The Austin School
The Austin School
The Austin School
The Austin School is part of Sekhmet Liminal, LLC. It is dedicated to digging into the truth, weeding out the misinformation, and understanding the world as it really is. Our goal is to have a variety of talks and panels on as many issues as we can cover. We do not censor and therefore do not always agree with our speakers.The opinions expressed here are not necessarily the opinions of The Austin School, Sekhmet Liminal, LLC, or its members. Also we are humans and as a result deeply flawed. Please accept in advance your apologies for all our errors.
Salah ad Din Part 2 (The Crusades: Part 4)
21 день назад
World War II - Part 2 (Interwar Chaos)
Месяц назад
WW II - Part X (Warsaw Ghetto Uprising)
2 месяца назад
Apartheid South Africa
6 месяцев назад
World War II - Part 1 (WWI)
7 месяцев назад
Horus the red-shouldered hawk in our backyard
9 месяцев назад
Three bees visit a passion flower
9 месяцев назад
Unerasing Erased People
Год назад
The Crusades: Part 1
Год назад
Driving in Dubai
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The Austin School Hosts Mike Siegel
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A Plea for Balance
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The Aztecs: Part 1
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March of the lava crickets
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Wasp surprise!
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How Islam Saved Western Civilization
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Eid Mubarak
2 года назад
@wheetos33 10 минут назад
Surely he means Israel when he says Palastine
@maheramhaz 13 минут назад
What you are telling is so similar to now a days
@kyelog4427 3 часа назад
One of the best historians alive in my opinion 💯
@epocalis 7 часов назад
Dude I love your lectures, 👍🏽👍🏽
@Garraad 7 часов назад
Those of us in Western countries really really need to learn Islam and not be so bias because of lack of knowing Islam and Muslims
@stephenmeier4658 13 часов назад
It's clear Fred Armisen found this channel before anyone else
@EskayDuro 14 часов назад
Still a Democrat plant. Taking every opportunity to poison young minds. So sad. Gifted story teller and intelligent historian. Too bad he can't keep himself from espousing his liberal agenda - which has bo place in a study of historical facts. Sad.
@TinBennu 14 часов назад
You cannot attribute all personality development to genetic inheritance.
@germanruizrivadeneira8835 15 часов назад
tacos have their origins in prehispanic culture
@mahkhi7154 15 часов назад
@mahkhi7154 15 часов назад
Salah ad Din, The Crusades. The Crusaders (British) are You. This CHARADE of Yours doesn't fool Me. You're Gonna Lose ASWAN, Egypt, Africa AND Ireland/Brittain!
@dotmomo1329 16 часов назад
I can see why Iran and any other country around there are angry with the West and America. They literally stole from them, the land and the black gold. The British, Germany, Russia and the Greeks stole from brown people. They changed the land mark and the language, just as they did my ancestors.
@71oldboy 17 часов назад
Thank you, refreshing to hear an unbiased version of history… I just like to add, if the Seljuks did not fall into a chaotic throne wars, the first crusade would not have advanced as far as
@HaS-fr8fz 18 часов назад
The prophet of humanity (islam) never wanted to unite any religions ...he had his own revealation based on The Creator if Heavens and Earth Will and new scripture if islam. And this new prophet is mentioned in Isaiah and many places of bible .
@venkatramakkineni 18 часов назад
"Nationalism says my nation is superior to all other nations" Hmm, This is what google says. "identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations." "Which means all other nations are inferior to my nation" Okaaaaayyyy, It seems you may be stretching it a bit now. "By definition a nationalist says everybody else is probably sub-human" That is where my communist sensors were shouting at their peak. So, I'll checkout now, thankyou.
@xtasy6291 20 часов назад
Ain Jalut The doomsday of the Mongols 🎉
@downsideupbox 20 часов назад
most insightful and dramatically told lecture by Roy. mad respect for the honest ending
@akplayer007 21 час назад
Those Muslim leaders back then are not much different from the current leaders. Instead of uniting to stop the current (Zionist) crusaders from committing genocide, they rather sit in their palaces enjoying life.
@kittyshah8547 23 часа назад
Where is Dr Roy's own channel? I love this teacher ❤
@kittyshah8547 23 часа назад
I want to be in that classroom
@kittyshah8547 23 часа назад
Love you too professor ❤
@kittyshah8547 23 часа назад
My fav hero of the history ❤❤❤❤hazrat khalid bin waleed (R.A)❤❤❤❤
@HappyBassetHound-eo1fo День назад
He looses me with is harsh critic of the british empire. Which other empire that toom over most the world ended with there societys with so much freedom?
@goodteacher7137 День назад
My favorite hero 💙
@Dragonman998 День назад
“The European, like the Jew, believes that he alone is truly a man, and that, consequently, the entire earth must belong to him. -The German only carries to the extreme the faults which are common, to one degree or another, to all European peoples, he is the most complete and accomplished type of European, and he is right, fundamentally, to see himself as the “civilized” par-excellence according to the formula of the modern West. But this only proves one thing: that extreme “civilization”, understood in this sense, is quite simply the height of barbarism, what can material “progress” lead to, if not to an equivalent spiritual regression? (We say spiritual regression, and not "moral", because nothing is more "moralist", on the contrary, than the Westerner to whom all true spirituality is foreign, and even he alone can be "moralist", precisely for this reason: “moralism” also develops in the opposite direction to spirituality.)” [René Guénon: unpublished note, 1910.]
