
Jury recommends the death penalty for Mark Sievers, the man found guilty of plotting wife's murder 

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Four hours into deliberations, the jury found that Teresa Sievers's murder was done in a cold calculated matter, ultimately resulting in their death penalty verdict for Mark Sievers.



9 дек 2019




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@kentuckyfriedjoe7370 4 года назад
I’m very happy the grandmother was awarded custody of the two daughters. Those girls will be so strong. 👏🏻
@keithgentry9904 4 года назад
You can’t set a known killer back out into society because that blood would be on your hands. The jury has a responsibility to society! The evidence is overwhelming!!
@indraneesenanayake2092 4 года назад
He is guilty, guilty, guilty. I was waiting to hear the verdict. He got what he truly deserves. God bless the victims family.
@supertrooper4353 3 года назад
Sad for Teresa's family but they had their day in court and have closure to this case. Can only imagine the agony going for years trying to prove your child/sister was killed in a cold-blooded murder. Justice was served.
@diedreacampbell98 4 года назад
And he thought he got away with it sitting at her funeral with the other killer. Monster. I pray for her kids.
@np939427a 4 года назад
Karma was served
@janepearson7794 4 года назад
He should be kept in prison 4 rest of his life. Death would be easy way out 4 him. Let him live every day locked up with other vile men knowing how nice freedom is 4 good people
@wayneoneal7952 4 года назад
STFU!!!!!!!!! I hate being rude but you're not very bright! Living would be his wish! Death is scary! He took an innocent human life and he doesn't deserve to breathe air another day! Yet he will probably live on death row another 20 yrs. At yours and my expense! Let him kill someone u love and see if u still feel the same! We are way to soft on crime in this country and it largely due to scumbag liberals!
@janepearson7794 4 года назад
@@wayneoneal7952 you have obviously no idea what being in prison is like. It's not a holiday camp u silly man. So put a sock in your gob
@TheAirtrans 4 года назад
Well done
@LizzieMc 4 года назад
Music to our ears 🇬🇧
@padussia 4 года назад
Yes, a sociopath is what he is and the death penalty is what he deserves!!
@katekay634 4 года назад
The monster got exactly what he deserves except that his death will be much more better than Teresa,s.....her sister said very well the devastation of two entire families....
@reclaimerReclaimer 4 года назад
Her actual killers should've gotten it too, those sick retarded freaks.
@saffronwetter2221 2 года назад
"The Death Roll is really life in prison. "Because they wait forever before they kill them,
@cindiluvohsen4126 2 года назад
Good for him. Killers need to be put to death.
@liverbird_55 3 года назад
*Her sister claimed she knew he did it over 4yrs ago and that hes a sociopath yet when she got inteviewed she claimed he was a saint and worshiped her sister and her sister was his life and he would do anything for her??? So why didnt she share her doubts of him with the police investigating her sisters murder at the time as it could of saved on time but no she made out he was amazing and the best thing that hapened to her sister if you watch her interview she was very dramatic and loud about his love to her sister, i think she sounds like the sociopath now👎🏼*
@gracetottenham3108 3 года назад
well liverbird55 when it first happened no one wanted to believe mark did it because back then he was our family. we were blind to it then but there was always a part of us that thought he did do it but we didn’t want to believe it because how could he do such a terrible thing to her. so please do not call my aunt a sociopath
@laikaevelyn4478 3 года назад
Evidence evidence evidence. She did not think so when it happened cos she had never been given any reason to do. But once the investigation started and Mark started acting strange and doing strange thinks, the evidence for his guilt mounted up, until there was no longer any doubt in the minds of people like Anna Lisa and the rest of the LE team. It took just a couple of months for opinions to change based on EVIDENCE. So YES, she has had no doubt for the past 4 years!
@dorisc8604 4 года назад
He said I love my wife and my girls it's unbelievable to read that and he said I am Inocente!
@petlover4483 Год назад
The death sentence in this case was absolutely the right choice he killed his wife and their children were left without a mom watching her sister and the mother of her daughter that was murdered breaks my heart they have lost something so precious to them he deserves whatever he gets and he has to live with it everyday of his life he's a sociopath!!!
@rachidemadi1724 4 года назад
He's going where he belongs by by evils 👺
@queensigal 4 года назад
The amount of support the murderer received from his family only proves the apple didnt fall far from the tree!How can anyone describe how nice he is after knowing what he did to his wife is beyond logic .
@royhoco5748 4 года назад
I agree with you and if he had any nice in him it was totally erased by his evil actions
@flixri726 2 года назад
So… you would not stand for your son or daughter in court? I mean, yes it was cold, calculated - but it is not like he is a raping serial killer. There are worse people and custody is a strong motive. I would not judge his family, they are also victims in this case.
@SympatheticNightmare 2 года назад
@@flixri726 I would disown my child if they killed for any reason except for self defense.
@jowalton4571 Год назад
@@flixri726 NO…..NOT IF HE WERE A KILLER!!!!!! BUT I GUESS OTHER PEOPLE DON’T HAVE MORALS. 👹👹👹👹👺👺👺👺👿👿👹🤮🤮🐍🐍🗑🗑🤮😟😟😟💩💩💩🤡🤡🤪🤪👹👿🔥👺🚽👿
@GenuwineG 4 года назад
0:57 yes you did doubt, you tried to point to the lady nurse, you also tried to make Mark look innocent at first.
@XX-kr1qx 2 года назад
If this is California, he will walk.
@cliffordmulaudzi3503 2 года назад
Bring death penalty hear in South Africa pls.
@isitoveryet9525 4 года назад
He couldn't be more deserving....
@lovepet4565 3 года назад
May he rot in Fla prison until the day comes
@cr-qo3ov 2 года назад
The families are definitely living victims God bless
@hannarice3007 Год назад
@sandysuchamisfit Год назад
Why’s Drew Barrymore in the thumbnail?
@spencernash3521 2 года назад
Guilty verdict.another one bite the dust.
@donnacribb5712 Год назад
