

Dan Astin-Gregory
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Does it sometimes feel like you’re surrounded by people who’ve been hypnotised in some way? Well, maybe you are.
My guest tonight is Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, and his observations over the past 18 months have led him to conclude that the overwhelming majority have indeed fallen under a kind of spell.
Except it’s not actually a spell, of course: the term for it is mass formation and right now it’s manifesting as a psychological response - not unlike hypnosis - to the unrelenting, single-focus campaign of fear to which we have all been subjected.
Join me at 5pm when I will explore with Mattias what triggers and sustains this mass response, where it could ultimately lead us, why a minority somehow manages to remain unaffected, and whether there’s anything we can collectively do to break the spell before it’s too late.
Have you subscribed to the Pandemic Podcast mailing list? Please sign up here www.danjgregory.com/pandemic
UPDATE: The term Mass Formation or Mass Formation Psychosis was recently popularised by Dr Robert Malone on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast. Prior to this Robert Malone had previously shared this episode with Mattias Desmet as the best introductory podcast on the topic of Mass Formation. Please help us to share this in depth overview of Mass Formation Psychosis.
#massformation #massformationpsychosis #totalitarianism




28 июл 2024




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@ruthbashford3176 2 года назад
I woke up one morning in 2020 and found I was living in a parallel universe where nothing made any sense!
@jinnymudlark1815 2 года назад
That, along with other phenomena, was the intention.
@nigelstuart765 2 года назад
Me too. Still waiting to wake up from this bloody nightmare. Stay Sane Stay strong. Stronger together. FREEDOM, FREEDOM
@philc6068 2 года назад
Welcome to whose world is it anyway where everything is made up and the points don't matter
@moragmacgregor6792 2 года назад
and I knew instantly
@mn_ice 2 года назад
Me too ..feels like an absolute dystopian nightmare.
@sonjavanmoed4426 2 года назад
Now I am understanding why some special people in my life have shut the door on me. 'The truth does not mind being questioned. The lie refuses to be challenged'.
@tracybrown4941 2 года назад
Well said!
@tracybrown4941 2 года назад
I have to say, I am the one who over the past few years has shut the door on quite a few people who were previously in my circle. Many of these people are family but drank the Kool-Aid so, time for them to go and live their lives without me. It's like trying to have a relationship with a person with an abusive personality who will never change. One day, you wake up and say: I'm not going to live like this anymore and you (the victim) leave. That was what it was like for me with my family. The odd thing is, they are dysfunctional, toxic and abusive by nature. Now, they are also fully indoctrinated into the narrative. Coincidence? My intuition says: No.
@simplekaty 2 года назад
@@tracybrown4941 you sound very judgemental of the rest of your family. You have dehumanised them?
@DeeJay003 2 года назад
@@tracybrown4941 You comment reminds me of a Richard Prior quote ' Family is like recieving a life sentence for a crime you didn't commit ! '
@susieormsby2471 2 года назад
@@simplekaty your comment exposes you as one who accuses others yet excuses yourself.
@ashleynicole9423 2 года назад
I never believed any of it but really knew it was a facade when co-workers, family members, and other associates, were getting “sick” with nothing but “mild cold symptoms,” sitting at home eating soup and watching movies. Or others getting positive tests with no symptoms but yet sitting at home for 14 days for no reason, leaving me at work to carry their load. What BS!
@georgemcfetridge8310 Год назад
It's the worst fraud ever, with the worst projected outcomes.
@markrenton4998 2 года назад
As someone with a background in molecular biology my inflexion point was around October 2020 when all newspapers ran a story almost simultaneously of the tack that “antibodies are in your blood for only weeks therefore immunity only lasts weeks”. Basic knowledge of the immune system lets you see this is nonsense as memory t-cells fill the role of long term immune memory, not serum antibodies.
@bpj1805 2 года назад
Whenever that distortion seems like it's present, I like to point out that the person I'm arguing with almost certainly has no antibodies for polio or measles in their body, yet is almost certainly immune.
@jackaman1474 2 года назад
"inflexion point?"
@KSRobinette 2 года назад
One of the underlying problems behind this mass psychosis is the apalling ignorance of our population when it comes to science, math and history. I doubt 1% of our population has even a foggy notion of how our immune systems work, any capacity to read and comprehend a graph or any capacity to intrepret numbers with any accuracy. Probably less than 5% knows enough history to put this pandemic or the mind control efforts of our media in any historical context. That makes it easy for political leaders and media to just lie to our faces and be believed by millions. Still, more and more people are seeing through the lies.
@residentialpropertydevelop4549 2 года назад
@@KSRobinette perfect analogy and so true.
@TedBowersoxJr 2 года назад
BASED! T-cell memory is where "it's" at! Damn all these charlatans claiming elevated 'antibodies' from the GENE THERAPY are the 'way'' out of this. Nuremberg & Hippocratic violators -- ALL of them!!!
@gwenechotaylor96 2 года назад
"The forest kept shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced them that since his handle was wood, he was one of them" - - West Asian Fable
@greenp74 2 года назад
Love it
@mariemarie3614 2 года назад
...thanks for sharing ❤
@missmolly2327 2 года назад
@dbencic 2 года назад
@elizabethivey9326 2 года назад
What a great proverb!
@graalcloud 2 года назад
I've found that stopping watching television completely is the best thing possible one can do to combat this
@malkagottesman5772 2 года назад
Television is "tell a vision" (a story).
@henrygarciga 2 года назад
You need more than that since it is a duty to be extremely knowledgeable and informed to convince people that we need to stop the research for effortless, efficient and low cost methods of mass murder/illness . No one mentions the multitude of experiments U.S. scientists have done on farm animals , monkeys and humans well documented throughout the cold war. To drift on a boat and release as an aerosol agents to test their effective range when airborne , waiting for the hospital calls to come in and map locations. This is exactly what happened here in California. Secrecy by officials puts the at-large public at great risk and harm to their health . Try changing the discussion to what 200 other bio-labs are doing with our sponsorship across the world and next to Russia. The Lugar center should never continue work that harms local populations .
@believeinjesus8862 2 года назад
Yup! Shut the government paid communicator off!!
@DallasJackal 2 года назад
@jassy3334 2 года назад
Got rid of tv 16 years ago and then radio, later it was most of movies , series and books. except for some which have now got word perfect..sigh..Choose what I want to see on net . If net goes will have to ........rely on Holy Spirit only. Which is not a bad thing.
@bestillandknow9127 2 года назад
My turning point was early on when I realized how everything moved so fast. My background is paying attention to detail & fraud investigations, so when I noticed the large box stores (which remained open while others had to close; another key indicator), immediately had signage & floor stickers in the stores, I thought well that takes time to produce & coordinate, so how come it appeared so quickly? Then immediately the ads on tv started about “being in this together”, which also takes time to produce ... as if it was all planned & coordinated. And then the 2 final events that sealed the deal was the dancing nurses/docs in the ER’s at the pinnacle of people dropping like flies. And when I searched wait time online of the local ER’s & hospitals in my surrounding area to find nothing longer than 45 mins.... also during the pinnacle. It’s all a ruse for money, control & allegiance to the powers that be.
@helahreljac1523 2 года назад
I used to work in the supermarket where we were told that 'masks are only for psychological protection' so we were not having them. Even though we never closed the store, none of the staff in the area got seriously sick. I mean, all of us had kovit symptoms February-March 2020 but we were told they need a staff so it was expected to come to work with the mild flu... Also we've got e-mail from the head office that pandemic will last till 2022. I was wandering how do they know... 4 months later in the middle of July when nobody gets sick any more, we were suddenly told to wear mask. I refused it and left that job soon. Hypocrites.
@sumthingwickedly 2 года назад
The mwahahaha plan laugh and hand rubbing from our leaders and sinister messages being texted, emailed, advertised everywhere non-stop often obviously spurious. In Scotland I seen an ad shortly after the first doses saying it'd been 'proved' effective and safe which with no data other than everyone who got it wasn't dead can't be true. The distinct lack of bodies piling up, mass graves and endless funerals gave the game away too.
@misc.endeavours8343 2 года назад
It has all been in the planning for decades, the controllers taking time to finely hone the methods, their timing, etc. and to anticipate anything that might impede their implementation. The controllers are a mix of brilliant minds (I am not paying them a compliment) and plodders - all useful and each dedicated to ensuring the success of the plan.
@angelaberni8873 2 года назад
I would also like to add the fact of the speed they had such a volume of jabs ready the whole world over. They were obviously in the making many year prior.
@sumthingwickedly 2 года назад
@@angelaberni8873 10 years drug to market this materialised in under a year my ars- e and fk fau-ci
@fatar9075 2 года назад
Finally someone speaking common sense to the 30% of us who feel befuddled by living in a world filled with apparent madness. Thank you for this video and introducing us to this professor!
@pl414 2 года назад
As compared to the 70% that is actually rational?
@OhSoddit 2 года назад
@@pl414 Baaaaaaa :)
@gatoryak7332 2 года назад
Fatar90's comment screams, "Confirmation bias!"
@mc.8391 2 года назад
A professor of Psychology.... not a Scientist or a Biologist but a man that studies human behaviour.... its like getting a mathamatical answer from a professor of Psychiatry.... doesnt make sense to me
@nelsonhelmutt5076 2 года назад
@Alex McAuliff Thank You, you saved me from having to cite your very same conclusion. plus a Masters Applied statistics analyst. yep, a real scientist. connecting all the dots.
@lanewallick5490 2 года назад
I remember a teacher I had in high school telling us that censorship should be a red flag, always. That stuck with me.
@jwilko2126 2 года назад
It started way before the pandemic. When the qanon followers were purged from Twitter and everyone celebrated.
@fouadmas5413 2 года назад
Now Instagram have deleted 5 Dr's which are asking the right questions against the Narrative. Insta Censor
@standinginthegap7118 2 года назад
Very wise words
@blombidobadila8084 2 года назад
@@jwilko2126 Qanoners are pretty much Nazis, supported Trump and co. Nasty people, very!
@robertharrelson5024 2 года назад
Almost every school there is practices censorship. Red flags abound.
