
Israeli settlers: Patriots or invaders? | Head to Head 

Al Jazeera English
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A UN report says Israeli settlements violate human rights and could be prosecuted as war crimes, but many Israeli settlers consider themselves patriots. So what hope is there for peace in the Middle East?
In a country where settlers are now one of the biggest and strongest political movements, Dani Dayan, a Netanyahu advisor and the outgoing chairman of the Yesha (Settlers) Council, says there is no two-state solution to the conflict and that he is happy with the status quo.
Dayan has been a major in the Israeli army, a successful IT entrepreneur, and a University lecturer. He openly campaigned for Binyamin Netanyahu.
Mehdi Hasan goes head to head with Dayan at the Oxford Union, discussing whether Zionism is a colonialist project, whether the so-called apartheid roads are just an urban legend - and more importantly, what is the solution to this protracted conflict?
Are the settlements a natural extension of the Israeli state or the single biggest obstacle to peace in the Middle East? Will the Palestinians ever be able to build an independent and viable state?
Joining our discussion are:
Dr. Ghada Karmi, an academic and the author of The Palestinian Exodus (1999), In Search for Fatima (2002), and Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine (2007).
Sam Westrop, a former director of the British Israel Coalition, and a fellow of the New York-based Gatestone Institute.
Hannah Weisfeld, the director of Yachad, a pro-peace, pro-Israel NGO based in London.
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#AlJazeeraEnglish #IsraeliSettlers #HeadtoHead




4 июл 2015




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@aamnahere6250 5 лет назад
He doesn't fear Palestinians he fears they'll treat Israelis the same way the Israelis treated the Palestinians simply for wanting to protect their land.
@king43215 2 года назад
It is a colonial tradition of projection. These anxieties are hardly unique to Jewish Israelis; settlers in many different colonies throughout history have echoed these same sentiments. If we were to take a look at the narrative surrounding anti-Apartheid South Africa activism and boycotts, we would find eerily similar projections and arguments. For example, In an article for the Globe and Mail under the title “The good side of white South Africa” Kenneth Walker argued that ending the Apartheid system and giving everyone an equal vote would be a “a recipe for slaughter in South Africa”. Others, such as Shingler, echoed similar claims, saying that anti-racist activists were actually not interested in ending Apartheid as a policy, but in South Africa as a society. Others came out to claim these activists were actually motivated by “anti-white racism”, fueled by “Black imperialism”. Political comics displayed a giant soviet bear, bearing down on South Africa declaring “We shall drive South Africa into the Sea!” Sound familiar? As Fred Moten once said: “Settlers always think they’re defending themselves. That’s why they build forts on other people’s land. And then they freak out over the fact that they are surrounded. And they’re still surrounded.“ Similarly, in Israel equality and the rights of Palestinian refugees are positioned as a diametric opposite to the very life of the Israeli settler. The return of said refugees then becomes nothing short of annihilation. Therefore, not only does the settler seek to deny the return of the native refugees, but to attack the entire concept of these refugees having any rights to begin with. However, in the rare cases where Israeli advocates even acknowledge that Palestinian refugees were wronged, and that their dispersal around the world was due to Israeli actions, the argument becomes that while it is tragic, it is the only way to keep the Jewish people safe. Once again, this pretence is hardly unique to Jewish Israelis, as a matter of fact, similar arguments were used against the abolition of slavery in the United States. For example, Thomas Jefferson likened slavery to a wolf: “we have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other.” How utterly ridiculous this all sounds now. While the first approach is crude and vile propaganda, designed to instigate fear and panic, it is par for the course for settler societies. Perhaps the second approach stands out a little bit more for its brazen attempt at manipulation. In a final endeavor to center their experiences and erase their victims, settlers frame themselves as the stars of their own tragedy, in the end they were the tragic victims of fate, forced to wield injustice for the sake of self-preservation.
@BrandyTexas214 8 месяцев назад
Who land? Why can’t Jews have this little tiny piece of land when Arabs have like 22 countries?
@Gbbb239 8 месяцев назад
He fears the suicide bombers, jihad, rockets…
@williamwood2913 7 месяцев назад
@@king43215glorious comment
@hagi3983 6 месяцев назад
@@BrandyTexas214using your stupid logic, why did europeans moved to the Americas when there was plenty of european countries. You need to use your brain however tiny it is.
@vivalapalestine7235 3 года назад
I can tell the beautiful Palestinian lady was holding back so hard when he was spewing his lies
@ishrendon6435 6 месяцев назад
@jamiemajors8863 3 года назад
This is the kind of thief that after he takes your belongings from your house closes back the door and says he cares for your safety
@ledialeylaago191 3 года назад
This was sadly funny
@hamidhamidi3134 3 года назад
2 points: 1. He is really honest in expressing himself and his views. 2. If you can prove that Jewish Israelis live on stolen lands, then you also can prove that Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, some portions of Arabs ( on Kurdish lands) etc are also living on stolen lands. You can't single out only the Jews while others can keep the stolen lands. I mean, I don't really care but the whole international laws and principles are based on power, might and brute force.
