
Kingdom Hearts Theory: Origin of Darkness 

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A New Theory that discuss of the aspects of Light and Darkness and the Duality that may give rise to something more sinister than Kingdom Hearts!
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8 сен 2024




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@deanthonyjohnson87 9 лет назад
HMK you should do another video on what exactly Kingdom Hearts is. It has been mentioned many times in the game and is basically the whole plot of the series, but what exactly is it and why do people want control over it.
@TheWilliamsphillips 9 лет назад
Yeah, I am curious too.
@antitheist3206 9 лет назад
Darkness in the series seems to want only 1 thing: consumption. Heartless devour hearts to make more Heartless, Unversed return to Vanitus upon death only adding to his darkness, and the Dream Eaters from DDD consume dreams (good dreams for Nightmares and bad ones for Spirits). Of course, what happens when everything is darkness? And what does Light want? What drives the Light to do what it does?
@nerdrage36 9 лет назад
when you gave the idea for Prison Hearts, i immediately thought, that maybe when Kingdom Hearts fell in the Great Keyblade War, Prison Hearts felt it, and feared for its brother, and in turn released as much Darkness as possible, in an attempt to lure out worriers of Light,, ones capable of bringing Kingdom Hearts back, to restore balance. HOWEVER! your idea that both Kingdom & Prison Hearts were joined as one-in-the same, but separated during the Keyblade War, REALLY makes sense! Great Theory! but what do you think of My idea?!
@dorianwynn98 6 лет назад
Bergen36 I've never consider that Kingdom Hearts is gift of light I once believe. During the keyblade war the prison heart are born from human beings destructive emotions by Jealousy, greed, pride, anger and fear. This is picture perfect and ok on my book.
@Arthur2light 9 лет назад
I had this idea in my mind (for the last two years) that some of the Keybladers from the Keyblade War where trapped within a world within Kingdom Hearts. So in that sense Kingdom Hearts IS Prison Hearts.
@jcnjb 9 лет назад
If this theory were true, what if Kingdom and Prison Hearts fusing is how the true X-Blade is made. It was stated that you need pure Light and Darkness fused to create it, so it would fit.
@MagusAgrippa8 9 лет назад
Kingdom and Prison Hearts could be similar to Raava and Vaatu in the Legend of Korra. One cannot exist without the other, but one can theoretically grow strong enough to diminish the abilities of the other.
@shouldveusedsafesearch8099 9 лет назад
It seems that they constantly ignore the realm of In-Between. I saw your theory of a third Kingdom Key, the Kingdom Key (I). It made a lot of sense really. So yes, there's Kingdom Hearts, which resides in light. Theoretically, there may be a Prison Hearts, which would reside in darkness. Although the battle against the Nobodies ended in Kingdom Hearts 2, in theory, would there also be something like an Empty Hearts or something like that in the realm of In-Between?
@demi-fiendoftime3825 8 лет назад
I feel that darkness isn't a curse but just as much a gift as light as without it all would be blinded by light. Darkness allows just as Namine says in CoM/reCoM that darkness allows us to see through the brightest of lights just like lights allows us to expose the secrets of the deepest darknesses. I feel that if Prison Hearts does exist it is not evil just angry as many times in the series light and darkness have been described as siblings or two sides of one coin. If the heartless do come from Prison Hearts it atacks those who live in the relm of light for the damage they did to its sibling during the keyblade war by destroying the X-blade. It wants its sibling made whole again and the heartless creatures that will not go away till the true light returns is perfect motivation for the people of the world. Who knows maybe Xehanort discovered this entity and that the heartless won't stop coming till Kingdom Hearts is restored could be his motivations. What I think at the end of the day is that if Prison Hearts exists that it is in pain it hurts over the fact that its sibling has been lost within the relms of its own power.
@jessdavis3219 9 лет назад
It would seem that you didn't take into the account that Kingdom Hearts is itself half darkness already... darkness could very easily just be the other side of Kingdom Hearts being the opposite side of the gift of Light through the pendulum effect, or better known as 'Something Dark'
@MrDoofman1231 9 лет назад
I have an idea for kh4! Sora and gang goes back in time to the beginning of the keyblade war to try and stop the events that occurred. How? He goes back through his keyblade instead of his heart! Make a video on this please!
