
Mary and Rachel: Biblical Women in Travail 

Catholic Productions
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21 окт 2024




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@shaskins15 5 лет назад
My catholic school as kid was named mother of sorrows... thanks so much for this video!
@josephmaxwell5033 4 года назад
I just Love Our Lady!
@mariarachelanzanellovossos1277 2 года назад
My name is Mary Rachel. I like it more now.
@jfgskaintayo8167 10 месяцев назад
Your mom might have a revelation from the blessed mother ❤
@jgslnc33 Месяц назад
So interesting - the connections between the old testament and the new!
@jfgskaintayo8167 10 месяцев назад
When I heard “Pillar”- Mary with Angels appeared to St James 40AD handing him pillar statue with a child on her arms( amazing)
@josephmaxwell5033 4 года назад
@terriekraybill9724 Год назад
@gloria2589 3 года назад
Thank you God bless.
@steelonsteel2465 5 лет назад
Yes! Many Layers of meaning in the place God choose to be Born! The word Bethlehem means “House of Bread.” Jesus called Himself the “Bread of Life” (John 6:35). So, it was fitting that The Bread of Life was born in the House of Bread! You covered Rachael and the parallel to Mary. The mother of Israel "God's people" The name Rachael is of Hebrew origin. The meaning of Rachael is "ewe, female sheep". Rachael is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 7 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced Ra-cha-al. Death in childbirth. Rachel died while giving birth to Benjamin. Before she died, she said that the child should be named Ben-oni, or "son of my pain.". Jacob insisted on giving the child the name of Benjamin, or "son of my right hand.". (the history on the tribe of Benjamin www.israel-a-history-of.com/tribe-of-benjamin.html) The prophecy in Jeremiah comes true when Herod has all males toddlers and infants killed because he was jealous of the Jesus Birth. Jeremiah 31:15 Mourning Turned to Joy …14 I will fill the souls of the priests abundantly, and will fill My people with My goodness,” declares the LORD. 15This is what the LORD says: “A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, and refusing consolation, because they are no more.” 16 This is what the LORD says: “Keep your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for the reward for your work will come, declares the LORD. Then your children will return from the land of the enemy. Matt 2:18 The Slaughter of Infants …17 Then what was spoken through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: 18“A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and refusing consolation, because they are no more.” 19 After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt. Mary name means (Hebrew) "wished-for child; rebellion; sea of bitterness". Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, ‘Behold, he is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is opposed- and a sword will pierce your soul too - so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.’ - Luke 2:34-35. (protestant Bible translations have turned that prophecy around from the original. However this is the original in that order.) It means more than our brethren realize! It is layered as well. The second part of Jeremiah's prophecy is here too. ( From above passage: Jeremiah 16 This is what the LORD says: “Keep your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for the reward for your work will come, declares the LORD. Then your children will return from the land of the enemy.) The other woman associated with Bethlehem in The Holy Bible is Ruth. Interesting she was a gentile. Ruth, is the title character of the Book of Ruth. In the narrative, she is not an Israelite but rather is from Moab; she marries an Israelite. Both her husband and her father-in-law die, and she helps her mother-in-law, Naomi, find protection. The two of them travel to Bethlehem together, where Ruth wins the love of Boaz through her kindness. The Bible says Ruth clung to Naomi and uttered her now-famous words: "Where you go I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God" (Ruth 1:16). Once they reached Bethlehem, Naomi and Ruth sought food by gleaning grain from the field of a kinsman, Boaz. Boaz offered Ruth protection and food. When Ruth asked why she, a foreigner, should receive such kindness, Boaz replied that he had learned of Ruth's faithfulness to her mother-in-law, and he prayed that the God of Israel would bless Ruth for her loyalty. Naomi then contrived to marry Ruth to Boaz by invoking her kinship with him. She sent Ruth to Boaz at night to offer herself to him, but the upright Boaz refused to take advantage of her. Instead, he helped Naomi and Ruth negotiate some rituals of inheritance, after which he married Ruth. Soon they had a son, Obed, who fathered a son Jesse, who was the father of David, who became king of a unified Israel. When Jesus came He announces He is The Bread that comes down from heaven and He offers not only The Jews salvation but the gentiles too. Ruth definition: compassion for the misery of another The name Ruth in Hebrew: Companion; friend; vision of beauty. This is so rich in meaning. I have been desiring to really have a good Bible study on the Old Testament women and Mary. And the Jesus with Jacob/Israel, David, and many more. The Passover and The Holy Mass.
@CiaranArmagh Год назад
@jfgskaintayo8167 10 месяцев назад
Amazing parallel/fulfillment
@KA-bv7zg 2 года назад
Jesus has an unbreakable bond with both Rachel and Mary to this day .Both know Him through their own pain and suffering. It's a shame that they say God is a God of men when they fail to see both of these women and what they mean to God.One mother of Jewish nation the other mother of the Saviour Jesus Christ the Saviour of Jewish nation and through Jews salvation of the world .No mothers no nation no nation no Saviour no Saviour no salvation no salvation no heaven .
