
Is Homosexuality Sin? 

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What does God's word say about homosexuality?
For more of Dr. John Barnett's content go to DiscoverTheBook.org



24 авг 2018




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@lennylenz 5 лет назад
As eloquently as he touches on this issue someone will still call it a message of hate. Hey like it or not it's the Word of God! There is nothing we can do about it nor should we want to.
@Narrow-Pather 4 года назад
@pastorbri 4 года назад
homophobia is a message of hate, and not biblical, end of....There is nothing we can do about it nor should we want to
@Harlem55 4 года назад
He takes several things out of proper Biblical context. What the Bible condemned was bisexuality not homosexuality when you carefully apply correct grammar.
@pastorbri 4 года назад
@@Harlem55 theres no bible verse that even mentions bisexuality though......do ya often make things up and add them into the bible?
@Harlem55 4 года назад
@@pastorbri Leviticus 18:22 - a man should not lie with man as one lies with a woman - this means bisexuality otherwise we negate the back half of the verse as the comparison is not merely an explanatory expression because the word here translated lie in the OT always means sex. We also note that the sentence structure in the rest of the book of Leviticus follows the point.
@poppyozark 5 лет назад
Absolutely agree with God's Word
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
good so u know being gay is ok!
@ProtoGlenn 5 лет назад
@@markwhite5926 There is no ex-homosexuals. You are just sexually abstinent with the sex of your desire. Big difference. And homosexuality isn't a sin. The sin is you lying and claiming you know who is or isn't going to hell.
@pastorbri 4 года назад
@@markwhite5926 so u were always heterosexual. cool
@pastorbri 4 года назад
@@ProtoGlenn well spotted
@sandyowens7662 2 года назад
Oh how God is using you, precious, precious man! But, not only do i love Listening to you but i am Encouraged to Read for myself because i understand the Chapters better so i know better how to connect the dots. Its like when i was a child and i didnt like math because i didnt understand it, i was therefore afraid of it. But when it was explained to correctly instead of screamed at me, i got it.. it clicked. God Bless you and your precious family you will Never know how much you have touched my little life
@christiansnow4889 5 лет назад
people are being deceived by the Devil. Narrow is the gate that leads to life and few be that find it. Broad is the gate that leads to death and many go in there.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
yes and no wonder satan loves homophobia eh
@eBassSix 5 лет назад
@@pastorbri Grow UP.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
@@eBassSix why? r u 6?
@user-cu3xn4xj3i 4 года назад
@pastor brian you are a reprobate.
@pastorbri 4 года назад
thats homophobics stuffed then eh
@annas7399 5 лет назад
Love Dr John teachings, God bless you John
@wesleyrudd215 2 года назад
The world cries i was born that way. JESUS says , then its time to be reborn
@cobrat7712 4 года назад
I appreciate a teacher who teaches the word asit is written and doesnt shy away from the responsibility of telling and teaching the truth. He isnt shy or in fear of man. God bless this man
@LucasBurrell 4 года назад
Anthony Green but it’s wrong, what is written is wrong. As I bisexual I know what I feel and I know what is written is wrong. I want people to know that !
@cobrat7712 4 года назад
@@LucasBurrell so your saying the bible is wrong and your feelings are right? We will pray for you. We believe Gods word over feelings, the creator over the created. You make your choice, we have made yours one day we will all be held accountable, one day we everyone will know that God I'd God.
@urino777 4 года назад
Sophisticated explanation of the word of God, and I like the way how he teaches the truth.
@pastorbri 4 года назад
but homophobia is a lie
@joehallam1231 3 года назад
@@pastorbri homophobia is a made up word, it attempts to portray Christians as being fearful of homosexuals...that is a lie...
@dannyboy5571 5 лет назад
Good job brother,The Bible is the only true standard for right and wrong !
@shaykay3075 5 лет назад
But this guy is not telling the truth about God's word.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
shame homophobics din't know this
@efandmk3382 5 лет назад
The only problem being, that if 20000 people read a chapter, they all get a different message. LOL. The key to interpreting everything in the Bible is in the Gospels. Unless your really understand Jesus, you do not have the key. This is why there are more than 5000 different Protestant Christian Denominations at last count. They cannot all be right, can they? You start by knowing the Jesus in the Gospels inside and out. Then you read everything else through his eyes.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
@@efandmk3382 homophobic religious folk do not care what the Bible says.
@andrewarmstrong7310 4 года назад
@@pastorbri Neither do homosexuals looking for excuses to the abomination to God lifestyle they lead.
@slukky 5 лет назад
The worst sin, in fact, the unforgivable sin-- is-- unbelief.
@lynxipoofrancis4395 5 лет назад
@slukky 5 лет назад
@@lynxipoofrancis4395 I hope you understand that I do not mean that people can continue in sin & be saved. Nothing in Scripture condones the deliberate practice of sin. Just wanna make sure we're on the same page.
@slukky 5 лет назад
@@lynxipoofrancis4395 The next thing that the Catholics, Orthos, et al get wrong is working one's way to heaven. Can't be done. Works are a product, not the cause of our salvation. The three most telling errors are those who continually sin & say they are Xns, those who twist Scripture to their own twisted agendas, & those who think there are many ways to God other than Jesus. Paul listed three requirements of the faith (that I can see-- perhaps you know of more): Belief in Christ as Savior, belief in the Resurrection, & obedience to Christ's Law (of Love & Forgiveness). Please correct me if I'm wrong.
@lynxipoofrancis4395 5 лет назад
@@slukkyyou are totally right john 14:16 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me Matthew 10:33 Whosoever therefore shallconfess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heave
@sirmatatyahu3484 5 лет назад
@@slukky James 2:17. Dont bare false witness against catholics and orthodox. They are christians too.
@SimplicityBeatZ863 3 года назад
What makes a person saved I believe in jesus I pray I turned away from sin and acknowledge him always
@humbllbug Год назад
Yahshua - you know Him as Jesus - was born to a virgin, turned water to wine, taught, healed the sick, raised the dead, casted out demons, walked on water, calmed the storm, and fed a crowd of thousands with a few fish and a few loaves of bread, among many other things. He was killed on the cross as payment for the sins of all mankind, three days later He rose from the dead. Forty days later He ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father. He is returning very soon, but before He does, Satan, the devil, is coming to pretend to be Jesus/God. Satan is an angel, and he will have certain supernatural powers with which to try to fool everyone. He will, for example, be able to make fire come down from heaven in the sight of men. He will only be on earth a short time before the real King of Kings, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, returns. When the real Jesus comes we will all be transformed into our spiritual bodies at the same moment. Jesus came in the flesh to offer forgiveness of sins and eternal life to anyone who believes and calls on His precious name! if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. - Romans 10:9 Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat. But when his disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, To what purpose is this waste? For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor. When Jesus understood it, he said unto them, Why trouble ye the woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon me. For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always. For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my burial. Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her. - Matthew 26:6-13 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. To anoint your self, the sick, or a building for spiritual protection: Get a small bottle of olive oil and pour off a small amount into a smaller vessel like a vial or baby food jar. Use the rest of the bottle for cooking. Ask the Lord to bless your vial of oil in Jesus name. Anoint yourself with the oil by placing a dab of oil on tip of finger and touch it to your forehead, and ask the Lord to bless you/heal you. Place a dab of oil on your finger and anoint the door posts and order all negativity and evil out of the house, and order that nothing negative or evil can enter into your home including piggybacking on a person entering, order it to be so in the name of Jesus. Anoint all potential entrances to your home. To anoint the sick, place oil on tip of finger and touch it to the head of the sick and say a prayer of healing over them in Jesus name. See James Chapter 5:14-15...........
@smuckwap 5 лет назад
And this- it applies to all sexual sin and highlights how serious Jesus was when He urged us to do whatever it takes to stay out of hell: Matthew 19:12 “For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.”
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
yes homophobics should be worried!
@ryanesau8147 Год назад
@@pastorbri you mean people who think homosexuality is sin and won’t celebrate with rainbow flags?
@ryanesau8147 Год назад
@@pastorbri homosexuality is a direct violation of and attack on the creator and the created order
@pastorbri Год назад
@@ryanesau8147 Mmmmm actually homophobia is a direct violation of and attack on the creator and the created order. If you don't like LGBT folk, ask God to stop making them! Simple.
@pastorbri Год назад
@@ryanesau8147 yes as homophobia is a sin.....as you keep proving to everyone on here.
@reubz8299 2 года назад
Excellent teaching John !!!
@Tact012 5 лет назад
On smart boards, you can draw a circle around what you want to erase and then tap inside the invisible circle to erase the contents
@worldrecord54 5 лет назад
I thought in order to inherit the kingdom was to be born again. Two different options occur here. If fornicators , meaning not married adulterous people cannot enter the kingdom. How does a practicing Homosexual enter in, if God ordained marriage between a man and a woman. They can't , because they are sinning against their own bodies. Holy Spirit can't live in a body that living in sin continually
@andrewarmstrong7310 4 года назад
Exactly. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is ignoring the truth the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you and a person who doesn’t want to give up, confess, or even ask forgiveness for his sins is committing blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and that is an unforgivable sin.