@we4r119 2 года назад
When you tell people they are losing their freedoms and human rights, they question you - what freedoms? What rights are we losing? It’s like I’m living in a dystopian existence.
@foreverfreealib 2 года назад
You pretty much answered your own question didnt you?
@DougallMcCorkle 2 года назад
I am assuming you are being facetious
@gailg1458 2 года назад
It's not "like" you are living in a dystopian reality. You ARE living in a dystopia.
@jenniferreed4322 2 года назад
I feel like it’s surreal. Like this can’t be happening. People can’t be buying this bull shit. Yet, they are. It doesn’t feel like reality at all. It feels like the twilight zone with the stuff that’s going on
@jmjpainter 2 года назад
My words exactly to my wife, and she thinks I’m nuts!
@shanrafnezden7958 2 года назад
My turning point was when they started talking about vaccine mandates. Vaccines should be for those who need them, and they should always be voluntary for the general public. Principles are very important. One of the most important principles is the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights.' Especially the one that ensures the sanctity of the human body.
@beingsshepherd Год назад
Plus there was no alternative compulsion on offer, just a one size fits all decree that might cause some to literally drop dead.
@georgemcfetridge8310 Год назад
Vaccines have never been shown to help anyone. Choice about what? How mediocre.
@PJHamann1 2 года назад
I wrote this in June of 2020. It has become even more pronounced since. Lockdown is a warm blanket for many. I have come to realize that there are people who actually are benefitting emotionally from the quarantine. It eases their daily mental anguish. It alleviates the pain that comes with human interaction. It excuses their own failures by externalizing their inability to meet any of societies needs. It provides an accessible and popular rationale for the antisocial behaviors which, under other circumstances, would identify them as sociopathic. It's the perfect mask behind which to hide one's hatred for humanity, while allowing one to project altruism. The thought of stripping away that beautiful blanket and forcing them back out into the sunlight is extremely frightening for many.
@a.macdonald4877 2 года назад
well said
@argent2345 2 года назад
@andromedarising5764 2 года назад
A great observation indeed.
@DannyVardy 2 года назад
@ashleynicole9423 2 года назад
Yep also a haven for those with depression and anxiety or those with sick and tired of going to work syndrome.
@cjvidito5393 2 года назад
When I noticed some people were being shamed in believing differently I realized something big was happening
@WillyWanka 2 года назад
The scariest part of this is "it is a pre-cursor to totalitarianism" It's so strange to be aware of this and watch things around you descend into complete shit and nobody does anything. There is a movie called The Witches that I watched as a kid, there is a scene where the boy is trying to wake his grandmother because the witches are after him, but she is in some sort of trance and will not awaken. That's what I feel like in Melbourne, Australia.
@androc75 2 года назад
Just watched it yesterday. Scary, mind programming stuff
@marindadegersigny1243 2 года назад
@Steven77 Fat chance mate. It is not going to get better!
@somaliagiraffe 2 года назад
Matt shills covid in the first 5 mins
@heynow01 2 года назад
We are following Au in this insane tyrannical rule in the U.S.. Never imagined it could happen here.
@carolinaprado7529 2 года назад
Same here in sydney
@fainitesbarley2245 2 года назад
I am glad to hear someone say they never felt anxious about COVID. It wasn’t just me even though I have a number of risk factors. This doesn’t mean I don’t believe many people have been very ill or died. A lot of things weren’t right about this whole thing from the outset. I find the way more than one wealthy country provided massive field and naval hospitals which were left empty yet forced COVID patients into care homes quite bizarre. The blatant mass misreporting of ivermectin and the way so many people in power ignore the rules indicates a different agenda.
@lat1419 2 года назад
Me too. Even today a friend indicated I didn't care about her, with COPD, because I described this current illness as just a cold. She launched into the full "safe lockdowns" etc. I suggested that we both (as I have problems too) in past years have looked after ourselves, and we would suffer if the economy collapsed. But no meeting of minds there. She used to be a feisty canpaigner, married to an anarchist. Now she & he are jabbed up and wishing destruction on us all. Another friend would not come closer than 20 ft as she was scared of my non-vaxxed status. I just told her she was more of a danger to me, and accept that is now an ex friend. So sad to see her cowering in her house, afriad to walk across a field without a mask on. Im so sick of this madness.
@susanmercurio1060 2 года назад
I'm homeless in the US and I see that most homeless people aren't anxious about Covid at all. Maybe it's because we have bigger and better things to worry about, or maybe we're somewhat immune to the mass formation because we're already "outside" society. I'm 75, but in excellent health and I could care less.
@christineleveille2808 2 года назад
I never was afraid of COVID either.
@thecommonsensecapricorn 2 года назад
Same, the first day of the lockdowns I got a rush of panic and not because of the “virus”. I ended up running to the craft store and getting a poster and a sharpie and writing a sign that said “the easiest way to control is with fear” and I sat on the corner of Haight & Ashbury in San Francisco. Everyone who walked past me gave me a thumbs up or a solidarity fist. I think we all had that gut instinct but it changed for a lot of people overtime as they “intellectualized” it
@benrex7775 2 года назад
What a man. Sad it wasn't successful. Okay, perhaps it was and prevented a few from starting to buy into it. And then it was worth it.
@genelowe7209 2 года назад
What a San Fran thing to do! I salute you for your efforts.
@susanmercurio1060 2 года назад
Oh, you did? I used to live at 24 Ashbury St in 1969. I miss it sooo much! Homesick
@sierragreen 2 года назад
Three traits I've seen in the non-hypnotized: willingness to question authority, paying attention to what's going on, exercising common sense.
@miasimmons3063 2 года назад
@kathycagg6531 2 года назад
I think a additional piece is maybe a lack of laziness & a willingness to be uncomfortable while sorting out likely truth from untruth. A lot of folks just want to be in their comfortable coma!
@Rnankn 2 года назад
How about paranoia, grandiosity, and sociopathy. Everyone isn’t hypnotized except you, you aren’t special enough to see clearly, and undermining collective action is a social harm.
@miasimmons3063 2 года назад
@@Rnankn Hello to you. I want to ask you some questions. Do you think that people have the right to know what their rights are? Do you think people have the right to ask questions beyond what information is given? Do you think they have the right to protect themselves from harm by educating themselves? Think of something besides covid and apply these questions. What kind of world will it be if people are forbidden to speak. All my life when I talk to my Father at night and pray to him. I ask him to protect my family, friends, neibours and my strangers. Because the strangers are all my brothers and sisters I have not met. We all are the same here on this planet. We all have the same rights. Do you see that people are being divided? If we fight amongst eachother we loose. If we stand up together and say I support you and I support your right to ask questions out loud the questions will have to be answered.
@sierragreen 2 года назад
@@Rnankn If you think that undermining collective action that wants to suppress free speech and force medical treatment is a social harm, you obviously haven't learned the lesson of how atrocities can be committed through authority-driven collective action that goes unchallenged. And no, I don't know that I can see clearly, but unlike you, I prefer to decide the course of my life based on a free exchange of information and not have some vested-interest dogma shoved down my throat.
@kathymiller5781 2 года назад
Unfortunately I'm in the age group at 66 , of the majority of people who fall for the narrative! I feel completely alone! My husband of 46 years is unable to keep an open mind anymore! We have always had so much in common and a good marriage! Not anymore! He thinks I'm nuts and so do my neighbors! Such a sad time for humanity!💔
@samuelliam5902 2 года назад
I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope that you can get through to your husband especially. My mum must’ve been in a similar situation to you, with my younger brother and myself (18 and 20) finding some of the things she told us extremely ‘out there’. It was easier to disagree than it was to consider the truth in what she said. Now, I see just how wise and in tune she was and agree with her.
@kate60 2 года назад
Stand firm. Time and truth. Truth always comes out in time.
@jinnymudlark1815 2 года назад
I would say, stand firm for yourself. Leave him be, and don't try to 'get through' to him. Laugh and play over your differences, because your relationship is more special than every word concerning the c'word issue that is currently in existence in the whole world. Treasure that. Cheers from Australia.
@mrs.c5471 2 года назад
I know how you feel, my sister and brother, haven’t spoken to me in over a year because I disagree with the “narrative”. CRAZY
@elliotlazarus9257 2 года назад
Every lie will be exposed. Nothing will remain hidden! Look around you. A lie after lie is being knocked down. As a Christian I believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and He is the way, the truth and the life for me. Jesus has told us, when you know the truth, the truth will set you free.
@truthabovelies 2 года назад
I can tell you, I'm a Christian and have a post graduate degree and from the beginning I had no fear or anxiety from the virus. But I did have anxiety about why many were falling for the false narrative. The first sign of trouble for me was, "for the greater good"comment.
@cinderelladevil1687 2 года назад
That is exactly what I fear most. Not the virus, but the herd-like behaviour of people. My friends do not understand why I do not fear the virus, no matter how many times I explain, they are abduced
@georgemcfetridge8310 Год назад
Head in the sand - there is no virus.
@gracepursey2166 2 года назад
I neither watch or read the news from the main stream media. It has saved my life ! I have no fear. I live a normal life.
@Morten_Nielsen1979 2 года назад
"Never before have so many people believed so many lies". - Dr. Vernon Coleman
@davidfoley3510 2 года назад
Ah yes, the old man in the chair.
@line_inthe_sand2569 2 года назад
Love that man
@sciagurrato1831 2 года назад
“covid 19 is a particularly well-marketed brand of flu” - Dr Vernon Coleman (2020)
@maryloulongenbaugh7069 2 года назад
Dr Vernon Coleman has been speaking out about the growing menace of the pharmaceutical industry for 30+ years. He has a great background and opinions worth listening to. He's written many books.
@betsyj59 2 года назад
My "trigger" occurred at 4:10pm on March 12, 2020 when one of my students looked at a text on her phone and told us all that we weren't coming back to campus after Spring Break. This was during the last class I taught before the week's break. I drove home feeling sick to my stomach. I knew that it wasn't going to be a couple of weeks to "flatten the curve" and knew that the awful feeling of being powerless to prevent being cut off from in-person discussions with my students was only the beginning of the loss of autonomy and independence. From there on out it was just a matter of watching the march towards totalitarianism unfold while virtually everyone I knew (save my mother and a cousin and two friends in South Africa) marched right along too, in lockstep.
