

Software Neos
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0:00 Intro
1:04 New Mechanics (And What they do)
5:31 My (Potential) problems with the new mechanics
7:10 The Controversy of Shields and Ledges
8:44 WHAT IS... Rivals of Aether?
12:51 Mechanical HATE for Shields and Ledges
17:23 Emotional HATE for Shields and Ledgs
23:05 Good things about Shields and Ledges
26:35 Single Player (Why you need it in fighting games)
31:26 Sub Space for Rivals 2
35:54 Whats the Story gonna Be about?
44:24 What other single player modes should we get?
48:09 Conclusion (I know its lazy... im just tired)




28 июл 2024




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@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Its not my best when it comes to editing. But here it is everyone. Most of the things i want to talk about for Rivals 2. I was gonna end it better but my voice files got corrupted, plus the topics need their own video anyway. So... My apologies. But i hope you like it anyway.
@AbyssalRage. 7 месяцев назад
i know im a little late but what game is that at 3:18
@SoftwareNeos 6 месяцев назад
​@@AbyssalRage. thats stardust valkyries. Its 10 dollars on steam
@davida4661 9 месяцев назад
You could probably make a whole standalone video as to why Rivals and Blazblue's character gimmicks are so cool compared to other fighting games. I wish more fighting games or even video games in general had so much synergy with the things your character can do.
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Know whats funny? Thats one of my topics i was gonna make. I had to stop cause i needed to make this video. But since its done. Im prolly gonna work on it next. I already have the script. So... soon. Hopefully
@1Pidds 9 месяцев назад
Allow me to introduce you to Guilty Gear It's the series that Blazblue ripped off and it shows
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
​@@1Piddsnow now... lets not do that.
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
​@@1Pidds the only character with a gimmick in that game is venom
@1Pidds 9 месяцев назад
@@SoftwareNeos Or Faust that funnels the match into his random item throw Or Potemkin who's moveset revolves around his POTEMKIN BUSTER Or Robo-Ky who's playstyle revolves around managing a meter that screws you over if full (which was later reimagined for Nagoryuki) Or Anji who's a walking talking parry machine Or Leo who's like Anji but good Or Xrd Bedman with his crazy Move Replay gimmick and also the fact that you're fighting a piece of furniture Or Happy Chaos which *GUN* Or Jack-O that commands an army of little guys she can toss around like Pikmin I can go on but this is getting long
@tardissins7512 9 месяцев назад
Speaking as a someone who’s attempting to make one of these things, the benefit of having a frame 1 indefinite defensive option is something few people understand properly. Thanks for having a nuanced take on it.
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Discussion of shields and ledges has only really been talked about on twitter. And i dont like discussions on there. So i might as well have tried to do it here. Hopefully more people try to do the same.
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
Imagine complaining about a mechanic thats designed to help more against zoners than it is to do against rushdowns and / or grapplers. 💀
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
@@SoftwareNeosAlso theres no way Ledge Specials, Getup Specials, etc. and the likes wont be completely better than the normal options, that would just be dumb and poor game-design from dan itself lol, as weve seen from some of the gameplay footage and the now various numerous gameplay streams of the games early pre-alpha build, those such options are severely more telegraphed and laggy than their normal counterparts, which means you can just parry it if you see it coming and then punish the other guy from doing it as ive seen it in i believe it was a genesis pre-alpha tournament stream? So yeah basically even if theyre op at launch (which its VERY unlikely they wont) we have no reason to think they wont be fixed and that theyll be comparable to the normal getup options, especially since because those seem to be always higher risk / and higher rewards compared to the normal options.
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
Also lets not even mention that if they made Shields have like 1 HP that could very well (obviously im just exaggerating to just to make you get the idea more lol) make the game feel more aggressive if thats whats bothering people as if the Shield was 1 HP it would basically be completely useless lol so its up to the mechanics strength alone to determine how the games overall new-more playstyle will be like compared to Rivals 1 not to mention the frame-data and how moves do INTERACT with the Shield itself like he already said, its not just the presence or not of the mechanic, make the Shield more easily destructable compared to now and that could very well turn the game on its head or at least the meta would, make it restore faster or slower and that also has an effect, its literally basically the ultimate epitome of a “great concept, but is the execution also good?” and that basically applies to anything, like yeah zoning is annoying but its a necessary evil to grapplers and viceversa grapplers are needed to counter the rushdowns from “rushing-down” all of the zoners lol, make grabs deal like a craploadton of damage and that suddenly makes shields really bad resulting in more Parries / less and / or more zoning, etc..
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
So yeah in short TL;DR: Execution is just as important (if not even more) than the concept itself as like a very weak shield will have basically little to no impact on the game while a very strong shield could very easily turn the game on its head, so yeah basically the stronger the shields are and the weaker zoners are / more stronger grapplers can get and viceversa, its also easy to just see a mechanic hurting the game and then just chalking it down to how the mechanics itself was and not how badly executed it was actually…….
@10Gpixels 8 месяцев назад
As someone who might enjoy the first game more, I can admit that boiling Rivals down to "no shields, no ledges, no grabs" would be a severe disservice to both games. The design ethos and mechanics are incredible, and a lot of that is unsung in regards to online discussions about both games. I trust the Rivals team to make something amazing, regardless if it appeals to my arbitrary preferences.
