
Killzone Shadow Fall Review 

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Does the PlayStation 4 have its first exclusive hit or should this shadow never see the light of day?
For more about Killzone Shadowfall head over to www.gametrailer...



16 сен 2024




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@LukeSparrow221 9 лет назад
What I appreciate so much about Guerrila is that they always include a bot-mode in the multiplayer of their games. I personally get a lot of hours out of the bot-mode alone, and in an era where developers all but neglect this mode it's more than commendable to see Guerrila hasn't forgotten the value of it.
@LukeSparrow221 7 лет назад
Gotta love mods right?
@zacrast16 7 лет назад
One of the most underrated sequels of all time. I fucking love this game.
@Dieg0frc 10 лет назад
This game was made for gamers, people dont like it because there is no aim assist or auto aim. They've been playing to much Cod
@CaptainCJ97 10 лет назад
@Angel_Peg 8 лет назад
+Diego Roldan or halo
@marcelcostache2504 6 лет назад
no, we do not like it because it feels like a tech demo, the gameplay has no soul, you do not feel the intensity of older killzones games, worst still its boring compared to killzone 1,2,3.
@thelordredwolf 8 лет назад
Did you just blame the game for your own stupidity regarding pushing the left button for radar?
@mankn9098 10 лет назад
Killzone should return to its origins and end this cold war scenario i want to see an helghan campain and full scale war
@heartlessdonut2920 10 лет назад
now about 4 months later killzone shadow fall is the best selling next gen exclusive
@Jacobnelz44 10 лет назад
Because for 4 months it was pretty much the only decent exclusive for ps4 until infamous came out
@365daysinyear 9 лет назад
I loved Killzone 2 and 3. I'm getting a PS4 and Killzone:Shadow Fall next week! ^_^
@kavatargaming8317 9 лет назад
***** Nice add me up if you want I am probs getting shadow fall as well soon and I think you will really like PS4 I am very happy with it! congrats! :D
@ethericboy 9 лет назад
***** Who cares?
@SixPathsOfPein1987 9 лет назад
***** shadow fall got only good graphics trust me its not good as they say
@tufeek8 10 лет назад
WTF wheres the other guy who always does the reviews with an awesome voice of his...plz bring him back this guys voice makes the review boring
@nyjets1984 10 лет назад
It's my 1st time playing KZ and I like it. There a gears of war/halo vibe when playing it now yes it can improve with certain mechanics but graphic wise HANDS DOWN it's the best I've seen
@timedmosquito 10 лет назад
Best review I seen on this game, I'll buy it next year used and play it online unless Sony charges for an online pass I'm buying a ps4 next year because I. Can only buy one right now and that is the one both are amazingly powerful 8 cores and 8 gigs of ram
@PyramidHACK 10 лет назад
Dude, hell no. Watch AngryJoeShow's review on this game. It covers a lot of issues with the game that this review curiously skipped over. Seriously, watch it. I only watch GameFailer's reviews as entertainment while I eat.
@PyramidHACK 10 лет назад
I would give this game a 9 out of 10 if graphics were all that mattered to me, but that is not the case. The story is as bland as any Call of Duty or Battlefield game of this generation. It strives to be interesting, but it's uninspired as hell. Most mechanics and features that would make the gameplay fun, are only gimmicks for only a few set pieces in the game, very much like in BF or CoD. As it is, this game is another generic shooter, with better graphics. And I don't care if the game's multiplayer-oriented. If they want to make a multiplayer game, they shouldn't make a singlplayer in the first place. Otherwise, the game is reviewed as a whole, and as a whole, the multiplayer is the only thing keeping it from the trash can. Also, I'm subscribed to quite a few reviewers, ranging from the independent guy to IGN. I base my opinion(which I highly respect) on facts.
@_Master_Wolf 10 лет назад
Rodia Driftwood Dude I saw Angry Joe's review and to be honest he complains about really dumb things. I've played this game through before wathcin ghis review and enjoyed every bit of it. The "issues" he states in his review aren't really issues. He complains about things in the multiplayer which have already been fixed so that's no an issue at all anymore, and things he said about the campaign were strictly based on his opinion and ps4 and next-gen. The entire review he only talk about the ps4 and next'gen, instead of reviewing the game as a whole. The dumbest part, is he says that next-gen should be more, but at the end of the video he says "this is only the freaking first generation of ps4 games for Christ sake", which completely contradicts what he said. This game is a 9.