@johnbarrett5229 2 года назад
You are not alone. Remember, 70% of us are NOT hypnotized! So part of our job is to recruit people from that 40% that are currently on the fence. I've long felt that MANY of the people wearing masks were only pretending to go along with the narrative due to "peer pressure", etc. Being kind and being vocal is really, really important!
@redsword1659 2 года назад
events in Australia show you are paranoid
@beverywhereyouare 2 года назад
@@johnbarrett5229 I dunno maN - i think 70-80% "ARE" hypnotized .... depending on the issue !! This attack is multi-faceted. On "coronavirus" ... some folks SEE teh deception. But MANY of these same folks will call Donald Trump "a man of God sent to liberate our country" !!! NEver mind HE was the guy who GAVE US the vaccines ... and quietly snuck out the back door. It's DEEPER than most realize ..
@dianacoonrod47 2 года назад
Where did this occur? South Africa or US or elsewhere? I, too, knew on Friday, March 13th 2020 that courses were to be stopped for 2 weeks at first (Canada).
@mistymoor7114 2 года назад
It's not everyone marching along but as said, a ot of people afraid to speak out. I think we need to be careful about alienating ourselves from family and close friends but to drop in one or two relevant facts that we fully researched now and then can be the way to start
@wendyneufeld 2 года назад
One of the stated conditions is that people see no meaning to life. To me, that explains why so many of the awakened people have a strong faith in God. I have not heard that mentioned.
@mentalcompassno1 2 года назад
There are more of us who realize this is insane than "authorities" would have you think. We are not a minority, I hope.
@faradyeva 2 года назад
My turning point was when I saw intelligent people, doctors, experts being silenced only because of sharing a different view on the virus, vaccines, etc. I had a vague feeling from the beginning that something was not right, though......
@janicehuff1183 2 года назад
@pigmeal2224 2 года назад
Agree. This represents the antithesis of science. I always held science in such high regard - one of the very last truly enticing frontiers. My faith in science was smashed to pieces in 2020. It was my awakening too. And yet, it continues even now ...
@GTE_Channel 2 года назад
Exactly , the censorship was and is the tell tale sign of dictatorships, where truth is no longer truthful
@minorityofone1510 2 года назад
The education levels are interesting. educated people are often for vaccination; the most educated and independent thinkers (and the most stupid) are often anti vax. I am not anti vax but am very well aware that ones individual risk profile is what should determine vax uptake rather than tyranny and misinformation
@juliarobertchewza 2 года назад
I’ve bee telling all my patients both view points and my opinion , if they ask or are open but no one listens to me!!!! And I tell them the truth because I respect them
@shaynesmith4327 2 года назад
It's so refreshing to hear a conversation that acknowledges how meaningless so many people's lives are, and how discontent they are and how they buy into delusion as a consequence
@davidderidder4589 2 года назад
My 2 cents to add: social media is one of the major culprits, along with “political correctness’, that has led to accelerate this social meaningless and discontent over the last decade.
@TheMary0831 2 года назад
@@davidderidder4589 It's no longer 'political correctness' - it has blown up into wokeness, which is way worse.
@saosintheyperch 2 года назад
My 2 cents: it’s mostly caused by late-stage neoliberal global capitalism.
@emf49 2 года назад
This really does describe life for most people in the 21st century.
@shaunpritchard7156 2 года назад
I think the key to resisting this type of mass formation, is being highly aware of self and the world/universe. Creative thinkers do tend to be the people who don’t subscribe to this type of coercion as it’s in their nature to be curious and ask questions.
@georgemcfetridge8310 Год назад
No questioning, no humanity. 2020 was overt shutting down of that.
@elcatro1596 2 года назад
What woke me up was when they said the jab was recommended for pregnant women. This was absurd to me since I know pregnant women can't even take aspirin or have an MRI. I have been alone ever since then, luckily recently I was able to get together with like minded people, this changed my life for the better. Go looking for people that are awake, there are many, they are just hidden. You are not alone.
@MK-ih6wp Год назад
Same here. I was already pretty convinced they were full of shit, bc I saw the problems with mass PCR testing of asymptomatic people. And I couldn't believe how hard they were trying to downplay natural immunity. But they officially crossed the line once they started pushing the jabs on pregnant women. That was what confirmed for me that we were dealing with something incredibly evil. There was no science to conclude that these barely tested shots were safe for MOST people, let alone pregnant women & their growing baby. Every thing that has happened since then, only confirmed my suspicion that there is nothing good about the jab, and should be avoided at all costs. Of course, this is a very unpopular/lonely position to take. I was disowned by my friends & family for refusing the shots and for speaking out about masks & lockdowns & natural immunity.
@ama-tu-an-ki 2 года назад
Summary - for **Mass Formation** to occur, 3 things must 1st be present: 1) Lack of social bonding ( *isolation* ) 2) Lack of meaning making ( *alienation* ) 3) Free floating anxiety that something is wrong but not knowing what or how to solve it ( *anxiety* ) When these are present, a SOLUTION narrative can be presented: 1) Bring people "together" through shared absurd rituals that show people they belong to a group (mask wearing, 2 meter distancing, self-quarantine) 2) Give people a sense of purpose ("I am doing my part, I'm flattening the curve, I'm saving grandma, etc.") 3) Partially keep the anxiety in check by giving people an "enemy" and a "reason" against which they are fighting (but NOT actually solving the problem). .... while at the same time re-inforcing the requirements for mass-formations (isolation, alienation, anxiety): The *MORE absurd the shared rituals are, the BETTER they work* against those who are isolated, alienated, afraid and anxious. My *SOLUTIONS* : 1) Anxiety : *stop following NEWS* and Social Media (stop the source of future/fear related anxiety) 2) Isolation : *start physically meeting people in normal setting, doing daily fun stuff* , NOT talking about COVID related stuff (also, be physical, outside, not just inside looking at screens) 3) Alienation: *start doing* (together with other people) hobbies, *work or helping others that gives YOU meaning and purpose* (a good feeling, a feeling you belong , feeling you have a purpose)
@merlinporterarts 2 года назад
Good summary thanks! Indeed it reminds me of some marketing courses I have done...it’s all about exaggerating problems then creating solutions that one sells.
@rizzamaeong 2 года назад
@@merlinporterarts hah! we prolly know each other in some Mktg groups. 😅
@rizzamaeong 2 года назад
thank you for this summary. i appreciate u taking the time writing it and sharing it here. 💜
@elkegoldberg3876 2 года назад
Except I live in Australia, where numbers 2 and 3 are illegal
@thelongdrag9188 2 года назад
Well now... that goes to show that to every 'rule' there is an exception. I 'qualify' as vulnerable on these three exact points (isolation, alienation and anxiety) and yet knew it was all bullshit right from the beginning - i.e. there was never a point of inflection in my experience. Perhaps the mathematical statement should apply: "Necessary but not sufficient for..." Moreover, to compound the problem, I have tended to not follow your solution set (all good ideas by the way and I should think about following them), and I still keep my a daily watching brief on the latest geopolitical alternative news (but not mainstream or legacy media - those are avoided like the plague), and am still relatively isolated while the world goes by. In fact lock-downs had so little effect on me as I was almost habituated already to enduring them without incident, so to speak. So that led to me to muse on what could have comprised my protective shield. It seems to me these played some role: (a) My mother said to me when I was a teenager, 'No doubt about it, you are a non-conformist.' (b) I know how to survive emotionally while alone. (c) I lucked out in having a degree in Biochem and Microbiol plus worked over a decade in the field of molecular genetics of pathogens, was familiar with gene sequencing, primer design and PCR - and so realised I knew a lot more about viral transmission, immunity and the way traditional vaccine worked and these new versions than many, perhaps most of the medicos turned career politicians. (d) I have good right and left hemisphere balance, so I can quickly size up something using both logical intelligence and intuition. (d) Scripture speaks of a great delusion that is coming on the world, and thus I was kind of prepared for what was afoot. This interview was excellent, and it would be good to have a transcript of it.
@anonymouseponymous2407 2 года назад
He's giving people a lot more credit than I can. I've lived with the same anxiety and disconnection and lack of meaning all my life and I didn't fall for it because I have intuition and a healthy dose of critical thinking capacity, which is sorely lacking in our population.
@trebledown6713 2 года назад
Yes I’ve always had undirected anxiety and I didn’t fall for it. It certainly exposed why I always felt afraid. There are people in my community who would kill me in an instant and 99% wouldn’t stop t happening. And now I know.
@Revelator2025 2 года назад
Perhaps your symptoms are a sign of being more aware in different ways than the average population. Your ability to discern what’s what is certainly different than the millions of people so much more susceptible to these outside influences…
@milomacdonald4980 2 года назад
What he said 👏
@emf49 2 года назад
I think he’s generalizing here…
@soulthriver-oz6470 2 года назад
@@trebledown6713 same here, so his hypothesis is not correct. I think its left brain versus right brain thinking ppl. Right brain dominated ppl we are!! Check for yourselves!
@TheMoJoeMan 2 года назад
“The only thing that we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.” - Hegel
@counterculturevulture1917 2 года назад
I'm surprised at how emotional I feel watching this. 2 years of knowing vindicated. I've felt very lonely. Even my family who never fully bought into the narrative needs nudges in the other direction. Like it rests on my shoulders to inform them and keep them rooted in reality. Having two teens who can't see the full scope of this who think, what's the big deal with just getting the va((ine if it makes this all "go away"? It's been a hard, lonely road where I've questioned my own sanity many times. I hope and pray things are shifting toward reality. It may be wishful thinking, but I think more people are starting to see through the lies and inconsistencies.
@nuttyfroot 2 года назад
Big hugs to you ❤❤❤
@earshoes3282 2 года назад
You are not alone. They just want you to think you are. Pro tip, every now and then, take a couple of days off looking at and engaging in all the horror and nonsense. Stay refreshed as much as you can and don't stay in the depths too long.
@andromedarising5764 2 года назад
@@earshoes3282 important advice 👍🏻
@andromedarising5764 2 года назад
The burden that comes with awareness is that you end up bearing the burden of those who you want to inform the most. By that i mean the obstacles that prevent them from understanding the importance of what you are telling them. Your family may not yet realise it but they are fortunate to have you for guidance.
