
Michael Levitt: Studied Physics, Masters Biology, Won Nobel in Chemistry | Endgame  

Gita Wirjawan
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10 сен 2024




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@biyelasll Месяц назад
Pak Gita, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for creating this incredible channel. My parents, who didn't go to college (high school graduates) but have a strong passion for learning, find your content fascinating and watch it regularly. It's beyond amazing to have this legitimate and bona fide learning platform where high school graduates like them can learn and access knowledge from a Nobel laureate and someone like you. thank you so much Pak Gita!
@Udaakbar Месяц назад
Istilah Kunci Dinamika Molekuler: Simulasi komputer tentang pergerakan atom dan molekul dalam sistem biologis, seperti protein, seiring waktu. Kecerdasan Biologis (BI): Kecerdasan kolektif dan kemampuan beradaptasi dari sistem biologis, sebagaimana dibuktikan oleh kerumitan dan ketahanannya. Kecerdasan Buatan (AI): Simulasi kecerdasan manusia dalam mesin yang diprogram untuk berpikir seperti manusia dan meniru tindakan mereka. Self-assembly: Proses di mana komponen-komponen suatu sistem mengatur diri mereka sendiri secara spontan menjadi struktur atau pola yang terorganisir tanpa arahan eksternal. Keragaman: Kualitas memiliki berbagai elemen atau bentuk yang berbeda; dalam konteks biologis, hal ini mengacu pada berbagai gen, spesies, dan ekosistem. Vaksin RNA: Jenis vaksin yang menggunakan molekul RNA untuk memicu respons imun dengan memberikan instruksi genetik ke sel untuk menghasilkan protein virus. Vaksin Non-RNA: Vaksin tradisional yang menggunakan virus yang dilemahkan atau tidak aktif, atau komponen virus, untuk memicu respons imun. Jaringan Adversarial Generatif (GAN): Jenis model pembelajaran mesin di mana dua jaringan saraf bersaing satu sama lain untuk menghasilkan data baru yang tidak dapat dibedakan dari data asli. Rasa ingin tahu: Keinginan yang kuat untuk mempelajari atau mengetahui sesuatu. Kegagalan: Tindakan atau contoh melakukan kesalahan atau menjadi salah; Levitt menekankan pentingnya merangkul kegagalan sebagai bagian integral dari proses pembelajaran dan inovasi.
@ekaputri4572 Месяц назад
Thank you
@steveflorida5849 14 дней назад
​@@ekaputri4572what Neuron decides what is Truth and what is not true? Do you believe in the magical fantasy of Abiogenesis?
@HariSasmita Месяц назад
Program televisi John Kendew mampu menginspirasi Michael Levitt menjadi scientist. Program "Endgame" adalah John Kendrew bagi sebagian warga +62
@ekaputri4572 14 дней назад
Totally agree with you
@aladipmahfudin9582 Месяц назад
I am always amazed by the guest stars on this podcast. How Mr. Gita can be able to present excellent guests on every episode, unbelievable! I always look forward to the next episode of this podcast. Keep inspiring, Mr. Gita! I am proud of you
@bayuwiliandri7117 Месяц назад
OMG tengkiuuuuuuuw om Gita ngeliat podcast ini jadi hari terbaik saya di tahun ini ...Chanel ini jadi warisan terbaik untuk anak2 Indonesia ...sehat terus ya om Gita
@haggaisimon7748 21 день назад
A modest person, like him. You can judge immediately by the tone of his voice that he is a humble person.
@rudiibnuanwar3848 Месяц назад
Yakinlah yg menyimak ini rata rata orang dg pemikiran terbuka😅
@ArrisAhmadFadillah Месяц назад
Wkwkkwkw, kudu jelas dlu definisi open minded tuu apaa, tapii jikaa orang bersedia mendengar vidio ini dri awal hingga akhir, wah kemungkinan besar memang orang itu open minded
@irfanmaulana1677 Месяц назад
​@@ArrisAhmadFadillahkadrun mabok islam gak cocok nonton beginian.
@irfanmaulana1677 Месяц назад
​@@ArrisAhmadFadillah kadrun mabok islam gak cocok nonton beginian
@steveflorida5849 14 дней назад
​@@ArrisAhmadFadillahopen minded to know that Abiogenesis is science Fiction.
@lor3999 Месяц назад
When you have very smart, very educated people describing nascent technological change that we all need to understand, you do not need a movie thriller soundtrack. The WORDS are MUSIC to our ears. Thank you.
@AlvinAriesta Месяц назад
Masih progress nonton... Video kayak gini kejar kualitas. Impactful. Percaya di antara penonton akan ada bibit2 istimewa
@humantribemember 15 дней назад
I am sure the professor understands the concept of conditional probabilities. I don’t know he can assign so much to chance given that he had so many people in his life who helped him. These were not random people.
@8313863 14 дней назад
Sure he understands it. He means it was his chance to have helpful people around.
