
Millennials in the Workforce, A Generation of Weakness - Simon Sinek 

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Simon Sinek explains how the millennial generation became so entitled. A combination of failed parenting strategies, technology, impatience and environment have created a wave of young people who can't hack it in the real world.
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4 янв 2017




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@liverleef 6 лет назад
I'm almost 50 and guess what, I got a participation trophy for playing T-ball when I was five. Participation trophies are not unique to millenials, some people like the guy in this video push this idea because it fits their narrative that millenials are entitled and don't want to work for anything. Millenials are being thrown into a world with fewer opportunities and vastly more student loan debt. They frequently end up in unpaid internships that go nowhere or being underemployed. They have to compete for jobs with people all over the world now, not just in their town. They're seeing automation and globalization shrink their prospects. And people wonder why they're depressed. Yeah, must be the cell phones.
@E-99x 6 лет назад
liverleef Not only that, just see how many people apply for a job with your same credentials, 500 or more (and they don't hire you because they usually hire someone they already know). BUT you are also getting paid jack shit for that job you do eventually win, and you have 2 of them to pay for school, but also go to school full-time. Yet I can't even afford food/a car. I share with my sibling whenever we eat at a restaurant. That's life in LA if you're a middle class, working 2 jobs, college student...with poor wages you cannot afford much. Actually that's life in the U.S. :/ Only a small portion of Generation Y is actually well-off, most of us are barely scraping by in retail, business, or medical jobs. That's pretty much all the people I know in school/work. Again only a tiny tiny tiny portion of Millenials can afford the stereotype this video is forcing on us. :(
@ynemey1243 6 лет назад
I'm a millennial and I never got a trophy. Hell I've won competitions and I still never got a fucking trophy. I don't have any friends with trophies either. Who the fuck are all these millennials with their fucking trophies!?
@bidgitbinner7430 6 лет назад
@jijipoid 6 лет назад
I suppose it probably depends on where you grew up. Sometimes people did get participation rewards in my area but it was usually for younger kids. It usually stopped by the time you hit your preteens because there was an impression of kids being able to handle the loss at that point. Participation rewards are suppose to encourage you to try again and to not give up and that it is ok to lose sometimes (everyone loses sometimes).. Without negative enforcement. I agree with the original poster. It is way harder to get jobs these days.. the requirements to obtain jobs are higher than they use to be. Debt is higher most people are in debt at least $5k or more and the likelihood of people being able to be where our parents were at our age is slim. It is like I read somewhere before 30s is the new 20s and 40s is the new 30s.. and i almost wonder if it had any merit... I honestly think the only way we could begin to fix some of this is if there was a mass debt forgiveness of some kind but that might cause more problems lol..
@liverleef 6 лет назад
Those are good points. Im a gen-Xer and I got a participation trophy but I dont think I got one when I was older than 5 or so. I don't know if every millenial who played sports got a participation trophy or how common it was but its stupid to imply that this its a widespread millenial thing and its even more stupid to think that this cheap plastic trophy they got when they were a child somehow governs their entire concept of work and reward for the rest of their lives.
@francisbaxter4663 3 года назад
I feel like when people talk about millennials, they just mean young people and don’t realize how old millennials are.
@invokingtheabstract 3 года назад
EXACTLY!!! Most people don't know they are talking about GEN Z or ZOOMERS now and say Millenials. Also, although I'm not done with the video yet, Millenials went into debt of college, where inflation is higher and pay wages have not raised with it (USA the only developed nation that doesn't do this, go look it up, its disgusting) then the Crash in 2008 happened, and in their early mid 30s the pandemic happened. This guy also doesnt quote any studies and millienials are not affected by social media as far as depression/suicide exponentially compared to GEN Z. I think he doesn't even know the difference.
@tylercooper1551 3 года назад
Hell, im considered a millennial but social media wasn't a thing until my first year in college.
@MrDNMock 3 года назад
This video is 5 years old. That places Millenials in the 18 - 35 range and the audio on which the video was made is older than that.
@francisbaxter4663 3 года назад
@@MrDNMock missed that, my bad. Millennials did suck 5 years ago.
@MrDNMock 3 года назад
@ZigZag Pretty sure Gen Y was the original placeholder name that was later replaced with "Millenials"
@theoracle7148 Год назад
They don’t understand or accept the idiosyncrasies that we have put up with for so long. I work in construction and it’s refreshing to see youngsters not willing to put up with all the bullying and nonsense we had to put up with when we were younger
@NoobNoobNews Год назад
It has to do with pay. I will tolerate all matter of idiosyncrasies if the job pays... but they do not.
@dark7angel456 Год назад
Alot of whitehard hats are yelling and bitchy and very shity to work with so that's why I don't miss it
@dark7angel456 Год назад
What to the younger people do when they get bullied in the workplace
@LysergicDreamer Год назад
​@@dark7angel456If a patron or a supervisor is being an ass I do my best to fuck him/her over. I bully my boss back. As simple as that. Any slip on its behalf is an HR complain, if there's a chance to spread rumors and deceit I do so, any drinks left unchecked will be met with spit, every demand will be met with disdain; if there is the chance to hold equipment, metrics or worktime as hostages or to throw the boss under the bus, said chance will be taken. I've even put an additional lock on the boss's locker just to have it go around searching for someone to open the shit up while I watch the whole thing. Any opportunity to be petty with the target is taken. Fuck bad bosses. If my boss is a bad boss I am the worst employee. I hope this helps :3
@IhaytFukkingsocialmedia Год назад
@joeciok Год назад
Im 38. First year of the millenial generation. I'm a highly skilled tradesman welder and shipwright. I don't want free food. I don't want bean bags. I burn steel all day in the rain snow and heat. I work 14 days on 7 off 10 hour days. I want to buy a fucking home and not be in debt till I'm 80. I want to be able to afford that and not work myself to death.
@itsgettingold Год назад
You're my kind of man - you build the America that I love.
@collinmc90 Год назад
I hear ya man, I'm 32 worked my ass off all my life. It pisses me off when I hear dudes like this being like "millenials want everything handed to them" " I blame their parents" I bet this dude lives in city and only ever sees yuppies children. Get out in rural areas where people actually had to use their hands and brains for a living, its a whole other story.
@joeciok Год назад
I worked 10 hours today. It's -18 C I came home to frozen pipes. Also I'm Canadian by way of getting the hell out of the USA. My standard of living as a tradesperson is a hell of a lot higher up here.
@alexanderfretheim5720 Год назад
You know I know this is going to sound funny, but as an Industrial Engineer, I consider free food a great idea, ESPECIALLY for your welders and people working on the assembly line. It isn't a great idea because millennials want it, it's a great idea because it wastes time to have people in line to scan their credit cards or find cash to pay for their food or coffee. The food is less expensive than the lost work time or rest time that they spend queuing to pay. Further, you can't get back the 15-20 minutes you lose each shift from doing such - that will be 45 minutes to an hour that your factory is either not producing or not producing as well, and there is no amount of money you can pay to get 45 minutes of factory time added back to the workday. The day is 24 hours, and any time you waste is time you WILL NOT GET BACK. Making them pay for their own at the cafeteria SOUNDS cheap, but it's actually expensive, and we as a society need to do a better job distinguishing between how things sound and how things are.
@joeciok Год назад
@@alexanderfretheim5720 hey we're all getting really fucking good pizza tomorrow like brick oven $45 a pie pizza. I'm not complaining. I also make 6 figures. I have however, been on jobs where they payed dog shit and gave us dominos for half an hour on the 23rd of December as our company xmas party. To be honest I stole every expensive tool on my way out the door for those kind of jobs and I won't go near any of that kind of work again but there still seems to be a lot of companies that are doing really well who do that kinda BS. Also making 6 figures is like the bare minimum these days to be able to afford a home. I'm pretty sure my parents got college degrees and bought land by working summer jobs and maybe digging through the seats of their parents cars.
@sircharlesmormont9300 7 лет назад
I'm one of the oldest Millennials. I was born in 83. Sometimes I get lumped in with the last of the Gen Xers; other times, I get lumped in with the Millennials. What all of these 'explanations' of our cohort always fail to mention when they're complaining about our participation trophies is that... while the baby boomers were playing with their friends in the sand lot, we were doing something structured in order to get that phony trophy. We were working. We were padding our resumes and competing with our peers instead of forming those meaningful relationships. We are the most highly educated generation by far. The adults set goals and we ran out to meet them. I started working, under the table and illegally, when I was 13. By the time I was 17, I was in a supervisory position and I had funded a trip to Europe. We -had- motivation. We -had- pride in accomplishment. We -had- a solid work ethic. So what happened? The schools bilked us for every dollar we'll ever earn and the concept of a living wage flew out the window. The economy utterly collapsed. The jobs never came back. Part-time, unskilled labor became the only labor available to those without 'connections'. "Work harder," we're told. "Work harder, but don't expect... a roof over your head. Or food in your belly. Or time off when you're sick. Or... any quality of life at all. Ever. For the next fifty or sixty years. Are you some sort of ingrate? What an outrage! Why should we, the glorious overlord bosses, who worked for everything, have to pay you a decent, honest wage in exchange for your labor? Why can't you be available every weekend and holiday and evening and minute of every day? What, you want to have a family? Entitlement! How dare you?" So, yeah. We're depressed. And we're stagnating. And we're starting to check out. We don't want bean bag chairs and 'purpose.' What we want is for someone to put the lower rungs back onto the damned ladder so that we can finally climb back on. What we want is for the older generation to stop demanding that we work harder while simultaneously mocking us as 'entitled' for expecting commensurate remuneration. What we want are some middle class jobs that actually make use of the expensive educations that made us all serfs.
@6idangle 7 лет назад
Beautifully said I will graduate law school from a great school with 50k in debt and I am one of the lucky ones; my peers are on the hook for like 100-200k of debt we as a generation have been utterly screwed by our parents.
@einfachnurleo7099 7 лет назад
In other countries the government uses the 600billion that you spend on your military to fund free colleges ... e.g. ... and to protect it´s citizens...
@nickl5658 7 лет назад
Be grateful to your Lord and Master. If not, your job will be outsourced or automated. A good clog is a silent clog.
@Zorro9129 7 лет назад
It's the true face of taxation and debt. Social security is a huge Ponzi scheme and we'll be the first generation that pays for it and gets nothing back.
@herculesrockefeller2984 7 лет назад
Wait. Someone born in 1983 is considered a Millennial? Damn I figured it would be the people born in the late 90's and 2000's
@BrianSmith-vl7xu 6 лет назад
“Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.” George Orwell
@N75911_ 6 лет назад
Fringe Wizard Boomers are dumbshits who fucked the entire planet
@kcm4321 6 лет назад
edit: so you're saying you'd like to be dead rn? i must concur. if it were 100 years ago we'd be in the boom/bust cycle of the 20s. do you really want that? also, the boomers tend to be selfish, entitled fucks who want what they want and they want it *NOW*.
@kcm4321 6 лет назад
hahahahahaha please tell me you're joking lmao. that's some dumb shit that just came outta yo mouth, dawg. xD.
@FringeWizard2 6 лет назад
No it's not. Tell me why it supposedly is? Btw most of the Amish in my area live like it's 1800 still.
@kcm4321 6 лет назад
Fringe Wizard you're on the internet so idk why Amish is even relevant. You're an idiot if you wanna live through the great depression with the lower lifespan and lack of medical tech in comparison to today. Either that or just a fanatic.
@docsshow Год назад
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." Plato, about 2000 years ago.
@jadelinden1246 10 месяцев назад
Wow I love this quote. Thanks.
@hendrx 10 месяцев назад
@david52875 3 месяца назад
"Ancient people said X back then, therefore X is false now!"
