
Lending money 💰 the Jewish way! 

Plainview Synagogue
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Daily inspiration! - Mishpatim



11 фев 2021




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@chriskay2296 4 месяца назад
When your kid forces you beforehand to wear the Lego hat he made for you
@D-A-N- 4 месяца назад
It’s from their whims and desires not the lord
@davidronson8712 7 месяцев назад
Simply read the Merchant of Venice, you would learn more about them than from a young rabbi with a box on his head.
@LARonPaul2012 5 месяцев назад
@PrinceMichael_king 3 месяца назад
i think antonio agreed to that deal . a deal is a deal.
@umairahmed3292 Год назад
This concept of interest (money on money) is very clear in all religions and its prohibited because interest on money doesn't create any value or tangible asset which causes other problems like inflation, poverty etc.
@umairahmed3292 Год назад
@ryan that's exactly what i meant . The money lent should create something of value in return. Not the current system where state banks lends for 1% to banks who then lends for 1%+X and so on so forth. This is done regardless of what value has been created to make a $1 into $10 and again the honesty of system also is compromised with individuals wanting to abuse the system by filing bankruptcy or writing off debt. Then it's the cycle is repeated so what happens in return is poverty
@mattelgin213 Год назад
You do not have to borrow the money -- or use the inflating fiat currency.
@herojiro31valmire32 Год назад
Small interest is ok; but interest like credit card's are immoral.
@jrutt2675 Год назад
@@umairahmed3292 Yes. Speculating and margin lending is a dangerous game. True wealth creation comes from ingenuity and labor!
@MOFOSGTFO 7 месяцев назад
It most certainly does bring value to the community because people who want might want to buy a house or start a business without capital can do so with a loan. Everything you see around you in the Western World is created by debt.
@rosenasser5943 6 месяцев назад
I would rather give than lend (with or without interest). Giving is better for both sides. The giver has done a good and compassionate thing and does not have to be concerned with repayment and possible ill-will from the borrower not repaying. The giver feels a sense of satisfaction from helping someone in need. The receiver gets the help he/she needs and will thank you and give thanks to the Lord for sending you to help them. The giver is blessed. The receiver is blessed. And God is praised! All win win win!
@dealwithitdrealist2361 Год назад
But will a Jewish person loan to a gentile? That is the big question
@ChristisKing9292 11 месяцев назад
With interest, usury
@amenallahcheriki 7 месяцев назад
with interrest habibi they want to lead the world
@americandodo 5 месяцев назад
They do all the time... Look at the Federal Reserve... Crippling our nation through usery (interest).
@kruelunusual6242 4 месяца назад
Anyone not a Jew is blind to barrow fiat from one!
@nvmnvm8821 4 месяца назад
"no interest! ...when lending to another jew." dangit, you got my hopes up.
@WeekzGod Год назад
This is the first video I've seen from this channel/this guy. I trust it. Making sense.
@mmp495 Год назад
I have learned and have been so enlightened listening to these rabbis and the core values and principles behind money and everything else in life. It is so interconnected and inter woven.Thank you! 🙏
So sweet ❣️
@alfredingram1280 6 месяцев назад
There are some among the People of the Book who, if entrusted with a stack of gold, will readily return it. Yet there are others who, if entrusted with a single coin, will not repay it unless you constantly demand it. This is because they say, “We are not accountable for ˹exploiting˺ the Gentiles.”1 And ˹so˺ they attribute lies to Allah knowingly. Quran 3:75
@binyameen8632 6 месяцев назад
Rabbai plz explain if you lend money to non jew, is a jew allowed to get interest on lended money?
@reidflemingworldstoughestm1394 4 месяца назад
Indoor voice, Lemuel. Indoor voice.
@8gomerpyle22 2 года назад
This guy is awesome!!