@fajarprasetyo3487 Месяц назад
We exist because random series of luck events, comforting fact emphasizing that equality and diversity are important for our survival, don’t think that we socially more important than others. Very humble and philosophical statement by Nobel Laureate ❤ Thanks for the talk pak Gita
@Jay-kk3dv 25 дней назад
Nothing is random
@bogdanpopescu1401 18 дней назад
how do you know that we exist because of random events? do you have a proof for that? how do you conclude the importance of diversity from randomness? and what kind of diversity? are all kinds equally important? if we exist because of luck, doesn't it follow that nothing is important for our survival? nothing should be important for an outcome which only depends on luck; as far as equality is concerned, the pure luck hypothesis suggests we are equally worthless, not equally important
@steveflorida5849 14 дней назад
Abiogenesis and its "random series" is science Fiction -- a magical fantasy belief. Values of Life like.... love, goodness, truth, service, sharing, caring, peace and idealistic beauty -- give meaning, growth and purpose to Life and conscious living.
@Udaakbar Месяц назад
Linearitas belenggu inovasi Levitt secara konsisten menekankan pentingnya keragaman, serendipitas, dan keterbukaan terhadap kegagalan dalam mendorong inovasi. Ia berpendapat bahwa sistem kaku seperti silo disiplin ilmu dalam akademisi dapat menghambat pemikiran out-of-the-box. Ia menyarankan agar lembaga seperti Stanford University, yang telah membuat langkah dalam membongkar silo ini melalui program-program seperti BioX, diposisikan dengan baik untuk membina inovasi. ● Levitt menggambarkan lintasan kariernya sendiri yang tidak konvensional sebagai bukti manfaat dari mengejar minat yang beragam. Ia memulai dengan fisika, kemudian beralih ke biologi struktural, dan akhirnya mendapatkan Hadiah Nobel di bidang kimia. Ia mengaitkan kesuksesannya dengan kesediaannya untuk menjelajahi bidang yang berbeda dan merangkul peluang tak terduga. ● Levitt memuji nilai dari "kesalahan" dalam sains. Ia berpendapat bahwa para ilmuwan sejati menerima kegagalan sebagai bagian inheren dari proses penelitian. Pendekatan linear yang menghindari kesalahan dapat menghambat eksplorasi dan penemuan.
@steveflorida5849 14 дней назад
Abiogenesis is a rabbit hole of science Fiction -- a magical fantasy belief.
@Udaakbar Месяц назад
Pencetus biologi komputasional Levitt menyatakan bahwa ia "benar-benar memelopori apa yang kemudian menjadi biologi komputasional" pada tahun 1970-an. Pernyataan ini mengindikasikan bahwa ia adalah salah satu tokoh awal yang penting dalam perkembangan bidang ini. Beberapa faktor yang berkontribusi pada keterlibatan awal Levitt dalam biologi komputasional: ● Ketertarikan pada Komputer: Levitt menggambarkan dirinya memiliki ketertarikan pada komputer sejak dini. Ia bahkan bercanda bahwa di era yang berbeda, ia mungkin akan menjadi seorang hacker. ● Penerapan dalam Kristalografi: Komputer pada saat itu penting untuk kristalografi, bidang yang juga digeluti Levitt selain dinamika molekuler. ● Lingkungan Ilmiah di Cambridge: Levitt mencatat bahwa Cambridge adalah "pusat mutlak" untuk biologi molekuler selama masa studinya di sana. Meskipun awalnya skeptis tentang penerapan komputer dalam biologi, ia menyadari potensinya melalui paparan terhadap penelitian mutakhir di Cambridge.
@ekoasetiawan6930 16 дней назад
Terima kasih Pak Gita, sangat menginspirasi. saya jadi teringat tahun 2003 saat baru pertama kali mulai studi di jerman dan tinggal di sebuah kota Goettingen namanya, disana ada 43 Nobel Laureates seperti Max Plank, Max Born, Otta Hahn, Paul Ehrlich, Werner dst. Sering saya bersepeda berkeliling kota kecil itu selepas les bahasa di Goethe institute. Disanalah muncul semangat belajar baru, motivasi baru yang berlipat-lipat - karena di depan rumah peraih nobel tersebut biasanya terpampang nama dan bidang nobel yang diraihnya. Dan rasa itu muncul lagi setelah menyimak video ini. Lanjutkan Pak, agar pemuda pemudi atau para peneliti kita dapat memahami keberhasilan ilmiah dan pencapaian besar yang diraih oleh para peraih Nobel ini. Video ini menunjukkan bagaimana lingkungan yang memfasilitasi interdisipliner dan kolaborasi internasional dapat menjadi fondasi bagi pencapaian luar biasa. Selain itu, penting juga untuk memahami bahwa penghargaan dan pengakuan tidak datang secara tiba-tiba tetapi merupakan hasil dari proses panjang yang melibatkan ketekunan dan komitmen yang luar biasa. Selamat untuk Pak Gita dan Team semoga upaya anda ini bernilai ibadah , aamiin
@carriefu458 Месяц назад
WOW!!! So cool!!! 😎🤠🤓 Love Science = physics + chem + bio!!! Together and not separated, because the sum is greater than its parts!!! I especially love Dr. Levitt's quote on life, "Take what you like and don't complain about what you don't like!" 🤣😂😅
@steveflorida5849 14 дней назад
Do you believe in the magical fantasy of Abiogenesis?
@MannySingh 22 дня назад
I love this talk. I heard the entire 2 hr 15 mins and 20 seconds and some portions twice.