@tihashool3771 3 года назад
What if the house belongs to the thief??
@Adam-gf3jg 2 года назад
@@hamidhamidi3134 "Kurdish lands" now thats funny.
@truthmatters007 3 года назад
The only way to fend off a bully is to fight back.
@simonbrunswick1194 9 лет назад
“We enthusiastically chose to become a colonial society, ignoring international treaties, expropriating lands, transferring settlers from Israel to the occupied territories, engaging in theft and finding justification for all these activities. Passionately desiring to keep the occupied territories, we developed two judicial systems: one - progressive, liberal - in Israel; and the other - cruel, injurious - in the occupied territories. In effect, we established an APARTHEID REGIME in the occupied territories immediately following their capture. That oppressive regime exists to this day” --Michael Ben Yair, “The War’s Seventh Days”, Haaretz March 3, 2002 (The author was Israel’s Attorney General from 1993-96) Boycott Israel. Together we can bring a peaceful (and overdue) end to this tragedy.
@simonbrunswick1194 9 лет назад
***** You are scared of 'Islam' and with good reason. But the problem isn't Islam, it's the catastrophe inflicted on Palestine by foreigners who have no connection whatsoever with the Middle East.
@twoofersrgay9022 8 лет назад
+George Zee - Palestine was never a nation state. Your Qur'an is bullshit but it does say it belongs to the Jews,
@fauxmanchu8094 6 лет назад
George Zee You're a full blown psycho.
@magnumopus1628 2 года назад
I don't know if you omitted the context in which these words were used on purpose as a way to make this man look as if he was happily boasting about Israel's problems or if it was an honest mistake, but this was a critique to certain Israel's policies and the context and all the other used words are necessary to avoid making it seems as if Israel is per se illegitimate, because many people actually think that, even though it is not. Now we are all focused on the West Bank and on the blockade on Gaza but the first steps into this conflict were between an internationally recognized nation that legally bought the land that was inhabiting and farming and a group of people that opposed such legitimate state and that swore to destroy it. Backing up such statement with various wars. And there wasn't even one single settlement in the West Bank, so it seems quite disingenuous to say that it's all on the Israelis and specifically on the settlers (that I often dislike). At some point there were some Jewish communities (or settlers) near the Gaza strip and the army was sent there to forcefully remove them because it the Palestinians asked to do so in order to talk about peace. Right after giving that land to the Arabs they had the elections and voted for Hamas, which promised to kill all the Jews. From that moment there were the multiple suicide bombers, kidnapping of childrens etc. At some point Israel simply put a wall and various checkpoints in order to stop them. They are seriously ugly measures on many levels, but the alternative was that of letting extremists kill whoever they wanted to kill. *Allright, that said, this is the full text from which you extrapolated your comment:* Israel's security cannot be based only on the sword; it must rather be based on our principles of moral justice and on peace with our neighbors - those living next door and those living a little further away. The Zionist dream's realization and the Jewish people's national rebirth through the creation of Israel were achieved not because of the Jewish side's superior number of tanks, planes or other aggressive means. The State of Israel was born because the Zionist movement realized it must find a solution to the Jews' persecution and because the enlightened world recognized the need for that solution. The enlightened world's recognition of the solution's moral justification was an important, principal factor in Israel's creation. In other words, Israel was established on a clear, recognized moral base. Without such a moral base, it is doubtful whether the Zionist idea would have become a reality. The Six-Day War was forced upon us; however, the war's seventh day, which began on June 12, 1967 and has continued to this day, is the product of our choice. We enthusiastically chose to become a colonial society, ignoring international treaties, expropriating lands, transferring settlers from Israel to the occupied territories, engaging in theft and finding justification for all these activities. Passionately desiring to keep the occupied territories, we developed two judicial systems: one - progressive, liberal - in Israel; and the other - cruel, injurious - in the occupied territories. In effect, we established an apartheid regime in the occupied territories immediately following their capture. That oppressive regime exists to this day. The Six-Day War's seventh day has transformed us from a moral society, sure of the justice of Israel's creation, into a society that oppresses another people, preventing it from realizing its legitimate national aspirations. The Six-Day War's seventh day has transformed us from a just society into an unjust one, prepared to expand its control atop another nation's ruins. The discarding of our moral foundation has hurt us as a society, reinforcing the arguments of the world's hostile elements and sowers of evil and intensifying their influence. The intifada is the Palestinian people's war of national liberation. Historical processes teach us that no nation is prepared to live under another's domination and that a suppressed people's war of national liberation will inevitably succeed. We understand this point but choose to ignore it. We are prepared to engage in confrontation to prevent an historical process, although we are well aware that this process is anchored in the moral justification behind every people's war of national liberation and behind its right to self-determination, and although we are well aware that this process will attain its inevitable goal. This is the background of the difficult testimony we have received about actions of Israel Defense Forces personnel in the occupied territories. No need to repeat the details of the painful phenomena entailed in the occupation regime and in our battle to prolong it. Suffice