@_Master_Wolf 10 лет назад
Rodia Driftwood In my opinion the story was great. it was dark and ironic. And the "gimmicks" were not gimmicks at all. The new features like the owl was used throughout the entire game.
@DominoUB 10 лет назад
While I am excited for the PS4, this is not the game that will justify a purchase. I have never liked first person shooters, no matter how pretty they can be.
@DominoUB 10 лет назад
I watch then all because occasionally a game looks like more fun than I initially thought.
@KyleAlexanderkneeGrowPlz 10 лет назад
Cameron Thomas Well playing the freaking game and make your own opinion on it.
@TheKevlar4 10 лет назад
Single Player is 4/10 it's really bad Multiplayer is 10/10 really fucking good
@tommymaldonado856 4 года назад
Sony should bring Ps3 servers back online especially for Killzone 2 during this quarantine.
@gohoanq 10 лет назад
I wish it was easier to see online lol Freaking lighting effects blind me half of the time. "Well play on dark maps!".... then I can't see because my gun makes so much light when I shoot I might as well have a portable sun. lol
@lambo2655 10 лет назад
I think I loved KZ2 the best out of all the games TBH. A cliff-hanger ending doesn't get much better in games than the one at the end of two - after killing Visari only to leave the palace to see the skies full of Helghast battle crusiers blocking out the sun and knowing you and your squad are clearly fucked :) Having to wait to see how you and Rico were going to get out of that mess had you drooling for KZ3, that didn't disappoint either except for the ending which sets up events for SHADOWFALL.
@darkcult99 10 лет назад
Preordered this with my PS4... 29th Nov / Europe ... Can't wait!
@Camarada_Cao 8 лет назад
For me Kill zone 2 is the best of the series. Grays, Browns and reds in a dark tone story with a nice bosses. Mael Radec e Vissari's Death is the high point of the series.The third one is too colorful and the script makes the villans looks like muppets in a Micahel movie with a nuke at the end.
@Windgate1348 10 лет назад
Where's the old voiceover guy?
@OneTwo-sh7yb 7 лет назад
u know what will b really cool is if d Killzone: Mercenary makers would just convert & add all d battle maps from all d previous versions of killzone into Killzone: Mercenary as an update that would b so awesome
@xKiL3RMaN 10 лет назад
Every single review says the multiplayer is brilliant. Cant wait!
@daviz088 10 лет назад
Don't see were all the hate is coming from. I'm having soo much fun
@everettcutler3449 10 лет назад
kz2multiplayer>kz3 multiplayer and idk about KZshadowfall haven't played it yet. Even with very few guns and class abilities to pick from and lag kills that at times were just down right absurd... IMO kz2 was better than kz3 multiplayer buy a long shot and tbh kz2's multiplayer is hands down one of the best fps mutliplayer experiences of last gen and all time... REASONS KZ2 wasn't a easy gimickyshooter where u could come in and dominate ur 1st game EVER as soon as u picked up the game because the gun recoil and gameplay is literally 2 easy to master... instead the weighted controls of KZ2 took a little time time to get used (imo this made the game better because when u did get used to the weight and recoil and got good at the game u felt like a badass cus u knew u had earned those gaming skils unlike most shooters today where a first time player can come in a game easily master the gameplay in 10 mins and be good at the game just because the gun recoil and gameplay is literally to easy to catch on to)...... MOre reasons KZ2 had one of the best recoil systems ever i think (especially the m82) even better than battlefield nothing like half the shooters today (especially Cod) that have easy auto aim where u can spray a whole clip CONTINUAOUSLY across the map at someone without even letting off the trigger and easily keep ur aim on target becuase recoil is literally is non existant. KZ2 on the other hand to kill someone from a distance with a fully automatic and stay accurate u have to burst fire...More reasons KZ2 is one of the best multiplayer games of all time the DEVS made the gameplay TRUELY IMMERSIVE . I'll never forget how the game made u feel while playing. the DEVS made the game feel as if u were thrown into a dark gritty warzone atmosphere feeling paired with great intense realistic sound effects that really matched the dark gritty grind it out warzone atmosphere vibe the game intentionally gave off. These thing along with the weighted controlls literrally made u feel like u were the soldier playing in the game with all that armor on in the warzone. the game simply immersed u into the action it felt real and does it better than any other fps in my opion even BF (just cause the vibe was that intence in this game) .... . and to the ppl that think kz2 had awful controlls and it was to weighty no u just suck at video games and are probably lazy couch potatoes... because the weighty feel was not that hard to get used to literally takes only takes a couple public matches to get used to the game. and was u did it was simplily a beast way ahead of its time... btw this is how i look at KZ2 controlls its like going to the gym LATE to play bball with ppl that have been runing for several hrs ur not just gonna come in and beat the the dudes who have been playing for hrs. U START OFF COLD u have to warm upto get on their level same with kz2 u had to warm up to play the game
@johnfarley3489 10 лет назад
i always loved the first killzone the game would tell you how many helghast you killed and how many shots you fired. What happned to gaming?
