
Jennifer Lawrence Talks About Tackling Fame 

ABC News
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@TheJJDaily 10 лет назад
I love Jennifer Lawrence, she is so humble. There was a sadness in her voice that I have never heard before in this interview.
@GinnyE25 9 лет назад
@raffy234 9 лет назад
I felt like she was about to cry... There were no tears in her eyes but they were definitely in her voice... ...that made me sad...
@GinnyE25 9 лет назад
I wish she wouldn't seem so down. Be proud of who you are truely
@Ivanski 9 лет назад
GinnyE25 that's why she is kinda about to cry, because she still can "see". As long is like that meaning that she is her self. Bet media probably will not tolerate that for much longer. If she do something wrong, oh they are waiting to chew her and spit out leftovers... I would not ever want to be famous...
@GinnyE25 9 лет назад
Some people think fame is easy but look what famous people have to go through.
@Ivanski 9 лет назад
no thanks... it is good to have some extra money but not for any cost...
@bluecrayola880 9 лет назад
Same :(
@OfficialPrettyLittleLiars 11 лет назад
It's kind of... sad to see her like this. She looks so tired and lonely, yet she's still funny. I really hope you gets a break soon, for she deserves it.
@javongilchrist 11 лет назад
Yeah, I noticed that too I wish her the best
@LauravanKessel 10 лет назад
My thoughts exactly!
@donice4835 10 лет назад
i think because she is talking the...is this barbara walters?? so she had to be less serious.. but she gave honest nonshowbiz answers.. like where she will be 10 years from now
@HuggiMa 10 лет назад
She's not sad, she's just being interviewed by Barbara Walters...who is pretty deadpan herself, so it wouldn't be appropriate for Jennifer Lawrence to be in her usual comedic self.
@mhe1968 10 лет назад
HuggiMa I see the sadness of her eyes... behind the smile.
@johnkilfoyle9947 10 лет назад
Jennifer Lawrence turned 77 yesterday that's news to me
@leepurplecat 11 лет назад
I really feel for Jennifer :'(. All she wants is to be accepted as being normal by people, it must kill her when people ask her that question, "how are you so normal". I really hope she gets a break!! When your famous all your doing is striving after the wind, it's empty and lonely :(
@Tsubasa9981 10 лет назад
So as Jennifer was describing how people treat her at 6:31, I realized that's exactly how I feel being a foreigner in Japan. Like, people treat you nicely, but they also treat you as if you're a different kind of person... and no matter where I go people always look at me, that "animal in a zoo" kind of feeling. Of course I love Japan, but I know how you feel.
@Danasaur_123 10 лет назад
Jennifer Lawrence segment starts at: 2:37
@outcornered 10 лет назад
@vigneshnin 10 лет назад
@Danasaur_123 10 лет назад
no prob!! :-)
@Missjksgirlynoodles 10 лет назад
Coming from a person that desires to enter the industry, it's always interesting to hear about the dark side of fame. Many people see fame as just talk shows and glory, but it's interesting to hear about the disadvantage that follow this kind of career
@MannyCastillothessmchannel 10 лет назад
She is doing a lot for consciousness... her example allows others to have the courage to be themselves. She is changing the industry. The reason she has to go trough all these slip ups is to show us humans that it is okay to experience the negative. Those of you drawn to her simply adore things that you have not realized you have within yourself. She puts it on display for you to see. She doesn't do it on purpose of course but that's just the way the Source energy works. To help us all ascend and live as our true selves. She loves what she does and helps others find theirs through example. Through living it. She is the most impacting Christ-like woman I have seen in the media ever. Adorable, loving and genuine. Not a woman to slut around but to give women all over the realization that it is much better to be a pretty woman than a woman who sleeps around. Same goes for a gentleman. A gentleman would want a pretty woman any day of the week and twice on Sunday. A woman that I would pursue is only a woman that is pretty and that only reserves her sexiness for me. Michio Kaku, leading theoretical physicist, talks about the future where our role models come from the entertainment industry. Before we had this, sleep around and get more money more women mentality but it is now shifting to a more civilized and respectful one. Not becoming slave to our temptations but actually controlling them. Not saying that sleeping around is wrong per say, as long as the two or more partners are in agreement and no one is getting hurt. However, I believe a pursuit to leave sex for marriage is a pursuit that really raises the bar for mankind. I recently made that commitment 6 days ago and my relationships with women have changed dramatically. I see my friends going through and basing their lives on sexual pursuits instead of one that is more heart centered. Many spend their lives chasing these pleasures to only leave themselves empty. Empty meaning that they do not know what they even want and continue on this vicious cycle of pleasure for the