

The Austin School
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Dr. Roy Casagranda describes the evolution of gender and trashes misogyny.



29 сен 2024




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@HamidRehman100794 Год назад
For me it's not Netflix and Chill, it's Casagranda and Chill.
@asadfami7623 Год назад
Well said buddy!
@MohammadAWaly Год назад
@AedelFakhrie Год назад
this is underrated comment hahaha
@salmaa2871 Год назад
@@AedelFakhrie 😂😂😂😂 he’s correct though
@mpat01 Год назад
So true. I do that as well. And to think he doesn't even have a Wiki page.
@johnmcfadden6861 2 месяца назад
The wealth of knowledge and historical information Professr Roy has across so many eras and subject matters is truly beyond my comprehension. It's only matched by his incredibly engaging tutoring exemplified by so many insightful anecdotes of historical figures and the scientific research that is his evidence base. All this while challenging his students and viewers on their and their societies norms, ethics, and values. Yet somehow also embracing us all with the love care and compassion that radiates so effortlessly from his entire being. I am both humbled and awed to have discovered his lectures. Thank you Professor Roy and Austin school
@amirpouyaa Год назад
I wish you could talk and record what you are saying every single day for the sake of humanity, you are absolutely fabulous philosopher and professor.
Have you ever lied, lusted sexually at the opposite sex, disrespected parents, stolen, thought bad thoughts, hated someone, sinned sexually (fornication, Adultery …) etc All humans have sinned in thought, word or deed. Therefore, none of us are good and able to get into Heaven and will be justly judged and sent to eternity in Hell! But God out of His love sent his son Jesus (also God in Human flesh) to die on the cross for our sins and rise again from the dead (nobody can do that only God). Jesus said if you Repent of your sins and put your complete trust in Him for your salvation, you’ll have eternal life, given to you as a gift (this message is not to be ignored; seek God today). Your thoughts? John 14: 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
CAN YOU TELL JESUS THAT YOU ARE A GOOD PERSON ON JUDGEMENT DAY? Have you ever lied, looked with sexual lust, sworn at people or been abusive, hated others or lacked forgiveness etc (I’ve only mentioned some sins, there are way more). Absolutely everyone has sinned in thought, word or deed and therefore need to repent of their sins and believe in Jesus to be forgiven and let into Heaven. John 3: 18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
@jamescraig133 21 день назад
I love his lectures…so happy I found him
@stavmark8983 2 месяца назад
I am Greek and I can confirm that whatever is saying about Athens is 60% true and 40% political bias.
@snowman1722 Месяц назад
I loved this guy in Portlandia
@aloudiensalie5472 2 месяца назад
This guy is a legend. I wana share his talks with the whole world.
@farinshore8900 5 месяцев назад
Sex is determined by biology, gender is determined by social norms.
@TheWav Год назад
He is my actually hero you don’t even acknowledge . . Roy? can we be friends 🎉
@mdphdetc5853 Месяц назад
Rosalind Franklin was a good scientist, but this idea that she was somehow crushed by Watson and Crick and neglected by history is one of the great modern myths of science. First, she didn't actually shoot the x-ray crystallography photo that Watson and Crick used. That was Raymond Gosling, the graduate student of Franklin and of Maruice Watkins. Second, Franklin hardly was left out of the initial hoopla about DNA. She got an article in Nature, just the same as did Watson and Crick. That in and of itself is usually enough to make an academic career. By the time the Nobel Prise rolled around, nine years later, it was clear that there were five people fundamentally involved in the discovery -- Watson, Crick, Franklin, Gosling, and Wilkins. Franklin was dead by this time, and the Nobel isn't awarded posthumously. At the time, it also could be split a maximum of three ways. Admittedly, in that process, Watson did slam Franklin, by arguing that, although the greatest technical x-ray crystallographer of the time, she was too thick headed to realize what she had or hand it over for its proper use. Only Wilkins had the proper foresight to go over her head, and hand over Gosling's photo. Thus, Wilkins ended up as the third on the Nobel, and Gosling as a mere "technical contributor," similar to Franklin, was left out. Interestingly, Wilkins is also generally left out of all the modern history discussions of DNA, but, again, it was really Gosling who was screwed in this. One can legitimately argue that Watson in particular was unkind to Franklin, and that he remains a misogynist and racist despite his brilliance, but the idea that Franklin was neglected by the larger scientific community at the time is untrue.
@asadsumbal Год назад
Amazing doesn’t even begin to describe the experience I just had! Thanks Roy.
@SaraJoCreative Месяц назад
I love this lecture so much. I can't find any info about the male skull bump tho 🤔 I have a bump on my skull
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 24 дня назад
God is the epitome of Holiness because He is sinlessly perfect, A sinner (liar, sexually immoral, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, thief etc) cannot be in the presence of God or else he will be utterly consumed therefore repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour to go to Heaven.
@davidcooper177 8 месяцев назад
Learning from the mistakes vs. correctness of the past helps all humanity learn inorder formulate a new path to chart a better future.
