
Modern Destroyers vs Musashi 

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From High School Fleet Episode 5




8 май 2016




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@michaelchristidis8658 4 года назад
If Musashi’s main batteries had this fast turn it would have been the most powerful Warship to be ever made
@thebighurt2495 4 года назад
It's almost like something the size of a dam Destroyer turning on a dime.
@yashiorist3642 3 года назад
Not really, it'd be deadly but it'll be vulnerable from like cruise missiles
@randominternetguy88 2 года назад
@@yashiorist3642 well cruise missiles didn't exist during the 1930s-40s you know.
@PrivateMcPrivate 2 года назад
@@randominternetguy88 ballistic missiles existed And aerial rockets
@mrunaltondre6051 2 года назад
@@PrivateMcPrivate yeah but they were not that accurate, they were used more like long range artillery it would next to impossible to hit a moving ship with those
@corporategunner5972 4 года назад
This anime is basically: "Let's give these high school girls WW2 era military warships, what could possibly go wrong?"
@ghostarmy1106 4 года назад
*unknown Virus that makes people go on a rampage want to know your location*
@RuminatingKiwi927 4 года назад
idk man , but I was really hoping for those destroyers to just shoot the bridge of the musashi.
@tsuaririndoku 3 года назад
GhostArmy1 Speaking of Virus...
@yuritarted984 3 года назад
@@RuminatingKiwi927 yeah whats the point of trying when they're trying to kill you by the looks of the modern ships they have full auto 76mm round they could easily disable and decimate the ship that would be fun to watch
@RuminatingKiwi927 3 года назад
@@yuritarted984 or if they don't want to risk killing the goddamn students. I believe they can send a guided missile or something to disable the main guns or perhaps the secondary too, whilst also disabling the engine or rudder by hitting the stern. Therefore the ship is disarmed with only some damages.
The actual history of Musashi and Yamato demonstrated that neither of these sister battleships could survive multiple torpedo hits on the same side. A single modern Arleigh Burke-class destroyer could make short work of any World War II-era battleship without ever coming within range of the battleship's main guns. A half dozen modern torpedoes in one side of the big ships would be enough to capsize and sink them, and that's before we even begin to discuss the impact of the various modern-day ship-to-ship missiles. A one-on-one battle between an unescorted Musashi and a single Arleigh Burke would be over in about 20 minutes, all fought beyond visual range, and the Musashi would never get to fire her guns.
@user-cr1bs4lm9j Год назад
Bro ofc if u give a few high school girls a fucking battleship this is what they would do, also the modern destroyers could EASILY CLAP the ww2 battleships
@user-cr1bs4lm9j Год назад
This is inaccurate if the destroyers would send a barrage of torpedoes the mushashi would ofc sink
@88Mobius Год назад
Exactly what I was thinking.
@HIJMS_Suzukaze Год назад
well these ASROC anti-sub torpedo in this vid only have about 50kg warhead, enough for a sub but can't even pass the torpedo bulkhead of Musashi. WWII era aerial torpedo has 200~300kg TNT warhead, in contrary. Modern destroyers do not carry WWII size(21in/24in) anti-ship torpedo, but only keep 6~8 324mm torpedo tubes for sub hunting.
@ny_lium Год назад
didn't they say it was training torpedos
@run2u520 4 года назад
For those who think that Musashi's armor could hold up to modern anti ship missiles. This may be case if the ship was struck by a single missile but considering how much explosives these missiles carry in their warheads and the sheer force that they impact their targets with, Musashi's armor wouldn't survive repeated hits. And that is not taking into account the fact that the ship would be constantly on fire with the crew unable to control it due to them being constantly bombarded by missiles.
@wolfyond871 2 года назад
Well if the reinforments know were the target is they could have struck it with an anti ship missile from a distance musashi couldent hit from and it takes some to reload those guns it shouldn't be that fast
@marnixbrugmans4181 2 года назад
Not to mention that the first salvo of torpedoes, if exploding under her bow, would be more than enough to sink her
@princeofpokemon2934 2 года назад
Modern warheads on modern day ships could punch through the Musashi's armor like it's made of paper.
@chloekaftan 2 года назад
I think you fail to understand that yamato can withstand a full salvo from its own shells, conaidering just how much explosive power is in a single shell you cant even begin to compare it to an ASM or ASROC. even if a battlegroup saturates a yamato class with missiles the yamato would survive it, even with heavy superficial damage. taking into context that this is a student ship, those instructor ships should never saturate a ship like that with missiles just because it dramatically increases the chance of injuring or killing the students what they should do is a surgical strike on the yamato's propellers (not the boiler room because that could cause an overpressure explosion which could detonate the magazine rooms) or destroy the main smoke stack/funnel to choke the engines into stalling.
@ryuukeisscifiproductions1818 2 года назад
@@princeofpokemon2934 Not true at all. Modern missiles are almost universally equipped with HE fragmentation type warheads, designed for maximum explosive effects, but the tradeoff is shit armor penetration. But because most modern ships are basically unarmored, modern missiles are optimizing for inflicting maximum damage on unarmored ships, and thus don't need to have armor penetration capability. In fact even your average WW2 heavy cruisers armor could comfortably withstand most modern antiship missiles except for the very large russian supersonic ones. Because as large armored warships disappeared, the weapons optimize to defeat them also went extinct. The only thing left in modern naval inventory that could reliably sink battleships (except for nukes), is heavyweight submarine launched torpedoes, and potentially very large supersonic missiles (albeit no on has actually tested to see if they can or not that i am aware of.). Now it is entirely possible to build an antiship missile capable of defeating battleship armor, but no one does so because with no battleships in active service in the world, there is no point is making a missile designed to kill them.
@OogwayT 6 лет назад
Oh no, a ship is firing at us! Captain: quick, tell me what's going on!
@antonialwasiak4043 6 лет назад
Sailor : Ship on the horizon
@brianng9765 6 лет назад
It should be "Report the damage" or something similar, i guess it's a translation error
@michaelkomsky1313 6 лет назад
It's more like : "why are they shooting at us? they are on our side. what is going on on that ship?" those are the intentions behind his question
@hyperion8382 5 лет назад
@@craidsaber5986 Haha trolling other players
@kangnoi2499 5 лет назад
@MichaelChan 6 лет назад
As a Navy veteran, I find myself scratching my head. Vertical launched torpedoes a-la ASROC? Followed by the torpedoes not going under and displacing the keel but striking the belt? Huh?
@Cowboycomando54 3 года назад
Shit, I am still in and I find the complete lack of military bearing appalling.
@ultralaggerREV1 3 года назад
My fellow veteran, this is anime and there has never been logic in anime for decades
@m1a1abramstank49 3 года назад
@@ultralaggerREV1 And that kinda became cliche and uneventful at this point
@FBI.1 3 года назад
Thats what your wondering about?! So you think its normal that a fliping giant warship was given to japanse school girls that somehow magicly know how to operate it
@neisvestno2444 3 года назад
@@ultralaggerREV1 and because of this all of military anime is shit.
