
Maximize Your Winnings: Breaking Down a GOOD Ace High Hero Call 

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@nitemareman1 Год назад
Great video. Bart is next level.
@pmike3243 Год назад
These are the best. Super valuable. Appreciate the caller being humble too and ready to accept any helpful criticism from bart
@willpengelly6764 Год назад
Lol Bart is sick, he was very invested in this hand 😂
@uup116 Год назад
Villain bet his K high for the exact reasons Bart pointed out to the caller about having to bluff an inferior missed draw as opposed to showing down a strong A high holding. The bet size was indicating he did not want to be called.
@daddyyu-gi-oh4330 Год назад
Such a great breakdown of the predicted shove by the opponent. Whilst I completely agree with Bart’s breakdown I think I’d feel a reluctant fold coming based on the river bet. Even though the action leading up to that moment demonstrates it’s more weighted towards a bluff, great read on the situation
@kennethchia4194 Год назад
Bart's face at 16:14 needs to be a thumbnail
@alanevans7451 Год назад
LOL, agreed.
@lloydchristmas1086 Год назад
@pandascout 7 месяцев назад
“NOoOoOo! Jason!” Bart really cared about Jason here.
@PSPCRemy 4 месяца назад
The pain
@TheBarkanMethodofHotYoga Год назад
Great break down… I would have checked the turn and would not have called the river… but given your analysis… makes so much sense…. J 10 too….. 🙏🙏🙏
@bryanweed515 Год назад
Very interesting commentary.
@McTrickery Год назад
I’m jamming the river personally. If I’m running that line representing an over pair I’d want to compete the story. If you check river you are telling your opponent that you missed the draw for the most part which increases their bet frequency so much that, as Bart mention, I’d feel almost obligated to call with ace high. So if I know Ima do that, I might as well jam the river and if I was wrong and they actually had an 8 or a 9, maybe get them to fold. With this line, repping the over pair on all streets, an 8 (certainly) or a 9 can make that fold in my opinion. Full houses with one card in your hand are very foldable when there are numerous types of full houses that can beat you.
@edwardswain807 Год назад
Just think if you believe a full house is never folding you’re never bluffing off better and you’re never getting called by worse. If you think they’ll fold a boat then maybe but if not then just check calling keeps bluff in
@anthonysteen56 Год назад
He is basing his decision on that theorem that says no one folds a full house
@1vailchris Год назад
I agree - folding a boat when there's three-of-a-kind on board is different and easier than when you have a set or two-pair and then make a sneaky boat when the board pairs. Any pair is a boat on this board, so it comes down to how strong your pair is against your opponent's range.
@pot_kivach160 Год назад
Absolutely! That's only way to win this pot. Opponent shown some sign of weakness by just calling, so obviously, he cannot have a high pair. And in no way he can read that I'm holding AQ and not KK, QQ, JJ, TT, etc. Jam and let him sweat.
@edwardswain807 Год назад
@@pot_kivach160 if you jam he’s folding out his air and calling with most full houses, what are you bluffing off that you don’t already beat? Low pocket pairs maybe?
@officialghetty Год назад
When there is multiple missed draws in the board and someone over bets on the river most of the time they don’t want a call lol
@sog1272 Год назад
Bart, you really felt this one lol
@idrisbalavakos Год назад
Loved the reveal.
@1vailchris Год назад
Feels like hero induces villain to bet by checking. Villain could be bluffing, but villain could also be value-betting 9x or 8x, no? Hero raised pre, bet flop, and bet turn. Looks like hes' giving up on the river when he checks. It opens the door for the villain to steal the pot with a bluff, or just bet thin for value.
@cj7139 Год назад
It's extremely rare for the player pool to value bet that "middling" of a hand as played.
