
Lilla's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E.) FULL Recovery Story! (after 35 years!) 

Raelan Agle
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29 сен 2024




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@fortchyx422 2 года назад
Wow. I can’t believe how many recovery stories you have. You are an incredible person. Thank you so so much. I just keep scrolling, And i keep seeing more and more and more. It’s never ending. Everyone just keeps recovering.. hahaha. Seriously though, thankss
@RaelanAgle 2 года назад
@grahamkeil2253 2 года назад
Once again your human skills, manage to get the best from this lovely lady…….little or no bitterness >…hat a champion!
@grahamkeil2253 2 года назад
What a champion
@6473n64m19 3 года назад
Hi Raelan... so I’m not sure if you find this to be weird, but in preparation for the brain training program I’m doing I actually wrote a “mock recovery interview” and you were interviewing me in it... I have to make recovery real for myself, idk maybe you find it to be creepy but thanks for the inspiration! Lol
@RaelanAgle 3 года назад
Hey Nick! Not creepy at all! I think this is a great idea and I used to do something similar. My doctor's office had a binder in the waiting room filled with recovery stories and I used to practice what I wanted to write when I got to contribute my own story. And let me know when you're ready to do your recovery interview! I'd love to help share your story 😊
@6473n64m19 3 года назад
Raelan Agle that sounds fantastic thank you!!!
@Tam438 Год назад
I do the same thing!
@thedancingdivaofdaviestree2320 Месяц назад
Visualization has helped many people achieve their goals, and writing your recovery story is telling your brain the direction you plan to go in. Great idea!
@wyrdwitch13 3 года назад
The beauty of this is that there are so many ways to heal! Everyone's process & procedure will be unique. Like you Raelan, my healing has come more from eating plant based. When I ate lots of animal products as many recommended my healing stalled completely. So good that Lilla has found her way! What a long time for her but she got there at long last
@thedancingdivaofdaviestree2320 Месяц назад
I agree - we're all unique and have to find what works for us personally. Part of my healing from CFS/ME and IBS was having a wide variety of mostly plant-based foods, with some pasture-raised meat. (I tried going vegetarian for 2 years, but kept getting low iron stores.) When I ate a lot of meat and little carb - I was always STARVING and unsatisfied. I LOVE good carbs - vegetables and fruit, whole grains, whole grain breads, sweet potato. The Mediterranean diet convinced me because it wasn't a diet - but a healthy way of eating that had a major study with 50,000 people whose health of ALL kinds improved on the diet. No more low fat! THAT turned out to be a con. (So many fad diets do.) To my astonishment, when I added healthy fats back into my diet - I LOST weight and had better skin and hair. Doing what you love seems to be one thread that works for most people, and calming the nervous system. But as for the details, there's such a wide variety of things that help push us over the top as you said. That IS the beauty of mind/body healing - we empower and heal ourselves.
@wyrdwitch13 Месяц назад
@@thedancingdivaofdaviestree2320 I'm doing mostly whole food plant based with some daily eggs, poultry, fish and grass fed butter now with plenty of protein and healthy fats and intermittent fasting. Low fat wasn't good for me either.
@thedancingdivaofdaviestree2320 Месяц назад
@@wyrdwitch13 Low far diets weren't good for anyone! The huge (50,000 people) Mediterranean diet study demonstrated that - the low fat component had to be stopped when too many people began getting worse or dying!
@RaelanAgle 3 года назад
TIMESTAMPS 00:00 Intro 02:22 How Lilla’s health challenges started 09:10 Lilla’s experience with depression 10:47 Lilla’s experience with exercise 12:50 Searching for a diagnosis & trying different treatments 18:47 Some dietary experiments 20:06 What life was like with ME/CFS 28:41 How Lilla managed finances with chronic illness 34:53 How much awareness there is of ME/CFS in Sweden 37:54 The changes that brought Lilla back to health 52:10 Lilla’s advice for others facing ME/CFS 55:30 What life feels like now that Lilla has recovered 58:40 How to reach Lilla
@HurricaneIrene07 2 года назад
Thank you!