@pastorbri 4 года назад
more interesting question, how does a homophobic lifestyle person think they will enter the kingdom of heaven? They can't , because they are sinning against their own bodies. Holy Spirit can't live in a body that living in sin continually
@conradreyes5391 3 года назад
Sir, may I ask, how does one correct his/her homosexuality for decades of living it? Thank you for sharing this video.
@jamesfloyd1864 2 года назад
There's nothing you can do except repent and ask the Lord Jesus to give you his Holy Spirit. If you believe, you will freed from that slavery and made a slave of Christ. It's a miracle that changes your direction.
@mynamedoesntmatter8652 2 года назад
I have a wonderful friend who was homosexual. He said that when he was just a child he knew he was “different.” He lived that lifestyle until several years ago when he was saved, and he’s a positive Christian who has never turned back. He doesn’t hide it, doesn’t run from his past. He became convicted and was saved, praise Jesus, and he went forward happily - more than happy in his Christian life. He’s a fantastic person who turned his life over to Jesus. I’m so thankful, so thrilled to know that we’ll meet in the next life after this earthly stopover is ended. I knew another person who was in that life, and found Jesus. He was young, and he married and had children. God is so good, and He alone can do all things. God bless!
@jimmyv6310 5 лет назад
I enjoyed the video. These questions spring up from time to time, especially with new believers. I remember wondering if fasting should be a part of my prayer life. My pastor at the time said it was only for the old testament Jews. Was he right? The word of God doesn't come without time and study. That's just a fact as all of you should know in your heart. What you thought was important at twelve, changed at twenty, and so on as you matured. I believe if you listen to DTBM as I have, along with serious study of the scriptures you will come to realize that what you may have thought was true may not be. I personally believe that you need to study the scriptures completely from Genesis to Revelation. So far IMHO DTBM has it right.
@slukky 5 лет назад
Depends, Jimmy. If you fast unto the Lord, keep it between Him & you. It's not a law, it's a personal offering to God. It also focuses the mind & disciplines the body. Unfortunately, for some of us fasting is out of the question. We are on meds that do not allow for complete fasting. Instead, we might give up something for a period & offer that to God through His Son. That is acceptable. Just don't make anything a law that isn't one.
@garyhiggins1931 5 лет назад
It is really sad that many people don't even know this is a sin. You never had to teach this to kids 30 40 years ago well, you do today. How is it we are going backwards with all the books of help us understand the word of God. With all these help books and such you would think people would be growing in knowledge sad.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
thats because homosexuality is not a sin, it never was so thats why we have to re teach kids to stop this error and this hate being carried on into the next generation.
@brianreilly8033 5 лет назад
Gary Higgins: One of the most shocking verses to me is in Judges where the entire second generation of Israel that entered into the promise land didn't know the Lord.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
@@brianreilly8033 whats more shocking is when homophobics add new theologies so they can hate gay folk.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
@Somers Farm I agree, homophobia is a sin..... that if you continue to live in sin, you will perish, and not have eternal life. So can a Homophobic, be saved, yes, if that person repents of it, and turns away from that sin.
@chrissygidula336 5 лет назад
@@pastorbri read the last paragraph of revelation.
@Kazyman 5 лет назад
NOW HEAR THIS: ANYTHING we say, think or do is IN VAIN & is an abomination to The Most High if it's not done to glorify His Holy Name. Flat out.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
true, lets hope homophobics think on this
@annieaviles4760 4 года назад
Steve Upisleeve define abomination. Then, quote the scriptures from which you are referring. Thanks.
@dixieblonde2208 3 года назад
@Kazyman 3 года назад
@@dixieblonde2208 Jesus says this throughout The Old & New Testaments. Listen to NDE Howard Pittman who died in the '70's' by searching, 'Placebo - Howard Pittman & see for yourself. I talked to him twice over the phone & all of his testimony can easily be verified through the ambulance service & hospital staff (those still alive) who worked on him.
@Kazyman 3 года назад
@@annieaviles4760 Jesus says this throughout The Old & New Testaments. What Bible are you reading? Listen to NDE Howard Pittman who died in the '70's' by searching, 'Placebo - Howard Pittman,' & see for yourself. I talked to him twice over the phone some years back, & all of his testimony can easily be verified through the ambulance service & hospital staff (those still alive) who worked on him. He was both a sheriff & a pastor who took in over 30 unwanted youths over the years who he & his wife supported & taught by readying them for their own lives in the world. Out of the hundreds of testimonies I've heard over the many years, his is STILL the most compelling. Peace.
@lennylenz 5 лет назад
This is such a great teaching!!!!
@Cherub72 5 лет назад
he teaches you to break the commandments, there is nothing great here. Wolf in sheeps clothing
@Cherub72 5 лет назад
he teaches you to break the commandments, there is nothing great here. Wolf in sheeps clothing
@pastorbri 4 года назад
I don't find homophobia good
@lennylenz 4 года назад
@@pastorbri homophobia is terrible!!! There are gay men I call family, brother since we were children and will defend them to the end. I don't like self-righteous so called Christian's who feel they have a right to hate them in the name of hating the sin. If they hate the sin then don't commit it. Pastors should after preaching about homosexuality, preach about fornication, drunkenness, laziness, nasty thoughts, wishing I'll on people, idolatry starting with money (prosperity gospel)
@pastorbri 4 года назад
@@lennylenz please be aware they are NOT christians if they preach homophobia, they are religious people. REAL Christians hate the sin of homophobia and we should all preach against this evil lifestyle.
@MusicalRaichu 3 года назад
talking about "homosexuality" in Bible times is misleading. the concept of sexual orientation is a modern one. Rom 1 is about men doing it with men, but it's not about homosexuality. The passage he quotes that uses the word "homosexuals" is a mistranslation. The original word literally means "soft [ones]" and had a range of usages including the morally weak (giving in to temptation too easily), self-indulgent, womanizers (yes - a man who only wanted to do it with women!) as well as males who took the female role when lying with a man. We can't be dogmatic about which sense Paul intended. Even if hypothetically the last meaning was intended, translating it as "homosexuals ... will not inherit ..." is a terrible translation because it says you are dammed just because you have a natural attraction to others of the same sex. Since you can't change your orientation, it follows that you cannot repent and thus are hopelessly lost. I'm not saying anything about whether it's right or wrong, just that it's a misleading translation. It also makes women attracted to the same sex think they are permanently lost, even though the text does not mention women.
@arlenerhymerpalmer4741 2 года назад
But, The Bible says..."Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy"...so it can't be optional...Right? Can someone share some light on this for me please?
@prod.jayblack687 2 года назад
The sabbath was the law given to the Jews within the Ten Commandments by Moses. If you look at John 23:7 , Jesus talks about the sabbath. It is not required by the new covenant law.
@WilliamBranhamsermons 5 лет назад
@Cherub72 5 лет назад
how?? He is teaching people to break the commandments?! Why is that a good job?!
@LucasBurrell 4 года назад
William Branham sermons [ ENG Hindi URD ] it a terrible job, trying to explain stuff about homosexuality that he doesn’t understand
@pastorbri 4 года назад
why is homophobia good?
@MrBaz278 4 года назад
So what happens when one has struggled with a particular sin since teen years even though one has come to Christ years later still can't stop even though that person cries out for deliverance but can't manage to repent.....? Anybody out there familiar with this.......?
@pastorbri 4 года назад
@@francesco6107 same with many homophobics who couldn't give up that lifestyle choice
@pikkilo 3 года назад
It is because Christianity as it stands has a form of holiness but denies the power to walk it out. Christianity is like going to a naturopath for cancer... I once struggled and the church was useless and even supportive of perversion. I could not change or be born again until I followed Torah. The law was made to combat our sin... it won’t make you perfect but it will root out your fleshly desires and crush them. All this time before I cried out for help and it was silent... but now I can live without fear of punishment for continuing in sin. We all have desires and they can be messed up from abuse, social abandonment, societal norms, cultural norms, broken homes or even destructive but good intentioned friendships. What do you have to lose by testing out living like Jesus?
@MrBaz278 3 года назад
@@pikkilo Did it ever occur to you that I've tried to obey and keep failing.....!? What a stupid answer
@pikkilo 3 года назад
lone wolf what’s with all the hostility? You are not following the Torah... it is a package deal. Your anger and attack only shows how much your flesh is controlling your actions. Follow all the commands and it will remove the strength of the flesh to keep you in darkness and in sin. Do you have the habit of talking with people so rudely? I don’t think so... I once was a slave to sin and then over time my sin was refined out of me because I observed the commands... not just trying to follow the ones that applied to my situation. You can be mad at me but it isn’t going to help you getting mad at those who care enough to leave a comment. Do you think attacking those who care is helpful to your situation? You didn’t even leave that much information or context... so take a breath and let that frustration go.
@MrBaz278 3 года назад
@@pikkilo if I'm sounding rude it's because I've tried did u get that bit and nobody can keep the law without breaking it again or have u not come to realise that.....?
@bjhart9681 5 лет назад
i disagree that all sin is the same-even the Lord indicates there are varying degrees of punishment
@baysick11 5 лет назад
bj hart what chapter and verse?
@dj_1969 5 лет назад
Homosexuality defies Gods design and prohibits reproduction so yes my discernment says it’s a worse sin .