present and they can't even fill their own hearts. Sex now, work on myself later. Many claim that they want to have the "one" but yet have sex with others and slow down the process of attaining it. How could you have the woman or man that you want if you don't even know what you want in your life. What do you want? what are you passionate about? what do you love to do? if you can't answer these questions then you have some seriously fun soul searching to do. Stopping these temporary forms of sexual gratification will allow you to do that. You will focus on yourself instead of the "relationship" you have with that other person or people you are with. Now you may be thinking, how do you know all of this? You just stopped pursuing that supposedly like 6 days ago right? No. I for 6 years did not have sex or do anything with women in order to become fully self mastered in myself. I made a vow and promise to myself and God, even though I was not really into God at the time, that if I master myself God, please give me the greatest woman in the world. That is all I ask. That if I continue to develop myself, serve others and make this world into the place it should be, that I will be rewarded with the greatest gift any man could ever possess in the physical world. Another half. Another person. Another woman that I could share everything with. A woman who would have my complete and undivided attention because I thought she was just so beautiful in my eyes. I feel that gift is coming because I have accepted God in my life. Not on that religious stuff but just having that personal intimate relationship with that creative force that created everything. See and this force really does like the Bible have a sort of masculine energy to it. That is why I like to call him my father. Existence to me is my mother. Taking care of the physical body and all existing life is a mothering tendency. I am only here in this body because I take care of it. Same with the world. I can only live on Earth if I take care of it. When I walk to a store and see trash on the floor, I pick it up. Not all the time but sometimes. Whenever I feel I have to. For you new agers, who believe that they are God. I can sympathize with you. I used to explore that mindset quite often. I explored chakras, chi, yoga, meditations and so on. These are all correct and are the truth as well, however, the fact that anyone who exists in the physical world to call themselves God is completely and utterly untrue. We are not Gods. We are not Gods. We are not Gods. If we were Gods we would not exist in the physical world. We can only strive to be more GOD LIKE not God. The ego likes to believe that. the ego believes that it is God but in reality it is utterly worthless when compared to God. See, you will reach a point where you will realize that your self or ego self cannot do anything against the force of God. You see. God is like a wave. A wave that you can ride along with. The way you can ride along this way is if you obey what I like to call to call the moral code of God. The moral code simply is composed of these several components. Love, Unity, Respect, Harmony and Preservation of all Life. If you follow this code and understand it fully and if you live it. The energy of love and of God will support you in everything that you do. However, in order to truly ride the way you must live on it and obey the wave's will. You must submit your ego self, not your true self to the wave of God. When you do that, the wave will support your true self and allow your true self to blossom with God. You will feel God is protecting you. This energy source of goodness protecting you. You will no longer feel alone or scared. You will always feel as if the force is guiding you to the greatest life you could of not even imagined. Something better that what your limited ego mind can think of or fathom. Do you see what I am saying? Do you feel it? This is God working through me to give you this message. People in the world are waking up to this in many different forms. All religion lead and point to the same thing. We just have different ways of going about it. Respect those ways. Talk about those ways. Explore those ways. Do whatever it is that your true self and God want to do. Don't listen to anyone else besides God. Nobody. Not even me. Do what your heart truly tells you to do. Now, for those of you wondering well... what happens if I fall off God's wave? What happens if I break the moral code especially now that I have a better or clear understanding of it? Wellll, you will notice that things are not exactly going good for you right now huh? when bad things happen to you. You are falling off the wave. You are not mastered in your mind, body, spirit and emotions. Now, to master it is to master yourself and have yourself submitted to the will of God. See, you will notice great things starting to happen to you once you give into to this energy source. The reason we have free will is so that we can understand and appreciate the force of God. We don't want to be mindless drones just having to follow this wave. No. See God gives us our free will. Sure we can do things without him but let me tell you it can get