@avc9103 8 лет назад
In KH lore, people believe that darkness was born in people's hearts because they attempted to take the light for themselves, could it be possible that the desire to take the light for oneself was actually born out of the darkness?
@kylesturgeon7332 9 лет назад
GAWD I have watched all of your theory videos. Any of them would work and they're all good, especially this one and the one where the series is actually inside Sora's head.
@gamer-x-hunter2271 9 лет назад
Damn HMK, you did it again! Another great Theory for the win! I actually have, a sort of, twin theory that goes with this: PLEASE HEAR ME OUT. What if both "Kingdom Hearts" and "Prison Hearts", each have a deity ranked guardian, protecting them both. The guardian of "Kingdom Hearts" can be "Walt Disney" (Obviously), and the guardian of "Prison Hearts" can be. . . wait for it. . . wait for it. . . "Tetsuya Nomura", dun, dun, dun!!! And both guardians wield an X-blade. Walt wielding the X-blade L (Light), and Tetsuya wielding the X-blade D (Darkness). Put the two Ultimate Keyblades together and you have the X-blade T (Twilight). X-blade L + X-blade D = X-blade T. It's elementary! The direct creator (Tetsuya Nomura) and the indirect creator (Walt Disney) of the Kingdom Hearts series, together for a cameo appearance in Kingdom Hearts 3. I came up with this theory to help the "Prison Hearts theory" grow. Please, at least consider doing this theory, and let me know what you think.
@lord_wyran 9 лет назад
its a good theory, but im sorry. just picturing walt disney wielding a x-blade and doing all the flips and jumps and attacks they do in KH is making me laugh to hard to take it 100% serious.
@gamer-x-hunter2271 9 лет назад
shunkaha Actually no, It would not be funny. It would definitely be "100% serious", for four reasons. 1: He would be a DEITY, and that's already a lot of power. 2: If he's the TRUE guardian of Kingdom Hearts, then would have unlimited access to its knowledge and power. Which is more freaking power! 3: We've only seen what the X-blade can do at a fraction of its power (Birth By Sleep), so at this point we can only imagine what it would be like at full power. Especially in the hands of its true wielder, someone who knows all its secrets. 4: If you combine the powers of being a deity, plus the direct access to Kingdom Hearts, and the 100% full power X-blade, then you have someone who is truly a force to be reckoned with. And in closing, if Walt Disney has all of that awesome power fused together inside of him, then he wouldn't be "doing all the flips and jumps and attacks they do in KH". Instead, he would be able to just take one swing of the X-blade and destroy an entire world (Dragon Ball Z style!). Plus he's THE FREAKING GUARDIAN of Kingdom Hearts, which is the "Heart of all Worlds" in the realm of light, and if he wanted to he could destroy the entire realm of light with just a blast of he's X-blade! Same would go to Tetsuya Nomura. P.S: If Walt Disney and Tetsuya Nomura do make an appearance in KH 3 or in any other future game in the series, then they would probably be in their business suits, then change into keyblade armor that matched their respective X-blades. Let me know what you think.
@lord_wyran 9 лет назад
Gamer-X-Hunter ._. ...i was just imagining this guy ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjIxMTUyNjc5OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjMwNjYwNA@@._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg animated kingdom hearts style and sword fighting and chuckled.
@gamer-x-hunter2271 9 лет назад
shunkaha Ha ha ha, NO! I mean, I can see that picture of his clearly happening if he's talking to Sora or Mickey. But as soon as you put the X-blade in his hands and a possible suit up in magical armor, THEN SHITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!! Reply if you dare. Make sure it's another good counter argument, or else. . . YOUR HEART IS MINE!!!
@gamer-x-hunter2271 9 лет назад
Pun intended.
@darkfangplays8415 7 лет назад
MindBlow, what if kingdom hearts is actually a mixture of light and dark. in the first game they were trying to summon kingdom hearts because they said it was darkness. what if kingdom hearts has both light and darkness depending on how you summon it
@Marx-XIII 9 лет назад
Admittedly it does sound a little fanfic-esque, but I've noticed something interesting about this theory. "Kingdom" and "Prison" Hearts sound like some sort of metaphor for Heaven and Hell...