@LucasBurrell 4 года назад
Delores Minor it shouldn’t be an unless you know what it feels like you can’t have a say in weather it’s a sin or not
@craiglittlefield9956 3 года назад
Curiosity killed the cat
@Invizable99 5 лет назад
This is the scripture about what you can eat . 1 Timothy 4:1-6 KJV [1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. [4] For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: [5] For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. [6] If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.
@michaelreeves1147 3 года назад
This deserves way more 'likes'
@linphil57 5 лет назад
Hi. When I found out that that they were teaching it in schools as if normal I wanted to get get in first with the truth. I used magnets. Just like two same poles cannot touch unless you force then together in an unnatural way. I also explained 'to feel sorry for the magnets that were being force to kiss'. Hopefully this will help to avoid these behaviours and at the same time have sympathy with any sinners he encounters and leave them to figure things out. Thanks
@slukky 5 лет назад
In my holy opinion ;-) Xns should not send their children to public schools. Start a homeschool. Band together w/ other Xns to form a church-school node in your neighborhood. Anything is better than that pit of snakes called public education.
@stjett 5 лет назад
Wow that is awesome. thanks will use that.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
homophobia like all bigotry is like forcing 2 magnets together on the wrong poles.
@travisbradley4279 5 лет назад
Thank you bro.. for sharing this!! ( No 501C3 here)
@vinodraghuvanshi8802 5 лет назад
Jesus is Lord of Sabbath because Jesus created Sabbath John l1-3 Read Mathew 5 :17_19 till Heaven and earth will pass away........ Sabbath was created at creation. Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. Remember Rev 22 ;18
@slukky 5 лет назад
Jesus IS our Sabbath rest.
@brentm8863 3 года назад
Is he a pastor doing this or a professor teaching a class?
@dollymadison2397 3 года назад
Does it matter?
@brentm8863 3 года назад
@@dollymadison2397 no, i really enjoy his ministry! I’ve not seen seen messages where he it’s very classroom style taught.
@johnp3081 3 года назад
I'm an educator....his a teacher, is the context true, that's the question?
@JRPLawyeress1 2 года назад
He’s so kind and wise. Beckett Cook is a Christian on RU-vid. He lived for years in that life. He said when he was searching, he automatically thought, well, Christianity is out because Christians hate homosexuals. That was the saddest thing I’d ever heard. Providentially he met a young group in a cafe in Hollywood, having a Bible study. They were honest and kind. He decided to visit their church. He sat by himself in the front. He said he had a Road to Damascus moment. He broke down. A kind man in the front prayed with him. For him the issue is nothing is equal to his relationship with Christ. Whatever success or friends he left behind weren’t important. I wish I had that fervor. I really like him. He went to Talbot. Very solid Christian. He’s been there. I’m annoyed by people who call you homophobic or Islamophobic because you interpret the Bible literally. Am I abortiophobic? I have people in my family whom I love dearly. Some are homosexuals. Some are alcoholics. Some are living in sin outside of marriage. Some are undoubtedly addicted to porn. You can turn on the television and see people with everything they could want, but are bitter, frothing with anger, wrathful. Before I was a Christian, I wouldn’t have thought there was a problem. I’m not afraid of homosexuals or Muslims or everyday unbelievers more than any other group. The most dangerous group are the wolves who feel sorry for those poor, dumb fundamentalist, evangelicals…who believe the Bible is the word of God. Those wolves have taken the most people to hell with them. But if the Bible is God’s word, is it loving to stand by and do nothing and know they’re going to hell if they don’t turn? At least pray for them and show kindness. Satan fell because of pride. I have lived long enough to know that people I loved dearly and prayed for and shared with, denied Christ in the end. Grandparents, parents and dear friends. I will be haunted for the rest of my life thinking of their suffering. God is sovereign and He chooses us. I know He’s perfectly kind, just and loving. Still, for those who have died unsaved, knowing they are suffering, puts some of us in a category of grieving during this lifetime as those who have no hope. I grew up in a culture where everything was relative. Most of us did. Give everyone an “A” because I don’t want to make a value judgment. Calling a person homophobic is a lazy cop out. What if the Bible is the inspired word of God and you’re wrong? You’re telling dying people to be warm and well fed. That takes no moral courage at all. Most of the perfectly lovely people we bump into on a daily basis are doomed. Are we that cold hearted not to at least think about it? Pray for them? Do some act of kindness? If I don’t believe the Bible or that there’s an all powerful God, I might as well go to Cracker Barrel Sunday morning and listen to Tony Robbins PMI tapes. Fish or cut bait here. I’ve sat through enough boring lectures in my life. I don’t need the lost leading the lost. Pastor Barnett has one of the kindest and most biblical perspectives I’ve heard of. He’ll reach out to people who abuse him, he’s been thrown in jail for sharing the gospel. I don’t have his moral courage. It comes from God. I need to quit being afraid and trust God will help me deal with the consequences. He has a real love for the lost. I’m so convicted to do right after listening to him. So I listen a lot because my normal attitude is to do wrong. Constantly. It’s been life changing. And he’s no dope. I think he turned down a scholarship to MIT to go to Bible college. I used to get so riled up about all the evil in the government and institutions. He has a wonderful biblical take on that which gives me some peace.
@dollymadison2397 3 года назад
Immoral sex/identity is not one of my struggles, but just am perplexed about something...God made males and females and they are distinctive by their very different sexual organs. Well.. What about hermaphrodites? Some parents decide which gender & have the dr cut off the organ they decide against...and sometimes get it wrong. Maybe some leave both til the child is an adult..So then is the adult to cut off the organ they don't like? The one of 2 organ God gave them? And what if they have both parts AND are equally attractive to both genders & cant genuinely decide? Ive asked many sibs in Christ & no one has answers including myself, obviously. Any answers? Or even thoughts?
@truthbeknown6479 4 года назад
1 John 1:6 If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. James 1:13 “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:9-10‬ ‭ “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10:13‬ ‭ “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”
@kokogee24 5 лет назад
Someone replied to a comment but as I clicked on it to reply is doesn't shoe BUT for the question they asked I'm obviously a female which clearly shows my gender.
@tyrondrichardson1258 5 лет назад
Do they ever get forgiven for that sin
@susieporter5239 5 лет назад
they do if they stop it and have a clean pure heart instead.
@LucasBurrell 4 года назад
I don’t need to be forgiven for having a girlfriend. I think people need to open their minds
@pastorbri 4 года назад
homophobics can be forgiven yes, but they must repent
@robertkadow3367 3 года назад
Great questions
@poppyozark 5 лет назад
Someone needs to show this video to JD Greear
@tomfeb1818 Год назад
So I'm a little confused. If Leviticus was part of the Mosaic law and Jesus abolished it and why is homosexuality still an abomination?
@craigluchin4585 3 года назад
Lev 18:21 And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Lev 18:23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. Lev 18:24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: Lev 18:25 And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.
@guate4 5 лет назад
The explanation of the homosexuality issue is correct. Although I have some problems with the justifications of the first two items. For example, in regards to the eating pork. In Colosians 2:16-17 Paul is talking about that the Christians should not bother about being criticized for what they eat and not the other way around. As for the Sabbath, the seventh day, it is one of the 10 Commandments. Sunday is a Catholic invention and relates to glorifying the sun.
@guate4 5 лет назад
The names of the days come from Rome. Monday is for moon, and so on. It could be that Saturday was just a coincidence. At any case, Saturn represented Satan in old times. Saturn was also represented by a cube, a black cube.
@VVeremoose 5 лет назад
@@guate4 people get so wrapped up in names. What power does Saturn have over you if you are in Christ? Is Saturn's name greater than His? Is Thor's? Put your faith in Christ and do not fear the names of these so-called "gods", who are not even gods at all.
@lilchristuten7568 5 лет назад
@Thought Crimes In this text homosexuals takes the place of the effeminate and sodomites takes the place of abusers of themselves with mankind; in the modern definition sodomy means anal or oral sex, but originally it meant a crime against nature, admittedly a bigger issue because it also includes things like parents having sex with their children and having sex with animals. However abusers of themselves with mankind translates from a word that means bedders of men (men who have sex with men) so it specifically speaks of homosexuality. As to Corinthians 10:13 Paul is saying that no temptation has befallen believers that has not befallen other people, the temptation to commit crimes against nature is in fact a temptation that has befallen other people.
@VVeremoose 5 лет назад
@Thought Crimes what makes the King James "authorized" over, say the ASV or the ESV which pull from a vastly superior number of manuscripts?
@lilchristuten7568 5 лет назад
@Thought Crimes J know that the bedders of men are male because the entire chapter of 1 Corinthians 6 is directed towards men, it starts out talking about "brother" going to the law against "brother" and later goes on to talk about having sexual relations with harlots, which are women, and the word effeminate is included in the list with bedders of men, to be effeminate is to present yourself as a woman, it would be senseless for Paul to tell women not to present themselves as women or else they would not inherit the kingdom of God. I'm not reading into the text what I want to say. I read the text, consider the target audience and find the meaning of the word used at the time it was written or translated, which is why I said in the modern definition sodomy means oral or anal sex, but originally it meant a crime against nature, which does fit with those who would not inherit the kingdom of God, but that in the original context it means a man who has sex with men, in other words, a homosexual. Of course while this chapter is directed specifically towards men, it is applicable to women in the same type of manner; effeminate would be women who present themselves as men, and bedders of men would be bedders of women. Scripture of course backs this up, example Romans 1, the whole thing; special attention should be paid to the verse that talks about people taking pleasure in those that commit the acts; also Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, Deuteronomy 22:5.