@DesiranKehendak Месяц назад
Saya masih ingat, Michael Levitt ini salah satu pakar yang outspoken ketika Covid melanda. Pandangannya saat itu dianggap sangat kontroversial
@yeteknik Месяц назад
Semenjak pak gita bahas rekomendasi buku "range" D. eipstein. Lalu pak gita bercerita sangat paradok saat memilih buku bacaan. Lalu dari semua nara sumber pak gita yang lintas genre. Dari saintis, seniman, pemikir, budayawan, ekonomis, politikus, filsuf, dokter, dosen, aktor, musisi, olaharagawan. Akhirnya kesimpulan sementara saya adalah, "end game" ini untuk mempersiapkan generasi emas indonesia serta bisa mengalahkan musuh nyata kita "AI". cuma emang dengan satu hal "diversity/keberagaman". gas terus pak gita. bagus konten2nya
@rudiibnuanwar3848 Месяц назад
@@yeteknik tapi merubah karakter tidak cukup dg informasi atau ceramah tapi latihan
@yeteknik Месяц назад
@@rudiibnuanwar3848 di menit ke berapa percakapan yang paling anda sukai, dan apa antitesis anda dari pendapat Michael Levitt di percakapan menit tersebut pak?
@ariefibrahim8062 Месяц назад
Di negeri konoha dasarnya keberagaman...pendidikan lah...yang membuat perilakunya serba seragam....!
@irfanmaulana1677 Месяц назад
Kalo islam masih dominan di indonesia. Rakyat kita masih mabok islam mabok agama. Bangsa ini gak akan pernah maju
@rudiibnuanwar3848 Месяц назад
@@irfanmaulana1677 jika Islam seperti zaman Abbasiyah yg lebih ke mutazilah dk masalah malah melahirkan ilmuan hebat seperti Al kindi, ibnu firnas, Ibnu haitam dll. Tapi sayang sekarang lebih pada ideologi Al Asy'ari yg menolak Konsep sebab akibat. Dan berlaku hingga sekarang. Kalau dk salah ya
@AdeFirdaus-lk8lp Месяц назад
It is so interesting to have M. Levit on your show. I love him, I watched his Nobel lecture when I was a student and even used his presentation slide as an introduction to structural bioinformatics for when someone asks me about molecular dynamics simulations. Thank you, Pak Gita.
@mateusmoreiracardoso7896 Месяц назад
One of the rarest podcasts that Pak Gita just seat and listens to, even some of the statement I find has pros and cons to his view. btw great podcast as always. Endgame
@wirawanc83 Месяц назад
Podcast pak Gita is always another level. Thanks for all the efforts to enlighten us especially Indonesians
@Udaakbar Месяц назад
Apakah kreativitas mengganggu stabilitas? Levitt berpendapat bahwa stabilitas menghambat kreativitas. Levitt mengilustrasikan pandangannya dengan membandingkan Tiongkok dan Eropa. Tiongkok, yang menurutnya sangat baik dalam menjaga stabilitas, dipandang kurang inovatif dibandingkan dengan Eropa. Levitt berpendapat bahwa pertukaran antara inovasi dan stabilitas adalah sesuatu yang alami. Lebih lanjut, Levitt berpendapat bahwa ketidakstabilan dapat memicu terobosan. Ia mencontohkan Amerika Serikat yang mengalami ketidakstabilan selama 10 tahun terakhir, yang menurutnya berkontribusi pada kemajuan pesat dalam AI. Meskipun mengakui pentingnya stabilitas, Levitt menekankan bahwa keberagaman dan kebebasan berpikir sangat penting untuk kemajuan dan inovasi. Ia meyakini bahwa merangkul keberagaman, alih-alih memaksakan homogenitas, adalah cara yang tepat untuk mencapai kemajuan. Penting untuk dicatat bahwa pandangan Levitt ini didasarkan pada pengamatan dan interpretasinya sendiri terhadap sejarah dan masyarakat.
@dunia6788 12 дней назад
Loved listening to this conversation, thank you Michael Levitt and Gita!
@kaniapermata Месяц назад
Somehow, we think that understanding ln, e , log, sin, cos, tan is useless. Until we know how to use the base
@Rubbinghandsschemingsomething Месяц назад
Studied physics, masters biology, won nobel prize in chemistry, talk about AI 😀
@steveflorida5849 14 дней назад
And Materialistic Neurologists still do Not know the source of human Consciousness.
@rayyan-lafamilio Месяц назад
Thank you so much for give us this beautiful content
@soumyagupta4910 29 дней назад
This is an intensely fascinating conversation. Thank you!
@Mecagothits 23 дня назад
finally a good Podcast
@maxthemagition Месяц назад
Such a great mind and a great communicator…. A person who is able to convey or exchange information, news, or ideas, especially one who is eloquent or skilled.
@Sir_Ray_LegStrong_Bongabong 23 дня назад
ilike the personality of that michael levitt very intelligent that's why
@_markipat23 Месяц назад
Thanks for podcast pa Gita 🙏🙏
@FikiFirmansyah 28 дней назад
terimakasih banyak pak gita sudah mengundang pak levitt
@mantap5175 Месяц назад
Kalau bisa undang Dr. Soborno isaac bari bakal keren sih, Professor termuda di bidang science di usia 9 tahun, sekarang Udah usia 13 tahun. ini mungkin dapat menjadi motivasi dan inspirasi bagi anak muda Indonesia. Banyak pemikiran beliau ini yang bagus. Semoga dibaca.