@onewomanandsomesongs Год назад
I am a Boomer, and I really don't see the difference between Millennials workers and Boomers. It mostly depends on the worker no matter what age. Some work hard, some don't want to work that hard. I really get tired of the generational stereotypes.
@angelmay6283 Год назад
Thank you for looking beyond.. I appreciate, your comment
@ezrathascribe427 9 месяцев назад
You sound sleep wake up totalitarian government tactics the stereotypes are important to study not all knowledge is wrong learn from everyone
@heic1971 6 лет назад
I am not a Millennial. But here are the small difference what I faced and what Millennials faced. For me and for them. State colleges where: $3000 a year- now it's $6000 Private school: $100,000- now $300,000. Student loan: 6 months grace period after graduation before interest begins Now: interest starts the day you borrow money. Rent in Manhattan: $1400 for a studio Now: LOL good luck. Every generation say shit about the ones after them. Nobody wins.
@halonut96 6 лет назад
Hei C at least someone finally said it
@Slanik5 6 лет назад
Just to correct student loans still have a 6 month grace period unless you need more then what they are giving then interest starts when you borrow.
@heic1971 6 лет назад
Nope interest now starts the day you borrow money... I am paying for it right now... you're telling me I don't need to pay?
@AgentDRJ 6 лет назад
Currently for federally subsidized student loans, the government will pay the interest while you are in university, and you will have a 6 month grace period after leaving university before you have to start your monthly payments.
@stefgreen5237 6 лет назад
it's good you realise your luck with things. I myself am not as lucky as the baby boomer generation but at least I just missed out on having to do years of unpaid internships just to get a job
@NarrowMullen 7 лет назад
"The new generation sucks!" ~ Every previous generation ever
@mohaa556 7 лет назад
This should be the title for this bullcrap of a speech :D
@gavinroberts2581 7 лет назад
NarrowMullen Jouvenoia.
@sizzrin1 7 лет назад
I think this goes beyond simple juvenoia, I was skeptical of this but the numbers don't lie.
@Watcher863 7 лет назад
Everything bad that's ever happened is the fault of someone older than me.
@JohnSmith-iw4qs 7 лет назад
millennials are trash -genZ
@stammesbruder Год назад
As a millenial, when I talk to my peers about said "impact", it often boils down to being able to see the distance you went. When you work as a cashier, you see how much money comes in, but (1) the line of people never decreases, (2) the types of products never change, and worst of all, (3) despite seeing how much money comes in, that money never comes back to solve issues at your workplace. It seems like a chronic illness of the service industry that they are understaffed, with abyssmal pay, low if any inflation adjustments, constant lack of utilities, etc, etc - as such, there is a high turn-over of staff. I quit my job of several years, because despite being aware of how much comes in every day (and getting company mails like "We made even more money than the past years - all thanks to you!"), nothing ever is used to improve a bad work environment. We don't do anything to improve anything, accept for the numbers in some asshole's bank account. We work, but we barely get what we're due. We don't just want our lives to be better, but that of those around us as well, and want our work contribute towards that. I don't mind doing menial labor - but what I do mind, is if it isn't helpful in regards to the human condition, even though it easily could be. It's not so much about the lack of instant gratification for me and my peers in my personal environment, it's more about not wanting to work for greedy people. They rely on us for their wealth, but they don't want to hear our complaints. I fully understand what people say when they mean "I am not special", but I am an individual, a person, a fellow human being. What is a king without his people - and what is an employer without his employees? Authority does not have to be exploitative, and I would be glad to work for companies that aren't taking part in it.
@jeremyfisher8512 Год назад
Old people have been taking away bonuses and reward programs for workers for DECADES and then calling us lazy when we inevitably burn out. This is a place for the old and senile not the place for the young anymore.
@deadinside8781 Год назад
I work retail now. I know you no longer do, but I wanted to say I love you. Everything you said is true for me. I always think about my brothers and sisters in minimum wage. We go in healthy and leave sick. Take care.
@jeremyfisher8512 Год назад
@@deadinside8781 I second that
@alexanderfretheim5720 Год назад
I'll be honest, you need to change industries. The service industry will always be a terrible employer because of the economics - stores & restaurants are not any more efficient today than they were in the Middle Ages. If you don't have the skills or education for professional industries, manufacturing, construction, transportation and mining are good options, especially in times and places where there's a shortage of labor.
@jeremyfisher8512 Год назад
@@alexanderfretheim5720 Ok how, explain to me how im supposed to live on my own and pay for more education to switch fields. On top of medical bills and car expenses.
@justanotherbod3378 Год назад
I’m a millennial, my parents gave me a life they could’ve only dreamed of, but they taught me the importance of value and more importantly, they taught me that if you want something in life, you have to fight for it… yes, I do know some lazy, entitled types that you speak of but they don’t occupy one particular generation…. So perhaps, our individual development starts with how we were raised by our previous generation?
@scottdergarabedian8384 Год назад
Yea I agree totally agree with this statement. I was also grown up with parents that taught me to value thing and to fight for what you want aswell. I feel that it comes down to how the parents raise their children.
@SpasmGazm Год назад
That's what this smug a-hole doesn't get: they raised us!
@aliceinwonderland887 Год назад
We will need a free wage. Push the button and go have fun. That's the future. If you want to argue with that, you're blind.
@aliceinwonderland887 Год назад
We are lazy button pushers moving toward a work free society Think what an average person has to offer in a world where the phone in your pocket is ten million times smarter than you. Imagine a future where you are not the smart one, and your trivial skills and work is worthless. The game has changed.
@CaptnYestrday Месяц назад
I was hooked all the way to the very end, where they did exactly what millennials count on... Relief of all accountability and responsibility for their own life their own actions their own happiness and their own sense of fulfillment. When you do this to someone, you make them helpless and ensure they stay helpless
@patrickmckeown3683 3 года назад
I think it’s safe to say that a lot of these negatives are not strictly associated with millennials. I am 57 years old. I’ve seen plenty of these types of attitudes in my generation and even the generation before mine.
@WastedTalent83 3 года назад
its not about having the attitude and behavior, is about how many people are like that. In your time maybe, there were people like that and they were many but nowadays this is like "everyone" which is a way bigger problem
@franekkkkk 3 года назад
Because this is nothing crazy, this are qualities universal for humanity
@KRYMauL 3 года назад
A lot of these negatives are a product of the same Socrates assessment.
@seishin2900 3 года назад
@ZigZag i disagree with that notion, in fact I'd say its the opposite. Mankind has always been horrible and we simply repeat mistakes of the past in different form none the less we still improved. Example police brutality is widely spoken about in today's era but in reality we manage to decrease it in the last 2 decades but we simply have more access to know about it and moral understanding its wrong. The same can be said of rape, thievery, negligence, slavery, racism, and murder but obviously we don't live in a clean slate because evolution takes centuries and we are prone to repeat past mistakes when we don't learn of them. The only thing I can agree in the video is that yes its harder to be a parent but only because we came to a realization that we ask moral questions we need to teach more than we learned to succeed passing the torch, unlike before we had more children abandoned in the past to follow a life of crime to now just struggling to properly raise them.
@dreaMje13 3 года назад
i aggree but milennials are next level shxt , worth 0
@kenolson3064 2 года назад
Society is collapsing, and people are starting to recognise that the reason they feel like they're mentally ill is that they're living in a system that's not designed to suit the human spirit. Russell Brand
@_donjohnny_ 2 года назад
This is the answer. That’s it.
@tannerpaulsen4631 2 года назад
Sounds entitled
@alfasiger4178 2 года назад
Watch europa the last battle and you will see why your statement is 100% true.
@garethconner1009 2 года назад
Shite reaction to a virus, governed mainly through fear didn't help
@julieshrout9835 2 года назад
I'm mentally ill, Because I'm fighting the great dragon Who felt entitled to steal my will. I try very hard to not let it burn me up I try everyday to fill my cup With courage, good choices, and a kind heart But every goal make, the great dragon breaths fire And makes sure to discourage and thwart Whatever I do, with his internet and GPS wire So I used to get real angry because of such oppression But I'm learning to make jokes and give him all succession So what if I'm down and it's unattractive It's my life to live God say's "Give him all the power he wants, for your own hearts sake." "Revenge is mine and in the future I will take care of that arrogant haughty snake." Just like in Noah's day, "How many survived?" One day God promises to take downy enemies And that's when I will get to watch it live! And make jokes after I watch them squirm Like a parasitic germ Of course I'm sure with how mind thinks I would feel bad for my my enemy And probably try to help him not sink Instead of delighting in watching God push hill over the brink In the pit of fire I'd probably cry over someone else's pain And try to help them not make them insane But that's God's redemption to destroy the evil ones And rescue the lame But who am I to speak on his s behalf You'd have to open your mind to the Word Instead of beating others with your power and your staff But then you wouldn't get your muse and your golden calf
@KCavan Год назад
College must have a role to play here, it's the last institution that they pass through before work & I don't think I'm alone in suspecting it's letting these kids down.
@Stufftough 11 месяцев назад
hi, im 39, my father would hurt me often as a kid. Threw me at the wall, my butt hit the wall and ground hard, held a knife to my throat at the dinner table. He would call me entitled when I was an adult. Then he bought me a mobile home when I was 36, and when I moved in we sat down and he admitted that he hurt me often as a kid. He didn't apologize and I didnt realize that he didnt until later. He has narcissism and alcohol issues. But this is my journey. Currently unemployed but I did have some nice acting gigs in the past. 1983 is technically still Gen X but I am more likely a Millennial. Anyways, on top of the abuse, I have everything mentioned in this video too. I did volunteering once and worked with kids, making them feel safe and teaching them kindness and how to play games. So I hope I made a difference in the world.
@ashleighberryman9280 Год назад
My mother sheltered me, stopped me from experiencing a lot, didn’t live in the best neighborhood so I was kept in the house, if I asked to help around the house I was told no. If I signed up for an activity like sports, etc. I was allowed to quit the second I did not like it, I was never encouraged to keep trying. I went to schools that gave participation medals so I stopped participating in things because I felt there was no point. When I was old enough to work my mom refused to let me work, told me to focus on school so I could be a college graduate. My mom tried to sign me to up for college and I just felt like I was “along for the ride”. She realized she couldn’t afford……I sat at home on my ass for the first 3 years of my adult life because I was essentially taught “sit and wait for it to happen”. I’m 32 now much more motivated, but I have been to therapy multiple times to help with my lack of drive. Why millennials gotta suck.
@stuntalicious Год назад
Snowplow parenting is so damaging. Glad you are getting help.
@Fiskgyrl2 Год назад
I could have written this
@Tech10x10 11 месяцев назад
Similar experience here. Add to that in high school every job application had a checkbox "are you over 18?" and not a single employer ever considered me until after college because the local economy was still reeling from the great recession. Why risk hiring a teenager with regulations on working hours and no experience when there are a dozen adults who are willing to do any job just to not go homeless? I would have loved to get out of the house, earn money, and figure out what I was good at. By the time I got a job I realized the 2yr degree (because it's what I could afford) I got wouldn't let me advance and I soon hated the field after years of burnout and feeling like I was never good enough at anything. Then those same parents get upset I keep moving back when rent raises above what I can afford to renew. I pay them rent. I do yardwork. I take care of their home, animals, plants, and mail when they take their multiple vacations per year. I'm still such a burden and they don't want my lazy pessimistic self around them so much. I'm at the point I don't care if people call me lazy anymore because all they see is my lack of "success" currently and not how hard I worked in the past and how little it mattered in the end. The way I see it, I didn't have success when I was working 50hr+ weeks including overnight remote IT work, travel to onsite, and tons of call center day shifts - I had money but I was losing my mind. Now I have no substantial money, no positive outlook on the future, no positive view on college or ever owning a home, and constant disappointment from everyone in my family. It's all my fault I didn't stick it out and let that job kill me - that would have been the "motivated and successful" thing to do, after all.
