day of the dead?
@rsagape7300 Год назад
Yes indeed, you can, but please, whatever you do, keep bothering others about their personal convictions.
@activeingredientFAITH Год назад
@@rsagape7300 celebrating pagan X-Mass is war on the seed... and as the bible calls it... the way of the heathens. If you are Christian, you should be thankful God sent his TRUE followers to tell you this good news! Rejoice in this day the Lord has made! Stop being tied to consumerism and materialism. We celebrate Christ EVERYDAY in EVERYTHING! Praise God, thank YOU JESUS!
@theviperman1947 Год назад
@@rsagape7300 Galatians 6:1 King James Version 6 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
@Eman-wj8gq Год назад
Pretty much yeah this video is stupid. Trufully it's exactly what I expected from this channel. They are so hypocritical
@goodee4451 Год назад
you need to get educated. yes it is
@kellyanne7225 9 месяцев назад
You need to find sources. Every single person claiming it is has only an opinion, no source, no proof.
@isaiasherrero7889 5 месяцев назад
@Joe-ic3xe Год назад
Defending the indefensible! 👏👏👏😈😈😈
@kebsik2140 7 месяцев назад
@ebenezerarkorful3106 Год назад
And Jesus was not born in 25 Dec. Also if we look at the actual calendar it Dec is the tenth month not the twelve month.
@Joe-ic3xe Год назад
Liar!! They LOVE their childhood programming. Telling them otherwise causes cognitive dissonance. They will go to extraordinary lengths to try and justify their idolatry!
@janaethatradiates Год назад
Chris was not born on dec 25th and we need to follow Gods word and not men words . I'm saying this with love brothers & sister's. The devil is the father of lies that is in the bible . John 8:44 King James Version When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." So the devil wants to decieve us . 2nd off ..Santa sounds like Satan why is that? They could of choose any other name 3rd off there is so many wolf's pretending to be sheep! Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Everything that seems good is not good !
@unclescavie2121 Год назад
Why do people go around making videos that have no solid info yet they push it as fact. I’m stupid yet I know more about this then the human speaking in this video
@ConcernedONETOO Год назад
Because every human is flawed, which is why we can rely on only ONE.
@unclescavie2121 Год назад
@@ConcernedONETOO being flawed does not mean it’s ok to push your flawed rhetoric
@ConcernedONETOO Год назад
@@unclescavie2121 No, but this is why we have so many differing opinions and doctrines!
@Eman-wj8gq Год назад
It's because if they disown Christmas they would lose a lot of supporters and lose out on that sweet sweet dough. Money makes the church bells ring.
@Eman-wj8gq Год назад
@Stop The Adversary it is silly when you think about when god confused the people in the story of the Tower of Babel. "He" ("god") shot "himself" in the foot by doing that now no one can agree on a translation. Guess "he" didn't think that one through.
@HosannaIntheHighest-ri1lq 9 дней назад
It literally says not to do what the heathen does in Jeremiah.
@gubearium 8 месяцев назад
By your definition, the Christmas around me is pagan. People go into debt buying useless things, drink into drunkenness, and practice extreme gluttony. The crime rate rises and everywhere i look turns into a hell realm covered in tinsel and glitter. Is Christ their first thought? As there is a decline in Christians where i am there is an increase in Christmas "celebrations" . So how does that track? I hear what your saying but it seems more like a concept than reality... Like your trying to debunk what people are actually noticing. Holding onto something.. maybe we could agree that Christmas is not inherently anything despite having "Christ" in The word . It's what people make it.. and good Christians would make it one thing .. but most people use it in the Greek\pagan way. With less nudity...
@josephmeador6841 Год назад
Okay I felt like you just beat around the question with useless metaphors the origin of “Yule” is Norse pagan and and it was also in celebration of Odins son, not Odin. They had evergreen trees that they would decorate with wood carvings, food and things sacred to them to ward off evil spirits along with all this. The 12 days of Christmas was also taken from the 12 days Odin would ride around. Christians have taken so much from other groups of people can y’all just admit that yes it’s a pagan holiday that was altered to fit your beliefs
@kellyanne7225 9 месяцев назад
No. Because none of that has anything to do with Christmas. Who cares about a bunch of made up gods? Who cares about dates? How stupid to get all caught up in that. If I found out my birthday month and date coincided with a pagan ritual of some sort, does this mean my birthday is now pagan? Get real.