@dumitra2392 2 года назад
Very sorry to hear that, I can relate. To say it's been a depressing period is an understatement.
@craftwolzip5356 2 года назад
I am a bit of a loner and I thought the lockdown wouldn’t bother me but it was the most awful time and it’s the first time in my 60 years that I actually felt ‘lonely’. My family and few friends unfortunately are still sleepwalking through the mess! The rest of the people I interact with, work, local etc just have no real idea what is going on and mostly think we are now back to ‘normal’! I am just grateful that I grew up in a time where we had complete freedom to live our lives and I had a very happy and carefree childhood, I feel very sorry for the younger generations now!
@Kevin97587 2 года назад
I understand what u mean. Im also a loner and never really felt alone untill this pandemic, when i started to feel like i was the only one who saw what was going on (ofc alot of people do) but when i go outside, all i see is people brainwashed and enslaved to a false narrative.. which makes u feel very alone
@dahliagreen5919 2 года назад
@Linda Well said, your perspective and life experience sound very much like my own. A long process has led to where we are now, which has become especially visible in the last 15-20 years. They've created an artificial reality with only two sides, the imposed 'common good' hive mind consensus, and anything outside it which has to be demonised as hate speech, extremism, racism, dangerous misinformation, etc. The model appears to be communitarian; "We're all in this together", as SAGE advised in one of their directives last year.
@MrRobfullarton 2 года назад
You need to find people who know the truth, and there you will have a circle of friends!
@loop1479 2 года назад
@Linda " Colleagues, friends, family think I am selfish". The perfect example of projection. Someone I know vowed they'd NEVER get the jab but quickly got it because "I need to see my grandchildren. I wasn't forced, I did it for myself". I asked "if it wasn't for the thought of lockdown or forced "quarantine" would you have got it?" Long silence. So who is really the selfish ones?
@Kevin97587 2 года назад
@@dahliagreen5919 Yes u are spot on. Society stopped evolving in the last 15-20 years and we created an entire false narrative seperated from reality and anyone against it is the enemy. This pandemic has just exposed an ongoing issue
@abbytabby08 2 года назад
My most notable trigger was the censorship and vicious attacks of viewpoints that contradicted the main narrative.
@copperheadroad567 2 года назад
They were pretty strong in their quelling of those dissenting ideas & questions. When we could no longer question, that's when I Nope Out.
@moragmacgregor6792 2 года назад
I think I'm still in a state of quasi-denial. I believe we're being pushed around and censored to a degree I never imagined possible but still - _I can't believe it_
@mn_ice 2 года назад
The timing of the whole thing, right when Trump was running for re-election, was suspicious from the start.
@beth1979 2 года назад
Sorry but injuries from other vexes have been censored for years now. It's easier to say that women who noticed their child either die or have brutal disabilities from their meds are just being hysterical.
@moragmacgregor6792 2 года назад
@@beth1979 I'm thinking specifically of the way the big guns smeared the anti-parasitic and malaria meds, even tailoring their censorship parameters to make sure they would never be viable treatment options in this country. I've taken both drugs for other symptoms What you say about conventional vexes is true for sure. I'm acutely aware that all medicine carries risks...I have RA and the most miraculous treatment I've ever had smooth killed some people. But I was _informed_
@raflo9297 2 года назад
In NZ from last Friday 3 December I can no longer even go into a cafe because I'm not jabbed. Nor can my 12 year old. It is crazy that lots of people don't seem to even see that there's anything wrong with such segregation.
@georgemcfetridge8310 Год назад
It can't last. It's too senseless even for non-questioners.
@birthingtheluminousself9201 2 года назад
I've found that devoting time each day to going within and listening to my soul is the best way to detect the false narratives and know the truth I am to live by.
@beingsshepherd Год назад
_'Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."_ ~ Buddha
@marinajohnston3660 2 года назад
I realised things were not quite right when there was zero media coverage of anti lockdown demonstrations in London.
@cassisbrook 2 года назад
That was shocking to me. The fact that thousands of people were marching and demonstrating up in the City, and no coverage at all. One of the demonstrations during the summer was outside the BBC building, and they still didn't report it!
@marinajohnston3660 2 года назад
@@cassisbrook I know! Also, they were reporting on much smaller demonstrations in other countries. I thought it made no sense as it is the BRITISH broadcasting corporation. I actually wrote a complaint and the response was that they cannot report on everything that happens in the UK. That wasn't a good enough justification for me. Hence the point of inflexion.
@Yahooooogle 2 года назад
The plioce actually shut down the airspace over Melbourne city during the ptrosets there, so that EVEN the mdiea couldn't cover the extents of the massive crowds! and now the vciacne is mandatory in 7 days time for all businesses, employees and Anyone wanting to participate in society.
@stellabellator 2 года назад
not one.......10s of thousands on the streets BUT nooooo news.
@cassisbrook 2 года назад
@@marinajohnston3660 yep, same.
@lauramuchmore927 2 года назад
Reading all the comments is really giving me hope and feeling less alone !! We may not know each other but we stand together!
@Nowhereoh 2 года назад
Dr. George Fareed : ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-EzN8GDYmyxE.html Read the Desert Review.
@sertaoexpedicoes 2 года назад
We are together! Hope and love from Brazil.
@stuffhappens5681 2 года назад
@lisamoag6548 2 года назад
Thank you
@ianhowell6829 2 года назад
Is that intended as ironic humour?
@karyntownsend 2 года назад
My gut feeling, my inner voice told me, that something was off, right from the start.... Simply didn't believe it... And it made me sad, that people around me, and people all over the world, fell into the worst lie, deception, chaos tactic since world war II.... 💔
@AynRose 2 года назад
Excellent Conversation! I haven't watched TV, since the summer of 2015. I see exactly what you described all around me. It troubles and scares me. I was shocked by the initial lock down (a prison term) and when I brought up that it was destroying peoples lives, including the people they were trying to protect, no one would listen. I will be back to listen to more.
@simonlloyd7557 2 года назад
i stopped watching TV around 2000! If i see it now it just feels weird and it is so easy to see the propaganda...Its just so obvious when you're on the outside looking in.
@georgemcfetridge8310 Год назад
Live your understanding by saying NO to this rubbish, designed to destroy you.
@lisac6139 2 года назад
For me the trigger was the mass censoring of critical and alternative voices in (social) media. And the total absence of a public debate. Definitely.
@zac52 2 года назад
Also censoring of medical professionals with alternative views, scientific debate. All of a sudden science was a static
@donnaroberts4513 2 года назад
My trigger is when they were totally against Natural Immunity.
@twinklemoon7490 2 года назад
Totally agree.
@MarkBrown-gc6hr 2 года назад
@jenjenthedragon8385 2 года назад
100%, mandating vaccines has made me feel the most anxious in my life. I use my instincts to manage and feel quite calm in my life. I have good boundaries and are drawn to other people who are responsible and have good boundaries. My instincts are telling me this current way of deal with covid is evil and divisive.
@aurorastar7127 2 года назад
I never wanted to fit in with people or be part of any groups. I prefer my own company and a small circle of family and friends. I seriously don't care about impressing anyone else in order to fit in. I think this is why I never got caught up with this mass hysteria.
@williams4434 2 года назад
Same here, I was always the black sheep, never wanted to get involved with any groups , or at school with team sports, I was kinda fixated with herd narratives people were repeating, & their lack of critical thinking when there are obvious solutions which they dismissed without a thought, I can't relate to those people they tire you out.
@lindaevans4921 2 года назад
Aurora Star.. I feel the same. Totally agree with you!!
@telestaitao327 2 года назад
The higher your vibe, the smaller your tribe xo
@trailsandbeers 2 года назад
@seekerout 2 года назад
Me too. I've never liked following the herd.
@orglancs 2 года назад
Dan, I remember my point of realisation, which may be of help. It was when the vaccines were (at last!) on the horizon and a female journalist was reporting this with a tremor of excitation in her voice. It dawned on me that this was the beginning of a hysteria, that the wider public were all going to run as fast as they could to anyone who would give them a vaccination. And when everyone in the crowd starts rushing to the same place, you know that a barrier has been broken and collective madness is taking over. It's like the rush for the exits when someone shouts 'fire' in a theatre. Thank you for this video, probably the strongest, clearest, most positive discussion of the pandemic issues that I have heard/seen yet. Huge thanks to Mattias Desmet for such an intelligent and profound analysis.
@lilliec915 2 года назад
I try to educate people as often as I can. I have never worn a face cover, and I have never been denied entry, etc. I won't comply. I believe that WE that are awake, are for a reason. I feel blessed and gifted with a higher purpose in all this, someone has to drive the bus!
@edboyd2520 2 года назад
“It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." ~ Mark Twain
@cricketcricket5547 2 года назад
I love this!
@roywalker7512 2 года назад
Yes the antivax people have been fooled, but it is very hard to convince them, that they have been fooled. Sad really.
@i-am-that-what-i-am 2 года назад
@@roywalker7512 It's not a vaccine.... It does not fulfil the legal definition of a vaccine, it fails miserably in the first three major points.
@roywalker7512 2 года назад
@@i-am-that-what-i-ammisinformation, Pfizer is a vaccine, not a vaccine like the original cowpox pustule, this is an injection to alert the immune system to an invading virus. Think of the messenger as the top cop handing out pictures of a criminal to his police officers, with instructions to arrest the criminal. Then sending them out on the hunt.
@annamack5823 2 года назад
The problem is that they are now invested in it. They don't want to believe that the vaxx could harm them and they want everyone to be in the same boat as them.
@timoshala8928 2 года назад
I think this pandemic also showed us the truth about our circle of relatives and friends. People who you thought were reasonable and intelligent turned out to be completely the opposite. It also showed that one person who is thinking clearly and not panicking can do a lot of good for others.
@thewanderingpixie9683 2 года назад
Until they shun you out and call you a conspiracy theorist and other cruel names. I feel sorry for the masses who have become so brainwashed and complacent.
@timoshala8928 2 года назад
@@thewanderingpixie9683 some people really start to wake up.