@DVincentW 9 лет назад
adrenaline slo mo like in FEAR
@nestedstop 10 лет назад
Not trying to troll or anything but i see a lot of concepts from Halo and yes 8.8 is a bit high.
@_Master_Wolf 10 лет назад
8.8 is not a bit high. For me the game is a 9. It's a really good game. And you should play the game, cause most of it looks absolutely nothing like halo, only the forest and city resemble it a little bit.
@nestedstop 10 лет назад
Adam Sunderman Halo design concepts*. :D
@_Master_Wolf 9 лет назад
Ahmad Magdy Nothing in Shadow Fall looks or reminds of Halo.
@lax78723 10 лет назад
Good review I love this game COD will hate it because their players are not running at super human speeds and it takes more the one shot to kill someone. I'm happy they didn't chose to change the controls for a more casual crowd if you like KZ 2/3 you'll live this if you didn't you will hate it its that simple
@PazuChill 8 лет назад
Daniel Kayser is the greatest.
@bentcn8511 10 лет назад
what happened to the cover system from killzone 2 and 3
@_Master_Wolf 10 лет назад
I love this game but am a little disappointed. They could've taken the story and campaign to a lot more places. If I were the game director and story writer this is how the game would've been. *Warning Spoilers* Killzone Shadow Fall: Didn't take full potential of the story and the opportunities given for the campaign. The first major change would be more open levels like the forest level, which also contributes into the story. This is how I would've had the game play out: Opening is good and brings a nice tone. Chapters 1, 2, and 3 stay the same. A good beginning to the game. Then in Chapter 4, I would've added another section between the trains and the building with the hostages. Instead of shooting the train of the rails, you would stay on the train, defusing the bombs just in time, and the train crashes into the main station. Then you have a big open section like the forest mission, in the train station. You would have objectives like freeing hostages, activating a train so they could escape, taking control of the comms in the area, and defusing another train bomb. You would be able to do these in any order for different outcomes, and then at the end of this section, Sinclair would pick you up and you would chase a train that's leaving the station with more bombs, and you would shoot Helghast in it with the mini-gun and then shoot the train of the rails. Then it would continue to the building. Chapter 5 would be another open mission like the forest mission. After Tyran escapes, Sinclair sends you to a base controlled by The Black Hand on the mountain you see in the background for a snow stealth mission. This mission would be only in one place like the Forest mission. Your mission would be to find intel on where Tyran might be. This mission would be open again with objectives you can do in different orders and ways. Then after that you go into the slums. "The Helghast" and "The Agent" would be chapters 6 and 7 and would stay the same. After meeting Echo and discussing the conflict, Kellan goes to Sinclair and trys to convince him to stand down. Sinclair gives him the same speech on how the Helghast are complicit. Then Sinclair sends you on a mission to get intel on where Massar is on Helghan. Chapter 8 would be another open mission. On the Vektan side of the wall at night, on the lower streets, infiltrating a Helghast base within Vekta city. (This is because I felt they didn't take full advantage of the city, and would've liked to see a mission in the city at night). Again open with objectives you could do in any order. After finding the intel, Sinclair and Kellan make their way to Helghan. "The Handler" "The Dead" and "The Destroyer" would stay the same and would be chapters 9, 10, and 11. At the end of chapter 11, when Sinclair shoots Stahl and then Kellan, Kellan then is woken up by echo on a medic bed on a ship. She tells him they're headed back to Vekta, and that Sinclair took the weapon and is going to start a war. The next 3 missions will be fighting against the Vektans while a war breaks loose. Chapter 12 would be an open mission in a VSA base, trying to find out where Sinclair and the weapon are, and destroying weapons to weaken the VSA. Then Chapter 13 would be a half linear half open mission. War breaks loose, the Helghast start marching through the wall. Cruisers are battleing in the air while troops are fighting on the ground. You start on the ground fighting through attacking Helghast forces, while also getting shot at by VSA troops. Sinclair starts to use the weapon, destroying Helghast cruisers but also damaging VSA troops. Here you see the chaos of what Sinclair has brought. Then Echo picks