it to recall the killing of little children fleeing for safety; the executions, without trial, of wanted persons who were not on their way to launch a terrorist act; and the encirclements, closures and roadblocks that have turned the lives of millions into a nightmare. Even if all these actions stem from our need to defend ourselves under an occupation's conditions, the occupation's non-existence would render them unnecessary. Thus, a black flag hovers over these actions. This is a harsh reality that is causing us to lose the moral base of our existence as a free, just society and to jeopardize Israel's long-range survival. Israel's security cannot be based only on the sword; it must rather be based on our principles of moral justice and on peace with our neighbors - those living next door and those living a little further away. An occupation regime undermines those principles of moral justice and prevents the attainment of peace. Thus, that regime endangers Israel's existence. It is against this background that one must view the refusal of IDF reservist officers and soldiers to serve in the territories. In their eyes, the occupation regime is evil and military service in the occupied territories is evil. In their eyes, military service in the occupied territories, which places soldiers in situations forcing them to commit immoral acts, is evil, and, according to their conscience, they cannot be party to such acts. Thus, their refusal to serve is an act of conscience that is justified and recognized in every democratic regime. History's verdict will be that their refusal was the act that restored our moral backbone.
@azureoverlord9346 2 года назад
@@magnumopus1628 Israel has done atrocities in palestine long before hamas. So how can you put a blame on hamas for fighting back for their homeland ? How about nine years old boy got shot in the head. ? Do you legitimately denying the innocent lived that was taken by israelis ?
@BadlndsBob 9 лет назад
This occupation is the root of so many of the world's problems concerning terrorists.
@SuhailiMalik 9 лет назад
***** we don't blame the jews! We blame Israel! We blame Netanyahu! For killing the innocent children and civilian. Very little Israeli died and most of them are soldiers. U think we around the world don't know about that?
@SuhailiMalik 9 лет назад
***** none of my questions r addressed. I guess u r the one living in a shithole. Dont bother to clear things for Israel when u can't answer the questions. Go and watch the latest vid from isis, treating to kill Palestinians in Gaza. Isis even killed Muslims and u still think they r Muslims? Woah u must be kinda thick to think like that. I've seen no Israeli suffers or sleep in between slabs of concrete. So, no sorry for u. U could walk leisurely, sippings coffee at a nearby coffee shop. No there's nothing to be sorry to Israeli.
@Sam-vk6es 4 года назад
They left... they left??!!! Arabs lived there for 6000 years way before Israel anyways. And then they left?! what a joke
@Sam-vk6es 3 года назад
@* Oh you are one of those people? Who replies to information by calling names? Working perfectly! You changed my entire way of thinking.. keep it up!!
@Sam-vk6es 3 года назад
@* Thank you for your message. I can now see the light. You actually put information instead of calling names.. but then you did it again.. My dear, you won’t be able to convince any single person with your point of view even if it is correct if you keep doing that. I suggest you evolve to the level of human and start from there so maybe we can have a useful and informative debate. The fact that you listed all these historic events means that you deliberately decided to leave off many blanks, which means you are happy enough with the pieces of information that supports your point of view only. The alternative is you really didn't know which is sad because you shouldn't be preaching others when you don't know the full story. Being Arab, in modern use of the word, is someone living in or a descendant of an Arab country. Being Jewish on the other hand is belonging to a religion. They are two different things and I have no clue why you bothered yourself listing the Arab countries for.. It doesn't matter how many countries constitute the Arab world. Arabs and Jews live all over the world and for a very long time lived together with no issues. Israelites were not the sole and only inhabitants of this piece of land. Canaanites, Phoenicians, and Philistines also lived in this region at the time. There were many inhabitants, settlers, invaders, crusaders etc.. that came and went to these parts of the world. It is really funny how you listed some facts ending in the 136 CE and then jumped to 1917 where Lord Balfour recognized the Jewish people’s right to their homeland.. Really?! Do you hear yourself? Are you seriously suggesting that people of a certain religion that started 2 thousand years ago have the right to a piece of land in the 20th century? not only that but you seem very sure and have a crystal clear picture where the boundaries of this land should be!! but the cherry on top is that Israelis even sacrificed some of this land and were generous in not taking it. Lord Balfour, promised a piece of land, that he doesn't own, to a group of people who were not inhabitants of this land. Plain simple. There is nothing called right to homeland. Who gave Jewish people that right? and who gave them the right to expel the inhabitants of these parts. Please don't say league of nations or UN. The United Nations Human Rights council condemned Israel just as much as all the other countries combined. But of course you wouldn't bother yourself with it. Stop hiding behind your finger. Israelis, under British cover and aid, deliberately expelled around 750,000 inhabitants who were living in that area and took over, and have been doing so ever since. And you still wonder why people fought the idea at the time and rejected these decrees. The League of Nations and UN has nothing to do with it. Victors of war and the most powerful writes history. No one has to suffer and everyone has the right to live peacefully. But to come about and say "Get out, I used to live here some thousand years ago" makes no sense. If it makes sense to you then I hardly believe we will ever agree on anything else.