@LexioRules 9 лет назад
I can see how this theory could work, but I still believe in my own theory, where actually the hearts aren't both light and darkness, but a light within a prison of darkness. and, also, the heart's light would be made out of memories... I have a little thesis if you're interested, I can send you via FB
@DLOULTRA7 9 лет назад
Dude I actually LOVE this theory. Good job on the vid bro.
@songbirdrebel5895 9 лет назад
That would be interesting ***** , but I kinda had an idea/theory of my own (some of this may be based off of my own fanfictions, but please hear me out). What if... darkness was already in existance, with the light, and the World was similar to the Realm Between, with both light and darkness in a true balance (an ideal example of this theory would be the Land of Departure) that was destroyed during the Keyblade War. I mean, if you think about it, wasn't the X-blade made of both? The Realm Between could possibly be all that was left of the World before the Keyblade War. And there might be more to the X-blade: what if there is actually 21 pieces, with a vital fragment that not only acts as a "Key" in unlocking Kingdom Hearts, but also acts as a stabilizer to keep the 13 darknesses from overwhelming the 7 lights. Plus if you look at Twilight Town, it may (use to) act as a stabilizer for the World. With that reason, when the darkness was "born", it was due to the fact that people may not know that the darkness is already existing with the light until the events of the Keyblade War, where the balance have became undone. When you think of it, Master Xehanort would try to rebuild that balance. However without the vital piece to stabilize it, the darkness will cover the World once again (hence the prophecy). So what do you make of this theory?
@guardianknight5417 6 лет назад
Songbird Rebel pretty interesting dude
@tlowgh125 9 лет назад
Something that I wanted to mention is that Kingdom Hearts belongs to the realm of light. I personally love your theory about Prison Hearts, and it's very logical and in tune with the the whole "polarity of light and dark" of the series. But maybe Prison Hearts could be more than just the polar opposite of Kingdom Hearts. What if it is the heart of the realm of darkness, like Kingdom Hearts is the heart of all worlds in the realm of light. We know that the realm of light was splintered into the various worlds because of the keyblade war, but nothing of the sort has happened to the realm of darkness (that we know of). After all, those that were trapped in the realm of darkness have found each other, so to speak. Mickey found Riku; Aqua found Ansem; and Riku and Sora were traveling together in there. The whole realm looks like one world, as opposed to the various worlds of the realm of light. All that aside, would it not be reasonable for the realm of darkness to possess its own heart? And would that not be the Prison Hearts that you so described here? Big fan of yours, HMK. Keep up the good work.
@CalamityVirus 9 лет назад
Couldn't the Darkness come from the mind? Doubt, fear, hatred etc; The heart and the mind are often opposites (logic and passion etc; ) So the Mind could be the prison because it holds back the heart.. not that it explains the heartless. Hell it could also be a Light is good until it is bad, then Darkness becomes good until it becomes bad thing.. like the FF warriors of Light and Darkness. I actually think kingdom hearts is neutral and its the person who draws on it that determines its alignment (think Force from Star Wars) but yeah :) enjoy the vids
@kazuhakaedehara2881 9 лет назад
Yh I agree fo some extends or even further !
@lonredstar6904 9 лет назад
scene at 3:13 just makes me think of BOO RAY I have a suspicion that Ansem seeker of darkness is mostly Terra, the reason why I think this is because both master Xehanort and Xemnas made replicas of kingdom hearts, whilst Ansem got to the Door To Darkness, where Kingdom Hearts (The actual kingdom hearts) resides in darkness behind it. Considering this, it could be that the Door To Darkness only shown itself as it sensed the Kingdom Key, this is because Terra gave Riku the keyblade, but Sora attained it due to Riku being consumed by darkness, and so knew that it should show itself so the Kingdom Key can protect it from being accessed by darkness and Kingdom Hearts (The actual Kingdom Hearts) can stay safe along with the world. This is different to Master Xehanort and Xemnas as Master Xehanort's replica never shown a door, because Kingdom Key wasn't there, or its wielder, and with Xemnas, the door did show, but after Xemnas accessed his replica, and so the worlds, wanting their people back, gave Sora (the Kingdom Key wielder) the replica Door To Darkness. The Kingdom Key, Kingdom Key D and Keyblade of people's hearts (complete) are used to affect the Door of Darkness, the Kingdom Keys lock and unlock the door, whilst the Keyblade of People's hearts bypasses the Door To Darkness by bringing the wielder to Kingdom hearts (I think so... not quite sure...) Purely speculation, and could be wrong, any inaccuracies or mistakes can be called out to help the peeps. And, to be honest, I don't feel I got many facts there correct...