@ziephk Год назад
This guy is a snake 🐍 so cleverly put. So you can lend money on interest the the gentiles but not another Jew…..hmmm why is that I wonder? Don’t rip off your own brother, right? But sure massage the statement and inject it on the sly. It is an awesome skill to take something so clearly corrupt and make it seem perfectly logical or wise or even stretch it to righteous 😒
@TheGreatLakeRuler Год назад
Nice ! I just got my 6 month teffilin
@almondtree17 Год назад
How about if we have given a huge amount of money but the person is using it for evil. He said he lend it but always ended up cannot payback And even he and his family did lashon hara toward all people who have helped them financially from their childhood since they are poor from childhood. What should we do? Thank u for the teaching
@plainviewsynagogue824 Год назад
Hi, your question is very valid, I will try the best I can to address it. first thing is When you lend money you have to try verify to the best of your capability that the receiver is a responsible person and will used it for the good, (if it turns out that he fooled you thats between him a g-d you did your part) the second thing that you mention that he is speaking Lashon Hara about the people that helpt him again that is his problem (there can be many reasons for this one classic is that sometimes people feel threatened by the person that help them tremendously in the the past because they feel they owe the person big time and its hard for them to face it, so they turn against this person not to have to face him) you have to know that you did the right thing and sometimes we pay a price for doing the right thing, but at the end of the day its worth it just like when you go to the store and buy something expensive because its quality. So too doing a Mitzvah is very special and has great quality and paying the price is worth it 😃 Hopefully this can help you see this in a positive light
@hrhtreeoflife4815 Год назад
@abdulsalam-dq2lg Месяц назад
(Holy Quran; Surah Al Nisa, Ayat 161) "And because of their (Jews) taking usury (interest) when they had been forbidden it in the Torah and their consuming people’s wealth through falsehood through bribes in adjudications and We have prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful chastisement".
@MRSTEEL15 Год назад
The true mitzvah comes with your own consciousness.....If you're giving because you believe that if you give ? Then the more you get...Which is.False......Why? Because when you give? You should give because you care for the person in need. Not because you have a hidden agenda.......It's all about consciousness. The person who gives because he genuinely cares, W.O the hidden agenda, will get not only what he gave ,but he will get so much more..... Rabbi Rick
@plainviewsynagogue824 Год назад
Hi Rick! Gr8 point! What you are saying is true.. However, the Rambam explains that education for a child is accompanied with rewards. That's how you get a child motivated to do the right thing. As he gets older, he will understand to do so without the prize....(there is a similar concept in Pirkei Avot) We too are considered children at the beginning of our path of fulfilling G-ds commandments. As we learn and understand more, we can start doing things just for G-d, for this is the correct thing without a hidden agenda. So it depends where you are holding... Also we all have a place where things can be more challenging for whatever reason, so the Torah is giving us a reason for those that need it to help them make the correct decision. I am glad you see it on the higher level! We need more people like you. Share the love!!!
@nolaspeaker5656 3 месяца назад
Has nobody heard of inflation?
@dmdm7690 Год назад
Why is he wearing the box on his head while doing a video? Isn't that only worn when performing prayers or reading Torah?
@martinrea8548 Год назад
Go-pro? 😂
@walterjunovich6180 Год назад
It's a " Go Pro " !! 😄😄
@plainviewsynagogue824 Год назад
Great question! This boxes are call Tefillin (they contain writing inside, verses from the Torah expressing the Oneness of G-d) its traditionally worn during morning prayers. The videos that are posted are short speeches I share after the morning service. So in some vids Im still wearing it from the morning service. (hope that answers your question 🙂 wishing you all best!
@dmdm7690 Год назад
@@plainviewsynagogue824 Many thanks
@Fellowrser Год назад
If somebody doesn’t have the money you break his fucn legs ya got it?
@timoverington5177 4 месяца назад
To all orthodox out please educate me what is on the rabbi’s head .. thank you in advance.
@rickydavison6894 Год назад
What's with the comedy styled miniature bowler hat ?
@sygboe1 4 месяца назад
It’s where he keeps his gold coins
@user-vh3fr3lb8w Месяц назад
​@@sygboe1wisdom hat
@ishockeyfrilla 9 месяцев назад
Uff da!
@mannyavilapca Год назад
I don’t loan money so don’t ask
@vicsingh6397 8 месяцев назад
Why he has a box on his head?
@abdulsalam-dq2lg Месяц назад
He accumulates interest in this box.
@user-vh3fr3lb8w Месяц назад
​@@abdulsalam-dq2lgno it is not. Thats Muhammed view
@abdulsalam-dq2lg Месяц назад
​​​@@user-vh3fr3lb8w Jokes aside. Charging of interest is a big sin not only in Islam but also in Christianity... Manipulated books of Torah by so called Rabbis allow this sin.... Its height of hypocrisy that they charge interest on Goyims (non-jewish) but not on Jews.