@Agent56000 6 месяцев назад
I think this has happened to me and I need therapy for this to
@nealart 5 месяцев назад
Very self reflective. That’s good!
@blakryptonite1 6 лет назад
So which generation created the unpaid internship?
@drxcreatures 6 лет назад
Back in 1800 I think.
@Zadamanim 6 лет назад
Back in the middle ages it was called being an apprentice, but basically the same thing.
@alexburn4014 6 лет назад
Its was basically slavery until you completed your training and u were no longer a apprentice.
@chuy8356 6 лет назад
Apprenticeship was better. Apprentices were allowed to do any task and learn it, there wasn't any retarded restrictions, exclusionary tests, money you had to pay a school or any of that bogus shit!! Interns aren't allowed to get into the good, meat and potatoes of a company apprentices were able to. Sadly, there's no more apprenticeship positions, and government funded public schools also don't have any vocational classes/trade classes like woodshop, plumbing, electrical, welding, auto shop or construction these days. The cheap ass government stopped funding that and put the burden of paying for learning those trades on the students by going to a vocational school and paying for it themselves while working 12 hr days at a lousy minimum wage job. They have no time to do both, it's impossible, there's only so many hours in a day. The only viable solution is grants or help from their family. But grants are very selective, most vocational schools don't offer grants and are very exclusionary, it's like winning the lottery. Families arent all rich either. Again, if you're from a poor family you're shit out of luck. I feel bad for those kids.
@Zadamanim 6 лет назад
Well businesses weren't as complex back then, like if you were an apprentice tailor, you'd just be a tailor. Nowadays there's retail, warehouses, shipping, management, and so many other aspects to running a business that a single person can't hope to learn or do all of them.
@JesusRamirez-oh6wc 6 лет назад
One word to described my generation is 'Disillusioned'. When you realize your whole life has been a lie, you shutoff, you shun all that represents those who lied to you and mislead you. Which would be most of society.
@lo4010 6 лет назад
Totally agreed!
@bosscom6910 6 лет назад
I have read a lot of comments here and this one is probably the one I can respect the most without disagreeing or agreeing.
@HowardDPVT 6 лет назад
First off; I love my mom. Knowing what I know now, makes me glad my mom was hard on me from day 1 (That I can remember that is.)
@digaddog6099 5 лет назад
I already figured out they were lying when I was less than ten, so I had it lucky
@aoeu256 5 лет назад
The college lie? The Christianity lie? The job lies? The foreign policy lies?
@katelynnewsome8976 Год назад
3 mins into this and I’m at the end of the millennial generation and this sounds nothing like me. I would actually say this is more accurate for the generation after millennials.
@bubba842 Год назад
I have a feeling alot of people think gen Y are millennials.
@MephiticMiasma Год назад
The concept of "social media" would have begun forming around 15-20 years ago, and smart phones became popular/common around 2010. The points relating to that would apply to people born in the 90's to late 90's at the earliest (for them to be children with it)
@PS-qf9fj Год назад
I agree. I didn't get a cellphone until I was 16. I'm 30 now. Totally do not relate to much of this.
@turquoise-flower Год назад
I'm a millennial. I don't like social media. I don't care how the outside people see me. What matters for me is my family, my goals, my personal growth. I change jobs easily, searching for professional growth. I don't believe in a retirement from the same company doing repetitive tasks. I believe in movement, dynamics, personal growth etc. I'm very confident of who I am and what serves me and what don't anymore. I think this generation have as the others, goods and wrongs, but surely the family environment is crucial.
@supersmash6058 Год назад
How do you land those jobs, what are the steps you take? Im asking because i don't know what ima do after college,
@turquoise-flower Год назад
@@supersmash6058 Hi! That depends on what are your interests. Usually if it's your first job, you can start with something basic that involves customer service. I started with a part time in a jewelry shop, then I moved to a Leather Articles store. I also worked in college helping on the financial assistance office. The best advice is to start building experiences to your resume. And most important, don't give up your goals for a job. Search a job that adjusts to your needs but respects your study agenda. Blessings and good luck!
@jeremyfisher8512 Год назад
@@supersmash6058 Look for jobs nearby that require certain certifications you can get in college or online. Then send those out to like 20 nearby employers and hope one responds back because most of them want 1 year experience so they think that they don't have to train you. previous job experience is good to get the feel for work but its not required anymore, employers just want somebody they don't have to train nowadays no matter how much experience you actually have, they can fire you if you don't do good enough at any time. Oh and if you have any sort of disability its gonna be a long and very hard road as employers will ghost you if you mention disability. Its gonna be a long road friend and I hope you're lucky enough to not have to couch surf for some of it.
@peterrhines1516 Год назад
Agreed! I have the same sentiment.
@miket3taylor Год назад
You're a female. Your whole world is image
@egangray5590 3 года назад
A simpsons quote always springs to mind at times like this: "and that's how we, the greatest generation, raised you, the worst generation" -Abe Simpson
@joshuatownsend1075 3 года назад
@christopherhand4836 3 года назад
No it’s how the government propaganda raised you
@egangray5590 3 года назад
@@christopherhand4836 government propaganda didn’t raise me, I was raised by hippies, good guess tho
@christopherhand4836 3 года назад
@@egangray5590 same thing government is run by those same hippies
@egangray5590 3 года назад
@@christopherhand4836 no, my parents didn’t run the government, idiot. They wrote books.
@deedeeporter7183 7 лет назад
it is not the workplaces responsibility to teach you how to have a relationship, put your phone down or build your self confidence
@heftyalan1152 7 лет назад
DeeDee Porter Put a filter in place to ban social media during work times.
@heftyalan1152 7 лет назад
captain pancho no point trying to check that nonsense if there is a filter blocking it
@deedeeporter7183 7 лет назад
captain pancho you can't count on them. that is why they need to put down the phone and be a grown up. it's not their employer's responsibility to coddle them
@lawrencefure2102 7 лет назад
DeeDee Porter, No, it is not your employers responsibility to teach you those things. Parents and teachers are suppose to prepare you for life outside of childhood. Employers are responsible for training you how they want you to do the task they require you to do to earn the money and benefits they agree to pay you for those tasks. One other thing you should be prepared to do while making a living in your adult life. You may have to take a job that you may find is difficult and unrewarding to your ideals. Just do the best you can, and keep looking for the job that you think suits your talents and collage training.
@deedeeporter7183 7 лет назад
lawrence fure you need to be read my comment
@brucebarnes8138 Год назад
I agree with your video. I am a 67 year old teacher. I have seen the change over the years. The biggest problem is that the school boards are afraid of the parents. So teachers are not allowed to teach students self discipline. It is hard to succeed in life without self discipline. I feel sorry for today's students and their teachers. Everyday it is a fight to get students to put away their cell phones so you can teach a lesson. As young as 6th grade, their cell phone is the most important thing in their life.
@gruffalobill4812 Год назад
As a so called millennial, I just don't want people eg governments telling me how I can live or should live my life.. My time is valuable to me and my children. Suppressing the way we live is a form of control.. People are scared of what newer generations are capable of learning and taking control of theirs life's, hence labelling lazy, hard to teach, hard to control.. Peace, Love & Hope to all you beautiful people..
@fletchoid 4 года назад
“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” Socratese, 469-399 BC. Same crap different century.
@bobmcbobbington9220 4 года назад
Shame millennials aren't children. Oops. You just stepped into your own doo. And you don't address a single thing this video has to say. Beautiful. Good luck with your quote though (that has no context). I'm sure you'll...find...something...out of it.
@fletchoid 4 года назад
@@bobmcbobbington9220 Every generation thinks they are better than the one that follows. Boomers heard the same crap from their parents. Then it was Gen X, Y, Millenials. Old people bitching about kids these days isn't new. The people bitching about Millenials did quite a fine job of fucking up the world. Enough context for you?
@ryantrudell4686 4 года назад
The more things change, the more they stay the same. A concept we haven't been able to fully grasp, and all of our attempts to change paradoxically are no different than what previous generations have tried and future ones will attempt. Everything is neatly contained in a box, playing out a familiar script, it's own particular scene of the 'human tragedy'.
@aig5429 4 года назад
Uhhhhh elders are rude towards me and they think they're entitled as well
@thejohnson9204 4 года назад
@@bobmcbobbington9220 You did not get it at all did you.......
@fernforwood3989 4 года назад
Let’s all revisit this conversation in ten years.
@mariov1347 4 года назад
If you learn nothing, you have nothing to teach. The next generation is going to be worst.
@invaderzim1265 4 года назад
Well, I'm just going to go about my life and when we finally collapse then....maybe 🇺🇸 will commit suicide. I'll just watch.😐😑
@lanamarieparrilla1173 4 года назад
When RU-vid recommends it.
@garlandsmth 4 года назад
I'm from the future. Now I know what really happened.
@westbunting4358 4 года назад
message from a little more in the future. We learned more.
@hookanaka Год назад
I am 54. We have no idea what their lives are like. We are trying to judge then through our eyes, our experiences, our lessons learned. My generation and the baby boomers grew up with blinders on. Without access to the internet we had to rely on those in power to feed us information about the world around us. We couldnt question everything because we lacked access to alternative view points. When we grew up there was no feeling of impending doom. But look what we have left them. Wages have not kept pace with the costs of living. Private school me1800 my daughter 17000 per year. College me 13000 my daughter (same institution) 54000 per year. I was born and raised in Hawaii my first house in my late 20s 277000. Today the median price of a single family home in Hawaii is almost 1000000. On top of that we are living longer and family wealth is not being inherited by successive generations, but instead paying for care homes and long term health insurance. My grandmother fell and had to go to a care home, it was 12000 a month. And it was just mediocre, she didn't even have a private room. On top of that we have increasing levels of plastics in our waters, racism seems to be on the rise again, mass shootings have become routine occurrences, and in the last spending bill we are spending more than half of all monies on defense budget vs non defense items (which includes clean up costs of natural disasters), add to that the possibility that by next year the Colorado River could drop so low that water won't be able to turn the turbines generating electricity to millions of people. But we want them to work hard, when they are faced with huge student loans, little chance of saving for a home (especially if they start a family early -tuition), to live in an uncertain future. A future they have continually asked us to help save and better (the environment), but even this last spending bill shows that we would rather make weapons to kill strangers than to help protect our children. I personally think we could/should open our eyes and realize are failing our children.
@luisisrael15 Год назад
You missed an important aspect: economic crisis. It is not just a matter of individual attitude, but of cycles of economic growth and optimism (when those kids were young) and economic crisis (when they became adults).
@jaded9087 Год назад
Hay , your genaration is not the only genaration to see the economy crumble. Im a gen Xer and have lived through 3 resessions, my olds lived through rashions during ww2 and their parents the grate depressing and the 2 genarations befor me lived through every economic crisis their has been since the grate depression to now. We are all living through this economic crisis so its not all about you hun. We are all feeling it.
@luisisrael15 Год назад
@@jaded9087 Yes. all those living in an economic crisis are living it together (unless one is a capitalist profiting from it). So... yes, it is not only about you or me.
@vladkagreen1824 Год назад
There were always some economic crises. And the generations who went through the world wars can be hardly called weak and pathetic.