@commscompany1502 5 лет назад
Dude, this is great. Praise God. PS: You sound very similar to Michael Barber. Was listening to Michael on podcast and thought it was you for the longest time lol
@xaviervelascosuarez 5 лет назад
I'm confused, Dr. Pitre: wasn't Rebecca the mother of Jacob? You say Rachel was the mother of Israel (originally Jacob). Was that a slip or you meant it in a different way?
@claudius415 5 лет назад
Dr Pitre is refering to Israel (the people). Rachel is the wife of Jacob (aka Israel). Jacob’s 12 sons are the people of Israel
@steelonsteel2465 5 лет назад
Yes, Rebecca was his mother and Rachael was his wife. The Mother and the wife have both contributed to the heritage although in different generations through Jacob aka Israel.
@observer73 5 лет назад
Rebecca is the mother of Jacob (Israel) the man and Rachel is the mother of Israel (The nation).
@BestIsntEasy 3 года назад
@@steelonsteel2465 1 Peter 3:6 Amplified Bible 6 just as Sarah obeyed Abraham [following him and having regard for him as head of their house], calling him [a]lord. And you have become her daughters if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear [that is, being respectful toward your husband but not giving in to intimidation, nor allowing yourself to be led into sin, nor to be harmed]. Footnotes 1 Peter 3:6 In ancient times a common title of honor and respect.
@steelonsteel2465 3 года назад
@@BestIsntEasy Rambling thought: Sarah and Abraham had an interesting marriage relationship considering what Abram did before his name was changed to Abraham at 99yrs. old (when God made a covenant with him). Don't you think?
@florencemaria1410 5 лет назад
This reminds me of the travail my mom had during my birth... i was hardly 2 when i heard this from her sister... I was told only one of us could be saved, because the umbilical had tangled around my neck and they were unable to reach to me... so my mom decided that i be saved as her last word to the staff in the hospital... the nurse called out to the doctor and begged not to give up on either of us... when they finally managed to get me out... i was blue black in colour and still born... the umbilical chord was tangled 3 and 1/2 times around my neck... it took them a few minutes of dipping me in water, slapping/rubbing my back and spine to revive me to life... The umbilical chord around my neck is the count of times she fell when she was pregnant with me... one incident mom spoke of: when she tried to cross a gutter, a stone tripped her legs... she was to fall face front on her womb.. but she had a miracle... she felt a hand (invisible person), take her weight and turn her to the side in that split second... she fell to her side instead of falling over on her stomach... she said it was a surprise she had no scratches on her even for that fall... even as kids we know of scraped skins when we trip over something... My uncle (mom's favorite) saw me first and he had a close encounter with death... so all men were stopped from seeing me till mom's mom made them to look at my face (as a mirror) through a plate of oil... That uncle was the strongest but managed to keep away from me till the end of his life... he spoke for the first time, 3 months before his death... He had the grace from OUR LADY for his faith towards her was unshakable like my mom's and his mom and others in my family... met with quite a few life threatening situation but was saved, even when he was pulled into the sea by a huge octopus in velankanni.. he came out with the octopus swimming against it's strength and the fishermen saved him... the octopus had caught him from behind and he had those marks on his back and chest with a few needles from it's suction caps for a few weeks (guess).. he was that strong... There are many miracles mom witnessed each time she was close to death... i was by her side, but she said as she prayed for healing she felt the same healing touch of this GENTLE, SOFT hands with assurance on the place of her sickness and she got back her life every time... i know of 3 counts including the one I mentioned above... but she had been in worse conditions more than that and i was always with her... except the last days (20 to 27) of her death... I can speak of the miracles each in my family (who had firm faith in Mary)... this is not the right place... some like the uncle (mom's favorite) and mom's mom and dad were aware of their deaths ahead if time...
@idangnasagac7983 5 лет назад
@munenex 4 года назад
God bless you Florence Maria.
@CiaranArmagh Год назад
@isoldesummer5367 5 лет назад
Any plans for another blooper video? 😁
@CatholicProductions 5 лет назад
Haha. I can make no promises, but rest assured we retain the clips for such an occasion ;-).
@josephinemullar7857 5 лет назад
@@CatholicProductions Please tell me do you equate Jesus with His Father as being the one God? That is a wrong ideology that overwhelms me because no amount of pleading can shift this notion from those who cherish that lie. Perhaps you don't that will be good to know. John 17:21 I think should help shift that giant bolder for Jesus prayed to his Father asking that his followers would have protection given to them by Yehoshua's heavenly Father before he was to be delivered up as ransom. In that scripture Yehoshua asked that they whom His Father had given Him would be watched over by His Father for they were now the Son's beloved children in union with him as he was in union with his Father that they would all be one in union together. These apostles and disciples were to be perfected by obedience and suffering as their Leader had given them as an example for them to follow Hebrews 5:8. Only perfected humans can be united with God the Almighty as far as I understand.
@CatholicProductions 5 лет назад
@@josephinemullar7857 They are different persons, but the same God. They share the same "what" (divine nature) but differ in the "who" (persons).