@kerjaan0791 Месяц назад
@@mantap5175 gua yakin views diatas 300k
@tofatula1378 Месяц назад
Very interesting. I liked the last few remarks very much.
@oliverjamito9902 24 дня назад
Pop Michael thank you for attending unto our OWN! Love you Pop Michael without shame but with boldness!
@sajithomas2158 Месяц назад
So many thought provoking pieces,I enjoyed it
@Isomorphist 27 дней назад
as a Machine Learning Engineer, Im worried about when you use too many colours you just get a shade of brown. This is the "diversity" of AI.
@mmac4942 20 дней назад
A wonderful interviewee and interviewer, thank you!
@driterotjera1188 7 дней назад
Thank you, this is gold!
@DaveTielung Месяц назад
please Pak Gita interview Yuk Hui, with his idea of technodiversity
@vincentwady Месяц назад
Star Trek has laid out the idea of future human society should be. How to use technologies, how to treat each other and how to communicate to solve the conflict.
@LuqmanRuslee Месяц назад
Holy Bible for futurist.
@relax_key Месяц назад
next, professor brian greene❤
@sguntarto 29 дней назад
Michael Levitt, a Nobel laureate in Chemistry, has had a diverse and serendipitous career, starting in physics and transitioning to biology, where he made significant contributions to structural biology and molecular dynamics. His journey was shaped by early influences, like his mother’s encouragement and exposure to molecular biology, leading to his deep interest in computational biology. Levitt emphasizes the importance of curiosity, embracing mistakes, and the role of luck in scientific discovery, while actively engaging in discussions about the future of technology and science.
@DrJoySmithMaxwell 2 дня назад
People suffer many cognitive biases, but we must remember that just because someone is an expert in an area does not render all their thoughts & opinions necessarily accurate in other areas. Also, he's a rather good communicator, which is uncommon among hugh level scientists.
@user-ho9zk1uh8i Месяц назад
And I am only a high school teacher, who is becoming addicted to watching Pak Gita podcast. I ll ask some brilliant students of mine to follow Pak Gita
@StevieHarison Месяц назад
Interesting and awesome 🔥
@ichtube Месяц назад
When there's dramatic background music, it makes it many times more likely that there author is snuggling bs. And then, two seconds later you see Harari... had to click away
@faturfauzan2537 Месяц назад
Hadiirr pak gitaa❤
@fintech1378 Месяц назад
Genius of epic scale: stay hungry, stay foolish, not knowing something makes you more innovative
@bro_dBow Месяц назад
Amazing interview, the scope is powerful!
@Myironrodleftindia Месяц назад
Everything he says makes me smile
@dennisalbert6115 22 дня назад
Potential in humanity comes from having more kids, more young people
@maulilasrisulaiman1290 28 дней назад
Ini bedanya podcast Gita Wirjawan dan Indah G, pak gita sangat berwibawa, kharismatik, cerdas, pendengar yang baik, bahasa inggrisnya keren, tidak sok-sokan pengen dibilang jago berbahasa inggris, tidak over ekspresif, tidak menonjolkan diri, pokoknya jauh beda dengan indah g si sok inggris dan sok cerdas itu
@fajarsetiawan7145 Месяц назад
Masalah indonesia sebenernya ada di base nya. Kalau di matematika ibaratnya orang indo ga tahu perkalian silang, aljabar, logaritma, phytagoras dll. Sedangkan masalah yg dialami mereka sudah sekelas kalkulus, lim, aljabar linear dll. Skrg kalau gurunya menjawab permasalahan2 yg ada dengan menjawab langsung kalkulusnya, lim nya atau aljabar linearnya, yg ada banyak dri mereka yg ngga paham.... Menurut saya porsinya harus di pas kan, kita harus sering2 ngmong soal dasar dulu, soal cara kerjanya dulu.... Sedangkan yg dasar ini sebenernya ada di islam, karena Al Quran adalah buku pedoman hidup yg di buat langsung oleh pencipta kita sendiri dan segala sesuatu yg trkandung didalam Al Quran sudah di contohkan oleh manusia yg dipilih langsung oleh pencipta kita sendiri yaitu Rasulullah SAW, sehingga hukum benar dan salah ada di islam. Krisis yg dialami bangsa ini sebenernya ada pada kemrosotan beragama, bagaimana orang2 sudah tidak berpatokan ama dalil (Al Quran dan Hadist), pola pikir muslim skrg terlalu bias sampai2 menganggap diri mereka lebih benar ketimbang dalil, menganggap dalil sudah kuno dan sudah tidak bekerja untuk peradaban jaman skrg. Padahal justru jauhnya mereka dari dalil lah yg membuat mereka celaka. Padahal arti kata islam sendiri adalah tunduk atau berserah diri. Skrg kalau mayoritas muslim sadar Allah SWT maha melihat dan mendengar, sadar bahwa ada malaikat yg selalu mencatat, tahu dalil dalil, tahu gambaran neraka beserta siksaan2nya, tahu gambaran hari kiamat, tahu gambaran bagaimana seluruh manusia di tempatkan di padang mahsyar, tahu gambaran siksaan siksaan yang mereka peroleh dari perbuatan buruk dll. Ketika mayoritas muslim sudah tahu hal tsb maka saya jamin semuanya akan membaik, akan sangat mudah membuat indonesia menjadi negara maju, menjadi negara berpendidikan dan negara makmur. Pak gita sendiri kan rajin baca buku dan hobi baca, kenapa ga baca Al Quran sampe hafal, kenapa ga baca Hadist2 mulai dri bukhari, muslim, abu daud dst. Ketika mau mencari guru pun harusnya setiap ucapannya Allah SWT berfirman dan Rasulullah SAW bersabda, bukan dri orang yg ngakunya ulama atau ngakunya ustadz tpi dasar pemikiran mereka selalu pada pemikiran sendiri, padhaal tugas ulama atau ustadz adalah sebagai penyambung lidah Rasulullah SAW.