@joannaedwards6325 Год назад
I'm 76. . . a Baby Boomer. Our generation was called "spoiled" also. Some said we had an over active sense of entitlement. And now, as so-called older and wiser people, many of us are hyper critical of the youngest generations who are labeled that way too. I have been guilty of being negative about those coming up. I laugh at the jokes about young people. But no more. After listening and LEARNING from this vid, I will be more understanding and patient. Thank you so much for helping me adjust my attitude. ✌
@stevencooper3202 Год назад
As a younger generation person I’m here to tell ya that baby boomers are self entitled. More so then gen y. You guys had it easy, best economic situation, cheap housing, cheap everything and somehow you managed to fuck it all up for us who came after. Good job man. 10/10
@joannaedwards6325 Год назад
@@stevencooper3202 OUCH! 😢😒 ✌ 🙏
@leviroche5608 Год назад
It happened after ww2, after a lot of countries jumped into industrialization to take care of their army’s, prior to ww2, home appliances, food, water, anything you can think of was harder to get. Now we can buy something across the world and have it within a week. As an 18 year old luckily I have enough insight to see it as opportunity and a way to better society, but a lot of people my age and older have been indoctrinated into internet culture since we have all been “hooked” on it and it’s almost a second society that’s more critical and rude since you don’t have to show your face or tell them in person such that your generation had too (unless you wanted to wright a letter). My generation has been babied all their life while have never done anything great and we can cancel things or start things with a couple button taps. Luckily hard times created strong men.
@ShiNooBi1986 Год назад
It's a cycle. Every next generation is viewed similarly.
@harrychapin808 Год назад
Ur wrong Joanna. Ur allowing social media to change U. That's why these kids R the way they R.
@chadkincaid1968 7 лет назад
I was born in 83 and this world is still pretty shit. My dad was born in the 60's and he still lost his job as a computer programmer. Fuck the workplace. Get your paycheque and go home. Do the things you find joy in no matter the cost. CEO's can afford the hit in their pocket, I can't afford the hit to my time. Life is short, I'm not looking to spend it making money for someone else. These people will try to pay you minimum wage and expect maximum effort, then they tell you that you are lazy or ungrateful for the "opportunity". Fuck that. Work just hard enough to keep getting paid until you can figure out a way to get paid more without wasting your goddamn life away everyday. That's exactly what your "boss" is doing.
@AfterSkool 7 лет назад
@6idangle 7 лет назад
Haha this comment perfectly sums up my thoughts about the workplace today.
@MrDrunkGFunk 7 лет назад
Chad Kincaid fuck mate, my dad was born in the 50s and I wan born in 93
@sokoysugoi2638 7 лет назад
That's the attitude of a mouse hell bent on escaping this rat race. Keep on, muh dude.
@jasonmnosaj 7 лет назад
exactly. edit: I'm not agreeing with what Kevin said, I'm agreeing with Chad. I was working like a dog at my job until I broke my arm last year, I still work there but I am never working like that again and I made that definitely clear to my employer. I only work to make enough to live off of. with the time off I get I pursue my dreams. That's the way we all should live!
@laneharrison786 Год назад
I’d love to know where homie got his research. Because I never got “free food and bean bags” This just screams “get off my lawn” kind of attitude. Show the numbers supporting we’re lazy and entitled. We work more hours on average than any boomer ever has.
@austinhughes2871 Год назад
And for less pay adjusted for inflation (yes that matters)
@user-ol7bt4wp1j Год назад
Show the numbers for the last one
@Infinitejules Год назад
Literally all this shit didn't even start coming out until many of us were going into college 🤣
@taylorboivin3217 2 года назад
As a millennial, I have zero interest in “making an impact” when it comes to my job. I’m better off coming in, doing what’s asked of me the best I can, and going home. Chances are, no matter how hard you work, your impact isn’t going to mean much after they put you in the ground. My mental health and caring for the people closest to me is what matters. I want a work/life balance where I’m not coming home everyday, stressed about what happened that day, and mentally dead to the people around me. I’d rather live modestly than working my ass off to make a ton of money that I’m too stressed out to spend when I actually have time to “enjoy” it.
@monkey6207 2 года назад
Yep! My job not my life, is a good slogan. Only idiots act like the horse in Animal Farm.
@LucicPower 2 года назад
Put learning how to say more with less on your to do list
@taylorboivin3217 2 года назад
@@LucicPower Yea I’ll get right on that 🙄
@hurricanestarang 2 года назад
This is me 100%.
@TheRealifritJambe 2 года назад
There’s betas and there’s alphas
@fioreariadne 4 года назад
We're a nation divided by everything, including age. Sad.
@georgebronte840 4 года назад
Ariana Fabella Best, most sensible comment.
@ZilogBob 4 года назад
Collectively judging individual people by their AGE? How ridiculous is that!
@thatdumbass8962 4 года назад
Just the way it’s always been
@ZilogBob 4 года назад
@@thatdumbass8962 In your short lifetime that's true.
@ZilogBob 4 года назад
@timwins31 Why won't people think for themselves? It's not that hard.
@StandFirmInJC Год назад
patience. I can feel when people are impatient with me or even when I'm impatient with myself. not being patient leads to compulsive actions and terrible decisions. be patient with yourself and others.
@evaohmoon Год назад
After Skool I have to say I really appreciate all the stories you guys animate and narrate. Keep it up!
@tanners8516 7 лет назад
That is a big whiteboard
@edwardcole9976 7 лет назад
The only non-argumentative comment.
@Darksiege357 7 лет назад
actually its not a whiteboard, it's a computer monitor. i expect a long-winded and pointless argument after this post.
@omegachavez 7 лет назад
+Darksiege357 Bitch, you thought!
@manwiththecigar2606 7 лет назад
that's not a whiteboard, thats an edit
@monev44 7 лет назад
That's no whiteboard... it's a SPACE STATION!
@piecrust21 4 года назад
Job: This is an entry level position. Requires 5+ years experience. Me (and everyone else): HTF do I get that if I can't get an entry level position???
@Cryptocracy_Now 4 года назад
Master chefs don't start out their careers at 5 star restaurants. They start at McDonalds, or Burger King, etc. That's what it means.
@ToonLinkHox 4 года назад
@@Cryptocracy_Now Hey wise guy, how do you get experience in programming? Secretaryship? Deskwork in general? You don't go to McSecretary or Program King, smartass, you need an entry level job. ENTRY. Y'know, to ENTER the workforce? Your skills from McD's do not translate to 5+ years experience in the domain you're interested in, unless it's cooking (and even then, pro chefs don't come from fast food joints, hell no. Ramsay worked as a dishwasher in a restaurant in his early years, but his cooking career began when he went to college to study catering, for example. His """previous experience""" didn't apply, as well it shouldn't). Fuck off. Yeah, you best stick to that VR helmet of yours, 'cause your reality sounds much more simple than the one outside of it.
@Insect2Kill 4 года назад
piecrust21 been there, done that 😂😂😂 or if you’re someone’s kid who works there
@Cryptocracy_Now 4 года назад
@@ToonLinkHox The old cliche, you start in the mail room. Sometimes their just isn't a huge demand for a given expertise, and so companies set higher standards. When the demand grows large, the requirements ease up. This isn't rocket science 'wise guy'. It's supply & demand.
@Cryptocracy_Now 4 года назад
For an example a military branch will set it's standards (age restrictions etc) based on what THEY need.
@christucker453 Год назад
I'm a boomer, and I laugh because I remember the age group I grew up with being told we would never amount to anything. I have been managing an interstate company for the last 20 years. Most of the people I have hired have been 30's and younger. All I can say is 90% of them have worked GREAT!! Yes, I make jokes of millennials and they make jokes of boomers....we laugh....we share stories of our lives.....We work together.....and we have broken bread together. I feel they will do just fine.
@Coconutsin 11 месяцев назад
You guys were spoiled and ruined everything for future generations….
@pipedrmmr 6 месяцев назад
I'm also a boomer and I agree with you.
@mattnelson8325 Год назад
Man, that was fantastic! This is an incredible channel. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to education.
@esben181 4 года назад
"Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed, modern society gives them antidepressant drugs." Dr. Theodore John Kaczynski
@kyle_marx8699 3 года назад
really?? you’re really going to quote the fucking Unabomber as if he wasn’t completely mental?
@Wrugoin13 3 года назад
SELLS them antidepressant drugs
@VestigeFinder 3 года назад
Kyle Markestad was he wrong though?
@magnificentmuttley154 3 года назад
@@kyle_marx8699 Right- - the messenger absolutely stinks. Especially in this case! But hey, even a complete psychopath has his occasional moment of clarity Joseph Geobbles, Hitler's own propaganda minister said that "Propaganda is most effective when those being manipulated by it believe they have a choice." He stood by & did absolutely nothing while officers of lesser rank shot innocents- - some of them German citizens- - right in front of him. So he was every bit the murderer that Hitler & his highest officials were. Still, murderer & all, he's right, though 😝😝
@magnificentmuttley154 3 года назад
@Raccy More like dont you dare change the System to improve quality of life for the average worker/ taxpayer. The System MUST remain as it is, unchanged. Everyday people are expendible, simple as that Just remember who's really in power in this country, or any country for that matter. Sure, Holland, Germany, & Switzerland don't treat their people like this, but every other gov't on this planet DOES. This is who they are. This is what they do, EVERYDAY. We are DISPOSABLE to them
@PinkCasper 2 года назад
i remember every kid at my school that got "participation trophies" threw them away, none of us wanted them none of us cared, it was the parents and teachers that made a fuss about it.
@sarayoung9395 Год назад
The trophy companies had good salesmen.
@garethbuckeridge6910 Год назад
But everyone is a winner 🤣🤣🤣
@mrdeanvincent Год назад
It's the same as all the garbage Sinek spews about millennials. It wasn't millennials asking for beanbags in the workplace, it was out-of-touch Boomers in management failing to understand their teams and thinking they could somehow solve it with beanbags.
@leafyveins4985 Год назад
@@mrdeanvincent Perfectly put.
@cabbage1618 Год назад
I was never told as a millennial child I could do anything I wanted I was told to have realistic expectations not sure what the better really
@averyintelligence 3 месяца назад
Look up 'self actualisation' to reprogramme your mind
@maj1395 Год назад
I can kind of agree with what kids are told and how they become disappointed because it's unrealistic. Though for me, it definitely came more from school. My mom was able to provide me with way more realistic information and encouragement while being understanding/supportive when I struggled. School would constantly regurgitate BS like "You can do anything if you just put your mind to it!" but then make you fearful of failing in life for doing badly in school. (I did well and have a high school diploma but never needed it for anything ever) I knew that most of it was BS, but hearing it again and again and again for the first 2 decades of your life has a psychological impact even if you don't believe the words. I couldn't help but be kind of angry about how I was legally forced to go to school so I could be lied to and emotionally manipulated like that and how the kids today experience the same thing.
@tom_something 7 лет назад
Message to millennials: "You are broken. It's not your fault. Corporations have to help. They probably won't." Well that's depr- "You also have high rates of depression."
@nathanprice6189 7 лет назад
yeah the whole global warming thing isn't helping with the depression either.
@megatronVS 7 лет назад
Oh look, it's the one guy that watched the whole video before posting a comment.
@myrmidion44 7 лет назад
Oh, cool! I would also like it to be a bit warmer. Unlike you, though, I don't think I'd like to let coral reefs die, coastal towns flood, lose countless species to extinction, and abandon vast swaths of land to being just too hot to inhabit for it to be "a bit warmer out, actually."
@informationwarfare 7 лет назад
Global warming isn't going to destroy the ocean, but pollution from things like Fukushima will fuck that shit up
@gregkern6621 7 лет назад
Global warming is already destroying the ocean. Do you have any idea how sensitive aquatic biomes are?
