

Julies WIDM
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Welcome to this video about all important hints leading to Toos as the mole!😃
In this video, I present you hints and theories leading to Toos as the Mole that appeared throughout the whole season.
Keep in mind that there aren't any Anti-Molactions mentioned in this video.
Tomorrow the video about all hints to Comfort will follow, and on Friday the video about Lancelot will come online. Stay tuned for that!
Do you think Toos is the mole?
Share your opinion in the comments! 😃
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2 май 2023




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@MarcoFD Год назад
@thefuzzyoranges Год назад
Toos is the big old question mark for me this season. He really gives me candidate vibes with most of his reactions, but there's just some moments sometimes that really give me pause. Here's the thoughts for each episode: 1) I maintained that the mole wouldn't want to be in the shootout, but let's go along with it. He practices enough, and it immediately deflects suspicion off himself which is a nice start as the mole. He is perhaps hoping he can sway the group to press Lieselot's button, but upon finding out how early Ruben and Lancelot show up, doesn't have to press it too much. In the second challenge, he definitely seems to sway the vote to having Comfort go last, which is the ultimate sabotage in this second task. Still, a bit risky. The best idea that I think windfalls mentioned previously was to befriend Lieselot. Then he can hold over the idea that he's gonna tell her everything if they release her since they made the promise, to the point that the group may be swayed to not release her and keep out the money she earns. 2) Definitely suspicious at the train game. Not knowing the tools as a carpenter, slinging a giant rock into their net as 'practice'. I really thought it would rip. Also, their helper is called 'Harry'. Later, Toos is compared to Clint Eastwood. Dirty Harry anyone? Also, he may be a smoker, but it still seems a bit odd that Comfort did 4 laps out of 5 but Toos can't run 3. Lesson kids: don't smoke. He was also the one to eagerly run to the pile of potatoes and grabbed the unpeeled ones as you mentioned. But he was the one between him and Leila to nail the target with the potato gun. 3) A moment to direct ourselves to episode 7. When the narrator is going through everyone's potential sabotages, you get Ruben's expensive green/yellow mishap ($5000), Comfort's fall from the tightrope ($3000), Lancelot's horrid teaching ($3000), and... Toos' $1000 Witse/Witje mess up? Like later in this episode he picks no exemption and $2000, rather than an exemption and $5000. Surely this is his biggest sabotage to date if he's the mole? Felt a weird thing to call him out on. But yeah, I could see his potential sabotages with the horseshoes, but then he brings the blue horseshoe in at the last moment which earned $1000 and felt distinctly un-moley to me. But then he could have stolen Lancelot's egg in the next challenge and saw to Conny's broken egg to immediately lose $500 of that $1000 earned. He also had a really easy place to lose his egg, so he didn't look all that suspicious when it broke. Hmm. Then he loses $3000 and an exemption, which honestly to date is his most suspicious action. 4) Definitely did everything he needed to do to try to sabotage the bunker. He put in Thomas' code wrong, although it wasn't all that necessary when Ruben wasn't wanting to play ball. Still, being in the bunker was the best position that challenge. He says they have to stop the scissor lift. How does he know it's a scissor lift? Foreknowledge? He wants to play bingo though, and seems to do well. You'll notice the only time they get bingo, Lancelot calls it out but doesn't actually say bingo. It's Toos that beats the older lady to the punch to make sure they earn the money, which again felt very anti-moley. Then he doesn't want to help Comfort to prevent money from entering the pot. I notice how he follows Thomas' lead this challenge. Like I don't want to earn money, but it wasn't my idea---it was Thomas'! And he went all-in this elimination and didn't get eliminated. Who on earth does he suspect at this point? I'll follow up with my thoughts on this later. 5) I mean he wanted to go after that expensive cereal box, but Lancelot beat him to it. And he had all the time in the world but somehow still got the same amount of items as Comfort, who had to search for her ex half the time. But he does very well in the airplane assignment. If he's the mole this will be the boring episode to cover. But I will say with the character he was playing this season, it would have been very suspicious if he hadn't had gone for the stunt spectacular. But he really didn't need to do as well as he did on it if he's the mole. 6) He did...reasonably well at the school. He knew the prime ministers and he knew the medal placement of that swimmer. But I could easily see the mole not wanting to play center stage this challenge. If they win the money, it's only $3000. If they lose, it makes the others look suspicious. He could