@avalonmist254 2 года назад
This woman was Amazing and Inspiring...She described how I have felt in a society of Healthy people
@RaelanAgle 2 года назад
@dfblake7 3 года назад
Thanks to both of you.! ' Wet concrete!' ...that is the best description I have heard yet...and one I can identify fully with. To date, I have described it as ' walking through treacle'...
@changingme1412 3 года назад
I used that analogy too.
@trouble9862 3 года назад
@@changingme1412 me too 😂
@6473n64m19 3 года назад
Me too... it’s odd though, they are not objectively weaker. It feels that way. I use use “gravity is pushing on me, quicksand legs, flop arms, cementy rag doll” yeah lol
@azalea1404 3 года назад
I could be that after her planted based cleansing - and by getting rid of carbs - her system cleared up. But pure meat and animal based food did the trick?!? That blows my mind too. This story just proofs how strange and enigmatic ME is.
@smokinace1383 3 года назад
Yes there's a Dr. In Oregon who had cfs/me and cured himself with just eating meat.
@thedancingdivaofdaviestree2320 Месяц назад
@@smokinace1383 Different diets work for different people. We're all individual and have to discover what works for US. But most somatic practitioners believe that fear drives the food sensitivities, and many people have recovered completely as they learn to STOP worrying about food, and just eat healthily. Often diets work for a while (as a gluten, corn, raw-food diet did for me). I was diagnosed with several food sensitivities, histamine issues, and acid reflux - yet since doing somatic mind/body work, I can now eat anything and everything without a SINGLE increase in symptoms! It was stress and my brain's response to it that was driving the symptoms, and NOT what I ate. Once I realized that - and it took time to accept it - I was able to eat normally again. As I mentioned, we're ALL unique, and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for everyone. But most people are finding mind/body and brain rewiring work highly beneficial. Looking forward to reading Dr. Shubiner's book, and found Alan Gordon's The Way Out very helpful and inspiring.
@truthprevails7085 3 года назад
Wow! I’ve been wondering if this was the problem ...but couldn’t fathom eating no vegetables. Will be diving into S K Norton. Thank you!! And congratulations on your new life!💖💐💖💐💖
@bojana901 3 года назад
Raelan you are awsome ! Great job ! I have ME/CFS and would like to come in conntact with Lilla (SWEDISH) inspirerande ! Vilken kämpe , lider själv av samma problem skulle gärna vilja komma ikontakt med dig :)
@changingme1412 3 года назад
Min mailadress finns under beskrivningen. Jag börjar kolla mailboxen imorgon.
@someoneusa 3 года назад
I'm happy she found something that works for her, I really hope she remains healthy in the long run. I believe we all require different approaches, so if that's a path one is willing to take, respect. The one thing I won't ever do to recover is eat meat. Long post warning! I don't think it will be necessary, hopefully I'm right or else my mom is stuck with me and I'll die alone, lol. I was extremely healthy as a vegetarian until I got CFS. I know that's not the problem. I was lean and fit, full of energy. Now I eat fish but I'm 90/95% plant based. As you know I lift weights, it's the only thing I do, lol, but I wouldn't have the physical strength to lift the weight I do if I didn't have proper nutrition. I'm stronger than most people who eat meat. Takes me twice as long to get through the training and lots and lots and lots of sleeping but physical strength is not an issue. I used advil for endometriosis pain after I moved out of my mom's home, where I'm back at now. Go figure. I was raised with only natural treatments. My parents used to give us enemas, yeah, ugh, we weren't vaccinated, they were way ahead of their time. Raelen by the time I recover you will already know my full story :p 20 years, what can I say. I haven't been able to work since 2009, decided to go back to school in 2018 just after a long period of being bed bound, mostly due to what I thought was interstitial cystitis. I didn't waste a second, as soon as I could get out of bed, I rushed into school. I started with online classes but eventually had to go to campus. Worst thing I could have done but life is all about growth and lessons and nothing happens that shouldn't, so clearly I needed to learn to be kind to myself and that rest was not a bad thing to be angry at. Being a medical program, physical therapy, I was forced to vaccinate for clinicals. The vaccinations put me over the edge and I am on an extended break