@samiullahk7223 Год назад
The reason for man to be so smart and versatile is years of seasoning in cosmic storeroom
@dymnbak102 4 месяца назад
Interesting. I have a theory for why it took Sapiens over 400,000 years to go from hunter /gatherers to farmers. It took that long for the them to spread out over the Earth to the point where population density finally put enough pressure for the mating strategy of men & women to come in to a more direct conflict. Prior to that peopled roamed in small extended family bands in which group cohesion was essential for the extended family group’s survival. We don’t know how ever band was structured, in those conditions mate sharing & group survival was more important than any one person’s genes surviving, & if any kind of conflict or calamity occurred groups just move on. But once population density pressure calorie needs made farming necessary women now sought out mate(s) who were better farmers with more of the best land , & men had less of an incentive to work a farm to feed a now child of a stranger. The basic family unit as we know it now begins to appear not just so a women can ensure the stays around to raise the child, but also so the man can ensure his labor is for his child not another man’s. With that and the added pressures of agriculture. Climate, government, & warfare as these things develop (continue) then continues to shape the choices we make. You have pointe critics & observations ((especially of Western culture) but it’s your overarching analysis that I disagree with. But you do get me thinking & for that I thank you
@emmanueljerry2032 8 дней назад
I'm still confused cos I want to be myself but also masculine
@jondoe769 Месяц назад
Egypt is one of the worst countries in the world for so many reasons. You must not meet or speak to anyone while you’re there.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 24 дня назад
God is the epitome of Holiness because He is sinlessly perfect, A sinner (liar, sexually immoral, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, thief etc) cannot be in the presence of God or else he will be utterly consumed therefore repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour to go to Heaven.
@chillmusicpassion1509 8 месяцев назад
Am i correct to assume that Dr Roy believes in evolution and not religion?
@socialcommentator21 Месяц назад
I want to see a podcast between him and Dr Jordan Peterson. I think it would be an interesting conversation
@FreeManIraq58 5 месяцев назад
Os this the lecture when talk about human evolution?
@user-ws2gn3wp4s 3 месяца назад
Rosalind Franklin invented the photography method but wasn’t on the team to decipher the double helix… it’s also unbelievable that NPR didn’t mention it. Skipping this talk early because it lost credibility on that
@juxtapositionMS Год назад
All the comments here are just praising the professor and no discussion on the topic of this lecture. It's frustrating.
Why should God let you into Heaven? Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust (sexual desire), dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us. So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven? Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven. John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
@ifloki1501 3 месяца назад
Chill Dude its not Q&A. Let him finish then u can discuss anything on his offical site…😅
@juxtapositionMS 3 месяца назад
@@ifloki1501 Don't be a blind follower. Learn to formulate arguments.
@buscagliar1 5 месяцев назад
Anyone know what world war 2 game is Dr Roy talking about?
@omgtkseth 4 месяца назад
Dr Casagranda, that part with the whale's affective processing area being x5 times the size of humans and THEREFORE they phenomenologically experience our emotions x5 is just not how neurology, psychology, or ethology works. If you cover your tongue in a 1mm thick layer of hot sauce and cover a kid's tongue the same way, would you expect the kid to feel less pain proportionally to the size differences in tongue area? "He has a tongue half the size of mine, he should have felt half the pain sensation I'm sensing! I swear officer, this brat is a liar!!"
@omgtkseth 4 месяца назад
Anyways, I know you're just doing a bit, we love you Dr. Casagranda
@ETime97 7 месяцев назад
23:16 yeah there is a name for it ... Omnivore eats plants and the meat !
@ETime97 7 месяцев назад
And there are many animals that are omnivores its not special to humans
@perfectperson214 Месяц назад
You know some say that human males were the first domesticated animals, domesticated by the females of the species through selective procreation.
@Pilatesdxb 10 месяцев назад
I have never thought I’m obsessed with History until I came across Dr Roy Casagranda’s video on Khalid Ibn Al Waleed. Then I knew what I’ll have to watch all his videos. What a passionate teacher. So much respect 🫡 for you sir!
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 9 месяцев назад
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus as their God. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. Jesus defeated death by rising from the dead. GOD IS HOLY
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
@Markone99 Mark Jesus Loves you and is calling you back t o Him God is the epitome of Holiness because He is sinlessly perfect, A sinner (liar, sexually immoral, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, thief etc) cannot be in the presence of God or else he will be utterly consumed therefore repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour to go to Heaven.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
@Markone99 Jesus loves you Mark and is alling you back to Him God is the epitome of Holiness because He is sinlessly perfect, A sinner (liar, sexually immoral, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, thief etc) cannot be in the presence of God or else he will be utterly consumed therefore repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour to go to Heaven.
@psusac 5 месяцев назад
This man is a propagandist. Pay attention to what he left out. Did you notice that he gave a speech titled "masculinity" and said NOTHING about fatherhood? WTF?
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 5 месяцев назад
@@psusac Most people have heard “Jesus/God loves you”. Does that mean they have a relationship with God and will go to heaven? Depends on the individual. A relationship is 2 sided, you receive love and you give love back. God showed His love by suffering, dying on the cross and rising from the dead for you, now you show Love back by repenting of your sins (lying, stealing, sexual sins, taking the Lord’s Name in vain etc) and believing in Jesus as your Lord and saviour so that Heaven is in your future not hell.
@mohamedlaghmouch7589 Год назад
This man has students all over the world. ❤
Most people have heard “Jesus/God loves you”. Does that mean they have a relationship with God and will go to heaven? Depends on the individual. A relationship is 2 sided, you receive love and you give love back. God showed His love by suffering, dying on the cross and rising from the dead for you, now you show Love back by repenting of your sins (lying,, stealing, sexual sins, taking the Lord’s Name in vain etc) and believing in Jesus as your Lord and saviour so that Heaven is in your future not hell
@Kardinalee 7 месяцев назад
​@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 Go meet your god, fuck of spaming
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 Месяц назад
In heaven no unclean person is allowed in, you are unclean if you have sinned just once like lying, stealing, sexual immorality, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, evil thoughts etc Jesus (God manifest in the flesh) can put his sinless righteousness on you since He died on the cross, rose from the dead so REPENT AND BELIEVE IN HIM TODAY.
