
Is Genesis Literal History? John MacArthur - Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis 

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"People who reject the creation account because they don't want the God of Scripture are in the most dangerous position anyone can be in, and the position that all rejectors of the gospel are in."
"Evolution is hostile to the Word of God...a form of apostasy from Christian faith."
"Evolution has not happened and it does not happen."



11 окт 2024




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@moemo1798 4 года назад
I'm Syriac Orthodoxe originally from Syria. I love this man. I love the way he preaches the word of God. May he bless you sir.
@williamashley9581 4 года назад
Syriac orthodoxy is not Christian
@jonpatrick66 3 года назад
God bless you Moe
@feaquino576 4 года назад
My spiritual growth has deepened because of the sermons of John MacArthur. He talks of the truth and nothing but the truth. God's anointed one is fearless and unstoppable for the advancement of His kingdom.
@theTavis01 2 года назад
This is all lies, are you blind??
@jessiejames7718 Год назад
Satan is influence U that all this lies. Because Satan is the Father of all lies . So before it's to late repent rethink renew your Thinking. God wants all of us to repent because He give's us a choice.🎉
@yeshuman668 27 дней назад
It is exactly what is written. Don’t ask question!
@danavictoria100 8 лет назад
The Lord found me, and it was not because of anything I did. He gave me eyes to see and ears to hear the truth of this world. Jesus is my sabboath, and in HIM I rest. There really is a total change when you have this experience. There is no more emptyiness in any part of my life, and he continues to teach me things I never thought I could even understand. Its all about Jesus.
@abbieamavi 7 лет назад
Dana Bause amen. may God continue to be in your life :)
@abelkjohn 6 лет назад
do you have any advice for me...
@kevinrtres 6 лет назад
@@abelkjohn Well, it depends on what advice you are looking for. But here is some advice that applies to just about anybody: "How Can You Avoid God’s Judgment? We are all, by nature, God’s enemies, and we deserve His wrath. But, there is hope! Find out how you can be at peace with God for eternity as John MacArthur shows you fifteen words that sum up the most powerful truth in all of Scripture." www.gty.org. Unfortunately, at this time the link is down and I cannot give you the direct URL to that sermon but it is the first thing that pops up on the homepage. Try it. If, of course you were not being facetious.
@noahdevane3761 5 лет назад
Yeshua kept the Sabbath and it’s the 7th day Saturday from sunrise sat to sunrise Sunday if you rest in Him you must understand his precepts
@NotTheEx 5 лет назад
He was a JEW, and even He BROKE the sabbath. I'm so sorry His sacrifice on the cross wasn't enough for your salavation and now you feel you must continue to keep the law in order to be saved, not by grace.
@hamidehvaland9510 9 месяцев назад
I am a former Muslim, by our LORD'S GRACE, I am a child of GOD now for 46 years and I love DR. Jhon MacArthur. I have learned so much from this man of GOD and I am so grateful to our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, for men like my beloved and precious Pastor Jhon MacArthur, he is truly a great gift given by LORD JESUS CHRIST TO BE A BLESSING TO HIS BODY IN THIS FALLEN WORLD.
@John-ih7gp 7 лет назад
since everyone is bantering on here, thank you John McArthur, for laboring in the word.
@wrestle4life234 4 года назад
Yeah, he’s great but not perfect. If you think he’s wrong in that aspect, as I do, still don’t discount the whole man!
@jordantrogdon2856 3 года назад
He's a liar!
@jamietownsend3677 2 года назад
@segundobolo5137 4 года назад
May John MacArthur visit us and talk to our so-called evangelical pastors here in the Philippines. JM is a true man of God and speaks the truth..
@robertgougeon6533 2 года назад
It is because of Dr. John MacArthur that I had solid spiritual food. Sadly , in my church there is to much " milk*" . Also , I bought John s commentary from Dr. Mac Arthur . I still re read it when I rejoice about how essential is John s Gospel. Thank s Dr. Mac Arthur.
@alejandroisonline 4 года назад
I've been dealing with this for a while. I found peace with this topic knowing that if i believe the Bible and every word it says as it is written there..i won't risk falling into apostasy and mixed kinds of believes philosophies, risking my relationship with God and my salvation. In other words ill be ok. I don't care "risking" to be called ignorant in front of men as long as i get to hear from God that i've been a good and faithful servant here on Earth.
@edwardlongfellow5819 3 года назад
Alejandro CM Could you explain to me how a person can be a good and faithfully servant to God? When God is a supernatural being who is wholly self sufficient. needing nothing and nobody. God has no need of servants because there is nothing a human can do for him. He has a legion of angels at his disposal so why would he have need of insignificant beings like ourselves?
@alejandroisonline 3 года назад
@@edwardlongfellow5819 You're right, God doesn't need anyone or anything in fact the Bible states creation exists to proclaim His Glory. He in himself within the Godhead (Father, son, Holy spirit) is full of everything He is. Love and righteousness. The reality is we in our strength can't do any good and that is the whole point of why God Himself had to Die to save us from the consequences of our sin. Even though we are so insignificant and Worthy of nothing he loved us so much he paid our fine. So, servant in what sense? In the Bible Jesus appeared to his disciples and said Mathew 28: 19-21 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age. So we serve God in living a life that follows his commandments, and leading people to know Him. Not only through our word but thought our testimony which IS and should be the ultimate prove a person follows Christ. He doesn't need us yet he valued us so much to pay the fine we owed. And we serve Him telling other people the price that was paid so that we have eternal life and how can we achieve eternal life through his sacrifice. He doesn't need anyone but we need only Him. I know where you come from with your question, which reframed could be something like this... why did he loved us so much to pay that price? To consider us valuable?
@edwardlongfellow5819 3 года назад
@@alejandroisonline I find it astonishing that people in this age should believe that a poor Galilean peasant who took on the role of a religious preacher after being baptised in the river Jordan two thousand years ago should be viewed as some sort of god? Even to the point that it is also believed that he was sacrificed to atone for our sins. Sins, I would add, that were yet to take place. But how may I ask can an executed man take on the punishment that was yet to be handed out and by whom? OK!, so I robbed a bank! How does my crime warrant the sacrifice/death of a preacher centuries past? It cannot. Does God require that the blood of an innocent man be shed so as to excuse my sin? But, of course, Jesus was never sacrificed=he was executed-a major difference
@alejandroisonline 3 года назад
@@edwardlongfellow5819 i would say this. Take a read at one of the gospels. Not with unmoving skepticism but with the curiosity to understand what is going on. Remember that the Bible is a historic book (not only). It's the go to book of historians and archeologist regardless is they believe or not. Remember you could be mistaken, take a look at preachers like Ravi Zacharias here on RU-vid, you're a very intelligent man from what i can read of your questions and he addresses very wisely deep and philosophical arguments. I suggest you this because there are some things you have to take into account when stating what you just stated. To understand who Jesus was you have to also look at all the prophecies written before him and how detailed they where.(Mathew is a good book that extrapolates OT prophecies). Once you've read that you'll understand quite better the christian faith and surely some of your questions will find answers
@edwardlongfellow5819 3 года назад
@@alejandroisonline To read the Gospels is to encounter extraordinary claims made of a man who became the focus of a cult that would become known as Christianity. These four gospels which for the most part appear to be but copies of each other contain stories of miraculous happenings performed by the hand of the man called Jesus. Even of the god of the Jews, known as Jehovah, who it is averred actually fathered. a son by way of a mortal woman-a son named Jesus. Unfortunately, in his later life Jesus trod on the wrong toes and found himself sentenced to death by crucifixion. But then came the extraordinary claim that Jesus, rather than being executed was sacrificed to atone for our sins? A claim that is not just utterly wrong but astonishingly wrong. But of course the only power that could have demanded such an Atonement or Sacrifice was God himself. And if the premise, that Jesus died as payment, or dare I say paid the ransom in his own blood, then we might be spared some awful punishment at the hands of God then the following makes the insanity of . Gods Way a thing to behold. Therefore might not God have proclaimed: Now, as a ransom for your waywardness I will select not the traditional goat to send into the wilderness with the weight of your sins upon its back but rather a man-my son! To this end, I will allow you to shed his blood-to take the life of my beloved son! For by these means, I can think of no other, I will absolve you all of your sins-past, present and future. Therefore, you may out of anger or frustration or spite, spit on him, kick him, beat him and whip him -thus to humiliate him and hurt him. Finally, you may hammer nails of iron into his living flesh and raise him pinned to a cross: a dejected figure for all the world to see. All this you may do, and in so doing I will absolve you of all responsibility for sins committed. It is our wish-Jesus and mine-that this spectacle of my son being brutalised and crucified might satisfy an ignorant people. However, in return you will continue to honour me, glorify me, and obey me. Thus, I will remain a god unto you- invisible, unknowable, untouchable, and forever unreachable. Can we deny that Christianity is a primitive religion founded on the concept of human sacrifice. And it is not surprising therefore, to find that it is the offspring of a much older Sacrificial-based religion known as Judaism.
@strongfaith888 9 лет назад
Thank you for speaking the truth!! To reject the truth of Genesis's creation is to reject the sovereignty and the supernatural power of our Creator.
@McScott76 6 лет назад
Yes... but which "truth" do you refer to? Young-earth and old-earth creationism are both quite plausible views based on what God chose to reveal to us. In fact, old-earth creationism actually makes much more sense of the Genesis 2 account of Adam and Eve's creation. It also reconciles God's special revelation (Scripture) and his general revelation (what we can observe in nature). Young-earthers ignore general revelation and naively believe that the entirety of "science" is one big conspiracy against God. All that it takes to reconcile both special and general revelation is to translate the Hebrew word "yom" as "a period of time" instead of "day." Both are equally accurate and both are used in Scripture. Moses clearly uses figurative terms within the creation account (such as God "breathing" the breath of life -- God who is a spirit cannot literally "breathe"). So it's entirely reasonable to view the use of the word "day" as figurative. I'm not arguing for evolution. I'm simply saying that it is NOT essential to hold a young-earth view to also be a Bible-believing Christian who views the Word of God as infallible.
@florinlaiu 7 лет назад
God bless the ministry and the life of John McArthur. I hope he is still living. If not, God bless his memory, and urge His believers to remain faithfull to the WORD OF GOD.