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
Yeah its just the truth, what makes Rivals Rivals isnt just the MECHANICS themselves, its the overall games feel of the characters, which is not solely or even remotely partially determined by something like Shields and / or Ledges, and the new additions of the new Ledge Special Getup moves also help in further reinforcing this idea that uniquely make Rivals unique Rivals in the first place. Smash 4 and Brawl have basically almost the exact same mechanics (bar tripping lol) and yet they still feel vastly different from one another mainly because (thanks) to the overall-improved speed of the game, its just such a shame Shields feel so clunky in Ultimate thanks (and because :() in part largely to Shield-Dropping lag (which is 7 frames) which makes Shielding without dropping or jumping out of it so goddamn clunky like what the hell wtf were they thinking when they added this it only made the game more campy despite their efforts and intentions to make this to counter campers lmao. 💀
@Twisted_Logic 8 месяцев назад
Other than the way characters are designed, I'd say that the biggest aspect of what makes Rivals what it is is accessibility. Dan made a game where almost anyone can pick up a controller a do cool combos and tech like a Melee pro. Shields and ledges, when implemented well, enhance that. It makes the game more approachable to new players and that's a good thing. Also: if you want to know how ledges and shields will feel in Rivals, your best bet is to look at Project+. Trevor got his start as a PM player and I can see the influence watchinf Rivals 2 gameplay
@frumiousgaming 9 месяцев назад
Great video and you’re so right about having content that appeals to new or casual players because that’s what creates future competitive players
@Kalani_Boi 9 месяцев назад
I'm actually pretty open to these new mechanics as a non-smash player. My first plat fighter was brawlhalla, and then traditioned to rivals and multiversus when it was still alive.
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Oh wow. Well at least the new mechanics seem cool to everyone. I really hope multiverses gets better. My only problem is like 3 things. 1)Air dodging is too free. 2) too many people can zone. (They zone and then abuse airdoging... which is worse.) 3) The hitboxes. Even when improved... i feel like everyone gets hit by NOTHING
@littlemisseevee2309 6 месяцев назад
yknow I agree entirely with you on the core of rivals, an anecdote though: I picked rivals back up recently, while I was sick and decided I was gonna learn to play Absa finally, the character I really wanted to learn her and was bored of rivals when playing basically only ori, also I wanted to learn rivals more in depth, but now I keep coming back to rivals for absa and now forsburn, what happened was I became way more invested in the characters adn was having a blast, now I’m rapidly improving over time
@luiegiii 7 месяцев назад
I think what is worriesome about ledges is the ledgehog mechanic. What Rivals 1 did great was having so many recovery options without ledges. Now that special fall cannot be walljump cancelled it feels like a step back. What Ultimate did well was implement ledge-trumping. Because we can’t ledge trump, it feels like we should still be able to wall-jump out of special fall to balance it out. Ledge hogging was probably one of the most frustrating mechanics in melee because of how much cheese it implements. Characters like Jiggly puff were so hard to deal with because she could ledge hog and ledge refresh so much. I hope they have a good workaround for that option since edge guarding is such a powerful position to be in when ledge hogging is an option.
@frifripsychic5890 8 месяцев назад
I see what your saying about the story mode and I agree. Yet the aether studios team has seemingly figured it out. In the Reddit ama, Dan said that the chapters of story mode will come out separately. And each of them will have their own subtext, the 1st is currently Rivals 2: Champions of Aether. I thought that was pretty neat. That means the next one might be like Rivals 2: Fires last hope or something. The closest comparison I can think of are Marvel movies. Characters will have their own stories in the same universe but some wont be as tied into the main story as others. Like I imagine Etalus might team up with another character but then continue to do his own thing. I think this is actually genius, and im looking forward to a variety of stories.
@angrymoths 8 месяцев назад
You're correct, Rivals is and always has been about the characters and their internal synergy or style. Rivals knows it doesn't have Mario or Link, but unlike smash, it doesn't NEED Mario and Link, to have an identity bc the identity is in the kits; something smash ult's bloated roster has a huge issue with, and has only ever been solved in dlc by overpowered comeback gimmicks... and steve... but we don't talk about Steve No, Rivals is it about kit synergy and gameplay synergy Problem is, a lot of people, myself included, are still uncertain how these mechanics will change the other most important part of rival's flow; the choices around which TRULY are the reason Rival's is so heralded: Defensive options and the their internal philosophy going forward on the neutral aspects of the platform fighter genre. Player agency is the blanket for all this. Everything from the character, how they move, what they do and how they do it, and the freedom to control it in 2D space fluidly defines Rival's identity. And it is STRONG. All players want is for that freedom to be mostly preserved, and in the spirit of 1, despite these new mechanics. Shields have been historically powerful in smash, leading to a lot of boring interactions. Dan and the team MUST preserve the in match state changes and defensive options in such a way that it preserves that spirit of strong in combo di and comeback potential rivals excels at. It's a certain keen-ness toward balancing and the competitive too, but I would never want the game totally catered toward comp- it's about that core identity remaining intrinsic to the series. Is there enough proof yet? Idk... I think shields being more of a dis-advantageous state is a good core philiosophy they need to keep. And parries beating attacks AND grabs would solidify it for me; being a harder option but a powerful catch-all, would cement their commitment to Rival's balance between disadvantage and advantage. Getting hit in rivals can be so devastating, but thanks to the tech and the way its combo di works, it's hardly unfair to the defender. Shields and ledges shouldn't take away more from the attacker then it does to the defender in the same way combo DI doesnt treat the defender poorly despite being tossed like a salad. Balance will be key. The key is in their philosophy on these states. We shall see. Obv. Much good will already exists bc of Rivals 1, but 2 presents a fresh opportunity and a fresh chance to prove if 1 was lightning in a bottle or the sign of a brilliant and fresh trend, by a team of people who REALLY understand what makes this genre fun besides (and hopefully in tandem) with it's "party" aspects in comparison to other traditional 2d fighters. Platforms fighters are like the movement shooter of the fighting game genre, and that potential has yet to be truly unleashed outside of a few games- also needing that extra detail of polish, animatiom, art etc. To really pull people in. Modern Smash itself is in an abyssmal state in this regard, so Rivals 2 REALLLLY has a chance to shine brighter than a dying neutron star with it's now tested cast, art-animation (so important please dont fuck it up, new characters like maypul look really smash quality), music, and core mechanics. We should all be praying they get it right, but I know for a fact this is where we stand, and why people are nervous about shields and ledges. It could have bad repurceussions if not handled with respect to rivals. And even dissonance with pre-existing fans could be enough to turn people off if it doesn't feel in-line with rivals- something Aether Studios can't afford since THOSE fans are gonna (freely, not fakely) shill and blow this fucker wide open if they get it right. It's risky, but you don't get anywhere fun without taking a few risks. Time will tell, as always. But that's the real state of it imo. Lmk your thoughts.