very bumpy and turbulent if you really stray off the wave. Inevitably, those who want a better life will realize that the wave is simply the best wave to ride on. Not your wave like how your ego wants you to believe but our wave.... God's wave. Now for those of you who believe in consciousness. This is the exact same thing. Consciousness is what we humans and life have created. Consciousness is this loving force that when we humans do good to one another, it is a wave that supports one another. I give to my neighbor and eventually that good deed comes back to me tenfold. I give out a dollar and will receive ten or more in the future. Don't expect to see it right away. It will come in time and when it is supposed to. Just give and know you will get back. A very selfishly unselfish thing. A perfect balance of good and evil. Yin and Yang. For those of you who do not wish to believe their is a higher power or creative force that maintains all life, you have been warned. God is good. He will help you see. He will work through all of us to make you see. Now, I must also say this because this is where spiritual people can get all self righteous and what not. They can say, oh well, I have to force this on others. I have to make them believe it and this is the cause of many wars in the past. This is an illusion. You can never do wrong for good. EVER!!!!! This is an illusion of the ego. I understand where you are coming from. I have had those thoughts as well. You must only do good. There is no need for wars or anything. The overpopulation argument is simply something that we needed to learn that could be a possibility. Listen. Yes, having too many people CAN be a problem. In fact, wars are only created when there is not enough resources to feed the planet. Not enough energy, let's say for argument's sake oil. Look they are developing technology now that you could buy your car and never have to buy another battery again. You could buy a phone and never have to charge it again. We humans have seen a potential threat in the future and we are taking care of it. We have prepared for the worst and are now only going to live the best. : ) That's how powerful we are because we are working together. You are only perceiving that we could not be. You want to believe we work together, then believe it. However, you must prepare in case we don't but you can believe and know that we are working together. Another argument, oh we won't have enough food to feed the world. wrong! There are statistics that show that we are now at close to 7 billion people. Another stat said that by 2050 we could have 10 billion people. That our planet if we were to have all of our livestock areas (areas where we raise cattle and meats to eat) and use them for vegetation and if we were to all be vegetarian we would not be able to make it. Wrong!!!! Human creativity can handle any problem. How did we solve this? Well, vertical gardens. You see, we have already developed gardens that can be vertical! we don't have to grow just horizontally anymore. We can grow up! so imagine a square area of about 100 feet. Let's say just plating something on the ground will give you 1000 crops. If you now grow on that same square area vertically, you could have 10,000 or 100,000 or 1,000,000! just depending how high you want to make that garden now. : ) Just like the movie the matrix. Remember when the machines would grow the humans? they had all their pods containing the humans growing horizontally and vertically. That's it! So you see, in just one post on RU-vid I have shown you how we humans can tackle any problem together. All the problems in the human race that causes conflict have been resolved in this post. Sure I didn't get into every detail. I can only write so much and I don't want to bore you either. There is so much more I can say as well. So much more that I have come across on. So much more that I have learned. Do you want to learn more? shoot me an email at the schoolofselfmastery@gmail.com I can help guide you in the right direction. A direction that you and your relationship with God would want. I don't have a way. I just help you find your way faster, easier and without all the heartache. Love you all, forever and ever. Even if you think I am your enemy. I will never stop loving all of you and all of life. I have God on my side and that is all I need. Life through your hearts. God Bless. : ) Sincerely, Manny Andre Castillo
@lexie8516 10 лет назад
I think there are some people who go into acting for the love of it. They dont dream of red carpets and universal adoration...they just want to act because its what they love. She seems to be one of those people, which is why she keeps saying its just a job. Unfortunately when you are really good you have to deal with the fame monster. And its OK to say that its hard to deal, so i wont judge her on that because not every famous person is in love with fame. They didn't ask to be constantly hounded by insensitive individuals for just doing what they love. It doesnt mean they have to just accept it because its a part of the job. Its really over the top stuff. Most of us couldnt deal. She's just a real down to earth gal. Wish her well.