@yeshuasage3724 2 года назад
I think you mean 1400 years
@ashwaqahmed9656 Год назад
@@yeshuasage3724 that’s islam. Are you saying Arab cake from the space?
@yeshuasage3724 Год назад
@@ashwaqahmed9656 arabs came from the Arabian peninsula dummy, they expanded forwards from the 7th century
@mervynshute880 3 года назад
he makes you sick, just by listening to him
@bigmedge 3 года назад
yeah, Mehdi has a habit of manipulation & doublespeak
@mervynshute880 3 года назад
I do not mean Mehdi, but THAT DEVIL ON THE MOON
@footballcentergh5466 3 года назад
No, the guy hasn't answer any questions clearly, just beating around the bush
@llaease 3 года назад
"Negotiation" no one ever negotiates with his thief.
@carl8790 3 года назад
Wow Dani is an unapologetic colonialist. Fully in support for all international communities to come together and trial these ppl for their crimes, just like what we did to the Nazis.
@darkman8939 4 года назад
History will never forget, many strong countries are supporting them US, UK and the list is very long. but one they you'll face a stronger enemy then you'll feel what occupation means.
@pranshunagpure9781 3 года назад
Bro you didn't accept the two state solution, tried to wipe Israel from the face of the earth.After you failed, now you want the land back? Be happy in whatever small piece of land you are getting. Your existence is because of our goodwill.
@darkman8939 3 года назад
so u're telling me we took the land by force and u can do nothing? we are not afraid from death and we will get our land back it's a matter of time, years ago romans were like the undefeatable enemies and now they're just part of the history. have a nice day we love peace
@pranshunagpure9781 3 года назад
@@darkman8939 good to have high hopes but in this lifetime you will not get the land. Njoy.
@darkman8939 3 года назад
​@@pranshunagpure9781 i know how much u're scared, have a nice day
@pranshunagpure9781 3 года назад
@@darkman8939 scared😂😂 you remember the Gaza strikes, right? Kidnapping 3 teens and wrath of netanyahu post that.
@evanroberts2771 Год назад
People like him are why some dudes in a European country had an idea... If he could get away with it he'd try in a heartbeat.
@dixieporter2960 7 месяцев назад
The dude makes a box of rocks look like a genius. He is so smug, I bet he can't go out for a beer without getting slugged.
@Orcinus00 7 месяцев назад
The way he laughs after being asked questions regarding human lives and rights sais it all.
@Bavafa1 Год назад
Is that a trick question? If someone comes and force you off your land and establishes his home on that land...that is an INVADER.
@z._axz 3 года назад
Dani is living on STOLEN LAND its as simple as that, and then fearing of his life, what else does he expect, RETURN the land and live in PEACE AND TRANQUILITY..
@makedonistoi 3 года назад
wahhed,stolen by islamists since 632AD,now i know wot u mean,it is free now
@chunli3443 9 лет назад
his tie irritated me throughout
@HOOTH2 4 года назад
@HaHaLooLoo 3 года назад
wow you can tell what a star mehdi is. look how small the show was earlier and how popular it got after his tenure. amazing work mehdi.
@aliafaaqkhan2176 4 года назад
so, you dont wanna feel insecure while occupying other peoples land?
@makedonistoi 3 года назад
arab islam took israel in 632 jihad,their land is in arabia,torah says so,and bible,and quran.wot now mr taquiya
@aliafaaqkhan2176 3 года назад
@@makedonistoi i am quite sure you have consumed last remaining brain cells to come up with these two lines. since you mentioned torah, bible and quran which i am sure you only know by names only, you have now idea, the jewish claims on that land based on divine decree is total fabrication. ask any orthodox jew about the authenticity of that claim. beside all that, collective wisdom of humanity and UN have very clear resolution about these illegal settlements.
@makedonistoi 3 года назад
@@aliafaaqkhan2176 -oh,u mean the islamic infiltrated UN that decreed israel as a state in the 40s and now say it is illegal settlements,we know ur taquiya very well
@aliafaaqkhan2176 3 года назад
@@makedonistoi do you know who are the orthodox jews and why they protest against illegitimate state of israel? do they have a different torah?
