
leftist tiktoks that pass the bechdel test 

a dude
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26 дек 2022




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@CyanWatercress4 Год назад
i love the judaism majority thing
@aleftistdude Год назад
it made me tehe
@sceneshootergirl88 Год назад
ITS SO FUNNY ikr and true
@tee-ee1ow Год назад
as a jew same
@christopherreichle6670 Год назад
I just find religion cringe period and anyone practicing any is the equivalent of an invalid
@CyanWatercress4 Год назад
@@christopherreichle6670 i find organized religion predatory but i do not blame the people who fall for its problems.
@augustine7274 Год назад
thank you for making these shorter! i love them and they’re really helpful and informational but my poor neurodivergent low attention span brain couldn’t get all the way through the 25 minute ones. these are a lot easier for me so thank you again.
@aleftistdude Год назад
glad they’re more digestible!!!
@corpsehandler5321 Год назад
just about perfect for my mandatory "ten" minute break!
@finchblue7322 Год назад
The fact that Mulan or a movie like Gravity does not pass the bechdel test proves that its not a one all catch all test for strong female representation, as both of those movies have strong and complex female characters. While it can be useful for a work with a large cast like Lord of the rings, it is also important to analyze the context of the representation, like if it is a large vs small cast, or what the subject of the movie is about (for example, a story about a gay trans man would center non-female voices, but still represent a minority because those identitied don't really intersect with womanhood). It is also so important to actually analyze the representation itself, because it is possible that movies that pass play into harmful stereotypes and offer non-complex female roles. TLDR; bechdel test can help, but should not be used on its own to judge female representation Also, fun fact! The first "mention" of the test in the original comic strip was about lesbian representation, not just women in general. (Fun fact is not meant to be sarcastic or antifeminist in tone. Just think it is an interesting thing to shar :) )
@vic_x Год назад
hey good news, i built up the courage to use the men’s bathroom at my school before winter break and it was very euphoric bc no one looked at me weird or tried to say something to me! how are you guys gals and non-binary pals doing? :)
@houseplantfreak Год назад
CONGRATS! 🎉🎉 So proud of you, I’m a trans masc so this makes me really happy!
@SketchUT Год назад
I’m so proud of you! I’m AFAB (demigirlflux, and I only wear comfy clothes so lots of hoodies) and get mistaken for a guy in the girls bathrooms sometimes, but I try to take it as a compliment on my more agender days lol
@darkacadpresenceinblood Год назад
that's wonderful!!! i'm proud of you :)
@SocksTheClown Год назад
yoo thats awesome!! i hope i get to use the boys bathroom at my school one day :]
@theonlyrosy Год назад
YEAAA, CONGRATS!! I’m doing well, and watching this video at my conservative grandparents’ house
@chattyotter3300 Год назад
As always love the compilation! I just want to say that I love you guys in the comments (and person who runs the channel). The general air of support is so comforting and it’s nice to have people that I know are on the same page especially since I live in a conservative pocket of Washington. I appreciate all of you and hope you have a wonderful day!
@darkacadpresenceinblood Год назад
absolutely!! i come here just as much for the wonderful people in comments as i do for the cool informative vids
@acefeminist7259 Год назад
Chilling here for comfort after I put a load of safety pins on the chain on my trousers and my mum said they looked ridiculous, and she also refused to buy any of the leftist books I asked for for Christmas :(
@Lilith404 Год назад
Im sorry to hear that your mother isnt supportive 😔 Hope Things get better 🥺
@eternallustformedusa4844 Год назад
is there any chance you could ask for a library card and get them to order in books for you?
@kali3828 Год назад
Your mom is a hero. Dont be brainwashed by this leftist garbage. You are too young to realize why this is bad for you.
@NatLeRat Год назад
@@kali3828 I clicked on your profile and it seems you’re going on a bit of a rampage in the comment section of this video. Why do you dislike “leftist garbage” so much? What is it about leftism that’s so awful? You haven’t provided any real reasons for your statements thus far.
@kali3828 Год назад
@@NatLeRat I started watching these out of amusement and to troll but realized that these TikToks are particularly disturbing because their target audience is middle to high school age kids. These videos are a negative influence because they 1. target naive, young, gullible, neurodivergent people 2. are created by people who often advertise their own products disguised as part of a "larger movement" 3. glorify having mental illness 4. glorify fatness and unhealthiness 5. are blatantly racist towards white people 6. provide overly simplified models of communism and capitalism 7. promote anarchism. Overall, these videos push digestible bits of RADICAL leftist ideology to people who don't know any better.