@frankshabrang5606 10 месяцев назад
Thanks to the Austin School for making this and other lectures from Dr. Casagranda available on this platform. Surely, he has many lectures worth sharing, and I'd like to encourage you to make as many of them available on RU-vid as possible. In my opinion, the world would benefit from the depth of his knowledge if he started podcasting and publishing his lecture series.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 2 месяца назад
In heaven no unclean person is allowed in, you are unclean if you have sinned just once like lying, stealing, sexual immorality, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, evil thoughts etc Jesus (God manifest in the flesh) can put his sinless righteousness on you since He died on the cross, rose from the dead so REPENT AND BELIEVE IN HIM TODAY.
@JimmyMcGillsg Год назад
im fasting at the moment because of Ramadan and while at work i was listening to this and I actually had to cry how beautiful this age of information has become that this is for free is just mind boggling such a interesting lecture
@mpat01 Год назад
The best!
@themuslimmountainbiker Год назад
@banaresali Год назад
AlhamduLilah ! I am Happy for you so fortunate, but I alas could not fast this year. I will Insha 'Allah next year. Never want to miss it again.
@@mpat01 All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. GOD IS HOLY
@@banaresali WHY SACRIFICE NEEDED FOR FORGIVENESS OF SINS ? God has given us court as an example of justice. If somebody earns a prison sentence (Hell) from breaking laws (Sins). He can be let out justly out of prison if someone pays his fine (bail). Jesus death on the cross paid the fine (the fine is infinite because you have sinned against an infinite God so only Jesus can pay the fine because He is Perfect). Either Believe in Jesus and repent (change from your sinful ways) or spend eternity paying for your own sins
@deathsgates8425 Год назад
Roy should be a role model for anyone trying to teach and explain
Why should God let you into Heaven? Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust (sexual desire), dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us. So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven? Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven. John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
@nmath9665 Год назад
Is that just to pay off your sins by sacrificing a honest and pure man? Think about it!
Have you ever lied, lusted sexually at the opposite sex, disrespected parents, stolen, thought bad thoughts, hated someone, sinned sexually (fornication, Adultery …) etc All humans have sinned in thought, word or deed. Therefore, none of us are good and able to get into Heaven and will be justly judged and sent to eternity in Hell! But God out of His love sent his son Jesus (also God in Human flesh) to die on the cross for our sins and rise again from the dead (nobody can do that only God). Jesus said if you Repent of your sins and put your complete trust in Him for your salvation, you’ll have eternal life, given to you as a gift (this message is not to be ignored; seek God today). Your thoughts? John 14: 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
@Ali Al-Mahdi All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. GOD IS HOLY
@@nmath9665 Here is why you need Jesus. You’re like a man about to jump off a plane without a parachute and his plan is to flap his arms to save himself and I'd say “don't do that use the parachute “(Jesus is the parachute).; you are already a slave to your sins- yet God came to set the captives free. (The truth shall set you free- Jesus said I am the way the Truth and the Life)
@vivitow873 Год назад
Interesting, coming from Minangkabau society, West Sumetra Indonesia that still hold dear the matrilineal lineage tradition. this basically sums up, our tribes still hold their matrilineal social structure since hunting gathering period. Women rule the domestic realm of life. More interesting, as part of the biggest muslim population, this matrinieal social structure doing well hand in hand with the local believes, bcs we sort things in ‘musyawarah mufakat’ or famous word would be in democratic way with our elders which includes women elders. Minagkabau matrilineal structure essence is not bcs one is above the other (how many people get confused over ’toxic feminist’), more about equal distribution of roles, balancing primary roles as husband, wife, children etc. Also keep Men Masculinity nature, as family provider, head of family, protector in respected way. Inheritance distribution also follows matrilineal way. But with all of that, both genders have equal opportunities to advance themselves. We dont chance names following husband name, in fact, daughters from Minangkabau people carry their mom tribes name carries it as long they have female children, lineage would be considered stop, if the daughters only have male children. funnily enough its true like you describe in matrilineal hunter gather, when there’s family gathering in Minangkabau family, mom’s family is our closest family, dad’s family would be the 2nd closest. not in degrading way, but when there’s situation of emergency, the family would seek help from the woman/mother side of family first.
@katyana92 Год назад
Super interesting Thanks for sharing
@caspiantohidian9427 Месяц назад
Hijab does take away women’s identity! Not all Iranian women are muslims nor do they practicing muslims. It is about autonomy and reclaiming woman’s rights, it is not about identity, its our autonomy us Iranians want back!
@Robin_________13_________13 22 дня назад
Hijab is evil and only exists because men can't control themselves
@robinnouri8335 Год назад
I love your lectures DR Roy Casagranda. Thank you for the interesting and lively lectures.
Why should God let you into Heaven? Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust (sexual desire), dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us. So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven? Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven. John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
@Orgwell 7 месяцев назад
What a blessing it is to have such a man for a teacher! Combining knowledge with so much passion and love. What a man!
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 12 дней назад
In heaven no unclean person is allowed in, you are unclean if you have sinned just once like lying, stealing, sexual immorality, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, evil thoughts etc Jesus (God manifest in the flesh) can put his sinless righteousness on you since He died on the cross, rose from the dead so REPENT AND BELIEVE IN HIM TODAY.
@mostafaghozlan 3 месяца назад
Dr. Casagranda is really engaging and he’s transparent and knowledgeable. And he connects different topics smoothly and effortlessly. Thank you for putting these lectures out for potentially millions who can benefit from this knowledge for free That’s your legacy ❤
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 12 дней назад
In heaven no unclean person is allowed in, you are unclean if you have sinned just once like lying, stealing, sexual immorality, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, evil thoughts etc Jesus (God manifest in the flesh) can put his sinless righteousness on you since He died on the cross, rose from the dead so REPENT AND BELIEVE IN HIM TODAY.