have played this one like a candidate, knowing what was to come in the second and third challenges. Speaking of that second challenge, he's the only one who doesn't get the cover song question asked to him, which I found a bit strange. My favorite concept of him being the mole though is to be outwardly daredevilly and like a gambler, but his mole-persona (mole-sona?) is to be calm, cool, and conservative. Like stopping on -$200 felt very anti-Toos. But what a lovely cover if he is the mole. The thought my sister had was that the signal from the mole would be something like a smile. How easy would easy-going Toos have it to give a signal like that. Go ham with the pretend signals, but just let it be a smile. And the Speed challenge...I'm still really hung up on him wanting to go along with Ruben over Comfort. Like Thomas and Comfort both want to go for green, but he's the one to metaphorically pump the brakes to make sure they go with Ruben. I just don't understand. Does he think Comfort is the mole? Or is he the mole? Did he get talked into it by Lancelot offscreen? Why would you pick Ruben over Comfort? This and the exemption in episode 3 are my biggest hangups on fully clearing Toos of suspicion. 7. If Toos suspects Comfort as mole, he really should have gone home this week I think. He and Comfort were on the same team in the first challenge, so it was like voting for himself. Unless of course Comfort is the mole, but of the 3 she's the least likely IMO (will discuss in her video). I thought it was interesting he was the only one to really have a cowboy name that actually fit his actions in the game. Trigger Happy Toos--the one to shoot faster than Lieselot in the first episode. Everyone else's nickname was cute but didn't really have anything to do with their personalities or what they did in the game. He would have messed up that chicken hat if Comfort hadn't corrected him, but that sorta felt more like human error than legit sabotage. I gotta be honest though, between the two challenges, I think the mole taking pictures would have been a bit better of a choice. The sawing and knife throwing and tongue twisters was hard. Like it's already likely to fail (especially with Lancelot and Ruben), so why bother? Trying to sabotage the pictures was probably slightly easier. Only problem is it is far more successful. Hmm. His actions that challenge are interesting in general. Testing the water bucket? It really does feel like he doesn't trust Comfort, which I find greatly intriguing. He also really helped coordinate that last $2000 photo. He could've found a way to sabotage I feel like if he's the mole. He did do well in the lying game though. Did the best both times, which is pretty suspicious. And he voted Comfort, when he said how obvious Ruben was lying later. As a mole I think he tried to make himself sound more impressive in the second round to look like a liar so Comfort and Ruben would vote for him, then he could get Comfort to keep Ruben out of the running. Then he and Ruben go for the middle, which meant a greater chance of hitting the no money option. Because let's be honest, when you're going fast, it's hard to hit a bullseye. I'm actually surprised money was won, because I thought someone would accidentally earn only themselves an exemption. I struggle with Toos. I'd love for him to be the mole, don't get me wrong. I guess he just seems a bit too fanatical to me. I also think of the final 3 he's probably the one who's earned the most money. I haven't calculated it though so don't hold me to it, and that last $2000 was more of an accident than anything else. Still, I hesitate because I feel like I see him testing Comfort way more as a mole suspect than Lancelot. I don't know if there's just some shenanigans behind the scenes we're not seeing. He's only paired up with Lancelot three times before he says he goes all-in on episode 4, and that's the military challenge (not on the exact same team per se but still not separated like the potato peelers), the horseshoe challenge, and the bingo challenge. And one of those is the military challenge, where Lancelot doesn't participate half the time (no sit-ups or pull-ups and only ran 1 lap out of 5); and one of those is the horseshoe challenge, where Comfort was just as suspicious as Lancelot in grabbing Lucky Luke/Jolly Jumping pair; and one of those is the bingo challenge, where practically nothing happens. Unless he literally saw Lancelot drop his own egg, I don't know how he suddenly zeroes in on him. Compare that to being on Comfort's team 5 times (tightrope, miltary, horseshoe, egg, bunker), where she looked suspicious in the tightrope, horseshoe, and egg challenges. Then he continues to test her at the Speed challenge and this week with the water bucket. It's more of a meta reason, but it really makes me second guess if Lancelot's the mole, because how has Toos made it this far if he suspects Comfort but Lancelot's the mole? Maybe I'll be totally wrong though and he'll say in the intro to next week that he knew it was Lancelot the whole time and it's a crazy gambit he has of not pairing up with him to deflect suspicion or something.