@mezmerism107 3 дня назад
Gak semua ada di Al-quran dan hadist bro, bahkan dasar-dasar ilmu. Di Alquran sendiri di Surat An Nahl ayat 43 bilang kalo anda tidak tau, tanyalah pada ahlinya. Disini menjelaskan bahwa Al-Quran adalah pedoman hidup, bukan buku pengetahuan. Memang ada, tapi itu untuk menegaskan bahwa Allah Maha Tahu, bukan untuk mengajarkan manusia sebuah ilmu pengetahuan. Dan terakhir, tidak semua orang harus baca Al-Quran untuk menjadi bijak dan cerdas. Dan gak semua orang harus tertarik pada Al-Quran. Bahkan anda sendiri kliatannya tidak memahami ayat-ayat Al-Quran.
@cathyburkart9395 Месяц назад
How can we know the real impact of covid after the way the data was skewed?
@oliverjamito9902 24 дня назад
Remember thy NEW SEATS GIVEN will follow thee! Gratitude and Honor can't separate!
@jwingit 28 дней назад
I love the line: "it's random-- who your consciousness is in." He is implying we have a "soul" here....as if it were simple logical science. Afterall another possibility is that you never "appear" again. As long as we're accepting his way, I don't think it's such a big step to think there might be some kind of mechanism that (help) guides where you might appear in your next life.
@steveflorida5849 14 дней назад
Abiogenesis is science Fiction, a magical fantasy. Therefore, Life is Not a product of "random chance".
@roldanduarteholguin7102 Месяц назад
Export the Azure, Chat GPT, Revit, Plant 3D, Civil 3D, Inventor, ENGI file of the Building or Refinery to Excel, prepare Budget 1 and export it to COBRA. Prepare Budget 2 and export it to Microsoft Project. Solve the problems of Overallocated Re-sources, Planning Problems, prepare the Budget 3 with which the construction of the Building or the Refinery is going to be quoted.
@bara2636 Месяц назад
AI menurutku terlalu overhyped dan overrated. Coba lah kalian pake ChatGPT eksplor kemampuan dia. Walaupun percakapannya lebih terasa mulus, tapi dia gak lebih dari perpanjangan Google aja kok. Coba kasih pertanyaan yang butuh pemikiran kritis dan analisa mendalam. Masih gak bisa kok. Dan klo disuruh ngoding jg cm ngasih template dasar, yang jeleknya karena pake memori jadi dia kadang jawab sesuatu pake memori itu jadi ya berputar2 disitu terus disambung2in ke pertanyaan dan jawaban sebelumnya. Padahal kita mau cari insight baru. Masih jauh kok dibanding kemampuan berpikir manusia degan otaknya yang super.
@LuqmanRuslee Месяц назад
Boleh aja disuruh mencari Insight baru. Kasih prompt valuenya dikasih stretch quality. Misalnya make it better (insert x??)
@fintech1378 Месяц назад
Berarti lo yg dodol, ini profesor super pinter aja ngerasa ini berguna bgt
@bara2636 Месяц назад
​​@@fintech1378biasanya org yg komen kyk gini org yg gk pernah eksplor dan paling cm pake sekali trs ngerasa wow. Overhyped dan overrated bukan berarti gak berguna. Org2 sumbu pendek ni kadang terlalu cepat menyimpulkan sesuatu dan gak pake logika. Premis nya apa kesimpulannya apa.
@bara2636 Месяц назад
​@@LuqmanRusleeyea i did. Tapi terkadang chatgpt masih kasih jawaban yg ada kaitannya dengan pertanyaan2 sebelumnya. Kalau mau benar2 baru harus ask for reset or clear the memory. So chatgpt will give completely new answer direction. Having memory is good thing but sometimes it lead you only one point of view, while i need a broader pov
@VictorBrunko Месяц назад
Yes when AI will come. LLMS are not
@boeingpameesha9550 Месяц назад
My sincere thanks for sharing it.
@mAny_oThERSs Месяц назад
Why put a biology and chemistry expert into an AI discussion...
@xanyan1222 Месяц назад
He's not only an expert in those two fields, as said in the video, he's also an expert in physics and computer science.