@kate60 2 года назад
@paulmartin9275 2 года назад
Maybe the 'memory RNA' has a "hate the non-vaxes" embedded into the gene-therapy memory.
@kate60 2 года назад
@@paulmartin9275 Good one
@kash_88 2 года назад
Great discussion, very educational. To all the awakened people: We must come together and identify as a strong, committed group!
@beingsshepherd Год назад
But isn't that essentially the same mentality as the opposition? Wouldn't we do better to encourage more critical thinking?
@georgemcfetridge8310 Год назад
Change your psyche, change the world - you're the world.
@ddaanat 2 года назад
My doubts and perception that this is a one-way narrative slowly emerged back in autumn/winter 2020. I started my psychology studies but because of the pandemic situation, it was solely available as an online format. It was so much work and theory because it felt like you had to work more at home than you would under normal circumstances. I slowly got exhausted, depressed, and unhappy with the whole situation. I hadn't much free time because the workload was ridiculous and sat day and night in my room trying to catch up. Form the dissatisfaction of the situation doubt started rising and I asked myself over and over again: "How is it possible that I am learning from so many qualified psychologists but not a single one of them voiced any concerns for their students, nor raised awareness about the psychological effects all of this can have on us, on children, and people in general?!" But at the same time, they always ended their lectures telling us how important we are, how equal we all are, how our opinion and thoughts matter, etc. But critics weren't taken seriously. Doublethink. Facit: Everyone can be influenced by psychological processes, even psychologists who have a better understanding of it. I changed the studies because I was done with the public behavior of my faculty. Yet my love and interest in psychology stayed and I hope we can open up an open discussion for this whole situation and show people that there is more than one way to solve but also to look at a problem. Thank you for such an enriching and important discussion, both of you!
@Aggrobiscuit 2 года назад
"But at the same time, they always ended their lectures telling us how important we are, how equal we all are, how our opinion and thoughts matter" I've noticed this kind of "love bombing" from a variety of authority figures to the younger generation. Appealing to their ego to henpeck the skeptical older generations that weren't buying the story. What does this say about our institutions, that they will employ narcissistic and manipulative techniques to get what they want. At the very least its an ethical problem to use what you've learned to influence others in this way.
@ddaanat 2 года назад
@@Aggrobiscuit I agree. I think we're living in a time where we have multiple problems simultaneously constructing the crisis of our generation. And one of them is for sure the degradation in the quality of education. The educational institutions do not fulfill their vows to the love of gaining knowledge, enhancing individual, creative and critical thinking, and opening up a space for controversial discussions. It's sadly more accurate to describe these institutions as programmed thinking and behaving fabrics, with a set schedule on what knowledge, skills, and way of thinking you must gain. So that one is immediately linked to the system and society. ( I know it's a differentiated topic. Still, I want to line out that we're pushing and pursuing things with a materialistically driven spirit. One of the consequences is a disbalance in our approach and value system.)
@georgemcfetridge8310 Год назад
Desmet himself doesn't question the existence of viruses, so don't trust every high-IQ person you encounter. Scientific method, so-called, was developed to help humanity. Using it has revealed that there's no virus to worry about. The fraudsters are enemies of this disciplined inquiry. It's simple.
@saskiak2272 2 года назад
Superb interview, thank you. My husband and I have lost our livelihood, health insurance, social circle, family over this but will never cave and always speak truth, there is no other way. This is the hill I will die on, if it comes to that.
@sandrahogberg8646 2 года назад
I am so sorry. This is madness.
@firefly1154 2 года назад
Sending you love! Stay strong.. Love wins in the end.🙏❤
@danskdna8550 2 года назад
I lost everything too, heart problem since first shot. Do NOT get it when your instincts tell you not to!
@mrofnocnon 2 года назад
Well done, stay strong, the world needs people with integrity and critical thinking such as yourselves.
@mrofnocnon 2 года назад
@@danskdna8550 Exactly how I feel. I am not vaccine adverse, I've had them all, but I had a gut instinct from the very beginning that this jab was wrong.
@bronwynemillar 2 года назад
This is incredible. Thank you so much. I often feel like I'm standing in a crowded room screaming but nobody can hear me.
@terryhuggett3799 2 года назад
Me too this virus is being used as a tool
@zenmetsuzogo4005 2 года назад
Keep screaming. Don’t lose hope. I felt the same way.. but, of 10 people you talked to, at least 1 - 3 will listen. Once there are many people who scream, the sheep will follow. They do not have brain cells to think for themselves. So, we need to do the thinking for them.
@M-i-k-a-e-l 2 года назад
I hear you 🙏🕯
@GrammaPatriot 2 года назад
OMG I tell my family that i feel like im in my grave screaming at them to watch out/run but nobody is hearing me!!! How frustrating!!!
@charlenelynch6505 2 года назад
I'm screaming with you. Let's never give up, ok? Hang tight and stand strong
@SweetJennyFan 2 года назад
“It all, and only, makes total sense when you realise they’re actually trying to kill you”. CH.
@howeffingridiculous 2 года назад
My point of inflection came when a proven treatment for covid was dismissed, demonised and even criminalised in my country Australia. One minute there was a pioneering team of doctors from the University of Queensland having great success treating people returning from China and the next moment the very safe drug being used was being touted as very dangerous. People around me started to irritably shut me down if I talked about it. The rapid and absurd character assassination of a drug did it for me.
@williamtiffee3799 2 года назад
Interesting that much the SAME was also occurring in many other places... then last year (Aug. 2020?) India started handing- out 'preventative' packages in their most populated province (240 million?) and the 'cases' soon dropped off by 99%... and since they 'pulled' the 'monos' from US hospitals, and Gl@xo and Pfizster are releasing similar treatments, but with (artificial?) scarcity and thousands of times more expensive, per pill.
@andromedarising5764 2 года назад
And wasnt the use of that particular treatment prohibited to the point that medical professionals would have their licenses revoked if found to be treating patients?
@howeffingridiculous 2 года назад
@@andromedarising5764 yes. So the state intervenes in the sacred doctor patient relationship on behalf of corporations. Unbelievable
@andromedarising5764 2 года назад
@@howeffingridiculous how that wasnt/isnt one huge neon sign of a red flag i dont know what is.
@francisa4636 2 года назад
What was the proven treatment?
@robyncohen8542 2 года назад
This period has been the most frightening and lonely time for me. I understood the false narrative when we were denied early treatment and brainwashed by the MSM. But my terror was amplified when so few of my friends or social circle could see the absurdity of the narrative. I now understand how Naxi germany happened.
@kimberleebell98 2 года назад
I understand completely! I prayed for a few like minded friends and God delivered. I have a couple of close friends now who are awake.
@scarletletter2847 2 года назад
@jean-pierrelarocque620 2 года назад
I'm 78 and follow your train of thought! What is going on in the world Au. USA, the UN, Davos, WEF etc etc the narrative is very very scary!
@diamonrockformed 2 года назад
This is what I said!
@levans3447 2 года назад
Robyn I completely agree with you ! I had a sense that evil was afoot very early on. The immediate coordination of the agenda all around the world was a huge red flag and it amazed me that no one seemed to be questioning that . I observed the glazed over eyes of everyone around me and could feel the "them / us " divide that formed overnight. I could see that I was on the outside looking in . Its pretty frightening as my eyes became more opened to the deep deep deceptiin we have been under for all our lives . God bless you in this storm and I will pray for you and all who are tuned in and clinging to Truth . ( May i add : please read Mark 11:22. There is much comfort and all truth in the Word of God ) .
@jaycee6063 2 года назад
I started questioning the danger when politicians got caught not following their own mandates.
@jinnymudlark1815 2 года назад
Love it !What more proof is needed
@adriannahowe9202 2 года назад
For me, the warning sign was when many Chinese were protesting for weeks in the streets and then they immediately stopped. This was very concerning.
@neilyoung611 2 года назад
I think it's more simple than that. People are brought up being told what to do. First it's your parents, then your teachers, then your bosses and your government. Along the way the media are telling you what to think. Most aren't conditioned to think for themselves and do not have the time or interest.
@mistyissy 2 года назад
Point of inflexion: When the Big Tech companies announced 'covid misinformation' censorship policies for their social media platforms, this rang alarm bells for me.
@nweeezy 2 года назад
@chet baker congratulations, you just eliminated a major drain of energy from your life
@mb1015 2 года назад
@chet baker same!
@trick4276 2 года назад
And the legislation against lawsuits, before the release of vac
@yvette7676 2 года назад
@chet baker me too!!
@annedonnellan6876 2 года назад
The dead fish stare of mz
@cafepablo1968 2 года назад
My turning point was early on in the spring of 2020. My wife is a doctor and she worked in the Covid unit in South Texas for a few weeks. She showed me medical books on how to deal with any virus whether a patient is in a hospital or not. She told me that most out of hospital patients were not receiving but 10 to 20% of the medicines they should be. She showed me the medical documentation that masks do not work. Not even the N 95. It is amazing the level of obedience as well as the level of scientific illiteracy of the general population.
@organic-artistic 2 года назад
thank you for this comment
@doreeanglemyer8779 2 года назад
I don't understand then how the mask narrative wasn't broken down from the beginning by the medical professionals and establishments, how so many medical professionals still promote them as working?? Now the general population can't comprehend that the science says masks don't work no matter what study is provided, it makes no sense to me.
@justins7711 2 года назад
@@doreeanglemyer8779 Occupational licensing. Speak out of line, lose your license or at least your job, lose your livelihood and career that may be still paying off an insurmountable mountain of debt taken on to get there, supporting your family. Everything about our society in the west gets people locked into situations from which they have no clear way out. Gives a lot of leverage to a very few powerful people. They could risk sacrificing everything for the truth, as some valiantly have, but others may not realize how dire the circumstances truly are, and instead just keep their heads down and mouths shut. I cannot blame the doctors, though they did swear an oath to do no harm, and I would hold them to that at the very least. But they created the opioid crisis as well, so keep that in mind.
@tiltawhirl72 2 года назад
It amazed me that the boxes of masks people bought actually had warnings on the box that they do not protect from Covid19.
@thatgirl3960 2 года назад
Your wife is a brave woman!