@windfallsofdreams Год назад
Ok! Here are some potential reasons why Toos could be the mole: -In episode 1, Toos was the fastest to press the button for a chance to win the vrijstelling. He had his finger on the button before he was even told to press it. If the plan was for him to sit out the first assignment (maybe to prevent the group from suspecting him) then he had to make sure that he pressed the button as quickly as possible. The other candidates would not have known how important the timing was. -In the slackline assignment, Toos’s behavior was overall very sketchy to me. As Julie mentioned, he was kind of giving the group mixed messages in terms of how comfortable he was with the task, if he thought he could successfully complete it, etc. He also directly told Ruben that he should not go last, because tall people have more difficulty balancing. Ruben SHOULD have gone last, specifically because of his height; it would have been the easiest for Ruben to unhook the pig. Toos also seemed too relaxed and a bit smug during this whole task, kind of smiling at inappropriate moments. It could just be his personality, or the fact that he had an exemption. Or he could have been pleased that things were working out the way that he planned... -In episode 2, Toos’s team did an embarrassingly bad job naming the tools and building the nets. He builds things for a living. And everyone else who was on that team with him has now been eliminated. -In the military task, Toos was chosen as one of the 3 strongest candidates. He tired out pretty easily during the sit-ups and the run. -In episode 3, Toos did the whole “Witse” thing and then tried to blame it on Ruben. He also criticized Lieselot for giving him too much information all at once over the portophone. But like...they have a limited amount of time. And she gave him like 5 correct pairs of horseshoes. What was she supposed to do? -In the hotel, Toos gave up an exemption and 3000 euros for no good reason. I can’t remember: how did Toos end up sharing a room with Lieselot that night? Was it his choice? Because the fact that it was the two of them, faced with an exemption decision once again...and she had already told the group that she would never choose an advantage for herself again...I can’t decide if that would be a horrible situation for him to put himself in as mole, or a brilliant one. -In episode 4, Toos was the one that brought everyone’s attention to the sign about the hidden black light codes. This could be interpreted as a mole action OR an anti-mole action. As a mole action, calling attention to the codes distracts the other candidates and could make them paranoid and less likely to cooperate later in the assignment. Toos was also in the key position of communicating with Ruben/Comfort/Leïla via the portophone and entering the codes. And Thomas’s code got entered incorrectly. -In episode 5, Toos was in the grocery store, which was the best position for the mole. All 3 finalists were in this group, and all 3 of them acted kind of weird, wasting time, not accomplishing much. -In episode 6, Toos played a very important role in the bus assignment. He ran over the little car with the camera, so Ruben and Comfort weren’t able to get a clear look at what color wire to cut. He then made the final choice and picked the wrong color. Now, here are several assignments in which Toos comes across as a candidate and/or was in a bad position to mole: -Episode 1, first assignment -Episode 4, bingo -Episode 5, stunt plane group -Episode 6, school assignment -All of Episode 7 (in my opinion)
@thefuzzyoranges Год назад
Lol, I got real confused trying to remember a bowling task for a hot minute. I could see Toos as being...moderately suspicious in episode 7. Not with the pictures perhaps, but in the shootout. The mole theoretically wants to stay in the game as long as possible, to try to prevent money from being earned. If there's $6000 on the table? They'll be aiming for the solo exemption (an 'accident', of course). If it's only $2000? A reasonable amount to allow. It doesn't escape my mind that 'Trigger Happy Toos' is the only one with a nickname actually fitting to their behavior in the show. Earns his name both in the first episode and in this one too.
@windfallsofdreams Год назад
@@thefuzzyoranges LOL I fixed the “bowling” 😂😂. For me, the shootout assignment is a little more complicated. If there were only two possible outcomes (the group wins 2000 euros OR someone gets an exemption) then obviously the mole will try to earn the exemption for themselves. But in this case, with the 4-person finale being on the table...I don’t know if I like the idea of the mole being the one who gets to make that decision. I feel like the mole would prefer to sacrifice him or herself in one of the duels to keep 3000 euros out of the pot, and then leave the exemption to the candidates.
@thefuzzyoranges Год назад
@@windfallsofdreams Aww, now people aren’t going to know what I was talking about 😆. I gotta be honest, even if the mole wanted to go into a four person final, I don’t know how feasible it was. They usually have like a month or two to prepare; I don’t know how good they would have gotten in that time frame to shoot a small bullseye quickly. I do agree it’s easier to keep the high dollar in the game…but I think Lancelot should’ve practiced more so he was worth 0 rather than $1000 😁
@julieswidm Год назад
Did anybody say Bowling? Where are my bowling shoes? 🤔😂 To episide 4: Sometimes the Mole is also responsible for keeping the game going. I could imagine that - if Toos is the mole - he is supposed to make sure that the others pay attention to the codes. Otherwhise, the whole task wouldn't make that much sensw anymore
@thefuzzyoranges Год назад
@@windfallsofdreams You know, I rewatched episode 7 with my sister today, and realized Toos could have easily messed up that photo task, if not for Comfort. The chicken hat falls off, but Comfort makes him correct it. She’s off on the counting, so he can easily follow along while looking innocent. He wasn’t going to cross his legs in the last pic but again Comfort makes him correct it. I thought maybe Toos suspects Comfort, but maybe it’s Comfort that suspects Toos 🤔
@emiliedekker9491 Год назад
I don't think so.
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