@kitty_catra Год назад
This also passes my cats test, it is also a easy test but lots of things fail
@meri8431 Год назад
the one abt dumbing urself down hit HAAAAARDD i always pretend not to know the names of some things and even when im telling someone about something i was interested in i would pretend to forget some details and make it seem like it takes a second to come to me
@wa11ie Год назад
on top of that i felt stupid a lot of the time. because not only was i dumbing myself down when it came to my special interests, i also didn’t know a lot of things outside of them. there just appeared to be universal knowledge that everyone except me had access to through some form of hivemind and my only skill was recounting ancient pantheons in ‚way too much‘ detail.
@user-dg3ug7ny5d Год назад
Huh... whether it's just my social anxiety or something more, I completely just had like flashes of memories where I've consistently done this. And all to not "insult someone's intelligence" or "assume they don't know/can't answer for themself". The hurt I feel when someone denies what I know is right (especially if I've studied it) is up there with hitting your shin with a Razor scooter.
@52flyingbicycles Год назад
While not every movie needs to pass the Bechdel test, it is still useful for comparative analysis. Compare to the inverse Bechdel test: two named men talk to each other about something other than a woman. In a totally fair world, the majority of movies would pass both tests. Some movies would pass one or the other, but in roughly equal proportion. A few would pass neither, like if they had too few characters or not a lot of dialogue. While I haven’t personally checked, I’d bet far more movies pass the inverse Bechdel than the Bechdel. This shows a systemic bias in Hollywood against prominent roles for women, rather than claiming any individual movie is/is not feminist based on a single test. One can easily imagine a highly regressive movie that still features women talking to each other, or a very feminist movie where the protagonist just doesn’t talk a lot. Additionally, some movies heavily center around a single person’s point of view, which heavily skews the gender bias in conversations. If the protagonist is a man, the movie may not pass the Bechdel test simply because a conversation between two women necessarily does not include the protagonist. However we should expect these types of movies to be made in roughly equal proportion between men and women, thus comparative analysis is still useful. In crowd scenes, a 50/50 split of men/women is considered “too many women” by audiences. The vast majority of movies have either men taking most lines or lines evenly split among men and women, very few with mostly women speaking. These metrics don’t demonstrate feminism in an individual movie, but do show a similar trend to the Bechdel test generalization
@lpchambers3681 Год назад
“Breathtakingly Mediocre” is an insane phrase that I will be adding to my vocabulary forever, thank you so much…
@lpchambers3681 Год назад
@@kashabasha And you decided to be an ass to me three months later for what- shits and giggles?
Hey you yes you, take a deep breath let it out slowly, and lower your shoulders. Know that you are important to someone even if you feel like no one loves you, guess what I do. I'm so proud of you being here. Thank you. Now make sure you take care of yourself and drink some water, eat something and take a stretch break.💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗
@shelbypowell9919 Год назад
Creative Writing Prompt #51: This week. Worldbuilding excercises. Yesterday Map. Today Basic needs. Getting on with it. All this applies to plants and animals too in some sense, but today we're focused on people. People can live anywhere, from lush, sustaining jungles to the hot and cold deserts to the void of space. But we have basic needs that must be met: Food, Water, Air, Shelter, Space. How do we get these from our environments? Go through your map, through the regions that people are living in, ask what these people are eating, what they're doing for fresh water, (if the need fresh air to survive, how do they get it?), how they build their shelters and what from, and what are the structural limitations of those materials, and how do they interact with the space they're living in?
@shelbypowell9919 Год назад
Pt 2:When you have these basic questions answered, go back through the list. What tools have these people invented to get their basic needs met? From scythes to distilleries to bronze to chisels to wheels. Consider the limitations of those tools and why some people might not have them. Certain materials, like wood, glass, or clay might be limited to certain regions. Wheels, I understand, were not invented for transport in many rocky or mountainous regions because they're useless without sold, even ground. They were, however, used in some cases for grain or lumber mills. Domestic animals. For an animal to be domesticated, there are several conditions they must meet: 1, they must grow up quickly and breed easily. 2, they must be able to eat the things we can't eat. It's hard to justify feeding your pet tiger your cow when you could just eat the cow instead. 3, They can survive easily in the environments we live in, and can be easily contained by the resources we can manipulate with the tools we have on hand. You may be able to keep cows in with a short wooden fence, but not a deer or rhino. 4: They must be social animals, which live happily alongside other animals and can be conditioned to tolerate human control. If your people can't get the things they need from their environment, then they have to rely on other people sending those things to them, like supply drops in Antarctica or massive irrigation systems in the deserts of the US. If you can imagine it, someone probably already lives somewhere similar. Look up what those people are doing and the things they eat/drink/breathe/build to survive.