@diddlingdoom3133 7 лет назад
Millennials are the poorest paid generation since the great depression. That's the source of everything. Screw your beanbag chairs and free food... I came out of college in 2008... Yep lots of jobs then right?.. nope! so people in my age and social class ended up moving back in with our parents, to the joy of us and of course our already burdened parents.... and we were called lazy because of it. We didn't have a choice in the matter. I have a B.S. in Evolutionary Biology and you know what I was able to do with that fresh out of college?... Working at a Sunoco station for $9 an hour. Yep this is why me and my peers went into student loan debt right? So we could make a better lives for ourselves. Not to mention that tuition is way out of control to the point we're enslaved when we leave college because of the massive and crippling debt. Once my boss kinda mocked me for not being able to pay for something, saying that when he was my age he was making $5 an hour and he was happy. So I used a converted to calculate how much buying worth that would equate to in 2017. As it turned out it was close to $19 an hour, so I asked to have a raise up to $19. He did give me a bump up for humbling him, not up to 19 though. I'm reminded more of the dog electric current exercise. A dog was jolted with electricity with no way to stop it, eventually the dog would lay down and stop trying to find an escape and accepted it's painful fate. I was born in 85 and only now in my life am I able to get any kind of traction, but it was only because of my experience in medicine that I newly acquired that allowed me to have this. My degree has done NOTHING to further my life. The bulk of us are just done. The buying power of most millenials wages is basically peanuts to what is actually needed in life.
@haruhirogrimgar6047 7 лет назад
TL;DR: That is called "Learned helplessness" And is becoming a rapidly increasing problem. The principle behind the dog shock is called "Learned Helplessness" A very dark and serious term in psychology. It is being mentioned more and more to go alongside testing. Each generation in the u.s. is taking more and more standardized tests. We are told if we fail the tests then we are not going to get into a good college, not get any good jobs, and are going to become addicts to things like alcohol or god forbid marijuana (sarcasm.) I can name 10 classmates off the top of my head who went into every single test expecting to fail. They went in for tutoring every day of the week and studied at home, yet were pretty sure they were going to fail the weekly math test then fail at life. There is an all-time high of people being diagnosed with test anxiety. I remember my 6th grade elementary teacher telling the class a story about a student who vomited all over her test due to anxiety. She got graded on what she had completed and could not re-take or finish the test. She failed because she got sick. We were told that we should not be nervous about the test so that did not happen. And starting 2 years ago that test was canceled and replaced with a new standardized test so colleges will no longer look at the tests we took from Kindergarten to 10th grade (for the class of 2017.) I am honestly just glad I was in the minority for not having test anxiety. My psych 101 teacher had us write a list of what was scary about test taking and my philosophy was "If you fail you fail. If you pass then you managed to do what someone with photographic memory could have done." While multiple students had double sided papers or used a stapler. For all time high of test anxiety: www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/features/exam-stress-at-an-all-time-high-that-pressure-is-needed-to-set-you-up-for-life-10249996.html Though I did not check the validity of the report I vividly remember being told that through my middle and highschool years. As well as my Psych 101 teacher mentioning it on multiple occasions. It was also mentioned in the textbook (or so my notes tell me.)
@SM-nz9ff 7 лет назад
Sounds like you're a special case of suck if you have a degree in Science and can't get a job. Look at BAH they have openings if you are qualified. Something tells me you aren't and I won't be seeing you anytime soon. But cheers! I'll start with some excuses. "I might have to move? awww I dun wanna" "I might have to travel or go overseas, awww I dun wanna" "I can't take my phone into the lab, awww but I wanna" "Why are there 3 interviews? wahhh"
@TheXenoxen 7 лет назад
DiddlingDoom Evolutionary biology. lol
@michaelsmith3533 7 лет назад
Stephen Murphy You seem pretty sour man. What happened, you send more money to that Nigerian Prince again? "Those millennials with their change and new fangled technology that I don't understand!" Wah! I don't like change! Wah! "Back in MY day, things were far superior. Trust me, it's MY opinion, so what could hold more weight than that?" Thank God for fucking Stephen Murphy, he's going to help all of us scared, baby millennials figure it out! Please, teach us! I'm sure your job as a dollar store manager has gifted you with a breadth of life experience.
@diddlingdoom3133 7 лет назад
I do have a job now. It was 2007-2009, things were different back then as far as job availability. I'm well aware of Booz Allen Hamilton.... Not sure why you assumed I don't work there...... Most people don't address themselves by their youtube screen name. Such is the case with me.
@Mishina375 Год назад
The best video on this channel and also the best one about my generation. I keep rewatching it every year. The perfect balance of facts, analysis and humour...
@MrMirville Год назад
I used to be told I was special but that was a sweet way to tell me I was to be given specially hard jobs nobody else could put up with.
@AlvarazCMSB 7 лет назад
And they can start by actually replying to people when they put in job applications even if you're rejecting them, I hate applying for 30 jobs at a time and having literally no one respond, how many times do i have to repeat this process before the crushing silence makes me give up?
@herp_derpingson 7 лет назад
211 jobs apparently. Even the IT sector has it hard. dev.to/kim_hart/5-lessons-my-bootcamp-didnt-teach-me
@ArkOfAges 7 лет назад
I ended up going N.E.E.T. after about a thousand (or what felt like it).....
@altecbluwell4620 7 лет назад
Ditto. I'm even turned down by fast food restaurants, for the reason being I'm either overqualified or lack fast food experience.
@sherk3286 7 лет назад
@sherk3286 7 лет назад
It took me 7 months to get an interview with a part-time job
@Markham12thcentury 3 года назад
Well, I'm Generation X (Born in 73) and I have to chime in here and defend Millennials. Let me just begin with an apology. MY generation was the first to normalize working for a discount. This is a trend I saw begin at the end of the 80's. When most actual "Millennials", as many choose to disparagingly call them, were about four years old, I began my first employment and watched as full time jobs began evaporating and replaced with the phenomena known as part time, seasonal. This took off like a rocket as rich "Boomers" who owned companies tried this experiment to maximize their profits by exploiting their labor force. It was MY generation who bought the B.S. that jobs were gotten by way of merit through hard work. This is a myth. Want to know the truth about Millennials? They are the first generation since "Boomers" to value their own labor and won't buy into the crap that their labor is expendable. Personally, I applaud them for the mantra of 'Minimum wage = minimum effort'.
@vargusdread9519 3 года назад
Thank you man. Your words mean a lot. It really sucks feeling like we didn't really get a chance to flourish and now all the boomers get to pin all the problems they created on us
@Dillon1099 3 года назад
I can certainly go both ways on this. Employers look you in the eye and offer you less money then it takes to survive in the city they live. On the other hand I haven't lent money to anyone from my generation in years because they truly don't feel obligated to pay it back. Its a two way street. We were dealt a bad hand and then most of my peers just made it worse for themselves. They literally hurt themselves and then go "look what you made me do!" its "I hate you don't leave me" syndrome on a massive scale. I won't pretend I'm not tired of picking up the slack. Same people bitching about the environment are too overwhelmed by the effort it takes to recycle so its unsurprising that no one is listening anymore. We did this as much as it was done to us.
@tbren5100 3 года назад
I think there is legitimacy to this. Millennias are more aware of the fact that employers, by nature of the relationship, exploit their employees to turn large profits. Millennials watched their parents slave away for some stupid company just to scrape by, or at least thats how they perceived it. All that being said I don't think socialism or communism are the answer.
@theenchantedforester4661 3 года назад
As a millenial. I Appreciate your comment.
@CMB21497 3 года назад
The part time/seasonal job is just a way to make some cash. It doesn't actually require too much skill. It is NOT supposed to be career. Labor is expendable. If my business is not making a profit, I don't need as many employees. Just a fact. At my job, I like to think I am great help to my coworkers, but I know very well that I can be replaced if I found a better job. Most people are not special. We may be special and unique to our families, but there are 7 billion more people out there. Is one of 7 billion of anything really special? I know millenials who are doing very well, but they learned a skill, and moved forward with their lives.
@bobchannell3553 Год назад
Once you enter the work force, there's one thing you'll have to come to terms with. You only have a job because they haven't figured out how to automate or outsource what you do yet. That's going to be difficult for anybody, Millennial or otherwise to deal with.
@Coconutsin 11 месяцев назад
Hahaha who do you think is programming and testing the “new technology”. Obsolete jobs are being replaced with fulfilling higher paying jobs. Millennials are 40 now, and Gen Z will be fine.
@elderwitch8632 Год назад
The last point is very true. I dont even care about learning new skills or doing other things at work. When you see that everything is designed for the company to make more money but not you, then you stop trying to impress them.
@cindymora6714 Год назад
But New skills can help you to get a better job in other companies
@LobotomyTC Год назад
@@cindymora6714 Other companies that will exploit you in precisely the same ways.
@cindymora6714 Год назад
@@LobotomyTC i hope for a tiny chance to find a better company, but this week feel like everything is pointless, so i give you that
@ronnies.3440 Год назад
Me exactly. I’m 36 aka a millennial and I don’t care about learning new skills or so “for” work. If I am interested and it benefits me and my goals, then yes, I will learn it. But learning a skill for a company is something I’m not interested in. It benefits the company and their goals - not yours.
@baph0met Год назад
Then you have 3 options. 1 Learn said skills and make money. 2 Fuck it all and don't work. 3 Start your own company and compete with said companies you don't like, steal their employees and create a change in the world.
@Pegatronus12 6 лет назад
I fear getting a job because my parents hate theirs so much. I see their frustration and hatred toward there jobs and I don't want my expirience to be the same.
@bensteed750 6 лет назад
So what's the solution to you not wanting a challenge in life?
@mostestmark9704 6 лет назад
PinkCrushPegasus as someone who was in the same boat I know where you're coming from. I'm still pretty young but the deciding factor for me was that I would have some job experience and references for later jobs, and some money in my pocket
@zachyeah13 6 лет назад
I get what you're saying. When the economy crashed in 2008, my Dad was laid off because of bullshit reasons and he couldn't find another job because he didn't have a degree. He had 30+ years of communications and media experience but not even a local news network would take him because he was overqualified with No degree. He's now a year away from getting his bachelor's. All the while he's been working his ass off for our family at jobs he was overqualified for, at a pay rate suiting an entry level employee. He's been getting better jobs even without the degree yet but nothing that's good enough for a man of his talents. My mom has been working at the same job for 30 years for the same old lawyer who yells and swears every day and produces a stagnant work environment. I know she hates it but at this point in her life she doesn't see any way she could make as much at another job she knows nothing about without sacrificing alot of time to go to school. My parents got fucked the same way alot of our generation claims to. There's money out there but we have to have a plan to get it. It's a rough world but the path is clear, get through school as fast as possible with nothing short of a B average, find an entry level position during school if you can, and always have a leg up on the competition. So take other classes to compliment your degree like IT certifications With a computer science degree which is what I'm doing. Eventually I'm gonna mould that into a software engineering job at spacex. I'm not quite sure how I'll do that but one day. And if I find that it's not what I want to do with my life, I'll find out what tbat is over time. Sorry I typed so much
@sweetsendaedreamr 6 лет назад
I don't want a traditional job either..My father was injured on the job by dangerous equipment, and my mom has cancer from being exposed to dangerous equipment in a hospital. I have two businesses that I am working on. I get to say the time I go to work and decide when to cut out. When things slow down I have savings and can always help other folks/ friends with their businesses. folks in the work force today don't have the stability of jobs from the 70's and early 80's. They are lucky if they stay on the job past 1-3 years now.
@gybx4094 6 лет назад
Most jobs suck. They always have. You should "work to live" not "live to work". Finding a job you love is very rare. You should take the time to actually interview people who are in the vocation you are considering. All jobs have negatives. The goal is to meet your needs and at least not hate your work.
