We’re having a spring sale on our store! Get your best Korean study material and save up to 30%! bit.ly/30alNcz Meet the newest member of TTMIK, 김예지(Yeji Kim)! Follow her on social media! Instagram: instagram.com/yayj.__.kim Twitter: twitter.com/yayj_12
so glad there's subs both in korean and english so i can also study from this video also glad to see the team keep growing. hope you guys will keep growing and reach even more success
Hi Yeji!!! My mom was in her 40s (I'm the baby) my next brother is 8 years older and the oldest is over 20 years older than me. I was born an uncle 4 times over. I think your next language should be French. I think you can have a lot of fun learning it plus you can go to Paris on vacation. Peace Yeji!
Spanish is really good to learn as a first for the european languages. Most italians can understand you when you do speak in Italian, and you'll be able to have better reading comprehension if you want to learn french. It is also widely used around the world. French is beautiful as well. I'm learning it currently. But the pronunciation is so different, spanish and italian speakers have trouble understanding me.
Oh nice, an introduction of Yeji. I was wondering who she was when I've seen her in a video and contributions to material on the TTMIK online store. 0:33 "The official 막내 of TTMIK" 😄 Yeji's very cute. 5:23 Yeji is all about chocolate? And combines alcohol with chocolate? Well I guess I'm in love with her now. 😍 If Yeji wants to learn a European language one day, I recommend Spanish.
예지씨, I recommend that you learn either German or French since English is closely related to those two European languages. If you're interested in Indo-European languages, then I recommend Russian. I'm also learning Russian right now in addition to Korean. Both languages are really fun. :) I'm starting a Beginning Korean 2 at my college on May 28th, and I'm excited to further my Korean study. As for East Asian languages, I also recommend Japanese, as Korean and Japanese have the same word order and very similar grammar, even though learning Japanese kanji is hard.
Welcome Yeji; I look forward to seeing (and hearing) you in many future lessons. You are obviously a person of great taste - warm ice cream and chocolate with alcohol are the best. Let's be honest, chocolate is the only food that a person really needs in life. :)
I love chocolate but don't like beer, otherwise I would try it ㅋㅋㅋ Hello and welcome 예지 씨! If you want a fun language I would suggest Spanish, if you want a bit of a challenge grammar-wise try German (vocab is also similar to English).
Yeay welcome to the team and I cant believe someone else also microwaves their icecream for a few seconds before eating it lol I don't like it when its frozen solid either
Yeyy, the family is getting bigger!!! Welcome to the family, 예지 선생님! I have a culture related question. At 3:32 teacher Yeji reaches out with her hand to Jooyeon's back. Similar gest is also at 5:20 and 5:40. I once heard that this kind of gesture were not that common between koreans. But since in this 8 minutes video I saw it already 3 times I asking myself if what I heard was right. Or maybe there are more things to consider (like generation, degree of friendship, region,...)?
Yeji we have the same age gaps with our sisters! the same amount of nieces and nephews, and our mothers were the same age when they had us... weirdo coincidence! hahahaha
@@mthwk here we go with difficult grammar. You just said 'i feel light/easy' instead of what you actually wanted to say. So she better not learn german.
@@TheDreamerJojo Well, to go from "german is difficult" to "you shouldn't learn german" is a little extrem. It should be fine, as long as she knows what is she getting herself into. People may feel motivated to learn some languages despite them being difficult (or I wouldn't be learning korean right now 😂😂)
환영합니다, 예지씨. 추천하는 유럽 언어... 사실은 저는 모국인이지만 독일어 어려운다고 말해야 됐는데 독일어 배우면 안 된 거 같아요. 스페인어나 프랑스어나 러시아 어때요? 저도 스페인어를 공부하긴 생각이 있어요. (Sorry for my stupid grammar, hope you still get what i mean)
떠나다 is to leave, depart (can have the same meaning than 출발하다) 놓치다 is to miss something, like missing opportunity, missing the bus/train.. 집을 떠나다 : to leave the house 학교를 떠나다 : to leave school 저는 일찍 떠나고 싶지 않아요 : I don't want to leave early. 저는 마지막 버스를 놓쳤다 : I missed the last bus I hope it helps :)