
LGBTQ Student Asks SUPER HONEST Questions (Important Response!) 

Daily Dose Of Wisdom
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Frank Turek is asked a difficult and extremely personal question by a student. We break down his response and also bring in an important sermon clip by Voddie Baucham to round out the answer to her important question. Enjoy! JOIN The Wisdom Society: www.dailydoseo...
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29 сен 2024




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@MirandaSinistra День назад
A man loving a woman is not always pure. A man could love a woman that isn't his wife, that's adultery.
@mbfrommb3699 12 часов назад
Yes but a heterosexual man is attracted to women. Christians often conflate attraction with sex. The Bible says that we should choose to not have sex before or outside of marriage but we are sexually pure inside of marriage. However, these are parameters for sex, not that we are created with attractions to people. What this woman is asking is why did GOD create her with not only attraction for women but a lack of attraction to men? As a heterosexual man GOD created me with attraction to women and a lack of attraction to men. A homosexual is created with an attraction for the same sex and a lack of attraction for the opposite sex. See what Christians do is they never address the core of this topic. Let's say the Bible said I had to marry a man to be godly. Yet I am only attracted to women and have no attraction to men, then I have very few choices. Marry someone I am not attracted to, or desire, or be forced to remain single never which only the outside appears that I am godly since I still have lustful thought and desire, longings for companionship, and love. What Christians need to do is deal with the idea that GOD has created people who have no attraction to the opposite sex. And we know forced celibacy has a horrific history. Many Western Christians sadly have been lying about this topic for years because the truth is simply to difficult. First, regardless of sexual orientation you either have Jesus or you don't. If we are talking to people who don't have Jesus, then to talk to them about Jesus. When reading the Bible what many Christians neglect to see is the context of any "homosexual" passages. In Leviticus 18 it says Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘I am the Lord your God. Romans 1:7 To all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: GOD is speaking only to His Children, those who are called by His name. So if the people we are talking to aren't His children (Believers) then we have no business even having this conversation in fact then our job is to share the Gospel. If we are talking to Christians then Jesus has washed them clean 1 Cor 6:11 But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. And we have faith that GOD will complete the work He has begun in them. 6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; Morality will never save you ONLY Jesus can and none of us are moral. And immorality will never condemn us because without Jesus we are already condemned. John 3:18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. What far too many Christian have done is made Christianity another man-made religion. The enemy has used this topic to wreck the Church and it's sad to watch. While Christians are focused on this topic, they fail to see the world is marching to global war and economic collapse. They fail to see that the LORD over the last 4 years is collapsing the West including America not because of the Lost but because His people are wicked. 2 Chronicles 7:14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. In my 30 years as a Christian I have never seen the Church adopt so many heresies. Christians claim to preach the truth but can't define what salvation is or how it's obtained. Is it by faith alone or faith+ can it be lost or is it once saved always saved? Also, Christians keep trying to tie morality to salvation which is anti-biblical. The reason Jesus died is because morality can't save us. Every doctrine is in dispute, there is no truth in the Church anymore and yet Christians are blind to it. And we wonder why we see Pastors and leaders caught in scandals. It's because morality and self-righteousness is the god of the day not Jesus.
@marksandsmith6778 12 часов назад
@@MirandaSinistra Is the wife enjoying it?
@marksandsmith6778 10 часов назад
@@YuelSea-sw2rp Stupid for stupid But I was chatting to Miranda if you don't mind.
@daniel4492 День назад
Natural desires lead to legitimate fulfillment of human needs which is a choice and can also lead to illegitimate fulfillment of human needs which is also a choice.
@FREDAFMK 22 часа назад
Check out Rosaria Butterfield, Jackie Perry, Christopher Yuan. They answer the question much better. maybe because they came out of homosexuality. blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
@geridannels1701 День назад
TY for putting up these videos, they are so needed at this time. I have read there is a revival running through the University and Colleges in this country, wether thats true in this day and age is yet to be seen but l pray it's TRUE!
@kathierouse6046 День назад
The only way we can tell the student have new hearts is whether or not their lives have been changed 180°. We see the change in attitude, learning to hate sin and love the righteousness of Christ. Let's pray individuals will display the fruit! 😊🤗🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@marksandsmith6778 12 часов назад
@@kathierouse6046 If you suddenly feel superior to everyone and start hating guys, loving Trump... yep it's working.
@Paulzor923 11 часов назад
Woman who's attracted to women here 🙋‍♀️ have been all my life but I know that it would be a sin to act on that so I dont act on it, simple. As a teen I thought I was a lesbian as I've got older I've realised I like men like God made me to and now I have 3 sons 😁 I'm so happy God steered me away from that particular sin or I would have missed out on the blessing of children.
@DM-dk7js 3 часа назад
Sounds like you also like women.
@Curlycomedy 8 минут назад
@@Paulzor923 Gay parents also receive the blessing of children.
@ThomasClementsRVA День назад
Amen to that 🙏❤️💯
@trajanfidelis1532 22 часа назад
Homosexuality is as wrong as a straght person committing adultery. In fact the Bible talks more about straight adultery than homosexuality, but both are sins and should be avoided because ultimately these sins harm us.
@jonobnz7597 21 час назад
Correct and heterosexual hook-up culture is under the same judgement. Also pornography being of hetero or homo type as well. A lot of married Christian men struggle with pornography. Lust is a very tough thing to deal with for any human. All this needs to be repented of for our eternal benefit.
@rogeliotarucjr9380 20 часов назад
@@trajanfidelis1532 i think you are not reading your bible right. homosexuality it one of the great sins that if you read more God himself commanded complete genocide anyone even remotely connected to it. You know complete destruction even to 2nd generation. Basically God is saying Homos do not have the right to exist.