@makedonistoi 3 года назад
@@aliafaaqkhan2176 -u stop at nothing to de-legitimize a whole people,may god forgive u of ur broken soul,everbody who see this knows ur fruit,a jealous heart is who u are
@HOOTH2 4 года назад
The one Jewish man said it best, this man is a discrace to the Jewish race.👏
@nadiarahman1985 3 года назад
even hitler during his prime never thot that his power will some day end. the power cant shift tides anytime.
@thecrow3033 3 года назад
Mandi Hassan is outstanding,macha Allah brother
@talhatariqyuluqatdis 4 года назад
Why was this evil man allowed to make the finishing remarks? Why was he allowed to be the one giving us "optimism"? This mans disgusting speech makes people gag.
@ZAl-qh6ec 4 года назад
Talha Tariq he look like a fat 🐷
@davidcohen7506 3 года назад
Then gag
@ishagabdulrazzak6298 Год назад
They ( the Israelis) will definitely face the injustice they are imposing on the Palestinians.
@skywriting33 3 года назад
According to this man’s logic...what if all the religions born from this region decided all their believers have a god given right to the birth place of their religion. What the heck kind of mess would we have then?!?
@mesuzurriana3729 Год назад
then Christians shall be fighting Jews for that land and Jews will have no right to it since Moses was in Eygpt xD
@a.s.4579 3 года назад
This face 6:27 ,this face 6:59 , this face 8:07, this face 9:29, this face 26:54(man) and this face 41:18 are the summary of this video...
@htotheg5715 2 года назад
And 19:34
@vivekjha8473 Год назад
His confidence comes from unconditional backing of America
@veramae4098 9 месяцев назад
Remember seeing an Isreali soldier saying "Now, we only depend on ourselves." Either stupid or delusional.
@BrandyTexas214 8 месяцев назад
Why do Arabs get every single country and Jews can’t even have one?
@hf9375 8 месяцев назад
@@BrandyTexas214Not surprised someone from Texas supporting Nazis.
@k-way232 4 года назад
It is apartheid there is discrimination against Arabs, Palestinian Christians and blacks (Ethiopian Jews, Sudanese refugees, Eritrean refugees) and other Africans. Anyone who is not Mizrahi, Sephardic, Azchenazi Jew or European phenotype is discriminated against and expected to leave regardless of whether they are legitimately or illegal
@ronystronguin1783 4 года назад
OG K reference??
@WealthyThomas 4 года назад
This European colonialist time travelled from the past. To perfect America, and South Africa in Israel; taking both the land and the name of the people
@bellautap3358 2 года назад
Theft out of nothing now became somewhat wealthy from the resources of land he doesn't own. He must be prosecuted for stealing one's livelihood and moreover, displacing the native Palestinians from the land of their birth.
@adva501 2 года назад
He said because we stole their land makes us stronger because show that Israel will survive . It’s like robbing a bank and then saying that makes me strong because I was able to steal .
@eshemalaikayarahelallright2211 3 года назад
This guest has mastered the art of manipulation. A great escapist of responsibility and accountability.
@Snitchich 8 лет назад
Free Palestine..
@makedonistoi 5 лет назад
u mean free israel from the arab occupation since 632 jihad,oh i forgot u thieve and lie too
@makedonistoi 5 лет назад
@@abdlhmdx -from ur worde i see why ishmael people cant live/mix with others
@makedonistoi 4 года назад
@Alexnder90 F -if u from their cult,why come here,why to put uself on top of christians and jewish,u just a mohamadden
@makedonistoi 4 года назад
@Tom E -wot,so u say jewish is not to have their homeland?is that wot u say
@akmalabdel4087 3 года назад
Thank u
@abdihakimsalad7330 8 лет назад
Did he suggest that Palestinians should move to Somalia; He keep mentioning Intellectual integrity but is imposing on others an un-comprised ideas on how and where they should live.. He defined the typical Jews behavior- surprisingly these people come from noble men Isaac (AS)>> Jacob(AS)... truly cursed by the tongue of Jesus(AS) and David(AS)..
@makedonistoi 6 лет назад
abdihakim,israel is the only home for the jewish,maybe the pa-lie-stins should return to arabia,their home and ishmaels home,ur covetous heart shares nothing for others
@worldwithoutwar8622 4 года назад
I think you might have wrongly heard "Somalia" when he said "Samaria". Judea and Samaria were the two main states of ancient Israel.