@divanbuys1484 6 месяцев назад
As an archaeology student and amateur historian, these lectures are basically taking over my day to day activities. And I'm all for it.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 5 месяцев назад
Most people have heard “Jesus/God loves you”. Does that mean they have a relationship with God and will go to heaven? Depends on the individual. A relationship is 2 sided, you receive love and you give love back. God showed His love by suffering, dying on the cross and rising from the dead for you, now you show Love back by repenting of your sins (lying, stealing, sexual sins, taking the Lord’s Name in vain etc) and believing in Jesus as your Lord and saviour so that Heaven is in your future not hell.
@Kibernautas 6 месяцев назад
Roy Cassagranda half of time does not know what he is talking about.
@rouxbe3595 5 месяцев назад
😂 So true, yet he speaks with such confidence, it cracks me up.
@johnfromukia 3 месяца назад
This lecture makes me cringe. So many things are complete conjecture, yet spoken to with such confidence.
@1979pedram Месяц назад
Dear Professor I've got a point That might amuse you. In farsi ( I'm iranian) the word mother which is pronounced MAADAR originally means " boss" !
@MinnieRobots 5 месяцев назад
Single best binge watching experience of my life has been burning through this professor’s lectures. Thank you, algorithm, for the suggestion!
@kayemmee 4 месяца назад
you HAAAAVE to watch the "why did someone think this was a good destination?" series if you haven't already
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 12 дней назад
@@kayemmee In heaven no unclean person is allowed in, you are unclean if you have sinned just once like lying, stealing, sexual immorality, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, evil thoughts etc Jesus (God manifest in the flesh) can put his sinless righteousness on you since He died on the cross, rose from the dead so REPENT AND BELIEVE IN HIM TODAY.
@evitaaslanidou6150 8 месяцев назад
At about 1.30, you mentioned "philanthropia" but you got it slightly wrong. The word "anthropos" in Greek doesn't mean a male. It is of neutral meaning. It's equal to "human". But otherwise I think you are amazing.
@fredwelf8650 8 месяцев назад
Too much biologism, animal behaviorism and preaching, not enough explaining. Reduction to hormones is not a sufficient argument. I wonder what you would say if you read Nikolas Luhmann 1986 “Love - a Codification of Intimacy.”
@lunamycat8768 Год назад
I am a Muslim from Pakistan and have so much respect for Dr. Roy Casagranda. He is a man of knowledge. Stay blessed.
Most people have heard “Jesus/God loves you”. Does that mean they have a relationship with God and will go to heaven? Depends on the individual. A relationship is 2 sided, you receive love and you give love back. God showed His love by suffering, dying on the cross and rising from the dead for you, now you show Love back by repenting of your sins (lying, stealing, sexual sins, taking the Lord’s Name in vain etc) and believing in Jesus as your Lord and saviour so that Heaven is in your future not hell
@Ismail-Yahya Год назад
You're right about the relationship being 2 way, so when mankind sins, they only need to turn to The Creator, and repent directly to Him, with sincerity to be forgiven. No human blood sacrifice required. You make the intention to not sin, to live your life as per God's Guidance His Law and commands. Should you ever err off His path, you need only turn to Him directly in repentance, you sin 1 trillion times and turn to God with sincerity and repent each time, God will forgive you, as if you never sinned. God, the Creator of the Heavens and Earth, cannot die, does not die, and it doesn't befit His majesty to have a son. Infact unlike humans God, The Creator does not have parents, does not have a wife or children. He is One, just like Jesus stated as per the Shemah. God is unlike anything in His creation. In the the 112 chapter of the Quran we learn about who God is: Surah Al-Ikhlas in English : In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 1. Say, “He is God, the One. 2. God, the Absolute. 3. He begets not, nor was He begotten. 4. And there is nothing comparable to Him.” This is a clear statement by God describing Himself to humanity without any room for confusion. God is One and is exalted above everything He creates. This chapter of the Quran is about the oneness of God. The concept of God has been presented here in its purest form, ridding it of all polluting associations which people of every age have brought to it. There is no plurality of gods. There is only one God. All are dependent upon Him, but He is not dependent on anybody. He Himself has power over everything. He is far above being the progeny of anybody or having any offspring. He is such a unique being that there is nobody like Him or equal to Him in any manner whatsoever. God’s Divine oneness, is clearly stated here: God is not many, He is only One. Everyone is in need of Him, but He is not in need of anyone. He reigns over all things of the heavens and the earth. Unlike human beings, He has no son or father. He is eternal, without beginning or end, and is thus a Unique Being who has no equal. Muslims believe in one, unique, incomparable God, Who has no son nor partner, and that none has the right to be worshipped but Him alone. He is the true God, and every other deity is false. He has the most magnificent names and sublime perfect attributes. No one shares His divinity, nor His attributes. God tells us in The Quran, he has sent Prophets to peoples and nations in the past, some believed and followed His message, others didn’t. In the Quran God affirms his earlier messages to Prophets like Noah, Abraham, Joesph, Moses and Jesus; all mighty messengers of God. God tells us that He has chosen Muhammad ﷺ to be his last and final messenger to Mankind; and he has revealed to him the Quran; Gods final revelation to mankind. He has promised to protect this message unlike earlier messages that were corrupted at the hands of man, ensuring God’s word reaches later generation’s. All previous scriptures have not been completely preserved; they no longer remain in the original language the revelation came down in; they now contain contradictions due to being changed, edited, translated, misinterpreted at the hands of men. With the advent of His final Messenger Muhammad and His revelation The Quran, all previous revelations have been abrogated and God instructs those who believe in him to follow his final revelation. To re-establish your belief in One God and ascribe no partners with Him; and to be a good person in this world. Muslims not only believe the Quran is from God and that the Quranic revelation is unchanged; since its inception 1400 years ago, but can also bring strong evidence to support this claim.