@abdulsalam-dq2lg Месяц назад
Judaism is nothing but a racist type of ideology. Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), being the successor of Abraham (Peace Be Upon Him), and being the last messenger of God, taught all the humanity about not to charge interest on anybody because it accumulates money in the hands of a particular community and brings about poverty on large scale. This is surely the true message of Moses (Peace Be Upon Him) but it was corrupted by Rabbis.
@hiddenknowledge6333 5 месяцев назад
Everything I know about the Jews I learned from their own behaviors and literature. Can you guess how I feel Abt them?
@user-vh3fr3lb8w Месяц назад
Your feelings dont matter anyway
@mirrorreflection3479 4 месяца назад
What about lending money to non jews who are going to use in acceptable ways. Is taking riba forbidden from such non jews?
@nicolem5626 4 месяца назад
Lol isn’t that the same block box worshipped by Muslims? What’s up with the black box? Is that a Saturn reference
@meowmeowmeow2362 Год назад
Is it permissible to lend money with interest to a non jew ?
@BlackPill-pu4vi Год назад
Jews do it ALL THE TIME and have done so for many many centuries. The global bankster mafia is proof. And all with the blessings of the Vatican. Such ignorance of history is unacceptable.
@mecanuktutorials6476 Год назад
Loophole most likely
@BlackPill-pu4vi Год назад
@@mecanuktutorials6476 No loophole. It's in the Torah and the Talmud that Jews can lend with usury to the goyim. Both are demonic books. One covertly and one overtly.
@ChristisKing9292 11 месяцев назад
@1x0x 7 месяцев назад
you can charge interest to "foreigners" but not your brothers. the jews took this as anyone who is not a jew is a foreigner so they could charge interest to their christian neighbors.
@RabbiYeshua-ik4ms 4 месяца назад
I'll take a loan and hashem will pay you guys
@robelmosazghilebasiisrael3232 2 года назад
Look for God , He is Tired of Looking for You⚓
@moafro6524 4 месяца назад
Did he say dont charge interest when lending to Jews?
@abdulsalam-dq2lg Месяц назад
Yes. He said so God can't be discriminating and injustice. Wrong religion.
@moafro6524 Месяц назад
@@abdulsalam-dq2lg obviously God is against evil, interest period is evil. That whole passage he is quoting am sure is not from God, but the many additions to the text by men. Alhamdullilaah for nimatul Islam.
@abdulsalam-dq2lg Месяц назад
@@moafro6524 Yes brother. You are right. We know, Jerusalem and Hackle of Sulemani (Solomon Temple) was once destroyed by Babilonians 587 B.C. leaving no evidence of Torah there. Jewish Rabbis had to recompile Torah with manipulated verses. Allah says' (Surah Al Nisa, Ayat 161) "And because of their (Jews) taking usury (interest) when they had been forbidden it in the Torah and their consuming people’s wealth through falsehood through bribes in adjudications and We have prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful chastisement".
@abdulsalam-dq2lg Месяц назад
@@moafro6524 Yes brother you are right. Allah says about Bani Israil in Surah Al-Nisa , Verse 161. "And [for] their taking of usury while they had been forbidden from it, and their consuming of the people’s wealth unjustly. And we have prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful punishment".
@moafro6524 Месяц назад
@@abdulsalam-dq2lg The reason Quran talks about Bani Israel a lot is actually for Muslims, over over again Bani Israel, I used to think it was stories, but in reality, its the same exact problems Muslims are facie and Allah is telling Muslims dont do like that. If you pay attention you will see exact same issues. One thing Muslims and Jews differ in is that Muslims dont take Their Imaams and knowledge people as the ones can say whats haram and whats halaal, They refer back to the Quran. The Rabbis can dictate whats Kosher and whats not, basically holding the power of GOD, I think thats how it works in their tradition. Imagine being decedents of Isaac Jacob Yusuf Sulaimaan Moses Aron etc what a pedgree!
@darleneprice3492 Год назад
Don't lend money!!!!!! If a man is hungry feed him. If he's sick get him to a doctor. If he can't pay his rent find him a job.....
