
Michael Shermer on Evolution & Creationism, Part 2. Who Says Evolution Never Happened, and Why? 

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Dr. Michael Shermer continues the discussion of evolution and creationism, focusing on the history of the creationism movement and the four stages it has gone through: (1) Banning the teaching of evolution, (2) Demanding equal time for Genesis and Darwin, (3) Demanding equal time for creation-science and evolution-science, and (4) Intelligent Design theory. Shermer provides the legal, cultural, and political context for how and why creationism evolved over the 150 years since Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, thereby providing a naturalistic account of life, ultimately displacing the creationist supernatural account. Finally, Shermer reviews the best arguments made by creationists and why they’re wrong.
This lecture is part of a course that Dr. Shermer teaches at Chapman University called Skepticism 101: How to Think Like a Scientist which covers a wide range of topics, from critical thinking, reasoning, rationality, cognitive biases and how thinking goes wrong, and the scientific methods, to actual claims and whether or not there is any truth to them, e.g., ESP, ETIs, UFOs, astrology, channelling, psychics, creationism, Holocaust denial, and especially conspiracy theories and how to think about them.
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21 июл 2024




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@cpsaleemyt 4 года назад
Creationists in all religions are united only in their opposition to evolution. It is fortunate for them that creationism hasn't made any headway and they don't have to argue among themselves which God created life forms and how !
@patmcq 4 года назад
Love the lectures and glad you got the duplicate audio problem worked out. Unfortunately there's now a 30 second delay between the audio and your computer desktop.
@TerryUniGeezerPeterson 4 года назад
Evolution is a fact and a scientific theory which explain the facts. Just like the germ theory of disease, the theory of gravity, etc. "A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world."
@TerryUniGeezerPeterson 4 года назад
@@daotheeternalnamelessbeyon8778 Science by nature is tentative and subject to revision when/if new peer-reviewed data is warranted. The same cannot be said for the various "holy" books which never change. And just because science can't yet explain certain aspects of the natural world, that doesn't mean you get to insert a god or other supernatural explanation to fill the gap(s).
@churblesfurbles 4 года назад
@@daotheeternalnamelessbeyon8778 the problem is current ideology needs to pretend human beings didn't evolve at all, which is what would required to deny human biodiversity as seen with most claims of "equality".
@hisxmark 4 года назад
One of the biologists that Kellog talked to, who espoused "Social Darwinism", said that if Germany lost the war then he (the biologist) was wrong about biology and in a classic case of doublethink, he (the biologist) wouldn't want to live in a world where people broke the natural law. (For those who weren't paying attention in class, Germany lost the war.)
@Seekthetruth3000 4 года назад
Excellent lecture! Thanks a bunch. The "logic" behind religion in general and Christianity in specific is extremely twisted, having said that, live and let live.
@theorangebandit8632 4 года назад
Question: When they were trying to include creationism in text books was it just public high schools or public colleges also?
@pmstirling 4 года назад
Is a transcript available?
@Jamie-Russell-CME 4 года назад
Dear Dr. Shermer, I enjoyed your presentation. And really enjoyed your defense of freewill on the channel in other ones. 1. That is simply admitting that you have assumed the theory ahead of time. 2. No jumping, more a result to the a priori assumption of naturalism. 3. Aspects of the fact of speciation is science. Not contested by anyone. And predictions should be expected. Any other predictions from controversial aspects of common descent and/or deep time is not a result of the actual philosophy, but of the dacts known about the world, which is simpky described by the philosophical assumptions. Which plays no role in the contribution of prediction or empirical science.
@cosmicsquid 4 года назад
Thank you Dr. Michael Shermer. Your words and insight are inspiring. Keep up the good work.
@StormBringer1966 4 года назад
Always a pleasure to hear your explanations.
@robertgaylord314 4 года назад
Please do a piece on ADOS and their demand for reparations.
@stanvero0624 4 года назад
Thank you Dr. Shermer for these lectures!
@davidanderson9664 4 года назад
Great lecture - thank you - a lecture that'd hold water (and even our interest!) in any good law school class. D.A., J.D. (St. John's School of Law '02) NYC
@tomsmith4542 4 года назад
@davidwilkie9551 4 года назад
"We don't know, absolutely by the definitions of practical sciencing, unless you choose to believe in Observable Principle, ..that the Universe is an arrangement of time duration timing modulation probabilities in potential possibilities according to the logarithmic numberness connection, ie condensed Materialization is the natural occurring conception of QM-TIMESPACE in-form-ation. All "knowledge" is always be-coming structured quantization, chemical bonding phase-locked re-circulation pulses in temporal hyperfluid, uncertain-incomplete categories of information, bio-logically resonant-observable and self-defining cause-effect of pulse-integrated endurance lifetimes. No boundaries, beginning, or end of this actual Big Bubble Universe of timing-spacing. 1+ 1 = 2 is true for particular Anthropic categorizations, and therefore is only true probabilisticly as a part proportion of the holistic/numerical probability 1-0D by potential possibility synchronicity, in some relative proportion. (A rational and reasonable statement of positioning that is a degree of certainty in Principle, [and eternal, sometimes "scientific", argument])
@woody7652 4 года назад
Thank you very much, Michael!
@russellmillar7132 4 года назад
It seems weird that anyone would cite the "watchmaker" analogy as indicative of anything! The narrative is incomprehensible in the scenario wherein the person on the path lives in a time when watches were a commonly seen and known object. In this case the person would most likely think "Wow, someone lost their watch!" If however this person had never seen or heard of a watch--that person would rush off and ask someone whom might know " what is this wondrous object?" If however this person lived in a time before watches were invented, then the analogy has a much bigger problem; it requires magic! You would need the "rabbit out of a hat analogy" for that.