@123mark99 7 лет назад
I live in Australia and can not believe how high house prices are! They have gone up and up so kids in school might never have the chance to own one.
@casualagent7250 7 лет назад
Mark Wills just have to rent I guess, you can sleep in a car, but you can't drive a house
@MrLTiger 7 лет назад
it will crash eventually
@StopMoColorado 7 лет назад
My Jorney - Not knowing how to spell "journey" or when to use than/then surely isn't doing you any favors. You and/or your friends may not get it, but any potential employer will think you're stupid if you can't properly write and speak. If you want to make more money you've got to develop a skill-set that's valuable in the market where you want to live, and work hard to establish yourself in that market, there's no sustainable substitute.
@Cuddlesthemighty 7 лет назад
StopMoColorado, I find it interesting, to see a comment placed under a video, talking about the mistakes of singular words and grammar that was taught to that individual years ago and not learnt, while containing a whole sentence of well place, well written words after a video they just watched but haven't learnt anything from. I could spend a day of grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes and not even scratch that level of stupidity.
@HiyuMarten 7 лет назад
Why does everyone in this comment section seem to have glowy eyes in their pictures
@joelwinter3659 Год назад
Fellow alcoholic here, wow what a powerful message. I'm glad I stopped those thought patterns of feeling lost and unhappy. Accountability and honesty is something that is very important in life to have. I'm a 93 kid so I can definitely relate to this video.
@mamalives6938 Год назад
Recovering addict who found truth in the name my children gave me, Mama and awakened.
@energymarketchile Год назад
As usual. Very informative, very interesting to watch. Great job!
@HiDeguild 6 лет назад
I was just fired from a job last week where I was working 60 hours a week trying to merely keep up with an entirely unreasonable workload; skipping lunch every day and showing up early/staying late every single day. If only I wasn't so darn lazy!
@ehill5638 6 лет назад
+HiDeguild2 I'll take you as a coworker as long as you work well with others, are flexible, understand the concept of team work, don't expect to have everything your way , and understand the concept of keeping the boss happy. This is addition to everything you said.
@bigevlwhtman2967 6 лет назад
Sounds as though you like to complain a bit, just an observation. Doesn't matter how hard you work nobody likes a complainer or an employee with an attitude. They are not conducive to a harmonious work environment.
@pacoramon9468 5 лет назад
Big Evlwhtman yeah, when people worked 16 hours a day it was a wonderful work environment
@bigevlwhtman2967 5 лет назад
paco ramon, and you are missing the whole point of my comment. If i could elaborate..things go much better in the work enviroment when you dont have to listen to a complainer and or a whiny bitch.
@WithDreday 5 лет назад
That's the problem. Not only do you have to do all the work and don't complain, but you have to have the perfect personality too. That's exactly why so many are looking for alternatives or starting their own businesses. Employers won't admit that they have so many unfilled positions because they are cheap and their expectations are ridiculous.
@fealubryne 6 лет назад
Pretty sure hubby and I are depressed because we no matter how much overtime we work, no matter the college and extra stuff for my portfolio, we can't get a job that allows us to put away money. We have no cable, no extras, don't go out to movies, don't go out to dinner or fast food, he gets home at 6-6:30 and we make our own dinner, sit down with our daughter and eat, prep everything for the next day, look for better jobs and send out applications, clean, and go to bed. If the car breaks down or one of us ends up in the hospital (last year he broke his toe and was out of work for a few days before going back to work on it) we lose all the savings we've scraped together. We're on the high end of being millenials, yes, but it's not because we spend time on social media, it's because no matter how hard we try to save money, get jobs with better pay, and not stay in a position of perpetual struggle, we can't. I don't give a shit about "making a difference" I just want to pay off school and medical debt and not fear an unforseen period of unpaid leave.
@self-crownedroyalty6712 6 лет назад
fealubryne Have you thought of apprenticeships?
@ByteSizedGamer 6 лет назад
fealubryne its the "new generation isnt like us so lets bash em" phase they are going through. Your struggle is real.
@palaksharma1777 6 лет назад
Stumptiscool 007 It was meant sarcastically buddy.
@MegaAwsomegirl101 6 лет назад
Then the sarcasm was too soon pal.
@dylancross1039 6 лет назад
fealubryne The older generation in charge is spiteful. That's part of the reason so many jobs now are absolute shit. They say "Well I did it this way, so they have to as well!" To try and justify the fact they're just shitting on the future generation. Their hardships don't justify the obvious grudge they have against millenials.
@badwolf9641 Год назад
Great video! At first the title put me on the defensive but after listening to the whole thing I actually agree 100%
@iantaran2843 11 месяцев назад
I do gotta be real As a 33yo "millennial" A lot of us didn't get raised, we were lucky to survive our parents and upbringing. Personally I'm ok with just a job that pays alright and respects breaks 🤷
@cd4429 5 лет назад
I was born in 1967 and similar things were said about my generation. :)
@mohzz123 4 года назад
Bullshit you are 14years old kid
@dane5854 4 года назад
Archi zii bro you don't even know who this person is
@mohzz123 4 года назад
@@dane5854 he stays next to my house
@thing8357 4 года назад
Archi zii I highly highly doubt that
@bho-lj1jk 4 года назад
Your parents were freakin hippies. Of course these things were said about you.
@jomiannojn4426 4 года назад
"Millenial" is out of date now. The next generation has already entered the workforce.
@grayyarg424 4 года назад
Weird to think about, Kids we were watching grow up are now working
@dominantseth4557 4 года назад
This speech is like 7 years old
@Whatbeats 4 года назад
I thought Gen z was like everyone from 2003 and on, which means the oldest Gen z right now is like 17 like we have barely dipped our toes in the water
@USCG.Brennan 4 года назад
@@dominantseth4557 So that makes some kind of significant difference concerning his point?
@Babyboss65 4 года назад
Ethan King The cutoff is actually a lot earlier, 1995 and onward is Gen Z iirc. The rule of thumb was "if you don't remember 911, you're Generation Z."
@neoblakkrstal9865 Год назад
I am not a millennial, I am a Son of a Baby Boomer, born in the sixties, and I must confess that I am one of those that will wait until the season ends so that I can binge watch the entire season.
@jeans.5252 Год назад
I have seen the office workplace profoundly change in my lifetime. The perks that people enjoyed while working for a living have largely disappeared. People used to take breaks and hang out at the water cooler to talk. They used to look forward to the coffee cart 10:00 break. They used to look forward to going to lunch with their coworkers, to company picnics, to tickets for shows or games, to free lunch in the cafeteria, to 20% raises, to gifts for service, department achievement awards, birthday, baby, retirement parties with free food and cake, department restaurant luncheons, and fabulous Holiday parties. You would be hard pressed to find a small business or large corporation that offers any of these things today. Office work wasn't the overbearing grind it is today where you are a replacable number, and not a valuable person in your own right. Now you're lucky if you even have an assigned desk.
@williamscottgordon628 10 месяцев назад
Honestly, I think people like yourself who experienced that corporate culture were probably lucky, either generationally or just in terms of the companies they were able to work for. My Japanese father-in-law, whose working life took place during Japan's post-war boom, had lavish parties with co-workers and "Christmas bonuses" in the form of large, cash-stuffed envelopes. He got a good salary, enjoyed his work, and thought his company supported him and his goals--an illusion that was shattered when, in the wake of serious health problems he was having, his boss literally came to his bedside, ignored the tubes and the beeping, and asked him when he was going to be able to return to work. I'm Gen-X, but even some of the corporate culture I experienced AFTER having a career in academia but BEFORE jumping ship to become my own boss tried to focus on parties, perks, etc. to mask not really compensating workers adequately. In short, Millennials and Gen-Z probably see too clearly what it took the older generations longer to grok: The era of the "caring company" to which people can "belong," either for long-term or even life, is likely a thing of the past (or something that never existed?). The urge that so many have to join the gig economy is probably born out of emotional AND monetary constraints. Older generations may look at some of the "quitting behaviors," etc. and shake our heads, but many of us reaped the benefits of the above culture, a (comparatively) less expensive college experience that granted entrance into it, and on and on. Let's try to be realistic about the present moment and learn from each other, folks.
@maddiesullivan588 4 года назад
I’m a Millennial. I work a full time job and a part time job, while going to school full for my Masters Degree. I am paying out of pocket for my school tuition, and have a loan that will be over $26,000 by the time I graduate. I work through feelings of constant stress and an overwhelming load on my shoulders. Stop with the “Millennials don’t give a shit” rhetoric. We saw the crash in 2008, and how people’s Lives completely collapsed through no fault of their own. We want something better . We want a better and more peaceful world of acceptance, and tolerance, and everyone having what they need to live a happy safe life.
@serpentzachary1340 4 года назад
I am a Gen Z and shits gonna get worse. We are gonna have fewer opportunities and compete with people across the world(especially experienced foreigners who are wiling to work for less pay). And add in some AI and high living cost and sooner most of us Gen Z's are gonna either live with our parents or live in Ghettos.
@Nottotv 4 года назад
Most White Americans need to get out their xenophobic racist feelings and want to work together with everyone all races to make America better. Note that there should be no preference within the government. Conservative judges won't change the future outcome.
@christinabrenneman7641 4 года назад
Any other millennial out there who is tired of being referred to as a kid when here you are in your mid 30's?
@christinabrenneman7641 4 года назад
@timwins31 for someone who says I shouldn't get worked up over words,you sound pretty worked up about mine. I wasnt even upset when I wrote that post.
@Hyenatempest 4 года назад
@timwins31 you sound like you let yourself get worked up over his words.
@britking 4 года назад
@@Hyenatempest Erm… "his" words? I believe her pronouns are she, her, and who the hell gives a damn about what pronouns she wants? Had a millennial flashback for a moment there...
@christinabrenneman7641 4 года назад
@tvercetti1 i dont understand how im deflecting? I'm not cussing at anyone. I'm not blaming anyone. I'm not making any assumptions about someone based on a title and stereotype. yet..im being told to grow up. I just don't think people realize who the term millenial refers to. that was the whole simple point of my original post. I know I didn't. up until recently, I thought it referred to the generation after me. Maybe ive watched an old video? becaus it sounds like it refers to people just getting out of highschool? the youngest millenial is now 25. The next generation is either in high school or a young adult who is already in the workforce. sterotypes happen for a reason, but, to judge a whole group of people based on a sterotype, is ignorance at best and cruelty at worst. I believe both sides of this age debate ive stumbled into have valid points. Us just sitting here and yelling at strangers online isent getting us anywhere. Every generation needs the other. If people want to keep talking about this with the intent of working together than I would love nothing more than to keep being a part of this conversation. If anyone is angry and still feels like cussing at me,a complete stranger, than go ahead. that's your choice. I will not, however, be responding to it. I would not tolerate such behavior in person and so I will not tolerate it online either. (sorry, tvercetti1 I didnt mean for this whole response to be for you alone but to all the comments I have received. )
@christinabrenneman7641 4 года назад
@Hobarth McShane phew! I'm not mentally a child. haha. That does make more sense referring to a mindset. It just gets confusing when the term millenial is also for a specific age group. thanks for the input :)
@Raina430 Год назад
Very well done. Thank you.
@joshuadc82 Год назад
We acted like the children were fragile little eggs so we packed them in cushioned containers and told them how important and special they were. Then we told them to go get jobs. They fell out of the crate and made nothing but mess.