@mbfrommb3699 12 часов назад
I pray you find Jesus. What's sad is that whatever your view is it's certainly not biblical it's American. In 1 Cor 6:9-11 Paul writes 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [b]homosexuals, nor [c]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. Notice you write "homosexuality" which is a verb but Paul writes "Homosexual" which is a noun. This is a massive problem for Christians today. They claim on the trans issue and DEI that GOD has made us male and female and we can't change it. That I am a white man that can't choose to be a black man that I am a heterosexual (Noun) that is attracted to women and I can't change that. Well a homosexual which is the word Paul uses is someone who is created to be attracted to the same sex, but is also not attracted to the opposite sex (otherwise they'd be bisexual). See the lie you believe is that people engage in "homosexuality" a verb, just as people engage in "adultery" a verb. But Paul uses nouns not verb. As a heterosexual man I am attracted to women and have no attraction to men. I can choose to have sex (verb) with women but not change my attraction to them. This is why marriage exists. We are instructed to not have sex before or outside of marriage. So Paul in 1 Cor 7 writes. 8 But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; 9 but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion. Now is this the ideal for marriage? No. But it is acceptable. So here' the problem that Christians have. This women is trying to ask why did GOD create me to be attracted to women and not men? It's like if the Bible said I had to marry a man, except I'm not at all attracted to men. We also see a number of Christians who believe in Jesus who are not attracted to the opposite sex. The hypocrisy of Western Christianity is that first it lies all the time on this topic and it creates a doctrine of hypocrisy. As a heterosexual man who desires a help-mate, love, companionship for life, and yes sex, I am attracted to women. Now the Bible says then get married. However if I was a homosexual man who desires a help-mate, love, companionship for life and yes sex, Christians say the Bible forbids me to get married. Christians create a hypocritical doctrine. This is why Christians for a long time claimed that everyone was born heterosexual and chose to engage in homosexual sex. Yet over the last 30 years there have been a number of Christians who are gay after salvation. And Paul uses the noun not a verb. So what many Christians have done is a sleight of hand deception. They will say you can be gay just don't engage in homosexual sex. Which ignores the reality of attraction. Look at how many families and marriages have been destroyed when people try to be attracted to the opposite sex but aren't to keep up social appearances. What is Paul saying in 1 Cor 6? 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? This is a question we should all be able to answer. It's all of us, we are all unrighteous. Paul later clarifies this in 1 Cor 15: 50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. Paul is saying that as mortal imperfect people, which inMatthew 5 Jesus defines all of us who have ever had a lustful thought which is adulterers as unrighteous, means none of us will enter the Kingdom of GOD without Him. So Paul shows us all that we are all unrighteous NOUNS. It's not what we do verbs, it's who we are. But in verse 11 he gives us the ONLY hope we have. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. Morality will never save someone, just as immorality will never condemn someone. John 3:18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. We are condemned because we are flesh and blood. Only Jesus offers us eternal life, 1 Cor 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. 51 Behold, I tell you a [m]mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed- 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” 55 “O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?” 56 The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Christians need to stop worrying about who people are sleeping with and focus on Jesus. Another lie Christians believe is that the mess we see in our nations is because of the lost. It's not. It's because of the wickedness of Christians. 2 Chronicles 7:14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. What's sad for me to watch is how so many Christians can't tell the truth from the lies.
@teks-kj1nj 10 часов назад
What's wrong about it?
@kathierouse6046 9 часов назад
@@teks-kj1nj For one thing, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of homosexuality. Besides, it's unnatural. I know that in most cases, the individuals were molested and/or r@ped in their childhood. Those who are guilty of such violent behavior will pay a high price for this! In the meantime, the behavior usually has emotional roots, not physical. Again, it's not normal. Now we know what the world was like in the days of Noah. There's so much spiritual darkness. 😪😓💔🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@brisbanekilarny6212 День назад
The love of money is the root of all evil. l Timothy 6:10 The problem with the world is that they believe love has a direct connection to sexual activities.
@Ridabu 23 часа назад
Great point.
@QueenQaffir 23 часа назад
I don’t know what one has to do w the other but ur really only defining women, not men. I’ve never met a man who thinks sex equates to love.
@brisbanekilarny6212 22 часа назад
@@QueenQaffir I did not post sex equates to love. My statement was love has a direct connection to sexual activities. The love the woman was referring to in the video was a love between two adults. Each adult loves the other person and they have a sexual relationship. Lesbians and homosexual males engage in sexual activity. The world can not identify with two adults loving each other and there not being sexual activity between the two adults. My comment was made within the context of the video. In the video she was discussing two adults that loved each other and not a sexual relationship with a prostitute or some woman a man picked up at a bar or some woman that agreed to have casual sex with a man.
@logangodofcandy 22 часа назад
It's not equating sex with love that they are doing. It's equating the need to have sex with love.
@QueenQaffir 21 час назад
@@brisbanekilarny6212 u said the problem was they believe love has a direct connection to sexual activities. I then said that describes women, not men. I didn’t say anything about prostitutes or loose “activities” of any kind or even what kind of “relationship”. I’m not necessarily arguing w u as much as I am pointing out that women “believe love has a direct connection to sex”.
@foreverendeavoramen333 День назад
Many thanks and much appreciation for all a y’all
@traviscampbell2374 День назад
@garywhitt98 День назад
Love, by definition, wants that which benefits the other. Doing something which takes them away from God, further from the Father, is not love. It is usury for your own pleasure.
@lawrenceeason8007 18 часов назад
Gay people can love each other just like anyone else
@garywhitt98 18 часов назад
@@lawrenceeason8007 This requires close attention to the meaning behind words. Love that moves people towards obedience to God is real love. Love that would encourage another to disobey God is not love, it is usury and harmful. This is not about emotion, it is about action that hurts or heals.
@lawrenceeason8007 18 часов назад
@@garywhitt98 that is your belief and you are entitled to it. Love is an emotion we have for one another…no god(s) necessary
@garywhitt98 10 часов назад
@@lawrenceeason8007 And there’s the difference, how each defines “love”. God defines it one way, the godless define it another way. I think the author of love deserves to define that which He invented. The definition you are using just leads to one person using another for emotional benefit. What happens when the emotion changes? “Yeah, I just don’t love you anymore” and you discard the person. God’s definition of love never fails; seek the other’s good. Always. It would be a much better world if we used Christ’s definition.
@lawrenceeason8007 10 часов назад
@@garywhitt98a god who defines love only as that which is directed towards it would be a narcissistic god. True love is love given to others freely. Not to a god who demands it
@dcsblessedbees День назад
God does not direct people to sin, she just wants to be validated in her choices. God is the source of Love and there is no sin in God. Love is not sinful, if something is sinful it is NOT Love. What is called love by the World if sinful is just Selfishness, a perversion of God's Love.
@scillyautomatic День назад
Wow. Very well said. Short and accurate.
@Happinessallmine День назад
God created Angels too, but they aren’t bound by the same commandments as humans. It’s often those who call out others' sins the ones who are dealing with their own.
@lesliematyas1921 День назад
exactly ....our society allows for immorality to be okay ....thats why these genders wokist think they are normal. its from satan ....
@StimParavane День назад
God does not want people to practice homosexuality.
@johnx140 День назад
@@Happinessallmine Ok and? Even if this guy is sinning your sin is still bad and youre bad. You dont get a pass because ppl do it too.
@KeepingHopeAlive День назад
Love is Love, & God is Love. The issue here isn't Love. But, rather Lust. People of the same sex that desire to do what a Man & Woman were created to do have a strong desire that is driving them. Which is Lust. You can have a strong desire to cast yourself head first off a cliff, but most won't do it because it doesn't lead to a pleasurable result. The only reason any of this is even in question isn't because of a lack of sufficient evidence that this behavior is out of order. It's because this behavior is pleasurable. If there were severe pain associated with this act, those afflicted would willingly seek repentence. But, because they deem pleasure good & not Truth. Here we are. & Why this issue will only wax worse. The creature was made subject to vanity & will find pleasure within vanity. Whether it be in killing, stealing, molesting, deceiving etc.