@florinlaiu 7 лет назад
There are indeed some expressions in Genesis 1, that have a mere literary, figurative or historical-cultural meaning, but WE CANNOT DENY that the message itself (that God created our geocentric and anthropocentric world in six days, by His supernatural command and power) is meant to be factual, and literally understood. It is solemnly repeated by God in the great theophany on Sinai (Exodus 20), then implied in various statements of Jesus’ and of the apostles, and finally implied in the Book of Revelation, as a final warning regarding universal judgment (Revelation 11:19; 14:6-7 using the language of the 4th commandment). Certainly, one cannot take literally expressions like following in Genesis 1: sun and moon „ruling (governing)” the day and the night; the heaven seen as an ”expanse” (or better, firmament, sky dome) that ”separates” waters, or the sun and moon that ”separate” light from darkness. These and some other idioms or words have clearly an ancient oriental cultural flavor and they should not be taken literally. You may not agree with the author‘s description that both birds and heavenly bodies would fly on the face of the firmament. But you cannot deny that the author meant a literal ”fiat” Creation, by supernatural power, or that it was finished in six days. You cannot deny that the Creation was very good and perfect from the beginning, and that God blessed and sanctified the seventh day (for whom?). These statements and implications are clearly intended by the same author who described the facts in Exodus 20. To deny Genesis 1 as a literal six-day Creation, is to deny Exodus 20 as a fact, and as a valid moral code. Then follow other denials (miracles in general, resurrection etc.), the misinterpretation of the Bible to harmonize it with a more popular view, or with the present philosophy of the scientific community. And what’s next? At the same time, we must be careful not to impose to Genesis 1 any traditional belief regarding Creation. For example, the idea of creation ”ex nihilo” (from nothing), while true in intself, if we refer to the Creation of our world as it is seen, is not true according to the testimony of the Bible. First, Genesis 1 speaks about the original state of our world (mass of water, darkness) BEFORE the first day of Creation. Then in Job 38:4-7 God confirms that when the earth was created, there were heavenly entities (”morning stars” and ”sons of God”) who witnessed and celebrated Creation. We find them under the name of cherubim in Genesis 3. In which day have the cherubim been created? Such observations (which are exclussivelly Biblical) suggest that Genesis 1 is not meant to be an exhaustive account about the origin of the whole universe as we know it today, but to show us in a simple, popular (and therefore cultural) language, how was made this world as we see it. Imagine that it is described in a language for children. Moses takes his grandchildren on his knees and tells: Dou you see all these things, the heaven’s dome and the plain earth? There was a time when they were not; no man, no puppy, no herb was down here yet. Everything was water and deep darkness. But God was there. His Spirit was ready to hear His first command. Spirits may have no face and God‘s Spirit may be everywhere. And there was Another One, like God, whom God adressed: Let’s make humankind, according to Our image, in Our likeness! In writing the history of Creation in Genesis 1, Moses used a phenomenological language - that is the popular language that treats common illusions as reality. The blue or dark cover high up above the earth, which is an illusion, is given a name (heavens). Actually ”heavens” should not be taken as a real plural, because in Hebrew, it has no singular (like the water etc.). The sun of Genesis 1 is not a burning immense spheroid, as a center of our cosmic system; and the moon should not be seen as a satellite of the earth, reflecting the light of the sun. The stars are not understood by the Biblical author to be very far removed suns, but only as little lights gliding on the solid firmament, as do the sun and the moon. Actually, the author does not call them sun and moon, but luminaries. And says nothing about their role in the heavenly mechanics. All is about sheding light on the earth and orientating people in time, besides their ornamental (was good / beautiful). I have no time to expose extensively here my understanding, but I want to add that even on the Biblical evidence only, we cannot avoid the idea of deep time for the Creation of the universe as we now know it. Genesis describes the Creation of our world as it is seen, and uses popular, phenomenologic language, which is not perfect, but it is poetical nevertheless. It does not describe the galactic space, or the earth as a spheroid / planet, and says nothing about the time of their material creation, as we know. If our earthly universe before the first day of Creation is described as water, it is most probably that that water was not an ocean wandering in the galactic space. The presence of the water indicates a source of heat. This suggests that the whole earth was covered by the primordial ocean, and it was doing his run around the sun; otherwise all must have been ice, not water. In such case, the dark may be explained, supposing that the whole sky was covered by heavy clouds (like Venus, today, for example). A gradual uncovering of the sky in the first four days may explain the appearance of the light (but not of the sun) in the first day; then the drawing of the ”firmament” in the second day (but not of the stars), and finally the appearance of the luminaries on the firmament in the fourth night and day, when the skydome was made serene. One cannot suppose that even one star was produced as we know it as a spacial body, in the fourth day of Genesis Creation. If God had made it this way, then the first star would have been visible after about four years, and some other stars would have appeared after decades and millenia. But most of them would not have been yet visible up to day. The best explanation is that the heavenly bodies, like the earth itself, have been created long time before. God din’t have to create all things in the universe, that is all worlds, at once. (florin.laiu@gmail.com).
@jeffhughes6054 5 лет назад
John turned 80 this June 2019. Go to gty.org and get 3500 sermon downloads for free enjoy.
@jeffhughes6054 5 лет назад
@@florinlaiu why don't you let John MacArthur do the teaching and why don't you submit and do the learning instead of trying to become a teacher nobody called you to the front of the room but I am putting you to the back of the room so you need to learn first and then God may never call you as a teacher so just listen to doctor MacArthur he'll teach you there's a whole series on Genesis that last for weeks by doctor MacArthur.
@armchairgangstac907 3 года назад
@@jeffhughes6054 amen
@virginiasanchez4614 2 года назад
He is still living 😊
@jackjones3657 3 года назад
How wonderful to see a pastor defending the literal Biblical creation account in Genesis! To cast aspersions on any part of God's Word as it is written is a position no church "leader" should be comfortable with.
@smitty121981 2 года назад
He's lying to you though. Genesis 1-3 doesn't teach evolution, that's true. But it ALSO doesn't teach that we are a free-floating sphere rotating on it's axis as we hurtle through empty space. Psalm 104:5 "He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved."
@peggyburch9242 Месяц назад
Pastor John always makes God's Word come so alive and real for me!
@sturvinmurvin9408 9 лет назад
Jesus is the "WORD", the Whole Word. HE fulfills every last bit of it, even if you don't like it.
@TorianTammas 8 лет назад
You mean Yeshua as this was the name under which he was born. I wonder why people use the roman pagan name.
@florinlaiu 7 лет назад
What? Jesus is a ”pagan” name, just because it is not Hebrew? What about the Greek names of some apostles (Phillip, Peter, Andrew, etc), or even His title ”The Christ”? What about the language you use to speak about God? Do you pray God in a ”pagan” language?
@angelacobb6177 7 лет назад
Data 9 ''"€:;, $q 1l we 9 J
@buzzard73gmail 6 лет назад
I am a Messianic gentile, and I must say...you are probably a member of the Hebrew Roots CULT! Just as God preserved the Tanack (Old Testament) in the language of His chosen people (i.e. Hebrew), He preserved the B'rit Chadasha (New Testament) in the Greek language. That was His choosing. If you don't like what HE did, then I guess you'll have to declare yourself to be "god!" Sorry, but you don't qualify! I know where you're coming from, and I know where you're headed with this cult "theology."
@camilosanchez831 2 года назад
If you don’t care about God, He wont care about you on judgement day! It’s the time of grace; repent and submit to Jesus, He loves you dearly. God bless!
@urando3042 5 лет назад
Unfortunately there are some people out there who believe that if you don't believe in Evolution then you don't believe in science. Don't know how that computes
@tan1591 4 года назад
kena161975 AAA scientific method which is , question, background research, hypotheses, theory, expirenment, test hypotheses, conclusion. The evolution theory doesn't go pass hypotheses. And there isn't any observable evidence for macro evolution.
@gabepearson6104 2 года назад
@@tan1591 we can phylogenetically trace species origins and see how they co relate, let’s start there.
@smitty121981 2 года назад
@@tan1591 "evolution doesn’t follow the scientific method." That's a lie. You're lying. Lying is a sin.
@smitty121981 2 года назад
yes indeed, rejecting evolution requires rejecting huge areas of science, from geology to paleontology to genetics
@tan1591 2 года назад
@@smitty121981 “you don’t agree with me so you’re lying!!! “ Lol cope.
@rl5920 6 лет назад
Many great points. If Jesus had not himself pointed back to the OT, then Genesis, Exodus and more would be very difficult for me to believe. Theism is not a challenge for me, but the specific represenations of history in the Pentateuch are.
@astheskylarksings 8 лет назад
John MacArthur, truly at his best when he sticks, no clings, to scripture. Once he veers away from it toward more secular themes, I start to have major problems with him. However, here, it's all scriptural and I was fed immensely. I liked his point that if we can believe in the God of redemption, we can believe in the same God who is also of creation. There are still a few moments in Genesis that are problematic for me, and not so simple yet. For example, in verse 2, it says: "The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters" This is not ex nihilo--there was already darkness and deepness, but there was no form. Genesis is the account of God giving the void and the darkness light and form. My former pastor said that before in a sermon to explain why the age of things are so old and discredit ex nihilo. But I never had a problem with not knowing or it not seeming as simple as he sees it--I just know it's the word of God. All the mysteries of God will be revealed in their due time and he has revealed plenty even now as it is, all of which comes through Jesus Christ.
@truthjust56 6 лет назад
John 17:21-23 (NIV) And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one- 23 I in them and you in me-so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
@gavynchavez2751 8 лет назад
Thank you precious Lord for pure, biblical truth, it truly does revive the soul. Thank you Dr. MacArthur for diligently teaching that truth.
@laserfalcon 7 лет назад
Gavyn Chavez This false teacher says you can accept the mark of the beast and still be saved. What do you think the Bible says?
@wotbgameplay1013 7 лет назад
laserfalcon wtf are you talking about? John McArthur would never say anything as disgusting, and evil as that! Show me evidence before you make such a stupid claim!
@laserfalcon 7 лет назад
WOTgameplay 101 you simply look like a fool, don't be fooled by this false teacher. watch.pairsite.com/macarthur-1-mark-of-beast.html
@amy6891 6 лет назад
LaserFalcon My daughter is brainwashed from his teachings. I googled and was surprised...better look it yourself.
@amy6891 6 лет назад
LaserFalcon This false teacher is creating division in the church. He is a calvinist with freemason grandparents, a mouth piece of Satan!
@peggyburch9242 Месяц назад
Yes, I can almost see Job crying the equivalent of "Uncle, Uncle! I give up!"