because I had massive cognitive decline. Previously, no matter the state of exhaustion/pain/sleep deprivation, I maintained a 4.0. One of the scariest things I've ever been through. One day, it was like my brain had been wiped. I've healed from that, cleaned up my diet even more, detoxed with a lot of supplements, more bed rest, got rid of as many outside stressors as possible. It was scary, I only have one class left but won't go back until I feel comfortable taking that on. I've had one clinical, a month long-I thought it was going to kill me. I had accommodations, was allowed as many breaks as I needed, I passed out in my car during lunch and before driving home. I got lost driving home, a very familiar route, many times. I had help with my dog and was eating the bare minimum, got into bed, woke up and did it again. Lots of days I couldn't shower and I was dealing with patients hands on. It was a big wake up call about this state of denial I was living in about my condition, it was very hard to accept. I have done so much mental healing. I've had an infection for the last 5 years, that's another nightmare, CFS with constant UTI symptoms, urinating 70 times a day during my worst flare which lasted months. It was diagnosed as IC which meant the infection lived on and damaged my kidneys. They finally cultured my urine, yep took 5 years, found a staph infection. I truly believe when that's gone I will be on my way to recovery. Unfortunately I was allergic to the first antibiotic, I never take these things but I have no choice, I've taken every natural thing under the sun. Staph infections are very dangerous and I want this thing out of me ASAP. Fingers crossed the next round will pull miracles. Never ever give up. The medical community will screw you. It's so hard the work we have to do but we don't have a choice. Had I not been insistent on lab after lab, full on fighting for them, I would have believed I had IC and eventually the infection would have won. Try to have gratitude for everything, let go of as much anger as possible and most of all believe you will heal. All of these things have helped me tremendously, I don't even want to think about where I would be without my health and change in perspective.
@RaelanAgle 3 года назад
Oh my goodness Maria! I am SO SORRY you've have to go through all of this. Wow, what a journey. You are so lovely and upbeat and positive that I never would have imagined that your struggles have been so long and intense. I admire your attitude and perspective and perseverance.I'm so glad you are being cautious and taking care of yourself. Time to put this all behind you already! Sending you so much support, I'm glad we've connected and I'm super excited to watch your progress keep coming from here 🙌
@someoneusa 3 года назад
@@RaelanAgle thanks girl! Staying positive is a Practice that I'm just starting to get semi good with after all these years! I try to minimize the pity parties but I have them here and there. I've just learned that staying upset make things 💯 worse. So much better to focus on what we do have and make those things very loud in our heads 😁
@LukeDelPriore Год назад
@@someoneusahave you recovered?
@YeshuaSalvation 3 года назад
I learned so much from this captivating interview! ♥ Hearing a couple of specific details that I also struggle with (extreme smell sensitivity, zero tolerance for negativity) helped me realize those things are also a part of me/cfs. What an amazing woman you are, Lilla! ♥ The part where you shared about not giving up, the unique way you see it, after having overcome this illness after so many years, brought me to tears. It means so much coming from you. What power you have within you. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I wish for you all things good and also the blessing of Abraham (Genesis 25:7-8). ♥
@changingme1412 3 года назад
Thank you. And blessed be you.
@phoebeclarke3427 2 года назад
Many a time I’ve said by the end of an interview”but how! how.I just don’t if I can only eat meat!This bird,Lila is a beauty,good on her, for hanging in there .Great eye opening interview Raelan,it makes me realise I’m not the only one doing it tough!! Gosh, amazing!
@RaelanAgle 2 года назад
Thank you, Phoebe! 💓💓💓
@cathycrowder3697 Год назад
Lilla, I am so happy you have found a solution for the way your body works and you now have energy to live!!! 😊. I could feel your pain as you were telling your story. No one really knows what all you have suffered. I found it so interesting that you wrote that letter to the “universe “ ( and with a deadline!). Have you considered that your letter was answered?