@T33K3SS3LCH3N Год назад
Since there is plenty of discussion in the comments, here is how this match would play out in an open combat situation: 1. Modern missile destroyers (DDG) could obviously way outrange a WW2 battleship (BB). A destroyer loadout features missiles with ranges from over 100 km (anti-ship missiles like Harpoon) to over 1000 km (cruise missiles like Tomahawk), whereas a BB could fire around 40 km while the horizon would appear at around 25 km. 2. Even within visual range, battleships were often quite inaccurate and needed many minutes to hours to score hits at longer ranges. A DDG in contrast can fire dozens of missiles within minutes. 3. While it's true that modern anti-ship missiles could not penetrate the citadel of a heavy battleship like Musashi, it doesn't need to either. The Bismarck for example was completely incapacitated due to the destruction of its fire directors and command bridge long before it actually sank. It landed no direct hits in an engagement that lasted over an hour at ranges from 23 km to just 3 km in the end. So in short: The DDG would fire a solid salvo of anti-ship missile against the battleship, the battleship would lose its fire directors, control, crew quarters etc. The rest of the crew would likely evacuate because they're now sitting in a practically uncontrolled hulk engulfed in an inferno, with no options to retaliate. But even if they could sit it out, they would have little to no combat value and eventually starve. For context on the fire: A British DDG was lost to a single Excocet hit at Falklands even though it failed to detonate. The accuracy of the hit and depth of penetration carried it deep inside the ship, so the missile fuel plus burnable materials on the ship alone were enough to destroy it. Massive fire damage has been observed repeatedly. A full salvo against a big target like this would undoubtedly create pandemonium.
@phalanx3803 Год назад
and for added context in the video they where trying to disable the ship without wiping out the people on board they where brainwashed and thats easier said then done even IRL its actually harder IRL as if you do succeed in disabling it they will most likely scuttle it to keep it out of enemy hands.
@then00brathalos Год назад
Even in a gun to gun battle, the modern destroyers will most likely have the upper hand, sure the 127mm might lack in punch against the Musashi's 460mm guns, but it has sat-nav computer and/or aerial gun aiming, where as the Musashi can only aim their guns manually using range finders and estimations. The 127/54 is also capable of spewing 40 rounds per minute, and there where 8 of them, a total of 320 rounds per minute. The outcome might be like this (considering if its a head on combat and not a rogue student like in this video), the musashi salvoed the destroyer first, high chance of missing. The on board comps calculates the range of the musashi from the destroyer and the gun immediately moves, and spews a round of 127mm shell precisely into the deck of the musashi. By the time the battleship reloads, changed aim and sends another salvo, the 127mm gun already dumped 4-5 rounds already, crippling the battleship in major points. Many people seem to forget why battleships are phased out, mostly because how dangerously effective and steadfast cruisers and destroyers have become.
@elvisadika7458 Год назад
Finally, someone agree that the amount of armour Battleships has doesn't automatically means it is impervious to Anti-Ship Missiles Many Battleship entheusiest claim that Battleships would reign supreme in the Modern World due to it's armour able to handle Anti-Ships missiles and won't sink, but its not always about sinking a Ship, it's about dealing critical damage to it's vital components, infrastructure, communication equipment, enginers and so much more, sure the Battleship may not sink but a few Harpoons is just enough to deal enough damage to disable it, effectively a mission kill
@jeffbenton6183 Год назад
@@then00brathalos I thought that the 127/54 gets 20 rounds per minute, not 40.
@whitewall2253 Год назад
It's no surprise the missile destroyer ate shit to a dud, modern warships are made out of paper because armour just isn't effective enough to be worth it, a fucking battle tank could probably cripple a destroyer if it ever got the chance to shoot at one. This isn't me saying battleships are good bare in mind, just that missile destroyers getting bullied isn't surprising.
@shockwave6213 4 года назад
Fun fact: This is the early design of the Yamato class ship. Yamato and Musashi had 4 turrets with 3 155mm (6.1 inch) guns each for a total of 12. Later on, they both had the port and starboard 6 inch gun turrets removed in favor of the more iconic anti-aircraft gun platfotms that had 3 pairs of 5 inch anti-aircraft guns.
@sheepbow909 Год назад
Actually only Yamato ever had that done, Musashi remained with the secondaries and was sunk beforehand the favorable refit
@comandantegorrion7271 Год назад
@@sheepbow909 And anyways, there’s actually a really funny in-universe reason for not having a proper anti-aircraft battery, and that is because planes don’t exist in this universe, which is a fact that exists solely to justify how they keep misplacing ships. Because the logical response to “hey this destroyer full of actual children hasn’t checked in for three days we don’t know where it is” is “all right send up scout planes and run a search pattern across its most recently reported quadrant in the same heading as it was taking” and while you can do that with blimps and airships, which they do have, those are both slower than planes and that’s gonna be more easily avoided.
@Hans_Panzerschreck Год назад
@@comandantegorrion7271 So they developed ballistic missiles that become torpedoes but not le funny metal bird. And did they develop satellites tho ?
@177SCmaro Год назад
@@sheepbow909 For all the good it did her. Japanese AA was notoriously ineffective. But Yamato had a ton of it.
@comandantegorrion7271 Год назад
@@Hans_Panzerschreck Correct on all counts and it is at least implied that they have satellites because there are cell phones.
@owen8305 6 лет назад
Sees the modern ships going toe to toe with Battleship. "Awe Hell Yeah" Sees School girls in school uniform. "Wait...... what the fack?!"
@unukthewarrior8077 6 лет назад
me too
@theexchipmunk 6 лет назад
In reality there would not even be a toe to toe. The modern ships would simple kill that Battleship dead before it even realised they were there.
@jblumanog4291 6 лет назад
Yea the torpedoes would have exploded under the ship breaking the Musashi in half
@AcogJeager 5 лет назад
Because the trops are simulation. So couldn't do any damage. lol
@michaelgarofalo6231 5 лет назад
TheExplodingChipmunk uh no not at this range here Musashi has literally every advantage over modern crap!
@shadowkillz9606 6 лет назад
I think the best way to approach this is to directly board that battleship with multiple sailors on multiple fast moving raft/boats. Then they can immediately find those students and -beat them to death- see what's actually going on.
@brandondaway1 5 лет назад
that's... actually... what they did later.
@red_d849 2 года назад
@danentakoto2701 Год назад
@@brandondaway1 got a clip for that...?
@brandondaway1 Год назад
@@danentakoto2701 I do not. your just going to have to find the episode and watch that part if you want to see it. I could clip it and upload it myself but I'm to lazy sorry.
@danentakoto2701 Год назад
@@brandondaway1 no problem. How hard can finding this Anime be?