@ehsanali9023 Год назад
not everything he says is true. For example, women are better than men at telling emotion NOT because of their relationship to men, as in the slave-master relationship. Women are natural caretakers and in order for them to take care of other they have to truly understand their needs, and be able to accurately assess their emotions.
@@ehsanali9023 GOD DESIRES SACRIFICE. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, they were ashamed of their nakedness and tried to cover their shame by wearing fig leaves. However, God shed an animal and covered them with that instead. We by our own works try to gain God’s approval but God requires a Sacrifice for forgiveness of sins hence Jesus. “Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins” (Heb. 9:22).
@ZAMislive 11 месяцев назад
@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 hahaha nice seeing someone asking such question. well In Islam, we believe in a true monotheism means there is only one god worthy of worship. God has no child, no wife, no parents. he is alone and capable of anything. Now about ur question, I could give u the answer but I would like you to find out urself, this way it will be more interesting for u and it will be a very learning experience. Do 1 thing! Try to find out relation b/w Islam and Christianity. 2nd, try to educatate urself with Quran. The answer will be there, not a promise but u may find it in the 1st week and u will accept it as I pray.
@johngelb9977 3 месяца назад
I refuse to believe that there’s a better apple than honeycrisp, but I’m now willing to give envy apples a shot
@GSAXL Месяц назад
Dr.Casagranda,philantropy derives from philos(friend or love as you say) and anthropos(human in greek).Anthropos does NOT mean man in greek.
@mondaymorningmorgan5103 8 месяцев назад
This guy is the cosmic balance to the damage Jordan Peterson has done
@matthewjohnson6926 5 месяцев назад
This guy's reach is 1/1000000000 of JP's, and rightly so. JP is transforming tens of thousands of young men's lives for the better, while this guy and his lies die an anonymous death at a failing community college. I was at a JP lecture in SAN FRANCISCO and witnessed firsthand young people of every ethnicity, gender, and sexual identity embrace the message of hope and responsibility and truth-seeking that JP shares. This guy is sharing hate and lies.
@ericsmith1961 5 месяцев назад
Peterson and Cassagranda are both awesome!
@avinashjagdeo 5 месяцев назад
Cassagranada is a brilliant researcher but ideologically biased at times and makes some leaps of logic to fit his world view. Peterson is consistently scientific, or at least he tries to be which will be painful to people just looking for confirmation of their world view. Cassagranada is also narrative driven to a great extent, so he's allowed some room to make guesses. Peterson is data driven, and cold hard data is unpleasant from some people.
@rashidnassermartinez646 4 месяца назад
@@matthewjohnson6926he’s a professor at austin community college, it’s not anonymous at all lmao
@yidavv 3 месяца назад
​​@@avinashjagdeothis is a joke right? 😂 wheres the punchline?
@avinashjagdeo 5 месяцев назад
Other than a few leaps in logic due to ideological bias, quite a brilliant presentation. But as a historian I suppose one is allowed some guesswork. Still excellent.
@drturkial-mutairi396 Год назад
I really love this prof.. I will listen to the whole lecture... still just started
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. GOD IS HOLY
@murraymoore8668 Год назад
three kinds of reproduction: - sexual - asexual -snails
@themuslimmountainbiker Год назад
Dr Roy is always so mesmerising to listen to. The guy is a global treasure imo. I put on a 2hr 13min lecture yesterday and kept thinking I will watch 40min and the rest another day. I couldn't stop iand listened to the whole thing up until 1.10am! That's the power of his voice/speech, knowledge and style!
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. GOD IS HOLY
@yousefghanem7183 Год назад
@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 please take this comment somewhere else. it does not have a place in a video and comment section that isnt even about religon.
@@yousefghanem7183 No religion can save youonly Jesus, Judgement is on crimes committed not the good things done SALVATION IS NOT THTROUGH GOOD WORKS Suppose Mother Theresa who helped thousands of hungry and sick people, if one day she lost her cool with one of the needs and killed the needy by poisoning him, she will still go to jail like everyone else. Her good works mean nothing to the judge as a righteous judge only judges you on the bad. The Bible in the old testament is filled with the idea of sacrifice, but one sacrifice was never sufficient it had to be sacrificed continuously, but Jesus the true Lamb of God died as a perfect sacrifice without sin, so either repent and believe in Jesus or get judged by all the bad you did in your life.
@themuslimmountainbiker Год назад
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 lol what has that got to do with anything here? Ps, Muslims believe in Jesus and the need to repent to GOD. ONE GOD AND NOT A MAN OR MEN. Jesus was a man. God doesn't have children or a wife or partner or a room mate or investment partners. There is only ONE God and Jesus and Muhammad (phuh) are messengers of God...along with Abhraham, Noah, Moses and more.
@@themuslimmountainbiker Ofcourse God doesn't have a wife, Jesus was born of a virgin Look ill share something personal. I’ve personally seen Jesus (Not worthy), Heaven and Hell. Hell is worse than what you think (I was shaking after that experience), and Heaven is better than what you think. I have also received a personal healing miracle, I can go into details if you want. This is how God works. If you give Him the benefit of the doubt, He gives you more and more. Would I spend even 2 minutes preaching if I had an ounce of doubt? (I’ve experienced way too much)
@sphesihlemnyadu1229 23 дня назад
He is a global educator❤. Lots of love from South Africa 🇿🇦 ❤️. Your lecture on "South Africa's Apartheid" is superb👌🏿🇿🇦❤️
@asadfami7623 Год назад
This man is simply magnificent! Such incredible detailed knowledge on so many subjects, unbelievable!!