@beaupierrebondurant5651 Год назад
God's Word is our sure anchor.
@cooleat 5 лет назад
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭1:8‬ ‭KJV‬‬ - I believe He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
@efandmk3382 5 лет назад
I have a question. Jesus said that he was the fulfillment of all prophecy and the last prophet. How can Revelation be prophecy, if it was written nearly a century after Jesus ascended to the Father??
@LeviChub 5 лет назад
@pastorbri 4 года назад
Its just a shame homophobics have changed Gods word to suit their homophobic agenda
@ianver8888 4 года назад
“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
@ianver8888 4 года назад
Did Jesus fulfilled everything yet? In Luke 4, when Jesus read this, He didn’t read the day of vengeance, revelation is all about the fulfillment of that which is yet to come, I believe. “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭61:1-2‬ ‭
@kennethperry5500 5 лет назад
The answer is yes it is but God loves every homosexual and his hand is held out right up to thier last breath
@marikaelizabeth5799 5 лет назад
He loves all of us but hates our sin
@kennedytjikongo436 5 лет назад
What does the Bible teaches about using a condom during intercourse. Is it an acceptable form of family planning biblicaly?
@poncetorres7110 5 лет назад
Good question I don't think so if you are married ?🤔? Or Unless your using it for commuting fornication or adultery .
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
or is oral sex a sin as u can't make babies like that
@andrewarmstrong7310 5 лет назад
@@pastorbri Those demons really have you by the neck.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
@@andrewarmstrong7310 wow u call the holy spirit a demon.....is satan ur god?
@andrewarmstrong7310 5 лет назад
@@pastorbri Only the evil ones would dare say or write such words as the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with them as they are cut off from God and live in darkness and despair for all time. Repent before you find Gods judgment upon you.
@MalusBlackDagger 3 года назад
I wonder what Isa 66: 17 means then. They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD🤔
@slukky 5 лет назад
The natural man cannot understand or even respond correctly to the Word of God, bc it is spiritually discerned. A cursory inspection of this comment section should be sufficient for those who have the Mind of Christ. We know our own blindness while we walked in darkness. Reason did not condemn & convert us. The Holy Spirit did. Arguing sight w/ the blind is useless. Just give them the truth & let them do as they will. You never see Jesus or His apostles chasing after people to believe. Do I hear an Amen?
@richardrivera6061 5 лет назад
There are too many testimonies about homosexuals receiving deliverance and being set free from “ALL” homosexual tendencies. Therefore, homosexuality is a spirit. The person has to “want” to be delivered and Jesus will set them free. Then they must sin no more. If they fall into that sin again, the Bible says that the spirit will return with more spirits to dwell in that body. Deliverance is the key, not staying away from gyms and choosing not to give in to the temptation. Deliverance by the power of the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus.
@pastorbri 4 года назад
There are too many MORE testimonies about homophobics receiving deliverance and being set free from “ALL” hate filled tendencies. Therefore, homophobia is a demonic spirit. The person has to “want” to be delivered and Jesus will set them free. Then they must sin no more. If they fall into that sin again, the Bible says that the spirit will return with more spirits to dwell in that body. Deliverance is the key, not staying away from gyms and choosing not to give in to the temptation. Deliverance by the power of the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus.
@nothingfree3524 5 лет назад
nobody can say why god created or for what reason, or what was intended, or what god wants you to do. but many interpet like they have the complete knowledge about god , but really just make their beliefs fit what is comfortable for them on any intentions that a god would have . because they interpet from what was written by other men that also was their interpetation on what was comfotable to fit in their beliefs and project it as the truth about god when actually you must find your own truths with your own god and follow what path in destiny that is given to you at birth good or bad for you were not given a choice and have not been in this life before that you can remember, so you live and try to understand what is like to be human and do make mistakes for life isnot taught it is learned by those who have the mentalities to comprehend what they experience from their lives but don't condem those who have no understanding and are born with less mental understaning on god because that's how god created them and only god knows the reason. Being human is not being perfect because thats what god wanted and that fits in my beliefs. so let that be written.
@mhmail1g 5 лет назад
Read the bible..it's all in there for real.
@dazaiel8081 3 года назад
God didn't intend for man-kind to not be perfect... He created us perfectly; he simply knew that we would disobey, and had already planned to redeem us; Jesus sacrifice on the cross was planned from the beginning. Before the world was. That's all. We live imperfectly because of sin, not because God created us to be imperfect. This idea of, "we're imperfect, so simply be imperfect and do not judge others" is dangerous. I agree with not judging others in the context of judging to condemn one another, but judgement in and of itself is not wrong. In order to prevent my brother, or sister, from intentionally or unintentionally harming their relation with God, I have to make a judgement in order to do so. Life is not about finding your "own truths." Only God's words are true. Follow the truth, not what you think is true... Saying, "I think this is true" already denotes a foundation that is not absolute, and is therefore unreliable; it's not the truth.
@kokogee24 5 лет назад
I can honestly say I didn't refuse anything against God. I've never been attracted to men, never got the urge to be with one, Never felt any sort of attraction towards them and I'll ad,d, never been molested in any way, I had my dad all my life and was a good dad so as my mom and I had and still have a normal good life.
@dbcruser3133 5 лет назад
You certainly must be confused. The Bible clearly states being homosexual is an abomination to God. Confusion comes from Satan.
@lauren-oi8ys 5 лет назад
dbcruser ur ignorance comes from satan
@pastorbri 4 года назад
@@dbcruser3133 no verse says being homosexual is an abomination to God. Confusion comes from Satan.
@tomattoyeet6519 5 лет назад
I like most of this guys sermons but.. I think he made a mistake with pork and the sabbath
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
and on homosexuality!
@a-aron6724 4 года назад
@@pastorbri nope sorry not on this video or any other you've posted on
@pastorbri 4 года назад
@@a-aron6724 homophobis is a sin though
@cocobenji6123 3 года назад
@bohemianvegan 3 года назад
@@pastorbri If you really are a pastor, you are sending your congregation to hell.
@UsedBrain4U 5 лет назад
This is one of the most balanced explanations on the scriptural view of Homosexuality.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
but not really.
@zvonimirtosic6171 5 лет назад
Through food restrictions, God taught Hebrews how to be humble, by restraining passions, gluttony and killing. When the Spirit came directly on God's people, and Christians indeed were better people than the old Hebrews (Christ's words, that any man who wants to enter heaven must be greater than John, last old testament prophet), and thanks to perfection of Christ's sacrifice and teaching, the food restrictions were lifted. In that way old law was perfected.
@nightnday6675 5 лет назад
Your a deep thinker. I would live to see a youtube channel by you (:
@maric.3977 4 года назад
"Kodesh" means HOLY, not perversion!!?
@maverickmerc8049 3 года назад
Exactly what I was thinking
@happyx202 3 года назад
Yeah isn't the holy ghost name ruach kodesh
@patricksachs3655 5 лет назад
Mark 7.19- All foods are declared clean, referring to God´s Law taking precedent over Jewish custom of ceremonial cleanliness, which Jesus Himself argued against. But this doesn´t mean that all things are now food!! God´s law is forever (Psalm 119; Deuteronomy 5.29) Don´t confuse God´s Law with the temple ordinances, which He foreshadowed as being temporary until The Messiah came. Acts 10:9-19- Peter´s vision was regarding mingling with and giving the Word to the Gentiles, not just the Jews. It had nothing to do with food laws. The vision of unclean animals was just an illustration of the prior point. The whole vision was to tell Peter to receive Cornelius, the Roman Gentile. I´m glad you at least didn´t try to argue that homosexuality was Ok.
@ProtoGlenn 5 лет назад
And where exactly is homosexuality “wrong” in the Bible?
@patricksachs3655 5 лет назад
@@ProtoGlenn No need to put the word WRONG in quotes. If what you mean by wrong is that it is sin (in which case you would be correct) you can easily look that up in your Bible. But just for the record, here you go: Leviticus 18.22; Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1.26-27; 1 Corinthians 6.9, 17-20. Jesus also reaffirmed that marriage is between a man and a woman: Matthew 19.4-6. Homosexuality was also referenced as an example of the sinfulness of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis.
@midnitglory 4 года назад
Is that a real question?
@pastorbri 4 года назад
a real one is ....is it ok to be homophobic?
@kevin12553 5 лет назад
thanks ...
@Banishedsoulsofficial 5 лет назад
It is and it clearly states where they go. We arent 5alking about whether or not it's ok to eat pork. No restriction on food exists. We are told to stay away from sexual immorality. This covers everything from premarital sex to same sex and adultry
@sirumbra366 5 лет назад
I am not sure if premarital sex is covered by this too. As long as sex isn't just for lust but to live physical love it can't be damnable, or am I wrong?
@redlobe9086 5 лет назад
@@sirumbra366 yes you are wrong
@slukky 5 лет назад
Don't leave out self-sex acts. They are all based in lust, covetousness.