@mAny_oThERSs Месяц назад
@@xanyan1222 well i didnt watch it, since by the title i thought this video wouldn't give many new insights but i will give it a try now
@first_namelast_name3760 Месяц назад
background presentasi nya Yuval Noah Harari kaya menara Babel 😁 Mazmur 2 2:1 Mengapa rusuh bangsa-bangsa, mengapa suku-suku bangsa mereka-reka perkara yang sia-sia? 2:2 Raja-raja dunia bersiap-siap dan para pembesar bermufakat bersama-sama melawan TUHAN dan yang diurapi-Nya: 2:3 "Marilah kita memutuskan belenggu-belenggu mereka dan membuang tali-tali mereka dari pada kita!" 2:4 Dia, yang bersemayam di sorga, tertawa; Tuhan mengolok-olok mereka. 2:5 Maka berkatalah Ia kepada mereka dalam murka-Nya dan mengejutkan mereka dalam kehangatan amarah-Nya: 2:6 "Akulah yang telah melantik raja-Ku di Sion, gunung-Ku yang kudus!" 2:7 Aku mau menceritakan tentang ketetapan TUHAN; Ia berkata kepadaku: "Anak-Ku engkau! Engkau telah Kuperanakkan pada hari ini. 2:8 Mintalah kepada-Ku, maka bangsa-bangsa akan Kuberikan kepadamu menjadi milik pusakamu, dan ujung bumi menjadi kepunyaanmu. 2:9 Engkau akan meremukkan mereka dengan gada besi, memecahkan mereka seperti tembikar tukang periuk." 2:10 Oleh sebab itu, hai raja-raja, bertindaklah bijaksana, terimalah pengajaran, hai para hakim dunia! 2:11 Beribadahlah kepada TUHAN dengan takut dan ciumlah kaki-Nya dengan gemetar, 2:12 supaya Ia jangan murka dan kamu binasa di jalan, sebab mudah sekali murka-Nya menyala. Berbahagialah semua orang yang berlindung pada-Nya!
@StevieHarison Месяц назад
Just imagining Nuclear War will be controlled by AI 😥
@normadenys8089 14 дней назад
Love this man 👏
@jocelynconvery3462 24 дня назад
Brilliant interview - thank-you 2:15:10
@oliverjamito9902 24 дня назад
Students shared "i" AM will say, HOPE knows Who? Yes, the owner!
@hsiaowanglin9782 19 дней назад
Some big country only allowed one Nationally, like Japan, China, if In Taiwan , don’t allowed official with 2 nationalities, other countries like Singapore officially also one nationality.
@rosalindmartin4469 12 дней назад
"Take what you like..." Scusi. This is said by a gentleman genuine genius ...he can fly above so many many obstacles and difficulties which stip the common man and woman. F.IT😂
@kisho2679 Месяц назад
How can AI help calculate the spherical harmonics of all the 118 chemical elements of the periodic table (not just for the hydrogen)?
@perc-ai 16 дней назад
forget spherical harmons, what matters is building proteins that is the future. silicon computers turn into biological computers our DNA works like antennas and it has pretty good storage space we dont need SSDs its way too inefficient.
@donaldtryk3253 16 дней назад
ChatGPT is not only intelligent but wise. I asked it the following question--Do Israelis and Plestinians have the same human rights? In a nutshell, it said "no in practice* but *yes in principle." The detailed answers are interesting.
@Mr0rris0 Месяц назад
He gets it hot damn The nature is doing Its a symphony
@yvonnehyatt8353 Месяц назад
Please Study - Bruce Lipton and Ken Honda and Joel Salatin thanks.
@sandhuaditya4855 Месяц назад
I hope this is positivity of AI for our future
@Charlotte-ew6sw Месяц назад
What are the best strategies to protect my portfolio? I've heard that a downturn will devastate the financial market, so I'm concerned about my $200k stock portfolio.
@Daisy-yr6ez Месяц назад
There are strategies that could be put in place for solid gains regardless of economy situation, but such execution is usually carried out by an investment specialist
@SirManselus Месяц назад
I've been in touch with a financial analyst ever since I started investing. Knowing today's culture The challenge is knowing when to purchase or sell when investing in trending stocks, which is pretty simple. On my portfolio, which has grown over $900k in a little over a year, my adviser chooses entry and exit orders
@Sophia-bt2uh Месяц назад
Mind if I ask you to recommend this particular coach you using their service? Seems you've figured it all out.
@SirManselus Месяц назад
ANGELA LYNN SCHILLING' is her name. She is regarded as a genius in her area and works for Empower Financial Services. She’s quite known in her field, look-her up.
@Sophia-bt2uh Месяц назад
Thank you for this tip. It was easy to find your coach. Did my due diligence on her before scheduling a phone call with her. She seems proficient considering her resume.
@soumyagupta4910 29 дней назад
Ernest Rutherford trained 11 Nobel laureates
@muhammadtaupik6399 Месяц назад
ingat feyman liat beliau
@yonathansarenda2739 Месяц назад
Kecerdasan biologi emang bukan ciptaan manusia, itu semuanya di luar kuasa mahkluk . . .
@almazchati4178 Месяц назад
He is talking about an evolutionary process invented by chatgpt. Why do have different sexes? It is good for evolution. I think it is hyoerbole.
@yogicijantung Месяц назад
Bagaimana setelah bom atom di temukan? Tentu dampak yang akan ditimbulkan dan di rasakan,tidak seperti memproses kacang atom.
