
Monogamous People Are the Problem, Actually 

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In this video, we delve into the critical conversation surrounding HIV, focusing on the importance of PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and regular testing. We address common misconceptions and stigmas, exploring why HIV prevention is essential for everyone, regardless of their relationship status. We also discuss the unjust shaming of those in open relationships or who engage in casual sex, highlighting the need for a more informed and empathetic approach to sexual health. Join us as we break down barriers and provide vital information to keep you and your loved ones safe.
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10 сен 2024




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@stefrost4029 Месяц назад
Just to clarify a couple of things: PrEP (the preventative one) is the one that is also taken (alongside other things) by people with HIV. PEP is the one taken after one may have been exposed. The window period (how long it can take to show up after initial infection) is up to 3 months. If you're dating someone with HIV, you do not need any extra protection. Someone with HIV, who is on suitable medication, becomes HIV-undetectable and it is literally impossible for them to pass it on. You're way safer, with regards to HIV, sleeping with that person than anyone else. Please all remember that condoms are still worthwhile, even if pregnancy isn't a factor, because there's much more than just HIV out there. Lots of it is easily treated, but you want to know about it before you pass it on and/or get more severe (possibly permanent) symptoms. Great video, as always. I'm new here and very quickly becoming a big fan.
@thenobin Месяц назад
I was involved with a hetero couple who were testing the waters with poly (I've made some bad decisions in life, I know) and I had an HPV test come back positive. Obviously, it is not quite as dangerous as HIV, but when I brought it up with them, the woman in the couple was like 'oh yeah, I've got it too.' And to be fair, it is really common and may not have come from them, but the causal disclosure after the fact was pretty mind-boggling. Like I don't care if you just have a cold... tell me that BEFORE anything happens, please.
@LuxanderReal Месяц назад
HPV can totally cause cancer, that's insane that she didn't disclose
@justjess6636 Месяц назад
That's messed up. Isn't that assault technically?
@spooniejusticewarrior Месяц назад
That's wild. I have HPV, and I am poly, so I disclose to my partner's partners
@AetherealProcyon Месяц назад
The length people will go to in order to convince themselves that they are superior just because their preferences are "common"...
@amelliamendel2227 Месяц назад
Yeah, being cis straight is so basic
@Accelr8r Месяц назад
I laugh when people say polyamory is unnatural. Wait till they hear about bonobo apes.
@Milo-it1tf Месяц назад
I don’t think it’s unnatural, it’s just not for me, I prefer being in a closed relationship, if you like polyamory then more power to you
@PansyPops Месяц назад
I remember when I went to get my first COVID vaccine I was 16, but could easily looked like a 15 year old. I went in with my sister (who is 2 years older than me). At this point I was still single, never been with another person whereas my sister had several bf’s in the past. The nurse who administered them gave my sister hers vaccine without any questions or comments. When it was my turn she looked at me and said “Have you anything nasty in your blood?” I nearly punched that cow in her face. I kinda understand the question, it’s giving an injection so I’d understand if the nurse asked everyone. *Asking the QUEER KID* _(I was more masc presenting)_ *and not their STRAIGHT OLDER SISTER if they had an STD is so queerphobic and super inappropriate* Edit- I want to add that she would have known. I used to wear a bi-flag pin on my hoodies/jackets, she would’ve seen since I wear black and a pink, purple, and blue heart sticks out heavily.
@iamkrohn Месяц назад
Part of my yearly VA physical is a full STI panel. I have been in a monogamous relationship for 24 years. It's just good health care.
@DinosaurNick Месяц назад
My partner is monogamous, and I'm ambiamorous. He views Polyamory as cheating, and I have to explain the difference between cheating and polyamory. He and I are in a monogamous relationship because I can go either way. As for HIV topics, yeah, I always hear stuff like Aids is caused by cheating, poly, gay etc ... which isn't entirely true. It can happen to anyone
@1Hawkears1 Месяц назад
Oof :(
@PansyPops Месяц назад
It’s really confusing that people don’t know the difference between polyamory and cheating. It’s ok if people don’t want to have a polyamorous relationship, but it’s not ok to view polyamory as cheating.