@bababdu7195 4 года назад
If the destroyers were acting for real, they would've demolished the musashi with like 2-3 destroyers
@bigmanharold1443 3 года назад
Yeah that's why there's no country that use battleship now cuz it's expensive and pretty useless
@bigmanharold1443 3 года назад
@Miles Jeter yeah just use a destroyer lol
@notagoti6907 3 года назад
@intselec2184 3 года назад
@Miles Jeter yes but ww2 gun are not. Accurate at all compared to modern gun who can use subcaliber round to pierce the armor of battleship at this short range and destroy critical component like the bridge the turret ring , range finder etc...
@amistrophy 3 года назад
@@intselec2184 yeah those five inch guns which can shoot around 2 rounds a second will devastate any exposed radar and optical rangefinders/command and control/fire control on battleships and missiles will maul big ships to death. AShMs are devastating
@vitamc1213 4 года назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="42">0:42</a> Quickest turning battleship turrets in the world...
@warhistory1895 3 года назад
6 inch secondary guns, they turn a lot faster.
@anoinh8108 Год назад
​@@warhistory1895 we're talking about 18-inch gun weighed more than 140 tonnes, rotate at 40 degree per se, yes, your pew pew 6-inch gun might be faster than that, but it will obliterated in a matter of time if that rotate traverse of Musashi existed
@Zakahia 6 лет назад
if the turret of the musashi would turn that fast: RIP all ship types
@ThinhLe-uj2oh 4 года назад
Modern jet fighters: Hold my rockets and my 30mm bronze candy
@rain_f 4 года назад
And fact that almost all of the system on Musashi was automated, it only need about 30-50 people to man it
@Nolan15692 3 года назад
USS Ford: hold my F-15s
@Nolan15692 3 года назад
LordRain all the more reason to completely destroy it and leave it with no survivors.
@michaelho4014 3 года назад
USS Missouri in Battleship (2012): my turn
@generalagondray 5 лет назад
For you that know know, high school fleet is based in the future where the icecaps have melted, most of the land is now underwater and the navies are the way of warfare and trade. Schools have been made in every nation to train high school students that attend these academies will be future sailors. they train using old ships, and the ones with the worse entrance grades get some of the worse ships. in the anime they also encounter a german girl where something went on with her school too.
@stalwartteakettlepotato9879 4 года назад
I know the explanation is just an excuse to have cool ships from the past commanded by lolis but the explanation makes so little sense it hurts my brain. Why do students learn using extremely obsolete tech. It's like attending a medical university to become a doctor but they don't teach you any information that isn't at least a 100 years old
@generalagondray 4 года назад
@@stalwartteakettlepotato9879 actually ive been to college and got 3 degrees in a tech field, we learned some outdated methods that arent really used anymore. in the case of those show, its basically a boarding school and the tech is the same thing that happens even in our military. "we cant use this on the front lines anymore but lets use it for training". in this case of those show its "hey we have military schools that need hardware so lets give it to them" those schools also have to buy that equipment, i served in 5 helicopter units, the government doesnt give military units anything, you use budgets to buy those. my first unit in 2005 was flying UH-1H left over from Vietnam. 1 of my Apache units mechanics constantly damaged rotor blades, those are 100k ea. a mechanic left bolts loose in a engine followed by dropping the replacement engine into the ground from a forklift that cost 600k an engine. In the US military its not uncommon that training ships have been much older ships than what you'd be assigned to. those ships were want the japanese government had on hand and went "we can sell you these for training" once those classes graduated theyd be assigned to current fleets with much newer ships. Its all about money, and besides anime love using their old ww2 ships, ww1 and 2 vehicles were awesome for their time and they live on as legends.
@phalanx3803 Год назад
@@stalwartteakettlepotato9879 it makes a lot of sense what are they gonna do let them use a brand new multi million dollar war ship? do you buy a brand new car like a LC300 then let your kid learn to drive in that or are you gonna get the old Hilux thats sitting out the back and teach them to drive in that.
@kamikazoo6599 Год назад
Was that girl an Ex arts student?
@then00brathalos Год назад
(gets a floating piece of museum that has manual AA from ww2, no computers and built with "all big gun" and ship to ship salvo tactics in mind) She must have failed every possible subject right ? And before the people spring in to tell me the "musashi is the most powerful battleship back in the day" yes back in the day, back when mach 1 was unimaginable but now mach 3.5 is reached and fighters typically move at mach 1+ when attacking.
@SU-AKAsky_dragon 4 года назад
Musashi: *is ww2 ship moving in present and already sunked* Modern navy: *this is normal*
@erinong193 4 года назад
I'm pretty sure ww2 didn't happen in this timeline so the musashi survived
@bababdu7195 4 года назад
That confuses me a lot. A waste of resources if it is just for training of little girls. Also why the fuck would they have *little* girls prob only 8 control an entire battleship!?!?!??! I am so confused rn
@mobyhuge4346 4 года назад
@@bababdu7195 you need the series first to get a grip, just ep 1 can get the picture
@grapieboi7279 3 года назад
Sidenote the ship in the anime is not the Musashi its the Yamato
@alistairdiren5790 2 года назад
@@grapieboi7279 nope Yamato has Blue striping, Musashi is Red
@mr.h1083 4 года назад
“Let’s remind those girls that though they have a bigger ship, compare to our arsenal they are nothing but a floating punching bag.” “All weapons, fire at will.”
@Nolan15692 3 года назад
US Navy: Yep, Hold my USS Gerald R Ford.
@lysior7277 3 года назад
USS Iowa Class: Hold my 16 inch guns
@HazmatUnit 3 года назад
That's basically impossible to sink with most of the weapons carried on a destroyer
@dolfi2008 2 года назад
@@HazmatUnit Isn't they have time to request backups With live rounds? At least 4-5 Tomahawk?
@HazmatUnit 2 года назад
@@dolfi2008 what?
@CallsignYukiMizuki 7 лет назад
In a more realistic scenario, the DDGs will simply outrange the Musashi with Harpoons. Also it seems like they didn't even bother with CIWS or Sea Sparrows
@1LEgGOdt 7 лет назад
Callsign-YukiMizuki really? because I see this has how modern warships armaments got nothing against ships from WWII.
@CallsignYukiMizuki 7 лет назад
When you compare both ERAs cannon for cannons, then WW2 simply outguns modern. However, modern ships don't fight with cannons. Instead, they're pretty much back ups as they fight with missiles/aircraft instead. While missiles won't have the raw killing fire that Battleship cannons have, missiles will be much more efficient at killing ships as they would be able to hit them accurately, consistently and from ranges outside WW2 naval guns. Besides, modern ships can carry nukes. Your typical DDG (Arleigh Burke for example) can carry BGM-109s and said missiles can have nuclear warheads, so theoretically these Destroyers should be able to launch nukes. The show demonstrated a very poor example of how to deal with the Musashi. Not only did their incompetence employ bad tactics and strategy, but they are not even prepared or equipped to handle the situation.