@dunkbuscussgreens512 9 лет назад
could you do a ventus meets roxas theory sort of thing
@Xuio007 9 лет назад
That does make a lot of sense i always wondered what the lines were on the heartless symbol before but knowing their maybe Prison hearts co existing along with Kingdom hearts or both are combined to make a full heart as the light shines over the dark and the dark covering the light i'm interested to see where this might lead great theory
@kyleturner7108 9 лет назад
I support that theory
@calebh373 6 лет назад
Interesting thought. Personally, I think that the darkness came from Kingdom Hearts as well as light. If a heart is made up of equal parts light and darkness, then it would stand to reason that Kingdom Hearts is also made up of equal parts light and darkness as well.
@sonowbrand7824 9 лет назад
What if when Kingdom Hearts went to the world of dark, Prison Hearts went to the world of light. There could be a group of people, unknown to Sora or the others, that are defending Prison Hearts from people who want to control its power. Also there could be a whole new lore based around Prison Hearts that has no reference to Kingdom Hearts.
@silverwolf7791 9 лет назад
Ok I love this theory and I have another kingdom hearts theory for HMK sora is actually a neutral side the evidence I have to support this is oathkeeper and oblivion oblivion is a pretty dark theme for a supposed guardian of light and oathkeeper is to light themed to be wielded by one of the seven of darkness.
@MagusAgrippa8 9 лет назад
Solid theory
@nathanbell9913 5 лет назад
what if prision hearts is more like death embodied. kingdom hearts is what the force that creates and gives life and prision hearts is the force that destroys and brings death. as death is a natural part of life then prision hearts is needed and as natural an entity as kingdom hearts. just 2 parts of the one cycle that goes for both people and worlds just like in real life
@robertthehedgehog9931 9 лет назад
I just thought of something. Could there be a heart of the worlds in-between. A borderland of Kingdom and Prison Hearts. And this could be called No Hearts, The entity that binds the world between worlds together. What do you think HMK.
@TheCedricnet 9 лет назад
a good theory i mean we are still blank on the fact what xehanort would do after his fulfilled plans
@andyfrench8660 8 лет назад
Oh my god. He could be right! It all makes sense!
@Asilts 8 лет назад
So, this goes to say that the world that never was would be sort of a nobody for kingdom hearts?