@rachelwelsby5581 2 года назад
I fell into the fear mongering... I ended up having one jab of pfizer... I have an 8 year old son that goes to school and my health anxiety played a massive part in "not wanting to fall ill again" as many people know schools are known for passing around germs... Anyway I was always always on the fence about whether to have the jab.. I ended up going with it.. my father hasn't been vaccinated and he keeps me updated with the true news.. and I honestly had an awakening moment of just feeling so stupid for getting it.... I regret having it.
@Aggrobiscuit 2 года назад
Do what you can. Look into detox methods, there's a few specific to the vaccines and some general purpose detoxes as well.
@PunchFilms04 2 года назад
Ditto. I got my jabs to appease my wife because she was/is so terrified, but I totally regret it.
@danskdna8550 2 года назад
I regret it also. Heart problem since day 4. Months later, still have heart problem. No one to sue to pay my health bills.
@dj_1969 2 года назад
Glad you’re ok and in the truth now ! Take care , you and your little one .
@Zmiana_Pogody 2 года назад
Don't panic, Dear. Check infos OUT of your and your father bubble. Millions of pol are calm and feel more safe after vaccination. Millions of ppl took it and they are fine. It is NOT a poison. There are of course examples of ppl who had problems after any vaccinations, but they are very rare. You read them in comments, hear from friends, but remember, that in the same time MILLIONS OF PPL ARE FINE. Remember, that ppl from very smart countries took the vacc: Switzerland, Israel, Norway, Germany, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Finnland, Iceland. Such smart, but sometimes totally different countries would not let their ppl to take jabs of poisons, my Dear. Do not panic. Do not stress. If two totally opposite countries like Isreal and Saudi Arabia both have over 70% of vaccinated population (almost all adults), than it can't be scam, as they would not poison their own citizens if they thought it was a mistake. ps. Sweden, mentioned in this movie, also took vaccination in over 70%. If so many truly rich, smart, INDEPENDENT countries took the vaccination, it means that there is no depopulation or poisoning.
@vilcon3879 2 года назад
For me, personally the caution switch was turned on from the very beginning - Nov-Dec 2019 when I followed few Chinese dissidents posting videos questioning the Coviet existence back then. They were arrested in their homes, because of signals from concerned “neighbors”, who overheard them coughing. They were taken away by the police never to be seen again. Their ashes were returned to the families. They were burned to prevent the spread of the “disease”. Same approach was used in Hong Kong during the protests when 2/3 of the city took to the streets around that time. My question was then and now - what is to prevent any government in the world using the same method to get rid of rebels??? There is no evidence and everyone in the mass formation will buy willingly the story… Few of the leaders disappear and the rest of us will fall in line with the narrative. Deadly virus is the perfect smoke screen.
@susanmercurio1060 2 года назад
That was the first thing I thought: "good way to stop rebellion in the streets"!
@rainbowtrout75 2 года назад
I believe the oh so convenient no identifier govt agents in hazmat suits were kidnapping christian dissidents in broad daylight for organ harvesting. If you had a dangerous life destroying lung condition you would not be kicking and screaming for your life now would you?- quite the contrary you would be begging for medical help
@cameronalexander359 2 года назад
Thank God for posting this. I'm in Australia and everyone has become hypnotised and are acting like brainwashed drones.
@davidboston4136 2 года назад
I've seen some of the coverage of Melbourne and it's completely insane. Stay strong !
@jimdavis8391 2 года назад
They hope that by accepting the rules and going along with them will eventually give them their freedom back. I fear that Australia may be becoming a rogue state.
@annamack5823 2 года назад
@@jimdavis8391 No, it's the controlled experiment for the rest of the world.
@Kalikikryst 2 года назад
God bless you!! You aren’t alone in the world!
@PTriddy 2 года назад
@@Kalikikryst YES we are...we cannot leave
@melanieskeldon6289 2 года назад
I felt very free after hearing this. The aura of superiority of those who have "followed the narrative" towards those of us who do not astounds me. I know I need to focus confidently on my decisions. Thank you.
@williamgibson4919 2 года назад
Congrats, you've found a comfortable echo-chamber to reinforce your own beliefs. Imagine that.
@georgealanthompson 2 года назад
What you're describing is exactly the "aura of superiotity" your acusing others of having.
@tommyleahy6574 2 года назад
I wish you well in your journey Melanie 👌
@noelchong9671 2 года назад
@Melanie >>The aura of superiority
@jordanlea1502 2 года назад
This aura of superiority, like when I point out shortcomings in the narrative and I am called a covidiot, same in all threads, civil and amicable observations pointed out and met with a barrage of hatred and insults, your not wrong Mel, follow your heart 😉
@CP-jk8nm 2 года назад
I'm usually skeptical of things but I was initially afraid of this virus in the beginning as there were so few information available. I believed that my natural immunity might not be as strong since I eat lots of carbs/sugar and heavily processed food and may be Vit. D deficient. I didn't want to have severe symptom that I would need to be taken to the ICU, be intubated and never come out. At that point I had little trust in the health care system and was on a personal path to eating healthy. Then I listened to many alternative info, to people I typically watch and stopped watching the gov't updates. I decided the stress was going to kill me not this virus. I decided I will live my life. I got covid, took care of myself, and recovered. Hoping for no lasting effect. I am more afraid of people demanding I take the needle and the government restricting my rights to move freely. I am more afraid of the authoritarianism that most people seem to be ok with.
@TheRealHonestInquiry 2 года назад
According to studies in Israel your natural immunity now protects you between 20-27 times stronger than any vaccine. Vaccines do no prevent infection or the ability to shed the virus and spread it so there is no need for you to get the vaccine. According to experts everyone will eventually get Covid.
@alwaysclassical3564 2 года назад
I've come to tbe conclusion that many people are not 'ready to accept totalitarian measures' it's just they have an over inflated confidence in their conviction that they would never be so foolish to be lead into it..surely. the problem us this happens progressively like the frog being boiled in water. I have been involved in analysing and stalking media for a long time so the frog boiling that started with this pandemic was more obvious.
@Batosai11489 2 года назад
The exact same thing has been happening around climate change. I hope at least the people watching this realize that as well.
@krystel2856 11 месяцев назад
Definitely also the climate change narrative.
@marcialeister4325 5 месяцев назад
What has been happening with climate change in relation to censorship?
@petadukes 2 года назад
Point of inflexion: when I heard all the leaders around the world announcing their lockdowns with exactly the same words saying that "we need to be united against this common enemy" I knew that there was an agenda!!
@fraserbailey6347 2 года назад
And the 'common enemy' is you and me.
@danielastewart5052 2 года назад
This was the exact same point of inflexion for me too. Even amongst English speaking cultures there is always some differences in language used to describe things. But with this all of the language has been identical. Like a script that must be repeated!
@HerrDirleWanger1 2 года назад
Being in Spain when this started there leader Sanchez was so keen he kept giving the game away. Nuevo normal was mentioned the first week, Perspex partitions and distancing lines we’re going up in the shops the day he ordered lockdown, a bit later he stated masks and restrictions stay until ‘enough’ are vaccinated, but by summer when reality set in he’s gone rather quiet.
@goldeneddie 2 года назад
6uild 6ack 6etter.
@a.nefertiti6980 2 года назад
Daniela Stewart Yes, all the Orwellian double-speak and the concepts the leaders came up with and bandied about all in unison were a dead give away: the new normal, no going back to normal, Build Back Better, we're all in this together, our guardian angels (the ones being thrown under the bus now!)... Also, the fact that we were supposedly in an epidemic, but contrary to all sense and reason, all clinics closed down, and the sick were told to stay home until they were on their last legs... Etc. Etc.
@alibongo5873 2 года назад
When I went into a maternity ward to visit a friend, on a ward full of newborns back in May 20, and wasn't required to wear any PPE, nor were the medical staff and was allowed to cuddle said newborn. 2 weeks later, Covid numbers were dropping, went to hospital again to support another friend at an outpatients appointment, everything had changed, no one allowed in to accompany patients, masks, fear, didn't make sense
@garrettc8490 2 года назад
My moment of inflection came when listening to a Corona Virus briefing it was communicated that asymptomatic individuals exist. They then went on to inform us that devices would be used at all airports to gauge temperatures for boarding access.
@georgemcfetridge8310 Год назад
It's all a lie, so exercise strength to say NO.
@nkim7 2 года назад
99% survival rate. Holy spirit = spirit of truth. The truth is like a lion, it does not need to be defended. Fear is satan's playground, love and truth are God's. I weep for humanity, but we have always been warned about the end game. This was always going to be a part of the journey. Stay strong, my fellow brothers and sisters around the world, and don't give up trying to wake people up. That is our duty, those of us with the knowledge of the truth. And all roads lead back to God/consciousness. ❤✝️🌏
@rp4934 2 года назад
My turning point was when I noticed the politicians encouraging the masses to protest regarding the death of GFloyd unmasked and no social distancing but churches had to be closed. Let’s speak out.
@stewpitt8388 2 года назад
My comments get deleted every time I mention The Juice but that's who "they" is. All of the Pharma companies are run by people who wear tiny hats and speak Klingon at church.
@joejones9520 2 года назад
leftists cant pass up a good chance to create a major crisis and exploit it, they werent going to let the pandemic get in the way and now they had 2 crisis's at once, a dream come true for them.
@bluewaters3100 2 года назад
I had already been following doctors and information from other countries back starting in December 2019. By the time the lock down was over I was already questioning everything. Dr. Fauchi and Birx really angered me. The George Floyd and BLM riots were too over the top. I bring up this hypnosis to anyone who will listen. Many people agree with me but tell me that their family is not allowing them to talk about it. Too crazy that anyone can think riots are ok on a daily basis with deaths and mass destruction.
@thekatephillips 2 года назад
Yep-it’s too dangerous to have a funeral for Aunt May, but thousands can mourn together over A man they never met.
@blueotter5990 2 года назад
@@joejones9520 crises is the plural of crisis.
@iamislove5049 2 года назад
This is so helpful. Its the number one question amongst the awake: what has happened to my family/friends…no matter how much factual info I share, they prefer the lies. This really helps understand and helps me ameliorate my frustration anger.
