
Is the CSB a Gnostic Bible Translation? 

Dwayne Green
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In today's livestream we're going to talk about the claim that the CSB is a gnostic translation. Is there Gnostic influence in Alexandria and is this enough to claim that the CSB is a Heretical New Testament? This is a common objection to modern Bible translations from a KJVonly perspective, and it's a rather faulty one. Join me as we disect the issue at hand.



15 сен 2024




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@shrewdthewise2840 16 дней назад
You’ve taken the time to give a logical, well-laid defense about why the CSB is not gnostic. I would be surprised if the commenter you are responding to even understands what Gnosticism truly is. Chances are he’s just parroting what he’s heard the Ruckmanite/Riplinger proselytizers say about EVERY Bible that’s not the KJV (including, and perhaps especially, the NKJV). According to them, if a version contains the word “Jesus” 37 fewer times than the KJV then it is a gnostic heresy straight from the devil.
@ScottManser-eu2pg 18 дней назад
Good to hear your wife is doing well now. 🙂
@Adrian_Mason 18 дней назад
My your wife have a speedy and full recovery. Sorry I missed such a good live episode. UK time, I was asleep.
@Adrian_Mason 18 дней назад
I see I did a typo. Sorry! May Your Wife have a full and speedy recovery.
@Matthew-307 17 дней назад
they think any bible that primarily uses the alexandrian text is gnostic…. stupidity.
@kainech 18 дней назад
We'll pray for you. I could write a book about Gnostics. The TLDR is: I agree with you, and I think you did a good job. I have a limited set of criteria I ask people to show in order to convince me something's Gnostic (also "pagan," "idolatrous," "cult," "heretical," and a lot of other buzzwords), but that wouldn't be as interesting as the Logos stuff. For Logos, I know AI is probably going to get the most interesting for people who listen to the end, but my speculations would get weird and probably not all that interesting, as I share almost verbatim the suspicions you do with a few others. So instead I'm talking about the subscriptions. For that, though, I have to set things up (this will be wordy even for me): I sold crypto earmarked for new equipment at the end of the bull run (we're there). I got more RAM for my aging i7 and am going to create a VM to back it up and prevent from ever reaching the internet so it will keep working. They *might* be telling the truth about continuing support, but every time I've seen that promise made, it's been broken, and when Faithlife introduced the subscription model they said, "We'll never go to a subscription-only system." That was very clearly not true. I don't trust them on the rest. They're moving things along slowly. As you said, software is expensive. I don't see them keeping this promise either. I, honestly, think the company (not the reps who aren't privy) is lying about their plans. This gets to a key problem with the digital economy is that intellectual property is not real property, and it's antithetical to it. Publishing tends to get concentrated, as people want to flock to the same place, because there are more people. People who publish want compensation for effort (for the reasons you stated). For instance, I prefer other sites than RU-vid. I think Google is evil (in the strict, not rhetorical, sense). I can't communicate about this stuff without it, and its negatives are easier to mitigate than something like Facebook which I won't touch. This concentration of people leads them to put restrictions to prevent people from accessing it who didn't pay for it (even though those only really affect paying customers). The mindset naturally lends itself to maximizing their control over what people do with it, and the same DRM to their financial interests is also the same thing that creates walled gardens, so protecting investments becomes "protecting" almost immediately. It's not just books that are done this way: cars, computers, phones, all of them are made with essential DRM-protected components that make it hard to repair and maintain, and for which the dealer retains sole authority. They can, if you don't pay them a monthly subscription, turn off the air bags. They track you, but they can refuse to help you even if your kid was kidnapped with the device if you don't keep this up to date (and, yes, this did literally happen). Protecting intellectual property requires control over other peoples' real property. We're working out the contradiction. It's not a conspiracy. The social structure has implications, and the implications include radically demoting, at minimum, real property. I won't buy any more important works that way ever again. I think we're approaching the tipping point. For the average person, intellectual property cannot be real property if a car can be. Only the elites can have both. This wasn't a problem until we could replicate things digitally, and it's destabilized the whole system. Now there are conflicting interests, and the ones with the most money get the most treatment. The result is likely to be some neo-feudalism which is oriented, not as it was within Christendom where such power had a social check, but into a society which has an entirely different value set. I don't know what it will be, but it doesn't look friendly to Christianity. Now that I've set it up: We have to think about some of these things within the Christian worldview (Bible, patristics, etc; there was no IP 2k years ago). Our commercial society has made some things