@ChronicFatigueRich 3 года назад
Thank you to Lilla for sharing her story and to Raelan for curating the video and sharing it with us. So inspiring to hear how strong and determined Lilla has been to test and learn new approaches and to eventually find something that worked. I'm on that journey, 10 years in. Next up, is to consider histamine as issue and take DAO enzymes to see if that relieves any symptoms. Ironically the DAO enzyme is essentially the oxalate that Lilla now avoids but everyone is different!
@trouble9862 3 года назад
I'm also 10 years in lol I started the carnivore way of eating in January. It has stopped my ME in it's tracks and very month i get new and exciting results from it. It took until month 4 to begin to see major changes but months 1 - 3 still had positive things going on just not as dramatic.
@pritamkumarbehera1294 Год назад
@@trouble9862 how are you now bro! Is carnivore diet cures your cfs?
@trouble9862 Год назад
@@pritamkumarbehera1294 it makes a massive difference but I did need to supplement high dose thiamine (vit B1) & vit D3 because of the severity, I was so depleted I couldn’t eat enough food to reach therapeutic levels. Elliot Overtons channel has advice on that for autoimmune that needs extra help
@pritamkumarbehera1294 Год назад
@@trouble9862 Thank you very much. I Will follow carnivore, vitamin b1 and d3. How much percentage do you think you have recovered! And how much time it will take. Now you are taking any supplement!
@pritamkumarbehera1294 Год назад
@@trouble9862 can you please reply?
@LoobyLoo71 2 года назад
Jordan Peterson and his daughter Makayla made this diet famous for healing completely autoimmune and depression!! I also have issues with oxalate and have considered going carnivore. It’s jsit a pretty massive leap! But I know it can clear up a whole stack of health issues. Everyone is so so different.
@Truerealism747 Год назад
Do you have fybromyalgia how do you no it's oxalates causing the problems
@peachesmcgee4795 Год назад
I'm not convinced he's healed from depression.He seems to be having a bit of a Twitter meltdown right now.
@Truerealism747 Год назад
@@peachesmcgee4795 maybe.more.remission
@thedancingdivaofdaviestree2320 Месяц назад
@@peachesmcgee4795 I understand he's still taking medication, so I doubt that too. Plus, as a person who also recovered from protracted benzo withdrawal, I found his getting himself put in a coma for akathisia dubious and extreme.
@YeshuaSalvation 3 года назад
Also a BIG thank you to you, Raelan! ♥ For following your heart and sharing all this LIFE CHANGING information. Letting us all meet these beautiful people. GODSPEED ♥
@RaelanAgle 3 года назад
You are so welcome :)
@mirandaandrea8215 Год назад
This poor lovely lady, thank god she made a good recovery! How interesting that she responded so well to being carnivore and zero plants! Everyone should read Eat Right For Your Type! Depending on your blood type we all thrives on different foods! Type O thrives on meat! I’m type AB❤ Type A thrives on more plant based!
@peterwu8471 10 месяцев назад
This is so emotionally moving. How people suffer. You make me feel lucky that my pain and suffering has been relatively light. May God help mankind to cure this evil disease!
@suzannethompson9261 4 месяца назад
Several docs have said all cfsme pts should be on keto diet. I can see why after studying biochemistry. I know i feel better on keto
@bobbiev7062 3 года назад
Thanks to both of you! Very interesting... I was on a low carb diet and started to feel much better. I didn't continue it because I was worried about the effects on my long term health, such as high cholesterol. I am always experimenting with my diet as I also have lots of food sensitivities. So happy that this diet is helping you Lilla! You must feel so empowered. Having a quick glance at the websites, it looks as though low oxalate diets are an option as well. I will definitely check it out, as long as giving up chocolate is not a requirement! Lol!
@kayoss2306 3 года назад
There are plenty of doctors now who advocate a low carb or keto diet. Eating saturated fat doesn't cause high cholesterol, heart disease etc. This was a theory that was never proven scientifically and has since been debunked. If you felt better low carb, that's a good sign.