@thefullshelves 11 лет назад
I feel like in this interview Jennifer is realizing that being famous is not like everyone else thinks, or worth the sacrifices she has had to make. I bet she would give anything to go out and lead a normal invisible life for just one day. I think she needs to take some extended time off, and focus on herself and her family. Her fans will understand.
@iiAngelic 10 лет назад
I agree with you. Celeb life is super disciplined and although they have luxurious materials they don't have the freedoms to eat Cheetos for breakfast and icecream for lunch on a random day...and then go on a bike ride..
@dlweiss 10 лет назад
Wow, Barbara, way to do your research...Jennifer was nominated for Best LEAD Actress for Winter's Bone. Not Supporting. Google much?
@samarztk 10 лет назад
That's weird because I also thought she was nominated for supporting. Weird.
@sithlordpalpatine8486 10 лет назад
Let's string Barbara up for this unforgivable journalism, she must be a witch BURN HER!
@dlweiss 10 лет назад
Sith Lord Palpatine Easy there, Emperor. I just like people to fact-check easily-accessible information before they broadcast it on national television. :)
@sithlordpalpatine8486 10 лет назад
dlweiss What if I told you......that Barbara was an android?
@dlweiss 10 лет назад
@tabbyk4t 10 лет назад
Shes such a sweetie pie, I just wanna hug her goddamit
@raymundogarcia07 11 лет назад
I can't… journalism is failing these days, even Barbara Walters is not immune to it. JL was nominated for Lead Actress NOT Supporting Actress for Winter's Bone. Gosh! JL you're amazing!
@PARASNIP 10 лет назад
you probably should mention in the title of this video that half of it is about the pope.
@yandyman15 10 лет назад
How can i explain that i'm ABSOLUTELY in love with this GORGEOUS girl? she's extremely talented, down-to-earth, natural, cool, funny, i have seen almost all of her interviews and movies and i just can't get tired of her... I LOVE YOU JENNIFER LAWRENCE GOD BLESS YOU!!!
@paulinhosilva037 11 лет назад
she´s so wise, beautiful and talented, an amazing human being
@TheForgottenPromises 10 лет назад
She's hilarious. She proved that many, many times. But this video, shows how serious she can be. I thought i couldn't like her more, but i was wrong.
@LoveTheHungerGames91 10 лет назад
i love her. i wish i was famous then i would be totally crazy, and myself too. i get when she has trouble understanding why people wonder why she's normal. to her and to me it's like, why would you want to be anything but yourself?
@TeddyHeartSweet 10 лет назад
"Pizza fixes everything" Very true hahahha
@mariaconstanzarojas6598 10 лет назад
she could turn me hahaha
@nfcoard 9 лет назад
Maria Constanza Rojas If she could turn you then you've already been turned. (:
@Rainbowfishbubbles 9 лет назад
Why did they talk about pope Francis for pretty much the whole video!?!
@graceeey147 9 лет назад
+Rainbowfishbubbles it was 2 mins lol
@electricladyland4421 9 лет назад
It's Barbra's 10 most fascinating people of 2013, I guess they just didn't cut that small portion out.
@ohwow4377 9 лет назад
Out of all the celebs on this planet she seems like the most normal and down to earth one! I love that about her!