moral that have always been immoral. Loaning money at interest, for instance, is a serious sin that is roughly on par with divorce or homosexuality for its harm. It is unambiguously condemned in Scripture (e.g. Ex 22.25). It takes advantage of the people who cannot pay, generates wealth from nothing (which would make it "against nature"), and was looked at negatively till just before the Reformation when some Catholic monasteries proposed it. Now we've accepted this so thoroughly that if you say "It's a sin to do any gambling," everyone nods in agreement, even though this is nowhere mentioned in Scripture and rarely in Church tradition. However if you say, "We shouldn't practice usury," despite the unanimous condemnations in both Scripture (it does allow loaning to non-Israelites but with the loss of the wall of separation, that exception does too) and in the Fathers. It's created a western society so addicted to spending that everything from top to bottom is in the red and stacked on a house of cards and made "money" such an unambiguous value that even challenging monetary abuse among "conservative" Christians leads to significant pushback. Property has a certain shape and is to take on certain forms. The book of Jubilees, for instance, required all property return to the owner. Isaiah condemns those who join house to house (Is 5.8). The point of those sorts of laws is to resist centralization and keep wealth (specifically wealth-producing property) decentralized. Property is also aimed at accruing things for children, as you said. God set things up so that parents will save for their children (another thing our usury system does: spend the children's money on the parents), but this sort of inheritance is going to be eliminated in favor of a homogenized, leveled out network of books nobody has real control of. The notes will also disappear so that kids can't get those (even with free software programs like Bibletime or AndBible). As Christians, I think we have come out of the system and contend for changing it into something that more befits Christianity (it will always fail, as Christendom did, but Christendom was markedly better than the Umma or the pagan world before it). This entire system is going built in a way that undermines the teachings of Scripture and the security of future generations.
@Dwayne_Green 18 дней назад
What a great post! It's almost live every man-made institution is marred by sin and the fall. It appears you've spent a lot of time thinking about such things.
@kainech 17 дней назад
@@Dwayne_Green Thank you. Yes, every institution is marred by sin. Even if it was founded by God, we still manage to mar it. Yes, I have thought about it a long time. I got introduced to free software in the late 90s. Since the entire movement was, frankly, a bunch of raving atheists whose arguments were strong, I had to reassess it in light of Scripture and tradition and formulate a view that accounted for their observations and arguments but which was not atheistic. My takeaways on tech relevant to this discussion: 1. Creation cannot be an individual activity. God, alone, can create ברא while we create עסא. We must create using preexisting materials and modify some pattern we received from someone else. Even when God creates, he creates as Trinity (e.g. at the start of Genesis God speaks, and the Spirit broods over the waters}. The idea of the individual creator is a complete myth and never true, even with God. 2. Technology, from metallurgy to pasturing to city building, is a demonic revelation. Even farming and gardening is; in the Paradise, we find an orchard, and no tilling happens till the Fall. We see this in that everything but the Paradise comes from the line of Cain. This is why I Enoch is coming back now, and why men like Heiser arose. I Enoch is not suited to all ages, but we live in a world that is rapidly becoming more like the Flood. If history continues, and this period is over, I Enoch will quietly disappear again. Technology can be redeemed: the New Jerusalem is our last state. It's a city in the text. Even though it's a metaphor for the Church/Israel, it still is that. The Ecclesiast says medicine comes from God, despite the author clearly following the Enochic story. Moses received a law patterned after the type of ANE covenants. The Scripture itself is given in writing, one of the illicit arts revealed to us. We sing to God, another illicit art. However, all of them use that knowledge to a good end. 3. The τελος of our technological secrets doesn't vary from what the Watchers intended. Technology is always about control, without exception. We seek to manipulate the world around us using secret knowledge to get the results we desire. These may be used for good, but technology is always the opposite of the self-emptying of Christ. We like to portray science and technology as the polar opposite of magic. They are its perfection in reality. All tech and science is magic. And tech, unrestrained by the Gospel, always results in the powerful devouring the weak. Again, this is expected: we live in a fallen state and are subject to disease and death. Technology helps us manage those weaknesses. However the obsession with control always has a negative side. If we take this together, our technology will certainly result in a sad end in the short run. We are in an Exile, of sorts. God judged Christendom and destroyed it (he even gave signs to this effect). If the Lord tarries, then we will be subjected to a wicked and barbarous age of our making before God creates a new Christendom, which we cannot foresee.