@changingme1412 3 года назад
I still eat small amounts of chocolate, but if I eat too much my body efficiently expells it. I do it seldom, because it comes with pains too. Even if I am carnivore, I am not a slave under it.
@bobbiev7062 3 года назад
Thanks for the feedback! 😁😁😁 I'd like to experiment a bit more, see if I can find a happy medium! Right now I eat a lot of things in moderation, but I find the variety of experiences interesting.
@Pyriphlegeton 3 года назад
@@kayoss2306 You should stop making claims on subjects you're clearly not educated in. Consuming saturated fat increases your serum LDL-Cholesterol level. This has been conclusively demonstrated in dietary ward experiments, which are interventional trials and therefore rather high level evidence. Assuming you're acting in good faith (Which i suppose you do), I'll explain how other studies on this topic are purposefully misdesigned: 1. Baseline-cholesterol is highly variable between individuals. 2. There's a saturation curve. At high saturated fat intakes, more of it doesn't make a difference. This means you can't compare two people and what they're eating, you must change the diet of someone to see a difference. Also you can't get someone on the standard American diet and add saturated fat. You need to remove it to see a difference. As I said - in appropriately designed experiments, there's a clear correlation between saturated fat intake and serum LDL. That's why all major medical associations agree on this link. And LDL in turn is causally linked to atherosclerosis. This is for example conclusively demonstrated in mendelian randomization studies. Again, all major medical associations agree.
@Pyriphlegeton 3 года назад
Supplementary a statement from the European Heart Journal (2019): "There is no longer an ‘LDL-C hypothesis’, but established facts that increased LDL-C values are causally related to ASCVD."
@honorburza9110 Год назад
The strange feeling of wet concrete in legs, was sort of like this when I had Covid, my legs couldn’t move normal speed & stride. Took a few weeks and left some kind of damage.
@sakurahochegger7001 3 года назад
Would be interesting to hear what Lila’s breakfast, lunch and dinner looks like.
@changingme1412 3 года назад
Hello, Lilla here I eat when I am hungry, that means for me, about two times a day. Recently I have had fried eggs and bacon or sausages for my first meal, and for my second meal, minced meat in some form, or fish with butter as much as I crave that day.
@sakurahochegger7001 3 года назад
@@changingme1412 it looks like simple and filling!
@changingme1412 3 года назад
@@sakurahochegger7001 Yes. No cooking all day. And surprisingly not boring.
@tracysmith245 Год назад
no energy is horrible can not do the slightest things enjoy holidays with family etc im just light sensitivity and so cruel watching life pass by people laughing and living the normal live we can dream about. i feel like the living dead all day
@peterwu8471 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for the video = makes many of us want to try carnivore. I wonder if it would help.
@dommccaffry3802 Год назад
@peachesmcgee4795 3 года назад
Crikey,this would be a problem for me as I'm almost vegan out of concern for animal welfare.I just hope I don't have the same issue with oxilates!
@RaelanAgle 3 года назад
I'm with yah!
@peachesmcgee4795 3 года назад
@@RaelanAgle that being said,they've started to produce lab grown meats which could be interesting...
@janmolekula3900 2 года назад
Jordan Peterson and his daughter would be proud of her:)
@majahorvat7294 2 года назад
I am happy for you that you found your way of eating. I tried the pure carnivore, and it had some benefits, like being as skinny as ever, it wasn't the solution for me. However staying away from oxalates and eating grass fed beef with some other vegetables and fruits does help a lot.
@Star5dg 3 года назад
The question for me is why does one become sensitive to oxaltes yet other doesn't? Is it due to antibiotics? Like why didn't her dad have these issues eating all that potatoes and bread. Who knows 😊
@changingme1412 3 года назад
Oxalates are poisonous, and it depends on your DNA of course how well we deal with it, and also on other things. Who knows really. My father's side of the family was probably not as sensitive as my mother's. I doubt that antibiotics has anything to do with the sensitivity. I have realised a lot of things during my journey that could have an impact, and it will be so much to describe here.
@jennamartin-payne1653 3 года назад
Someone once said to me that there was some evidence that different blood types might handle different foods differently. I thought there could be something in this as blood type does often vary on where your ancestors came from and diets differ around the World. Listening to Lilla reminded me of hearing this.