@1vailchris Год назад
@@cj7139 I don't know. Maybe 5-5 at the Bike plays differently than the 1/3 games I play on the East Coast. If I'm villain here, it looks like hero is giving up with a busted flush or straight draw, or two overs. If I think hero would bet river with over-pairs and 9x, but hero checks, I might go for thin value with 9x or 8x, and hope to get called by Ax. I recently played a similar hand with A3. Flop was 6-3-3. Turn was a 3, giving me quads. River a K. Villain led into me with 6x, making me think he had Kx. I raised, and he showed a 6 before he mucked.
@sog1272 Год назад
Was in the same position as hero recently and called. Villain had a busted flush draw which I cocked blocked so hard. He was so mad I called. I played his image in large part to my tank call...and my 3x stack size ; )
@phillyTOOphilthy Год назад
Callers reasoning for bet sizing on flop and turn was he was playing his hand as an overpair. When you get the best runout possible for the story your telling and check the river your begging to get bluffed. Starting the hand with 100bb I think its a pretty easy call after the way the hand played out. Villian is only jamming thick value, which he gets there with maybe 5% of the time only flat calling the previous streets Good call bart
@mrhumble2937 Год назад
Dude called twice. He thought guy had to have a 8 or 9 and you aren't getting him to fold. Can't put him on a flush draw when you double block it.
@cj7139 Год назад
@@mrhumble2937 More importantly, basically no one in the player pool bets the river with 9x or 8x. As a bluff or for value in their own mind as played.
@nmedown3139 Год назад
Great video. I also feel like any flopped sets would have raised earlier for protection against flush draws.
@alexatedw Год назад
I saw a full house folded yesterday as well on a 999 board. A guys got check raised on flop and showed 33 and folded to a guy who showed a bluff
@jh0720 Год назад
I’ve never seen anyone open to 45 in this game lol it’s typically 20 with no straddle and 35 with. I think the caller needs to have a plan in place, it’s a waste to lead twice and then not fire the third bullet. If you’re not going to use use your position and aggression to your advantage then you might as well see if the flop checks through then check/raise turn
@jacobgoldman5780 Год назад
It was a single raised pot by hero preflop so hands like JJ and TT are less likely (would have 3bet often) and as Bart mentions 99,88 we hear from earlier. A single 9 or 8 isnt betting allin, and hands like 44 which was briefly mentioned I assume would easily fold the flop. Just seems like some busted draw most of the time so I be curious as well and call.
@alexatedw Год назад
I actually over call more often with the lower pairs at low stakes cause when it comes in, they just pay you off. I got two all ins last night on a 9633 board yesterday when I had T3. I was against a flush draw and JJ lol.
@alexatedw Год назад
900 dollar pot, 72% to the river
@SoulfightPoker Год назад
this is where you have to try to look at the full picture of information someone gives you, the caller keeps referencing that the opp folded AQ pre flop earlier, the initial takeaway is that villain is playing tight, doesn't want to get involved etc. however, this also clearly shows you that this guy isn't value betting a 9 on the river here... now I just need to be able to think this clearly in the moment at the table lol
@hardflip8 Год назад
Also shows that maybe the villain isn't some idiot fish and perhaps had some idea of another player's table image and exploitatively folded AQ
@SoulfightPoker Год назад
@@hardflip8 for sure, I mean if I open AQo UTG 9 handed and utg1 3bets to 4x or whatever live sizing, its got to be a theoretically fine fold
@Tsiphon Год назад
Why wouldn't villain bet 9x here? Scared that we shut down with TT or are inducing with a better over pair? I feel like you bet TT here and get called by 9x, or a reluctant 8x. So on the flipside when we bet bet check, our range is very weird and 9x becomes a pretty good hand, worth betting for some amount no? I can get behind the call, but I would say you'll see him have 9x, very rarely 5x, and a bunch of missed draws. I don't see 9x as being ruled out or considered ultra thin given I would think heros tendency would be to continue with overpairs.