@cleanhit777 2 года назад
I have sold all my life, the one thing you learn in order to thrive and have a long career, is that people buy purely on emotion, they justify the purchase later using logic, but the decision is purely driven by emotion. You cannot 'sell' these people the truth with facts, it will not work, you have to appeal to the emotions.
@M-i-k-a-e-l 2 года назад
Yes, thank you.
@gregg6398 2 года назад
Ex-friends, but yes xD
@jpdutoit3383 2 года назад
@@cleanhit777 this makes a lot of sense to me and that would show that the crowd followers are more emotional than rational and that the rebels are maybe less emotional and more rational.
@cleanhit777 2 года назад
@@jpdutoit3383 I think you're right, I smelt a rat right at the start because it did not add up, I applied logic and reason, basic mathematics and concluded we were being had. What came next is the education and spiritual experience I never thought I'd have. I am versed in economics, history, medical science, philosophy, religion, politics and psychology like never before. I'm more in touch with my spiritual side than I ever have been, I feel like a real renaissance man!
@maiket3792 2 года назад
I am a Certified Hypnotherapist and have recognised what has been happening for a long time now. This is exactly what is happening... mass hypnosis/orogramming. I am extremely concerned for people, when they come out of this trance, how they will cope with the shock, their shame, guilt, anger... This will create a real pandemic of mental illness and real suffering.
@joannelevesque8929 2 года назад
Excellent discussion - mass formation explains what I’ve been witnessing! Best medicine - tuning out the media driven madness!
@georgemcfetridge8310 Год назад
Live the strength of No to any manifestations of fear.
@nicholasm2966 2 года назад
Right from the begging I knew in my gut that something was wrong about this whole thing. Very happy to see more people asking the right questions publicly
@simonabsolon 2 года назад
I never believed it for a minute.
@George.___ 2 года назад
@x-mess 2 года назад
Standing in line to be able to shop for food the first week of the scamdemic woke me up. The previous year my family and I left a cultish congregation... and seeing these "messiah" figures were popping up and I just KNEW we're all in trouble.
@chelegellion4928 2 года назад
Yes...Huge gut feeling.
@Mia33387 2 года назад
Me too but it didn’t get me anywhere as I am forced into getting it or I can’t see my granddaughter and my family will be split from me if I don’t
@THEREZISTANCE 2 года назад
I've known this since the beginning but haven't been able to wake people up. It's madness
@bicyclist2 2 года назад
Same. Amen.
@micdropvoicecoaching3452 2 года назад
@somaliagiraffe 2 года назад
they shill covid in plain sight
@jettegladbjerg3628 2 года назад
I think intelligent and self-reliant people who have the need to research things for themselves, to know more and are able to observe things from an all round perspective and combine it with a lifetime of gathered knowledge and who aren't afraid of being singled out in one, are the ones seeing through this narrativ and aren't getting hypnotised by this mass psychoses. I know I am one of those people and I even warned about this narrative years before it was implemented for real in January 2020.
@georgemcfetridge8310 Год назад
Yes, it was a long, orchestrated buildup.
@marcialeister4325 5 месяцев назад
I remember officials and late night talk show hosts telling us not to do our own research insinuating the general population would not have the skills to do their own research. That was a punch to my gut because I’ve been told all through my grade school and college classes to do the research for myself to help me arrive at more informed views to help guide my choices and decisions in life. I was aghast to be hearing this message and more so when people accepted and followed these admonitions.
@joseffesel2789 2 года назад
highly interesting interview - its not about vaccination good or bad - it is about HOW this necessary discussion about a medical question is led in public. And it clearly is derailing from a diverse universe of opinion towards a monolithic channel of single truthism - very well analysed and put into words by Prof. Desmet
@janetnewman268 2 года назад
It's so frustrating being surrounded by people who never question anything and just follow orders, I literally get laughed at when I speak outside of the narrative. People are seriously brainwashed.
@Neil_MALTHUS 2 года назад
We're all brainwashed in our own unique way (there's no free will, after all). Some for the better, some for the worse.
@nadogrl 2 года назад
@@Neil_MALTHUS - Speak for yourself. Repent, and trust Jesus.✝️❤️
@Rnankn 2 года назад
Do you question capitalism?
@lenfranz1424 2 года назад
It's funny I worked in Russia and learned that people over there only follow rules when being watched . They figured out if you pretend to look miserable and down trodden the ruling class will ignore you. Remember power is ego based make them believe you're following them in fear and like the russian I saw and give em the finger when they're back is turned.
@simonac4811 2 года назад
I've been told I shouldn't question what I am not qualified to... trust even if no explanation of why... scientists know what they doing, law makers, important people off the world do...and I am just to keep going... no right to be ... no right to make decisions, because I am not important enough to do so... I have went through few system changes in my life, and no consideration for how to survive when pushed around like I am nothing... where do we belong? If we cannot have a safe space ever... I feel that some are just pushed out to extinction, as we been used as need it, and now discarded...
@levitheonlylevi2047 2 года назад
As an Independent thinker, not having a place in my life for fear, I have never from day one bought into this narrative. Soooo many of my friends and family unfortunately have.
@graduke1 2 года назад
Same here...I have 2 degrees but I am honest to admit that it wasn't until I hit my thirties ....when I had the knowledge and experience and the free thinking capability ( to uncouple myself from the likes of the BBC etc), and more education, from reading more quality newspapers and books in my spare time)and my interest in politics and economics...did I begin to question the narrative spouted by our media and governments etc. The majority are far too busy to have that luxury, or just accept that the likes of the BBC are free of propaganda. The population gets comfortable that their peers often have the same political views from being brought up in the same conditioning environment. That is why I often dislike leftist and rightist ideologies, as taken to the extreme critical thought isn't present.
@robyncohen8542 2 года назад
Such a lonely place though...
@shirleykurtz 2 года назад
It's quite sad to see the percentage of cowards among us! We have a lot to lose. Do not go gentle into that good night!
@jimdavis8391 2 года назад
@@graduke1 There is no such thing as a 'rightist ideology', the whole left/right paradigm is an invention to keep us fighting each other while an elitist regime steals the spoils of our efforts. There is no such thing as a 'right wing'. People are just political, asleep or aware of the scam.
@olgam1146 2 года назад
Dealing with death on a personal level as the ultimate cause of anxiety is the core of it. If you have lived a life and are prepared for death right now then you are less subject to the anxiety that comes from the ultimate end to your being. A realization that there are things worst than death.
@kathybeecham9469 2 года назад
Totally saying what both myself and partner believe . From the very beginning we have been saying something felt ‘ off’ and ‘ Wrong’ . We both feel people on mass have become terrified zombies who have lost the ability to be rational. I know so many people who are so terrified and anxious of this ‘ pandemic’ ( read flu) , I think it is cruel to see how badly they are affected . My own partner has Asperger’s and went into an 8 month lockdown of his own , completely shutting down emotionally , and he wouldn’t be the only one who has suffered mental issues because of all this .
@helenbysterveld3554 2 года назад
Huge hugs to you! You are not alone. I pray that the Lord will lift you up and fill you with his grace and peace! He is powerful beyond anything around or in us.
@georgemcfetridge8310 Год назад
Horrible. The internet was full of refutations of what the empty suits were promulgating. I made it my business to look into WHY it was all lies, and was helped out very well.
@LUV733 2 года назад
Perhaps the fact I haven't had a TV for 12 years and have not listened to radio 4 etc for the last year helps me to not be remotely part of the mass formation 😉
@TheDoobiesnatcher 2 года назад
I haven't had a TV license for 10 years I think this has a huge part to play in it. I stopped reading the news after about week three.
@alanwann9318 2 года назад
Let me share ,me too
@heidiclarke9994 2 года назад
Radio 4 used to give some semblance of debate and intellectual information. All I hear now if it’s on is regurgitated bbc news with an attempt at highbrow discussion. I end up screaming inside ‘why is nobody asking or talking about the obvious’?!! That goes for other topics long before covid.
@alanwann9318 2 года назад
@@heidiclarke9994 Resistance GB is giving on the spot coverage and interviewing people on the streets. I enjoy there comments.
@theskeptic2798 2 года назад
When they first locked down I believed it was about bailing out the Financial criminals again but obviously there's a number of agendas going on .
@SssoFluffy 2 года назад
It is quintessential for us to keep speaking out. 30% of rebels is huge! Trust your intuition, keep bonding with people. Absolutely glorious interview! Thank you!
@emygideonse4300 2 года назад
The people who religiously follow the news because 'as educated people you need to know what's happening in the world' are the ones most vulnerable to fall for the narrative. People also follow the science, not realizing how modern science is manipulated into the narrative by money, like the climate issue.
@StarSwarm. 2 года назад
Just as a side note, you only need 5% of a country’s population willing to stand up and fight against the government to overthrow it. That’s what they fear.
@dee8501 2 года назад
@@StarSwarm. that 5% will hopefully save humanity.
@miasimmons3063 2 года назад
Amazing interview.
@dave3223 2 года назад
All here 🙏💪💯❤️
@karma3101 2 года назад
There were two main turning points for me, the first being when nursing homes were forced to re-admit residents that had tested positive for covid when there were three empty nightingale emergency hospitals available. Later figures suggested this resulted in over forty thousand unnecessary deaths. The second was when esteemed scientists were shut down if they dared to question the narrative.
@DonaldsonClan 2 года назад
And now all of a sudden some people think this is a brand new idea...a brand new revelation. Thankfully the reliable commentators/podcasters have given credit to Dr Desmet!
@jotiggins4794 2 года назад
When the vaccines in Victoria, here in Australia were mandated for almost everyone. Something doesn’t feel right when people no longer have a choice in a democratic society.
@faithfullyfeminine 2 года назад
I live in Australia too, and what is happening in Victoria is terrifying. Think I'll move to Norway as soon as we can leave 😂
@echoes.of.alexandra 2 года назад
Also in Victoria. Spent the last few days in shock. Trying to work out what path to take towards the future. Is there anywhere to go? Will the other states follow suit?
@karate4348 2 года назад
also from Australia here. Our Govt. recently banning GP's from prescribing ivermectin for covid on the basis of vacuous arguments is clearly wrong.