@TheBlondiekitten 3 года назад
Are there tests to find out which foods/chemicals we can’t tolerate? Even going to a private clinic would be something I would do in the (UK) xxx
@changingme1412 3 года назад
I actually don't think there are much tests on that. Gluten and dairy tests are available, and I think that there are some more chemicals you can test, but I wouldn't bet on it being so developed yet.
@aotearoaalice 3 года назад
I don’t know in the UK but here in Aotearoa my naturopath told me you can get tested for oxylate sensitivity. Though, she said it’s expensive so advised cutting out oxylates for a time and seeing how I go. I haven’t so far as my diet is already pretty restrictive. But I think that is often how they check for sensitivity to different foods - elimination diets, etc.
@rachaelenglish348 3 года назад
Cambridge nutrition do an IGG food intolerance test. Blood prick. I found it really helpful in known which foods to avoid. That is untill I started DNRS and started truly healing.
@umairahsarwar5717 Год назад
What is DNRA
@janegee5562 3 года назад
Wonderful inspiring story
@RaelanAgle 3 года назад
Glad you think so!
@Bachconcertos Год назад
It is amazing how different people are - it is true - I have better bowl movement when I eat meat. When I was on just plant based I was bloated and constipated more often than not.
@Bachconcertos Год назад
I now eat plants with the least oxilates. And I am back to fish chicken sausage bacon eggs.
@sakurahochegger7001 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing amazing story Lila, great you’re better after 35 years! I didn’t know about oxalate, I’m intrigued! I went on several different diet to see any recovery but haven’t found anything worked for me yet. To hear recovery stories are inspiring. Thank you Raelan for making those videos.
@changingme1412 3 года назад
@RaelanAgle 3 года назад
You are so welcome!
@elliekirk6001 2 года назад
Thanks for Lila sharing ! Courage & energy . I remembered something ! I no longer have to go back & start reading books from the beginning ! I read every night for awhile but for years I used to forget what the plot or characters were . I couldn’t get it into my head until I was half way through the Book ! I’m that’s progress … I find I’m only just realising what’s changed . Actually penelopes story reminded me ! X
@RaelanAgle 2 года назад
@mjashton4578 3 года назад
Thanks for sharing. I have reduced oxalates too and improving a bit but not massively. I have cut out nuts, spinach, soy, chocolate. My clue was chronic cystitis type symptoms, and a kidney stone. The gut microbiome may be a reason why some of us cannot handle oxalates? Sadly, I adore vegetables and dislike meat. I wonder if Lilla knows her blood type?
@changingme1412 3 года назад
I don't think that the gut microbiome has had impact on my upptake during my whole life. We change the microbiome with what we eat every day. Apart from oxalates, there are so many other plant toxins, and mentioning more of them would have been too much for this video. I know my blood type, but it is of no interest, I promise.
@mjashton4578 3 года назад
@@changingme1412 but we are supposed to have oxalate degrading bacteria in our guts so it makes sense that if we have lost so much of our native terrain, we have lost these too. I think even Susan acknowledges a possible gut connection. We can also generate our own oxalates if we are low in B1 and B6. I ask about the blood type not because of oxalates but curious to know in relation to the blood type diet. O's do well on meat, apparently. I am an A and not drawn to meat which fits in with this diet. I was just curious.
@changingme1412 3 года назад
@@mjashton4578 Since we still change our gut microbiome continously during our life, it would surprice me if I hadn't had oxalate degrading bacteria in my gut from time to time. But this is not the only way to take care of oxalates. And it is not the only gut connection when it comes to oxalates. I looked at bloodtype diet too, so I knew you were going there. It doesn't do anything for me. I am drawn to al lot of foods, even those that gives me the most discomfort, and some that I apparently should do very well with, I simply avoid.
@Cassie03 2 года назад
I would try switching to only ORGANIC vegetables before trying to force yourself to eat a diet you don't like! Cutting out the chemicals and GMO'S that come with eating "conventional" produce might do the trick! And I am actually an O blood type and LOVE meat so that is interesting that I fit that!