@bobdalton2062 23 часа назад
Excellent points
@FixyASMR 23 часа назад
I think its best to compare it to like lets say you are a man but were forbidden to be with women. So you either stay single or are with another man you have 0 attraction to. Its called friendship. Like I am a woman but could not imagine being in a relationship with another woman besides friendship. So thats how gay people feel also. They cant imagine being in a relationship with the other gender.
@cplbird8179 21 час назад
Yep. The problem is with our definition of love and the way we throw the term around. I love your shoes, I love that car. The way Jesus taught love is that it is not directly self serving. A same sex relationship is very self serving. It produces no offspring for the community and God forbid they do bring up children they cannot provide both male and female role models which is unloving considering now the child will have no concept of marital roles or the difference in male & female. They are pleasuring themselves without thought as to how it might affect others around them. The age old question comes to mind: "what if everyone did it?"... If everyone turned homosexual over night the human species would be extinct in 80-100 years. Maybe sooner since there would be no young people to care for the old. It would seem to me that if something is harmful if everyone would do it then it is probably harmful in any instance. Look at history and current societies. The more a society took part in homosexuality the faster it fell apart.
@TomSanders-mi2bg 18 часов назад
Prejudiced much?
@KeepingHopeAlive 17 часов назад
@@TomSanders-mi2bg Not sure how that’s prejudice? Does not logic & reason show this type of behavior to make 0 sense? & if it weren’t for the driving lust behind it. Who would partake in same sex anything? Even without the pleasure aspect heterosexual relations still make sense.
@davidplummer2473 День назад
Sexual desire is not love.
@logangodofcandy 22 часа назад
It's not the desire they are complaining about. It's the acting out of that desire that they are complaining about
@lawrenceeason8007 18 часов назад
But it often is part of love
@gravedanger5771 13 часов назад
if only not to the spause...
@TheVeryElect7 8 часов назад
Nuff said.
@JohnnyW-od5mg День назад
Good answers
@jaystucky845 7 часов назад
Love can NOT be sinful. If something we call love is against God's will, it is not love. Until we as Christians can rightly define Love as God defines love for us, we will continue to loose this argument.
@scillyautomatic День назад
God made himself known through the scriptures. Do we believe in a God so powerful that he made the universe and holds it in motion with immutable laws, and yet can't figure out how to make himself clearly known to all people? Does he wring his hands worrying about how people can know him? NO! He has made himself plainly known.
@2EdgedSword77 21 час назад
"Love is love" slogan really makes me mad when I see it. I'm sorry, you can love you toaster or want to marry your child or dog. But that makes it acceptable?? C'mon people. This generation is just so upside down. Jesus help them.
@jaflenbond7854 21 час назад
LOVE versus HATE Arrogant, cruel, merciless, and hateful persons on earth are opposed, against, and will never ever accept that - 1. Loving, kind, respectful, and submissive persons on earth who honor and obey Jesus Christ as their loving, kind, and merciful Master and Heavenly King will definitely be honored and rewarded in return by the loving, kind, and merciful Creator with ETERNAL LIFE and existence on earth without sufferings, pains, griefs, sickness, and death as written in Revelation 21: 3, 4. 2. The teachings of Jesus Christ about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead" written in Luke 4: 43 and John 11: 25, 26 are the guarantee that all the loving, kind, respectful, and submissive Worshippers of the Creator who died recently and thousands of years ago like Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Job, Ruth, Naomi, King David, Jesus Christ's Followers and disciples, and many others will all be RESURRECTED back to life in the right and proper time so they can happily and peacefully live and exist on earth forever as submissive and obedient subjects and citizens of the "KINGDOM of GOD" and fully enjoy the eternal love, kindness, goodness, compassions, generosities, favors, and blessings of the Creator and his Christ for eternity under the loving and kind rulership, guidance, and protection of Jesus Christ as the Creator's Chosen King and Ruler of the heavens and the earth as written in Revelation 11: 15.
@christopherton 21 час назад
Isn’t the bigger question WHAT IS LOVE ? Is it sexual union between any two ? Or is it John 15:13.
@jic738 18 часов назад
I agree with the sentiment, but to be perfect or holy as our father in heaven is holy is not a trick suggestion its a command and live hopy yes you can and the bible actually gives particul guidance as to how you can live in the fruits of the spirit so to say no one can live that way is just not true, when Paul was about to die he said he was ready and of a clear conscience.
@navinfernandes747 День назад
Nice to hear a different opinion on such a current topic.. also, love is love actaully opens up a can of worms..(paedophilia, animal abuse, polygamy etc..) Also, another though that helped me is that the love between a man and woman leads to procreation (fruit of that union).. no other combination - man with man, woman with woman, man or woman with an animal leads to pro creation.. this is in violation of God’s commandment in genesis viz be fruitful and multiply.. u cannot multiply in any other form of sexuality..
@navinfernandes747 12 часов назад
@@KayleePrince-we5pb paedophilia may be with child's consent.. would it be OK then? The point here is from a Christian world view, the sexual relationship between man and man aka homosexuality doesn't bear fruit.. it is a love that doesn't pro create.. there is 0% chance of pro creating in homosexual act, whereas in heterosexual act, there is definitely more than 0% chance of procreation ( if artificial blockers are not used )...
@mikeslater6246 21 час назад
I believe part of the problem is they don't understand the word love. Love is not an emotion. You cannot be called to have an emotion yet we are called to love one another. Love is a decision we make, not something we fall into like a cow patty. What this young lady is calling love is actually the emotion known as lust.
@NovusIgnis 3 часа назад
100% this. I've said it time and time again, love is a *verb* for a reason. We do, in fact, *choose* who we love. This runs counter to modern ideologies but it's the full truth. We choose who and what we love, which is why we have the ability to remove harmful love from our lives.
@mikeslater6246 2 часа назад
@@NovusIgnis well said! 👍☝️🙏
@jonheath3706 День назад
The bible is so clear on this issue. It is not the same sex attraction alone that is sinful, but the actions that result from it. But what we as Christians neglect is the Love and Support we must give this person who, despite having these desires, refuses to give in to them. Their life is sad and lonely because loving and making love are beautiful affirmations of love. But these are now self-denied to honour God. A desperately lonely walk. It is as though a part of you is dead. Pray.
@bobdalton2062 День назад
I strongly disagree that your claim Christian neglect to love and support same-sex attracted people. Their attraction is no different than many heterosexual attractions which God does not want us acting upon as a single person . Should the church do anything special to help us? Only eunuchs do not have these issues, Single people all share the burden and loneliness
@DM-dk7js 23 часа назад
What actions that result from it???
@FixyASMR 23 часа назад
yes exactly.... some here lack empathy to understand the gravity of this. Like as straight people just imagine you couldnt marry and be intimate to your other sex partner.
@logangodofcandy 21 час назад
Nobody needs sex to be happy. These people are just low order thinkers that act entirely on emotion and instinct. It is the duty of society to judge these people and condemn them for their corrupt degeneracy. Help them stop being evil
@Gardens-of-Peace 2 часа назад
Love should be pure and spiritual. In a spiritual context, love reflects God's love for us, which is unconditional, self-sacrificial, and directed toward the good. It is oriented toward higher values such as compassion, mercy, and mutual understanding. It recognizes that every person is made in the image of God and, therefore, deserves respect and love. True love always implies a willingness to sacrifice, placing the needs of others above our own. This requires effort, prayer, and continual growth in faith so that our love may resemble the love of Christ.