@T20K11 День назад
Where is my boy Casagranda? We need middle east video mannn 😧
@johngelb9977 День назад
I refuse to believe that there’s a better apple than honeycrisp, but I’m now willing to give envy apples a shot
@toddmentch День назад
Love you. But sometimes your tangents are a little zany and misplaced. Like, yeah, things can have more than one name IN DIFFERENT CULTURES. And societies can have different time frames, Russia is "in the past" like Israel is "in the future" I watched all of part 1, and 46 minutes of part 2, and this is in need of an editor
@MichaelWunderli День назад
Where is part 3?
@MichaelWunderli День назад
I can see part 5 bit where is part 3?
@dictatorspeaking-on5ps День назад
Islam is the one that needs to go, and everyone else needs to be saved from Islam, look at Europe today and you will know how Islam is 'saving' the Western Civilizations
@stephenmeier4658 День назад
A brilliant communicator indeed
@inhumanesocietyusa День назад
Very nice 👍…I love story telling… my question is how can we use this amazing information…and come up with something incredible ❤. Can we do it?
@timmcdraw7568 День назад
I cant believe ive only just come across your lectures for the first time yesterday. I love your lectures so so much. Ive been listening back to back (admittedly not the best way to do it if i want to retain the information, but i already know the lectures i am going to re-listen with a pen and paper). Thank you from the bottom of m;y heart for making these available to people. Also, i understand why you made it impossible to com;ent on the Warsaw video, so im not going to go into detail here as a way to honor that. But i just want to tell you that i watched it, ive sent it out, and i was so moved by your telling. And so admiring of your ability to talk about it as something that has deeply felt current implications. Upmost respect from me, and again, gratitude.
@Cerpa912 День назад
I love this man so much
@internet33 День назад
The truth is out
@ammar6564 День назад
Amazing lecture and story telling! I am gona watch all of your videos Dr ❤
@paulturner9542 День назад
His comment about the first German and Czech settlers would hate the guts of their ancestors today in Texas is nonsense. As a 2nd Gen migrant, your ancestors leave for opportunity and sacrifice for future generations; they don’t want you to be raging lefty factory workers after two generations, otherwise it’s a failure.
@elenivargis126 День назад
This gu is such on idiot on so many point of fact, I'd hate to be one of his students actually paying for this garbage! He's so dismissive of anything that doesn't fit his narrative, he blows past it and often gets facts 100% wrong: 1) Greece fought hard on the side of the Allies in WWI, and its priority was recapturing Asia Minor lost to the Ottomans in the 15thC by the Byzantines - who were essentially the Greeks of Ionia - and there was no "Izmir" during WWI just "given to the Greeks"! The city was still called Smyrna, and the genocide that happened there was by Ataturk's blood-thirsty Grey Wolves aka the "Young Turks" - a genocide perpetrated against the Armenian & Greeks, written about by USA & French Ambassadors and in those nations's newspapers at the time as "crimes against Humanity"! I'm not aware of any Italians in the area, nor what side Italy was on? As a nation it tends to flip-flop a lot...and Russia DID NOT SURRENDER to Prussia for gods sake! The Bolshevik Revolution pulled Russia out of the Great War in order so they could fight a Civil War! Gods - who taught YOU history?!!
@limanarrad3720 День назад
The good teacher
@mikeandzod21 День назад
Love these lectures. Does he have a bibliography or something? I’d love to deep dive in all the little eddies he goes down, and where he gleaned his knowledge
@Pakidesivlog День назад
The sound keeps going up and down. it deters concentration. can this pls be fixed? for future videos?
@habztermalik6717 День назад
there is a lot of repeated information from the Part 1 the first lecture and we haven't really reached WWII yet.
@jadhussein8412 День назад
If muslims in Ibera just could hold off their line.. a contain that evil.. then hundreds of millions of Native americans and Africans would have been spared... And that priest that exchanged a slave by other.. was not much better..
@AnounYmoususer-ei8qf День назад
Im not american but her speech is truely bs. In fact if there are more democrates potentialy voters in texas and they dont't vote, it is surely not because they think theire vote does not count it is vecause they do not have the faith on liars anymore and in the other side republican are good liars when they try to say that the problem is the "invasion" of foreingers. It is the same think in all the western countries , the same! They keep their bread by playing with the people and now they see people are fed up they keep coming with this bs speeches. I am stunned when i see how people just listening to her as if she spitting truth.
@zacate1983 День назад
Agree about envy apples!!!🍎
@barham2669 День назад
A correction Kurds are not Iranian, the trem Aria is just an illusion for weaping up minorities ethnic groups, we are generation of Sumerian, Kashiad, Gotean, lastly Median Impire there is a big confusion due to not own a state our history have been stolen by other countries
@maryannegervais1747 День назад
Love this guy! He is brilliant. I am sending his lectures to all my friends.
@luchezarnaable День назад
I was sad that Dr. Casagranda mentioned my homeland 🇧🇬 with the not so proud moments of Bulgaria's history. We were an empire back in the days, but you know... things happened. And still ❤ his lectures. I feel like a kid listening to an amazing fairytale. Thank God there are scholars like you! God bless you!