@DinosaurNick Месяц назад
@@PansyPops Exactly. Like I'm loyal to my own partner(s). If I'm in a poly relationship, then I'm open with all involved. If I'm in a mono relationship then I'm loyal to my one partner. It's not hard to understand.
@user-pn4py6vr4n Месяц назад
Cheating is, in general, breaking the rules. If a relationship is polyamorous, it's not cheating, they're just playing by different rules.
@DinosaurNick Месяц назад
@@user-pn4py6vr4n exactly!
@elenchanted9904 Месяц назад
I'm bi and have had sex with straight men (3) before. One I didn't ask to get tested (it was a spur of the moment hook up, we used protection and didn't have the conversation), one was in the military so he got HIV tested somewhat regularly for it but was also weirdly resistant to getting a full panel done???? The third was also very resistant to it. I've never had that experience with any queer partners. All of my queer partners have been so normal about it, like I ask when they have last been tested and they have an answer for me. Vs straight men who had never even thought to do it before like what???! The mindset in the cishet community about getting tested and safety is INSANE.
@spooniejusticewarrior Месяц назад
Also important info: If someone is HIV positive, taking PreP, and is undetectable, they cannot transmit HIV, even if their partner is not on PrEP.
@NuclearFlan Месяц назад
that anti-polyamory person has the just world theory stuck in their head: if something bad happens to you, you must have done something to deserve it. It's wild how like half of the bad opinions you'll encounter on any given topic are rooted in the false assumption that we all get what we deserve
@IntrovertAncom Месяц назад
I was a teen in the late 80s and young adult in the 90s. I remember the fear. HIV/AIDS was no joke, but even then, many people* thought you can't get it if you always practice serial monogamy, despite doctors saying you should get tested anytime you have a new partner or anytime you suspect your partner is cheating. There were also people* who thought if you always use protection, you don't need to test unless the protection broke, despite doctors saying you should get tested at regular intervals if you have more than one partner, even if you always use protection. (edit) *straight people, especially
@CoffeePleaseThnx Месяц назад
Anyone who uses the word "degenerate" unironically is not someone to be taken seriously.
@saqwana25 Месяц назад
Never had sex, don't do injected drugs, and never got a transfusion. And recently had a blood panel for gender things. It did not anything other than prediabetic stuff.
@nikeestar Месяц назад
I saw that on Twitter. It's just awful the anti-queer sentiments out there. Oh and the anti poly tweeters are gits.
@dinosaysrawr Месяц назад
Shaming or mocking a "promiscuous" person for using contraception, getting themselves tested on a regular basis, and/or taking PrEP and PEP as appropriate is frankly as stupid and counterproductive as sneering at someone for exercising after eating a greasy hamburger. People should be celebrated for striving to do the right, responsible, and healthy thing!
@Megaritz Месяц назад
Interesting how people will (1) say something bigoted against polyamorous people (& queer people, women who have casual sex, etc.), and then immediately (2) *act like* the backlash is a bunch of people who are bigoted against monogamous people.
@1Hawkears1 Месяц назад
Thanks for sharing the good word ❤
@EmmaHopman Месяц назад
Gosh this is the most disappointing discourse I've seen in a while.
@EmmaHopman Месяц назад
Also I watched Dev (ShortFatOtaku) for years when I was a little younger... It's crazy that now every time I see him he's just being a moron (not that he wasn't before too)
@MMASD-mj6zi Месяц назад
It's so true do, monogamous ppl are fackin crazy, man
@n0etic_f0x Месяц назад
Yeah it’s weird, I am a massive whore and don’t have anything. I was tested at the start of June, I do it every season. I mean I just had a hookup, both the guys I was with know they are negative.
@Milo-it1tf Месяц назад
This is why I’m a monogamous person who is never going to have sex, I’m ok with the thought of doing it, I just don’t want me or my gf get an STD
@llama1312 Месяц назад
Bro called himself a “monogamoid” 😂😂😂😂 Honestly its impossible to be angry at such a clown
@thumbwarriordx Месяц назад
As someone who has dated the same girl as another guy at the same time... I can attest that the problem is they were monogamous. I met him again and he was like "hope you don't still hate me" Bro I wasn't dating you, you didn't do anything to me. This grudge never existed, it's not in my worldview.