@Raydensheraj 3 года назад
The Watchmaker argument has been pretty much dealt with by Richard Dawkins in his book " The Blind Watchmaker " which was released in 1987. In my opinion the worst of the creationist arguments...
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
If it is directed and working as a result, it is by intent, in the real world. Mindless matter has never been observed to make any directed working mechanism of any kind. Remember the instruction comes before the working function.
@frankmurphy8850 4 года назад
There is no significant creationist movement in England. Its not taught in any schools or any mainstream churches. Most people would laugh at this. England is mostly atheist and despite our historical religious legacy religion plays no part in most people's lives. This is a US phenomenon and any efforts to promote it here in England are from US religious organisations and funded by them. JWs and various assorted evangelicals keep trying but thankfully mostly waste their time.
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
It's not about religion. It is about the fact that mindless matter has no ability to make any directed working thing. It has nothing to do with incredulity because you have to prove your belief that mindless matter can make directed working things that aren't there. If not, you cannot say it did.
@reinforcedpenisstem 4 года назад
Intelligent Design is Creationism in a cheap suit.
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
Evolution is a debate about religion and philosophy. Christianity is about the truth. Only your Maker can perfectly cover for you Himself and remake you again from the inside out by the power of His true word as no one else can.
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
Your Maker need not be God but we all know He is because all power comes from a greater power and God is defined as infinite power and ability. Mic drop! (Slow as molasses noggins : )
@patmcq 4 года назад
Who "defined" God? Man? God?
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
Science is what you can know so science did not tell you anything about any living thing writing its own instruction.
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
You have to prove you can get written instruction that is not there BEFORE saying it happened.
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
First, you never saw another bubble universe and secondly, such a thing would require more energy to make AND order. You haven't even accounted for where the energy came from to make AND order this universe.
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
Science is what you can know. You cannot know that rock soup made you. (You cannot know that rock soup made itself.) You cannot know that mistakes made you. You cannot know there is infinite possibilities in limited time and distance. If there is, that is the realm of God as He is defined as infinite potential.
@patmcq 4 года назад
God of the gaps. Those gaps in scientific knowledge that have already been filled in had no need for a God explanation, and there's no reason to think it won't continue to be that way with new discoveries.
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
@@patmcq The only gap is your belief in magical matter magically making itself and magically programming itself inside of you making you a human.
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
If you can't prove anything, you can't tell me anything.
@russellmillar7132 4 года назад
Yes you can
@patmcq 4 года назад
If otherwise, would you listen?
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
Creation is what you can know from the science of cause and effect by a greater power. Evolution cannot be known to exist from unrelated mistakes being selected. So what if you select unrelated mistakes? It doesn't write instruction that is not there.
@johnlawrence2757 4 года назад
Actually evolutionary theory does NOT explain how design happens. It just says it does without offering any explanation as to why up to a certain point there is (according to ET) no design and after which it starts to happen. It’s also not at all true that Darwin started evolutionary theory. It was already thriving and as obnoxiously oppressive as it still is today. His publisher basically hijacked his work to correlate flora and fauna to include large amounts of text on this new theory. Darwin was not happy at all, and reduced the amount of text on the subject in later editions. It’s pretty obvious the acid ran out before it got to this bloke. A long time before. You need to open up your doors of perception. Though you say you dig it all you still behave as if the world was solid
@derekallen4568 4 года назад
Natural or supernatural? That is the question. Considering the supernatural has never ever been demonstrated.....
@jipersson 4 года назад
A change in allele frequencies in populations over time, truckloads of time, due to gene flow, genetic drift, natural selection and mutation. So yes "design" if that's what you wanna call an accumulation of tiny tiny changes, is explained!
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
If you want to know about Jesus, only your Maker can perfectly cover for you Himself and remake you again from the inside out by the power of His true word as no one else can.
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
Except everything was buried by the same global flood. That means that everything was living simultaneously. You can't have hundreds of millions of years missing between water deposited sediment layers with no erosion between them.
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
Whether they were trying to sneak creation into the classroom and whether or not it is true are two separate things. Your belief in magical matter writing billions of bits of programming inside of you cannot be shoved down our throats by the government. Creation is obviously true because you are here and mindless matter did not command you to be a human.
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
Evolution can't evolve a leg to stand on.
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
In case you didn't know, God is all knowing, all powerful and eternal. Did you get that? God is all knowing, all powerful and eternal. Did you get that? God is all knowing, all powerful and eternal. Did you get that? God is all knowing, all powerful and eternal. Did you get that?
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
You don't have evidence for evolution so stop teaching it. "Might, may have, could have" are not science!
@jipersson 4 года назад
Evolution is not a holy thing that can't be investigated or attempted disproved, in fact that's what biologists and chemists do every day, they try to disprove evolution through their experiments, millions have tried and millions have failed poking a hole in, or even scratched the theory of evolution! All of modern biology are deeply dependent of evolution being a fact, medicines couldn't be developed if we weren't closely related to the research animals those drugs were initially tested on, That's how science works, disprove a standing theory or hypothesis by presenting evidence to the contrary, and you become famous and win the Nobel prize! As a lifetime non-believer of religions, I don't even recall that I were taught evolution in school but I must have because I clearly remember where I were when I fully accepted being just another animal with no intrinsic purpose, by comparing two dog races and realizing that they merely had been subjects of artificial selection as opposed to natural selection age 12-13!
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
Of course you have confirmation bias. You want evolution to exist so you say it does exist, whether there is evidence of getting programming that is not there or not.
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
Your old belief of evolution has become less believable as the days and hours go by. I want to see mindless matter generate written instruction that is not there. I don't want to hear you make a claim.
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