@mlassglass 9 лет назад
It would make sense if prison hearts was split from kingdom hearts during the keyblade war and darkness overtook kingdom hearts because it also represents the X blade, which was broken at the end of the keyblade war into 13 pieces of darkness and 7 pieces of light
@RasunLikesRobots 9 лет назад
This is a great theory and it leaves me wondering, but i have a question that i have been racking my brain over for years on end. Where exactly do sora and all of the people he has connected with, fall into this enormous puzzle? Now i understand the fact that sora was not originally meant to be the Light dimension keyblade's chosen wielder, instead it was supposed to be riku. Sora was only chosen because of whom he was connected to and the abilities his heart possesses, which allows him, to a degree, act with similar abilities to a keyblade master, or like being. These abilities include the ability to communicate with, store or trap, and influence the hearts of others, which are abilities he obtained at birth. And said abilities were shown through out KH BBS, Like in the situation of Ventus and Vanitus, because technically with out the influence of sora's heart, vanitas would look like Ventus or not have a face at all. (My thought is that he may have been like Xion, even though she was a puppet created from the darkness, who began to grow a heart from absorbing Sora's memories from Roxas.) Now on to his connections, when sora's memories are tampered with it affects everyone that he is connected to, like in KH 2, where during the year he was asleep and incomplete everyone forgot him almost entirely, all that they could remember was that there was someone missing that they knew, someone they missed because they could not remember him. Meaning Sora can positively or negatively affect others with his actions and experiences. Which leads me to my next question, what exactly is sora? He was born with abilities that most keyblade masters have difficulty mastering, but he was not intended to wield the keyblade of light, So just what was he intended for? Another thing that some people don't really pick up on is that Sora keeps his individuality while harboring 3 other persona within his own. Each Persona is it's own, technically speaking, complete individual that just sleep with in sora's heart. Now the biggest blank i draw is when i back track back to the original Kingdom Hearts. i figured out how sora kept Ventus's heart safe, seeing how Roxas had it (i would suppose, seeing how sora no longer had a heart after freeing kairi's from his own.) While having Half of sora's as well which would allow him to dual wield as he did. the one thing i never understood and that is never explained is, just how long was sora really a heartless? Sure he became a Shadow for a short period, but upon returning to he former human state he did not regain his own heart. Sora Returned to his human form from his love for his friends and other people and the radiance of Kairi's heart. which leads me to believe the possibility that Sora was a heartless for some time before the events in castle oblivion/ the reconstructed Land of Departure.
@treasurehunter104 9 лет назад
But wait wasn't the origin of darkness already explained? I think it was a flashback in KH1 where Kairi's grandmother was telling a young Kairi that Kingdom Hearts was light but people grew jealous and wanted all the light to themselves and so darkness was born in their hearts. Or at least something like that I can't remember off the top of my head. But damn let me say I love the Prison Heart idea. It would really give a nice balance to the Kingdom Hearts, and maybe it could even be used in explaining the X-blade more in depth.
@mitchellbroadbent6200 9 лет назад
It never states that darkness never existed before just that when the world was one everyone on it lived in light but then darkness came from it. At least that was my interpretation
@zimmerwald1915 9 лет назад
Mitchell Broadbent TreasureHunder104 is right, the word Kairi's grandmother used in the English versions of KH and KHBBS was "born," as in "Darkness was born in their hearts." That word implies something coming into existence which had not existed before. But that's an English translation, and it's not the only one. Apparently the Kingdom Hearts manga says that "Darkness found its way into people's hearts." I say "apparently" because I only know this from wiki. Presumably the best source for the true meaning of Kairi's grandmother's story would be the Japanese versions of KH and KHBBS. Unfortunately, I don't speak Japanese. Would someone please help?
@Crazyemily209 9 лет назад
I must say. This is not related to the video. But I love how you got xemnas to say to join the channel or else. I thought that is pure genius. How did you get him to say it. Cause its cool.
@Taios87entertainment 9 лет назад
yes, but what about the void and the nobodies? we have to take into account that light and darkness can't have existed without the realm of nothingness. in fact, there's alot we don't really know about the realm of nothingness, considering the world that never was, is nearly at the edge of light and dark
@NickRyanBayon 8 лет назад
No I don't think so, the lore says the worlds were one and filled with light (kingdom hearts) but the people of the world sought the light for themselves and the darkness came into existence then consuming the worlds and diving them. In other words since kingdom hearts is everything and people fought for control of it they created darkness or it existed already and possibly just tipped the scale and darkness grew to strong and no longer in balance. This caused kingdom hearts to be swallowed by the darkness and be trapped in the realm of darkness as was seen in KH1 however the light was only overcome not destroyed. Since it is the heart of everything and all worlds where one when this happened the heart went to the darkness, the body or the world as a whole was scattered just as anyone who loses their hearts to the darkness loses their body, and became separate worlds, otherwise these were the nobody of kingdom hearts but as time went on the worlds themselves began to gain new hearts.