@Ushio01 7 лет назад
When the USA reactivated the Iowa class in the 80's it's armour was considered impenetrable by anti ship missiles of the day and the Musashi has thicker armour than the Iowa class.
@andrewfortune804 7 лет назад
the soviets antiship missiles were capable all right.. google up what the AS4 kitchen was
@caustic4874 7 лет назад
true but they wern't expecting it so musashi got the initative
@tandemcharge5114 6 лет назад
If I had a dollar for every armchair historian-esque comment in this video, I'd crash the global economy
@falseprophet1415 4 года назад
That's a damn good quote. I'll probably use that someday....like in person with someone, not another RU-vid comment.....Well I might, but more like I'd forget about where I heard it and just say "fuck it, it's free real-estate."
@mrunaltondre6051 2 года назад
That would be 2k dollars
@polygonalfortress Год назад
you'd be a millionare
@Leonidas1210vc Год назад
@moedictatornoriega8475 Год назад
Nonetheless id rather have those annoying armchair historians than these silly anime fans trying to lessen the arguments of literal navy vets and ship nerds
@matchc0635 Год назад
I think many people overlooked the things background, since the video doesn't show it: There's these weird mind-controlling mice making the students aggressive to anything around them. Most people other than the crew of that WW2 DD showed up in the end of the video *did not knew this. The DDGs perceived the Battleship was friendly but the latter one is infested with said mice and open-fired on them, Aircraft carrier is not introduced in the whole season since it would be hecking op, plus the writer is probably "Cannon fans" so they purged aircraft from the show-thus no TBD gaming. The reason why they didn't just blew the superstructure, or make it ammorack, break it in half is that would basically means hundreds of school kids will be dead(even thou noone actually died in the show, so I would assume shooting the superstructure wont do jack), the reluctant of DDGs captain basically shows this so they went for mission-kill, failing miserably because plot, too-small of a torpedo and mice messing with electronic
@tranquoccuong890-its-orge Год назад
funny that the actual context for the video got no comment and barely managed to be pushed up the list while all the funny discussions about how a 1000kg-warhead-anti-ship-missile would blow up the superstructure hogged up all the attentions
@MSA_madi Год назад
I have no idea whats goin on. I watch this show but its has no impact like girls un panzer. Thnks for the context .
@jubilanttitan4999 2 года назад
And to think, Her sister ship flew across the universe, wrecked Gamilan fleets, and saved Earth
@palladiamorsdeus Год назад
@tylerslagel5485 6 лет назад
@flyboymb 6 лет назад
There's likely a huge mass of squid swimming around the ship just in case they have to abandon ship. It's Japan. It isn't a matter of if but when.
@tylerslagel5485 6 лет назад
Oh god why..... I loath the fact that this comment is situationally appropriate.
@rpk321 6 лет назад
Blame the nukes that US hit Japan with...They did something to Japan. On a more serious note...Japan's population is on a decline even if their companies and government increase one pays and/or reward money for having children... That is the situation...So... I don't know what to make of what I said, honestly.
@moisesezequielgutierrez 6 лет назад
Amethyst Blade But Japan is the one who started, um i mean they just bombed the innocent pearl harbor together with the sleeping/unprepared mens so... well deserved? maybe?
@senorhace4746 6 лет назад
America should of puppet them
@sliverbullet7973 5 лет назад
I was hoping for a badass battle between the ships but then I saw the little girls I threw my phone
@PaulonTheBrave 5 лет назад
I hope it broke
@djsirenhead8400 4 года назад
He Said *YEET!!!*
@momotaro__ 4 года назад
Almost threw my phone too....how dumb those school girls can be?
@djsirenhead8400 4 года назад
Little Anime Girls Gaved Me The Creeps! 😨😷
@puresomenessd2146 4 года назад
Imagine being in a Sabaton music video
@michaelwoods2672 Год назад
Just to add to all the people correctly pointing out how badly modern destroyers would utterly demolish this battleship, remember the destroyers have all the time in the world. The battleship is never catching them and support would be on the way, all the while the superstructure is being slammed by antiship missiles. The destroyers would not only be capable of sinking a WWII battleship, they would be able to do so with utter impunity.
@johnassal5838 Год назад
It's a bit like a grizzly bear vs a team of Navy Seals. Sure, it would get ugly one on one at close range with no warning there's a bear about to chomp but in any other scenario Yogi isn't going to get within claw range and certainly won't get to walk away.
@angelapolinar5343 Год назад
"all the while the superstructure is being slammed by antiship missiles." You mean, all the while the anti-ship missiles are being returned to sender by the Totalitarian Hive?
@michaelwoods2672 Год назад
@@johnassal5838 Folks like me aren't discussing the lore in whatever this is, we are talking about why the bigger "better" battleships of WWII disappeared.
@johnassal5838 Год назад
@@michaelwoods2672 I'm guessing you meant to reply to the other guy. I don't know what he's talking about either.
@tcsmagicbox Год назад
That ship had so much plot armor that it was unsinkable!
@yisuscrise8258 Год назад
@perryandcoleswebsite 5 лет назад
Modern torpedos don’t detonate on the side of the hull, they detonate under the hull so it can break the keel therefore breaking the ship apart.
@thegenericguy8309 Год назад
I mean modern ASuW torpedoes would do that but the role of the torpedo hasn't been primarily ASuW for half a century
@kyledavidgalan9908 Год назад
They didn't because their training torpedoes, plus if they sunk the ship the destroyer captain and crew would be court martialed due to killing students.
@juanquireyes6703 Год назад
@@kyledavidgalan9908 court martialed for self-defense? Its fire back or die, by the looks of it.
@littledevil1508 Год назад
Shitty writers didnt research for this anime. Clearly a F grade mark
@eletricalfuse21 5 лет назад
Musashi : *exists* Modern destroyers : ah shit,here we go again.
@grapieboi7279 3 года назад
The ship in the anime is not the Musashi its the Yamato
@andreasbonaparte8171 3 года назад
Idk dude, if this are American destroyer, the tomahawk missile will rain down that outdated ship
@koltp1909 3 года назад
In neo warfare x my musashi got sunk by an missile spammer :/
@enstarfanensemble1092 2 года назад
@@grapieboi7279 you are the wrong here. Yamato appeared in the first chapter and is with blue lines. The red one is her sister Musashi, the Yamato was in port when this battle happened.
@uncfcosmonavy8822 2 года назад
@@enstarfanensemble1092 And at the film, the Yamato appears with green stripe, am i right?
@tsarbombawithinternetconne875 4 года назад
I’m getting tired of highschool girls using military equipment like they’re just toys
@bababdu7195 4 года назад
Ikr! Real life people that use military equipment use it for killing things. On the other hand, fucking anime makes that look like a joke
@redcomment6768 2 года назад
Bet in the future they gonna use space battleships
@tsarbombawithinternetconne875 2 года назад
@@redcomment6768 thats too ridiculous lol
@redcomment6768 2 года назад
@@tsarbombawithinternetconne875 and operating a battleship is not?