@sheronhunt5192 2 года назад
My god the heart of man.......
@buddysilver5788 4 года назад
JESUS DEMANDED THE DEATH PENALTY "Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!” Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ [Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy. 5:16] and ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’[Exodus 21:17; Leviticus. 20:9] But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is ‘devoted to God,’ they are not to ‘honor their father or mother’ with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: “‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’[ Isaiah 29:13]” Matthew 15:1-9. JESUS, THE BABY IN THE CRADLE GREW UP TO DEMAND THE DEATH PENALTY FOR CHILDREN WHO MOCKED THEIR PARENTS!
@margievanbeurden4404 2 года назад
Ok I know now
@cajagress6806 2 года назад
The guys a definite pos but the actual murderers didn't even recieve the death penalty. Curtis gets out in 25 years. This system is so effed up
@pierreisnaarchille8052 4 года назад
Mary Ann custody kids and that good and
@christiane934 2 года назад
It would be important that they could forgive. Otherwise they will get no inner peace and freedom which comes from Jesus Christ, who shed his blood for our sins. The solution for all is: repentance and conversion to Jesus and to receive a new life ... of faith, hope and love. In the bible you can find the way of Redemption ....May God bless all who are affected and suffering persons.
@ArtistBarbaraAnnKenney Год назад
Amen. Jesus is the only way to heaven not some manmade religious belief system mark seivers had that included definite proof of an open marriage and ify new age religion. Mark was in love with someone else.
@wilfriedklasen4631 Год назад
Absolutely a decent penalty for this crime is justice, but deathpenalties do not belong in a democracy it is also barbarian to have this.
@pierreisnaarchille8052 4 года назад
Don’t not get merry wedding day and
@ErikS- 4 года назад
well... imagine being a child of both mark and teresa sievers. First they lose their mother And now the state is going to kill their father, Doesnt really anybody care about what these children may go through? I am not against the death penalty, but in cases with children there may better be a situation of life inprisonment instead...
@pollypockets508 4 года назад
It is a difficult situation for sure.
@gracetottenham3108 3 года назад
they wanted him to rot in jail
@carolv8450 2 года назад
Hé would be a bad influence for his kids.
@rosiemagana1787 3 года назад
@LLOOYYYDD 3 года назад
*Jane Monreal is hot. Jus sayin*
@hv2268 4 года назад
Why did he take the wife’s last name? That shouldve been an instant red flag somethings wrong with him
@carolv8450 4 года назад
That was her married name. He did not take her last name
@FlameKing91 4 года назад
Lol i wonder why he really wanted to do it.
@suziem2963 2 года назад
RAW GREED and he is a sociopath.
@REDWASP777 4 года назад
Jesus saves!
@whitehorses460 4 года назад
he doesn't though, does he
@pollypockets508 4 года назад
Yup. Have fun in heaven with Chris Watts and Jeffrey Dahmer.
@misslori66 3 года назад
Jesus didn't save Teresa, nor Shannan and her three children.
@MsSugercrisp 4 года назад
i think 15 years in jail would be enough for him. Death is to much of a crime for the people that sentence him to death there now as Guily as he is if they deside to give this man the Deat Sentence your never going to get any justic even once he dead the pain will always be there. you must think what is waiting for him once he dies HELL ! do you really want to be responsible for send a man to Hell of let him die of old age instead and let him have some of his real life back in the real world knowing that when he die;s Hell is waiting to take him. maybe he can earn his way out of Hell before he gets there why take away his only chance to Redeam him self. iv i was the Judge i look him in the eyes and say i feel very sorry for you because prison is just a waste of a good man life and youll be need it all to Redeam your self befor you die. the Devil going come take you Soul back to Hell with him unless you Redeam you self and that no easy task to do many have tride and failed bady there is no Higher Judge then God and if he not around to save you the Devil will take you ! you dont beleive ahh that ok most people dont until its to late and you can here the screaming from Hell Begging god for forgivenes and to be set Free ! do you really want be one of those many people in Hell yelling out to God for Help. so i say to you all give him his 15 years of jail and let him go free and the last thing i want all you people to do is Pray real hard for him because he going have a though road ahead of him. that will be Justic and everyone hands will be clean
@pollypockets508 4 года назад
Oh honey...Did you skip all of your grammar classes?
@carolv8450 4 года назад
David Cohen - he will do this again if he gets out!
@MsSugercrisp 4 года назад
@@carolv8450 look 15 years is enough for what is waiting for him after he dies no jury can give justic. oh there a very good reason why give only the 15 years to bring some joy to his children. give him his Chance to Repent.
@fulcheroverman5500 4 года назад
Where where Mark Sievers had bad luck if he had to someone of the black race they would have just patted him on the back of the hand and tell him to get back out and keep doing such a good job. I get so tired of watching videos that show me there's one law for one group of people and another set of laws for other groups.
@buddysilver5788 4 года назад
JESUS DEMANDED THE DEATH PENALTY "Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!” Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ [Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy. 5:16] and ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’[Exodus 21:17; Leviticus. 20:9] But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is ‘devoted to God,’ they are not to ‘honor their father or mother’ with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: “‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’[ Isaiah 29:13]” Matthew 15:1-9. JESUS, THE BABY IN THE CRADLE GREW UP TO DEMAND THE DEATH PENALTY FOR CHILDREN WHO MOCKED THEIR PARENTS!
@playbackvintagehifihunter9669 4 года назад
Where was god to stop this atrocity?
@Cray2TheZ 4 года назад
We found the Christian idiot, boys!
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