@pastorbri 4 года назад
@@slukky so even heterosexuality is wrong now, lol
@Invizable99 5 лет назад
This is the scripture for the Sabbath. Colossians 2:16-17 KJV [16] Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days : [17] Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. Matthew 7:1-2 KJV [1] Judge not, that ye be not judged. [2] For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. We are not supposed to judge our brother or sister in the Lord, whatever they do is between them and God. God is the judge.
@ceegabe1555 5 лет назад
ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD but ALL sinners must admit our sins; ask HIS forgiveness; then Repent and TURN AWAY FROM our sins. ALL of us sinners MUST do this.
@blairblairblair1039 5 лет назад
The Bible teaches righteous judgment.
@ernieenesi6260 4 года назад
Yes HighNoon, thats the scripture concerning the sabbath i would of shared....thank you.
@dollymadison2397 3 года назад
We are COMMANDED to judge...righteously and biblically. First & foremost, make sure you dont have a log in your eye etc., and God gives other explicit instruction, too, such as making sure our motives are 100% purely to guide someone close/closer/back to Christ. There's a vast difference between wise discernment used for loving guidance& hipocritical and/or harsh criticism. It's ALL under the definition of judgement. It's clear which way to go about it in Christ's name.
@Invizable99 3 года назад
@@dollymadison2397 but we are judged by none, and righteous judgment is different than judging your brother or sister.
@fictional25m 3 года назад
Pastors always leave out "angels disguised as men" if all angels are "men" then why did they need to do this "gender change"? im intersex thats included in the lgbtq ( I )a the I stands for intersex i have friends who are xy but was born with female genitalia i have friends who are xy/xx and some who are xxy for myself im xy was raised as male and yes my genitals are mixed but not like most think i was very anti lgbtqia then i had a steroid injection and found out im androgen resistant that means i dont respond well to the male hormone testosterone even though females have some as well i also have a lot of sisters and twin dna i also have eds which is often found more in females than males so now the dilemma who should i be with? Or who should a person who had genital surgery at birth who later identifies opposite of what a dr changed and assigned a persons sex at birth? I can tell you one thing i grew up in clothes and shoes that never fit that wrecked my joints from years of being in the wrong shoes because of my assignment i cross dressed in secret since youth i prayed to stop or understand why then god answered...and i found out from medical issues it had been under my nose the whole time... my faith grew stronger as a result i grew up in church but had a take it or leave it approach so wearing female clothes feels natural to me and i can actually dress and be comfortable my sexual orientation is to confusing to bother with... these pastors never want to mention intersex they never want to mention angels disguised as men at sodom yet they consistently want to say angels are always men.. there is many different sides to lgbtqia that are rarely mentioned its just as bad when lgbtqia people claim all Christians are bigots there is a lot of lgbtqia who are asexual/selbant meaning they have no desire for sex like a eunuch there is parts of lgbtq that are perverted and immoral that often result in many partners some are effeminate i never changed my personality i changed how i dress because i have no idea how to dress as a man sounds easy but to me i get frustrated with and consider mens fashion very dorky i hated wearing boys shoes growing up in church..so should i dress based on xy or how my genitals appear or body size?.. i would think god cares most about the heart and body..the body,heart,mind develops before genitals do so thats how i figured that was the best approach to this complexity do i support every aspect of lgbtqia...no because its a label and labels are meant to categorize and its impossible to sum all up in one label... i think for some pastors the thought of accepting one opens the door to the others..but isnt the purpose of church is to welcome the sinner and let god convict them if they are in sin? when we close church doors to certain kinds of people isnt that a "club/cult" a club for only people who they let in? whos the god they are worshiping? im tired of man using god as a tool of any division is not all welcome to be servants of god and let him convict those who are in sin? this does not mean the church has to approve of the sin but the only way to reach the sinners is to go where the sin exist
@the_partyzant-7957 3 года назад
If a homosexual claims to be a christian, then he must change otherwise,depart from the church
@MusicalRaichu 3 года назад
@@the_partyzant-7957 what about the thousands who tried to change but - as we now know is typical - find they couldn't? that attitude is heartless and has pushed many people to despair and away from God.
@kelleymariejones6388 5 лет назад
1 Corinthians 6:9 has a list of things that won’t enter the kingdom of God. Read your Bible and you shall find your answers.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
AND ONLY modern bibles have the word homosexuality added into them.......funny that.
@andrewarmstrong7310 5 лет назад
@@pastorbri We can go Old Testament, A man laying with a man and a woman lying with a woman is SIN! Stop trying to justify your sinful sex choices in either book of the Bible.
@pastorbri 4 года назад
@@andrewarmstrong7310 thats the old law which God said is dead now over 30 times in the NT, Stop trying to justify your sinful bigoted chosen lifestyle choices in either book of the Bible.
@techhelps6269 5 лет назад
Reference the vision that Peter had in Acts10:9-43. This actually referred to people that were not Jewish. Jews were not supposed to associate with Gentiles, so God was telling Peter that what He had cleansed, that call not common. Read the remainder of the chapter instead of stopping at verse 19. Has nothing to do with Food!!!!!
@jntj3007 5 лет назад
What are you talking about?
@yongrich 5 лет назад
That the go to "verse" for pork lovers. They dare not read beyond that.
@Gitfiddler777 5 лет назад
I believe eating is the least of anyone's worries.
@oterosocram25 5 лет назад
So then after the preaching of the Gospel, being convicted by the Holy Spirit someone repents and puts their trust and faith in the Savior and live for Him, showing a life of obedience to Him (the Lordship salvation) on their life by living faithfully according to the Word and God is going to worry about pork....please people move on and stop majoring in the minors, we need to be careful not to mix the laws, Judicial, Ceremonial, and Moral. Jesus fulfilled the Judicial because through Him we are made just before the Father by Grace through faith, He fulfilled the Ceremonial because Jesus was the Last Lamb sacrificed for the sins of the world that's why John the Baptist said "Behold, The Lamb" and the Moral aka the decalogue, we still attached to it because there is no sin without law, even though He is our standard of righteousness in which we MUST follow, that's why he says in many instances, "those who follow His commandments (Jesus) are considered his disciples" so people please stop this already.
@janiceraines9402 5 лет назад
While the Jews were subject to various food laws, forbidding to eat several types of food (e.g. pork), the Christian is under no such restriction today. Note the following texts: Matthew 15:17-20 “Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.” KJV Mark 7:15-19 “There is nothing outside the man which can defile him if it goes into him; but the things which proceed out of the man are what defile the man. [” If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”] When he had left the crowd and entered the house, His disciples questioned Him about the parable. And He said to them, “Are you so lacking in understanding also? Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man from outside cannot defile him, because it does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, and is eliminated?” (Thus He declared all foods clean.) NASB 1 Timothy 4:1-5 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.” KJV
@OQUINN83 6 месяцев назад
Isaiah 3:9
@matthewsalmon431 5 лет назад
Why are ppl using new testement scripture to justify their views on the 3 points interpreted in the video?
@slukky 5 лет назад
Matt, those sins are listed again in passages like Rom. 1:18-32
@theviperman1947 Год назад
Leviticus 20:13 King James Version 13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
@Invizable99 5 лет назад
This is what my Bible says and it’s pretty clear. Romans 1:27-32 KJV [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. [28] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; [29] Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, [30] Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, [31] Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: [32] Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
yet if u read all ch 1 and not pluck these 2 verses out of context shows u YOU ARE VERY WRONG! This is paul condemning the heterosexuals he saw who were using same sex acts in their idolotry cults which was unatural for heterosexuals .... so God gave these heterosexuals over to a reprobate mind, so this text has NOTHING to do with homosexuality, no matter how much u want it to. SORRY...NOT CLEAR!
@TheVictoroftheDIY 5 лет назад
Just curious, I’m one of those wretched Catholics who don’t read their Bible like they should; but I have a question: I know there is a nice list of sins that Jesus would consider binding and in need of repentance but what are the sins that would be considered unbound and how did you come up with them? Obviously, Jesus gave his disciples the mandate to bind and loose sins. So what are the loosed sins? A somewhat exhaustive list would be appreciated.
@mikemadden2729 5 лет назад
Exhaustive, HAHAHA!
@TheVictoroftheDIY 5 лет назад
Ha, ha ha ha - that’s my point.
@jeffreymicah 5 лет назад
the entire book is to be learned and obeyed
@slukky 5 лет назад
If you aren't saved, then nothing we say could inform you bc you do not have the Mind of Christ. The only sin that will condemn anyone is the sin of unbelief.
@jeffreymicah 5 лет назад
@@slukky to believe is to obey the commandments.
@valeriewoolgar6474 4 года назад
Desire for the same sex is not 'normal' dr.john barnett!. never ever have i thought of or desired or had any interest in other women like that, so why would i think it normal to do so? To me and countless others, we wouldn't even think this way. i am confused why you would think this is temptation, and that temptation in this way is 'normal'. .