@johnnyboychess Год назад
“Aghhh Noooo Jason” 😱😂
@BroadwayJJ Год назад
Really enjoy your videos, Bart! I'm still confused about why pairing the board with a 5 is better than a 2 on the turn. Wouldn't the villain's hand be stronger because they have two pair? And they would be harder to bluff them off the pot with your Ace high. Why is the 7 no longer good for them? Wouldn't that give them a higher two pair? What am I missing?
@Its__Good Год назад
If they had 87 and hero has an overpair then with a 2 turn they can potentially win by hitting an 8 or 7 on the river to give them two pair. However, now that the board has paired their 7 out is no good against an overpair that will have a better 2 pair.
@phillyTOOphilthy Год назад
If hero has an overpair, the villain lost all his outs to his two pair. Heros 2 pair will always be better. For example Jack's and 5s is obviously beating 98 now
@Dynamice1337 Год назад
It's weaker because now the only other 2 pair combo villain could have (89) is behind an overpair which the Hero is representing.
@BroadwayJJ Год назад
These responses make sense. I think what was confusing me was looking at it as having AQ not looking at it as if we were holding an overpair. Thanks!
@Its__Good Год назад
You do have to consider though that it's fairly common for average players to miss this.
@JohnJakeMegahan 6 месяцев назад
I’m only checking river in Hero’s shoes if I actually have the nuts to bluff catch.
@Badbentham Год назад
I know, it is "only" 5/10. However: With which frequency is Hero actually checking the River with an overpair or better here?! - On the one hand, assuming " not that often" , this should incentivize Hero to call light with his bluff-catchers like Ax or an 8. On the other hand, it feels like Villain in reaction really should find some value bets with a 9: Okay. Not this Villain, who indeed plays tight enough to be bluff-heavy. 😉
@PSPCRemy 4 месяца назад
I was really feeling villain on a J10 here but K4hh is pain
@ahaaha8462 Год назад
I will either (1)check turn or (2)shove or over-bet turn here given assumption that villains will raise with a better than overpaid hand on flop. If they showed evidence of slow playing good hand at some previous moments, I will take a different line.
@timmyp34 Год назад
At 4:25, Bart is worried that the $100 flop bet won't get small pairs to fold. My thinking is: good if they call, because I have so many cards that beat them, and get me a big payoff. Am I wrong here?
@pot_kivach160 Год назад
Bart said opposite. Watch again.
@timmyp34 Год назад
@pot_kivach I still hear it as Bart saying he doesn't like the bet size because it won't get those 1pair hands to fold. But I am not a mind reader.
@VitorRedes 4 месяца назад
I don't understand why every "GTO" hand needs to be for all of it. Im missing something?
@mattfox5933 Год назад
I dunno like the only real bluffs are A7 A6 suited spades. Holding the QH cuts out all the busted Q10 QJ of hearts villain can have. I do t really see folding as a bad option although it is pretty sus when villain ships the river on the third 5….
@victorarshavskiy4216 Год назад
can a pair (or 8, or 9) bet something like 200-250 to target AK?
@quincyw7777 Год назад
probably but the villain went all in representing strong hands than a 9 or 8
@StevenZakPokerVlogs Год назад
Why can’t TT or 9x jam river? If hero can be calling with A high those are great jams… and decently safe for villain to assume hero wouldn’t check TT+ here on the river and risk missing value, so I don’t see how 9x wouldn’t be a slam-dunk jam in position. Maybe the game has passed me by.
@danielhurst8863 Год назад
Stopped at 13:00. Check call the River. As played, it is unlikely your foe has a 9 or an 8. This leaves TT as the only hand that is beating you, that will likely bet the River. Other hands that beat you 77, 66 are most likely going to check back the River. Even the 76 straight is checking back. Hands with little to no showdown value will shove, KhQh, QhJh, JT. JJ+ would likely have 3 bet pre, so shoves will contained more busted draws than hands that beat you. If you bet the river, only really strong hands will call, and they will have you beat. These kinds of hands suck at a table, because you are calling with A high, but check calling here is profitable, because there are many busted draws, and strong hands will check back.