@angrymoths 8 месяцев назад
Also Rivals 1 understands "smash" better than Smash understands "smash". It's a better fucking game. That's kinda why Dan made it, he had ideas about what he liked playing melee. He also used to hate ledges. So im really curious if that means he's "trying" to improve them, or he lost his sauce.
@angrymoths 8 месяцев назад
TL;DR Rivals is what is bc of ALL of it's mechanics and balancing. Rivals 2 is unproven, potentially losing a lot of Rivals 1's blood Could be a melee/modern situation.
@SoftwareNeos 8 месяцев назад
This might be the MOST comprehensive comment ive ever gotten. So much so. It needs its own video
@kylespevak6781 8 месяцев назад
​@@angrymothsCould be realizing hating shields and ledges is an unpopular opinion that only alienates people
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
However youre wrong, Shields in Smash are anything but weak (actually i meant strong* lol, man fruck this my OCD 💀)? Especially with how prevalent the air-game is in the game and how laggy Shield-Dropping Lag is (7-frames i believe? 💀) also Shields and those new mechanics and the likes are far from going to be damaging the game, Shields help Rushdowns (and Grapplers in turn) approach the Zoners way more safely without having to overcommit to a riskier option like Parry or being forced to having to outmaneuver them projectiles around the stage by like with movement and while also lets not talk about how Rivals is being played at top-level play in something like Top 8s and / or 16s, etc., with the characters and the games taking becoming way too more campy for my liking to my tastes. But and while also lets not even mention that Dan could and just tweak the shields as to not make them skewed in either direction too far, as weak shields make zoners too strong, while strong shields make grapplers too strong, i trust in dan to be able to reach the right balance in maxing-out the game in the future, if not at launch. 👍
@mikeisntreal 9 месяцев назад
Really good video, hopefully with NASB 2 and Rivals 2 platform fighters will finally be back
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
I hope so man. I hope so. Theres other platform fighters coming... but ill cover them when they release
@waffleman8053 9 месяцев назад
Here's a simple idea I hope they do: if you parry an attack, your shield goes back to full health.
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Thats kinda cool. I believe slap city does this. No full shield but you get back some
@angrymoths 8 месяцев назад
Parry needs to beat grab im calling it, might seem weird compared to traditional fightans, but this is not traditional fightan. Parry and shield should be complimentary, but parry's power from rivals should remain. Even clairen's grab doesn't beat parry in 1. It should lead to a net-neutral maybe slight adv. For defender if they parry grab (like in 1, in that case, where defender is invincible but clairen doesn't get penalized). needs to be much weaker than ult in general too.
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
@@angrymothsfightans? 🤨🤨🤨
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
Also from what ive seen and the many gameplay footages of the early pre-Alpha builds of the game thats been out already given to some content creators, shield already seems to recover prettyily damn fast at least compared to Smash so imho unless they change the recovery time to be even longer (and even then i wouldnt deem it necessary tbh, like if this was in Smash it would barely be of impact and / or make a difference) i dont think its a necessary / and / or needed change to the game.
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
Would still be cool to see tho, but given how fast shields recover at least judging from the pre-Alpha gameplay builds footages, it would be nearly more uselessly of a change.
@not_anybody_in_particular 9 месяцев назад
where did they confirm story mode for Rivals 2? let alone use the phrase "subspace-esque?" was this in an interview? I can't seem to find it.
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
My b. Forgot to put the link down below. Here ya go www.reddit.com/r/RivalsOfAether/comments/16awa5f/roa2_qna_with_devs_from_pax_west_2023/?context=3
@MrGameguyC 9 месяцев назад
11:06 That's kinda how I feel about Orcane in Fraymakers. lol
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Dude.... its so weird.... cause his frane data is insane in that game as well. If only that game was complete. I dont think anyone realizes how good a gimmick character in a game with NO GIMMICKS is. He has everything from water. Bubbles for projectiles. An additional recovery. Can make smash attacks longer. Maybe im way off. But thats a dlc character.