you up in a dropship, and you have a sequence where you shoot some helghast dropships with the minigun. Then you land on Lady Visari's personal cruiser. This section will be more open. Stealthly or guns blazing you make your way to Visari to try and convince her to stand down and let him take down Sinclair. Then the Helghast General (the guy who tortures Kellan) knocks down Kellan and more troops capture Echo. Then Visari gives Kellan a speech revealing that he is her son, and that his father "The Father" was the Vektan half of Echo. And Visari tells Kellan "He didn't tell you?... He hesitated, didn't he? The night he was killed. It's a shame... I thought we were important to him." This reveal also fills the "Hesitant look" on the father's face in Chapter 1 when he tried to tell Lucas something but looked away. It also makes the name of Chapter 1 "The Father" more dramatic and mysterious. Then Visari orders the General to kill him this time, and the soldiers drag Echo away as she screams "No Mother don't do this! Please! We need to stop Sinclair!" Then you have a boss battle with the General. (This enitre section is necessary because I felt Visari and the General didn't have enough screen time and were left out. And the reveal is because they didn't take the story to it's full potential, and I was absolutley sure that would happen). He starts out with a minigun and after damaging him he pulls out his taser and tries to tase you to death, and the Chapter ends with you tasing him, and detonating a bomb you planted earlier, crashing the ship into the water. This causes the battle going on in the city to cool down for a while, and Kellan moves on to Sinclair's location. Chapter 14 will be the last open mission. You infiltrate Sinclair's base he established in case of war. You fight your way through Vektan forces in the linear part of the mission. At the end you have one last boss fight with Sinclair, and after defeating him he kills Kellan. Then Chapter 15 "The Savior" plays out the same way. Adding all of these missions and story elements would have made for a more satisfying campaign, and more fleshed out compellign story, since I felt it wasn't used to it's full potential.
@_Master_Wolf 10 лет назад
I'm a writer.. I have many unfinished novels sci-fi/action
@ModernSurvivor 6 лет назад
Not Brandon Jones. Anybody know the VO's name?
@chrisvanwalsum6843 10 лет назад
What was he shooting out of his arm on 3:45?! Hidden knife from AC? And how do you use it? please responde.
@musicvidsbywillandk 9 лет назад
Its a throwing knife, its part of a stealth takedown
@lambo2655 10 лет назад
The non-FPS sections while they do a tremendous job of showing off the consoles visual muscles - more often than not take a backseat in the gameplay department with annoying and frustrating free-fall and zero-G sequences. While a cool new addition to your tool-set, the OWL is also a little too powerful. Given the fact it can't be destroyed you can often just camp and unleash the drone on your enemies who seem reluctant in places to rush, flank or even flush you out of cover. Finally apart from the two key players, this game did not feel like a Killzone game, They traded in the large,set-piece battles with squads of soldiers in the past two games to make a more intimate dare I say a more HALO-esque game. There also was only one boss-fight if you can call it that and it was pretty lame. Heck even the fearsome flying ATTAC drones were fighting on your side in this game.
@xtraweivy 10 лет назад
This game is a lot like Battlefield 3. Great graphics, weak campaign, and very fun MP. 7.6/10
@crimson1953 10 лет назад
This game is awesome
@crimson1953 10 лет назад
Awesome game a must play love this game but stuck in chapter 7
@adampoole948 8 лет назад
why are more and more video' in 720p 60fps instead of regular 720p? my computer can't handle 60fps on videos very well which means i'm stuck with 480p videos instead..
@LukeSparrow221 8 лет назад
+Adam Poole (animeguy4ever) I think they should keep the regular 720p option, especially when the game being shown doesn't even run past 30 fps.
@dmoneyswagg64 8 лет назад
Get a better computer.
@MakoHazard 8 лет назад
+Adam Poole (animeguy4ever) That's what happens when you try to plug a potato into the wall.
@hglee5930 10 лет назад
I'm not sure if Killzone needs ten minutes to review it but this review feels really tedious. I don't know why. Maybe it's just the voice of the reviewer or something else. I mean, I saw tons of review from gametrailers and they were never tedious, regardless of whether the game itself is tedious or not.
@MultiGamer511 10 лет назад
I actually liked this game mostly the multyplayer. The campaign was not good but ok.