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. GOD IS HOLY
@boualbanisally4009 Год назад
​@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 allah is Great ❤ 😊
@@boualbanisally4009 WHY SACRIFICE NEEDED FOR FORGIVENESS OF SINS ? God has given us court as an example of justice. If somebody earns a prison sentence (Hell) from breaking laws (Sins). He can be let out justly out of prison if someone pays his fine (bail). Jesus death on the cross paid the fine (the fine is infinite because you have sinned against an infinite God so only Jesus can pay the fine because He is Perfect). Either Believe in Jesus and repent (change from your sinful ways) or spend eternity paying for your own sins
@@boualbanisally4009 EID OF SACRIFICE Muslims internally believe in the need for a sacrifice for sins. Every year you celebrate Abraham going to Sacrifice Isaac on the mountain. This celebration points to the Father sacrificing the Son on the exact same mountain where Jesus died on (Mount Moriah).(But don’t forget He rose from the dead- only God can do that)-so repent & Believe in Jesus today. John 11: 50 nor do you consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people, and not that the whole nation should perish.” 51 Now this he did not say on his own authority; but being high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation
@aboelyosr100 Год назад
As you say that Egypt wasn't ruled by Egyptians from 30 BC untill Naguib 1952, so you Consider the Ptolomies are Egyptians while they are from Macedonia so you probably mean they Egyptianised themselves, so why you don't consider the same for the Memluks or Mohamed Ali's Dynasty, they Egyptianised themselves too, the Memluks brought ib Egypt when they were 5-6 years old and no home or Family but Egypt and their Master and brotherhood system!!
@mariecamero 7 месяцев назад
Just want to point out that Mr Robert Sapolsky says that Testosterone doesn’t make people aggressive, it enhances what you are naturally inclined to. If you are naturally aggressive, it enhances that.
@JonathanSnyder-s8n 12 дней назад
This guy is entertaining. Too bad he twists facts exaggerates slants toward such a woke agenda and conclusions that it’s laughable. And all the sound effects of grunting and flamboyant hand motions affected lisping is too much
@pasokhbeiran 8 месяцев назад
Thanks to Dr Roy Casagrande we can see a important fact just by reading the comments, I've watched almost all of videos except the one about my country Iran, in comments you can see a diverse range of people that the majority of them saying they watched the lecture learned a lot about history didn't get bored and it shows people willing to learn and it's up to the teachers to be more like the teacher we love Dr Roy Casagrande
@ivanfedorov2275 7 месяцев назад
He is usually fun to listen to, but he shouldn't talk about evolutionary biology at all. And it's likely that all his history is as random and absurd as his biology. But I still enjoyed other talks. Cheers to all.
@robertluff2357 Год назад
Absolutely brilliant and I love his humorous comments. "Hate SeaWorld and don't eat octopus".
@mixi2090 2 месяца назад
This man don't have students. He has followers with itchy ears. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 King James Version (KJV) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
@zaheersiddiqui3812 Год назад
Lots of Western things which I do not agree but the closing part is excellent and thought provoking rather inviting or advising audience to be a human and not a stupid boss. Another excellent work. In my mother tongue"Behtreen". Best regards Zaheer
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. GOD IS HOLY
@EFFLUVIUMWRITING 4 месяца назад
@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363you will find much company in hell
@On-off-hb9km Год назад
This speech is not evidence based
@nasdpmlima6248 6 месяцев назад
This comment is not evidence based
@paidaki3 5 месяцев назад
This reply is based on the absence of evidence
@gravenewworld6521 5 месяцев назад
@fadia7787 Год назад
In Lebanon, a woman isn’t allowed to change her family name. whereas in the US, my husband put my name under his family name on a legal document and unknowingly to me officially changed my legal name. I was shocked to find out that legally I couldn’t no longer use my own family name unless I went to court to change it. Referring to 58:00
@archhangell Год назад
Loads of love and respect Roy! (writing this even before listening to this lecture because I know you won't disappoint common sense and reasonable facts)
Why should God let you into Heaven? Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust (sexual desire), dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us. So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven? Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven. John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. GOD IS HOLY
@raafatchalar7698 5 месяцев назад
I really love this man. But I’m in for an hour and 20 mins and still he didn’t really talk about masculinity. This lecture is way all over the place
@lelouchvibritannia2300 3 месяца назад
@AJ-yu1ip 2 месяца назад
This was fascinating. I started keeping notes to tell my son...then i realized I'd be better off having him just watching it lol
@Navigator2166 3 месяца назад
Also, in the Apache culture, the men were the hunters/warriors. But the women were honored for the miracle of childbirth and wisdom. Thus they continue to maintain power.
@zacate1983 3 месяца назад
Agree about envy apples!!!🍎
@gregh5665 Месяц назад
Nothing like learning history and evolutionary biology and sociology from a political science teacher. What do you get? Entertaining political spin. go figure.
@MrSidney9 Месяц назад
"Emotional part of a killer whale is 5x bigger than ours, which means when they get sad, it's literally 5 times sadder that we could get " Anyone see a problem with this reasoning ? It doesn't mean that at all. It's as "logical" as saying their brains are twice as big therefore they're twice as smart. He's done many of those bad deductions in his talk such as women live 10years longer than men on average therefore Evolution decided that their roles in educating children are more valuable.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 24 дня назад
God is the epitome of Holiness because He is sinlessly perfect, A sinner (liar, sexually immoral, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, thief etc) cannot be in the presence of God or else he will be utterly consumed therefore repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour to go to Heaven.
@Lordolordor Месяц назад
Love it but Isabel of Castilla did not fight first line in battle, that's not true
@southpaw786 Год назад
Dr Casagranda is such wonderful purveyor of ideas and knowledge, and the way he weaves it all together is riveting. Thank you.