@plainviewsynagogue824 Год назад
Lending some food for thought :-) Yes, you make a good point. however, most people would not want a hand out, we want to give the person the opportunity to earn his food with dignity. In addition one of the greatest forms of charity/ help, is helping someone to get back on their feet, and if this person is on a business ventur ,to make that happen, all he needs is for someone to help him get to the finish line, this is tremendous. So lending in some cases can actually be more meaningful then a handout.
@RajivKumar-fv9iv 3 месяца назад
Hi brother, i would like to change my religion from hindu to jewish... May i know what is the procedure to change..
@abdulsalam-dq2lg Месяц назад
​@@RajivKumar-fv9iv Put your head down and legs up for 5 days and say Judaism Judaism Judaism for 5000 times. You will become a jew. Are Rajiv bhayya kin chakron mai par gaye... Jews are a racist nation. They will not like to accept you to be chosen by their God.
@abdulsalam-dq2lg Месяц назад
@@RajivKumar-fv9iv Put your head down and legs up for 5 days and say Jew Jew Jew for 5000 times. You will automatically become a jew. O Rajiv bhayya kin chakkron main phas rhe ho.. jews are racist. They dont like other nations to accept Judaism. Meaning that this is wrong religion.
@melchiel4413 Год назад
If I ever become rich I will bless Israel (I'm a Noahide).
@hashimshaikh8271 Год назад
You was on awaze haq
@BlackPill-pu4vi Год назад
Fool. You're a disciple of Mammon and Belphegor. Christtards bless the very Tribe that is committed to their enslavement.
@KZ-SHOP Год назад
I heard when a jew lent money to a fellow jew its whitout intrest But if a jew lent money to a no jew they must ask intrest
@abdulsalam-dq2lg Месяц назад
Yes I heard the same 😅 Chosen people does not mean to discriminate and to be injustice.
@michaelfarar4232 6 месяцев назад
Its nice to see him honoring Abe Lincoln
@AccountNo-fg8fy 4 месяца назад
@jimdellavecchia4594 Год назад
I like the Italian way much better!! 2 points a week or your kneecaps
@jabarigray Год назад
@ParisSantiago Год назад
@ParisSantiago Год назад
@@jabarigray Im with you, learning how the Jews do things 👀📝
@jabarigray Год назад
@@ParisSantiago Lots of successful blueprints for other groups to learn from!
@mahokhan9122 3 месяца назад
@michaelferto6588 Год назад
....So why I couldn't get a loan from fellow Jews, as I tried for years....So I suffered with no heat, hot water, leaky roofs, missing parents, harassments, terrorism, and worse for years.....I got some foodstamps and this phone fortunately, yet all know my plight, and no one sends financial help.....You all have been cruel.....
@dealwithitdrealist2361 Год назад
Get real, a Jew is never going to loan any money to pinch a quarter so hard the Eagles screams ....shalom
@mansoorsalim4454 Год назад
@spanellaful Год назад
I did not understand shit
@ogklutchking5589 2 года назад
I don't understand jew
@openyjimmyzohide1508 2 года назад
Me too
@Ryan-xq3kl Год назад
try harder
@ChristisKing9292 11 месяцев назад
Jews lend with interest it's in Torah and Talmud they are behind the federal reserve
@johnraim4752 Год назад
God bless Israel and Jewish nation
@BlackPill-pu4vi Год назад
Christtard. Modern Israel is an illegitimate fiction. Created by the Balfour Declaration and countless Palestinians were murdered to force that State into being. Jews have been cursed and kicked out of over a hundred countries over the past 1600 years and for good reason. The only "god" that blesses Israel is Lucifer. The god they actually worship by their deeds. Harold Wallace Rosenthal said as much and he was murdered for spilling the beans about The Tribe.
@dixon4184 5 месяцев назад
@wraithface4410 4 месяца назад
@justsaying9913 4 месяца назад
Shazam 🫡
@raufafazian9274 8 месяцев назад
You Jews are very hypocritical if a non-Jew borrows money then you have to pay interest but if you fellow Jews borrow money then it is not responsible to pay interest , it is very hypocritical, in contrast to the Islamic concept that interest is not allowed in the transaction of borrowing money for all mankind
@laaaliiiluuu 4 месяца назад
Yeah, it's crazy how the self-proclaimed "chosen people" to make this world a better place are allowed to scam everybody else.
@skurt9109 3 месяца назад
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