@NeuroMichael 28 минут назад
Thank you for speaking truth of love, in love.
@bloodwillrunthestreets5205 День назад
What a great in-depth analysis by Voddie. I think about the love of money, power, and even self as examples of love is not love.
@conot4006 2 часа назад
I think all love is pure. It's not love that is the issue it's sex. As Christians we need to stop buying into this idea that love is sex and sex is love. Just because you love someone doesn't mean you need to have sex with them. If you think about it that itself is an evil idea that we ,ask Christians, need to steer away from.
@saraandstuartshannon2160 12 часов назад
This is just my personal observation and I might be completely wrong. I knew 3 lesbians through my life and when I met each of their mothers, I realized why are they the way they are. All 3 lesbians had one thing in common: absolutely disgusting and unloving mothers. But unlike many other women with unloving mothers, those lesbians couldn’t even address the issue and accept that their mothers failed them, but locked themselves into some fantasy world believing that their mothers are good and if they just do enough, they would be enough. So, because they didn’t get the love from their mothers that they are perfectly entitled to ( like every child), they went around to seek love from other women. I know that 3 is a very small number. It might be a coincidence, but I am wondering if anyone else has noticed that
@kingdavideaglehawk9437 19 часов назад
Greetings, Loved Ones! Some Good Posts below! It really is not Love or Pleasures that are sinful, but the evils that have attached itself to Love and Pleasures, that is the sin and that makes others believe that Love and Pleasures of evil people are also sinful! Love and Pleasures are the rewards of GOD and of His creation! The false apostle Paul made it sound like all fleshly pleasures of this world are evil, when they are not sinful or evil, but of GOD! The evil behavior or the evil act or the evil thought are what is sinful! No one is to be Celibate, if they can avoid it! Even the High priests were to marry virgin girls! Mother Mary/Miriam was among 6 virgin girls, who were dedicated to the Temple and preserved from intercourse with other men, to be betrothed to a priest or High priest, to be married! Paul should not have even taught Celibacy! One of GOD'S 1st Commandments was to procreate, be fruitful and multiply! Love, Pleasures and Sex are from GOD, Not the Devil, though the Devil and devils Love them as well! And when you Love, it must include and respect the Love for GOD, in everything that you do! If I Love a man or woman, it must also pass the test of also Loving GOD! Normal attraction desires are not sinful, but know that the key needs to go into the correct and proper lock, and you should spread and encourage this example, otherwise babies wont be born into this world! A normal fleshly desire turns into Lust, when it leads to Adultery, Fornication, Rape, Molestation and Homosexuality! Repent from these sins and stop doing them! If you must, Masturbate! Masturbation hurts no one, and if no one is hurt, no one is to be brought before the Judge, Lord Yah Immanuel Christ! To Lust after a woman, is to have a Forbidden desire of a girl or woman, boy or man, who is already married, but if the woman or man is single, it is not a lustful desire, but a normal GOD given desire is for one to find an appropriate mate of the opposite physical sex, get married, and have babies! Too many Christians are calling normal fleshly desires as Lust, when they are not Lust! Normal desires do not hurt any one in any way! Lustful desires that lead to Adultery, Fornication, Rape, Molestation, or Homosexuality, are All sinful behaviors that must be Repented of, to be saved for Reincarnation or for entering Heaven, as one of GOD'S new angelic beings! Christ said that "Even the evil ones Love their own." but where they are Lacking, is that their Love must be Extended to everyone else! Christ also said, "Anything done in Love, will not be judged by Him."! (Paraphrased from a few scriptures)! Christ said, "I do not judge on ones appearance or on the spoken word (from oneself or from others), but only on the Intent of the Heart", whether it is of Good Intent or evil intent! Many of you feel threatened and guilty, when you never had evil Intent of the Heart, but because someone else said it was evil, you now feel threatened and guilty, when you should not feel threatened or guilty at all! By the way, did anyone really know Father GOD, in the past?! NO! That is a Lie from a person who made a mistake or is a false apostle or false prophet! What did Christ say in John 5, verse 37, and John 6, verse 46?! "And the Father Himself, who sent Me, has testified of Me. You have neither heard His voice at any time, nor seen His form."! "Not that anyone has seen the Father, except He (Christ) who is from GOD; He has seen the Father."! Christ did not send Himself nor did Christ see Himself as Father GOD, when He was an Angel, before He was sent to the Earth and became a man! The Father spoke through His Son, just as He did with all the other True Prophets of GOD! In John 14, verse 28, Christ said, "I am going to the Father, for My Father is greater than I."! Christ said to Mary Magdalene, in John 20, verse 17, " Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren (brothers) and say to them, 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God (GOD) and your God (GOD)."! So, who did Moses really see on the mountain, if GOD is Spirit and Invisible! And why did His God also command Israel, to break the Ten Commandments?! At what point did Lucifer take over and deceived the evil kings of Israel and thus, the whole world?! Israel was confused who they were writing about and who they were listening to! Israel was evil, and all evil people listen to their evil thoughts, which come from Lucifer! Abrahams God was the Angel who would become Christ! I would say, when Israel rebelled and Moses broke the Ten Commandments! I think it was the arch angel, Lucifer, who appeared to Moses on the mountain, who gave Moses, Father GOD'S Ten Commandments! Christ even said it, in some scriptures: "Now, my kingdom is not of this world." To the Pharisees, Christ said, "Your father and God is Satan, the Devil, who was a liar and a murderer from the beginning." In the desert, Lucifer/Satan said to Christ, "I will give to You (Christ) the kingdoms of this world, if You will bow down and worship me."! Christ rejected the offer and said, "Man is to worship GOD, and GOD alone."! (Paraphrased)! The God of the Israelites was Lucifer! Christ revealed the Father, LORD GOD, who is the GOD of both Lucifer and Christ, and for us to worship, if we want! We were never commanded to worship GOD, but we have placed a self imposed worship on the one we choose to Love and Respect, with the Hope of being saved for Reincarnation or Eternal Life with Father GOD in Heaven! Love, LORD GOD YAHUVAH, Lord God Yah Immanuel Christ, and Me! Amen!!!!!!! AMEIN!!!!!!! VJS/King David, as per Jeremiah 30, verse 9, prophet of LORD GOD and Lord God Immanuel Christ! Reincarnation is also found in Matthew 11, verse 11 through 15 (New King James Bible/Elijah was reincarnated as John the Baptist and came again, as one of the 2 Witnesses/Prophets, in Revelation and the book of Nicodemus), Revelation 5, verse 10, and Revelation 20, verses 4 through 7!