@Tschetan1 11 лет назад
This was maybe the first time I saw Jennifer Lawrence so tired and exhausted. She still looked beautyful, yes, but in her eyes was something that screames for a break. She should do it, take a break. It would be one of the sadest things to burn her out. Yeah, and the mistake about Winters Bone, no comment. And Mrs. Walters looked scary.
@foreveralive6949 10 лет назад
Kudos to J. Lawrence for staying grounded at this stage in her career. That's really refreshing in a time where dancers, models, actors and others would sell their soul just to get in front of that camera and be "famous", if only for a few minutes. The cool thing about her is that she seems like a genuinely original personality with a sense of humor to go with it.
@TiffanyWest3030 10 лет назад
wow, thanks for cutting off most of her interview....that sux..... i wanted to see all of it
@Aquaticus12 11 лет назад
"Pizza fixes everything!" I love it :)
@mhe1968 10 лет назад
I can only guess what Jennifer Lawrence feels when people treat her differently now that she is famous almost like an object or piece of art instead of a person. I think part of the problem is we see movies and people become larger and are made more beautiful with technology and makeup and the fans forget there is a person that was everyday and ordinary at one point.
@TheRyannorthcutt 10 лет назад
Jennifer Lawrence "OBOE" I could see this being #1 on iTunes! :D Instrumental music is something I wish there was more of nowadays, and JL is so funny that album would be great!!
@korneliamckenziemusic1126 9 лет назад
Her dream life in 10 years is what so many people want to escape from...
@KoenigKeks 8 лет назад
+Kornelia McKenzie well, if these people wouldnt have to worry about money and problems and the normal everyday stress they wouldnt want to escape from it
@korneliamckenziemusic1126 8 лет назад
+KoenigKeks They have other problems to worry about- like the paparazzi- ALWAYS under fire from people who brandish cameras. They cannot go to their favourite coffee shop from the past without all the eyes on them...
@saumyagupta1210 10 лет назад
She seems genuinely upset :(
@RyansLegend16 10 лет назад
Jennifer is so real and kind! I hope she finds happiness and peace in her life!
@vesper180 10 лет назад
Jennifer is so talented and down to earth, it's amazing! I hope the stress of show biz doesn't take her down. It seems right now she is leading such a hectic, crazy scheduled life, and all that traveling around, I bet it can be lonely...even in a room full of people. I've heard other actors and music artists talk about that. Fame isn't easy and she just wants to be normal again. I hope she gets the future that she wants and a good person to share it and be happy with.
@BieberPremieresVEVO 10 лет назад
I love her so much.
@Ashleechoi7 10 лет назад
@-FragileFawn- 8 лет назад
This is her true colors. I knew acting all silly and bubbly wasn't her true self. She seems so tired. I knew it!
@kate_6436 10 лет назад
I feel kind of bad for her to be honest because the fact that she can't go for a walk and make eye contact with people without being recognized makes her sad and I don't think she's the only one.
@Nanancay 9 лет назад
She sounded so sad omg
@captainz454 8 лет назад
+NANCAY WANG yeah so sad, she has millions of dollars and is living her dream to be an actress I feel so bad for her
@33Hanney 8 лет назад
+Manuel Zenteno Life is not all about money! Just because someone is wealthy that doesn't mean that he or she is also happy, does it?
@captainz454 8 лет назад
HanneyBD She is fulfilling her dreams isn't she? (something that very few people can say) that should me more than enough to be very grateful
@KishorTwist 8 лет назад
*I have to say that money is around 50% of life. Having more than enough of it gives you **_peace of mind_** and freedom, two very expensive commodities.*
@xoLovexoLovexoLove 10 лет назад
Jennifer Lawrence seems to good and real of a person for that terrible, empty, lonely place they call "Hollywood".
@jessface777 10 лет назад
She's so sweet! I truly wish her the best!! She's so talented but she shouldn't have to feel trapped in that role for the rest of her life if it doesn't make her happy.