@jinnymudlark1815 2 года назад
Everyone has a choice. The trick is not to be afraid, and be yourself. What you should be saying is: "You do what you have to do -- and I'll d what I have to do."
@standupandbecounted972 2 года назад
@@echoes.of.alexandra Funny you should say that. I feel the same way. I'm sick to my stomach with this Natzi Dictatorship.
@claudiavivarelli7571 2 года назад
I find the word “narrative” far more scary than “Covid-19 “
@margietucker1719 2 года назад
And scarier still.... "APPROVED Narrative"!
@joblo497 2 года назад
PR Gold 🎈
@elizabethbowie9753 2 года назад
Narrative. An Overused, over rated word...
@johns7530 2 года назад
A very applicable quote from St Anthony "There will come a time when men will go mad. And when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying 'see, he is mad. He is not like us.' "
@obvioustruths 2 года назад
While matriculating as a student of Poli-Sci/Econ/Law in the mid-1970s I watched US Congressional Hearings on Operation Mockingbird and over the years have observed many false flags, psy-ops, etc. I am inclined to first disbelieve and then objectively consider all alleged facts for truth. The narrative fell apart rather quickly...
@patrickriggenbach3127 2 года назад
The 4 factors for massformation: 1. Social isolation 2. Lack of meaningness 3. Free-floating anxiety 4. Accumulated frustration and anger In this state, the brain then holds on to an apparently correct, because scientific narrative easily - as by adhereing to the mass view, all four conditions are resolved. You are connected again, your behaviour becomes meaningful, your anxiety is replaced by trust in the measures and finally there is an easy target to unload your accumulated emotions unto. There you have your plandemy!
@kanscopeichel491 2 года назад
Actually I think this is just a step towards a goal. Read 10 steps to genocide. One last mass genocide, through injection - much like drinking the kool aid in Jonestown.
@joelanturk6280 2 года назад
PLANdemic, you mean?
@michaelmoran2691 2 года назад
Very well put I new before it came into the physical stay diligent and dedicated in the father son and holy spirit GODBLESS NUFFLOVE 🍀❤️🙏
@nyahanan 2 года назад
It took
@MrPilotans 2 года назад
This is false, what caused mass hysteria was a concerted effort involving all msm and social media, propagated by a corrupt for profit driven world health organisation.
@christiancarlander886 2 года назад
My tipping point was reading about Ivermectin and the West's refusal to use it despite the evident success. It didn't make any sense that a 40 year old drug would suddenly become unsafe or ineffective, despite being linked to 2 Nobel prizes. It makes no sense, after that, fewer thing made sense.
@patwoessner198 2 года назад
Mine was when Fauci flip flopped on masks....
@lgic1 2 года назад
Fact checker is working hard to discredit ivermectin and Nobel prize. Any thoughts?
@christiancarlander886 2 года назад
@@lgic1 Yeah, all we can do is keep talking about it and keep the dissent going. Know our facts, figures and sources. Memorise them but encourage first the opposition to provide their evidence and dig themselves into a hole. Does anyone know of any trials which used the I-MASK protocols and proved the protocols wrong? All I can find are adjusted protocols which fail; wrong dosages, wrong time-frame, wrong patients, etc. which result in the negative outcome. I'd like to know if I-MASK has ever been proven wrong.
@FreedomBob 2 года назад
This, to this day, infuriates me. I don’t speculate on the deep agenda and intentions. But what’s blatantly obvious is even the best case scenario: A corrupt, profit driven big pharma in bed with big tech censorship and the most pathetic political leaders who stand for nothing and will shamelessly lie with straight faces on national TV. And this is the best case scenario. It is really sad. I don’t get too down about it. It’s the collective reality. I’m living my own life freely, fully, and with love.
@ienekevanhouten4559 2 года назад
Same here!
@CSwift-vr1qg 2 года назад
This is all so spot on. Thank you for having this conversation. Hopefully more people will come to realize the absurdity, lies, coercion and downright evil at play in the world.
@georgemcfetridge8310 Год назад
Only then can there be right life conduct.
@jamesparker4215 2 года назад
This I believe is one of the most important perspectives expressed so far on the scenario - highly accurate analysis.
@salomecomedy 2 года назад
From time to time I just watch this video again and read the recents comments...it gives me peace of mind and a feeling of freedom! May you all be able here, away from all the insanity around us, to feel this too! Stay strong!
@sigrid3553 2 года назад
@@salomecomedy I so much agree, thank you for your good comment! 👍
@goolash1000 2 года назад
When I joined the military, I was warned ahead of time that the training was a sort of brain washing meant to break a person down and build them up again into what was wanted. I came up with the idea to mentally take stock each night of every behaviour I was taught that day, break it down, and recognize it so I could take action to deconstruct the conditioning as necessary later. It turned out to be useful, as my chosen field encouraged outside of the box thinking and questioning every order. I never conceived that I would have to use those skills in the civilian world, but here we are.
@spiritlevelstudios 2 года назад
You imply that military level training of the collective is ongoing. I would agree with this. I've never seen anything like it. 18 months plus if relentless fear campaigns, and then dangling the "only" solution, and then forcing it. Take the poison to be free and resolve all the fear we have programmed you with.
@Teal_Seal 2 года назад
Military… I was warned of that too. It’s tempting to take my most trusted talking heads word for everything, but that’s the mistake leftists make. One has to fact check even their own side - or at least require they provide good sources. Exhausting times.
@thomasheinrich8805 2 года назад
Die Welt wird von Super reichen manipuliert seit 1945. :Bilderberger, G20 Staaten.
@thomasheinrich8805 2 года назад
@@spiritlevelstudios Danke du hast die Wahrheit erkannt. Ich denke genauso. 👌👍✊
@beverywhereyouare 2 года назад
when i deployed to Bosnia - they made us sign waviers for "some kinda pill" they made us take ... i was a young stud back then & didn't give a damn !! Today i realize ... i was someones test-case.
@dontGMOwithme 2 года назад
The fact that they were publishing death numbers (like during the Vietnam war) kept people scared. But the thin facade of lies is cracking apart everywhere.
@Stokkeland23 2 года назад
These people aren't hypnotised. They're always in this state! Always! It's much more concealed when things are normal. When a crisis emerges it's just easier to detect. But their inability to see certain logic or facts they don't like. Usually negative. That's always there. Take a hero that's crooked. It's the same. They won't even consider he's corrupt/cheating. They're just blind to it.
@karenwright4890 2 года назад
Wow- thank you for this podcast. You really nailed it when you said that you literally lose friends and family over simply asking questions. I’m more than willing to listen to people’s fear and anxiety about the pandemic. Any time I even bring up the unintended negative consequences of the pandemic ( close schools shutter businesses etc.) or inexpensive therapeutics (Ivermectin); my comments are met with anger and sometimes social isolation. Very sad. We all should be questioning ;not blindly following the media, pharmaceutical companies and politicians of any party.
@dropcapapp 2 года назад
Well said.
@aliseegenuine6414 2 года назад
@Karen Wright. I’m used to being considered as awful for asking questions. It started when I asked questions about the Bible. I learned to ignore the judgment. If you don’t ask questions you will wander through life stupid!
@karenwright4890 2 года назад
@@aliseegenuine6414 Agreed:)
@georgemcfetridge8310 Год назад
It's the greatest sales job ever, prepared for years beforehand.
@NuvoVision 2 года назад
My point of inflection was when they moved the goal post of death rate % to case counts. Made no sense unless you wanted things to seem like they were worse than reality.
@joejones9520 2 года назад
They did but there is still a deadly virus out there. Dont let the usual dem exploitation of a crisis steer you into not believing or taking precautions.
@NuvoVision 2 года назад
@@joejones9520 I think this is bigger than dem exploitation. We all see exactly what the virus is, statistically and anecdotally. It's not worth all of this response
@joejones9520 2 года назад
@@NuvoVision dems want to destroy the US so they can implement communism. They have been out to do this for many decades, all the way back to McCarthy. All the commie infiltrators working for US government he rooted out were dems. It is only recently tho that it's been ripe for the radicals to take over. Commies are always playing the long con...they are going for the end goal right now utilizing and creating social unrest from every incident they can exploit and using the virus to destroy the economy and throwing in illegal img. as icing on the cake.
@NuvoVision 2 года назад
@@joejones9520 Oh I know, brother. 100%. I just think this goes above the US dems... I feel like a globalist group is designing the plays and the dems are players on the field running the routes. I think some dems don't even know what's going on....they're just following the ass in front of them
@joejones9520 2 года назад
@@NuvoVision back then it was the USSR always behind the US commies, now, maybe China? Soros? Or some group we dont know about...
@dutchblaze777 2 года назад
Breaking point: When they decided to come for my kids. Makes no sense and I will not let it happen.
@patriotgirl1american854 2 года назад
GOOD!!!! What I see in California with regard to children is frightening! I don’t understand why or how a parent can allow their children to wear something over their face ALL DAY (adults as well)! Facial expression is so important for children to develop healthy.
@demeracl 2 года назад
They have in certain areas called test to stay where they test children up to 3 times a week. Which is unnecessarily aggressive. But plan on the same tactics to be used on children. When they allow children to get vaxed they will let them take their masks off. Just imagine your 7 year old begging for the vax so he doesn't have to wear a mask anymore. Truly sick stuff coming.
@veeveeisallyouneed 2 года назад
Over my dead body.
@shastacastor 2 года назад
@@demeracl no they won’t. The V won’t stop the masking. It’s control.
@paullancaster7066 2 года назад
@@demeracl It makes me shake my head every single day. Those in power have done a marvellous job of frightening the nations with constant BS and propaganda. As the man says, those Thinkers who try to educate the sheep will never win as the sheep do not want 'old normal'. We Thinkers need to arm ourselves because they'll be knocking on our doors sooner or later to take us to the 'safe place' where we can wear striped pyjamas, sadly.
@jacquelinepayne2012 2 года назад
This is the best explanation of the current situation that mankind is facing and the causes of it.
@funstuffonthenet5573 2 года назад
That small field of attention is spot on. No matter what you say to people they will object because their attention is narrowly focused on risks, illness and death of Covid 19. Nothing outside of that matters to them who have this narrow attention focus
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