@209coach 5 лет назад
Amen amen!! So true. Job 38-42, this should always be asked to all those who profess to follow Christ. Only God himself knows the answers to what creation entails. I read God's word as it is written. I don't try to add anything that is not said. I believe in the simplicity of his word to those of us who read his word, and it is not written for scholars, but to the simple, to those who God wanted Moses to address, which were not educated men. God always speaks in simple terms. Why? Because he wants to make it perfectly CLEAR that what he is trying to share with us is a matter of eternal life and death.
@jeffhughes6054 5 лет назад
Revelations chapter 22 says if you add anything to my word the plagues written this book shall be added to you and if you take anything away from my word your name may be taken out ofthid Book of Life. Why would anyone want to risk that by challenging the simple word of God and the literal historical grammatical way of interpreting at that any man can understand.
@smitty121981 2 года назад
"Only God himself knows the answers to what creation entails" Then why do young earthers so pridefully declare themselves to be right?? "God always speaks in simple terms." First of all, if we accept this as true, then it explains WHY scientific topics are not taught by the Bible. Secondly, it's NOT true and the Bible itself tells us so! 2 Peter 3:16 "He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction."
@smitty121981 2 года назад
@@jeffhughes6054 oh give me a break with your fake piety that is actually just a fear based excuse to avoid the truth! Why would anyone want to glorify God in evolution?? TO SAVE THE LOST!! Do you care about anyone beyond yourself Jeff?
@hermansnodgrass2652 Год назад
Man he nailed it. Everything is for a bride. God bless j.m.
@mikebond6681 5 лет назад
Oh no he didn't, Lots of stuff made in China. That's too funny
@danieljust295 Год назад
At 45:00 McArthur talks about spiritual re-birth and tells us Paul compared this new birth to creation as it was at the beginning. I had exactly that vision the day I became Christians. I was floating in the darkness, pitch black darkness and it was scary. Somehow I there was one thought in my mind: “Jesus help”. At that moment, I saw as if a tiny star above my head and a yellowish laser-like light moving toward me with great speed. This light hit my head, and I opened my eyes. The vision ended. My first thought was: “God exists!”. Since that time, many strange things happened in my life. I thought I was in hell but now I understand that the darkness I saw was a spiritual darkness and when I called Jesus, the birth occurred. All this happened after I repented of all my sins and cried to God for mercy. Now, I fully understand the meaning of the vision.
@troublewiththecurve7655 10 лет назад
The first verse is very literal ! Gods first creative act happened before the first day! Space was the first creative act then the Earth. This leads right into the 2nd verse. This makes perfect sense . God made space first in order to put the Earth in it. the fourth day explains how he filled said SPACE=HEAVENS.
@TorianTammas 8 лет назад
How does anyone act before time? When before does not exist then after can not exist. So first you need time before anything can act. So any god has to act in time.
@vshah1010 7 лет назад
According to Genesis, God created plants before the sun. That doesn't make sense.
@McScott76 6 лет назад
vshah1010, It does make sense if you hold to the view that the 7 days of creation were like an architect "creating" a building. The building is not yet built, but for all intents and purposes it has been "created" through the detailed plan that will dictate how it comes to be. God could have created the "blueprint" for the entire universe in 7 days and then subsequently used whatever process and however long he chose to bring his creation into existence. I'm not saying this is the correct view -- but it's plausible and consistent with what is revealed in Scripture. If you read Genesis 2:4-22, it certainly seems that certain parts of what we describe as "creation" happened as a lengthy process, not as an instantaneous act of his will. For example, in Genesis 2:5-6, we read, "Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground." Then later, in verses 8-9, we read, "Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground-trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food." It certainly sounds like these plants emerged after being "planted," watered and tended. This is a process that takes time -- not one that happens instantly in a single 24-hour day.
@kevinrtres 6 лет назад
@@vshah1010 One day before the sun - so what? The plants still had the LIGHT from God to use. And even if they didn't they could still survive another day without it. So what's the problem, again?
@kevinrtres 6 лет назад
@@McScott76 Small correction - 6 days of creation, not 7.
@kevinbrislawn5918 7 лет назад
when Born Again as Jesus requires you then see the difference between the imposter and the real thing..you have nothing to lose but your sin
@bobhutton1409 7 лет назад
The reason why people do not accept the Bible is because they have been blinded by the devil (2nd Cor. 4 v 3-4). Unless God, in His sovereign mercy, opens their eyes they WILL NOT believe. (See 1st Cor. 2 verse 14, Matthew 11 verses 25-27, John 6 verses 37,44 and 65)
@brotherbroseph1416 6 лет назад
No Bob, the reason is the John MacArthurs of the world. These guys are numb skulls
@tmo4330 5 лет назад
@@brotherbroseph1416 second peter ch 3 is talking about you
@bigarj2 5 лет назад
You’re absolutely true. Sad truth, however.
@loganross1861 9 лет назад
I'll confess, it was a few years after being comfortable with Christ rising from the grave that I became comfortable with a literal, simple trust in the entirety of the Scriptures. Trusting the Bible in it's entirety, for me, came well AFTER believing in Christ--the perfect life, the miracles, the work of the cross, the resurrection, the miracles and work done by Paul and the apostles. Once that doubt goes, tho, it's a big deal; was for me at least. The Bible is truly a miracle in itself. No other document in existence compares, or can stand up against rigorous scrutiny. You have to take it in it's entirety though.
@TorianTammas 8 лет назад
+Logan Ross Sure you can believe it. When was the last time you saw a tree that gave knowledge or life? When did you see on Google Earth the Garden of Eden? When did you last talk to a snake and it talked back?
@glendadrake6103 4 года назад
Sounds like Darwin suffered from an influx of demons.
@mcplesk8765 3 года назад
Sounds like someone suffers from influx of egoism
@noradohm3073 Год назад
Stand Firm! Keep Preaching Truth! Amen
@galenstevenson918 7 лет назад
Accepting scripture is one thing. Acceptance of a particular interpretation is another.
@smitty121981 2 года назад
@soligracia3073 4 года назад
RU-vid gives this error playback ID gqnm_OujjrUkrhc (didn't copy correctly but the point remains)
@Stephthewest 9 лет назад
the devil only tells a lie when it is almost the truth.We will never prove that there is no God because there is, but the devil loves to misconstrued the truth.
@TorianTammas 8 лет назад
+Steph Noland Why does god allow it that his own creation the devil lead people astray?
@thereisnopandemic 6 лет назад
What about Christians that do not believe that the days were not 24 hours each. I know some Christians that believe in 6 day creation but each day was not a 24 hour period.
@simonekhiralla425 8 лет назад
Thanks for this beneficial lecture, If we believe in the word of God that it is not subject to mistake we will simply accept that there is nothing in the bible related to Evolution, simply because the word faith meaning as per the bible Hebrews 11:1&2: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.
@smitty121981 2 года назад
If you think that evolution is threatening in any way to the Bible then you LACK faith. And you probably lack scientific knowledge as well....
@Joseph221b 11 месяцев назад
So amazing how McArthur gets the beginning and the ending right and still gets the middle so wrong.
@davidhiggins3012 2 года назад
I am a born again conservative, Bible believing Christian, but I have also learned about Hebrew and the culture of the time and can’t get on board with this. I’m sorry. According to MacArthur, I just won’t submit to God. He says I am changing the scripture but that’s what I see the church do…we redefine the Bible into our language and our customs. There are so many things I want to write here about what the Bible does and doesn’t say in Genesis, but it won’t change anyone’s opinion. I think MacArthur is one of my favorite pastors but I do not agree with this one.
@brandonpemberton5707 9 месяцев назад
There are different words translated to "day" from the Hebrew. The word translated as day in Genesis 1 is used throughout the OT and in every instance it means a literal DAY. NOTHING from within scripture convinced you otherwise. It was the so-called knowledge of secular fools that prompted you to reinterpret Genesis 1 into nonliteral poetry/prose. This is heresy. Adam was NOT placed in a fallen world with centuries of death and disease preceding. Ask any new testament writer who references the creation account, its clear how they interpret it👌
@marktunstall9875 4 года назад
I don't believe Genesis was written as a science guide for university students nor should we expect to be such. We need wisdom to discern the truth, everything is not literally true even in the bible, for example when Jesus says if you have faith as small as a grain of mustard seed you can speak to a mountain to removed and cast into the sea. Well there are many people living in faith but still a lot of stubborn mountains. I praise God for all things and thank him for the many blessings in my life may he richly bless you too.
@smitty121981 2 года назад
You're right! But I would add that Paul talks about faith leading to having the mind of Christ. So when you truly have that kind of faith, "you" are the one who put the mountain exactly right where it is and it is in just the right place to serve a divine purpose! The point is not for faith to give us magic powers that enable us to exert our own will on the world, but to align ourselves with the true will of God.
@elijahleggs5875 5 лет назад
I’ve been questioning it for the longest time. This has helped me understand everything about god 🙏🏾
@tapiocaweasel 4 года назад
no Elijah this is horrifying. you're more moral than your god and so am i! He makes the rules and doles out infinite punishment for finite crimes? If the God in the bible is real, then he seems evil to me
@elijahleggs5875 4 года назад
Tapiocaweasel the reason that he doles put an infinite punishment is because the demons knew not to go against god and thought they were more powerful then him. So their sin is unforgivable however with us humans we were deceived into sin. Well at least that’s the way I look at it. 🤷🏾‍♂️
@elijahleggs5875 4 года назад
kena161975 AAA not off the top of my head but Ik there’s a better explanation in the Bible 🤷🏾‍♂️ sorry for the inconvenience
@tapiocaweasel 4 года назад
@@elijahleggs5875infinite punishment for finite crime is wrong. that's my point. and you shouldn't be punished for ancestors sin. you literally are saying we got tricked into god giving us infinite punishment as though that makes it ok? and genesis is a myth, it reads like a myth and no objective person would think it isn't. i've been rereading the bible recently, and its a glaring failure as a moral guidepost, which would be its only possible redeeming point
@elijahleggs5875 4 года назад
Tapiocaweasel god gives us a choice. To live in good and acknowledge that god is the one and only god and is worthy of my praise or to live a life filled with sins and lies. It’s up to you .
@kentgraham5283 4 года назад
So...GOD so loved the Son,that he created the world,to give his Son a gift?This view makes me want to be "PRESENT" so I can see part two...what we do in eternity.Courtship,Marriage,family...WOW!