@BoxyTheSpaceDog 10 лет назад
Killzone isn't that great.I love the game ever since it came on PS2 but new one just doesn't bring anything new.You just walk,never drive,ride or fly anything,enemy AI is just shockingly bad,normal level means one can walk around never fearing or being surprised by enemy fire or action.Game looks nice but in places where you fight just looks plain and underdone.Enemy AI is shocking and they never surprise you with neither attacks nor weapon types.That drone is complete overkill if used and enemy movement,peoples faces still need a lot work.This has been problem for Killzone-that good engine that will give it a chance against Halo,Crisis or other shooters.While I like the game I disagree with the score due to walkthrough I saw that never surprised me.
@CaptainCJ97 10 лет назад
That's pretty much all the fps of this generation....
@BoxyTheSpaceDog 10 лет назад
CJAdams97 Not all.
@rendermatt 10 лет назад
owl pass on this one
@jonathandcruze3836 10 лет назад
to me this game was ok I would give this game like a 6 or a 7
@Astrong417 10 лет назад
This game looks amazing
@QuantumParticle 10 лет назад
Haven't heard the voice of this commentator in a long time...
@hopalongcassidy4260 5 лет назад
The bots are pretty hard with some guns
@quasivasi 10 лет назад
Great review!
@kuncuroch 10 лет назад
Omg gametrailer you cannot be serious! This game is boring as shit! Pretty graphics sure but omg you can't possibly be so blinded by it! 8.8 seriously?! I would give it 6 at max!
@darak409 10 лет назад
I would give it a 9.0 :D
@mangomariel 10 лет назад
I love industrial sci fi, killzone delivers.
@Bigdaddymittens 9 лет назад
I'm currently playing this, and honestly, I find it rather dull. The main character moves so slowly, and everything feels like there's some sort of delay before an action. I also hate the fact that they didn't implement a horizontal cover system. it really makes gunfights harder than they should be.
@Bigdaddymittens 8 лет назад
+Tomas Entrala Caruso It's what makes the game feel so poorly designed. The frame drops are bad enough, and the input latency makes the game unplayable, at times. It's not realistic, it's annoying.
@Angel_Peg 8 лет назад
+Hayden Onion killzone always had that lol
@Bigdaddymittens 8 лет назад
+Angel_Peguero Killzone is just a shitty series. Basically, a dumbed down, more restrictive Crysis.
@Angel_Peg 8 лет назад
Hayden Onion ok
@dennisvargas7719 8 лет назад
do people still play this game online?
@christianarellano5443 10 лет назад
Thet keep giving reviews to Daniel Kayser when he has always been known for prefering the Microsoft consoles :s You can notice in his reviews
@ClubBruggeRules1891 10 лет назад
I played both the campaign and multiplayer of shadow fall,and my oppinion is:HORRIBLE!!! a 4.5/10 for me!
@JCTiggs1 10 лет назад
8.8!? Wow. I'm on chapter 6 in the single player but from what I've experienced so far I'd give it a 7 at most. I've artist played some MP too. It looks great but the gameplay isn't exactly fun, not to mention the story and cringe worthy cutscenes and voice overs. Then again I'd say BF4 and COD Ghosts aren't that great either and they score in the 8s and 9s as well.
@JamalDolleyGames 10 лет назад
COD aim assist is what put me off from playing it, as everyone claims to be an expert but you can be way off target but the weapons always snaps to the target. How that can be considered skill is beyond me. KZ always had good targeting mechanics even without aim assist....
@Christian758100 10 лет назад
There is no aim assist in the multiplayer of shadow fall (don't know about the sp).
@JamalDolleyGames 10 лет назад
Thats great, thats a playing with true skill!
@ethericboy 9 лет назад
"The Ps2 Version aimed high but underdelivered" ?! NO it DID"NT it was one of the best Ps2 games along With God Of War!
@markostamenkovic8350 9 лет назад
ethericboy And Shadow of the Colossus....and Kingdom Hearts.....and FF X.....and Beyond Good and Evil....and Okami....and San Andreas....and DMC 3......god PS2 has such a beast line up....
@ethericboy 9 лет назад
"Do"nt bother asking why you can"t zipline over to spesific spots"? Killzone trailers made a big deal about using owlie to zipline but if you do"nt see that highlighted icon on the other side you can"t use it and after using it once at the beginning you can"t use it much after that.