@coffeytnmilk7 3 года назад
So interesting, wonder why she cut out carbs? Could it be the lack of carbs that are making her feel better? I know carbs make me feel like I’ve eaten poison.
@RaelanAgle 3 года назад
It seems so individual, doesn't it Sherrie? For me, I need lots of complex carbs to feel well. It seems we all need to experiment and see what our body needs.
@chantellegus2069 3 года назад
what a wonderful lady!
@Star5dg 3 года назад
Raelan can I live with you your house looks amazing lol
@RaelanAgle 3 года назад
Haha oh thanks! Its a bit cozy already but I'm sure we can squeeze you in somewhere ;)
@Star5dg 3 года назад
@@RaelanAgle 😘
@bobbiev7062 3 года назад
Raelan, I'd love to see a video on how you manage to keep your place so clean and tidy!
@jennamartin-payne1653 3 года назад
Wow that's so interesting! This is one I can try, thank you! Lilla, do you think doing it for a week would give me some indication of if it is working? Jenna :) x x
@Cassie03 2 года назад
I tried for about 2 weeks a few years ago but had to give up because it was making me suicidally depressed 😞 I think to really know if it's working you would have to try at least 20 days like Lilla did! I want to do that but am scared that I'll become that depressed again and I have a family to take care of so I can't really afford to feel that way for almost a whole month!
@paulajordan9418 3 года назад
I found that Lilla Story very inspiring and and very similar to me having it.I think I've had it since I was 14 or 15 after Gland fever but very mildly and gradually getting worse over nearly 50 years now still looking for the answer great story 🤕🙏
@RaelanAgle 3 года назад
Thanks for sharing!!
@terykay6965 Год назад
My heart goes out to you>
@LaneCodeRedCarnivore Год назад
Need iodine/iodide !!
@Jane-pg8jv 3 года назад
Thank you Raelan and Leela ❤️💘
@selma5885 2 года назад
What a mystery healing is. I wonder what her bloodwork looks like. I have high oxalates that were flagged by OAT 16years ago-but never tried a low oxalate diet. How does one get vitamins/antioxidants on a carnivore diet i.e vitamin C?
@marim1477 3 года назад
Wow, unbelievable! This is a very interesting approach. What about pasta, did she eat pizza with wheat doe or rice at all or is it 100% meat and eggs?
@RaelanAgle 3 года назад
As I understand it she eats no pasta or pizza or rice. Just meat!
@changingme1412 3 года назад
I don't much else than meat, eggs, fish, poltry, shrimps and butter. The cleaner I eat, tje better I feel
@Sindre94Ipswich 3 года назад
Curious to see her bloodwork.
@changingme1412 3 года назад
My bloodwork will be fine, but we don't get them done unless we have a health problem. Check out other carnivores to ease your mind. (And, do not worry about cholesterole, since it is wrong assumptions from the start that led to us being afraid of it. The data coming forward today, if you are ready to relearn, tells another story than we have been brainwashed to believe.)
@Sindre94Ipswich 3 года назад
@@changingme1412 I dont think it’s fair to dismiss everything non-carnivore as a product of brainwash. There are hardly any long term studies on the effects of eating purely meat so I would be careful in my claims when speaking about it. I dont doubt it’s worked for you - and several others - but it’s FAR from being even remotely close to a universal method. If there are industries capitalising on propaganda it’s probably not the ones selling beans and rice; the meat industry on the other hand... A lot of people thrive on plants, some don’t. I know people who struggle with certain plants and I know people who cant tolerate meat. I’m just fed up with this ‘either-or’ narrative. The answer is seldom out on the extreme part of the spectrum, but for some (like you), it looks like it is. Happy you got well after the struggle you went through. I was just curious to know how your bloodwork is.