@danv2888 20 часов назад
People have created there own definition of "LOVE," and try to define what God should be. Then also try to judge God based on there own definition. When plain and clear read the Bible and you will know what that definition of "LOVE" should be. This also ties into the fact that people say, "why is there all these bad stuff going around." Well guess what "LOVE" is also discipline and punishment. God allows it because of certain situations or actions you have done; because he "LOVES" you. This is a way more simple explanation here, it goes way deeper. Read the Bible and do not try to import your own definitions into it.
@kingginger3335 21 час назад
I loved my ex-fiancee. But that love ultimately got me addicted to pain pills. Which, in turn, became fentynal. I never stuck a need in my arm. Then, one day, she left me without any explanation. She convinced me to start taking the drugs. She always provided me with the drugs. Since I loved her, I trusted her. But it was all for nothing. After she left, I felt completely shattered. I was depressed, going through withdrawal.
@protonjones54 19 часов назад
Bro why does nobody leave a damn link to the original videos in the deception? Like EVER?
@mavericktheace День назад
My brothers and sisters I feel like I am taking crazy pills. With great respect for the teachers in this video and for this channel, this is all confused and these explanations only further confuse those with same sex attractions. Love is not sinful. Ever. God is Love. Love is love? Sure. And sex is sex. But sex and Love are not the same thing. Can we love someone through sex? Yes. But not all sex is a loving act. We can assault someone through sex, or more commonly, harm them unintentionally. You can truly love a person and harm them through a sexual act with them. Our desires are perverted by our fallen nature. As Frank touched on, we have desires that should obviously not be followed through on. The question then becomes, how do we know which desires should be acted on and which should not. This question immediately pulls the ethics of sex away from the desire and refocuses it in the direction of God's order of creation. God created sex, and eating, and sleeping, and play and everything else. And in their proper places and balances they were all good. We have disordered all of that with sin. In all of these areas our desires have fallen out of alignment with God's intentions for us. Again, sex is not Love. While Love is never corrupted, because it is an attribute of God, sex (which God created for us) has been corrupted by sin. So should two same sex people who are attracted to one another love one another? YES! And that means NOT engaging in sexual acts with one another. One final point about the ethics of sex. We tend to look at sex (and most things) from the perspective of our individual lives. So a person will say "if they are not harming anyone and love each other, why can't they get married and have sex?" We simply do not have enough perspective and understanding to know the repercussions of our choices on the world around us. Cain asked "am I my brother's keeper?" We ask this same question when we suggest that if we "keep to ourselves" that is enough. We cannot keep to ourselves. We are all connected and that is by design. Simply fulfilling your own desires and interests is not enough to live as God has called you to live. Again, sex is not Love. To love is to give of one's self for the good of another. This is a part of God's nature. It is always good. Sex is just sex, and is only good if we do it according to God's will. (Edited for grammar and clarity)
@mavericktheace День назад
An addition: Voddie, states that Love becomes sinful when it is from the wrong source and when it produces the wrong fruit. At around 11:40 Voddie then shifts to the word "passions," which I think betrays a gap in the meaning of love as he is using. Our passions are indeed often sinful (as I allude to above). And it is right to say our passions become sinful when they are out of alignment with God's will. And this is when our passions fail to be loving. After all, our passions that serve us are not in service of God and his will (The Good). They are in service of ourselves, and we become idolaters of the Self in the same way the serpent taught us in the Garden. This is probably why many translations of the passage Voddie is referring to here render love as "lust" (and "pride" in the last instance). To put it simply, better words for what is discussed here are "passion," "desire," "covet(ing)," "attachment," and of course "lust."
@notuxnobux 21 час назад
""I have the right to do anything,” you say-but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”-but I will not be mastered by anything. You say, “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, and God will destroy them both.” The body, however, is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.” But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit." "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." "Now for the matters you wrote about: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband." From these verses we can clearly see that the ideal state of man is to not have any sexual relations at all, even with a woman. But that he can marry a woman if he is unable to contain his passion because its better to marry than to burn with passion, and this form of sexual relation is the only one allowed. Notice how it never states anything about love. Relationships biblically are not about love, this form of relationship is not recognized as love.
@NeuroMichael 31 минуту назад
Thank you. It's hard to take someone's theology seriously when they miss the boat on the chief theological virtue. God is love. Love is not sinful, ever. There is no such thing as loving the "wrong" person. How does someone claim to be a teacher of Christianity and misapprehend something so basic?
@litigioussociety4249 День назад
Natural law is what libertarianism and voluntaryism are based upon. It's the idea of first principles that are derived from mutual benefit and arbitrating any intentional, measurable loss for redemption. Self-ownership is the primary principle from which property rights, abolition of slavery, the non-aggression principle, and everything else derives. Secularists often reject self-ownership. That leads to the justification of big government, extortion, abortion, affirmative action, etc.
@Tony-dp1rl 18 часов назад
Charlie Kirk. Unsubscribing. Got no time for racism.
@greysponge66 2 часа назад
I honestly think that the churches need to mature more in the area of same sex relationships. First question, why was the attack on the "wrong" type of love mostly directed at same sex relationships? Much more seious is adultery which was only cursorily mentioned at the end. This video is not about love but the expression of love through sex. But it does not probe much further. Is promiscuous sex before marriage ok? What is marriage? Does marriage require third parties to be officiated? Churches now seem to be much more tolerant of premarital sex in terms of forceful condemnation than they were say 70 or more years ago. In bygone times, churches taught (against Christ s own teachings) that physical and mental handicaps were the result of sin. Not so Jesus Christ has clearly directed. And yet..countless people were led to desperation and guilt in addition to the misfortune of say having handicapped children. Now most modern churches have evolved for the better in this respect. I may be wrong but the way I see it is that homosexual relationships should not be considered as sinful as long as , like in the heterosexual case, they are not promiscuous. Churches should know better on the power that intimacy (including sex) has on the wellbeing of humans in general. A good nnumber of clergy were found to have had sexual affairs and even children, engaged in homosexual activities or worse still in pedophilia. Churches should inspire themselves from the last part of Matthew 19 and have the humility to state that they don t understand the Divine position on homosexuality. Referring to other excerpts in either the non 4 gospel component of the new testament or the Old testament is tantamount to adopting diffeent weights and measures as there are several abominations indicated in the old testament that modern churches no longer abide by.
@NeuroMichael 25 минут назад
"(W)hy was the attack on the 'wrong' type of love mostly directed at same sex relationships?" You ask the right questions. The answers are pretty obvious, though: prejudice, bigotry, and scapegoating.
@thaddadeodead 22 часа назад
I think one of the biggest issues is the success of Satan to convince the public that sin equates to evil. Sin literally means missing the mark, or imperfect. So a relationship that doesn't bear children is imperfect. Therefore homosexuality is a "sin".
@felipefonseca3952 23 часа назад
A better question might be: how could anybody love sin? (Because loving sin is like loving a delightful poison).
@logangodofcandy 21 час назад
They love pleasure, no matter the cost.
@SheeShawUnlimited 5 часов назад
“Love can be sinful”. To announce such a statement denies Gods love. For God is love and He cannot sin.