@NickRyanBayon 8 лет назад
As explained by xehanort in DDD. Possibly due to the light in "children's" hearts nourishing the worlds and giving them hearts. However the worlds remained separate and because KH was not freed from the darkness it could not become whole as it once was. So when kingdom hearts is freed it will then merge with the worlds restoring them to how they once were and restore the balance. Kingdom hearts is the heart of all worlds and so being a heart it seems it would follow the rules of a heart. The heartless is actually the realm of darkness itself. This could further be evidenced by the world that never was and the end of the world as they explain what happens to a world when it loses it's heart so to would be what happened to kingdom hearts.
@avc9103 8 лет назад
But, they could be wrong in believing that, no one even really knows what Kingdom Hearts is, isn't it at least plausible that Prison Hearts, and darkness, existed before the Keyblade War?
@TylerBR97 9 лет назад
A little confusing but what an interesting theory
@teamorange1497 9 лет назад
Pretty sure they said that the darkness started due to the hearts of those who sought after the light of the original Kingdom Hearts in Birth By Sleep
***** 7:14 did you really get the Xemnas voice actor to say that
@HMK 9 лет назад
@a_nervous_wreck 9 лет назад
***** that is amazing.
***** How where did you find him to do it and did you pay him
@IGeorge94 9 лет назад
What did he say, for some reason I can't hear him.
+George Snell Subscribe to HMK. Or else!
@twilight_lupinesilva4691 8 лет назад
Hey +HMK, remember the realm between? Could the fusion of Kingdom & prison hearts be Twilight hearts?
@David-qu7gl 9 лет назад
***** , That's A Very Interesting Theory! Kingdom Hearts Having A Dark Counterpart Would Definetely Allow to Expand The Lore and Create New Exciting Stories for The Franchise! The Only Thing That Bothers Me is That, with Light Being A Gift from KH,The Worlds (At Their Very Beggining) were Possibily Pure Darkness Themselves, Otherwise, Why Would KH gift Them with The Light Anyway? And There's Also The Story of Kairi's Grandma about How Darkness was Born During The Keyblade War! But Don't Get Me Wrong, I Love The idea of A Prison Hearts or Any Type of Kingdom Hearts Dark Counterpart and I Would Really Enjoy to See That in The Games! :D
@lord_wyran 9 лет назад
what if, the void is the original state of everything, and KH gave the worlds drifting in the void light? the prison hearts of course would have cursed it with darkness. maybe the world that never was is the only world that wasnt originially touched by light or dark.
@David-qu7gl 9 лет назад
shunkaha Well... I Hadn't Thought of It That Way! Yeah, Makes Sense! If All That Existed was The Void, Then The Whole Kingdom Hearts and Prison Hearts Theory would Make Sense! Good One! :)
@avidenaro6612 9 лет назад
Hmk, i love the theory, but we'll know more about this Prison Hearts when the game were all waiting for comes out.
@andresvelasquez8564 9 лет назад
If there is such a thing as the counter part to kingdom hearts that resides in the realm of darkness wouldn't there also be something similar in the realm of in between? If so what would it be and what's it's purpose
@grapespace 9 лет назад
Every time you use that little voice clip from Paul St. Peter, it gets more and more distorted. That's quite unfortunate, considering he's one of my favorite voice actors.
@ntolbert37 9 лет назад
I don't understand how Lea and organization XIII became their own nobody, but Sora and Kairi didn't.
@squeezedemtittiesrealgood8002 9 лет назад
Under normal conditions, when a person becomes a Heartless and/if spawns a Nobody, the Nobody is just a hollow shell, not often resembling a human. If the Nobody retains it's human memories, it will keep it's original shape and use those memories as a basis for developing a replacement heart, until they can reclaim their old heart. Nobodies like Roxas and Naminé, are special types due to the unusual circumstances of their creation. When Sora became a Heartless, his memories should have gone to Roxas, as he was slowly losing them, but Kairi purified his Heartless, allowing his original self to return (something that's only suppose to happen if when the Heartless and Nobody have been destroyed). Without any of Sora's memories, Roxas had to develop his replacement heart from his experiences as a member of Organization XIII, resulting in his heart and personality being different from Sora's. Naminé by definition shouldn't even exist, as Kairi never did and never can, become a Heartless, due to the absence of darkness in her heart. Naminé was instead created from when Kairi's heart left Sora's body when he became a Heartless. As a result, Naminé lacks Kairi's memories, and like Roxas, had to develop her heart based on her experiences.