@RadiogenicSky 7 месяцев назад
What is the game at 18:46? I thought I'd seen all platform fighters before.
@SoftwareNeos 7 месяцев назад
Thats Stardust Valkyries. I got a new vid on it. Its 10 dollars and has a discird server.
@brodieorr5393 5 месяцев назад
I've never played the original rivals, but as someone who loves melee, I personally love watching people like hbox and armada switch up the meta with their skills in zoning and headgames. It adds a whole new layer to the game. In my mind the more playstyles a competitive game allows for, the deeper the meta will become, and the longer the lifespan will be
@focusfernand0 9 месяцев назад
Target smash, pleeeeeeease. Especially if each chapter were to get there own stage that’s personalized to the corresponding moveset, like in melee.
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Im surprised people like that mode. Ive just never really gotten into it.
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
@@SoftwareNeosYeah tbh ive basically only played it like once or twice and then never touch it again lol, its obviously still definitely good to be the grinding for the speedrunners, challenge-runners and the likes but otherwise its boring and prettyily annoying to play as such as tbh.
@kylespevak6781 8 месяцев назад
Never heard someone against sheilds or ledges. Sheilds make the grab-attack-sheild RPS mechanic, and ledges allow more recovery mix ups, especially with the ledge pop-off mechanic
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
Ive seen actually many complain about their exclusion from the game, but its far from being a simple RPS mechanic, its actually way more nuanced than that, as it helps interact zoners with other archetypes, basically, make Shields really strong and grapplers in turn will become stronger / zoners weaker and viceversa a shitty shield will make you let zoners dominate as the lack of a safer less-committal and riskier option than a Parry will make matches more one-way-sided linearly in intoto the zoners favor, execution in this context matters way more than the concept itself (as it does everywhere basically lol), its easy to blame the concept when in reality its the execution of it thats to be blamed for, the only things off the top of my head that can be rightfully blamed so even without reason are staling, comeback mechanics and mashing, and heck, sometimes even if when done well RNG can also be bad, as i just dislike the mechanic itself overall even if done right lol, im actually glad the only form of RNG in this game seems to only be the Pummel System mixup option with it being in on a 50/50 and at least as an Attacker you can avoid it entirely by just throwing and getting a guaranteed punishelyied damage, but as a defender you cant sadly. 😔😩 (i know its not actually RNG since it is tied to the buttons being pressed the player does has, what im saying is that when you take humans reaction-time out of the equation and only leave behind a simple choice thats basically what it turns to boils down to, a very simple yet complex RNG scenario even if its player-controlled, with attacks-shields-grabs and RPS in general its not just RNG because if you have good or heck even godly reaction time you can actually counter it regardless of what they choose, but with pummels you cant because you have no way of knowing or reacting to it unless you look at from their controller lol.)
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
Also whats the ledge pop-off mechanic? 🤨🤔
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Also heres the Q AND A about Rivals 2 they did. www.reddit.com/r/RivalsOfAether/comments/16awa5f/roa2_qna_with_devs_from_pax_west_2023/?context=3
@patpatpa 9 месяцев назад
fantastic job 🎉
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Thanks. Now that this is complete. Back to the grind of other videoes
@Krona-fb4dn 5 месяцев назад
Rottweiler made some very good points about Rivals 1 and my limited experience agrees. Shields and ledges won't kill the game or its pacing. 1) Parrying wasn't as cool as it seems, and at mid level some people would just fish for parries to get a kill/combo and unlike shields, parrying doesn't reward good spacing for the attacking player 2) edgeguarding could be very tedious, needing to outright kill somebody and if they got back once, it restarts all over. But ledges will help alleviate that as you can put a nail in the coffin for someone's stock.
@Bailadoxical42069 7 месяцев назад
I wonder how the steam workshop scene would go?
@SoftwareNeos 7 месяцев назад
Well... its not gonna be there on release... id give it 2 years... but i already know that itll last for a lifetime with workshop.
@solbradguy7628 9 месяцев назад
I don't even play platform fighters, but I'll click like on any video that praises Blazblue.
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Well get ready. Just might have a video that talks good about it even more
@hodangkhoa7326 6 месяцев назад
Love this so much
@SoftwareNeos 6 месяцев назад
Thanks man. Wish there was more to talk about.
@anqwancollins3019 9 месяцев назад
I'm excited about the workshop
@Kraken-ub7qd 8 месяцев назад
I don't think its gonna get a workshop bro 😢
@anqwancollins3019 8 месяцев назад
@@Kraken-ub7qd yes it will
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
@@Kraken-ub7qdNot at launch man, theyd be dumb to miss on some of that really sweet and hugely biggely and expansive casual Workshop-only playerbase lol.
@UsingGorillaLogic 9 месяцев назад
I just hope the cutscenes aren't as embarrassing as Rivals 1xs story mode cutscenes... that Forsburn image dude...
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Yknow whats funny? They actually fixed that image. It was updated awhile ago. Im pretty sure Dan and the team ARE IN THEIR BAG for the story mode
@UsingGorillaLogic 9 месяцев назад
@@SoftwareNeos Also random point but when they announced who is returning it occured it me... Am I the only one who feels like Ranno became the honorary Ky to Zetterburn's Sol Badguy as far as being new player friendly mascots for the game?