@pastorbri 4 года назад
desire for homophobia is not normal or natural
@AlastorAltruistGaming 2 года назад
It’s not. And in fact, homosexual as a word wasn’t even included in the Bible until 1946, the year of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible’s publication. Keep in mind as well that the Bible was written in the original Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament) languages, which have since evolved and changed over time. Some Hebrew & Greek words were either lost in translation or lack any translation to begin with. “Arsenokoitai” was assumed to mean “man-bed,” which took on the new assumed translation of “homosexuality,” and “malakia” (which was then retranslated to “malakos”) has made us to believe that those who engaged in homosexual behaviour, or possibly masturbation, were weak or abusers of oneself. Referring to Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13, the most commonly cherry-picked Bible verses ever used by man, I’ve forgotten what the original Hebrew words were, but what I DO know is that it refers to ritual homosexual *prostitution* and pederasty (the act of an older man having sex with a young boy), which is NOT on the same level as a consensual homosexual relationship between 2 male partners or 2 female partners. The Bible has been translated in multiple languages since the first publication; it was translated from Hebrew & Greek to French, Latin, German, and then into English, where the English language would evolve. And keep in mind, all versions of the Bible were translated by humans. Humans. The carriers of original sin.
@kokogee24 5 лет назад
I been gay since I was 4.... I remember wanting to be close to certain friends even at that age and get all excited. So. What then?
@hardylavender8308 5 лет назад
God says in Matthew 12 31 the only sin thats not forgiving is not believein in the holy spirit all other sins will be forgiven if God knows you are sorry
@truthbeknown6479 4 года назад
1 John 1:6 If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. James 1:13 “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:9-10‬ ‭ “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10:13‬ ‭ “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”
@pastorbri 4 года назад
if God made u gay theres no sin in it.
@pastorbri 4 года назад
@Petty Mey you are not born homophobic or bigoted, THATS why you need to be born again mate.....lol
@pastorbri 3 года назад
@Richard Baker True, God is beyond our understanding. Its a shame homophobics think they know God.
@bjhart9681 5 лет назад
there is nearly always a problem with the father-child relationship in homosexual relationship or even lesbian relationships
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
THERE IS ALSO the same in heterosexuality, is this why some are heterosexual? HOWEVER the reason there are issues with a parent to child relationships with gay people is because of the parents bigotry and homophobia......
@LucasBurrell 4 года назад
bj hart I’m good. I’ve had the best life. My parents broke up when I was little but got back together. My dad was loving and kind and amazing. I’m bisexual and grew up in a Christian school so... it’s natural hun xx
I accept that it’s a sin and I won’t say that God isn’t right, because the clay can’t tell the potter he is wrong but I think 🤔 this thing about homosexuality is way more complex than this simplistic explanation from scripture ... so please some advice: How about hermaphroditism (having both male and female parts since your birth) or transgender people (feeling been born in the wrong body) and I’m not talking about people just trying this out of lust but really convinced and being unhappy with their body. Or how God look at women been raped or involved with incest and because of their trauma getting into lesbianism or if homosexuality is forced on a person like in prisons and the passive person isn’t doing it willingly but over time he gets so used about being raped he just allows it out of survival .... I’m not looking for a contradiction to debate Gods order of creation. God judgement is absolute but because I see lots of Christian people but also other religions and even atheists being judge mental towards homosexuality I wonder what he (God) thinks about it ... and especially how to treat people in this situation. I would say let’s be gentle and pray 🙏 for the Holy Spirit to dwell in their mind. I’m expecting Jesus helping those people by delivering them who struggle any relief or freeing them of this condition or being very forgiving looking in what is really in their hearts and their circumstances... so it’s a bit more complex ... let’s don’t judge, but pray and know that God (the three) are just and trues full and know what is sinful and what is although sinful at first look, but after all a sin erased on the cross by Jesus.
@kjstars 5 лет назад
He's talking about lust. Choosing to want another of the same sex. Not prison or rape.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
fact is.....homosexuality is not a sin, it never was.
@andrewarmstrong7310 5 лет назад
He just showed all of these sins in order and the chapter and verses in the Bible so that you can read them yourself, and yet you want to defy and argue with God on what is wrong and right, in Gods eyes? You people are not going to like the Jesus Christ that returns to this earth, not one bit.
@andrewarmstrong7310 5 лет назад
@@pastorbri Genesis 19 New International Version (NIV) Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed 19 The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground. 2 “My lords,” he said, “please turn aside to your servant’s house. You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning.” “No,” they answered, “we will spend the night in the square.” 3 But he insisted so strongly that they did go with him and entered his house. He prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate. 4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom-both young and old-surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” 6 Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him 7 and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. 8 Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.” 9 “Get out of our way,” they replied. “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door. 10 But the men inside reached out and pulled Lot back into the house and shut the door. 11 Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, young and old, with blindness so that they could not find the door. 12 The two men said to Lot, “Do you have anyone else here-sons-in-law, sons or daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you? Get them out of here, 13 because we are going to destroy this place. The outcry to the Lord against its people is so great that he has sent us to destroy it.” 14 So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who were pledged to marry[a] his daughters. He said, “Hurry and get out of this place, because the Lord is about to destroy the city!” But his sons-in-law thought he was joking. 15 With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, “Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished.” 16 When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the Lord was merciful to them. 17 As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!” 18 But Lot said to them, “No, my lords,[b] please! 19 Your[c] servant has found favor in your[d] eyes, and you[e] have shown great kindness to me in sparing my life. But I can’t flee to the mountains; this disaster will overtake me, and I’ll die. 20 Look, here is a town near enough to run to, and it is small. Let me flee to it-it is very small, isn’t it? Then my life will be spared.” 21 He said to him, “Very well, I will grant this request too; I will not overthrow the town you speak of. 22 But flee there quickly, because I cannot do anything until you reach it.” (That is why the town was called Zoar.[f]) 23 By the time Lot reached Zoar, the sun had risen over the land. 24 Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah-from the Lord out of the heavens. 25 Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities-and also the vegetation in the land. 26 But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. 27 Early the next morning Abraham got up and returned to the place where he had stood before the Lord. 28 He looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, toward all the land of the plain, and he saw dense smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a furnace. 29 So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham, and he brought Lot out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
@@andrewarmstrong7310 no u will NOT like Jesus when he returns and damns u to hell for ur hate and homophobia and ur bible abuse .....or maybe u want to go to hell and not be with Jesus????? Is that it?
@sjin8896 5 лет назад
Why is lust a sin when it’s a biological urge? Heterosexually.
@michaelreeves1147 3 года назад
Because it represents a spiritual desire for something that cannot be fulfilled righteously, which proves your spirit is errant. We should love God, and truth, and justice, and righteousness; but if we allow ourselves lust, save lust between two married, then we are proving our love for what is other than God--what is iniquity.
@leeshang4926 5 лет назад
End time god punishment
@efandmk3382 5 лет назад
But that's for God, and not you to carry out.
@kokogee24 5 лет назад
If there's gender specific activities, does that mean a Christion or religious female. Can't be a mechanic, or work ] construction. Etc. ? Or a male may not be a manicurist or knitter? Or is this just sexual specific?
@emilee172 4 года назад
woman dressing as or making herself look masculine sounds like female police, military , etc.
@bobbieschendel3144 3 года назад
I dont think that God has issues with women following their job dress code
@fatmanjoh 3 года назад
It referred to dressing to “be the opposite sex” eg cross dressing.
@LucasBurrell 4 года назад
I could debate that gay relationships are important. In other species gay couples care for orphans and abandoned children. Human gays do that too, what would happen if gays stopped existing. So many orphans wouldn’t have families, just google it if you want proof
@debean5670 4 года назад
Lily Burrell That is really a lame argument.
@LucasBurrell 4 года назад
@@debean5670 i know i didnt expain it well i couldnt give it the time of day but this proves god has made many mistakes(its genetic ) and 2 if i had explained it better it would show that gay couples are natural and shouldnt be shunned and discrimated against
@rfox9373 3 года назад
@SuperHunKing 5 лет назад
So why did you leave out Leviticus 20:13 which God makes it clear the punishment for homosexual acts If a man also lie את eth-with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. VAYIQRA (LEVITICUS) 20:13 את CEPHER
@adrianpaul6839 5 лет назад
You seem to have forgotten that little word ALSO in the verse you quote -- to continue promoting hatred rather than love?
@pastorbri 4 года назад
this is OLD law, God said the old law was dead now over 30 times in the NT
@alephtav4254 2 года назад
@killthemallzoehaiti7615 5 лет назад
Taking free napkin is a sin, OMG
@killthemallzoehaiti7615 5 лет назад
I know what he trying to say, but that point is below level of being a thief.
@molossergirl2 5 лет назад
No if it doesn't belong to you, you are stealing! If you look at a woman with lust in your heart, you have already committed adultery - it's the principle behind the act!
@killthemallzoehaiti7615 5 лет назад
molossergirl2 What if u look at a men with lust?