@tsarbombawithinternetconne875 2 года назад
@@redcomment6768 science said it lol.
@gmsniperx3623 Год назад
The level of plot armor is beyond insane 💀 A modern destroyer would sink a WW2 era ship without the enemy even knowing of the ship’s location.
@dabbingraccoons6416 Год назад
Fr I hate it when anime girls get random plot armor I want to see them get ripped to shreds by an anti-ship missile
@truth-12345. 6 лет назад
Man, teenages playing on warfare weapons again?
@jblumanog4291 6 лет назад
Rocky Ugsod it’s basically the naval version of Girls Und Panzer
@EjDaddyyyy 5 лет назад
@@jblumanog4291 lol so true
@finnmurtons8727 5 лет назад
It's not weird that girls like to play WoT and WoWs now, ain't it?
@crazydiamondrequiem4236 5 лет назад
Finn Murtons except that these are REAL war machines not videogames.
@joshapple6905 3 года назад
High school Fleet.
@RenShinomiya121 5 лет назад
you know what? i'm going back to GuP. watching that one with all the historical references and playing for sport is better than incompetent ship captains getting shot at.
@Ledabot 5 лет назад
lol. This show is in the same universe.
@michaelho4014 3 года назад
I think the bigger is that it has by far the stupidest villains concept I have ever seen in my life MIND-CONTROLLED HAMSTERS THAT CAN CAUSE VIRUS AND HAVE JAMMING ABILITIES WTF were they smoking
@metaknight115 2 года назад
@@michaelho4014 idk
@PrivateMcPrivate 2 года назад
@@michaelho4014 idk a uranium fuel rod?
@phalanx3803 Год назад
@@michaelho4014 thats kinda the point of fiction its a world of the creators imagination any thing can happen like War Hammer 40,000.
@nathaniellazo5912 Год назад
Loved watching this series in one sitting, as ridiculous as it is, I hope for more!!
@panzer_tank Год назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="9">0:09</a> "when all the battleship cannons are looking right down your soul, we all know you are dead" -panzer
@carlobayani 5 лет назад
@rimmipeepsicles1870 5 лет назад
They're conscripts
@lorentzcoffin4957 6 лет назад
first mate: Sir they've fired on us. Me, having replaced the incompetent fleet commander: Launch a salvo of cruise missiles. First mate: But sir there are student's aboard. Me: Well they should have remembered we have a wonderful assortment of very deadly anti-ship cruise missiles and the Mark 45 weapon system before doing that shouldn't they. Speaking of which, all ships concentrate fire on the command tower. Wait for my order to fire. And then I'd give them the opportunity to surrender. If refused I'd give the order to open fire.
@fhwkeifuenw 6 лет назад
Jasper Rodriguez It's good to see people who notice the incompetence of that fleet commander. They had like 11 destroyers Vs one battleship. It's an easy win.
@littleboy746 6 лет назад
Jasper Rodriguez it must be hard being stupid. The ship and the students are apparently worth more than all those ships and all the other sailors' lives. They are also brainwashed by something, hence why he was trying to just disable the ship instead of sinking that shit
@OldManEsteban 6 лет назад
Jasper Rodriguez "the reasonable option"
@ace448 6 лет назад
1 Exocet or harpoon would ruin that battleships day
@AsttoScott 6 лет назад
I would've had missiles launching the second I seen a turret begin to turn.
@remliqa 11 месяцев назад
In Nihonkoku Shoukan/Summonin Japan, the modern JMSDF destroyers completely dominated the Yamato-class battleship Grade Atlastar in combat (technically Grade Atlastar is an upgraded Yamato as it have radar as well as proximity fuse) . Not only dis the destroyer peppered the Yamato -class with anti -hip missiles from beyond visual range of the battleship but they even used their AEGIS system to shoot down the main cannon shells in flight .The battleship never stood a chance.
@ratzfatz6880 Год назад
Most modern torpedos don't go for direct strikes. They get maneuvered under its target where the following detonation would have crippled the hull, basically like hitting a spine with a baseball bat.
@someguyfromfinland4239 7 лет назад
Mushashi *gets hit by multiple torpedoes * Not a single fuck given.
@ZanOGAL 6 лет назад
they havent referred to world of warships
@carso1500 6 лет назад
Foxy fox training rounds
@theexchipmunk 6 лет назад
Real modern torpedoes would have simply broken the keel and sunk it in short order.
@shockwave6213 5 лет назад
Fun fact: The secondary gun batteries on the sides were replaced and supplemented by huge amounts of additional AA guns. While the ship was under repair in April 1944, the two 6.1 inch (155mm) wing turrets were removed and replaced with three triple 25 mm gun mounts each.
@koltp1909 3 года назад
The same modification went to Yamato as well Her 2 152mm guns on the sides were switched to AA guns in an similar config as Musashi's AA placement
@nanomachinesson1537 Год назад
God damnit will we ever get a modern made military anime WITH NO GOD DAMM LOLIS
@jeff_theepic1011 Год назад
There’s a reason on why 2 nukes *just wasn’t enough.*
@Lappland_is_mitsu Год назад
Bc seeing little girls with massive guns is just epic.
@nanomachinesson1537 Год назад
@@Lappland_is_mitsu i figured someone with a profile pic like that would like lolis with guns no offense
@Lappland_is_mitsu Год назад
@@nanomachinesson1537 i dont like the idea of lolis i like the idea of small people with massive guns
@nanomachinesson1537 Год назад
@@Lappland_is_mitsu i see i see i am too a big fan of tiny people wielding unbelievably large weapons and my favorite would be Tanya
@xirb-4007 4 года назад
If I were the fleet commander, I'd tell them to fire every live ammunition on that ship.
@tonyepic8 6 лет назад
The lovely power of plot armor
@captquazar 5 лет назад
When the US BBs were brought out of mothballs, their armor had a new advantage. At that time, None of the anti-ship missiles were designed to penetrate heavy armor. So in the case above "training warheads" would have no hope of inflicting significant damage, whereas the 18in cannon shot would inflict severe damage on a modern destroyer. These are designed for speed, not heavily armored.
@georgesmith6218 4 года назад
Well, spotting and hitting a destroyer at actual engagement range is pretty difficult task. Vast majority of media does very poorly at portraying this sort of distances.
@kousand9917 Год назад
I mean the Musashi looks like they have stormtrooper aim and cant hit a fucking thing, and the Modern Destroyers were just stupid beyond belief.
@vitvacek3172 Год назад
@@kousand9917 in actual battleship engagements at standard range, ie 10+km, an accuracy of 1% was considered average, if not superb. During the sinking of the Hood, bismarck depleted nearly all of its AP ammunition, before scoring a single devastating hit.