@ebenezerarkorful3106 Год назад
Man you you deciving the mass. It is a pagan worship
@heleniyahabukarsh513 11 месяцев назад
I just celebrated his birth with many others, he was not born in December. Christmas is pagan, if you keep making excuse you can't repent.
@MightyMouse11 8 месяцев назад
Will have to check if got questions is funded by the Vatican.
@ronaldrigid1245 8 месяцев назад
No scripture provided
@gfalexan Год назад
come on man you gonna take romans 14:5 out of context?
@activeingredientFAITH Год назад
we should all report this video as FAKE NEWS.
@WayofYahushua Месяц назад
Xmas is 1000 % pagan.
@faithmartin1418 Год назад
Thank you for this video. It is wonderful to celebrate Jesus' birth! Even angels, sheperds, and the wise men celebrated!
@sevinbamuels6560 Год назад
This video is leading you astray.
@theviperman1947 Год назад
Christmas is 100% pagan. Jeremiah 10 King James Version 10 Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: 2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
@ConcernedONETOO Год назад
Why do we never read of the apostles "celebrating" His birth? Of all the years they were in the flesh after Christ's resurrection and ascension and wrote the Holy Spirit inspired New Testament and not ONE mention of this man-made named day? Why do we never read of someone adding "mas" to Christ's name? All the same goes for Easter and the bunnies, candy, eggs (man-made) mingled with Christ. Every supposed "holiday" is a creation of man and it sure generates lots of dough (card companies would go out of business without them and candy companies the like). Not to mention even non-Christians celebrate most of these manufactured days because they have nothing to do with His birth or resurrection. And whom benefits from a secular holiday? Satan.
@sevinbamuels6560 Год назад
@@ConcernedONETOO This is talking about today’s Church. 1 Timothy 4: 1-2……that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, 👉🏾and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; 👉🏾having their conscience seared with a hot iron;👈🏾 Like a hot iron left on a pair of white slacks. The False Doctrine and pagan Holy days are seared into them.
@theviperman1947 Год назад
@@ConcernedONETOO Amen!
@kuriz7004 Год назад
I’d just like to say: We don’t know Jesus’s Birthday, so we celebrate on Christmas on December 25th. It would be very annoying to just change Christmas to some random day in the summer.
@therealblacksheep330 Год назад
It’s mirroring a pagan holiday which was advised against in Deuteronomy..where does the Bible speak of an evergreen tree, us receiving presents, stockings, etc? Christianity took a pagan holiday and tweaked it to keep its perks and say it’s celebrating Jesus
@@therealblacksheep330 f**king tweakers
@Joe-ic3xe Год назад
In the Hebrew culture birthdays were not celebrated. It is a pagan and Western tradition. The Apostles and early church never celebrated Christ's birthday!
@ConcernedONETOO Год назад
How about this massive, money making, secular celebration remove the Christ-mass trees, mistletoe, Santa and spending money on gifts? Same for Easter. Oh, that's right, Satan would be temporarily defeated and the card and candy companies and retail establishments would be bankrupt.
@minoritymind Год назад
It has nothing to do with the birth of Christ and everything to do with adopting pagan rituals in the hopes of spreading Christianity, which meant more wealth and power for the church. Wicked men have deceived the masses for their own self-interest. This is why Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers and whipped them. Nothing has changed in that regard, in fact, it's only gotten worse.
@theviperman1947 Год назад
Jeremiah 10 King James Version 10 Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: 2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
@janaethatradiates Год назад
Thanks for this verse sir
@isaiasherrero7889 5 месяцев назад
That’s a reference to idols read the whole chapter sir.
@theviperman1947 5 месяцев назад
@@isaiasherrero7889 yes it is a reference to idols. And the Christmas tree is an idol.
@user-kw7zf9xx3k 9 месяцев назад
Every day is a day to celebrate the birth of Christ more so the resurrection. It's pagon and ungodly
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