@willi2643 5 лет назад
I don't think l understood you correctly. The 10 commandments are eternal just like any other word that comes from God, HE wrote them with his own finger, also the Sabbath is the only day he actually appointed a name to, you as a teacher should encourage people to follow God's external commandments. The vision Peter had if you read the whole chapter Peter himself admit that prior to the vision he was not to mix or even talk to any gentiles about Jesus nor God's plan of salvation and he admits in the same chapter that after the vision he understood what the vision meant, Peter need it to change his attitude towards the gentiles who he considered undeserving or unclean because the were non Jewish, never does Peter say now I am allowed to eat unclean animals but he does say I have to share salvation with all men kind regardless of their origins or gender. This animals listed in the bible are still unclean and unhealthy to consume. Remember that Jesus didn't come to change what Jehova has already establish, Jesus didn't come to divide His kingdom or go against God His father, what you are saying doesn't make any sense. You are presenting a God that does favors for some and not for all, a changeable God, a God who is unjust and has variables different rules for the Jewish people and different less strict rules for the Gentiles, think about that for a second. We are all the same in the eyes of God. Men thinks it can change what God has already establish and that's why we have so many views about who God is and what he wants from us. The only part you have right is about homosexuality, it is abomination in the eyes of God and you are minimising it, watering it down. For all of you who are reading this, I belive God's word, he doesn't want anyone to lose salvation, he want all of men kind to be safe, it's free and for everyone, but we are not going to get it by being disobedience to God's word. Start with saving the Sabbath the true Sabbath, do it from the heart, because of love to God and obedience not because of doctrine or anything else other than love and obedience to God, do it and you will feel God's presence in your life like never before even if you are already a follower of Jesus. GBY.
@willi2643 5 лет назад
@@dilipkumarbhuyan5571 Hello, yes you are right, we no longer have to sacrifices animals nor do we have to follow the 613 laws specifically given only to the Jewish people. Jesus is the eternal sacrifice He abolished the mosaic laws but He also fulfilled the 10 commandments, he had to follow and fullfilled the 10 commandments in order to be without sin, if He didn't then he would had sin and therefore His death on the cross would have been just like any other mens death and the plan of salvation would have been lost. Matthew 5 vs 17 & 18 mean exactly that. He came to fulfill God's eternal commandments and to abolished the 613 laws including the sacrifices. On verse 18 He says that nothing will change (meaning the commandments) until we have a new heaven and new earth and all is fulfilled, meaning all, we are not there yet. Question: are we still living under the same heaven and earth as Jesus did? Yes. Therefore nothing has change, all the 10 commandments are active the 613 mosaiac laws are abolished. God bless.
@willi2643 5 лет назад
@@dilipkumarbhuyan5571 it seems like you know allot about this,so l will ask you a question. You are aware that there were 2 laws? God's giving laws the commandments and the written laws given to Moses by God a specifically for the people that were released from Egypt. God wrote the 10 commandments he wrote with His own finger, meaning he didn't want man involved in it because as Romans chapter 7 says it is a spiritual law a good law. The other law the written laws Moses wrote them meaning the specific laws for the people due to their needs and demands. The sacrifices were need it from Adam and Eve until the day that Jesus dies on the cross. Heaven and earth will pass but My word will remain says God. God does not change, mankind changes all the time. 2 laws , #1 God's eternal law the commandments #2 the mosaiac law.
@willi2643 5 лет назад
@@dilipkumarbhuyan5571 Deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 9. Moses wrote this laws and gave it to the priests the sons of the levi which bare the arc of the covenant and to all the elders. This laws were delivered in Exodus chapter 40 verse 20. The 10 commandments were already Inside the arch of the covenant. God's law the 10 commandments will remain for ever, the mosaiac laws ended, that's the law that was abolished.
@slukky 5 лет назад
Will, Jesus IS our Sabbath rest, & he fulfilled the entire Law (all 613 commands) correctly, never once sinning. His atoning grace is imputed to us via our belief in Jesus as Savior-- & even THAT is a gift of God lest we should boast. If you keep the Law, then you must keep it all, & you must not even err in thought. Good luck w/ that one.
@willi2643 5 лет назад
@@slukky blessings, l personally dont follow the law, l do know that Yahweh is never changing, l also know that there are 2 laws, the eternal law the 10 commandments God's law and the written law the law of Moses that were 613 laws specifically given only for the Jewish people later on also known as the tradition of the elders. What law did Jesus was judged and killed by? The law of the elders not the commandments. When l rest on the Sabbath l do it in obedience not sacrifice, l do it because is eternal. Read this verses, Matthew 5: 17 & 18 Jesus is referring to Isaiah 66.23. We will save the Sabbath day under the new heaven and new earth. Stravo I ask you a question. God does not changes right? I hope we agree on this. Why would God have the Sabbath as a command on the old testament and then deactivate the command by Jesus sacrifice (you say we rest in Him) and then reestablish the day again so we can go and worship Jesus in the future. If we rest in Jesus now and don't have to observe the sabbath now we shouldn't have to in the future either because we will be physically in His presence. In conclusion either we serve a God that can make up his mind about the Sabbath or one of us is wrong. God bless.
@kokogee24 5 лет назад
Also, I'm a lesbian right? BUT I haven't changed anything physically.
@ernestopena5576 4 года назад
A man lusting for a woman is a nautral affection but a man lusting for a man is aginst nature, all sin is not the same
@ernestopena5576 3 года назад
@Shaun Sharted animals have no moral compas so when You reject God then he rejects you and gives you over to a reprobate mind and takes away your moral compas so you do things that are vile and unseemly, read romams 1 from a kjv and see for yourself
@clutch5sp989 3 года назад
There were 666 comments at this time, so I had to post one.
@humbllbug Год назад
Yahshua - you know Him as Jesus - was born to a virgin, turned water to wine, taught, healed the sick, raised the dead, casted out demons, walked on water, calmed the storm, and fed a crowd of thousands with a few fish and a few loaves of bread, among many other things. He was killed on the cross as payment for the sins of all mankind, three days later He rose from the dead. Forty days later He ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father. He is returning very soon, but before He does, Satan, the devil, is coming to pretend to be Jesus/God. Satan is an angel, and he will have certain supernatural powers with which to try to fool everyone. He will, for example, be able to make fire come down from heaven in the sight of men. He will only be on earth a short time before the real King of Kings, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, returns. When the real Jesus comes we will all be transformed into our spiritual bodies at the same moment. Jesus came in the flesh to offer forgiveness of sins and eternal life to anyone who believes and calls on His precious name! if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. - Romans 10:9 Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat. But when his disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, To what purpose is this waste? For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor. When Jesus understood it, he said unto them, Why trouble ye the woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon me. For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always. For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my burial. Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her. - Matthew 26:6-13 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. To anoint your self, the sick, or a building for spiritual protection: Get a small bottle of olive oil and pour off a small amount into a smaller vessel like a vial or baby food jar. Use the rest of the bottle for cooking. Ask the Lord to bless your vial of oil in Jesus name. Anoint yourself with the oil by placing a dab of oil on tip of finger and touch it to your forehead, and ask the Lord to bless you/heal you. Place a dab of oil on your finger and anoint the door posts and order all negativity and evil out of the house, and order that nothing negative or evil can enter into your home including piggybacking on a person entering, order it to be so in the name of Jesus. Anoint all potential entrances to your home. To anoint the sick, place oil on tip of finger and touch it to the head of the sick and say a prayer of healing over them in Jesus name. See James Chapter 5:14-15...........
@jasoncreszinsky7495 5 лет назад
Isaiah 66:17 Says, They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD. - Eating Swine's flesh (pork) is an abomination to God. Are we to keep the law or not? The short answer is yes, BUT !! We are born of sinful flesh through our father Adam, but have been given the opportunity to be born of the spirit through the second Adam, Jesus Christ, SON of the Living God. By His spirit alone are we able to live sin free lives. While Paul tells us in multiple passages, Romans 6 says it best. I suggest you read it multiple times and maybe even memorize it. You will NEVER be able to keep the law by yourself. But, once you ask Jesus to abide in you, you are free from the letter of the law, but through Christ alone, will fulfill the spirit of the law. Your life will change and you will NEVER want to disobey God's word. In the Old Testament, people lived by the letter of the law. You could beat up someone and as long as you didn't kill them. Killing them broke the law. King David said in Psalms 119:47 "And I will delight myself in they commandments, which I loved." and yet in Psalm 139:22 speaking of his enemies said "I hate them with perfect hatred..." He kept the letter of the law but not the spirit of the law. Through Jesus alone, we can now keep the letter AND spirit of the law; Love your enemies (But you don't have to be around them :) ), do not look upon a woman in lust, Love the Lord your God will all your heart, soul and mind. The Law will stand until heaven and earth pass away. It will be the way all humans are judged; Those who reject Jesus, the SON of God will be judged by the letter of the law, but those who accept Jesus, the SON of God, will be given eternal life. Keeping the Sabbath on Saturday is a requirement. Many say it was given to the Jews, but it was given to Adam and Eve during creation week. God blessed and sanctified the 7th day. Jesus said God made the Sabbath for man and not man for the Sabbath and that He was Lord also of the Sabbath. Read Ezekiel 8 for and eye opening understanding of SUNday worship. Feast keeping is not a requirement for Christians. All reasons for feast keeping are manifest in Jesus Christ. Not to mention some feast requirements can't be kept unless you are in Jerusalem. Also, one feast starts at barley harvest. When would that feast start since barley is harvested at various times all over the world? Much more to be said, but I will stop for now.