@mcplesk8765 3 года назад
Afterlife is meaningless without afterafterlife
@RyanSmith-sz7kb 8 лет назад
the earth is a footstool literally.
@trixie_8242 6 лет назад
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. 18Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have." luke 8:17-18. We either believe the infallible Holy scriptures or we deny and reject it. There are over 75 verses that depict the earth being bound, stable, immovable, fixed, still, established and cannot be moved. the earth having pillars, corners and ends. it is the sun that moves not he earth. it is the sun that rises upon the earth and goes down, a tabernacle for the sun , a firmament, dome, canopy, tent.. So let God be true and every man a liar. Rom. 16:17-18 "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple."
@Fyodor48 8 лет назад
as a young earther, as an admirer of Mr McCarthur he is a terrific teacher; except when he preaches on pre-trib, there he is I believe, wrong. I am sure however he does not disrespect me because of my position as I do not disrespect him... God Bless one and all
@anitacedar9917 5 лет назад
@travisolney6996 5 лет назад
I’m guessing that you believe the church will go through either part of or all of the tribulation and if so please send me scriptures to back up your belief. Thank you
@EzerEben 4 года назад
Fyodor, as an old earther, I have a piece of evidence I'd like you to consider. The geneticists at ancestry.com can tell me with 99.999% accuracy what I already suspect: that my relatives who look and act a lot like me can be DNA tested to prove that they are my mother, brother, nephew, great uncle, and cousin 8 times removed. They can reveal who my ancestors were hundreds and even thousands of years ago with astounding, tested accuracy. Similarly, geneticists compare DNA sequences among species in the animal kingdom. They reveal that we share genetic information that makes us closer or more distal relatives to different animals, even pointing to common ancestors hundreds of thousands of years ago. These genetic scientists tell us that, according to our DNA, our closest living relatives are the chimp, gorilla and orangutang, being more distally related to other species of monkeys, and much more distally to reptiles. Not coincidently, our closer relatives look and act a lot more like us than crocodiles do. This serves as good evidence for an old earth. Christians wave this off by saying that this only points to a Common Creator. But this is as intelligent as saying that DNA evidence does not link me to my mother and brother, but only to my Creator, which is demonstrably false. It is a proven fact that DNA directly links a person to his biological relatives. How do you consider such evidence? Do you have good evidence that points to the accuracy of the Genesis account?
@Upnext_kennel_99 11 месяцев назад
I’m a bit confused as to if pastor John sees genesis through the lenses of literal or cultural view? Pretty much literally or literacy ?
@chivaruano 6 лет назад
Amazing teacher, God bless him.
@MiracleTemplePenticostal Год назад
God bless you 🙏
@roberthosking7524 9 лет назад
Rely only on human will and intellect and you will be sadly disappointed.
@paulmayta6792 9 лет назад
Praise God for this timly message. Ley God be true and all man a liar.He made the sun moon, stars. He apalea and it Hapened He sople It arios fast. We need nothing more then Gods word.
@thetruthwillblowyouaway6028 5 лет назад
• If we are able to put the infinite God in our around 3 pounds brain, then what God is he? God is above us in every way, time, dimension(PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE). God, The God of the Bible is not affected by time space or matter. And Again, if he is affected by time, space or matter, he is not GOD. ! Universe = Uni - single ; Verse - spoken sentence; result of this - We live in a single spoken sentence? Well who pronounced it then? Look here - Genesis 1:3 And God said " Let there be light " Time space and matter is what we call the continuum, they have to come to existence at the same time. All of them. Because if there were a matter but not space, where would you put it? If there were matter in space, but no time... when would you put it? You can't have time, space or matter independently. They all have to come into existence simultaneously. THE BIBLE answers that in 10 words. - In the beginning(there's time); - God created the heaven(there's space); - And the earth (there's matter) So you have time, space, matter created a trinity of trinities there, because: - Time is past, present, future - Space has length, width, height - Matter has solid, liquid, gas. You have trinity of trinities created simultaneously. And the GOD who created them, has to be outside of them. If he is limited by time he is not GOD. Trinity, just as God, Son and the Holy spirit. So the God who created this universe, IS outside of the universe. He is beyond, above, in, through it, he is not affected by it! (A). Just like the God(technician) who created your computer, he created it from outside the computer. He was not inside of it. He is not affected by its boundaries, and so God is not affected by the boundaries of the universe. If we are in the 3rd or 4th dimension he is above that (5th +) • Think about it,this. Let's suppose that you are creating, programming some game, for example like super-mario, ok? Now do you think this unit, npc(mario) will be able, have what it takes to understand that it is created and that it is confined by the game and the space where you have put it into? The game and the space that you have designed, programmed OUTSIDE of it. Outside the boundaries of that dimension(the case of the computer) and the game? > < There is no way that mario is going to understand and know HOW, WHEN he's been put into those finite boundaries(the case of the computer, the monitor, the cpu - pick one. The point is that ALL of them are finite, restricted by his comprehension and view). And so we are unable to understand, how, when, we have been programmed and put into our finite space(the universe), bY WHO, and what's outside our finite space. WHY? One of the reasons for that is, because we lack that ability, insight( we lack the code, it is not fully embedded, programmed into our being, soul). So, how can we start to get some understanding, insight of how, when, by who we have been created? > Well, the BIBLE, which means B - basic I - instructions B - before L - leaving E - earth MAKES IT CLEAR : 1. John 3:16 - 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 2. John 14:6 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. yeah, and what about that? How is that going to help? Well if you sincere, genuinely believe in Jesus, he will do the following : 3. John 14:15-17 Jesus - If you love me, keep my commandments. I will ask the Father to give you another Helper, to be with you always. He is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor recognizes him. But you recognize him, because he lives with you and will be in you. 4. John 14:26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. (that teaching, will embed into your soul, part of the instructions, code, needed to complete and start to understand why, how and by who we are created). Part of the instructions? Well, to attain the others you have to contribute some love, patience and FOLLOW the 10 LAWS given by GOD. Then you will be on the right path to find the missing, requisite instructions to fulfill your source code :) • The image of an old man is given to God so that everyone, independently from his IQ, AGE OF EXISTENCE, Can form a mental picture of him. IT IS NOT THIS way because GOD is an old-bearded man. IT IS because of us and for US. You wouldn't give God image of an astronaut right? Why? Because think about the people 1000+ years ago? Is this astronaut suit going to mean anything to them? Nope, because they are not advanced enough to comprehend it. They have never seen one. But they HAVE SEEN AN OLD MAN. Right? Everyone gets old :) AND because of that God has been assigned with the image of an old man, so that everyone can visualize him. If God presents himself in his full form our senses, brain won't discern and fit him in. And the idea that a spiritual force(like angels) can't have an impact on a material body... think about emotions, love, hatred, envy and rationality... Also we are affected by so many things. Take for example GRAVITY? Do you see it? Can you give me on jar of it and color it in green? You can't but you are affected by it... So you better stop worry about who wins the next cup, ball or whatever interest you, and start worrying about what have you contributed to God's creation and where you are going when you die. Turn to Jesus, today! Try at least praying once.
@rolandparfenovics5250 4 года назад
Thetruthwillblowyou away well said again thanks
@crystalhaughton9021 4 года назад
Thetruthwillblowyou away In a nutshell... I love this and I will borrow some of these nuggets. Thank you!
@bobbyjbobbyj Год назад
Short answer: no, it’s not the literal truth Long answer: nooooooo, it’s definitely not anywhere close to literal truth
@malachi00000007 5 лет назад
@rickm5853 5 лет назад
Does anyone know if John MacArthur ever speaks on dinosaurs and if there is any mention of them in the Bible? Thank you.
@tmo4330 5 лет назад
Dinosaurs were land animals. Man lived 900 years or so before the flood. Animals probably lived much longer also and many grew to gigantic sizes.. After the flood the earth was under a much different ecological enviornment than before . Dinosaurs were not as prolific after the flood, and became extinct like half or even most animals which were created. Many living things have become extinct in my lifetime.
@rickm5853 5 лет назад
T mo thank you for the reply. I was not asking for your opinion. Thank you any way
@jacobjohn7605 3 года назад
Heh, you probably don't need help now... But Job mentions "Behemoth" which is a perfect description of a dinosaur. As well as Leviathan, which would have been a water dinosaur. ^^
@dorianphilotheates3769 3 года назад
I seem to have fallen asleep and awoken in 1346.
@smitty121981 2 года назад
nah...scientifically maybe, but they were much closer to the spiritual truth back then.
@trooper2221 Год назад
Exodus 20:11 is perplexing, provided Adam and Eve were not created until the 8 th day. So how is this explained?
@fable0fevolution16 6 лет назад
@pannonia77 5 лет назад
No, the first verse of the Bible is not clear. What is meant by the "heavens"? Anyway, we know that the Earth is much younger than the Universe itself (4.5 vs. 13.7 billion years). So God cannot have created the "heavens" (whatever it means) together with the Earth.
@martinfroelich7193 7 лет назад
-this really discredits McArthur. He thinks his narrow interpretation of Genesis, rules out all the discoveries of science. How arrogant and ignorant.
@McMasterFool 5 лет назад
Martin Froelich you assume he is ignorant and uneducated? That is on you friend.
@martinfroelich7193 5 лет назад
I agree. I appreciate John McArthur when he exposits scriptures in which he doesn't have a particular theological dog in the fight, but he suddenly loses sophistication and an ability to nuance when it touches five point CALVINISM and six day creationism.
@GDG-gorthodoxy 5 месяцев назад
@@martinfroelich71936 day creation is the only truth. Evolution isn’t science. It’s only a theory. Creation was a miracle. Virgin birth is a miracle. Turning water to wine was a miracle. Feeding 5,000 was a miracle. Resurrection was a miracle. Miracles are not for you to select which ones to accept and which ones to reject.
@martinfroelich7193 5 месяцев назад
@@GDG-gorthodoxy what makes you think Genesis 1 and 2 are conveying miracles done in the same sense that Christ's miracles were done? What is the cultural historical context of Genesis 1 and 2? What did it mean for the original hearer? What is in your mindset, that gives you permission to disregard discoveries of science that reveals the manner of the Lord's creation, in favor of your narrow literistic reading of the text, that is appropriately nonsensical to all educated people who appreciate scientific discovery, as a revelation of the glory of God as creator, in the world around us.