@afterchangey2554 3 года назад
@@makedonistoi palestinians arent arabian, original arabs arent from arabia
@lulyusufsamantar1227 10 месяцев назад
You right jesus came to stop tyranny like the Romans tyrannist & their corrupt Jews The Chief Rabbis conspirator Who planned to assisnated jesus christ togheter. Same ppl, same mentality who wants to confuse Christians to by their side while again they broke all the law of God togeta with the international law. Honestly iwant to ask him Which law is he respecting?if he claims that they God send ppl, then what kind of God can recommend or approve a tyranny stays like isreal who she blood confiscate other ppl's properties in full view also cause millions homeless refugees? Fact are fact history does not lie. And what abt how the Apatheid state of isreal acquire that piece of colony is registered in history books ✍️.
@ianz0268 2 года назад
"returning to our homeland" by occupying other's homeland?
@mohammedimran-ow6je 5 лет назад
Why this is not trending??
@talhatariqyuluqatdis 4 года назад
@king43215 2 года назад
The settler represents a colonial tradition of projection. These anxieties expressed by him are hardly unique to Jewish Israelis; settlers in many different colonies throughout history have echoed these same sentiments. If we were to take a look at the narrative surrounding anti-Apartheid South Africa activism and boycotts, we would find eerily similar projections and arguments. For example, In an article for the Globe and Mail under the title “The good side of white South Africa” Kenneth Walker argued that ending the Apartheid system and giving everyone an equal vote would be a “a recipe for slaughter in South Africa”. Others, such as Shingler, echoed similar claims, saying that anti-racist activists were actually not interested in ending Apartheid as a policy, but in South Africa as a society. Others came out to claim these activists were actually motivated by “anti-white racism”, fueled by “Black imperialism”. Political comics displayed a giant soviet bear, bearing down on South Africa declaring “We shall drive South Africa into the Sea!” Sound familiar? As Fred Moten once said: “Settlers always think they’re defending themselves. That’s why they build forts on other people’s land. And then they freak out over the fact that they are surrounded. And they’re still surrounded.“ Similarly, in Israel equality and the rights of Palestinian refugees are positioned as a diametric opposite to the very life of the Israeli settler. The return of said refugees then becomes nothing short of annihilation. Therefore, not only does the settler seek to deny the return of the native refugees, but to attack the entire concept of these refugees having any rights to begin with. However, in the rare cases where Israeli advocates even acknowledge that Palestinian refugees were wronged, and that their dispersal around the world was due to Israeli actions, the argument becomes that while it is tragic, it is the only way to keep the Jewish people safe. Once again, this pretence is hardly unique to Jewish Israelis, as a matter of fact, similar arguments were used against the abolition of slavery in the United States. For example, Thomas Jefferson likened slavery to a wolf: “we have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other.” How utterly ridiculous this all sounds now. While the first approach is crude and vile propaganda, designed to instigate fear and panic, it is par for the course for settler societies. Perhaps the second approach stands out a little bit more for its brazen attempt at manipulation. In a final endeavor to center their experiences and erase their victims, settlers frame themselves as the stars of their own tragedy, in the end they were the tragic victims of fate, forced to wield injustice for the sake of self-preservation.
@1507hf 7 месяцев назад
Very true in many ways but if you look at a lot of the middle east and other Muslim nations there are a lot of violent civil wars and human rights issues that revolve around Islamic fundamentalism, so the fear isn’t a total fabrication (take a liberated Afghanistan for example and human rights problems over there). A European style colony in the heart middle east was always going to create a culture clash unfortunately. In any case this potential conflict is preferable to the current one I would argue.
@santalofty4917 6 лет назад
@kaderathebeekeeper22m3 8 лет назад
Pointless dialogue/debate
@FreakishlyTrue 8 лет назад
Exactly. Its like arguing for murder or rape or peadophillia... all are illegal under international law just like settlers are.
@jamiemajors8863 3 года назад
And these are the gangsters that think they have more rights to the Palestinian lands
@abrorakhmedov7389 4 года назад
all i see is WE DO WHATEVER WE WANT I DONT CARE WHAT WHOLE WORLD SAYS I THINK THATS WHAT THEY ARE DOING. you must remember you have to pay for your actions someday somehow i dont think all Israeli people would have act this way unless they have been brainwashed or thought to be sotenheart wrong is wrong no matter what is your excuse
@truegaming2810 Год назад
they are all arrogant until they come head to head with Mahdi Hassan...
@MarkSmith-yk7ig 2 года назад
Land taken with the barrel of a gun...!!!!
@syedabdulwahidsohaily493 9 месяцев назад
Mr. Dani Dayan is absolutely not comfortable in his chair, all becuase he is not Right in his Argument, 👎 Sohail Karachi Pakistan ❤️🌹
@vitocarbonara7770 3 года назад
There is no solution because the starting point is "conflict"!! Dani posts in his discussion unfortunately and it holds true that Israel "has the upper hand ". And that my friends says it all.