@popasmurf78 4 года назад
I am a Gen X In my early 40s and I remember they used to say all the same stuff about us as we grew up we were on a decline then economically thanks to Reaganomics but as a society we learn nothing and put that shit on steroids. The only difference between my generation and current generation we did not have access to all the technology we have today and there was no social media to amplify things but we were also a generation of economic and social angst. When I first started working for minimum-wage was $4.25 an hour and it’s only $7.25 now. Pretty sad and the previous generation said all the same stuff about us
@adolpholiverbush2 4 года назад
47 year old Gen X here. We're the most aborted generation in history, and nobody really mentions us, as our numbers are far smaller than the Boomers and the Millennials. Having worked with many millennials, boomers and X'ers, I'll take boomers and X'ers any day. Millennials are great with meta references, some are good with technical challenges, but in my personal experience, they lack so many social skills, basic world knowledge, and are impetuous and self-obsessed. Again, just my experience, not that these aren't good people, they're just terrible employees.
@flipper1559 4 года назад
Adolph Oliver Bush Definitely different people you’re encountering then. I’m 23, am a medtech at an assisted living facility and I’m a shift manager over those twice my age and I work circles around those old fucks.
@adolpholiverbush2 4 года назад
@@flipper1559 careful......where you are, I've been. Where I am, you will be. And it happens far faster than you expect. Good luck.
@petrap.7256 3 года назад
"They were told that they could get anything they want". Seriously?! my parents said completely the opposite.
@veganconservative1109 3 года назад
In general. My cousins got any toys they wanted and cars too. Things my parents did not give me. Then again my parents loved me without feeling the need to 'buy my affection' like my uncle had to do with my cousins (because he taught them that.) Both sets of parents were Greatest Generation giving birth to Baby Boomers and Late Boomers. The kids were raised radically different despite this and being neighbors.
@maxferl3680 3 года назад
i don't think he is talking for EVERY single parents but the majority... , there is always exceptions...
@chayton4259 3 года назад
My mom always said I could have anything I want as long as I work for it
@Childofbhaal 3 года назад
Ikr my parents kicked me out at 17, I’m 25 now and been living on my own for 8 years. I was super rough at first but now I’m in a good place.
@greenearthblueskies8556 3 года назад
Riiiiight..,this is a fkn lie
@bill358 11 месяцев назад
Millennials 1982-1995 had all the new technology? We were in high school and college when the iPhone came out in 2004 the smartphone came out in 2007. We had VHS and cassette tapes sitting next to the house phone on the wall 😂
@benitakretzer840 Год назад
More compassion is needed to embolden our youth. It takes a village to raise a child. Thanks for this lovely explanation
@huntmander 4 года назад
“You millennials always getting medals for just participating” WE DIDN’T ASK FOR THE FCKN MEDALS, YOU GAVE IT TO US
@Jason_Van_Stone 4 года назад
I wonder why
@BastardX13 4 года назад
Correct HD. They "gave" you medals because they themselves couldnt endeavor to achieve them. I am 50. GENX. I have been vociferously working against this agenda for 30 years. It has "Crippled" gen M. FUCKING BOOMERS. The elders along with your elected leaders have screwed you. Get to a gym, a dojo, a target range. Be self reliant. Get wise. Maybe you already are. If you want to wear the crown, you must tear it violently from a BLOODY HEAD. Dig? There is OPPORTUNITY in UNCERTAINTY. Good luck. You will need it
@RiddimWook10 4 года назад
You clearly didint watch the whole video. Thats his entire point; its not our fault.
@huntmander 4 года назад
Eric Draven I was responding a typical boomer trope
@jinalsh 4 года назад
@@RiddimWook10 That is the entire point - correct but at the end who is the sufferer ? So if we really want to get out of this, we must do something on our own for sure
@meghanramirez1995 3 года назад
Hi, millenial here! I watched this and am so lost in thought, completely baffled, stuck with the soul crushing question: which companies offer us free food?
@tekmerch9438 3 года назад
I used to work at Bloomberg's London office and they offered free food as an employee perk.
@mlc1610 3 года назад
Google? Facebook? Microsoft? Maybe...
@leekelly1718 3 года назад
@W3Electronics 3 года назад
@MrSkabeaters 3 года назад
The government. That is the company that a lot of millennials use for free food.
@jacknastyface5623 Год назад
I've worked with Millennials. We didn't call them that at the beginning, but we began to notice something different over time, about something that was always there, but to a much lesser degree, and management had not tolerated it before. They're not all as bad, some change once they experience their first reality check, but so many have lived a life without consequences they see no reason to make an effort. I don't think they're happy, they seem completely adrift and disorientated.
@roscoecoltrane9523 2 месяца назад
Millennials are the ones taking a stand and saying, “fuck this shit.” They’ve got CEOs scared.
@SitaraAleu 7 лет назад
I'll remember to be "weak" and "entitled" after I get this months' bills out and check in with my manager at my second job. I have some free time on Saturday between school if I can finish all my assignments first, so I might have time then to whine and complain.
@ACESHOT1O1 7 лет назад
Jennifer Ellison you're a dumbass you know that? This video is a general view, not universal. So good on you for actually working but don't be so blind
@Binks129 7 лет назад
ACESHOT1O1 You're a fucking tool xD nearly all millennials have at least 2 jobs starting at the age of 17. This video is not universal, this is, hey I've read one book on the topic and am trendy enough to know millennial jokes. This guy who never had more than 3 jobs total is acting like millennial s are the laziest generation when he grew up tripping balls and making 6 figures with no effort and cheaper school. It's easy to have job fulfillment when you only needed to have one to live easy and be full of love, and joy. What's fulfilling about giving up 15 hours a day just to have a place to sleep while cramming in school that eats away all your funds because hey they debt is fun.
@SitaraAleu 7 лет назад
Dude, you do realize that sarcasm is a thing? Or do I just have to write obvious sarcasm is obvious after every single statement on this fucking website? Also, make one seem smarter, insults do not, young padwan.
@SitaraAleu 7 лет назад
So I'm a tool for expressing my own personal situation? For being open and honest about what my life is at the moment? I have two registered jobs and one side job as a seamstress, bucko. But I keep that one hidden so I don't have to report the money to the government. In total, combining all three, I work about seventy hours a week. You guys must be sooooooooo bored coming and picking on this comment like you're doing. Go and find a job or two or three and actually do something productive with your time
@Binks129 7 лет назад
Jennifer Ellison I'm on your side?
@lucasulich4149 6 лет назад
People born after 1984 are not tough to manage. This is an imagined problem. The concerns that people are having now about the latest generation are the same concerns that have existed about every generation. This mindset about the youth comes from a skewed perspective. It's natural to worry about the youth. I am saddened when I see parents adopt this perspective.
@lucasulich4149 6 лет назад
Also why do people think participation awards are new or common? They are not
@williamhutton2126 6 лет назад
Oh, child. Participation trophies are a VERY recent phenomenon beginning sometime in the 1980s. Before that? NOTHING. Don't worry about the youth. Worry about spouting bullshit in the age of information, princess.
@Stufftough 11 месяцев назад
hi, im 39, my father would hurt me often as a kid. Threw me at the wall, my butt hit the wall and ground hard, held a knife to my throat at the dinner table. He would call me entitled when I was an adult. Then he bought me a mobile home when I was 36, and when I moved in we sat down and he admitted that he hurt me often as a kid. He didn't apologize and I didnt realize that he didnt until later. He has narcissism and alcohol issues. But this is my journey. Currently unemployed but I did have some nice acting gigs in the past. 1983 is technically still Gen X but I am more likely a Millennial. Anyways, on top of the abuse, I have everything mentioned in this video too. I did volunteering once and worked with kids, making them feel safe and teaching them kindness and how to play games. So I hope I made a difference in the world.
@JillDinardo-mb6ii Месяц назад
Excellent dramatization. Thank you!!!
@champagnegold6606 6 лет назад
We're growing up with less money. I'm an auto mechanic in my 20's and still make a meager wage compared to my counterparts from earlier times. I'm making less for working, being charged more for living, and people wonder why I don't have a mortgage or why I'm not inflating the economy with purchases I not only can't afford but don't need.
@champagnegold6606 6 лет назад
But hey, it's all my fault.
@KingBobIsHere 6 лет назад
yup. we are fucked.
@whatevergoesforme5129 6 лет назад
Because big government overtaxes people and the government's endless regulations curtail new businesses and scare away existing businesses. Now, almost everything is fined and lots of compliance fees are needed for a business to operate. Even if you own property, the government can still do what they want with your property and you can't even use your own property for a small business. I am a libertarian and if only the government becomes smaller and allow businesses to flourish like many years ago, then people will not feel tied up and can start being creative to augment their income. Overtaxation makes the price of goods and services high. So aside from the upbringing and environment millennials have been born into, they were just unlucky to be born into a world where government has gotten so big that it has to tax us to death so that they can spend more on themselves. A long time ago, one can start something small and make it grow because the government left people alone and did not tax everything. It is not so today so millennials feel hopeless. Successful businesses today started a long time ago and if they started a decade ago, most of them will be bankrupt by now.
@aljoespino1 6 лет назад
When has libertarianism ever worked in a society? Corporations have taken away good capitalism (competition) and are creating oligopolies5 and moving towards monopolies.
@glennhurley1479 6 лет назад
When has any "pure" theory of governance worked? Too many people flatly declare themselves as an libertarian, socialist, communist etc. without realizing that all are just theories for classroom discussion, useful for teaching purposes and to provide a frame of reference for broader discussions. Even the much-studied and fabled ancient Grecian "democracies" were oligarchies, or, if we're being charitable, "representative democracies" wherein the representatives who voted democratically were not democratically elected. Whenever I hear someone declare "I'm a this" or "I'm a that", I immediately suspect that they haven't carefully thought through their statement.
@fincadelsolpr7042 4 года назад
When they are in the corporate world they are no longer kids. That is part of the problem. People still considering them kids in their 20’s and 30’s
@drayboydog 4 года назад
Probably because they mostly behave like spoiled kids
@rackets7991 4 года назад
Why not. So many still live with MOM..
@XxAnimalRightsxX 4 года назад
Most people don’t know what age millennials are so I’m not surprised that this video exists lol.
@aa-tx7th 4 года назад
Lol. I am a millennial who supports his deadbeat lazy ass boomer mother and her f!@king boyfriend. Dumbf!@k.
@TovaHolmberger 4 года назад
@@rackets7991 because it's too expensive to live alone in the US, which is no fault of millennials but idk, I'm a swedish gen Zer student with my own home, and most millennials older than me have their own home too.
@Snowman666 Год назад
I'm liking this video very much thank you
@lexijordan9384 Год назад
So TRUE. Much enjoyed and appreciated.
@nancyneyedly4587 6 лет назад
I'll preface my comment with the fact that I am older than the millennials, more like gen X. But I feel so bad for the younger generations, millennials and younger. While some things in this vid may be true there is so much more to the picture. Youth today must feel just hopeless at times, we all do to some extent, but even more so the younger you are. You need a huge education to get a basic job that doesn't pay equivalent to what it may have 20 years ago. Houses cost nearly 7-10x an annual salary compared to maybe only twice an annual salary some 20 years ago. Costs have skyrocketed and pay has gone down. The earth has been pillaged to the point of near destruction because previous reckless generations greed and the youth have to live with it. It's bleak! We can certainly blame the baby boomers but blame doesn't change anything. You have to fight for a paradigm shift, not give into this broken system! You have to choose your battles wisely and fight for meaningful change, it's a new world and you guys get to write the future, don't let the old geezer boomers do it for you or dictate anything to you. I have to have hope cause I am raising a kid in all this and you have to have hope and strength too.
@GreenGearMood 6 лет назад
I agree with everything you said except "pillaged to the point of near destruction" The environmental crises are vastly over-exaggerated. And on top of everything, there's a lot more oil than we previously thought. The oil problem is cinched.