@Milan-tp4wc 9 лет назад
+Marko Stamenkovic San Andreas was for the xbox
@user-gp8tp1di4h 9 лет назад
+Milan Arora it came out on both.
@funshinebeast7856 7 лет назад
This or black ops 3?
@ultrajd 10 лет назад
I don't like this narrator.
@MrBigballs1971 9 лет назад
i wanna buy it for multiplayer is it still shit hot ?
@LukeSparrow221 9 лет назад
MrBigballs1971 Multiplayer is still hot for Killzone 3 dear :) I'll bet on my set of testicles Shadow Fall is still teeming with life!
@Jacobnelz44 10 лет назад
I can honestly say xbox one has the better launch exclusives
@CoreBlasterNEURALzx0 9 лет назад
Subjective. Since I was a fan of the previous killzone games it's only natural I'd go with this. Multi-player was a step up from kz3 but the story was lacking. Overall I put in over a 100 hrs into the mp and sp combined and still come back to it occasionally.
@solarneddy 10 лет назад
It's a solid 7. The story line is laughable at worst, forgettable at best. The levels are stunning at first but soon fall into mediocrity. The multi player maps are limited to 3 or 4 highlights for team deathmatch in particular Wall, Forrest, Park, & Ruins with the other maps offering very little. Overall a solid 7 in my opinion
@_Master_Wolf 10 лет назад
The story was dark and showed the irony of war and the the struggle between the two factions. The levels are stunning all throughout the game and the variety is great, from the forest to skyscrapers to space stations. The multiplayer is the second and greater half of the game. All the maps are unique and interesting. I agree with the highlights. All the classes and abilities are balanced and have counter abilities. The 1600 challenges keep you going for a while and the gametype are too much fun, especially the custom warzones. Overall a 9 in my opinion.
@Orteth 5 лет назад
Who... whose voice is that? What the hell.
@HaggisHunter154 10 лет назад
Amazing online
@Errol246 10 лет назад
Borrowed this from a friend. Not really my cup of tea to be honest.
@TheGhost876 4 года назад
@mikeg7383 10 лет назад
This game get a 7 cus 8.8 is to much game play to slow and it feels like a game that's been out for years
@_Master_Wolf 10 лет назад
8.8 is a very fair score. The gameplay isnt too slow. It feels very good. Maybe you're used to more fast paced games but that doesn't mean this game is a 7.
@lax78723 10 лет назад
*COD fans
@ethericboy 9 лет назад
@thomasmaddocks7586 8 лет назад
+ethericboy He didn't say it was bad did he. Gave it a 6 which is above average
@ethericboy 7 лет назад
The AI that was so impressive in killzone2 and 3 is now all but gone
@mwalker267 10 лет назад
Noooo...its not. How the heck can this game get that score. The controls suck. And it feels broke
@IHLWonk 10 лет назад
You feel broke.
@_Master_Wolf 10 лет назад
Are you serious? This game is fluid and feels great. Don't know what your smoking.
@smackdowner 10 лет назад
Sony opened their wallet to sway reviews
@IHLWonk 10 лет назад
Ummm, Sony doesn't do that unlike MS. Sorry, KZ is a far better game than most in a lot of ways.
@thesystem5012 10 лет назад
teamwork doesnt exist in this game
@IHLWonk 10 лет назад
It actually does, but not a lot of people use their classes as they should. I'm forced to be a support class, to use beacons and revive most of the time. But still when you find those games where everyone works as a team, it's amazing.
@thesystem5012 10 лет назад
never found one., just people randomly killing, can't even talk to people
@IHLWonk 10 лет назад
Probs don't even have the game then... love the generalization and stereotyping you've made.
@thesystem5012 10 лет назад
it was the first game i got for ps4, it doesn't support in game chat, so no communication with any team members, do you even have this game?
@IHLWonk 10 лет назад
Update much, and got it a few weeks ago. Love it to bits. Judging from your comments, it seems like you're just here to troll.
@manavbhalla2861 5 лет назад
The game is absolutely terrible, will probably give it a 2 or 3 which is sad considering sony makes the best exclusives
@ManicGunner383 9 лет назад
I missed 2 minutes of the video cuz ur intro was too long tnx. Yes I skipped too far but I don't have all day to wait for long intros.
@migu1823 10 лет назад
@metal220 10 лет назад
terrible game
@_Master_Wolf 10 лет назад
terriblely amazing.
@thesystem5012 10 лет назад
shadow fall sucks
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