@josephinemullar7857 5 лет назад
@@CatholicProductions Like your wife gives birth to a Son. You are a man and your son grows up to be a man. Yahweh brings forth His only begotten son in like manner that as God Almighty His only begotten Son is the image of His Father therefore God but not the eternal God the Father but has all the qualities of an obedient Son who gives Glory to his Father and His Father has given Glory to His Son Hebrews 1:6 and did raise His Son to even greater glory than He had before His Resurrection John 17:1-26. Surely no human can begin to imagine how our Heavenly Father was and is eternal, Never having a beginning and being the source of life eternal that will give everlasting life to obedient mankind who honour God the Father and God the Son? I certainly have my breath taken away whenever I attempt to try to understand that. Another aspect of our Eternal Father and His only begotten Son being brought forth by His Father before all creation is the scripture in Colossians 1:14-19 that by means of the Son by the power of God all other things were made to exist.
@smurfsflamanggo7809 5 лет назад
@@josephinemullar7857 John 10:27-30 27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; 28 and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me,[a] is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are ONE.”
@xaviervelascosuarez 5 лет назад
Besides, I thought that Rachel is only the mother of Joseph and Benjamin, so it couldn't be considered the mother of all twelve tribes of Israel....
@Sa-nm1gt 4 года назад
Our Lady is Mother of Jesus only, but She is our Mother too.
@ypboland Год назад
Rachael is the Mother of Israel because she was the mother of Joseph and Joseph was used by God to save the people of Israel.
@KA-bv7zg Год назад
Blondie knows it Rachel's intercession.
@lauraanderson7358 5 лет назад
the history of Benjamin is most interesting
@raniarania2749 5 лет назад
The name of Yahweh is not cited in the NT , Jesus is not cited in OT , but let's return to my question ; HOW MANY TIMES MARY THE MOTHER OF JESUS WAS CITED IN NT ?
@tommychavez700 Год назад
that's absolutely false. In John 8:58 Jesus says "Before Abraham came to be, I AM" or YHWH. Also why does Jesus need to be cited in the OT??
@randyovercash8234 Год назад
God says do not repudiate. We forever eternal KT you comin also like Rachel but Christ's birth fixes app the house of pain in labor. Our baby will save the world your release comin. Relief at birth. Holy spirit birth I can barely wait was goin blind.then I could see. Lots of peace coming our prayer answered. Jesus is the light and the peace to the world.our savior is comin by virgin Mary's wmb. Yes Zions God Reigns over all men our savior will. Be rebirthed. Light in the darkest. Prayer house in the labor angs. Is where I wait with many expecting Mary to bring forth and travail
@BestIsntEasy 3 года назад
☎️📢🎙1 Peter 3:6 Amplified Bible 6 just as Sarah obeyed Abraham [following him and having regard for him as head of their house], calling him [a]lord. And you have become her daughters if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear [that is, being respectful toward your husband but not giving in to intimidation, nor allowing yourself to be led into sin, nor to be harmed]. Footnotes 1 Peter 3:6 In ancient times a common title of honor and respect.
@BestIsntEasy 3 года назад
☎️📢🎙 From the Hebrew name יִשְׁמָעֵאל (Yishma'el) meaning "God will hear", from the roots שָׁמַע (shama') meaning "to hear" and אֵל ('el) meaning "God". In the Old Testament this is the name of a son of Abraham. He is the traditional ancestor of the Arab people. Behind the Name › name › ishmael
@randyovercash8234 Год назад
yes I a bit impatient but alot calm knowing expect you r travail of Christ's birth to the lil town of Bethlehem how still they seen it not he waiting hard. When it your mate. At hospital. I don't exactly fit in cities. Cuz ally fily home Zion. It's Christmas return after your travail so I got. Big release. Seein glimpse where I am and going back In ! Town starts inside after Christmas. Needed you to birth Christ and I let marry
@darewan8233 5 лет назад
Wait. Rachel did bear Benjamin but she did not bear Judah. Israel's other wife Leah did. Judah carries the blessing, the line of Messiah, not Ben or any of Rachel's sons. In fact Leah is the mother of true Israel not Rachel. This allegory is quite dangerous-stick to the Bible.
@paulmiller3469 5 лет назад
Like many allegories, it seems only useful to a point. Bottom line is Micah wrote what he wrote, and seems to make the connection between Rachel and the future Messiah. I suppose it could be coincidental, but givem the name of the town used and the repeat of the word 'travail,' that seems doubtful to me.
@paulmiller3469 5 лет назад
One thing we should remember is we most likely have a limited cultural understanding of 'back then, over there.' I have heard Rachel referred to as mother of sorrows before. Micah was a product of 'over there, not quite as far back,' so we shouldn't presume we understand everything as he meant it.
@noeltan1455 5 лет назад
Rachel was the one Jacob truly loved.
@darewan8233 5 лет назад
True. Micah said what he said so we ought ask him who is "she who is in labor" 5.3. He told us in 4.9 &10, the one "like a woman in labor" is Rachel/ Mary? Who is he speaking of but Israel. Respectfully this is strained.
@darewan8233 5 лет назад
@@paulmiller3469 As for presuming what Micah meant... isn't that what you witnessed in the extreme in this video. Where has the RCC officially defined this passage? Is this private interpretation? Honest question.
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