@GDG-gorthodoxy 5 месяцев назад
@@martinfroelich7193 God is not the author of confusion. God is the ultimate author of the text. God did not hide His methods for nearly 6,000 years only to have them illuminated by Charles Darwin. Why is it so hard for you to accept what God said? Are you afraid? Do you fear man? I take issue with your statement ALL educated people believe science is in conflict with Holy Scripture. Some of us highly educated actually do make our living from science AND have accepted the revealed truth of the Bible. Evolution is NOT science. Evolution is a theory. So is the tooth fairy. Evolution was invented as an explanation for existence without God. Evolution is a gateway to apostasy. Can you name ONE single scientific fact that verifies Darwinian evolution? And yes, I do believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, just like I believe in a literal flood, a literal resurrection, a literal heaven and a literal hell. Genesis creation account was not a parable, it was not poetry, not found in Psalms. “Has God said…” was from the liar in the garden and sadly even Christians are sometimes persuaded by the deceiver. Evolution is satan’s magnum opus. Evolutionists are evangelists of evil. I take issue with calling evil good.
@TheFANOFSELGOMEZ 3 года назад
What Bible version was he reading from?
@smitty121981 2 года назад
@sasquatchhadarock968 4 года назад
So... Darwin was either Demon possessed or a psych-case of epic proportions
@lierox9 3 года назад
Or he was a scientist who suffered from mental difficulties? I thought that bit of MacArthur's talk was pretty shocking tbh. Lots of great Christian's suffered with mental illness, yet were incredible. And he wasn't a total loon, as he wrote that book. It's not fiction, its a science book, it had logic throughout (albeit wrong), but clearly not written by someone who is unsuitable to write a scientific book.
@mcplesk8765 3 года назад
@@lierox9 i wonder why you consider Origin of species wrong...
@lierox9 3 года назад
@@mcplesk8765 current science disagrees with quite a lot of what's in that book (as it should, science develops as evidence comes forward). For example he suggested pangenesis to explain variation within species from parents to children. Dead wrong, but good suggestion. And additionally I do believe hes extrapolated too far about how natural selection can be applied to change in species. I'm defending the guy from personal slights, which doesn't really affect whether his scientific work is credible
@McScott76 6 лет назад
What MacArthur is completely missing here is that God didn't just reveal himself through special revelation (Scripture) but ALSO through general revelation (what we can observe about his creation). True science is simply an examination of God's general revelation. It's ignorant and false to claim that science cannot contribute to our understanding of God's creative process. Only a young-earth creationist who is hell-bent on forcing the Genesis account into a literalist box would be this close-minded toward God's general revelation. Just because evolutionists draw the wrong conclusions about God's general revelation doesn't give us license to ignore or attack that revelation. Old-earth (or day-age) creationism is the ONLY view that takes both God's special and general revelation literally and reconciles both without sacrificing the other. The Hebrew word for "day" ("yom") is also translated "period of time." Moses uses figurative language in other parts of the creation account (such as God -- a spirit -- "breathing" the breath of life). So, it is both a LITERAL reading and contextually consistent to conclude that the 7 days of creation were 7 periods of time that are consistent with God's general revelation about the earth's age. It is also plausible and consistent with a literal reading of Genesis to conclude that the 7-days of creation were essentially God working out his "blueprint" for creation, and that he then brought that blueprint to life over a much longer period. NOTHING in Scripture precludes or excludes this view.
@robertkalteyer6711 4 года назад
Amen. A Christian who can think with the mind that God gave us! Truly well put sir.
@thomasspringer5187 5 лет назад
Questions: How does a sphere have four corners ? Where in scripture is the word " universe " ? If the Bible doesn't say planets but does mention stars and you keep alluding to the universe then you'd have to believe in evolution , can you explain ?
@limitedoversight 4 года назад
Amen!!! Great preacher but if he discounts evolution than he needs to go deeper into the rabbit holes of lies and research flat earth.
@donhattaway2833 4 года назад
bodus The phrase “four corners of the earth” is not stating that the earth is flat. The intent is to covey the four directions of north, south, east, and west.
@smitty121981 2 года назад
@@donhattaway2833 oh give me a break. Everyone fully knows that the Bible doesn't come anywhere close to describing a free-floating spherical earth hurtling through empty space. Psalm 104:5 "He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved."
@donhattaway2833 2 года назад
@@smitty121981 He stretches out the north over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing. Job 26:7
@smitty121981 2 года назад
@@donhattaway2833 See the word "hang" there which directly implies it's not spinning or moving?? And you're missing the point, which is that Jmac is a total hypocrite for accepting deep space but rejecting deep time. The same apologetics you are applying to resolve the solar system can EASILY be applied to resolve deep time and evolution. You just refuse to do so.
@DerGlaetze 2 года назад
It’s amazing how much money the preacher industry makes from using the Bible.
@charlesbrowniii8398 4 года назад
"There is no such thing as creation science!" (12:08) He got that right. I wish young earthers would take this advice and stop embarrassing themselves. They can just say it was an unobservable, unrepeatable miracle, and you should just believe.
@ronaldpettifurd5957 2 года назад
But old earthen follow science? Hahaha yeah ok buddy.
@smitty121981 2 года назад
@@ronaldpettifurd5957 yes Ronald, that IS right. Even a child can understand the geological evidence that REQUIRES an old earth. Lying about the evidence shows a LACK of faith.
@ronaldpettifurd5957 2 года назад
@@smitty121981 there's much more geological evidence for a world wide flood than billions or trillions of years
@smitty121981 2 года назад
@@ronaldpettifurd5957 That's absurd and dishonest. There are countless geological features that REQUIRE a passage of time, even IF you reject the absolute dating methods.
@ronaldpettifurd5957 2 года назад
@@smitty121981 require? Absolutely not. It's sciences best guess.
@skidmoro9642 6 лет назад
Everything is not literal..Paul said it ..not me. Galatians 4 24...Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.
@jeffhughes6054 5 лет назад
The great Apostle Paul is specifically limiting ,as a true prophet of God, himself to the allegory of the two women one being the slave women and one being the free woman and one child the child without the promise and the other of the promise... Isaac ...so please learn to study the Bible correctly before you try to pass everything you want off as an allegory.
@e.neebbriated.3449 9 лет назад
I love it, MacArthur body slammed the darwin crowd.
@Peter_Scheen 5 лет назад
Not really, I challenge you to give the strongest argument and I will tell you where it fails.
@tmo4330 5 лет назад
@@Peter_Scheen The theory of evolution is the easiest thing in the world to prove wrong. I mean EASY. Birds were created BEFORE any land animals. That verse alone destroys evolution.
@Peter_Scheen 5 лет назад
@@tmo4330 The bible is the claim, not the evidence. Evidence shows your statement is wrong.
@tmo4330 5 лет назад
@@Peter_Scheen Rule #1 about wisdom and knowledge--Fear God (respect for). If you don't you will not have solid ground to stand on and will be wishy-washie. ALL EVIDENCE points to creation and catastrophe. Thats right. The genesis world wide flood makes this planet look very old to unknowing people. The flood-not a 65 million year old astroid.
@Timothi 5 лет назад
@@tmo4330 So is God then tricking people to make the earth look older than it really is by allowing the flood to do such a thing?
@paulv1973 3 года назад
The Bible is a book of history, not science. It's pointless to debate this.
@mcplesk8765 3 года назад
Well it claim to be both and is neither
@edvogt4039 8 лет назад
Wow. There are a ton of verses used out of context. He knows better. I'm a little half way through Origin of Species, and Darwin has said nothing against God. The book is actually pretty dry and detailed. It's mainly an account of his and others observations. I wonder if MacArthur has read Darwin.
@ryanesau8147 6 лет назад
Darwin was opposed to God. Not directly but in his assertion of origin. It is completely against God's order of how things came into being.
@ryanesau8147 6 лет назад
Dawin was not a Christian... a Christian is not a person that believes in God but a person who follows Jesus ..
@dand4485 5 лет назад
@@ryanesau8147 Your comment makes no sense, Jesus === God, they are the same.
@ryanesau8147 5 лет назад
@@dand4485 ya it makes sense. Many people believe in god. Jews Muslims JWs Roman Catholics. They don't believe in Jesus
@seichorn4079 5 лет назад
@@ryanesau8147 a Christian is both. how can you follow Jesus without believing in GOD? Jesus is GOD.
@ibrahimzayas Год назад
Attacking Darwin’s theory for his personal problems, it's a Ad hominem fallacy
@olantern 8 лет назад
a great sermon! thank you!
@BornbeingRich 5 лет назад
Yes ! God bless you pastor
@timroy7491 5 лет назад
I believe in the spirit of Love. However, the 7 day theory should not be taken literally. This guy is baffled. God separated day and night on the first day and The Sun and Moon was placed on the fourth day. That is categorically inaccurate information. Gen. 1
@BenNocella 5 лет назад
Tim Roy why is that inaccurate?
@kyleboffa793 4 года назад
He spent a lot of time on darwin, and i just want to point out that Darwin isn't the main force behind the theory of evolution.
@ronaldpettifurd5957 2 года назад
Correct. But he's the clown that popularized it.
@kevinbrislawn5918 9 лет назад
I wish the catholic church-roman catholic system would refrain from altering so many scriptures that do not need another interpretation. It has a lot to do with the POPE and their magistrates trying to look relevant in a sliding culture in a sliding morality. Relativism is the hallmark of such behavior to try and accommodate and thus the gospel of Jesus christ is thus harmed and mute!. Creation-Fall-Redemption-Reconciliation IS the only Hallmark to be adhered to. If you remove any one of these 4 tenets, you remove the gospel and have confusion. so if you remove Fall..then what does Redemption mean? redemption from what! If you remove Creation, then what does Fall mean, fallen from what? If you remove Redemption then what does Reconciliation mean: then it evolves into health , wealth etc and so forth. Doctrine DOES matter, Theology does matter, connecting the 4 tenets does matter. If you remove one: You have no message! Keep it precise, do not stray off into nebulous eisegesis and be content that God has a plan for you and i.
@jamesmansfield8769 8 лет назад
+kevin b hi I grew up in the RCC but never really started to think much about the future until 1997. Soonafter I began listening to various radio commentaries (Stanley, Swindoll, Hanegraf, Recker+) and I owe much to those...but then since the KJV is written such archaic words and I had a RCC Bible laying around, I ventured....the Word when written in the modern and perfectly understandable favorite language of mine was pivotal in my subsequent realizations about the truth. I'll say that modern English was the most importatnt factor but that the RCC Bible (NAB) happens to have the most clearly written with abundant footnotes and introductions to each story as well as other commentaries....know the truth and you'll be more free...this is not to say that the RCC is perfekt, but are you? (PS: writers of the NAB may have/had different intentions than the magisterium) If you care to, I'll send you a short segment of an introduction to Revelation that is published in the NAB...it really gave me great inspiration!