@petibatyo 13 дней назад
Please do not hardcode subtitles.
@eSKAone- 25 дней назад
Candy for my brain
@ariefibrahim8062 Месяц назад
Di negeri konoha apa-apa agama...pokoke percaya seyakin- yakinnya... bumi itu mbleber....kalau tidak percaya...tapir...tapir...!
@dinomiles7999 14 дней назад
Amazi g ski. ❤.
@markwrede8878 15 дней назад
But AI has failed to correct arithmetic.
@andi-w6p Месяц назад
Kalau di indo, beliau ini tidak bisa jadi profesor karena jurusannya tidak linear 😂
@kd6613 28 дней назад
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 00:01:40 *🎓 Introduction to the Guest: Michael Levitt's Background* - Michael Levitt is introduced as a Nobel laureate in chemistry and a professor at Stanford. - Levitt's journey from South Africa to the UK, Israel, and eventually Stanford is briefly covered. 00:02:45 *🔬 Curiosity and Early Education* - Levitt shares how his curiosity for science began, influenced by his family, particularly his mother. - His childhood in South Africa and the impact of various life events, including his early education, are discussed. 00:04:12 *🎱 Path to Science and Nobel Prize* - A pivotal moment involving playing snooker leads to a life-changing suggestion from his mother. - This leads to Levitt completing his education early and eventually studying in London, marking the start of his scientific career. 00:08:11 *🧬 Encounter with Molecular Biology* - Levitt recounts his exposure to molecular biology through a TV program by Nobel Laureate John Kendrew, which inspired his career direction. - He details his academic journey at King's College and his strategic decisions that led to his PhD. 00:13:23 *🧩 Luck, Serendipity, and Nobel Encounters* - The role of luck and serendipity in Levitt’s career is emphasized, including how he met influential scientists. - He shares stories of unplanned encounters that shaped his path, including how he secured his PhD position. 00:16:10 *🏆 Interdisciplinary Approach and Nobel Insights* - Levitt reflects on how disciplines like physics, biology, and chemistry are interconnected and how this approach benefited his work. - He discusses how academic silos are breaking down and the importance of interdisciplinary research at Stanford. 00:18:32 *💻 Computational Biology and Protein Dynamics* - The discussion shifts to molecular dynamics and the significance of computational biology in understanding protein behavior. - Levitt expresses initial skepticism about the field but acknowledges its value in modern biological research. 00:20:14 *🚗 Nobel Prize Speech and the Volvo Metaphor* - Levitt shares a humorous and insightful story about his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, where he used a Volvo metaphor to describe the advancement of computers. - He highlights the significant impact of computers on his work and their exponential progress over the years. 00:24:47 *🤖 Impact of Technological Advancement and Curiosity* - Levitt discusses the exponential improvement in computing technology and its impact on human curiosity and potential. - Mentions the importance of maintaining curiosity and how technological advancements can enhance human capabilities. 00:25:20 *💡 Artificial Intelligence and Its Revolutionary Impact* - Levitt reflects on the evolution of AI and machine learning, considering them as extensions of his past work. - Shares personal experiences with AI, including his first encounter with GPT-3 and its transformative potential in various fields. 00:29:34 *📱 AI as a Personal and Professional Tool* - Levitt discusses how AI tools like GPT have become integral to his daily tasks, from writing abstracts to translating languages. - Highlights the convenience and intelligence of AI in various applications, recognizing its limitations while praising its utility. 00:33:57 *🌍 Democratization through Technology and Smartphones* - Levitt emphasizes the democratizing effect of smartphones and technology, particularly in empowering the less privileged. - He observes how widespread access to information and communication has changed lives, despite concerns over content quality. 00:42:26 *🧬 Evolution, Biological Intelligence, and Future Prospects* - Levitt delves into the concept of biological intelligence and its profound impact on the evolution and future of humanity. - He discusses the importance of evolution, the role of diversity, and how biological principles inspire technological advancements like AI. 00:48:05 *🌍 Diversity as Key to Human Survival* - Levitt discusses the importance of diversity in human survival, both in genetics and behavior. - Emphasizes that diversity ensures adaptability and long-term survival of the species, highlighting the value of all individuals regardless of current status. 00:50:25 *🧬 Luck, Equality, and Survival* - Levitt reflects on the role of luck in existence and how equality is crucial for humanity’s future. - Argues that embracing diversity and equality is not just socially important but essential for survival. 00:54:56 *🔬 Nobel Laureates and the Role of Mentorship* - Levitt shares insights from his study on Nobel laureates, focusing on how mentorship and intellectual lineage influence scientific breakthroughs. - Highlights Sidney Brenner’s significant impact through his mentorship of multiple Nobel laureates. 00:59:00 *🤖 Impact of AI and Robotics on Global Diversity* - Levitt explores how AI and robotics might influence global diversity, especially in countries with low immigration. - Predicts that technological advancements in AI and robotics will reduce the need for immigration by filling labor gaps, particularly in aging populations. 