@changingme1412 3 года назад
Oh dear. I was talking of cholesterol ONLY! Since that is what people are asking about when it comes to my diet and my bloodwork. Now, we will not fight on here, because people that have the same problem as I have with plants, need to have a clue. I haven't ever said anything about this being the only way. If you interpret is as that, that is on you. To be fair, there are no long term studies on the effects on ANY diet, because it would entail locking people up their entire lives. Yes, that would be the only way to do it in a scientifically correct way.
@Sindre94Ipswich 3 года назад
@@changingme1412 Thats fair, and let me repeat than I’m happy for your recovery. I just want to stress that it’s probably not the solution for most of us, though I appreciate your case and that it seems to be a life savour for you. Dr. Greger has a video about oxalates where he clarifies a lot of the worries people have. But we can end the discussion here.
@Sindre94Ipswich 3 года назад
@mylittlegarden007 3 года назад
I 100% have to eat the same diet and it's the only time i feel alive.
@grahamkeil2253 2 года назад
@RaelanAgle 2 года назад
Somehow I missed this one until now, Graham - thank you!!!
@cls5355 3 года назад
I'm quite confused. As I have watched several videos of peoples stories and ways to heal but I have also seen there is no cure for this condition. I've lived with it for 13years so far and I function but am still limited. I'm confused at all these videos of people recovering if it's not curable!? Have I missed something. Here?
@RaelanAgle 2 года назад
Many people fully recover! There is zero evidence to my knowledge that says this isn't possible 💛
@freeformconstruction7845 Год назад
They are not fully recovered if their diets have to be so restricted, but at least it is a way to get your life back.
@olgap3765 3 года назад
Helt sjukt att ingen läkare nämnde utmattningsdepression.
@changingme1412 3 года назад
Utmattningsdeppression är inte det jag haft. Långt ifrån. Så det var korrekt ur den synvinkeln.
@olgap3765 3 года назад
@@changingme1412 Vad menar du med lång ifrån? Du var ju utmattad och hade depression. Plus mobbad som liten. Säkert andra stressorer också som bidrog till kollapsen. Det är svårt att tro att man kan bli så där sjuk av stress/ psykisk ohälsa och ångest men det kan man. Jag har egna erfarenheter.
@olgap3765 3 года назад
@@changingme1412 Utmattningssyndrom är just det du beskriver, blykänsla i armar och ben, total orkeslöshet, intryckskänslighet, överkänslighet, hjärnhinna, kognitiva problem mm. Är man svårt utmattad så klarar man knappt gå till toaletten, så all form av överansträngning leder till kraftig försämring.
@olgap3765 3 года назад
@@changingme1412 Din läkare var heller inte psykiater och hade därför inte en blekaste aning om hur svår ums yttrar sig. Hade du träffat psykiater så hade du varit en i mängde där. De träffar massor av så här svårt sjuka.
@olgap3765 3 года назад
@@changingme1412 då tror du fel vad gäller mitt yrke
@olgap3765 3 года назад
Hur får du i dig c vitamin?
@changingme1412 3 года назад
Det finns C-vitamin i kött och ägg mm. Äter jag inte en massa kolhydrater har jag inte något som konkurrerar om transport in i cellerna. Alltså behöver jag bara en sjättedel till en niondel så mycket C-vitamin mot förut. Jag hade blödande tandkött innan carnivore, men blev av med det inom en månad, så... jag lider helt uppenbart inte av C-vitaminbrist.
@olgap3765 3 года назад
@@changingme1412 Det finns 0 mg c vitamin i både kött och ägg.
@olgap3765 3 года назад
@@changingme1412 Gingivit beror på bakteriell tillväxt och otillräcklig munhygien.
@changingme1412 3 года назад
@@olgap3765 Det är helt fel. Bara för att man antagit att det inte finns C-vitamin i kött, så har man inte angett något värde. Så, gör lite mer efterforskningar på det innan du säger det så tvärsäkert.
@olgap3765 3 года назад
@@changingme1412 Kolhydrater är socker, ur socker bildas tandbakterier, som leder till gingivit om munhygienen är dålig. Om du utesluter kolhydrater och socker bildas inte dessa bakterier i lika hög utsträckning, varför ditt tandkött blivit friskare utan att ändra dina munhygienvanor.
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