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
​​@@UsingGorillaLogicive had this talk with my friend. It definitely feels like ranno is replacing orcane as the "main" water guy. My reasoning was that he looks better in gameplay trailers cause of his kit compared to orcane. But it is also funny that zetter basically is Ceaser.... just for ranno to be a pacifist. I feel bad for orcane. Hopefully his godly heritage puts some love into his character
@UsingGorillaLogic 9 месяцев назад
@@SoftwareNeos I mean it makes sense, Ranno is very approachable but I don't think they are gonna bench Orcane either because he fits the resident weird oh for this series every fighting game has the weird of that stays for that reason.
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
​​@@UsingGorillaLogicbench? Naw. Hes too cute and weird. And i kniw its way too early. But i feel like in 8 years... when we get rivals 3. Ranno will be the main water guy. I think orcane will be the weirdo. Rather that a person that you remember was one of the first. Hm... maybe its a good video topic... maybe
@meathir4921 9 месяцев назад
My problem with ledges (nothing wrong with shields imo) is mostly that I liked Rivals edgeguarding because of how it rewarded movement organically.
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Well.... it also rewards camping. If you can leave and irritate someond with aerials and projectiles... just for them to get blown up. Add on the fact edge guarding is basically the meta for years... Yeah. At least to me at higher levels. It feels bad
@angrymoths 8 месяцев назад
@@SoftwareNeos But that's where these games SHINE (heh) Offstage Where the risk and reward is always at odds. I agree, camping can be an issue with awful POS like elliana, or getting edgeguarded as zetter can be a pain. But it's very much a "not understanding you need to mix up your recovery" type thing. You need to learn all your options. It asks more of the defender bc it should, but not by tooooo much. Gettibg knocked off stage should be bad, but I never felt it's SO bad in Rivals 1. As a ranno main I have a lot of recovery options, other characters can opt to get right back on stage almost instantly like sylvanos, or it's irrelevant to them (elliana) It's character dependent at times, but never hopeless. As it should be. Ledges have a chance to mess that up, or at least not be as fun or straightforward. I'm personally not a fan of ledge hogging as a mechanic, but it's necessary to partly invalidate recovery, assuming wall jumps etc. Are still all universal. Also forgive all these replies, im very opinionated about rivals I suppose lol
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
@@SoftwareNeosYeah i agree, actually i think Shields will help in both aspects by making the game both more approachable / complex to newer players and veterans but also helping in to balanceing the game more such as Rivals 1 meta revolving too much around safe options at least compared to the lower-tiers of skill-floors and levels.
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
Also wdym you liked Rivals edgeguarding because of it rewarded movement organically, like whats it that even supposed to be meaning? lmao. 💀
@meathir4921 6 месяцев назад
@@SimoneBellomonte As in, there are no dedicated mechanics for the ledge. The movement you learn for the ledge is the same movement you apply to everything else.
@lucosmo269 8 месяцев назад
This is a really weird opinion but the camera in rivals 2 is so weird. it zooms in so far that it always looks like it is catching up and makes the game hard to read (at least from a viewer’s perspective i haven’t played it yet).
@SoftwareNeos 8 месяцев назад
No. I kinda agree. I think they are trying to make sure you can see more stuff cause projectiles can go everywhere... but because of it... it changes a lot especially when zooming on characters. Itll prolly be fixed though
@hoodiecatsu 9 месяцев назад
Good video 👍 And while I do see that this game is mostly focused on the meat of Rivals 2 opposed to the background logistics of the business model, I do genuinely hope we see more info soon about how the game is marketed and acquired by players FTP is such an exploited system in gaming nowadays, and I refuse to support a game that is just constantly advertising microtransactions or pushing FOMO onto the player since that would be the main source of revenue. Unless Dan and co. are loaded like that, they need to have a good balance of the FTP model, or just take my money in one purchase with new content being a new, small purchase way down the road (just don't do what Smash 4 did. Wtf did I have to buy Lucas and Mewtwo when they were in previous games?)
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Thank hoodie. I didnt talk about it in the video... but we did a lot more questions answered in a Q and A in this link www.reddit.com/r/RivalsOfAether/comments/16awa5f/roa2_qna_with_devs_from_pax_west_2023/?context=3 In it we learn theyll give us a roadmap soon. But in my opinion. If they do f2p theyll do it as great as possible. They see other franchises like rushdown revolt and see how to make it the best it can be. I dont see dan and the team just screwing up. Especially when a lot on the line. As for old fighters coming back... i don't really get angry at things like that Smash 4 had enough content in single player modes and custom moves for me to not complain about dlc of old fighters coming back. Especially when they were prolly never gonna be here until some success. But thats just my thoughts
@angrymoths 8 месяцев назад
30 dollars, maybe 40. Dlc later No more than that, and the game is bonkers good? It'll be a runaway hit. F2P would cheapen the game a lot just in flavor alone. They should be proud enough to just go the traditional route bc im SURE it will be better long term as long as the game fits the price contentwise. Worried they might rush and not do all the fun arcadey shit. Just dont do it guys, delay it in such case.