@Sammyxxoo 5 часов назад
Love can be sinful doesn’t mean all love is sinful
@jedition5618 День назад
It's a spiritual issue, he won't say that because these people won't understand.
@geridannels1701 День назад
Some how, some way we need to show the youth coming to faith what spiritual warfare is and how important it is to pray, praise and worship together.
@logangodofcandy 22 часа назад
No, they do understand. Their complaint is that God gives you desires, but punishes you for acting out some of them. They are pissed off that society won't support them acting out any desire they feel, no matter how harmful.
@friisteching3433 День назад
Turek seems to be confused and answer as if its a desire that can be changed as opposed to how she is made.
@toomanyhobbies2011 18 часов назад
No one is born homosexual.
@wardygrub 22 часа назад
Some of my best friends are gay. I can’t bear the thought of them being judged so harshly. Don’t compare them to paedos!!! It’s just wrong! They are beautiful people.
@logangodofcandy 21 час назад
According to Christians, pedos and other alphabet people are equally sinful, and will be forgiven if they repent and ask Jesus for forgiveness. If you don't ask Christ for forgiveness, God is just going to pass judgement. Acting out sinful desires is still a sin, whether you like it or not and they will supposedly be judged individually
@KAiROS_717 Час назад
There seems to be a great misunderstanding of the word love. How can you even say love between a old man and a young child is egregious? It's not love to begin with. It's lust. It's impure passion. And that is egregious yes. Speaking of pure intention; We should stop using the word love so loosely... passionate affection is not a source of love it's a byproduct. Love at the source produces many emotions and feelings, and from the heart we commit sin and fall into temptation... We mistake our passions and feelings (moral and immoral) for the source of love...
@NeuroMichael 5 часов назад
Seems like it would be more productive to have conversations about how to better love LGBT individuals, not how to better accuse them?
@YuelSea-sw2rp 4 часа назад
Warning them that if they continue in behaviour that is an abomination to God that they will stand condemned before Him on the Day of Judgement would be a loving thing to do. Telling them that if they repent of this soul damning sin and put their faith in Christ they will receive forgiveness would be a loving thing to do. Letting them believe that God was fine with acts of homosexuality providing they were "in love" would be a deceitful thing to do.
@Sammyxxoo 4 часа назад
You can’t love sin and love God at the same time. And it is loving to tell someone that the path they are on is not a path of salvation. If a doctor knows that your bad habits are going to lead to disease and early death, is it loving for him to tell you or do you think it would be loving if he just told you what you want to hear and say your fine keep doing what you’re doing?
@NeuroMichael 3 часа назад
@@Sammyxxoo So your interpretation of Jesus's command to love one another is to go around enumerating to others the ways they are sinning?
@NeuroMichael 3 часа назад
@@YuelSea-sw2rp How many gay friends do you regularly break bread with?
@tobias4411 2 часа назад
​@@SammyxxooOther people's relationships is none of your business! Everyone have the right to feel safe and comfortable, without harassment or hate from radical christians...
@hjs9td 4 часа назад
The question was "If an acorn is predisposed to be an Oak Tree, why is my predisposition wrong?" is a great example of where analogies break down. There are two different levels of complexities being compared.
@Just_a_Reflection 4 часа назад
There are at least fifteen different types of love in the Greek language and four types, that I know of, mentioned in the New Testament. "Love is love, and God is Love" is one of the specious, disingenuous arguments that skeptics and all-inclusive Progressives can present.
@flolou8496 4 часа назад
This is a very difficult question to answer, not so much because the question is complicated as much as the answer is rather harsh. The harsh truth is, the sin nature of mankind has always manifested itself in unnatural ways particularly from the earliest days of mankind. The most striking example of unnatural desires and thoughts from a sin nature is same sex desires. Like I said, it's a hard truth to accept. What I would suggest all christians should learn to do is argue for the reality of a sin nature within mankind. For the non believing uninformed world outside of christian doctrine, explaining that ''human nature and sin nature'' are essentially identical from God's perspective, and this is one way of beginning this difficult conversation.
@Just_a_Reflection 4 часа назад
I believe that some people are born with same-sex attraction, and it is part of their identity. I also believe that some people are born with other inclinations that are not in line with God's perfect Will. Those who would follow Jesus have to deny themselves, pick up our crosses, and follow Him.
@briandodson7659 5 часов назад
I appreciate you posting this content. I've heard this explain due to a fallen nature often. But it's usually followed up with the objection that if God gave man a fallen nature to exist in a fallen world then it always comes back to God being at fault for what they're doing, making God unjust for condemning them for doing how they were created to be. At least that has been my experience. I feel like there is a much better way to answer this question. Also to claim that all Love is Love is denying the fact that is the heart of it evil is just a love of the wrong thing. I'm not saying she is evil, all I'm saying is that Hitler is evil only because he loved the wrong thing. We are told in the Bible who to love first how to love and to what degree. To fall in love with the wrong thing.
@stevej71393 3 часа назад
Sexual attraction is not love. It's that simple. There are many, many times where you might be sexually attracted to someone but the most loving thing to do would be to not act on that attraction.
@tyronetheron6339 7 часов назад
We must remember love has many different attributes: 1 Corinthians 13:4-5: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. God bless everyone ❤
@CharlotteCole-co6fc 10 часов назад
This is all I have learned, God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated. Ecclesiastes 7:29. Solomon was right about this! I mean, look around and see how confusing and complicated things truly are.
@mariaandreaspashi1931 6 часов назад
Love means to save, to protect, to preserve to rescue. Sin means anything which leads to death or destruction Moral laws of right and and wrong is everything to do with saving or not causing death or destruction. The act of homosexuality or any sexual immoral acts lead to destruction or death and now is scientifically proven, that's why it's a sin. To love someone of the same sex isn't a sin The act of homosexuality is the sin.
@Curlycomedy 2 минуты назад
A lot of false equivalence here. A child acknowledging their identity is not the same thing as a child groomed into pedophilia. The pastor who says loving the same sex is a wrong desire who then quotes Romans reads a scripture that does not reference same sex unions at all. The verse is about deferring to God’s will, and the same one can be used by someone who believes love is love to justify how they were made. I do agree with the harmful fruit line, but I do not see families with same sex parents bearing harmful fruit. If a child has a healthy attachment to the parent, the child will thrive. Gender identity and sexual orientation have nothing to do with it.
@TheVeryElect7 8 часов назад
Will God accept my choices? That's what every gay person is asking. It's what's at the core of that whole movement. The validation they need will never come from us.
@Sammyxxoo 5 часов назад
We all deeply want and need to be perfectly loved but we are all incapable of loving perfectly the only one who can offer and give you perfect love is Jesus Christ but some people don’t want it from Him and unfortunately they will never have perfect love.
@yooperlooper 20 часов назад
Timothy, Corinthians, Romans, Leviticus and others all condemn homosexuality. The young lady just needs to read the Bible.
@christopheespic 15 часов назад
... And you just need to learn about science. Homosexuality is NOT a choice!