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. GOD IS HOLY
@HJ-ms8tq 5 месяцев назад
Roy is one of a scant minority of western historians / intellectuals unfettered by the ubiquitous orientalist, Grecopiliac blindfold. Thank you for your exciting and insightful lectures.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 5 месяцев назад
Most people have heard “Jesus/God loves you”. Does that mean they have a relationship with God and will go to heaven? Depends on the individual. A relationship is 2 sided, you receive love and you give love back. God showed His love by suffering, dying on the cross and rising from the dead for you, now you show Love back by repenting of your sins (lying, stealing, sexual sins, taking the Lord’s Name in vain etc) and believing in Jesus as your Lord and saviour so that Heaven is in your future not hell.
@PaulRGauthier 24 дня назад
​@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 seek psychiatric help.
@atakanmu 4 месяца назад
that was very informative. thanks Austin School for uploading it.
@caassimbah2485 Год назад
One of the most fascinating lectures I’ve ever listened to. Amazing delivery by Prof.
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. GOD IS HOLY
@mohammedirshadahmed2699 Год назад
Accurate explanation of the a lot of quranic verses. That's why Allah wanted us to ponder on the creation.
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. GOD IS HOLY
@abd_cheese7353 Год назад
​@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 okay but the action does not relate at all to the stipulation. Why does believing in jesus as god save us from god? Why does god commit suicide to save us from... himself?
@@abd_cheese7353 Because sin is punishable by hell and God satisfies the punishment, consider the following logic Everyone agrees that your sins are against God (infinite), do the fine is infinite, there are 2 options to pay the fine, God Himself pays the fine (infinite fine requires an infallible infinite payment). Only one death is required (infinity*1=infinity) or someone fallible/non infinite to pay infinite times (a number less than infinity*infinity=infinity) the latter view is hell which is a perpetual state of death to pay the infinite fine the former view is Jesus (God in the flesh, who died once and rose again from the Dead), I choose Jesus and you should to.
@abd_cheese7353 Год назад
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 sure, but when did jesus promise you this redemption? This type of practice didnt exist while jesus was alive, it only came after paul changed his laws
@@abd_cheese7353 Ever since the beginning there had to be a sacrifice for forgiveness of sins hence the Jews sacrifice animals as a foreshadow od Jesus the Lamb Of God GOD DESIRES SACRIFICE. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, they were ashamed of their nakedness and tried to cover their shame by wearing fig leaves. However, God shed an animal and covered them with that instead. We by our own works try to gain God’s approval but God requires a Sacrifice for forgiveness of sins hence Jesus. “Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins” (Heb. 9:22).
@jamalasdad8087 Год назад
Doesn't all this astonishing intelligent design in humans as well as in all other creatures lead to the undeniable fact that this is the art work of a super hyper intelligent powerful creator?!! For more details about human origin and creation do read the Quran _the last devine message to all human societies around the globe. Just one example from many,our first father, Adam,was created from clay and water and Eve,his companion,was created from one of Adam's side ribs. And the proof for those who are skeptical is that all our food comes from soil thanks to water and all these plants and herbivores that provides us with all types of foods and drinks are but intermediaries between us and mother earth. A Moslim Since God is our creator and since the Quran is his message to humanity, full truth is but in the Quran. Scientific arrogance doesn't lead to the truth.
@androgynouslibra7607 2 месяца назад
I found out today that Rosalind Franklin was the most overlooked scientist of her time! 😭 ❤this professor
@ekayudiw5177 Год назад
Nggak semua kesimpulan profesor aku percayai, tapi ternyata hasil2 penelitiannya menarik, dan justru membuktikkan kebeneran dr al Qur'an dan hadist. Dan mengisi kekosongan buku2 yg diajarkan di belahan bumi timur
@farzanasyed3627 Год назад
Wow, may Allah have mercy on this teacher, I love his teaching style and tremendous knowledge, hard work, style, wow
@afbf6522 8 месяцев назад
You mean God? You're speaking English, not Arabic...
@sabakunoru 7 месяцев назад
​@@afbf6522I grew up with no religious education, but from what i gather, Jesus didn't speak english? Quoting from a quick google search: "Christianity commenced more than 2000 years ago, in Israel" "The English language is approximately 1,400 years old" I guess my point is that @farzanasyed3627 was just spreading love and you came in with your beliefs to deny his. Stay well
@lelouchvibritannia2300 3 месяца назад
@@sabakunoru you got him there. Well done.
@jeremy-avar Год назад
Roy is the Bob Ross of academia.
@MuslimReverthelp Год назад
How low a human can get. This man is worst than animal. There is no higher value in his heart. he presents human a Purely earthly creature. completely cut of heavens ! just like a dog, donky or pig only with better chimical sparks in the heaf. his thought is belly button and below. Scary what modern creatures have become. Hearts without light, love, complassion, dignity and beauty. Literal , a cold heart. Ibn ata allah said "oh allah if i have you ! what do i miss And if i dont have you what do i have?
@RenderingUser Год назад
@@MuslimReverthelp ?????
@mansurgiovas5587 Год назад
at approximately 1:29:39 this erudite gentleman makes the following statement " philanthropia , love of humans , well love of men , well so that's kind of sad etc etc ". Well Sir , by no stretch, convolution, or distortion of the meaning of the Greek term ΑΝΘΡΟΠΟΣ [ANTHROPOS], could it be twisted to mean MAN( as in of the male gender), the word for which is ΑΝΔΡΑΣ or ANHP [ANDRAS or ANIR]. Without going into an etymological exploration of the ancient Greek term ANTHROPOS ,we can simply look at the meaning of the derivative English words like ANTHROPOLOGY , ANTHROPOMORPHIC , PHILANTHROPY , which it would be a ridiculous assertion to claim that they refer to males exclusively, and not to human beings in general. A pity because in general his talk is most enlightening and one even say entertaining, except when he uses cute little expressions like " I will SEGWAY through this ..blah, blah, blah " WTF is wrong with you man ? Cant you talk straight without trying to be cute ???