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
@@angrymothsIm not against F2P itself as the problem isnt the model itself but rather how some game companies exploit it out of greed with BattlePasses and the likes (which arent even tied to the F2P model itself lol 💀), as im also just a man of like “execution is all that matters” so yeah, basically in short idc about if its going to be F2P or not as long as its done well lol, + i also just got bought supported their only Kickstarter campaign so i basically bought got the game for dirt cheap (30 $, which is like 28,27 € 👍), and + bonus points if its like a choice, where you can basically choose to play the game in full completely by paying up-front (you know, the usual) or like a trial version being F2P and then paying to unlock everything (although its been done very poorly lately imho and it can barely be considered even a demo), what id like to see is instead adopting both models that is F2P-esque where you can like play 1 or 2 free characters and play online matches as normal as well as all the singleplayer modes and the likes but while also AND allow you to both either buy the full game with all the full characters OR just decide to pay some hefty sum (obviously smaller than the full game lol but still bigger if you decided to buy all the characters individually) for just a the few characters thats been interesting into for you.
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
So basically more choices = good. 👍
@chadafiy 9 месяцев назад
Rivals is great 2d sprite animation
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Hopefully Sentinels inc can be a great platform fighter as well
@Awesomeness-iz3dh 7 месяцев назад
I think in terms of single player content, a boss rush mode (presuming they have proper bosses in the campaign that aren't just beefed up CPU players, which I think is likely) would be the holy grail. If you look at Ultimate, for example, you really have no way to just quickly hop on and play its boss fights with your character of choice (not that they designed them super well regardless, but still). And as for chaotic side-modes, a juggernaut type mode with one player playing as a boss and the rest playing normal characters would add so much value just by repurposing bosses already added to the game. I think that's the greatest missed opportunity Smash Ultimate had, especially since you play as Master Hand in the story mode anyway and Giga Bowser functions as a playable character via a glitch. If they do bosses in the story mode and they make them actually good, I hope they'll take full advantage of having good boss enemies in the game to add new content for casual play.
@SoftwareNeos 7 месяцев назад
I think it just needs actual interesting enemies. I think of hollow night for this. Most of the enemies are designed with a purpose... meanwhile almost every enemy in subspace is not really designed well. Like... yes. I want bosses. But even the bosses of most smash ganes arent all that either. Hopefully the story mode slaps
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
Yeah but tbh i like Ultimates bosses, especially the final bosses and Rathalos and Ganon-Beastly-Ganon-form, those are really cool but yeah they dont work really that well with some of the characters which is to be expected tbh given how hugely expansive the roster is.
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
As for Giga Bowser i believe its because he was supposed to be in his the Bowsers older-old Final Smash but then got scrapped with the new one, which is both cool but also such a shame, ive missed being able to play with a completenelyly op character. :( But wait hes playable with a glitch??? I thought it was only if you played the game with a modded by modding it the in-game???
@mauripops4184 8 месяцев назад
Nice sylv
@SoftwareNeos 8 месяцев назад
Lol. Thats actually rottreiler more than likely.
@tofawil 9 месяцев назад
27:24 the only single player content in tf2 are the half-assed tutorials (which aren't even finished) and community made rocket jump maps (barebones obstacle courses played by tryhards).
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Kinda thought there were a lot more modes. I guess the only ones are multiplayer
@kylespevak6781 8 месяцев назад
13:56 Did it ever say it should do that? Pretty sure it didn't, so you cant say it doesnt work just because it doesnt work they way you want
@SoftwareNeos 8 месяцев назад
Its booty bro. Nuff said
@jabdroid197 6 месяцев назад
I'm just scared for the workshop, it's what makes RoA unique and it will be considerably harder to make character or maps for 3D+ no pixel art
@garf6748 5 месяцев назад
I'm sorry but I hard disagree workshop never made it unique yes its cool but it did bring alot of problems such as workshop players (not all of them) trash talking base cast players even tho they have no idea what they are talking about honestly rivals 2 not having workshop on day 1 is fine
@Devildking 8 месяцев назад
I liked rivals characters but as a BlazBlue player I refuse to play fighting games without an option to block. It feels like playing poker without the option to fold. I think having a mechanic to accept you are in a disadvantageous situation is good. On the other hand a lot of platform fighters make blocking waaaay too strong. Blocking should not lead to an advantage most of the time.
@SoftwareNeos 8 месяцев назад
Yeah. Especially the big ones like smash. Blocking can be strong. And rivals just have NOTHING. However... there are a lot of platform fighters right now AND coming out that have a happy medium. Rushdown Revolt is one right now you can play. But honestly... nasb 2 has a bigger audience to choose from. For future stuff. Rivals 2 of course is looking GREAT. along with other stuff like stick figurez or Sentinels Inc. Hopefully in the future we have a lot more recommendations for you guys... cause tbf... its rough.
@Devildking 8 месяцев назад
@@SoftwareNeos yeah hopefully more Fgs learn from the good stuff of the past, since it's hard to to stay invested in BB forever without any updates :> Though the trend right now seems to be moving away from gimmicks
@kode-man23 8 месяцев назад
I think that Hollow Knight will be a bridge too far for most “casual” players. HK is an awesome game, but it is underrated in it’s difficulty. Imagine getting absolutely waxed over and over again online, so you decide to go into the story mode, and it’s something as difficult as HK? I feel like that is only going to alienate new players even more. That and the fact that HK is finely tuned around 1 simple character with very simple mechanics. Imagine trying to balance a similar experience around 10+ characters each with different mechanics and properties. I don’t know what the answer is, but I really feel like this is simply an answer of “you aren’t going to be able to please everyone”. Look at conventional 2d fighting games. If you are shit at the game, no amount of single player content is going to keep you interested. I think that the only model that works is to get a new player base hyped, and hopefully at least a good number of them grind through tutorials and online matches to get competent enough at the game to keep going with it.