@jaebee9789 5 лет назад
@josephwickman479 5 лет назад
Yes u can
@lauren-oi8ys 5 лет назад
Jae Bee yes 👏 you 👏 are
@LucasBurrell 4 года назад
I don’t really understand but you can be born gay
@pastorbri 4 года назад
you can't be born homophobic, its a choice
@kokogee24 5 лет назад
I don't understand " The God that doesn't change, is a bominaation"
@Proverbs--tx6yr 5 лет назад
KOKO GEE can you please repeat your question, Id like to talk with you but I need to better understand your question ❤️ Blessings
@hardylavender8308 5 лет назад
Gods word's will never change
@pastorbri 4 года назад
@@hardylavender8308 yet homophobics change it
@aclem8246 4 года назад
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Part of the ten commandments which we are to follow even though we are saved. You are to keep the Sabbath day. Barnett's interpretation of what the bible says about homosexuality is also incorrect.
@a-aron6724 4 года назад
Just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it untrue.
@BillBiggs1 3 года назад
A Clem try reading your bible more to understand what it says about sabbath keeping in the New Testament, if you choose to uphold the sabbath in your household it’s your right.
@pikkilo 3 года назад
He is a bumbling blind fool... every verse he doesn’t understand and uses verses that were added in the 1950’s but are not in any codex. He is ignorant about Torah and even when he’s right he’s wrong in how he supports it and presents it. What a hopeless wretch.
@Warcloud1980 5 лет назад
But why makes them think that way then ? Why does a man or woman think they are the other sex I mean why does a man feel he is a woman and the other way around
@1cor15_1-4 5 лет назад
Susan Hardin because just like God is real, so is Satan. So is heaven and hell
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
its called trans gender.......they are just born that way.
@efandmk3382 5 лет назад
Jesus concluded the Old Covenant. There is evidence that he did not observe the old Sabbath. Reference the incident where he preformed a miracle on the Sabbath and was criticized. Many Protestants don't seem to get that nothing in the OT is relevant to Christianity save the ten commandments.
@LeviChub 5 лет назад
you are misinformed. As the other reply stated he said he it is ok to do good on the Sabbath. He didn't do away with anything. Read Matthew 5:17-19 where he tells you that until Heaven and Earth pass away will the Torah in no way pass away. Also consider the book of Revelation. You know, the book about the end times? Here you will see the saints are those who keep the commandments of YHVH and the testimony of Yeshua. DO not be so eager to run to sin. If the old was done away with then murder would be ok. You don't even understand the full scope of what you are implying. The old testiment is just as relevant today as it was for them back then.
@brentm8863 3 года назад
One of the issues that’s hard to teach (i teach the adults at my church in Sunday school) is not only this subject, but repetition of fornication and adulterous relationships and not being able to enter into heaven. Some of the biggest biblical heroes that were devout Christians and were constantly failing in their sins of fornication and adulterous relationships.
@LeoPJ2014 5 лет назад
How can anyone understand what it’s like to be a homosexual if you are not. I was born the way my Eternal God created me. I have known since I was 5 years old that I was different through no choice of my own. It has been a great struggle. I read and study the scriptures and love my Lord God, live an honest life, have a loving faithful partner. I am to believe that I am condemned for how I was created? Much of the Bible teaches love, forgiveness, and fellowship. Not to judge and condemn. We will be judged by our Lord by the same standard by which you Judge. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I will pray on this with my God in heaven.
@mhmail1g 5 лет назад
Noone is casting a stone. You simply can't say you love God then pick and choose the parts of the bible that make you feel better. If you truly love God and read the bible..it is very clear what God's judgment will be. Not our judgment bit the Lord's. You weren't born that way. The devil will lie and tell you you have a loving relationship, but as a former believer in the carnal ways...I learned to push away those beliefs and lies of the devil. It is hard, but I didn't want to lose my soul and I thank God that He brought the right people in to my life to help me . Keep searching your soul and ask the Holy Spirit to stir you and break the hold the devil has on it. Praying for you and all of us.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
@@mhmail1g well us Christians WILL judge ur sin of homophobia which is of Satan, the father of lies, and satan has lied to u.....u did not chose to be homophobic .... its a lifestyle u freely chose......pray to God to heal the hate in ur heart and stop telling lies on gay people.
@pastorbri 5 лет назад
well said Leo....love is not a sin, it never was.....God created u gay, so tough on the homophobics...even Jesus said some were born that way. Mind u, homophobics tend to hate Jesus as he never condemned gay people.
@zvonimirtosic6171 5 лет назад
Keeping Sabbath holy is not optional. It is the commandment. Church, in her wisdom, has prescribed what and how is best to keep that day holy. Since humans cannot spend Sunday in hibernation, and must do something, general idea is on that day we do only good things that are pleasing to God, not things that please our vanity or please the world. Therefore Christ cured sick and lame persons on Sabbath, while Pharisees objected to such good deeds that pleased God. The idea of goodness did not come through their minds. Again, as in case with food restrictions, old Hebrews were not very good men with pious hearts.
@zvonimirtosic6171 5 лет назад
Online Warrior > Sunday is the day of the Lord. Lord Himself resurrected on that day, which came >after< the Sabbath. Christians believe in Christ, Son of God, and His resurrection, and therefore celebrate that day. If you are a Jew who refuses belief, or a pagan who does not believe in the resurrection nor in Christ, then for you any day means nothing.
@slukky 5 лет назад
@@zvonimirtosic6171 You are a law-keeper, & a poor one at that, Zvo. Paul instructed Timothy saying that keeping one day or another special was nothing. He also railed against keeping the Mosaic Covenant which was never given to the gentile world. Your wise church sounds more like the Cathoholic cult that always mixed poison w/ its teachings in order to establish complete control over the hopeless, unwashed masses. Bunch of control freaks, like the Greeks (Orthodox). I say to you, Anaxios! Anathema! Take your heresies w/ you to hell!
@heatherrice2525 5 лет назад
FIRST, pray to God for understanding. FORGET everything man has taught you and read from Genesis to revelation. Let God show you the truth! Did you know the antique 1611 kjv has additional books. VERY biblical. God throughout the Bible states weights, measurements and balances. please consider reading. ask yourself why are they hiding the truth? ask yourself who didn't think you were worthy enough to read these books. what was so important to hide they were willing to have their names blotted out of the book of Life. God warns many times throughout the Bible but the very last page of Revelation is the last warning. God bless you and let no man deceive you.
@arjealis97 5 лет назад
heather rice And what do you think will happen if all the truth was just thrown out there? Some jealous people will steal it for themselves
@slukky 5 лет назад
I thought you said not to listen to what men teach-- oh wait-- you're a woman, so I guess you're good to go. Proceed. Help the Holy Spirit teach.
@gaiacalls3593 4 года назад
This man does not know his history guy humans used to be both man and female this is just the reason why it's an a abomination is because we cant not create life... I get it why hmmm ! Very strong words pray and ask god for his blessing and acceptance maybe you might find ... it's there for breeding so to speak I don't want to breed at all... hmm. . . I'm questioning this but I'm listening ... and hearing it and feeling it...
@odavis6912 5 лет назад
Jesus said, "In that night, two men shall be in the same bed together, one shall be taken, the other left behind." "But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter". Romans 7:6
@killthemallzoehaiti7615 5 лет назад
O Davis Not on their bed, they were in their farm cultivate.
@odavis6912 5 лет назад
Kenny Stefan .... St. Luke 17: 34 "I tell you. in that night there shall be two men in (1) bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left." "For the Son of man is come to seek and save that which is lost." St. Luke 19: 10 I find all these discussions of " laws" so vain, when main stream Christians believe Adam and Eve were the very first male and female, and then believe Cain took to himself a wife through "incest". Right after they sinned in the Garden of Eden, and after Cain slew Abel. WHY THEN IS THE SIN OF INCEST NOT MENTIONED? WHEN ALL Other SINS ARE?
@killthemallzoehaiti7615 5 лет назад
O Davis It say two people
@odavis6912 5 лет назад
Kenny Stefan not in King James version, not from St. Luke 17: 34 out of King James version. "... (2) men, in (1) bed... together. .." Jesus even reminds the people of Lots wife before he mentioned (2) men, one bed, together.
@killthemallzoehaiti7615 5 лет назад
Davis Mine is a NLT, I'M assured it not two men
@ladychatelaine697 4 года назад
God hates the sin but loves the sinner...God will judge us with the same severity that we judge others. Live and let live...we'll all have to face God in the end! 🙋‍♀️🇬🇧
@pastorbri 4 года назад
true so we must hate the sin of homophobia but love the homophobic.
@kokogee24 5 лет назад
I've never felt any lust, temptation or any desire to be with a man.
@dbcruser3133 5 лет назад
Koko why would you let lust or temptation control your life? Especially something God calls an abomination? Maybe you need to do some deep soul searching. Tell me about you Christian experience.
@kokogee24 5 лет назад
@@dbcruser3133 u misunderstood what I said. I said I NEVER felt lust, desire or temptation towards a man. Don't get me wrong men are great but I was and never been attracted to them.
@dbcruser3133 5 лет назад
@@kokogee24 I was referring to your lust towards females. I don't understand how you can be a Christian and a lesbian. I think you really need to examine your heart and do some deep soul searching. Please show me scriptures where God says it's ok for a woman to be in a lesbian relationship.
@pastorbri 4 года назад
@@dbcruser3133 please show me where Gods word says it is ok to be homophobic and bigoted please....waiting.
@yomomma4270 3 года назад
There's nothing more cringeworthy than a woke "pastor."
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