@MrVictorywins 6 лет назад
Just work harder, live with more humility
@cascaval6796 6 лет назад
It's parents like this that cause millennials to be exactly what was said in the video
@karenaudreytodd 6 лет назад
Somebody gets it! Yes, life sucks, but the harder you work, and I don't mean just at work, the less it sucks...
@GreenGearMood 6 лет назад
Work harder? Dude, you need a house. Fuckin' hell. What's next? "Work harder, but live in your car. And don't complain, just work harder. And after that live in a box. And keep working harder. And then a shoebox. Keep working harder."
@Inkdraft 5 лет назад
I work in schools. You think the millennials are a problem? Wait till you get the next crop that's in elementary school now. You ain't seen nuthin' yet.
@paulgoogol2652 5 лет назад
True story. Parents spend less time with their children. Both parents are working so there is only school to prepare the children for a difficult life. And everybody knows the education systems in many countries like the USA are rotten.
@skylarmulligan2341 5 лет назад
It's gonna b bad. 7 years olds with iPhones. Uhoh
@daves6503 5 лет назад
I think your right and that's utterly terrifying.....why are we making people that are so damn shitty now? What the hell happened?
@paulgoogol2652 5 лет назад
@@daves6503 Hey old griefer. I would suggest it may have been bad parenting and terrible school system. You are truly pathetic to haunt this comment section. This whole topic is so dumb that I wonder why the fuck it was suggested to me and I would have passed it just leaving a cynic comment until I read your bullshit. You must be one of the last nazis that survived their sad war.
@brettscott8288 5 лет назад
@@skylarmulligan2341 I teach in Cambodia...most of the kids (7-11) have iPhones. Many are RU-vidrs. Unreal.
@TheEmpressPalpatine Год назад
I feel like the generation caught between two worlds. I was born in 1963. The WWII vet generation were people who were patient and clever. They had hobbies. They could really do stuff. They were not addicted to media. They could read 500 page books written in the 1800's. We were their TV watching couch potato children. Back then though, our parents would tell us to turn off the TV and go play outside. They had some sense. That sense was lost. I remember the old world. I am dismayed by the new world. I can see what you say is true.
@rogersmith8339 Год назад
1958 and much the same!
@FoxySpartan117 Год назад
Glad your still with us Becky. My Mother was born in 63 as well. I was brought up differently from the other kids in my past. I think I was born too late. I didn't get to enjoy all the best parts the last 60 years at face value. I had to play catch up looking into the past to try and enjoy my present and future. Without your generation I wouldn't be here. So thank you hun.
@mshell1959 Год назад
1959 and yes I agree.
@Vixxen_Viktoria Год назад
That time period (as is also frequently observed now) also had a lot of raging racists who didn’t want to share a fountain with a POC or Black Person. So I’m guessing that great time for you, was especially heinous for a lot of others.
@michaelricketson1365 Год назад
@@Vixxen_Viktoria Is it a bad thing that someone experienced a great time in life?
@johns1815 Месяц назад
When you focus on becoming the best version of yourself, you're not just improving your own life - you're making the world a better place, one positive action at a time. As you grow, learn, and cultivate kindness and wisdom, you create ripples of positivity that touch the lives of those around you. By working on yourself, you inspire others to do the same, setting in motion a powerful chain reaction of personal growth and positive change. So never underestimate the impact of your own self-improvement journey - it's not just about you; it's about creating a brighter future for us all.
@MagnificentDevil 2 года назад
The only thing I can imagine that is worse than a generation raised by social media is a generation raised by corporations.
@jeremy1234823 Год назад
You mean a corporation like Facebook?
@demonmonsterdave Год назад
Social media are corporations, so are legacy media, so are governments.
@liklibinekuds7700 Год назад
I would prefer people lead by corporations lmao
@spanqueluv9er Год назад
@@MagnificentDevil all social media is corporate you fuqwit ignorant millennial, it’s the same fuqqing thing.🙄🤦‍♂️🤡 Oh look- a millennial with thin skin who has comprehension issues, how surprising.💩💩💩💩👎
@drew6194 Год назад
They are being raised by both. Social media is merely a collection of large corporations. Phone manufacturers are large corporations. The movies kids want to see are controlled and produced by large corporations (think Disney). Even music is controlled, created, and produced by large corporations who churn out identically written and produced songs based on the formula they decide.
@christothesingh 3 года назад
Hurr durr I wasted my life for a corporation and I expect everyone else to do the same without hesitation
@guyss6611 3 года назад
Oh there you are
@rudiekazu 3 года назад
Why is it always somebody else's fault ??? NO ONE ever forced me to work somewhere. Never, in 47yrs. I could have gone somewhere else or started my own business. The choice was mine...no one else. Even my parents couldnt force me to go to college, I went to trade school instead. Your Life...Your Choices. eos
@RinkyRoo2021 Год назад
It's also In the 80s my dad would be told every 2 weeks layoffs where coming at the defense contractor he worked for ,he told me that as soon as they dont need you they give you they boot ,that's one reason for lack of loyalty.
@meganmbleed Год назад
Part of the problem is the people who give us these old sayings, and state that “every generation says the same thing”. People are afraid to be except these facts because it will mean doing something about it.
@brettdupuis8793 4 года назад
This is inherently wrong. Millennials grew up seeing how the “American Dream” worked/failed for their parents and are much more hesitant to go into a dead end job
@silkywellman315 4 года назад
No they're entitled
@CorporateKane 4 года назад
@Electrono9 anything to make yourself feel better than your fellow man huh
@CorporateKane 4 года назад
@Electrono9 holy moly you're head is so far where the sun don't shine. I kind of feel bad for you.
@AnthyLoneExoria 4 года назад
@Electrono9 Looks like someone needs to get their head out of some far right hogwash. The birth rate fell after 1970 for a lot of reasons, long before millenials. Starting later with older families means better stability and way lower infant mortality. People had a lot of kids because before modern medicine, women and children regularly died after childbirth or in early childhood due to various diseases. Vaccines, birth control and women working made the lives of children better and gave better survival chances.There's zero reason to have a bunch of kids. We don't live on farms anymore. Instead of falling for this tripe, read the real statistics.
@AnthyLoneExoria 4 года назад
@Electrono9 Millenials prize the same things Boomers and Xers do. They just *can't afford the life you had when you were their age.* You grew up with the New Deal programs, which yes-YOUR GENERATION GUTTED as "Socialism." Programs that helped people get on their feet and not starve. And then defund schools because you hate paying taxes. And then make being gay in the military a crime, despite thousands of gay men and women serving their country. You complain about how people aren't having families WHEN YOUR GENERATION GUTTED all the programs that made that workable. And decided to build golf courses instead of basic housing. And tearing up public housing as "ghettos" causing a homeless epidemic. Oh! And shutting down the state hospitals. There were bad ones. But there were also thousands of people who could not take care of themselves, who died in the street. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENERATION. I make 400$ a month, sir. I cannot find any kind of place on that. I have to live with someone and even then, I cannot afford to save up for the kind of house you own. I have a job. I have a high school diploma. The only jobs that will have me are seasonal. I am locked into poverty. The programs that would have helped me like your mother was are all gone. The stable jobs are gone. The unions are largely gone. Because YOUR GENERATION thought Unions and work safety was evil. Because YOUR GENERATION worshipped money over everything else. Be angry at yourself for worshipping the golden calf.
@DannySullivanMusic 5 лет назад
I believe the "issue" with millennials is that they see how broken the system they are expected to be a part of is. Working for 40+ hours a week for a boss or company that couldn't care less if you lived or died is rather depressing. Working for 40+ hours when you can get the work done in
@floydlooney6837 5 лет назад
Danny Sullivan you get paid for working. It's not their job to pamper you.
@DannySullivanMusic 5 лет назад
@prolet kult Currently they are just whining, yes. But the first step to change is realizing there is a problem that needs solving and getting enough people on board to facilitate said change. There will be a time in the next 10 to 20 years when the people have had enough of being exploited and they will revolt. Until that time, it seems like recruiting more people to the cause is the best course of action.
@jefferyhoward2681 5 лет назад
Danny Sullivan occupy wall street movement was a first step, then it was the Bernie Sanders movement. Saying they are doing nothing is just not true. Millennials are fed up with being treated like crap and won’t take it for much longer.
@popinmo 5 лет назад
Yea you are very correct I see it in myself I have 10s in schoop i could be a a student but why theres no reason for me I dont see a gain in it I could go on for hours typing away but I'm not
@popinmo 5 лет назад
@@DannySullivanMusic you think we will fight
@user-fp2gr4ic3x 9 месяцев назад
Very very very very good!!!! i am gen x and totaly agree.
@DukeOfCurling Год назад
I couldn't even say how much I loved this video! Everything Simon Sinek said is absolutely the hardest F reality. I'm so glad to have been quit by all the idiot social platforms we have today something like three years ago. I was very sad and my life was meaningless. What I did was quit from everything social included whatsapp and started my own personal journey. And it worked just perfectly. Today at 33 I'm studying programming for data science A LOT and by a lot I mean that, literally. Never been happier of achieveing something.
@ironlunatic1 3 года назад
I work with a lot of old timers that are lazy AF too and claim they’re hard workers.
@trollbagginsphd1110 3 года назад
I bet they're also overweight but think we are lazy for wanting enough time off to go to the gym
@sunkintree 3 года назад
You missed them busting their asses in their 20s and 30s and maybe 40s. Good job narcissistic solipsism, you think the world began with your birth once again.
@clayblondin8239 3 года назад
@bert smith said the virgin
@skynet4496 3 года назад
Yeah, some of em used to party on the job and then when it's about getting shit done they don't seem to know lol
@CMB21497 3 года назад
@@sunkintree You used "solipsism". I haven't heard that word in over a decade. Great word. I don't know anyone who even knows the meaning.
@Kadulikan 5 лет назад
-Obliterated economy, massive debt, broken education, pessimistic mass media, impossible experience requirements to get jobs, poor mental health caused by these issues,- *THOSE DAMN SMART PHONES*
@archcee 5 лет назад
Kadulikan ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@jakemetcalf2049 5 лет назад
Maybe a big problem with millennials is the excuses they make.
@Kadulikan 5 лет назад
@@jakemetcalf2049 Or maybe it's people patronizing them, and making up dated arguments that avoid dealing with the real issues that their elders are creating. I'm not even a millennial and even I'm sick of hearing this shit.
@thatoneuser8600 5 лет назад
He said smart phones are great! However, when you rely on short term satisfaction/quick-fixes, then the way you use smart phones is self destructive in the long run.
@Kadulikan 5 лет назад
@Kristopher Ferrell And I agree. But my point is that smartphones aren't the main cause of behavioral issues with the millennial generation. They might be a contributor, in fact I believe they are to some degree. But there are much more influential and important problems being completely overlooked here, like the ones I listed. Is smart phone/social media addiction real? Absolutely. Is it the end-all answer to why millennials have such high rates of mental illness? Certainly not. To argue otherwise is to willfully ignore far more urgent problems that require immediate solutions. When examining a collapsed house, it is entirely irresponsible to shovel all the blame onto one rusty nail when the entire foundation was flawed. Hearing daily as a child that the economy is a time-bomb, education is broken, every politician is cynical, and you have no hope of a future is infinitely more damaging than the effects of smartphones.
Год назад
I cant stress this enough: when you are feeling it, when you are right there with the preacher (the video's author), when you are about to say "good damn you are right".... pops up an ad.
@SebaSawa 4 месяца назад
Struggle is the way of life, there is no happy way or the best way is simply life that flows.
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