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
Yeah but tbh its not like Platform-Fighters are that demanding of a genre yet, they already have are more accessible than both traditional and 3D Fighters while also being just as complex if not even more, whats turning players away isnt the high-bar-ceiling, its the very low skill-floor that does, think of it this way easy to learn but hard to master, + i doubt dDan will make the campaign too difficult or not add a difficulty option to the game lol, its not that hard or heck even time-consuming to implement a slider to adjust enemies damage by a set % amount thx to object-oriented programming (which the game definitely has since its being made in Unreal Engine 4 at the very least [at least when it was announced], and heck maybe even 5?).
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
Also i dont feel like having to “balance” singleplayer around the characters will be that hard, as they could just limit some characters to some of the stages or specifically adjust some characters values only for singleplayer in order to bring them more in line with the others, with that said or heck they could even let you switch characters in order to deal with specific gimmicks or enemies of the stages…, honestly that would be such a cool and well-done gimmick if done right, but regardless youre looking way too far into this, sure some characters might be more op than others for the singleplayer content but even so whats the problem, its not like it matters that much as long as it doesnt make some puzzles way too trivial, which i doubt its going to happen if they just make some things only interactable with certain things, like hey this enemy is strong to fire but weak to grass / ground / dirt / rock lol or you need to throw Kraggs rock at this specific angle to hit a button which Zetterburn and / or other characters cantnot do.
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
I mean just look at games like League of Legends and / or Dota and Counter-Strike, those games have decently-high skill-floors (especially League and CS) and yet they still have lots of new players retention in despite being really hard at the top-levels.
@kode-man23 6 месяцев назад
@@SimoneBellomonte Edit: We literally had the same idea, I didn't read your other comments until after I posted mine 😅😅 Yeah, I'm not saying to not make a single player campaign, I'm just saying I don't know if it's a good idea to make it like HK. Although since making that comment, I had an idea that might work. Perhaps the metroid-vania aspect of the single player mode could be the characters themselves. They each use their abilities to progress through the world, and depending on how they implement the swapping mechanic, you might be able to gate one, or maybe a small handful, of specific characters into specific zones of the map, thus being able to balance the game around certain characters for certain areas. There is a lot that could still be done. The best part about how all of these fighting game devs are barely scratching the surface of single player content, is that there is nowhere to go but up. They just need to get creative.
@Slop_Box 9 месяцев назад
Good video, needs a few weezer references Thoe
@Ethan-FD-Fanboy 8 месяцев назад
There's TF2 singleplayer? 27:25
@SoftwareNeos 8 месяцев назад
There is none. I was mistaken
@alex_velociraptoras7651 3 месяца назад
If Shovel Knight is included i dont have a problem with Rivals 2
@SoftwareNeos 3 месяца назад
Theyve said before that its not really likely. For guest characters in general
@dabblerbrawler 9 месяцев назад
shield is just parry with less reward but easier to use
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
Lower-risk / lower-reward*.
@dabblerbrawler 6 месяцев назад
@@SimoneBellomonte same
@kylespevak6781 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for mentioning the importance of appealing to casuals! Trying to copy Smash and only appealing to competitive just kills the game because we can just stick with Smash. You need good characters or mechanics to convince the competitive people to switch. BUT if you build your own fan base, they'll become the competitive ones for youe game
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
Tbh i still prefer Rivals even from just a casual perspective, both when im playing seriously and not, as the Workshop allows us to make all kinds of silly stages and either both play seriously well-done and well-made actually really well-made characters or silly ones, or heck, even both lol, but again its also WAY more appealing from the competitive side as if the characters are all pretty much well-balanced unless youre playing in at a top-level tournament and gets consistently Top 8-10 or Top 10-16 lol because i can play whoever i want and not having to worry about my character being a bottom-tier and / or having almost all of the matchups being 90/10 in the Top-Tiers favor lol, so yeah by in the competitive side i dont just mean the tournaments and stuff but even when im just playing against my friend (now ex lol) a simple 1v1s on legal stages, Smash is fun and all but it gets tiring when you have to put in like 2x Double the effort or heck, even 1,1x times the effort as other characters do have to because Sakurai (or imguessing, way more likely, that is the actual balance team of the game, as thats what he said himself in 1 of the Directs lol) and / or his balance team cant properly balance the game even after years of all the feedback and data the game itself has have given them. 💀
@SimoneBellomonte 6 месяцев назад
And yeah lets not even mention the games netcode is garbage (7-frames of delay netcode, 7 FRAMES on top of whatever input lag the game already has lol), like man i love Smash but sometimes the game is just, ugh lol. 💀
@guga5708156 7 месяцев назад
Being sincere, I was not going to buy Rival 2, because its 3d, and its hard to mod 3d, and rivals 1 for me was the shit-ton of mods. But you sold it to me, Im gonna buy it and try with some friends.