@YuelSea-sw2rp 11 часов назад
@@christopheespic You can and are expected to choose not to act upon inappropriate behaviour. Do you think Pedofiles "chose" that orientation ?
@christopheespic 4 часа назад
@@YuelSea-sw2rp How DARE you comparing homosexuality with pedophilia! You are out of your mind. Homosexuality isn't immoral!!! The Bible condones slavery but condemns homosexuality. The men who wrote it wrote according to the customs and the knowledge of their time.... It's time for an update!
@bigdavexx1 20 часов назад
This is the dark side of assigning responsibility for "objective" morality to an unaccountable God. Frank can't defend prohibiting homosexuality with any utilitarian argument. So, it's just that God finds it icky. It's not me, man, he protests with a shrug. I have no responsibility for my moral judgments. It's God's opinion, so it's out of bounds for discussion.
@NeuroMichael Час назад
FWIW, there's no such thing as an "LGBTQ student". No person is L and G and B and T and Q. This is a lesbian student. I think it's helpful (and Christ-like) to recognize individuals in their unique identities rather than lumping them into a hodgepodge of otherness.
@JadDragon 10 часов назад
We live in a fallen world. Only Jesus can save us. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is Yahweh God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
@josephatherese 4 часа назад
I wonder if a man or women that identifies as the opposite sex or even, neither, allows same sex relationships to be tolerated by religious beliefs??
@2casual862 6 часов назад
The love she wants is not love. It is desire and lust. I can love my father, I can love my child, I can even love my pets, but I do not lust for them.
@38calibercoffee 3 часа назад
Freedom is knowing how you ought to live and having the strength to do so ~ Josh McDowell
@kennethanderson8770 8 часов назад
2 things, first 2 women or 2 men cannot love each other the same way 1 man and 1 women love each other. Greater sanctification comes with being married to the opposite sex as men and women fundamentally think so different. 2 men or 2 women in relationship is way easier than a man and women. Abuse is way higher in same sex relationships as well. Second there are studies that show it’s not the way people are born. It’s shown to be nurture not nature. Look up there is no gay gene to see the study.
@thomasdowe5274 23 часа назад
It boils down to 'Data'. If we know enough, then we can reason our 'desires' through the 'conscience' and if the action could 'harm' the 'consciousness/mind' doing the reasoning. Love and Procreation are two different things. Since we left the 'Trees', we've been through a lot as Human beings, and the Present is because of the Past, societal rules and mores...and which is perspective, is observable in all human societies! Our 'Image' is 'Mind' 'Consciousness' and 'Conscience'...all of us have those three traits as thinking/reasoning humankind: 'We Primates'! So, we all know when we are 'Monkeying Around' and harming ourselves and the rest of the 'society' we exist in... The Path of Righteousness is Built in to the Mind and Consciousness...it is our Conscience...if we believe in the * UnKnowable *
@dagwould 16 часов назад
Let's be straight; when she says 'love' she means sexual congress (hereafter SC). So all SC is not 'pure'. Indeed, much of it, even within marriage may well be selfish. But the bottom line as to how we are designed to function is that SC is an act of marriage where M and F become 'one flesh': an ethico-emotional/social unity to shelter the family from destruction. So even if in marriage it becomes selfish, the external commitment maintains the marriage bond and continues to protect mother and children (alas in modern law, the protection of the father has been obliterated). Any faux one-fleshness outside of marriage is simply wrong; because without the commitment of marriage it is impossible to make a declaration of selfless (loving) intention. Outside of marriage it becomes an act of convenience at the moment, because the partners haven't made a real commitment. Real means binding, public and for life.
@artax7664 17 часов назад
It’s sad to see such a misguided understanding of love. Love is not who you are sexually attracted to. Love is completely separate from sex. Love is a choice. Love is sacrifice.
@thePinkertons 22 часа назад
One way to think about it.....I used to Love getting HIGH.... :) Thank God for Jesus!!!!
@mysticjen379 11 часов назад
Yes 💯 - he said something like love cannot be love when it is pointed in the direction of death and destruction rather than life. Spot on. Particularly on the subject of infidelity, the seed of love cannot be planted in toxic soil.
@viccigates3756 14 часов назад
Anything outside if the will of God is sin. Is of the flesh and not of the Spirit and obedience. ....when others become our idols.
@averageskyfatherworshipper9342 16 часов назад
"How could love be a sin" Because sin has its origins in what is advantageous for survival, which homosexuality is. Christianity has become divorced from this fact but still treats homosexuality as a sin anyway because it's written in a book.
@scottm4042 10 часов назад
If a person truly loved the person of the same sex, they would not want to lead them into sin,but lead them into a relationship with the Creator. Leading them away from God is evil, not love.
@KAiROS_717 Час назад
Please link the original content.. Would like to watch the last clip..
@mikejurney9102 19 часов назад
The young lady seems to be equivocating over the word "love". First she means love as in mutual support. Second she means love as in sexual arousal. But it should be obvious that sex is not love. Just ask a prostitute; just ask a rape victim. Sex is not love. The question is why certain behavior is prohibited. And it seems quite obvious. Certain sex acts are inherently unsanitary for any orientation, for gay as well as straight. Anal sex can cause infections, whether gay or straight. And oral sex is put the mouth on someone else's defecating parts, which is unsanitary, gay or straight. It has nothing to do with religion or scripture or patriarchy. It only has to do with sanitary behavior and avoiding disease.
@separator94 20 часов назад
God doesn't "make" people do the things they do. They have free will. Also, there are lots of terrible things people love. You can choose what, or who, you love and many people choose bad things. Some people love drugs and alcohol even more than the people they love. I've even seen videos where people wanting to get married to inanimate objects, like trees, tractors, cars (etc) because they were in love with them. The whole argument of "love is love" is blatantly untrue and people will realize that if they stop to think about it for a few seconds.
@RoseCityRemnant 19 часов назад
“Be perfect even as your father is perfect”. Why would Jesus say that if it wasn’t possible. Why would he say “follow me” if it wasn’t possible. We are selling ourselves so short. What if we really surrendered our lives to God and let grace enable us to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. If you think you’re always going to sin then you’re not letting the grace that Jesus paid for to effectually work in your life. “As a man thinketh, so he is”. Wonder if we start believing we’re righteous and holy in Gods sight? It will probably produce holiness in us without us having to try so hard to not sin.
@NeuroMichael Час назад
I'm grateful for the comments on this video, since they illuminate current failures in Christians' love for their LGBT brothers and sisters. Thank God we all have time to repent and grow in the love that Jesus modeled for us.
@dbstrader 19 часов назад
I think something more was going on with the people who died in the flood. How can a baby's heart be evil continuously (Genesis 6:5) without some sort of demonic influence?