@horizonkage 9 лет назад
The moon gives light but it is also synonymous with darkness. Kingdom hearts embodies both light and darkness.
@kamrindisandro8128 9 лет назад
That would make since so like there are Seven lights there could be Seven Darkness or where there are thirteen seekers of darkness there could also be thirteen seekers of light. In away Prison Hearts is Kingdom Heart's shadow. Which means everything on Kingdom Hearts side is the exact opposite of Prison Hearts. For and Example where Sora is a great hero in Kingdom Hearts. There is another Sora who is a devious villain. Or where Xehanort is a villain in kingdom hearts he is a good guy in Prison Hearts. The is call a shadow. In Kingdom Hearts when you reach Neverland you meet Anti Sora and Exact opposite of Sora. And Anti Sora is also his shadow. Which means while Sora is traveling finding Kingdom Hearts Anti Sora is finding Prison Hearts. This sis just a though.
@soradisneyable 9 лет назад
Your right i agee with you about this hmk. Johnny
@theshota7182 9 лет назад
The Emblem was created by Xeanhort so it is of his design.
@kain1799 9 лет назад
I dunno I'd say it's more of a light begets darkness. Kingdom hearts was a gift but not all accepted by it or accept it these would be the dark who out of jealousy wanted to make the gift their own.
@gingerstallion 9 лет назад
i thought kingdom hearts was neither light or darkness but just heart of the worlds, the worlds need both light and darkness and this light and darkness comes from kingdom hearts but it is not purely light or darkness
@Italian_Rican 9 лет назад
The Kingdom hearts storyline has gotten so convoluted and confusing that it's become comical at this point lol
@jorgemijangos177 9 лет назад
HMK plz tell me where u got that music remix of ddd at the of you video.
@princessdawn982 9 лет назад
I like this alot! It's very well could be. The only problem I have is the name. But the idea is good.
@avidenaro6612 9 лет назад
Could the theory be true? But we'll know more hopefully in Kingdom hearts 3
@TheDark4light 9 лет назад
I like the theory but think it needs a name change. Something more fitting with Kingdom Hearts. Dungeon Hearts maybe? A name that also represents that though there is a light that never goes out in the abyss of the heart there is a darkness that will never be swallowed... Except for the seven princesses of heart of course.
@Shabadewabre 9 лет назад
What about captured hearts or fallen hearts
@hexking9971 9 лет назад
Who is doing the metal cover for that theme song!!!!
@DraconicDarkness 9 лет назад
would you alow me to use this theiory for a KH fan fic if I linked this video in it?
@jorgemijangos177 9 лет назад
Plz someone tell me where I can find this darkness of the unkown remix.
@DarkSlayer977 9 лет назад
Will the key blade war be in any KH game?
@eddog6666 9 лет назад
Disney is famous for love stories. the source of it all is love and hate they are in fact two sides of the same coin. Love can lead to hate and hate can lead to love. it is a simple loop. love leads to happiness which becomes joy and becomes love again but love can lead to sadness which can lead into envy and jealously which can turn into hate which becomes rage and then wraith. and wraith spurs revenge which leads into more sadness. but if you can catch it in time happiness is a reward. One fact that Disney has stuck with is that it all evolves around love. wait a minute! in each group there is three males and one female. and wasn't one of the first four a female too? this fits with classic Disney style.
@DTMRoleplays 9 лет назад
This a a good possibility
@galer15dx 9 лет назад
what happend if the X-blade is the caounter part of the Kingdom hearts
@garrymoloney9570 9 лет назад
So do you think there is a x-blade for prison hearts
@Bryan-ff2ut 9 лет назад
Whats the song in the background? :)
@akealiihall7251 9 лет назад
Ok they could make it doc or a separate game since my in kh 3 is only on ps4 why not make it for 3ds or psp to keep us over for a few years cause you got to admit with mmo capability and pvp possibility it has great re playability
@Tercurnich 9 лет назад
then, if prison hearts really exists, why did Xemnas want to complete kingdom hearts?? if he is looking for a heart full of anger and hate, shouldn't he complete prison hearts instead or something like that? :/
@trisryan4161 9 лет назад
There's still 2 more kingdoms left to discover. ;)
@KevinTriforce 9 лет назад
Kingdom Hearts counterpart is Straeh Modgnik. Lol
@randompoet9997 9 лет назад
Xahanort's keyblade?