@SoftwareNeos 7 месяцев назад
I hope you guys have fun with it when its here
@jaxvr 9 месяцев назад
@kylespevak6781 8 месяцев назад
Im glad platform fighters are finally not looking jank
@xxduckperson465 9 месяцев назад
Melee has cool gimmicks on everyone
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Gimmicks? I dont think so. Mechanics. Yeah They are very different things.
@DualTheAwesome 8 месяцев назад
the song from 7:10 to 23:10 is so bad that im astonished that you thought it was a good idea to have it loop for that long
@SoftwareNeos 8 месяцев назад
@lordtraxroy 8 месяцев назад
to be honest i dont think free to play is good for the game more like it hurts the game more and at the end of the day if a game is finished then its good rather releasing it free to play that is broken and unfinished
@renatoramos8834 6 месяцев назад
There is no controversy with shields and ledges.
@SoftwareNeos 6 месяцев назад
Idk about that bud. Especially for the first 6 months... it was all i heard with rivals discourse
@renatoramos8834 6 месяцев назад
@@SoftwareNeos What I mean is that what a bunch of mouth breathers spout is garbage and irrelevant. Shields and ledges are good.
@HeDronHeDronHedron 7 месяцев назад
why the hate for pomme, aside from her being way too hype theres nothing wrong
@SoftwareNeos 7 месяцев назад
Naw. There is nothing hype about being in the corner and forward airing people. Im sorry
@HeDronHeDronHedron 7 месяцев назад
@@SoftwareNeos But the combos are hype
@HeDronHeDronHedron 7 месяцев назад
@@SoftwareNeos Also pomme is funny and cool, and some players are hype af
@goodmorton0327 9 месяцев назад
The thing I like the least about rivals 2 is the art style. Main reason I got it to rivals was I loved the way the art style looked. Rivals 2 I think just looks plain bad
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Wait for things like sentinels inc. Its 2d and is a tag platform fighter. Me personally. This art style is great
@imkester 8 месяцев назад
yea, i love pixel art more, the art in rivals 2 doesnt stand out for me.
@angrymoths 8 месяцев назад
Kinda iffy on it tbh It needs to be as clean as 1, animations and hit pause etc. need to RIVAL it's competitors, which it seems to mostly be getting right. Seems a little indier than I'd hope though. Like Risk 2 without the overt style and shading to clean up the rough edges. Pixel art and keyframes was so mint in 1, it made people prefer it, and seems counterintuitive to fight it, but I get it. They're going for big appeal.
@TopOfAllWorlds 8 месяцев назад
10:55 Minecraft steve places blocks in the level and minmin has her arms mechanic. I feel like these are at least as unique as peach float. Pyra and mythra and pokemon trainer both swap through all their forms and don't have one that is better in all scenarios too. If you were only talking about melee you'd be correct that peach float is the only really unique gimmick.
@TopOfAllWorlds 8 месяцев назад
I mean common, ultimate is famously gimmicky. We have FGC characters with command inputs in the game. Bayonetta has all her moves combo in the air, but when she lands she suffers all the landing lag of the moves combined. This changes how the characters play completely, and their movesets and gameplay are built around it entirely.
@TopOfAllWorlds 8 месяцев назад
19:24 okay calm down there buster. Smash isn't giving anyone PTSD that's rediculous.
@SoftwareNeos 8 месяцев назад
​​@@TopOfAllWorlds i beg to differ. Especially for the first 4 months of learning rivals 2 was having shields and ledges. Definitely felt that way
@SoftwareNeos 8 месяцев назад
The only one i could possibly count as a gimmick is steve. Min min basically just changes projectiles which isnt really a gimmick. I also dont count switching characters as one. Especially since its terrible. Cause all that happens is that you switch a character for a certain thing. You need a fast character that does damage? Go mythra... the opponent is at 50 and you need them to die? Go pyrra. Its so bad cause you get everything. You essentially have no weakness. Thats lame.
@angrymoths 8 месяцев назад
​​@@TopOfAllWorldsthe gimmicks, aside from more recent characters, are more geared toward one-offs and repeats. Not a lot of uniqueness or internal special synergy in ULT or smash unilateraly. Look at rivals and you'll see all most every move or tool in ranno's kit fits his gimmicks and gameplay Mostly playing off the bubble and poison as the core, and branching off- the way they're designed fits both the idea of a fighter-comboer type character, and powers up that idea in a unique way. Bubble gives combos Darts empowet bubble Up spesh does too Tongue gives movement generally, but also combos with bubble to give slingshot You see what I mean? Who does that in smash to such a degree who wasn't added in ult? (Even within ult, really. Steve's crafting is more of a damage/resource meter, and it does relate to other abities like minecart, buy that is a RARE exception, and Steve is the WEIRDEST character in the roster for it and many other shittier reasons.)
@stellanFPS 8 месяцев назад
I love all fighting games, But platformers have always been the best. Dont stop doing content about platform fighters
@SoftwareNeos 8 месяцев назад
@sammi_4249 9 месяцев назад
Can't listen/Watch the video halfway trough song got to annoying/Repetetive
@SoftwareNeos 9 месяцев назад
Sorry bud. Ive tried using multiple tracks every 5 minutes and it made it worse. So i just leave songs to specific parts. Maybe it is a little loud though
@nekosaiyajin8529 6 месяцев назад
Pixel art looks better.
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