@antoniov64 7 лет назад
The Catholic Church is not a system it is the MAIN Universal Christian church. Now you may want to live in denial and believe whatever you want to believe, the same way you believe that earth is few thousands years old, but this will not change facts. So-called Christian preachers like MacArthur, refusing scientific discoveries in the name of stupid literal interpretation of scriptures are the main promoters of atheism or at least, of rejecting Christianity. Thank God I am Catholic.
@kevinbrislawn5918 7 лет назад
James Mansfield perfection is not the que to ones christianity it is his perfection that steadies me. RCC is ok..just that the issues within the system have me not wanting to allow myself to be ecumenical or seeing personal agendas outside of biblical exegesis. i.e. praying for saints, mary, mary worship, penance, indulgences etc etc the list goes back to the dark ages and should be abandoned.
@kevinbrislawn5918 7 лет назад
fine to be catholic a saved one that is...not a nominal christian which most seem to me in my past encounters with catholics who say ahh good for another year when they do communion! thats WORKS not being saved by GRACE.
@kevinbrislawn5918 7 лет назад
Antonio Brahms sorry but your the one who is deceived by saying the Catholic universalism is the true CHURCH. The church biblically is the body of Christ..not. a system or a denomination as you adhere to. that is not in the Bible..Catholicism is just that another ISM. your being betrayed by sleight of words and imaginations from the Pontiffs misues of sound doctrine. this is dangerous because no man or instituion should be. a broker over your life. Jesus is the only way..the man-God in the flesh who redeemed us. Catholicism does not Save you
@viktorzaritskyi4722 2 года назад
How you can count first few days ,when sun was not created?
@matotuncotutata 9 лет назад
I can't for the life of me understand why people like him are so ready to state the earth was created in 6 days but they don't defend the idea that the earth is flat, when the bible explicity says the earth is flat...
@matotuncotutata 9 лет назад
Well I think 9:10 answers my question. He just ignores all the verses that say the earth is flat... Nothing more to see here...
@hadeskiller1 9 лет назад
The earliest Church fathers would disagree.
@kevindavies8035 9 лет назад
It doesn't teach that the earth is flat though nemirc. Where are you basing this on?
@kevindavies8035 9 лет назад
nemirc Isaiah 40 talks about the " circle of the earth". As does Job. Revelation uses language much like we do today...with the setting of the sun etc....the four corners of the earth etc.
@matotuncotutata 9 лет назад
So it's like saying "the circle of the earth" and "the four corners of the earth" is interpreted as "allegorical" or as a "metaphor" but "God created the earth in 6 days" is to be taken literally? Is there a rule that defines what's literal and what's not, or is mostly "I believe it's literal, so it ought to be literal"? Also, nobody in modern language speaks of the earth globe as "a circle"
@markocarroll2206 4 года назад
mr macarthur I have a lot of respect for you and have listened to many your sermons but one place your way off on is the 2nd coming as you mentioned in luke 21.. its shocking that you could miss the abomination of desolation and miss what the entire chapter was all about.. you must know that in luke 21, Mathew 24, mark 13 Daniel 23-27 it tells of 70ad and confirmed that this will all happen in this generation which was 40 years and indeed it did, also in Isaiah and other places in Daniel , this is so clear and is why I am so shocked you my favorite did not get this part.
@thetruthwillblowyouaway6028 5 лет назад
PART 2 • Also people say, how did all the animals fit in the ark. All the giraffes and elephants. Wait a minute… Was the ark full of giraphes and elephants… The average size of an animal today is smaller than a sheep if you average all the animals. So why pick the extreme of giraffes and elephants… And • • • Noah could’ve taken babies. Could’ve brought young ones. Everyone would do that. And concerning Noah with an IQ of 300-400… it has surely occurred to him to do that. AND NOAH DIDN’T Have to pick the animals. ///// Einstein had IQ of 160 ///// GOD brought the animals to NOAH. Noah didn’t have to go and get them. That is what the BIBLE says. God brought the animals to Noah. • Also if by only bringing 2 of each KIND and not TWO OF EACH INDIVIDUAL SPECIES, the animals would easily fit in the ARK. And if you have pre-flood environment with the people much smarter and the people much stronger, bigger, and Noah WITH hundred and some years to do it he could easily have built the ARK. • THE BIBLE says the ARK was made out of gopher wood. The Hebrew phrase gopher wood means laminated wood. • Ron Wyatt has found piece of that from the ark site in the valley of eight. It’s about two and a half feet long, about four inches thick and it was three LAYERS of wood cross-grain to each other. The layers were stuck together with TAR and they had been pressed together where the three layers were bounded to each other. Just like we made plywood today. And I think a 600 year old man with a higher IQ we have today would figure out how to do that, no doubt. Also, from where they get so much food to feed the animals in the ark. • ALL THE PEOPLE AND ALL THE ANIMALS WERE VEGETARIAN. Many animals during storm situations go to sleep or hibernate. NOT all would do that, BUT MANY animals do. They will simply sleep through the whole storm. • ALL THE PEOPLE AND ALL THE ANIMALS WERE VEGETARIAN. And during hibernation animals recycle their body wastes. For example a bear will go to sleep for the winter and will actually recycle the urine and feces into his system for the whole time. It’s amazing how that happens. How all the acids and everything are broken down. • If you want to LEARN more enlightening things, go to Kent Hovind ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// • "In six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day" "For with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day" • Daniel 4:10-15 10 These are the visions I saw while lying in bed: I looked, and there before me stood a tree in the middle of the land. Its height was enormous. 11 The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky; it was visible to the ends of the earth. 12 Its leaves were beautiful, its fruit abundant, and on it was food for all. Under it the wild animals found shelter, and the birds lived in its branches; from it every creature was fed. 13 “In the visions I saw while lying in bed, I looked, and there before me was a holy one, a messenger,[a] coming down from heaven. 14 He called in a loud voice: ‘Cut down the tree and trim off its branches; strip off its leaves and scatter its fruit. Let the animals flee from under it and the birds from its branches. 15 But let the stump and its roots, bound with iron and bronze, remain in the ground, in the grass of the field. • Genesis 2:4-25 Now no shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the LORD God had not sent rain upon the earth, and there was no man to cultivate the ground. But a mist used to rise from the earth and water the whole surface of the ground. Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made earth and heaven. Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. The LORD God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden; and there He placed the man whom He had formed. Out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The name of the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. The gold of that land is good; the bdellium and the onyx stone are there. The name of the second river is Gihon; it flows around the whole land of Cush. The name of the third river is Tigris; it flows east of Assyria And the fourth river is the Euphrates. Then the LORD God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. The LORD God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die. " Then the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him." Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the sky, and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. So the LORD God caused a deep [[[[[SLEEP]]]]] to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. The LORD God fashioned into a woman the [[[[[rib]]]]] which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man." For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. • HOW GOD MADE EVE FROM ONE OF ADAM'S RIB? - Scientific answer - Dentists, quite often, if you are doing surgery on someone's jaw, and they need some bone material to build in new bone, THEY WILL OPEN UP the patient side, cut out a piece of the rib, screw it in into the jaw and it will grow in. If doctors can do that, wouldn't God be able to do it too? - ALSO, there was a doctor who did a report. He got an accident. He broke his cheekbones, smashed his face in. And the other doctors would work on him. And they said to him well have to get a donor bone. WE WILL GET IT FROM YOUR LOWER RIB. So they cut him open while he was [[[[[ASLEEP]]]]], took some bone out of the rib and put in the cheekbone to rebuild his cheek. And in that report they were discussing how the RIB WILL GROW BACK. No problem at all. • That's the only BONE in the human body that will grow BACK. ... Now, I think God already knew that. !!!!! Accept Jesus Christ as your personal saviour. Pray to him : "Jesus Christ, I strongly believe that you have died for me 2000 years ago and rose on the 3rd day. Jesus I know that you are the first and only completely true son of our designer(GOD). Jesus, I KNOW that I AM a sinner and that I DESERVE TO GO TO HELL, But I want to change! Please Jesus, come into my life, into my heart and CHANGE ME. Do whatever you think is necessary to make me suitable for your Kingdom"
@rolandparfenovics5250 4 года назад
Thetruthwillblowyou away .....thanks for your detailed post
@mjbonhomme9083 4 года назад
Great sermon but I have to disagree on one point, Intelligent Design IMO in no way diminishes God, it points to Him as the source of creation. The First Cause if you like. Unless of course you use ID as the source of evolution then yes in that context it's dangerous.
@mcplesk8765 3 года назад
ID is bullshit because it isnt ID at all
@RyanSmith-sz7kb 8 лет назад
god never uses the word universe.he says heavens and earth. he never uses shere
@garrettpapit 8 лет назад
False. www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-c015.html
@trooper2221 Год назад
Bothersome sir,u don address genesis 2:7 or genesis 2:18
@justinbrentwood1299 Год назад
What's wrong with Genesis 2:7, 18? Also, Genesis 2 is not entirely chronologically after Genesis 1. If God made man on day 6, and Genesis 2:5 describes how there wasn't a man, the book overviewed creation in chapter 1 and is going backwards to go into a little more detail here.
@trooper2221 Год назад
@@justinbrentwood1299 how do we know this ?
@justinbrentwood1299 Год назад
@@trooper2221 Logic. If God made man on day 6, and Genesis 2:5 says there wasn't a man, day 6 hasn't passed, or else there would be a man.
@heisholy-org 9 лет назад
If the intelligence of all things existed BEFORE it was discovered who or what then put it there? Everything is WAY to complex for all this to come nothing or by "accident". That hypothesis is absolutely ridiculous! Laberlaben, your ideology is manipulated by your own pride!
@garyshort777 9 лет назад
I would love to debate John MacArthur about his claim that the Bible is true on all subjects and that God cannot tell a lie. He holds an ancient book above science without any critical thinking. He just rejects science and excepts an ancient book written by fallible men who knew nothing about the creation of the universe.
@e2sguy 9 лет назад
You would fail in a debate sir because your on the wrong side of the issue . You may not be as smart as you think
@garyshort777 9 лет назад
+e2sguy Lol. You have no idea who I am or what I know.