@PhoenixSora 9 лет назад
interesting theory
@akealiihall7251 9 лет назад
And if someone you think it's a good idea start a partition
@thexarchives 8 лет назад
if thats the case shouldn't there be a x-blade D
@grapespace 9 лет назад
@animefandubfan20 9 лет назад
#FANFICTION! XD lol that made me lol so hard
@45Thawk 8 лет назад
The opposite of a kingdom of light? Democracy of darkness
@akealiihall7251 9 лет назад
dear hmk i dont even think you will see this but just incase please note THIS IS NOT AN INSULT you do sora and riku are very impacfull charectars being able to control light and darkness but wouldnt it be nice to be able to make your own kingdom hearts charectar and shape part of a story do not get me wrong i am not trying to change kingdom hearts what i am suggesting is a kingdom hearts game in which it is a combination of a tell tale game a game in which your choices effect the story and an mmo jappan has been known to do this example digimon and fairy tale but forsome stupid reason they haven't done it to kingdom hearts imagine it you crash down on the island and sora is there they see you and ask you your name and then they take you to get fixed up you look in a mirror and then you create your own charectar and then you are atttacked by heartless and the adventure begins if you like this idea and only if you want to please start a patition
@naidax1576 9 лет назад
Not a bad idea, it just wouldn't be Kingdom Hearts though. Maybe make a mod or dlc for it?
@kain1799 9 лет назад
I don't like how most of the comments are referring to kingdom hearts and "prison hearts" as sentient beings yes powerful but I don't believe we have any proof of them being sentient.
@jackthomas8522 9 лет назад
Evidence of sentient beings exist both in real life and in fantasy without a doubt it is due to ignorant people like Sora they must be cut off from knowledge which they do not understand. Human beings are too ignorant to understand those above them that is why everyone in the Kingdom Hearts universe always lack will or at least at times.
@zacharymalinak3358 9 лет назад
Although I find that a dark counterpart of Kingdom Hearts is plausible...i hate the name Prison Hearts. it just sounds ridiculous. No offense. But the possibility of a dark counterpart is there. Interesting.
@MiowoVT 8 лет назад
Just saying, it's been canon since the first game that darkness was born in the hearts of people fighting for kingdom hearts, so this doesn't work
@Dreq458 9 лет назад
meh, i just want the next saga to explain how light and darkness aren't inherently good or evil
@akealiihall7251 9 лет назад
Ok if you want to be able to actually become a key blade wielded and have sora riku Mickey yen Sid or any of the others even xheonart then start a petition together we can make this happen and with this if they they release dlc every now and then we would be totally content till kh 4 we could have customizable characters we could meet some of our favourite characters and actually interact with them the way would like we could side with xheonart and get some of his power and then betray him it would be our world and also with PvP and MMO we could meet each other and even hmk
@Chadfill8348 9 лет назад
Prison Hearts ----- X Blade D
@midnanight8065 8 лет назад
maybe prison hearts is where all the hearts that the heartless have all the hearts of the heartless haha
@KorimcoFriend 9 лет назад
I think that Kairi's Grandmother's story is what you're trying to theorise in your video. She explained where the darkness came from and why. No offence as I know this is purely opinion based, but you're basically trying to theories something that has already bee explained within the games.
@corriescrivener1937 9 лет назад
nice i dear
@MrRobot-0 8 лет назад
a ideia of a conterpart to kingsom hearts is good the name no,
@ierondarklord6024 9 лет назад
Dude you really like Xemnas don't you?
@mushroomguy5789 9 лет назад
Dear mother of god....... Lol
@mattstewart8070 9 лет назад
i think im first...am i?
@hendrex8285 9 лет назад
@dustinchalmers9454 9 лет назад
Your theories are like bad fan fiction this is worse than the SOS theory
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