@Foolhead303 7 месяцев назад
Fascinating! I hope that Danny is as sincere as he sounds, albeit I'm in disagreement but he held his chair pretty well, it's a shame his reality isn't the reality that we see but he proposed some good ideas (apart from maybe the obvious one state democratic solution). Excellent hosting by Mehdi as usual.
@garsm2290 4 года назад
Ghada Karmi was dignified and eloquent. I was disgusted by the man who derided her ....
@byronbutterfield 6 месяцев назад
Why am I reminded of certain Germans justifying annexation of neighboring lands in the 1930s?
@dennislevy3603 10 месяцев назад
The conflict began in earnest long before 1948. It began around 1929 when Hajj Amin al Husseini incited Hebron Arabs to massacre the Jews. His reason was that the Jewish economy had overtaken the Arab land-baron economy and was eroding the power of these local Arab land barons. He had sold land to the Jews and his solution now was to massacre the Jews. The problem became worse and war erupted in 1948. Unfortunately there are many people outside of Israel/Palestine who do not understand that forcing a poorly considered solution will result in a war, while doing nothing has generally led to coexistence. While some Palestinians may insist that their land was stolen, there is a time to move on and accept Israel's offer for full and final compensation to all the refugees.
@ashleyKennedy5 3 года назад
Historically only Judah, a small area around Jerusalem has been Jewish. Historic Palestine has always been non Jewish.
@Anonymous-411 3 года назад
Exactly just look at the story of Moses. They're from Egypt not Palestine.
@bentiomkin795 Год назад
@@Anonymous-411 that’s not true at all, we literally were in judea before egypt
@Anonymous-411 Год назад
@@bentiomkin795 what's not true? Moses was from Egypt.
@SM-pr1qt 2 года назад
Calling Benjamin ‘Binyamin’ in the description is hilarious
@adonismartinez361 4 года назад
They say never argue with a…
@Helvetic_T-Rex 11 месяцев назад
Imagine what if the Jews claimed the whole earth for themselves.
@carolgaribay 2 года назад
As long as the US and the West back Israel, they know they can do whatever they want. Not only will they get away with their brutality because of the international economic and political support, but they have no problem playing the victim with the Anti-Semite card if you're not a Jew, and the cliché "self-hating Jew" if you are when you dare speak against Israel. I hope the latest Amnesty Report helps Palestinians at least on some level.
@jamiemajors8863 3 года назад
This guy is a mad criminal
@pedrovazquez4508 8 месяцев назад
Unreal! This lad is worse than a car salesman. He can deny that the car doesn't have an engine with a smile in his face. He could explain to anyone that complying to international court rulings is a waste of time because the far-right Israeli Judicial System will never enforced them. At a minimum he gave the audience a very interesting and honest opinion that I'm sure is shared by Netanyahu and his cronies...there's no solution to this conflict. Labeling these people thieves is an understatement.
@mervynshute880 3 года назад
talk about oppression.
@Matzieu1 6 лет назад
Good to see how impartial the moderator is being
@andys2151 2 года назад
World peace starts from free strong PALESTINE 🇵🇸
@mukhumor 2 года назад
Common thieves with some biblical shtick as a fig leaf.
@josef5414. 2 года назад
Atleast better than Islamic thieves getting brainwashed by Qur'an and started occupying disbelievers land. Israel is only 1% of Middle-East
@Koolarrow1987 5 месяцев назад
I love hearing from this counselor of this war's views truly spoken.
@easysnake205 9 лет назад
is this a reupload? i feel like i have seen this before
@DigoronKavkaz 9 лет назад
It is a reupload lol
@abdlhmdx 5 лет назад
Deja Vu?
@doriswrencheisler4386 6 месяцев назад
Dayan is arguing that land and all property, presumably, belongs to those with the will to take it, no matter who already live on it: This is often brutal, as the Nakba was in spades along with the continuous violence of Israeli police and IDF, and so the natural reaction of the dispossessed must be met by the occupiers with the necessary brutality to counteract or defeat it. This is civilized?: why do Zionists sometimes appeal to justice and morality when their position takes neither into account? And how far does Israel's historical claim go? The Garden of Eden?
@colinroach7815 6 месяцев назад
Dr. Ghada Karmi, this lady gives you the business. 👍🏾👍🏾
@rodrigodezubiria2007 Год назад
@amurdera4409 3 года назад
Time stamps ?
@mz6367 2 года назад
I can`t believe that I made it ! I watched the entire episode and listened to all of his lies
@ea.charles9176 2 года назад
Is this even a serious question? Of course it's criminal and contemptible.
@truthmatters007 3 года назад
I am sure it wouldn't take Palestinians 2000 years. My be sooner than anyone's imagination.
@KhaledSelim Год назад
The Palestinian lady said it all .. she was very clear
@fonrogers 8 месяцев назад
He looked so uncomfortable throughout. Very telling.