@richardjimenez2134 9 лет назад
Please read the scriptures before coming to such conclusions. If you do read the bible, you clearly see that it is not merely a book written by some bored old man sitting on a hill in the desert. The bible is the most scrutinized book of all time and has yet to be discredited. Science is the result of human desire for knowledge so it is merely the product of man and not of the creator. Science, like mankind, is part of creation but the creator by definition is not. Therefore truth derives from the creator and can sometimes be discovered by the creation, no the other way round. When you reach a level of intelligence that equips you with the means to create a universe and life by just speaking it into existence, then you will be qualified to use your 'critical thinking' in opposition to God. God bless
@garyshort777 9 лет назад
1. Studied the Bible for years and know it better than most preachers. 2. I used to be a preacher. 3. Opposition to a biblical doctrine is not opposition to God. 4. Because you have prejudged that I am on the wrong side and cannot win, you show that you are not open to critical thinking or debate. You are just a blind man following a teacher blindly. 5. What makes you think that I have not been taught by the Creator Himself. How do you know whether or not if God has taught me the truth. 6. Faith without logic, reason, and evidence is just gullibility. 7. I am more than confident that I would prove your preacher wrong. But whether or not he or anyone else would let go of their false belief is another matter. 8. Why do Christians always pretend to love people and then bash them and attack them personally for not seeing things their way? 9. Your turn: Who has an IQ higher than Einstein's?
@richardjimenez2134 9 лет назад
+Gary Short that's simple: scripture is truth and there is no additional revelation from God. He hasn't left anything out or forgotten something and He doesn't change His mind. Scripture says 6 literal days and not only once.
@larrybduncan1336 9 лет назад
First of all, your questions have the appearance of being disingenuous. Why, "as a Christian who refuses to leave his brain at the church door", "absurd Young Earth Creationists", "claim Genesis is literal." You do not seem to have a real desire to listen. You have already formed your opinion and characterize those who do believe in and embrace Genesis 1 - 3 as literal historical narrative as brainless and absurd. Hmmmm, I wonder how attentive you would be. I know, you will say that I did not answer your questions implying that there are no answers. Truth is, your assumptions are totally wrong. Quoting Jesus from Matthew 19:4 - 6; "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall be one flesh'? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh, "Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate." No, he did not specifically use Adam and Eve's name but is clear from the testimony of Scripture, beginning in Genesis, that He as speaking of Adam and Eve. Any other conclusion is unreasonable. You characterize Genesis 1 and 2 as creation myths yet offer no basis for that assertion. Genesis chapter two explains in greater detail what is expressed in Genesis 1. Also, you did not mention faith but I will. In Hebrews 11:3 says, "By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible." A biblical definition of faith, based upon the Hebrew and Greek words used for faith, is an "Informed trust in God and what He has revealed in His Word." Biblical faith first and foremost engages the mind so that understanding occurs. God then calls upon man to trust Him on the bases of what He Has said or revealed. Faith is never a mindless, or brainless, response. It is by faith that we understand that God created everything in six consecutive twenty four hour days because He has clearly revealed this reality not only in Genesis but in thirty five other books of the Bible. At least God is honest about how anyone knows anything true about origins - it is by faith - an informed trust in God and what He has said - revealed. You, however, put your faith in others who articulate and embrace the narrative of evolution. You probably don't want to call it faith but you are putting your trust and confidence in what others say is true or probably true about origins. So, it comes down to a question of who one is going to trust. You have chosen to trust fallible men when it comes to origins.
@fedsthegoat444 9 лет назад
Well said. Thanks for saving me the time. God is good. Jesus knows His sheep.
@matotuncotutata 9 лет назад
How come Genesis 2 complements Genesis 1 when Genesis 1 says God created man and woman at the same time, after the animals, but Genesis 2 says he created man first, then the animals then the woman? Those narrations pretty much contradict each other.
@matotuncotutata 9 лет назад
***** "trust" as in "trust genesis is actual history?" Sorry, but genesis being actual history is what way too many christians define "theology fail" and that alone makes me rethink whatever MacArthur says.
@matotuncotutata 9 лет назад
According to MacArthur God also wills women to be raped all around the globe, and God also willed people to sin so he could be mad at people for sinning, so...
@matotuncotutata 9 лет назад
If you're a fan of MacArthur (and I will assume you are, because you're defending his dogma), then you don't need me to look for a quote since MacArthur completely supports the idea that everything, good and bad, is willed by God.
@raakmore4443 2 года назад
Did God create more than one woman? Who was Cain's wife?
@smitty121981 2 года назад
and who lived in his city?
@exaucemayunga22 Год назад
They'll say "Adam had many children, so he probably took one of his sisters" which makes no sense when you realize that Cain left before any of them were born. But They'll always create an explanation out of their pockets
@Nunya7211 Год назад
Guess the Bible is racist.. nice
@dun769 Месяц назад
Typical gotcha question that proves/disproves nothing. Nice try.
@jilliankovac8708 9 лет назад
The burden of proof is on you.
@McMasterFool 5 лет назад
Jillian Kovac okay Jillian
@seichorn4079 5 лет назад
you have free will to believe what you will. you will also suffer thr e consequences of your choice so, choose wisely.
@polarbarr21 5 лет назад
Everything you see and everything we know is proof.
@DylanGalvinMusic 7 лет назад
My problem with what John is saying is this: science cannot describe or quantify creation. Yet science has grown and developed into describing things within creation that we once had no way of detecting. What method do you use to determine what is considered natural and what is supernatural? Isn't everything supernatural since all things are created by God? In which case the only criteria that reduces something from supernatural to natural is that we have a scientific description of it? Which means: physics, event predicting computer algorithms, particle collision results....all things which were thought to be supernatural forces of God and not knowable by man are not viewed as "supernatural" anymore by anyone. But if this were 500 years ago and you were using this same rationale, you'd be saying that they were. I simply think that given enough time, science will eventually discover all elements of our universe, look back on the tower of Babel. God had to personally intervene because of the knowledge that mankind acquired. Clearly this meant they were able to conceive and understand the supernatural because they were on their way to entering heaven via there own means. The catch is that God has already allotted how much time man will have in the universe in a fallen state, so we will not get there. I don't believe in any way this takes away from God's genius or creation. It simply means we cannot be arbitrary on the line we draw between natural and supernatural.
@jeffhughes6054 5 лет назад
Wow! What an incredible misinterpretation of the Tower of Babel. what God meant is that when he said they'll be able to do whatever they want is in an evil sense not in a Godly sense that they'll make their own way to heaven too early who taught you that?
@Alkes777 2 года назад
Dylan Galvin In other words, the God of the gaps and the gaps are getting smaller and smaller as we gain knowledge.
@vaportimenow 8 лет назад
MacArthur has destroyed himself. He created his own evil. Look close at verse 18 and 19. 17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost. 18 I TESTIFY TO EVERYONE WHO HEARS THE WORDS OF THE PROPHECY OF THIS BOOK: IF ANYONE ADDS TO THEM, GOD WILL ADD TO HIM THE PLAGUES WHICH ARE WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK; [MacArthur added to the book when he said "you can repent later"] 19 AND IF ANYONE TAKES AWAY FROM THE WORDS OF THE BOOK OF THIS PROPHECY, GOD WILL TAKE AWAY HIS PART FROM THE TREE OF LIFE AND FROM FROM THE HOLY CITY, WHICH ARE WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK. [MacArthur took away the words of Jesus that said if you take the mark of the beast, you will go to hell] 20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. 21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.
@savedby_grace6110 8 лет назад
You disregard Rom. 5:1 and many other scriptures that support justification by "faith alone."
@vaportimenow 8 лет назад
Saul Marrero How about heretic John MacArthur's evil? He is so evil that he takes the position of God All Mighty!!! MacArthur tells us WE can commit occasional acts of adultery!! No wonder he told God "I can override your word that those who take the mark of the beast, can repent later". God said "MacArthur will never eat from the tree of life". The * is from MacArthur's words. * "A true Christian possessing saving faith can commit occasional acts of adultery." If that does not sound like "a license to sin", I've never heard one! (Hence, MacArthur claims there are some Christian adulterers.) God forbid! * "A true Christian possessing saving faith can commit occasional acts of drunkenness." If that does not sound like "a license to sin", I've never heard one! (Hence, MacArthur claims there are some Christian drunks.) God forbid! * "A true Christian possessing saving faith can murder himself (be a suicide) and afterwards go to heaven, even though he died as an unrepentant murderer." If that does not sound like "a license to sin", I've never heard one! God forbid! * "A true Christian can commit the list of sins cited in 1 Cor. 6:9, &10 just short of going all the way back to live like he used to and still have a saving faith." God forbid! Here is that list, in case you are unacquainted with 1 Cor. 6:9, & 10. * OR DO YOU KNOW THAT THE UNRIGHTEOUS WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD! DO NOT BE DECEIVED: NEITHER FORNICATORS, NOR IDOLATERS, NOR ADULTERERS, NOR EFFEMINATE, NOR HOMOSEXUALS, NOR THIEVES, NOR THE COVETOUS, NOR DRUNKARDS, NOR REVILERS, NOR SWINDLERS, WILL INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD. (1 Cor. 6:,10 * MacArthur says "no sin regardless how heinous, including child molestation, rape, murder, homosexuality, etc., will ever prevent a person previously saved from entering heaven." Hence, If that does not sound like "a license to sin", I've never heard one! God forbid! * MacArthur says "Sin works for our good! If that does not sound like "a license to sin", I've never heard one! God forbid! * MacArthur says, "a person who is lacking saving faith is one whose basic character is summed up in the uninterrupted and unrepentant practice of them [sins] ...(The MacArthur Study Bible, p. 1798, comment on Gal. 5:21). Hence, anything better than an uninterrupted and unrepentant practice of sin could describe a person with saving faith bound for heaven because of eternal security, even though he might be living in many of the sins cited in 1 Cor. 6:9,10. God forbid! Jesus told us to stop sinning!!!! wmcgrew.blogspot.com/2016/01/a-flowchart-depicting-some-of-john.html wmcgrew.blogspot.com/2015/11/some-of-john-macarthurs-anti-christ-and.html
@savedby_grace6110 8 лет назад
+Warren McGrew I've seen your post/ argument before. We are stilled made right before God through faith (Rom. 5:1). However, I think I understand your concern. Nevertheless, what I believe Pastor John is affirming is that even though we all sin, ( even born again Christians) our salvation is guaranteed by God's work. Certainly, the Scripture forbids the attitude of having a liscence to sin. Peace.