@gabriellajessup 9 лет назад
so much sincerity
@MelHyde 6 лет назад
Awe this is so sweet but also makes me sad at the same time. We alienate celebrities when all they are, are people like the rest of us. As Jen said "It's just a job".
@csa_yt 9 лет назад
Oh wow, it's the first video of her where I see her kind of sad... She's usually so happy...
@bettsa10 9 лет назад
So weird to see her sad and somewhat serious...I love Jlaw and I hope she gets that normal life she longs for in the future. Being wealthy would be nice I'm sure but I would not trade a normal life for money and fame especially in this day and age where you can be bashed by 10 different social sites.
@ThatRandomCheeseBall 11 лет назад
Poor Jennifer :( if I ever see her on the streets, surrounded by paparazzi, and she looked like she wanted to get away, I would TOTALLY help her out. And try to treat her as if she was my friend.
@Leinewe123 9 лет назад
ok i just cried because i wanted to hug jen :c she seems so sad
@paulinhosilva037 11 лет назад
and she wasn´t nominated for a supporting actress, she was nominated for best actress..., but that´s okay.
@bennettgalef 11 лет назад
Yeah! That is incredibly embarrassing! Come on, ABC!!
@paulinhosilva037 11 лет назад
Bennett Galef Yes, it is.
@PrincessRamsha999 10 лет назад
I really like her as a person - she's witty and down-to-earth, but I genuinely think she's very overrated as an actress. Sorry, just my opinion.
@ClayKayMNK 10 лет назад
I could watch this over and over again. It's refreshing to see a different, more (I imagine) real side of Jennifer. I am well guilty of the non-communicative stare at a person because I can't believe they're real but it's a nice warning for a budding actress (like myself) to know what to prepare for on the off-chance that I'll make it dangerously big like that.
@DMomsFan1 9 лет назад
its hard to take the "normal" out of someone she wasn't raised to be a super famous person you know? i love her but people should give them more privacy like they are still humans!
@carlinfan4life 11 лет назад
I looooooooooooove her! She's an amazing person!!!!!!! Oh how my heart skips a beat with this girl! Wooooooo!!
@Angela-hw1ux 9 лет назад
The two only celebrities I really like. Taylor swift and Jennifer Lawrence!
@indexandthumb 7 лет назад
Angela Swift What a coincidence, those are the 2 celebrities that I can't stand
@izstrella 7 лет назад
She is AMAZING, oh my gosh. I wish her the absolute best.
@essexgirlforever46 10 лет назад
it makes me sad to see that Jen isn't truly enjoying this whole experience
@ZizYoubizHERE 11 лет назад
What a cool Pope!!! :))
@iralynjequinto9275 10 лет назад
This only confirms why i love her so much!
@yologurls2609 10 лет назад
i love her (not in the Fancie way) i just love the way she looks (hair, clothes and cuteness) and her voice is so loving and calm xx
@michaelaporro7039 10 лет назад
she looks so sad in this :( she's always so much cheerfull on interviews! the pope thing was amaizing too, i love him
@neverstopdreaminify 10 лет назад
I love Jennifer Lawrence because she acts normal and stays true to herself and I completey agree with what she says :)
@iuliaElsaa 10 лет назад
Is just being alone not lonely 😍she is so nice
@dancooper2840 10 лет назад
I love jen she is amazing actor
@chichi500 10 лет назад
I love her so. Much!! And she look sad and I just want to give her a hug!!
@ielizabethm2 10 лет назад
I love these interviews where celebrities get to show their tue emotions because of the interviewer. It is absolutely hard to be famous.
@lillyborgmann3307 10 лет назад
I can't speak english very well, because i'm german, but i can tell you that: Jennifer Lawrence is the best actor, i've ever seen!:)
@marie080385 10 лет назад
I still don't understand why HomoSexuality is a sin... Why?? Because it's written in the Bible? What if, it is not?? Anyway, we all have our own believes though, but for me, whatever reasons, i still and will never understand...