@mertoka Месяц назад
This is a priceless video! I have looked through so many places to help define my masculinity in such a heteronormative society, but this one is the best so far. I'll absolutely follow Roy Casagranda’s work ❤
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 24 дня назад
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus as their God. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents, unbelief etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. Jesus defeated death by rising from the dead. GOD IS HOLY
@JamesPeach Год назад
Dr. Roy Casagrande is the best teacher I never had. He's more than a teacher.
Most people have heard “Jesus/God loves you”. Does that mean they have a relationship with God and will go to heaven? Depends on the individual. A relationship is 2 sided, you receive love and you give love back. God showed His love by suffering, dying on the cross and rising from the dead for you, now you show Love back by repenting of your sins (lying,, stealing, sexual sins, taking the Lord’s Name in vain etc) and believing in Jesus as your Lord and saviour so that Heaven is in your future not hell
@TinBennu 3 месяца назад
You cannot attribute all personality development to genetic inheritance.
@TheLyricalWrdsmth Год назад
Man I wish Dr. Casagranda just straight up produced youtube videos. Lectures are great but it'd be cool to see him in something similar to a knowing better video.
@drphosferrous День назад
When we try to cram a whole person into an easier definition box, they suffer, and the whole society is weakened. That's a really good argument for freedom and equality, if you need one.
@GoodMoud Год назад
Do you really think that we're here by mere chance and the accumulation of pure random blind mutations/errors? Think again. I'd highly recommend watching The Journey Of Certainty by Dr. Eyad Qunaibi. Complete it and You'll know that you are here intentionally for purpose ;) All the best
@ts3784 Год назад
keep dreamimg but cover yourself well. so now we know why apples taste good, and women have trouble giving birth, and most importantly how language was created. are talking to a kindergarden crodd?
@LikeMore2011 Год назад
Im a Cherkessian (caucasus) and until now men wont say in public wifes name. they would say, she, her, the other, or my equal.
Why should God let you into Heaven? Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust (sexual desire), dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us. So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven? Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven. John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
@eii-p3t Год назад
​@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 get real man
@robisverybad75 3 месяца назад
@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 is god an asshole? who would deny the afterlife to the majority of the world population, because they didn't go to church on Sunday,? If Jesus was the son of god, why wouldn't he tell people to write this stuff down, it is important. hmmm
@MohammadImran-hi7rl Год назад
Why they talk about emotion for men why they always talk about men to be crying. As intelligent as Roy is this is just feminists point of view and a terrible one at that...
@niyasahammed1026 5 дней назад
I wanted to comment on your Speach about the ‘rise of Islam’. But as the comments are turned off there I would do it here. As an ex muslim I was saddened by your glorifications of Islamic conquests and their generosity towards other ethnic and religious communities while completely forgetting/avoiding to mention the genocides the fanatic muslims under Muhammad committed against the pagan and Jew tribes lived in and around Madina. I am all for human wellbeing and a leftist to the core. But I don’t understand your motivations to sugar coat one of the most inhuman ideologies.
@SirSidi Год назад
nice lecture, I learned a lot of new information. But this is a lecture about everything except Masculinity. I am disappointed on this regard that the lecture did not deliver what the title promised.
@Krack2805 11 дней назад
in the beginning he talks a lot about chance and how likely u are to be where u are today. Well... the fact is that we are living in the most prosperous time of our species and it is much much much more likely that u would be born in this time than any other time. So it is HIGHLY Likely that any person would be living in a prosperous time than any other time, since MORE BILLIONS of humans are born and live in this time than any other in history.
@NinaWhitehorn9212 Месяц назад
Dr. Roy, I'm a nurse and I'm a very curious person about many things and topics, and your lectures encompass most of all the ones that I really love and enjoy. Thank you very much, blessings and greetings from Mexico 😊
@ahmedjasim9819 Год назад
I didn’t know I have this kind of attention
@andreww2319 9 месяцев назад
This guy is insanely entertaining and yet he had one of the most inanimate audiences you could find.
@scenteddiamond7659 Год назад
Ive never missed your lectures Prof Casagranda, I've even watched the one you said you're keeping score with elon musk at the world government summit 🤩🤩 very mind opening thank you
@stedvo1689 Год назад
Roy ...you m.......r. I freaking love you, i wish i could be sitting in front of those lectures..Υοur transmissibility, the way you talk..its like you have an audience of 12year olds yet you teach adults...thank you for existing and teaching in such an amazing way. I would love to meet you in person or at least being in one of your lectures. Much love keep up
@bayoubliss7832 8 месяцев назад
As someone who doesn’t need to explain why I never could go to college in America I’m grateful I can watch these lectures and still expand my knowledge
@popandlochness 7 месяцев назад
Although this is scientifically accurate it shouldn’t be touched this way. Specifically the way he talks about evolution strongly suggests directionality and pseudo sentience. Evolution is random and only sorted through selective pressure. When you talk about human behavior in the aggregate it’s easy to forget that as sentient and conscious beings, we don’t experience life in the aggregate. A lot of people use this expression of biology to justify bad behavior and when the occasional motivated group lands upon it--eugenics. I can’t express just how much talking about this stuff this way And intermingling it with human cultural traditions and society in the 1:1 correlation that’s being used here, it can be dangerous.
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