@youngcebcvaioz2588 19 часов назад
A relationship between a woman and a woman is not immoral, what they do under the laws of God ''CAN'' be immoral, but the relationship and the feelings CAN be both, good or bad as any other couple. I think the fear comes from an old sentiment that if people start dating only same sex people we are going to extinguish as the dinosaurs, we cannot control the will of God, we cant control other people mind and actions, but the missing point here is to accept that the creation of God is infinite, and yeah sure under that infinity there are rules in order to survive as a civilization, but the fear is not one of the rules.(Also one Adult with one kid, and one adult with one adult cannot be under the same discussion)
@Absynthexx1 16 часов назад
The commandment is "a man shall not lie with another man". Everything beyond that is speculation and opinion.
@Disciple793 16 часов назад
The issue with being young is that every feeling seems right yet as we grow older and through the Holy Spirit who convicts we understand that many of our feelings are not righteous so where do we seek righteousness? Regardless of sexual orientation righteousness can only come through a sinless sacrifice.
@ILOVEKOBE-1980 18 часов назад
What Frank is describing is called the light of Christ. Everyone is born with it. We all instinctually know that it is wrong to kill babies for fun. We all know it it right to help someone in need.
@jeryza 20 часов назад
Astute comparison of (according to culture) kids being able to choose a permanent decision like transitioning vs not being able to choose to be in a romantic relationship with a much older person. I’d not thought of that before, and I think it does put a large strain on someone believing both positions simultaneously. Good video!
@Jack__________ 16 часов назад
Take the most extreme scenario… if everyone were that way… human life would cease to exist. All sin is wrong, but not every sin leads to the death of your blood line- but that one does.
@osgrace3341 14 часов назад
There's nothing wrong about loving another person of the same sex. It's the carnal desires and the acting on them which turn love to lust that are the problem. And of course that counts for all people straight or else.
@dareesjrudethpetrvysnhu3297 12 часов назад
Can't LOVE without TRUTH. Dennis Vijsma 🙏
@NewMicah-v5p 13 часов назад
"For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins"
@garfieldbraithwaite8590 22 часа назад
Frank Turek and Voddie Baucham in the same video? What a blessing
@leahcimwerdna5209 23 часа назад
I hate to say it but working with special education kids, the real question is did something happen that prompted you to act this way in a response to the people around you and the things they did to you?
@kb9gkc 5 часов назад
I was born a thief and a liar but when I accepted Jesus I quit doing those things and now work to Glorify God with my words and actions.
@SojiRo23 23 часа назад
Yea if you really drill down what she’s asking, you’ll start to see what’s really going on.
@juanmaitland7913 23 часа назад
Commenter, when you are doing a comment on the video, pause it, so as not to lose anything that is said there. thanks
@VickersJon День назад
This is an important video-especially your commentary at the end.
@gravedanger5771 13 часов назад
a person can love as much as many, if morethan one or same sex the act is that makes it the sin no matter how pure that love is.
@katiemiaana День назад
The old “we all have these struggles Sammy” what Frank is gay? I don’t think so he’s married with kids so it’s a false equivalence. Frank struggles with thoughts but thankfully he has the ‘right’ sexuality that means he can have all the things that improve your life like a loving partner and family. This little lady needs to just tough it out with a man she’s got zero attraction to. Straight back to the 1950s we go!!
@FixyASMR 23 часа назад
yeah this is a tough one for me also. Like I am straight and have a husband and kids. But then I imagine lets say it was a sin to be with the other sex and I had to be wth a woman.... I have no attraction to at all. And just no romantic feeling sto or want to kiss or hug or cuddle with. It such a huge part of life. I think when people talk about this they should imagine this like placing themselves in the shoes of the gay person. Like what if your attraction was wrong, what would you do? So for men lets say you couldnt be with a woman and women you cant be with a man. Tbh I think id just be single 😁in that case. I was asexual until I met my husband
@katiemiaana 23 часа назад
This is the church’s line on it. Do they honestly think someone like Elton John could be with a woman? It’s just insulting. So the church are fine as long as you keep up the charade of being straight or live completely alone. It’s so messed up that I can’t believe these people are Godly it sounds demonic.
@Mathayas_ 17 часов назад
I think the point is more specifically to address the question of 'why would I have feelings that run counter to God's law?' to which the response is we all have those one way or another, it is not a trait unique to gays. Also no one is saying she needs to tough it out and go with a man, there is always living a life of celibacy as many (gay and straight) people have done in the past and continue to do. You say having a partner is a blanket improvement in ones life but that is not what those people have found. St Paul wrote about how he was thankful he never married and encourage others to do the same as well, because it is a different type of blessing to have- it isn't an interior lifestyle.
@katiemiaana 12 часов назад
All religions encourage marriage and children and we know that not having a partner and someone to love can be psychologically harmful. Celibacy doesn’t kill desire and the problem with not allowing it is that it can morph into something inappropriate. Ask yourself this, would this woman resent the church for saying she can’t explore her desire and love for women when she is 80 years old? Why is Frank alllowed to when two women can have a monogamous relationship with children?
@Mathayas_ 10 часов назад
@@katiemiaana You say all religions encourage marriage but I gave you an example on how there is scripture specifically saying that it is not only OK to remain unmarried but it was actively encouraging it. You seem to be worried about the effects of celibacy on ones psychology, but studies show that married couples are not magically happier then single people. (there is some that even say they might be unhappier, depending on how you measure it). Those who practice celibacy are not made worse for it. You ask if she might resent the church for saying she can't act on her desires but the church says this to everyone in some way. The church tells the unmarried they can't act on their sexual desires, even if they are straight. If they are married, they are not allow to pursue desires if they feel an attraction to someone else. Do these people (and I'm willing to bet Frank has been among them at some point) resent the church for putting these limitations on them? No they do not, and so neither should she. Celibacy has been something different people have practiced for thousands of years at this point, and many of them keep finding the same thing, it can be very hard at times, but is ultimately very rewarding. An example of this might be St Augustine, who lived unmarried to a woman for over a decade, even having a child with her, until his conversion where he realized he had to give it up to abide by Gods law. He would go on to write about how he found chastity to be a more for filling life, and described it as a gift from God.
@cryptojihadi265 21 час назад
When it's toxic AF and abusive. Next question.
@RezaQin 23 часа назад
People make choices. We are not plants or animals. It's really not that difficult.
@friisteching3433 16 часов назад
Animals make choices too. People do not choose their DNA.
@YuelSea-sw2rp 10 часов назад
@@friisteching3433 People can and are expected not to act upon inappropriate behaviour. Do you think that Pedofiles "chose" their orientation or DNA ?
@friisteching3433 5 часов назад
@@YuelSea-sw2rp what inappropriate behaviour. I don't think they choose. Is it appropriate to protect priests from the law after it has been found out that they have performed pedofile acts?
@YuelSea-sw2rp 4 часа назад
@@friisteching3433 Acts of homosexuality are a disgrace.
@the_if_then_fallacy 21 час назад
God bless this general in the Lord’s army. Love Voddie
@YuelSea-sw2rp 6 часов назад
Things masquerading as love can be sinful.
@viccigates3756 14 часов назад
Can you give a link to Voddie's full sermon?
@pavelurteaga5315 21 час назад
sexual quid pro quo aint love, it never was and never will be ...
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