@theghastlygamer5326 17 дней назад
Extreme kjv only is like Candace owens saying someone was a Frankist because they were from an area that had Frankists. That is the same as saying the critical text is gnostic because there were gnostic around Alexandria.
@yeshuaislord3058 16 дней назад
I would say it's even worse
@deeman524 17 дней назад
I'm TR only but I just bought a CSB for my library because it is so well spoken of
@joshportie 17 дней назад
Fun fact. All bibles in English that im aware of translated after 1800 have been translated from the critical text which comes from Codex Sinaiticus and vaticanus. These manuscripts contain shepherd of harmas and Epistle of Barnabas, both are gnostic gospels that contradict the rest of the bible.
@Dwayne_Green 17 дней назад
is shepherd of harmas and the epistle of Barnabas translated in the CSB?
@liveluke9.236 18 дней назад
It was updated in 2020. Romans 3:25 is an interesting translation in the CSB.
@shrewdthewise2840 17 дней назад
I love how the CSB uses “Mercy Seat” for ἱλαστήριον. Where we see “mercy seat” in the OT, the LXX translated it as ἱλαστήριον. The YLT also renders it as “mercy seat” in Rom. 3:25 since it is the literal meaning.
@j.woodbury412 18 дней назад
My Sunday School class uses the CSB translation. My CSB Giant Print Reference Bible has one error in it- not in the text itself, but in the textual footnotes. In Acts 12:12, is says "As soon as he realized this, he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John who was called mark". There is a capital A beside "Mark" indicating a textual footnote, but when you go to the bottom of the page, there is no footnote for that verse. The only footnote is for verse 25. So, was that A put there by mistake? I'm glad your wife is doing well. A friend of mine just lost his brother last night after battling stage 4 cancer. He lost a twin brother two years ago to Covid.
@MAMoreno 17 дней назад
I just checked a print copy of the CSB, and there was no superscript at Acts 12.12. However, that's the 2020 edition of the text, which reads as you wrote it. The 2017 edition of the text instead said "the mother of John Mark," and it had an "A" superscript like the one you described. The superscript led to a footnote that read, "Lit John who was called Mark." So perhaps the printing you have has accidentally retained the superscript from the 2017 edition even though it features the updated text from the 2020 edition. They must have caught this typo by the time they printed the CSB that I own.
@j.woodbury412 17 дней назад
@MAMoreno Oh okay. That makes sense. Thanks.
@Veretax 18 дней назад
I don't know about the CSV but the hcsb had some very very strange translations in it and our life group while reading through the the Bible project I can't remember the name of it if it was whatever they were using which I think was the English Standard Version for the hcsb and like nobody knew until I question where the heck is this translation coming from and a bunch of people said yeah that does sound kind of weird and we had to go look and look we think it's the only Christian Bible and I was like who the heck is Holman I had never heard of them before I've been going to this church for 7 years at the time and had never heard of it
@Dwayne_Green 18 дней назад
"who the heck is Holeman" is the reas why they removed "Holman" from the name when they revised it to the CSB.
@ShaunCKennedyAuthor 18 дней назад
Your comment on the end about RU-vid removing comments: I hate that! That's why on my videos I disable comments and in the description I include a link to my blog and tell people that they can comment there, where I have more control over the comments. Comments don't just disappear there. Then again, I don't self-promote much and don't get a lot of comments anyway.