01:06:37 *📱 AI as a Democratic Force and Communication Tool* - Levitt discusses the democratizing power of AI and its potential to break down communication barriers. - Anticipates that AI will facilitate global communication through advances in translation and transcription technologies, enhancing global understanding and interaction. 01:11:47 *🌍 Impact of Immigration on Innovation* - Levitt discusses how the persecution of free thinkers in Germany led to a wave of immigration to the U.S., boosting its scientific achievements. - Highlights that immigrants are often self-selected for resilience and ambition, contributing significantly to diversity and innovation in places like Stanford. 01:13:52 *🦠 COVID-19 Observations and Initial Analysis* - Levitt recounts his early analysis of COVID-19 in China, noting how his observations of the data differed from the mainstream narrative. - He explains how his unexpected fame in China led to further analysis and public commentary on the pandemic’s progression and impact. 01:19:24 *📊 COVID-19 Data Interpretation and Public Response* - Levitt shares his experience with interpreting COVID-19 data, focusing on death rates and comparing them to natural death statistics. - He discusses the media’s exaggerated response to COVID-19 and his engagement with the public through platforms like Twitter. 01:27:00 *🏥 Global and U.S. Responses to COVID-19* - Levitt compares global responses to COVID-19, noting that countries with low poverty and inequality fared better. - He analyzes the response in various U.S. states, observing that poverty levels strongly correlated with excess deaths during the pandemic. 01:32:55 *💉 Comparison of COVID-19 Vaccines and Their Impact* - Levitt discusses the differences between RNA and non-RNA COVID-19 vaccines, noting that neither was tested as rigorously as traditional flu vaccines. 01:35:12 *🧬 Complexities of RNA Vaccine Technology* - Levitt discusses the innovative but complex nature of RNA vaccines, including their efficiency and potential side effects. 01:39:52 *💉 Concerns and Ethical Considerations in Vaccine Testing* - Levitt talks about the ethical challenges and the limited testing done for COVID-19 vaccines, emphasizing the need for better trials. 01:45:21 *🌏 Geographical Differences in COVID-19 Impact* - Levitt compares how different regions, particularly Southeast Asia and the Americas, were affected by COVID-19, suggesting that existing immune responses may have played a role. 01:52:51 *🌐 Human Immunity and Health Practices* - Levitt emphasizes the resilience of the human immune system and the dangers of over-sanitization. 01:56:20 *🇮🇱 Personal Insights on Safety and Mortality* - Levitt reflects on his time in Israel and his study of mortality data, which revealed surprising insights about the safety of different countries. 01:58:02 *🛡️ Safety and Perspective on COVID Deaths* - Levitt compares accident rates in different countries and reflects on the importance of putting COVID-19 death statistics into perspective. 01:59:17 *🔍 Curiosity and Learning in Science* - Levitt shares his advice for young people on cultivating curiosity and becoming good scientists. 02:01:06 *🎻 Pursuing Passions and Lifelong Learning* - Levitt discusses the value of pursuing one's passions, even if they diverge from traditional career paths. 02:06:24 *🔄 The Importance of Making Mistakes* - Levitt explains how making mistakes is a crucial part of scientific and personal growth. 02:09:11 *🚀 Expanding Frontiers of Knowledge and AI* - Levitt discusses the boundless nature of learning and the expanding frontiers of knowledge in the modern age. 02:12:05 *🏭 Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Global Impact* - Levitt touches on the role of intellectual property in fostering innovation, especially in fields like medicine. Made with HARPA AI
@isnansudiarto592 Месяц назад
oh Gita, kenapa tamu tamu-mu membuat aku begitu bodoh. terima kasih telah membuat aku memikirkan sesuatu yg pada awalnya aku pikir tak teratur, ternyata berpola. big thanks bro
@hsiaowanglin9782 19 дней назад
If you go to drive school, they will offer you test material, you may easily passed that.
@ferrynalle5886 Месяц назад
@theafamily3588 Месяц назад
next pak anies!
@hsiaowanglin9782 19 дней назад
Actually not Ai help language, those Ai are very good in Taiwan, cause mostly people since 11 years old has learned English, until many years later, of course many people are speaking English very well, unless those not intelligent on school.
@oliverjamito9902 24 дня назад
Same measures will see upon all dry grounds all thy shared Feet resting upon! Who can Fine Tune scattered noises= clarity, coherence, adequacy, evidence, and witnesses in front!
@brahimvevo7216 Месяц назад
Timothy Ronald
@vergilspardapranowo Месяц назад
@kerjaan0791 Месяц назад
Kenapa dia? ​@@vergilspardapranowo
@MadaTangdilallo 2 дня назад
Dia Bukan aku...aku masi di indensia
@oliverjamito9902 24 дня назад
What is soothe or Grieve?
@oliverjamito9902 24 дня назад
Students shared "i" AM will say, many murmuring among one another! Who are YOU?
@vanessangauru4897 Месяц назад
I am Bella,s Aunty Vanessa from NZ Bella, who has been quiet about her Powers for quite a while. Bella is a young 14 yr old she has stronger powers in her than I have, and I am 64 I didn't know i was chosen one until I went to card read my sign Pisces sun woman born 1960 March 12th this is the truth I never Iie to anyone about this not game I human GAUTAM ?big problem in my life MY names Vanessa
@Krisna-iv6lb Месяц назад
@batcryalok Месяц назад
I would like to see Professor Levitt encourage students to use smartphones and tablets to do real experiments. People at higher level are expected to take his advice very seriously.
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