@TheBarbieViolet 10 лет назад
***** animals don't have the whole gay thing. They have sex with both male and female -_______________-
@tinyphreak 10 лет назад
***** Homosexuality is a genetic trait. It exists in every animal species - simply put, they neither feel the need to go around talking about it nor to judge each other because of it. Get educated on a subject before you talk about it. You don't have to of course, but it's just a tip. tl;dr: Animals can be homosexual, and they're more civilized about it.
@SibeleFonsecas 10 лет назад
Homosexuality is the way nature found of not absolutely filling the world with every breeding species that there is.
@rockyblacksmith 10 лет назад
Tiny Phreak It's not genetic, there are identical twin pairs (meaning identical DNA) who have different sexual orientations. The explanation that I've heard is that the sexuality is influenced by the amount of different hormones you are exposed to in the womb, that's why the earliest signs are observable at infancy. About why the bible calls it a sin; The definition of "sin" is everything one does that is not part of gods plan for your life. Which includes everything from mass murder to simply wasting time, it's probably most of what fills ones day. The question is wether you care for what gods plan is. If you don't, then making a deal out of what is and what is not in it is a waste of time. The real problem lies in the fact that the church doesn't reduce the discussion on the people who feel attracted to their own sex while WANTING to live a christian life.
@eduvillegas 10 лет назад
understand! no, no, no, just believe. Is Religion Dah.
@dexterng5075 9 лет назад
LOLed when I saw the title said Jennifer Lawrence and the first sentence from Barbara Walters was "Our next choice turn 77..."
@Huu159 9 лет назад
3:21 "This year she won an Oscar FART..."
@beeritziful1 9 лет назад
+Akshay 28392 LOL omg thanks a lot that ruined the whole video for me! So worth it though
@DSTM4774 10 лет назад
Man, Jennifer looks really sad in this interview... :|
@Flor246083 10 лет назад
It's true :(
@femke2716 10 лет назад
Flor246083 yeah she is really.. sad :(
@seleleota 10 лет назад
to be honest she was probably high or just tired. she's been on a nonstop media tour the past few months Reply ·
@femke2716 10 лет назад
Sele Leota i think so
@HuggiMa 10 лет назад
no, she's just being interviewed by Barbara Walters. That would make anyone act sad.
@asiangsus 9 лет назад
shes so inspiring, i want to be someone like her and inspire someone else, i want people to say, "wow, i want to be just like him" ik this is a long leap but i will be there someday and make people happy. thanks for reading whoever you are, i appreciate it.
@bluecrayola880 9 лет назад
I love Jennifer Lawrence!
@CassiusTravels 9 лет назад
That Pope seems like a super nice guy.... a step forward for hardcore religion.
@leilakasumova7099 9 лет назад
true true true
@jimeca 9 лет назад
+Cassius Morris Im from Argentina and I can garantee you that he is a really down to earth very good guy BUT he is fighting against all the "conservatives" (sorry if I misspelled) and they want him gone. That's why he always says "please pray for me" because he knows that a lot of "close mind catholics" the ones that hates gays, do not aprove divorce, etc want him gone ASAP
@SwsPtvA7x 10 лет назад
Wow she can play the oboe(:
@Crazee108 10 лет назад
I wish some interviewers would give her the opportunity to have these deeper conversations. I'm sure we'll see her in Inside the Actors Studio. :)
@rhigganomie4978 8 лет назад
Aww I want to hug her
@AmazingGracer45 10 лет назад
Aww...I feel bad for Jennifer. :/ Even for me, as only a FAN, I can feel the difference that has happened in the way people regard her and her popularity. I can remember it being early 2012, before the Hunger Games came out (and even afterwards), and just loving her so much as an actress (I still do). I can remember virtually no one around me knowing her name, and MAYBE only recognizing her as "the girl who plays Katniss Everdeen". Ever since Silver Linings Playbook came out and took off, and she won the Oscar, EVERYTHING has changed a lot. Now almost everyone I know knows her name, LOVES her as an actress, and always regards her quirks and silly personality that she has in interviews. I'm not saying that's wrong, but if I already feel alienated as a Jennifer Lawrence fan, then I can't even IMAGINE how she feels. :'( It must be so stressful for her, press junket after press junket, award show after award shows, interview after interview, movie after movie, etc. She REALLY needs a break next year (2014); I know she's mentioned it, and she very well deserves one.