@FebiMaster Год назад
@@kousand9917 if you played war thunder you would understand how freaking difficult it is to hit a moving ship at a range of 10+ kilometres
@thegenericguy8309 Год назад
this is only true for western missiles such as the Exocet and Harpoon. the Soviet missiles the BBs actually would have gone up against had massive shaped charge and SAP warheads designed to cripple carriers, and the missile that nearly blew the Eilat in half would be more than enough to gut a BB with a decent sized salvo
@GravitasZero Год назад
*hopes to see a cool war anime* *sees school uniform* “The search for non highschool (or younger) anime continues” I know there are anime like that, but the amount of highschool anime (or main character of that age or younger) is kind of depressing.
@nanomachinesson1537 Год назад
FINALLY someone i can agree with
@angelapolinar5343 Год назад
Watch The Cockpit. It's a WW2 anime but the characters are (mostly) older.
@YourAverageGuy12345 Год назад
I love the logic of anime some times like when a turret (Musashi main battery)that is the same weight of a average American WW2 destroyer aka the fletcher class can just turn faster then someone running 1 feet and how the modern ships never heard of cruise missiles
@towwong2822 5 лет назад
They forgot that planes were more effective against Yamato-class battleships. Remember what happened on the 7th of april 1945?
@PaulonTheBrave 5 лет назад
Well you can't use something that doesn't exist, in this universe aircraft weren't invented.
@m1a1abramstank49 3 года назад
@@PaulonTheBrave So cruise missiles, harpoons, torpedoes, and APFSDS rounds don’t exist? I’m gonna call some BS on that
@kmanilewis4078 3 года назад
@@PaulonTheBrave Wait what.
@ezalfarizy7113 Год назад
You can't use Plane cause JSDMF doesn't have CV
@Chiknnnnnn Год назад
@@ezalfarizy7113 no lmao, it's just plot armor to save the little lolis asses. They would have been on the ocean floor dead with their outdated battleship if this was real life.
@XBOXGamerPro7281 5 лет назад
This is why you don't give a damn battleship to 14-18 Year olds...
@munetanimashiro8375 2 года назад
Watch anime before commenting...
@tupolev.designs 2 года назад
@@munetanimashiro8375 yeah let’s try in reality, cause we live in real life, not in anime, and definitely, if I gave a 14 yr old a battleship from ww2, I’m already expecting a puzzled face, and not to mention the same would be with some anime 14 yr old, but you know “14 yr OlD aNiMe GiRlS cOuLd DeStRoY tHe WoRlD wITh A wW2 battleship” like you tell me, it doesn’t make sense, why do they even go to school if they already know how to operate something as complex as a battleship, cause apart from steering the ship, you have to check, different things and maintain the engine, I don’t think a 14 yr old even knows how to manage fuel…..let alone some hydraulics and cannon loading of guns the size of a 1 story building
@kyledavidgalan9908 Год назад
@@tupolev.designs The ship is highly automated though, making it easier for the 14 year old girl to use it, still does not explain how they know how to maintain it but I assume they got instructors with them.
@tupolev.designs Год назад
@@kyledavidgalan9908 true, plus it's automated so how do they know, and who told them how do propulsions work and the working of a submarine works
@kyledavidgalan9908 Год назад
@@tupolev.designs I assume before they got assigned to their ships or even before they become marines(forgot their organization name) they learnt to maintain a ship in middle school for people wanting to become a marine, like an extra curricular class.
@kysforreal123 4 года назад
War Machines : *Exits* Little Anime Girls : Hi Over Sized Killing machine lemme use u
@MrBinnie824 9 месяцев назад
Too bad GATE didn't have a naval component. But imho, Zipang does the "modern warship vs. WWII BB" scenario better justice.
@Kukus-xy3gi 5 лет назад
If only we had that turret traverse speed in wows
@kyawthu755 4 года назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="130">2:10</a> Why can't we do this in world of warships?
@CarmineKar98K 4 года назад
Because the system doesn't allow you to multitask and even if it did you would have to do one at a time which by that point you've already lost your targeting on one ship while trying to aim at another separate one.
@cupofearlgreytea7651 4 года назад
I'd be awesome! But alas, that'd make battleships too OP, even if it was harder to multitask as oppose to doing half or full salvos. One example that comes to mind is Bismarck, those guns shred ANYTHING, NOW imagine shredding 2 even 3 ships at a time...with all that said, it'd be cool as hell.
@malithssamarathunga 4 года назад
Kyaw Thu exactly man they should have that option
@aligenderuwo6471 4 года назад
Well, wow should be playing one ship, with multiple crew as players whose task is Manning main turets (1,2,3 or 4), secondaries Canons, AAA, ship movement, torpedoes and a captain. That should be perfect. But yeah, it's a video game...
@koltp1909 3 года назад
Same thing in neo warfare x My turrets are trained in 1 direction not like this :(
@josecolon2717 Год назад
Fun fact, no Yamato class could survive torp hits at the point the torp bulge met the armor. This is due to a glaring design flaw in the use of riveted armor failing to hold itself onto the ship should even a light shockwave travel through at this point. Basically the hull falls off and the ship falls apart if this area is hit by torpedos or plunging shots.
@coolawesomeepicman4513 Год назад
I like to think when Musashi was pointing all its main battery gun turrets opposite from eachother, it was a reference to the famous picture of USS New Jersey doing that in real life
@imnotkitakamilol3223 5 лет назад
Space Battleship Yamato: Wow, My sister always picking up fights against the human fleet..
@bababdu7195 4 года назад
check blue steel lol
@matess3655 6 лет назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="142">2:22</a> when the non-weebs lost their shit
@notagoti6907 3 года назад
I would litteraly noclip in and say:"use live ammo dumass"
@jocax188723 Год назад
“Oh no! A rogue battleship! What do we do?” *chuckles in Exocet*
@Thethirdshingoji 12 дней назад
Chuckles in aircraft
@BlackSkull1984 8 месяцев назад
Modern Warships be like:
@Foat_Gucker 6 лет назад
Anime be like: FUCK YOU LOGIC
@killzxc3 6 лет назад
if u havent already known this by making fucking ships into girls and making girls ride in tanks. then your REALLY DUMB
@Foat_Gucker 6 лет назад
Killzxc yeah, I should've known better by now
@d.cypher2920 6 лет назад
Rabbits on deck...adolescent girls at the helm of a ww2 battleship... some strange weed y'all grow over there in Japan bro...lol. 😂😂😂 😩😩😩
@AirshipCanon2 6 лет назад
The rats aren't supposed to be on deck, they're the source of trouble- they're an ET/FC's worst nightmare since they radiate an RF that fucks up electronics bad and cause Zombie infections. The Battleships are trainers, and in this AU, WWII never happened-- at least as far as Japan is concerned. I think a Nazi victory in Europe might have, given the presence of the Spee, and the lack of "things that stop WWII in Europe" and the presence of "things that keep America from waking up and hulk smashing".
@ryder9735 5 лет назад
@@AirshipCanon2 what
@seadav0183 5 лет назад
@MMuraseofSandvich 5 лет назад
@@AirshipCanon2 Don't forget: No powered flight, ergo no aircraft carriers. Because Reasons™.