@Dwayne_Green 18 дней назад
Yeah, it's frustrating. It doesn't happen on all the videos, but on some it does.
@robertlee8519 18 дней назад
I feel like this video should have just been long enough to say "no. No it's not." Then ended.
@Dwayne_Green 18 дней назад
you're right, but then it wouldn't be as fun! :P
@robertlee8519 18 дней назад
@@Dwayne_Green true
@robertlee8519 18 дней назад
@@j.woodbury412 😂 lolol
@Dwayne_Green 18 дней назад
@@j.woodbury412 lol
@G.D.9 18 дней назад
Hey Dwayne, how does one join your Discord group?
@Dwayne_Green 18 дней назад
You can join through this link! discord.gg/n4H3NAFh
@cloudx4541 18 дней назад
Does he know the KJV translators wrote “him” in the margin notes for Psalm 12 because they knew the Hebrew couldn’t be talking about the words?
@Dwayne_Green 18 дней назад
I'm guessing you didn't watch the whole video ;P But I'm not holding that against you, since the livestream was more than 2 hours long. I am aware of the note, but there's more to it than your stating here. When you say "because they knew the Hebrew couldn't be talking about the words", that is mere speculation, because it could actually be. the second part of the not says "each one of them", which could just as well be referring to the words.
@cloudx4541 18 дней назад
@@Dwayne_Green I haven’t watched it all yet. From my study Hebrew pronouns and antecedents have to match in number and gender, so the 'them' of verse 7 (masculine gender) must match with the poor and needy of verse 5 (also masculine) and not 'words' of verse 6 which are feminine gender.
@Dwayne_Green 18 дней назад
@@cloudx4541 Right, lots of discussion surrounding it's gender discordance which I didn't go into in this video. But in short, sometime when a noun exists in construct the gender is assumed by the whole statement, this happens in other places in the book of Psalms. Words is feminine, but when you take the whole phrase "Words of the Lord", it's masculine.
@cloudx4541 18 дней назад
@@Dwayne_Greendo you give any weight to the Septuagint reading? The words of the Lord are pure words, Like silver fired in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times. You shall guard us, O Lord; You shall preserve us from this generation forever.
@Dwayne_Green 18 дней назад
@@cloudx4541 I'll be the first to admit that I know very little about OT Textual Criticism. I typically hold to the idea that 'to them were entrusted the oracles of God' gives the Hebrew OT the highest weight in textual matters.
@WilliamWallaceRoss 18 дней назад
He is incorrect....not all the new Translations come from Alexandrian Texts. The Legacy Study Bible came from the NASB, the NKJV came from the KJV. Does he not realize that the Translators used the Latin Vulgate, a Roman Catholic Text to help create the 1611 KJV? He really should study the history of the King James Bible and read the Translator's Preface in the 1611 because they knew their work was NOT perfect and would need correcting in punctuation, spelling and English Language. Yahweh said the Original Writings would be preserved, not any version created from those texts, that are no longer in existence. So, we have to believe that they have been preserved by different copies that were found over time from the many Scribes.
@yeshuaislord3058 16 дней назад
I personally love the LSB, it is an amazing translation
@jamessheffield4173 18 дней назад
I Tim 3:16 he was manifest in the flesh is the Gnostic Demiurge Gnosticism presents a distinction between the highest, unknowable God or Supreme Being and the demiurgic "creator" of the material Bing search
@MAMoreno 17 дней назад
Wait: since there's a pronoun there, you can just stick in whoever you want? At that point, why settle for claiming that it's Gnostic? You might as well go a step further and say that the "he" refers to Caesar Augustus, Genghis Khan, or ALF. By insisting that the pronoun "he" refers to the demiurge, you're practically treating 1 Timothy 3.16 as if it were a game of Mad Libs.
@jamessheffield4173 17 дней назад
@@MAMoreno I am dealing with how a Gnostic so-called would deal with it which is what the discussion is about. Blessings.
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