@shelbypowell9919 Год назад
Eg: For this week, I'm going to focus on a nomadic people I'll be calling the Ruvalli. They travel in small caravans of no more than fifty between settlements. They have a strong oral tradition, and a culture that involves adapting a wide variety of other cultural elements into their fold, so they also know how to live in a large number of places. They mostly get their resources from the settlements they visit. For travel they mostly eat a sort of hardtack porridge or stew fortified with whatever they could gather from there area. When they reach civilization they trade services or rely on hospitality. They shelter in tents, linen or canvas in warmer climates and leather and fur in cooler ones.
@destrumthetiger9274 Год назад
I wasn’t here yesterday so I don’t have the map so instead I will be talking about the dracotaurs from a world building project I did a while ago they live in the mountains and have very extravagant buildings cut into the cliffs and they are half human half dragon they have wings and a tail and usually talons on their feet and scales cover large parts of their bodies Food - they send the dracotaurs with the strongest breath and wings, usually the women, out in groups of 10 to attack huge prey by flying in circles around it and taking turns attacking it while the others distract and confuse it they then will dig a pathway through the snow and push it downhill until it gets close to the city at which point they will carry it while flying they don’t do this the whole way because it is very hard Water - the fire dracotaurs melt the snow and the water dracotaurs will pull it into buckets Air - they have evolved to mountain life and the thin air is enough for them but not enough for a human you would slowly die over the course of a week Shelter - the dracotaurs with the strongest arms and legs, usually the men, will dig huge caverns into the cliff sides and decorate them with rocks and gems there are no pathways because they fly
@shelbypowell9919 Год назад
@@destrumthetiger9274 Good work
@destrumthetiger9274 Год назад
@@shelbypowell9919 thanks
@sian3674 Год назад
LOTR was written as a serial to his son who was fighting in WW2, it's a boys adventure bedtime story just like he'd created The Hobbit for the son when he was younger, so i think the lack of female characters is forgiveable especially when the female characters we do get slap so hard, when I was a kid I wanted to be Eowyn for every single halloween.
@kimlip_tree2009 Год назад
GUYS! I GOT MY VERY FIRST THEORY BOOK TODAY IM SO EXCITED!!!! i got "are prisons obsolete?" by angela y davis bc a lot of people said thats a good starter book so im gonna go start it now! yay
@cococolour8002 Год назад
Okay so that last TikTok really infuriated me, not only for the reasons notelimonty mentioned but also because the person who sings that song is a black man named Sam Cooke, who was very popular with white people and he used that 'privilege' to his advantage, during the peak of an activist movement he wrote "A change is gonna come" a song that served as a anthem of the movement but was discrete enough for white people to nod their heads along. He stood strong in his beliefs, he kept up with what was happening locally and, heck, he even knew Malcom X. In this essay I will-
@cococolour8002 Год назад
@Kasha O'Basha Dude, who asked?
@houseplantfreak Год назад
I ORDERED SOME NEW CONVERSE TODAY!! They’re not coming until January, and they were expensive, but IM GETTING NEW CONVERSE FINALLY AFTER LIKE 1 1/2 YEARS :)
@houseplantfreak Год назад
@green mayo man is screeching🇺🇦 THANK YOU!!
@juicebox2430 Год назад
what do they look like?? I'm getting new converse soon and they are red with rainbow laces! :)
@houseplantfreak Год назад
@@juicebox2430 I’m getting platforms with boot bottoms (the first kind) and I’m considering smuggling some rainbow laces in my house lol
@juicebox2430 Год назад
@@houseplantfreak those sound cool!! I hope you like them
@houseplantfreak Год назад
@@juicebox2430 Thanks!! I hope you like yours too :)
@revolutionary_firebrand Год назад
8:15 just noticed, that person has the same dinosaur poster as me :)
@aleftistdude Год назад
that is a based poster
@revolutionary_firebrand Год назад
@@aleftistdude dinosaurs are based
@passionate_possum_pal Год назад
The if Judaism was the religious majority of thing was really eye-opening, as someone who didn't know a lot of Jewish people growing up (living in the Bible belt and all) and not growing up jewish, it was a really interesting thing to hear, and really interesting to see that perspective of it.