@johnrocchio2091 11 месяцев назад
Turn is the fye of diamond
@pot_kivach160 Год назад
How is a 10bb bet against 2 opps on flop a large bet??
what was the tough to be previous call?
@spoder22 Год назад
Could villain not have TT JJ here? Especially since the caller said villain folded AQ to a 3bet - suggests that he might not be 3betting those hands preflop. Are there enough bluffs from villain on the river here to justify calling even though we might run into TT JJ? Some villains are also dumb enough to bet 9x here, although this guy doesn’t seem like one of them
@Dynamice1337 Год назад
I think those hands 3 bet from the button preflop most of the time.
@karlinchina Год назад
Those would bet smaller most of the time to target Ace hi or A8.
@spoder22 Год назад
@@karlinchina can't really bet smaller when the SPR is 0.75
@spoder22 Год назад
@@Dynamice1337 the caller said villain folded AQ to a 3bet - suggests that he might not be 3betting those hands preflop.
@Fred-rg5vw 11 месяцев назад
I woulda bet abput 180 on flop..over bet than shove no matter what turn is.
@nomnomnom612 Год назад
this flop should be a c/r and barrell off spot imo
@thomasrichardson-ev1wp 10 месяцев назад
I was thinking j/10 hearts ❤️
@jeffdevine6387 Год назад
i just knew villain had a K-x when he shoved :)
@pot_kivach160 Год назад
good for you. You should go pro.
@jeffdevine6387 Год назад
@@pot_kivach160 lol
@JohnJakeMegahan 6 месяцев назад
When Hero checks river, there is no way he has 5s full of 9s beat. I am value betting a 9 all day.
@bobloomis246 Год назад
I was guessing J10h or Q10h with a busted draw.
@demonraiser112 Год назад
hero is just clicking buttons, line makes no sense
@DescartesRenegade Год назад
IF* the Villian was a good player, I'd lean more towards a fold. Here's why. Villian knows overpairs would NOT check the river here as villian is repping a 9 at best. Therefore, even 10s would be jamming for value. Thus, when hero checks- as villian, I'd jam a 9 here for value to get a call from Ace high. However, IF villian were some amatuer, it's an easy call. They don't meta-analyze.
@datsumcrzysht Год назад
Why wouldn’t overpairs sometimes check??? Why wouldn’t someone check to a potential busted draw to induce?
@JohnSmith-nx7zj Год назад
Although even if you’re able to reason that hero doesn’t have an overpair, you have to believe they’ll call down with A high. Otherwise they’ll just fold everything except for the occasional 99/88/5x that they decided to get tricky with.
@DescartesRenegade Год назад
@@datsumcrzysht because the board is ugly for a busted draw to jam on. And no, because of preflop action, no reason to believe they'd have anything better than a 9. I'd jam, even with 10s, all day.
@datsumcrzysht Год назад
@@DescartesRenegade Too ugly to jam? And yet, that’s exactly what happened on this very call.
@DescartesRenegade Год назад
@@datsumcrzysht read my comment above to understand my analy5
@Daniel-fo9jf Год назад
Now I know if I ever get into this river spot with 22 I'm shoving against Bart for value lol
@calinator51 Год назад
I know Bart likes to get in depth and technical about hand possibilities but he didn't mention a reason that the 5 on the turn is a bad thing. You are now drawing dead against 55, 99, and 88. A lot of times I don't like to draw on paired boards...
@AgitoXakito999 Год назад
99, 88, 55 raise flop pretty frequently on such a wet and connected board multi-way
@datsumcrzysht Год назад
Actually he did. You just weren’t paying attention.
@stevenundisclosed6091 Год назад
I don't like this fold.
@Pokerfarhang Год назад
If it wasn't a bluff, the caller wouldn't post the hand
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