@vaportimenow 8 лет назад
Saul Marrero You are protecting a cult. Did you know that MacArthur has likely told your children that they can take the mark of the beast and repent later? Jesus says just the opposite. MacArthur is attempting to destroy the children. He is responsible for evil. ---------------------- Revelation 22 17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost. 18 I TESTIFY TO EVERYONE WHO HEARS THE WORDS OF THE PROPHECY OF THIS BOOK: IF ANYONE ADDS TO THEM, GOD WILL ADD TO HIM THE PLAGUES WHICH ARE WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK; [MacArthur added to the book when he said "you can repent later" after you take the Mark of the Beast] 19 AND IF ANYONE TAKES AWAY FROM THE WORDS OF THE BOOK OF THIS PROPHECY, GOD WILL TAKE AWAY HIS PART FROM THE TREE OF LIFE AND FROM FROM THE HOLY CITY, WHICH ARE WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK. [MacArthur took away the words of this book, when he ignored what Jesus said, if you take the mark of the beast, you will go to hell] 20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. 21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.
@onnied9285 8 лет назад
+Warren McGrew The church will NOT be here to take a "mark".Notice that Noah Left in Ark BEFORE the Judgement came....Noah's name means Rest...Resting in the Ark is a picture of Resting in Christ.....if you despise God it is actually because you despise your sinful nature that's exposed...Atheists cant even Justify morality if u believe people are "stardust"...that leads you to no meaning,no purpose...just floating cosmic accidents...YET you live the opposite...you are a hypocrite
@ryanperez8179 2 года назад
Jesus loves you
@anitadale655 7 лет назад
i dont lissen to what sientists says says anymore. only the Bible is 100% true.
@philipbuckley759 5 лет назад
there are many who would disagree...as the statement goes one does not argue, over facts, but the interpretation of them....which means one can not expect agreement even in what seems to be elementary....ergo....your beginning comments are sufficient...
@ugonnaorubele1812 8 лет назад
Look at all these so called believer looking to validate Christianity with science. lol What will happen when you cannot prove the basis and modus operandi of christianity? Quit?
@GreenSlugg 8 лет назад
+ugonna orubele The history in Genesis is validated by astronomy, biology, geology, chemistry and physics. Yet the Koran claims that the Sun sets in a mud puddle. We need to be careful to separate obvervation from interpretation, but God has never told us to be blind in our faith. The facts of science confirm what the Bible says, including what the Bible says about a Young Earth and Global Flood.
@ugonnaorubele1812 8 лет назад
GreenSlugg I agree with you. That was also partly my view. However, there's also another question of what happens when science seems to oppose God? *I don't think it opposes God btw (i'm a Biology major)*
@GreenSlugg 8 лет назад
***** LOL, I majored in Biotech, just graduated. I think that when we come accross evidence that seems to contradict God's Word, we take it with a grain of salt. For example, what they say about the fossil record in our classes might seem intimidating, but a little research shows that the fossil record supports a Young Earth and Creation, and completely contradicts the predictions of Darwinism. Recently I came accross an article about hwo we've found flower pollen in the precambrian.
@ugonnaorubele1812 8 лет назад
GreenSlugg haha, I just graduated last May too. Keep up the good work man!
@GreenSlugg 8 лет назад
***** Thank you! Please come by and check out my channel!
@Freethinkingtheist77 2 года назад
05.25 "Either you believe what scripture says or you do not." Absolutely! However the question of whether the original hearers would have understood Genesis 1 as literal is not even considered by MacArthur. You're either a 6 24-hour day creationist or a liberal psuedo Christian. The fact that strict 6 literal day creationism is forcing modern western questions onto an ancient near-eastern text is rarely considered. Neither is the fact that non-literal interpretations do not compel a person to accept Darwinian evolution. The parameters of 'creation or evolution' are false parameters. Discussions on this topic nearly always miss the important issues and, much as I respect Dr MacArthur as a great man of God (more Godly and wiser than myself), this video is, sadly, one such example.
@smitty121981 2 года назад
please don't assume this false teacher is "more godly" than yourself. I don't know you but it's not a very high bar you're setting up.
@lawnguy41 2 года назад
Dana you are truly a born again believer thanks be to the lord Jesus Christ who is everything
@JWhitehorn10 5 лет назад
I agree with Pastor John. Christians should not believe in evolution as the origins of life. However, in relation to young earth vs old earth...this should not be a close fisted issue to divide over as Pastor John would strongly indicate. God will not reject you if you think it’s possible creation was done over a longer period of time. The first literally 24 hour day didn’t even happen on the first day. I lean on taking the creation story as literal but I don’t fight over it like I do other close fisted issues. I believe in the inerrancy of scripture. However that does not mean my hermeneutics are inerrant. Pastor John seems to think his are.
@mrjayguess6895 9 лет назад
As a Christian who refuses to leave his brain behind at the "Church" door, I would love to know from the absurd Young Earth Creationists here, who claim Genesis is literal, how Genesis 1 and 2 are literally true when (a) Jesus never mentions Adam, and (b) the first creation myth of Genesis 1 contradicts totally the second myth in Genesis 2. Any offers?
@adaezeemeagwali300 9 лет назад
go to www.creation.com and search for answers to your hearts content. You will find, if you are truly a Christian and truly have an open mind to believing scripture, that the bible is reliable for history as well as salvation. it does not take a brain to submit yourself to the mainstream, which spoon feeds evolution to every school child. it does take brains to defend The Word of God against that satanic doctrine, however.
@mrjayguess6895 9 лет назад
Adaeze Emeagwali "it does not take a brain to submit yourself to the mainstream, which spoon feeds evolution to every school child. it does take brains to defend The Word of God against that satanic doctrine, however." And Darwin was a Christian wasn't he? Or at the very least an agnostic. Now tell me, if you are a "Genesis is literal" person, which of the two creation myths in the first chapters is correct and which is a load of baloney? There are two creation myths, one in Gen 1 and the other in Gen 2. They contradict each other. In the first myth, humanity is created AFTER animals, but in the second, humanity is created BEFORE animals. Which is correct? You say " it does not take a brain to submit yourself to the mainstream". I say, it DOES take a brain, even a small one, to realise that Genesis is, in the Hebrew, little more than an allegorical poem. So, which myth is correct? Over to you....
@orvillewright548 9 лет назад
I wonder what your motive is for coming here and saying that? For me personally it is a battle every day, not just to do or say something, but to do or say it for the right reason. My biggest battles are always with myself to that end. Words like “humble” or “love” sounds so simple in theory but I find out every day how elusive their application really is and how bad I usually fail in attempting to apply them. Knowledge without love is a stranger to His truth. As a Christian I find it most important to keep that in mind.
@mrjayguess6895 9 лет назад
Orville Wright "Knowledge without love is a stranger to His truth. As a Christian I find it most important to keep that in mind." Oh absolutely. But there comes a time when, just like Our Lord did against the Pharisees, we must stand for what is right and Godly. The insistence of YECs that Genesis must be taken literally to be a "proper" Christian is absurd and divisive nonsense, and has given rise to more Christians being ridiculed across the world, including those who refuse to leave their God given brain behind when they enter the church door.
@adaezeemeagwali300 9 лет назад
*****​ it very easy for the mind to fool itself into thinking that it possesses knowledge. Anyone who's believed anything in their life knows that if you believed something strong enough, the reasoning is next to unimportant. You talk about Darwin and the supposed mythical origin of the book of Genesis and I can't help but smile because your argument or lack thereof reminds of someone I love very dearly, who just like you had very misguided but convincing arguments; [to the ears of a faithless person] about the Bible. He was convinced that the Bible consists of made up stories or 'mythological/ allegorical poetry' as you put it and that its sole purpose was to get people to be obedient rather than do what they felt was right. Today he preaches daily about the Bible and has a wonderful love for the Word of God Almighty that I've ever seen. I can only tell you what I know, and that is that I did not evolve from an ape, nor do I believe that science is the answer to our questions. Now, to answer your question. Neither Genesis 1 nor 2 are wrong. Genesis 1 tells you the whole story of creation, about the stars, the moon, the sun, the universe, heaven and earth, then animals then humans. Genesis 2 on the other hand is an overview that only concerns the creation of humans and so did not require the clarification of each creation as was described in Genesis 1. I hope that this helps you and though I cannot change your mind about what you think you know, I can pray that Jehovah in his infinite mercies help you in your quest for truth, and if you truly seek the truth in knowledge, you will find it as long as you can be objective and honest in your search. God guide you. Orville Wright​ I must commend you on doing what you know that is right, many chose a different path once they find out how very tough the narrow path can be. I pray that you never give up and that God Almighty provide you with the strength and guide you need to continue your battle. Your efforts do not go unseen. God bless you.
@donovanmoonstone2001 8 лет назад
I would like to know what is MacArthur's source material on Darwin's dysfunctional childhood and later mental illness. I have never heard these things before and Googling them doesn't yield results.
@tstjohn777 8 лет назад
if you Google "charles darwin mental illness later in life" there are over 1,630,000 results
@villiestephanov984 6 лет назад
Donovan Moonstone : Google John's 11:4;13:27 and 15:25 in consistent order :)))
@Hesheli27 3 года назад
amen and amen
@rev6litrej560 2 года назад
Yes John Macarthur the bible is truth. 6 day creation which happened approximately 6000 years ago. You John Macarthur believe the universe is millions of years old!!!!??????? You recently told a sermon at evergreen baptist church that the sun takes 230 million years to complete its orbit. What are you smoking mate????
@tomjones2860 Год назад
Tiny problem about Darwin, he believed in God, he believed in a creation and in a creator. This is well documented. He was an honorary member of the South American Missionary Society and regularly donated and supported them. He is buried at Westminster Abbey with a full Anglican Service and full Anglican rights. Many young Earth Creationist (like Ken Ham) now take parts of Darwin's theories to explain how all of the modern animals could fit in the Ark. Noah, collected pairs of "Kinds" of animals and then modern animals developed from the kinds. For example Noah did not take every breed of Dog.. He took a pair of Dog "kind" and modern dogs evolved from that. The attack on Darwin was not very Christian like.
@exaucemayunga22 Год назад
Are you saying that all these "evolved" animals only evolved in a soam of 6000 years?
@HellenofTroy897 2 года назад
How long were the fallen angels living on Earth before God created man? Couldn't it have been billions of years?
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