@solarsatan9000 5 лет назад
Oh it's worse those girls are on those ships with 0 adults and there learning to be rescue crews for the most modern ships ever
@reimuchan003 Год назад
While some actions taken by the destroyers were questionably dumb, at least there's a reason why the destroyers don't just outright sink the Musashi, in context, the crews of Musashi were mind-controlled and held as hostage so they can't really endanger them by firing fatal ammunitions at the ship.
@rapatacush3 Год назад
Why not?
@alanfran Год назад
@@rapatacush3 death of innocent students, primarily.
@Polymerata Год назад
​@@rapatacush3 devious
@satousatou5540 4 года назад
@eugeneoliveros5814 6 лет назад
This is more or less how most matches against the Yamato in world of warships goes, except by the end we're all either dead, or trying to take cover
@kerkize8907 6 лет назад
Man i have always hate to see girls mess with ships, tanks, and jets
@nuclearwarhead9338 6 лет назад
Kerk 123 me too
@angloempire6935 6 лет назад
Kerk 123 girls mess with shit
@PhilipsJacob-yo8hu 6 лет назад
Kerk 123 yes your right
@SleepyRulu 6 лет назад
Kerk 123 why is that?
@mayelinesantana 6 лет назад
true. unless u know what the heck u doing don't touch anything
@clothpillow7218 4 года назад
Lol I'm a bit late for the party(3 years late) but I wanted to clarify something, while trying to not spoil things. The highschool girls in the Musashi were under the control of a virus, so they became very aggressive and attacked the destroyers. Also, the shot of the girls in a bridge is not the same ship.
@guywhotriestogetalife5041 4 года назад
Musashi: *Exist* Submarines: im about to end this ship's career
@koltp1909 3 года назад
Planes killed Musashi
@dolfi2008 2 года назад
And the submarine captain is the same captain from "Hunter Killer"
@wongwang7475 Год назад
No, it’s more like this Musashi : Exist’s Literally the entire U . S Airforce : “ Ah shit, here we go again “
@Kefp_mimi Год назад
Physicist and historian screaming in anger over this anime 😂
@Leonidas1210vc Год назад
Looking at the comment section....pretty much what I expected before I clicked. Not disappointed.
@warner735 6 лет назад
Also, modern torpedoes don't hit the side (aka heavily armored area a ship), they detonate under the keel and break the ships back. One MK.48 would probably cripple the Musashi.
@brandondaway1 5 лет назад
yes but the dummytorps always hit the side. that's just how they work.
@ZonaAsier Год назад
“They’re firing live ammo at us, what do we do?” “Return fire with paintballs! That’ll show them!”
@CaptUnstoppable Год назад
I'm imagining that during this every Iowa class battleships sensed a disturbance in the waves and started to crave war again
@Rationalific 2 года назад
This is insane! Those controlling a warship are wearing sailor uniforms?! Hey...wait a second... Now that I think about it...
@Commonlogicguy 5 лет назад
And here I expect to see a destroyer firing at a samurai.
@devaneyjohn5349 Год назад
The mice around those MLRS tubes got roasted for sure.
@LtAce150 Год назад
When the only part you studied was the shape.
@kmshutton9152 7 лет назад
Is this like the Japanese force one vs Tafty 3
@anarchyandempires5452 7 лет назад
union pacific big boy 4014 kind of except in this case taffy 3 is defeated.
@hpdeskjet2596 6 лет назад
Except 2 taffy 3s vs 1/4 of the force one lol
@redenginner 6 лет назад
+Zhao Zhao and utterly incompetent. Like seriously back the fuck off, missles have much greater range than battleship guns. And even at that range the five inch guns of those destroyers(similar to arliegh burkes) should be able to shred command and control, and remove all fire control directors. If you wanted the crew unharmed just use the guns to remove fire directors and to damage the gun batteries.
@sirboomsalot4902 6 лет назад
Nah, Taffy 3 is much cooler
@virgilio6349 5 лет назад
Expect here the Captian wasn't using his brain. "Evasive maneuvers? Whats that?"
@PiviotAtWar 6 лет назад
Is this Girls Und Das Boot?
@agent45625 6 лет назад
Basically if Das Boot had mated with Girls Und Panzer and Battleship, this would be the result.
@hunormagyar1843 4 года назад
Nah this is just Das Boot 2018 by itself anyway. The old 1981 film was at least pretty good.
@kentobender 9 месяцев назад
you know the Anime is Somewhat Unrealistic when you see Experts with boats that have Big Guns appear
@CZDELTA-mo7vr Год назад
Lmao some one just try to use Morse code in broad daylight like some one can see that for away 🤣🤣 its only for night uses lol
@dabbingraccoons6416 Год назад
Let’s be honest, in real life they would hit with one torpedo or 1-3 anti ship missiles at a range where the musashi wouldn’t even have seen them and sunk
@dabbingraccoons6416 Год назад
I also would like to watch these high school girls get shredded by anti ship cannons, also in this day and age a single plane would have obliterated them
@rubina6327 10 месяцев назад
That's if its in a reality and in a war situation. In this scene, the instrutors were trying to locate and save the missing students and ship. They wouldn't want to hold accountable for their students' death so in this scene maybe they're using dummy torpedo or torpedoes that only cause minimal damage. But who knows? The best thing we can assume is plot armor is everything in a story.
@dabbingraccoons6416 10 месяцев назад
@@rubina6327 as long as no one died in the anime I would have no problems with the plot, but if they actually killed people in the battleship they should have been blown up
@seankestebernales5841 5 лет назад
I don't really know how to swim. Guess Im going back to Panzer und Girls.
@RenShinomiya121 3 года назад
at least gup have those semi accurat historical references and is pretty fun to watch.
@bapakeganteng217 3 года назад
When they were in the legendary film "Final Countdown" The Girls : AAAARRGGHHHH!!!! NOOO!!!! ARRGGHHHH!!! *BOOM!!
@kamalal-hamid4634 Год назад
Those were some accurate ranging shots lmao😂😂😂💀
@JBW_timothy_96 6 лет назад
And I just about finished this day without getting cancer
@user-bx6ey8zk2z 5 лет назад
@user-tg8jz1sl8l 5 лет назад
@user-jo3ij1sf7r 4 года назад
@arliamust2247 4 года назад
恐らく生徒の判断では、実弾装填は出来ず、教官の指示にしたがっての管理と思われます。教官が外部から管理を行っていると思われるので、実際に使っているのは、恐らく模擬弾なんでしょう。 ここからしたにはネタバレがあります。 Ratウィルスによって、現代改修され、電子制御になった主砲は、目視照準となるので、辺りどころがよかったのでしょうか?
@Hibiki6609 3 года назад
@bbtanager Год назад
@Thisisahandle957 Год назад
The fact that they used VL-ASROC's is kinda accurate since the ship shown is the Akizuki-class destroyer which can only launch RIM-162 missiles which are against air targets, RUM-139 VL-ASROC, and Type 07 VL-ASROC although they are only used on submarines I believe.