@rutheli 10 лет назад
I got embarrassingly excited when she said "I can play the oboe." Me too, Jen, me too!!! :D
@HaiItsLizzie 10 лет назад
Some of that was really, really heartbreaking ...
@Eggtardo95 10 лет назад
Why does she keep saying supporting actress? She was nominated and won Best Actress
@XxpuffLyricsrockzxX 10 лет назад
Shs looks so sad. I want to give her a big hug! :#
@julianapesamino6783 10 лет назад
I freakin' love her. Like so much. I want to be her friend, that would be incredible.
@mavricksone 11 лет назад
I love her, she's down to earth, the fame didn't change her personality. But i feel like her life got so sad all of sudden. That part is not different from any other actors i guess...
@JazSimone 7 лет назад
I totally get what she was talking about regarding people looking at her/eye contact.
@sinyanmei92 10 лет назад
She's just so Jen even when she's famous now, if ya know wat I meant :3 just dont change, we need someone like you, seriously.
@JinFM1998 10 лет назад
Amazing actress i jave ever seen
@andreascala5878 10 лет назад
Shes a class act..naturally. nothing fake about this girl.
@sashabsanti 10 лет назад
and i really felt so bad when she was talking about what she pictures as a perfect day. i truly thought she was going to cry. it makes me sad that shes getting to do the thing she loves but somehow ends up having to pay a price.
@AppleAustin01 10 лет назад
I love Jennifer Lawrence
@fsrsc7 10 лет назад
Oh, noooooo...how could you hate cilantro! It's the best! Jen, I hope stay the same and you get to live your life the way you said it in the interview: the simple life.
@roddyjen 10 лет назад
Just an FYI: The first part of the video is about Pope Francis. The Jennifer Lawrence section starts around 2:35.
@breannasanchez5362 9 лет назад
i love this person so much.
@NovemberDiaries1 10 лет назад
@stefanvelkov576 7 лет назад
Jennifer Good Tackling in the life!!!!Supersensitive emotional woman!!!I'm Love ❤ you! catholic Jennifer?I'm like this pope reaction in the pedestrians!!!!
@mrwestonizer 7 лет назад
Great interview! 😂😂😂
@ilovepiedoyou2 10 лет назад
I love the clip from Silver Linings Playbook at 3:06
@ultimateBYUfan 10 лет назад
A house on a lot of property NOT in LA, with a Minivan... sounds like she needs to come to Montana! :P
@myprincessproject 9 лет назад
Her smile probably the most beautiful lol if I see her smile I want to smile too
@Sarissajwz 10 лет назад
Just wanna hug her.
@sarahbrush123 10 лет назад
@MannyCastillo just wanted you to know that you wrote and published an article on a RU-vid comment page.
@sudi412 9 лет назад
Lmfao! I liked how she fangirled over Jack Nicholson a little bit. 😂😂😂 That was cute.
@michaelgarel4279 10 лет назад
She's an old soul, I have a strong sense that she's been here before, and that is the stark difference between her and someone like Miley Cyrus. She isn't scripted at all, she's a very articulate, and creatively intelligent person, very likable and opinionated, but smart.
@ChineseChopstiicks 10 лет назад
she speaks so heartbroken
5 Second Rule with Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt
73 Questions With Jennifer Lawrence | Vogue
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