@milantics Год назад
i still think about the fact that me mentioning the ottoman empire was what made my teacher tell me to shut up last week. he said something about it being “too complex” for the other students and i just had to sit there and take that in… oh well, i get to go on my computer with no issue when i get told to shut up so i don’t really care about it lmao
@milantics Год назад
@BagelEditz no worries! basically, the teacher had asked what the class knew about turkey (or türkiye idk anymore) during a bigger conversation on geopolitically important countries. like i mentioned in the original comment, he told me to shut up because i mentioned the ottoman empire and that’s apparently too complex. also, i forgot this at the time of commenting, but he also said that i was basically spoiling some of the notes he had planned for the class LMAO
@milantics Год назад
​@BagelEditz nope, i'm actually canadian, i just happen to be in what is basically a mandatory social studies class. i am of lebanese background though, so i do have ancestors that lived under ottoman rule. my teacher says that he does it so other students have a chance at participating without feeling disheartened so i understand to a certain degree, but i do agree that he could've said it more politely
Hey can you take care of yourself? Just do one small thing that will make yourself happy. And if you feel like you can do more, please stretch, drink some water, and eat something. You matter so much. I send all the virtual love. 💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗
@mayonnaiseman_ 💜💜🤗🤗
@sage-does-stuff Год назад
Great comp as always :D
@aleftistdude Год назад
@corpsehandler5321 Год назад
7:08 lord, i stopped chewing AND breathing, this is such a damn read 😳
@juliakiehl9557 Год назад
Hii, I am actually having a good day so far. I am trying out new paint that i got for Christmas and we'll see how it goes.
@olioccasionallyanimates27 Год назад
hiya! does anyone know anywhere to learn ASL? i've been wanting to learn it for a while and don't know where
@olioccasionallyanimates27 Год назад
@green mayo man is screeching🇺🇦 thank you so much! /srs
@Burnt_Out_H0e Год назад
christmas😕 < yule💪💪
@thepalewalker6364 Год назад
kind of miss the longer comps, rhenrh these used to fill my breaks and now i gotta watch other videos /lh
@darkacadpresenceinblood Год назад
have you watched all of Peyton's older comps? cuz for example i have like, months of vids i haven't seen, from before i started coming here daily. in case you have, there's still zir playlist of cool leftist videos, you can also go watch red in space (i haven't actually watched any but i think that channel has similar comps)
@tuesdaywithanh Год назад
rambling to fight the, feel free to ramble in the replies :) I'm gonna hang out with a friend today! we're gonna get some snacks and have a drawing day :>
@tuesdaywithanh Год назад
@green mayo man is screeching🇺🇦 glad your day has gotten better, good food and nice socks are truly some of the best things in life :)
@queenidragon4489 Год назад
I'm going to a doctor's appointment soon to talk about my meds and I'm dressed up really cute today
@darkacadpresenceinblood Год назад
i'm doing a puzzle with my mom which is cool :) and my sister is teaching the family how to crochet. this winter break we're spending so much time together instead of everyone doing their own thing, i love it!!
@kimlip_tree2009 Год назад
0:35 there is a GREAT podcast called the Bechdel Cast i would highly recomend
@kimlip_tree2009 Год назад
@@kashabasha ?
@kimlip_tree2009 Год назад
@@kashabasha i didn't know if you were talking about the podcast or the test
@kimlip_tree2009 13 дней назад
@hamayuri33 ?
@chrissyswifey Год назад
7:26 PLS i saw this on a “republican tiktok comp” 💀
@PurpleDuneEfa Год назад
Im just putting this here if I will need it some day: (its from 8:27) "I think the things that are basic living necessities such as: housing, food, water, medicine, etc. are things that should not have to be slaved away and worked for a day in and day out just to barely get."
@leeam7050 Год назад
i checked 2 of the tiktoks failed the bechdel test *leaves*
@otterzrkuhl Год назад
Just remember that if a film passes the Bechdel test that doesn't actually mean that the movie is feminist or even not sexist. The person in the first video does say that the test is basic, but it's always good to keep in mind.
@otterzrkuhl 14 дней назад
@hamayuri33 ????? Touch grass
@mariazapata1606 Год назад
Want people to know good movie don't to pass the bechdel test to be good it's a test to if woman to be underrepresented but you can still good feminist movie without passing it
@gazaht Год назад
@nkosig4995 Год назад
Honestly some of these are like Kinda incorrect Like lord of the rings has two female characters talk to each other. Thats just like Wrong. Sucks cuz there are soooo many examples of Bechtel test failures especially in long ass tv shows which is wild
@tieflingcorpse9817 Год назад
i dont agree with the tiktok about liberals and conservatives being alot alike. cus sure if you say "necessities should be free" liberals and conservatives will look the same, but if you say "minorites deserve rights" then leftists and liberals look the same. its american centrists that are more like conservatives because in the from the rest of world's perspective they are conservatives
@Traumatised311 Год назад
Hey can u please spread ur beliefs in idealogies
@LazarOrthodox04 Год назад
Nobody cares
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