@battimollemann4216 2 года назад
Interesting speech. I enjoyed it
@ghulamfarid8869 3 года назад
Lol. People think a peice of land is there's coz it was theirs thousands of years ago. 🤣😂
@moeller2007 2 года назад
This conflickt is over in 10 min if the sattelers move
@beatzuma1996 2 года назад
40:48 lol
@stephenmartinez1 Год назад
The Palestinians are a distinct ethnic group who are native to Palestinian lands, and have been there since before biblical times. Whereas the Israelis are mostly Europeans who came to claim Palestine as their religious promised lands. Both have a valid claim, but whatever the case, it's completely inhumane how the Palestinians are controlled and denied basic rights.
@cobaltbomba4310 3 года назад
softly grilled him and humiliated him.
@yoldoparaiso6835 7 месяцев назад
Chronicle of disaster foretold! 10 years later, 13,000 Palestinian civilians have been bombed or shot at, Netanyahu's revenge for Hamas murdering 1,400 Israeli civilians on 7 October 2023... Dani Dayan forgot that the State of Israel did not exist in 1947 (cf. “the other rejects it but not only rejected it tries to take it all by force in 1947 and again in 1967”; at 8:01) !!! Anyway, in my view (daughter of colonised people) Israeli settlers are colonial invaders: most are Europeans (or from European descent) of Jewish faith. DNA could easily prove that Judaism is not a ethnic group but a simple religion that has spread throughout the world, just like Christianity and Islam, the two other religions of the Book. To believe in the historical tale, one need to believe in God, angels (Lucifer/Belzebuth included) and burning bushes. However, their existence remains to be proven or demonstrated. In addition, there are no historical evidence, archeological or in ancient texts, that Abraham (the Mesopotamian ancestor), Isaac, Jacob, Moise, Joseph, David and even Solomon ever lived actually.
@jamiemajors8863 3 года назад
Worse than shylock
@arielbalon6806 4 года назад
this link is only to those who want to know the truth.
@Thearfactor 2 года назад
Y didnt uk settle them in uk
@BeeboHamido 3 года назад
3:34 full political and MoOorAl right.
“Mehdi, mehdi, mehdi.” So condescending
@dan1a_636 3 года назад
21:49 Ah yes, this guy knows more then the guy who lived and went through the south African apartheid. The amount of times I banged my head into the wall bc of this guy
@zackabee5498 2 года назад
Really sad both sides are dying for the dam land… no solution.
@John1960Video 8 месяцев назад
Why in the world is US supporting Israel’s right to exist while paying lip service to Palestine’s right to exist in freedom and independence?
@gordonaliasme1104 7 месяцев назад
Because America is a bully with a gun.
@XanGervin 2 месяца назад
This shows the mindset of these people. Despicable
@kevindsouza3206 3 года назад
Kevin D’Souza how does One occupy his own land ANSWER. By LIVING in. It SIMPLE PALASTINE has its own land TRANS JORDAN live. There in peace go Home
@yusufdaoud5491 3 года назад
Of course this isn’t getting much views
@lulyusufsamantar1227 10 месяцев назад
Does that mean that all the America settlers who moved to america so called the new found land from Europe 14000 yrs must come to reclaim their homes back in Europe by force just like how Isreal state of Apartheid is doing today taking ppl's home one by one & by force?
@adrianzondervan6521 2 года назад
13:09 "the security threats that Israel poses" -- he misspoke and accidentally told the truth, he meant to say "faces"
@AbdulMajid-bc6xf 4 года назад
It's so easy let everyone have there right and by the UN to have a 2state movements which must be obeyed by all
@pope400 2 года назад
Evil. Pure and simple.
@htotheg5715 2 года назад
19:06 34:54 37:55 40:41 42:24 21:01
@saudkwt4718 Год назад
الإسرائيليون هم سكان الأرض الأصليين والأولين في هذا الموقع من العالم بما يسمى ( فلسطين ) والعلم الأكيد الخبر باالمختصر ، القرآن الكريم يقول ذالك باالتكرار من الآيات والسور ، من يقول غير هذا فلم يقراء القرآن او يكذب ويكابر ايضا" .
@omarmessar653 3 года назад
لا اله الله
@adrianzondervan6521 2 года назад
at 3:01 the incredulous look of this woman...
@brand8590 Год назад
Mehdi was brilliant as usual. The Israeli's are in blatant contravention of International law or even human decency. Look how arrogant this Israeli was. He didn't give a dam.
@MsKoniki 5 лет назад
I wonder what would've happened if Saudi was in place of Palestine
@YFC-lo9nj Месяц назад
How can a peace proposal about a land be recieved, if the land is being chunked away bit by bit (e.g. in 1967 there’s was this much on offer, but we had so many new comers since, in 2001 we have this much for you, SORRY).
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