@CrystallineFoxCF Год назад
VL-ASROCs are designed for Anti-Submarine warfare, yes, but as many people have pointed out, they did state very clearly that they wanted to use non-lethal munitions (Training Munitions)
@andrewengel3023 Год назад
with how many shells the Musashi had fired on 'Friendly vessels' I cannot say I would have made the same decisions as the captain of that destroyer, with a vessel of that magnitude bearing down on vessels that couldn't take a hit from a secondary, much less a main caliber gun, I would have ordered the fleet to fire everything they had, if it takes a 75MM OTO shell to knock some sense into the students, so be it, its that or get flattened by an 18 inch shell.
@then00brathalos Год назад
127mm vulcano guided shell towards the bridge, I ain't putting my men at risk because some girls had teenage issues. Once fired by it is hostile unless higher ups says otherwise.
@andrewengel3023 Год назад
@@then00brathalos I cant say I'd go that far, but I understand where you're coming from
@TheDaltonius 2 года назад
If the Musashi had a direct hit once the destroyers would not be afloat, however if the destroyers actually tried to fight for real the Musashi wouldn’t even have had the chance to fire twice.
@mondymysan7905 2 года назад
Whoever fire first at that close fight would be the winner. But even little modern missiles boat could sink ww2 battleships.
@kyledavidgalan9908 Год назад
The ddg's actually fired missiles at the musashi but didn't work due to jamming
@angelapolinar5343 Год назад
@@kyledavidgalan9908 Finally someone who actually notices this detail, instead of all the armchair admirals that conveniently ignore HSF Musashi's upgrades.
@koltp1909 Год назад
Since 99% of the comments argue that a Yamato class can’t survive attacks from a modern destroyer, the simple reason is why this is not the case in this anime: *Warning: Spoilers* An virus outbreak that turns people rabid infects the school’s ships. The Musashi’s crew got infected because of this and only a few survivors hid away in corners. That’s why the destroyers actions in this are just unrealistic. They didn’t want to sink the ship full of civilian students just because of some virus.
@schmeatgaming853 Год назад
what season and episode did this come from?
@koltp1909 Год назад
They didnt know there was a virus at the super battleship
@mooderpcow8614 Год назад
From my research, that many destroyers would likely be able to take down the musashi after a prolonged fight. The DDG’s would first run like hell to get away from effective 16 inch gun range. Fortunately, ww2 guns aren’t the most accurate so the destroyers would likely escape after a long while of trying to get a lucky hit on the deck. However, the destroyers may have a very good chance of crippling the musashi after just a very short fight because modern guns are decently accurate and if the destroyers hit either the main/secondary command deck or the range finders, then the musashi would probably just be left without sufficient weaponry to do anything and thus could be waited out until reinforcements arrive. Alternatively they could just run and wait for air cover to hit the musashi with dozens of JDAM’s and missiles.
@jameson1239 Год назад
Or just launch Harpoons from a 100kms away
@CoolBluBoi Год назад
I'd never thought I would have ever seen Girls und Kriegsschiff
@themarkus05246 5 лет назад
Did I just watch a battleship clap a whole fleet of arleigh Burke class destroyers? What did I just watch
@ATLAS_45445 5 лет назад
Not Arleigh Burke, its either Atago or Kongo class destroyer.
@themarkus05246 5 лет назад
Lol they totally stealed the arleigh Burke design
@ATLAS_45445 5 лет назад
Canadianairforce69 I know, they’re the only ships outside the US with AEGIS
@fongkei8448 4 года назад
@@ATLAS_45445 Still the same
@ATLAS_45445 4 года назад
Fong Kei technically yeah
@Wanking_wanker Год назад
why does every anime need to be in a high school….
@user-fd6pg2cy6r Год назад
People who don't know anime ask why all anime are held in high schools lol
@theeffortlessteam Год назад
as a sailor student itself, i can confirm this anime is not about fantasy if we dont include physical rules about sea battles, sickness, a japan mainland getting sunked in a shorter time than it has to be (around 9 cm per year if i remember correctly) and a sailor highschool only about girls using real warships instead of a highschool with open to everyone and with cargoships. but this anime is fun and its gonna be my only reason to continue my school for 1 more year then to change the school and FEEL FREE. (sorry i wrote it so f.king long and i dont rlly wanna be a sailor)
@calvingreene90 Год назад
Musashi's Fire Control would be stripped away with anti-ship missiles from Beyond gun range and then probably in the dark the Destroyer would rush in and hit Musashi with multiple torpedoes taking special effort to destroy propulsion and steering. After that it is simply a matter of time.
@Fish-kz8xw 6 лет назад
When Fury movie turns into a sea battle.
@sunfyre3463 5 лет назад
You are insulting fury..
@tonyepic8 5 лет назад
@@sunfyre3463 that movie was shit, change my mind
@sheepuswoolius 4 года назад
@@sunfyre3463 Fury was Allies Biased, that Tiger would have stayed stationary and shot "Fury" first because most German tankers were told to take out the big guns first and the tank leading the line.
@DB-ct8pi 4 года назад
@@tonyepic8 well at least they were a little more realistic than this big piece of fake anime
@malphone7940 6 лет назад
Moe high school girls who pilot war machines WHY IS THIS A GENRE?????
@darthrevan704 6 лет назад
malphone ikr
@rpk321 6 лет назад
Guilty pleasure. Even for those who are very vocal about their "dislike" for this genre.
@jblumanog4291 6 лет назад
First Girls Und Panzer and now this?
@SMN-ct9gl 5 лет назад
malphone what's next? A more high school girl takes over earth?
@puimaraland2860 2 года назад
Me : That damn ship's citadel should be blown up with missiles...including that world war 2 destroyer too
@edcolou Год назад
Real:Musashi sink
@xenomorph9114 4 года назад
One real modern torpedo is enough to destroy the whole musashi.
@ThornyA_D39 4 года назад
not really
@xenomorph9114 4 года назад
@@ThornyA_D39 can sink the musashi if those girls cant handle the flooding
@georgesmith6218 4 года назад
Actually very not true, modern weapons aim deal with modern ships. Modern ships are made out of plastic and tinfoil. Having smaller missiles allows them to be cheaper and allows you to carry more of them, so basically no one carries anti-BB equipment because there can be no possible need to it.
@thebighurt2495 4 года назад
Nah. The bulge on those freaking ships could handle a LOT of punishment.
@aligenderuwo6471 4 года назад
And cripple them too if you can't destroy it, and lastly there's a saying "if it's not enough, then put more lead into it"
@yusd3093 5 лет назад
@LeonCat 5 месяцев назад
If this is Naval Ops: Warship Gunner 2, it gets crazier. Imagine seeing a twin-hull battlecarrier that shoots laser beams at you
@OuterRimPride 4 года назад
Japan your incompetence in naval combat never ceases to impress
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