@user-pn4py6vr4n Месяц назад
One thing I kinda hate about COVID discourse is the whole 'take a test' thing. I think the tests should be retired, honestly. Oh, you tested negative for COVID? What about influenza, RSV, whooping cough, strep throat, mononucleosis, or any of the raft of pathogens that manifest as the common cold? If you have symptoms, that is literally all you need to know. Taking a COVID test eliminates one possibility, *maybe,* since the tests suffer from high rates of false negatives. If you're sick, you're sick. Don't say 'I tested negative for COVID' like that means everything is okay. I know the ways diseases affect people are highly variable, but my experience has been that COVID has gotten more mild every time I've caught it. I'm not as afraid of catching COVID as I am of contracting influenza, which flattens me for 2-3 weeks. For the love of all that is holy, and all that is not, if you're sick, *stay home.*
@LuxanderReal Месяц назад
Yeah, I think that's a fair criticism, especially since we've noticed with more recent waves of covid that some people aren't seeing a positive result until day 4 of symptoms. There are tests from overseas that do a more comprehensive check for 4-5 things, and I do still think covid is the most prevalent disease when we're looking at these summer waves, but symptomatic is symptomatic regardless and people should be taking precautions re: masks and isolation
@user-pn4py6vr4n Месяц назад
@@LuxanderReal Just in case it wasn't clear, I meant 'you' generally, not you in particular. Re-reading my comment, it's far more accusatory in tone than I intended. It's Winter here in Australia, and I've thus far managed to avoid getting sick with anything, despite some of my coworkers coming into work sick multiple times. I'd love it if those multi tests were more common here. If someone needs to see a red line on a test in order to do the right thing, they'd be good to have around.
@dalailarose1596 Месяц назад
That's a really good point, altho I think covid tests are still helpful for knowing how long to quarantine, & whether partners & housemates also need to quarantine. Covid is just SO insanely contagious, I'm glad my social group is still very cautious about it. But yeah, if you have symptoms of an illness, & you test negative for covid, congrats; YOU'RE STILL SICK. Stay home, plague rats.
@Borealisphoenix Месяц назад
In polyamory or monogamous there are questions of faithfulness. Please lets not start talking crap about people who are monogamous. I keep hearing this logic from some people like polyamory is this far superior way of being in a relationship. None of it matters in general or in the area of protection and STDs. Thinking that a poly person is more responsible is stupid. This is a person to person issue. Either they are going to respect their body and yours or they are no. One lifestyle is NOT more responsible than the other. I am really sick of the comparing of it. Me personally I would do either. It really depends on the person and what I am looking for at that point in my life. Presently I am with a partner and she was poly all the way till we fell in love. I told her I was open for a poly relationship and gave some personal boundaries nothing to crazy. She eventually decided she really just wanted me to herself when she came to believe I had everything she wanted in a woman. I then agreed to just be a couple. In this whole thing neither of us became more or less concerned over the health of ourselves or the other. Why didn't we run off and cheat with the other with people with HIV? It truly boggles the mind how our lives didn't turn into chaos. It's all about the person you are with. plain and simple. TL:DR Don't have sex with people who don't respect your desire to be healthy and alive. This can be 1000 people or only one. The result is the same.
@HotDogTimeMachine385 Месяц назад
Stay safe!
@misssheltered1081 Месяц назад
I asked a nurs at my doctors ofice about getting tested since i got laid once and since we are both virgins she didn't think I needed to get tested.
@marinacroy1338 Месяц назад
The craziest thing to me is that the monogamous people who are judging others for being poly have probably never interacted with poly people before, or even tried it. They have no reason to dislike poly other than they think its "dirty" and weird." I tried poly at one point in my life. I had an awful experience with it. I have more reason to hate poly than most people, yet I don't. Its that easy. I've chosen to be monogamous for now, and it makes me really happy, but it doesn't make me better than anybody else.
@dalailarose1596 Месяц назад
It's always really nice to hear this sentiment, even tho I'm really sorry you had such a bad experience. I hope any polyamorous people you meet show you the same level of respect. Tbh I find many aspects of monogamy a bit puzzling, & some mono cultural norms can be extremely toxic. But I also don't think the majority of people are well-suited for polyamory, & I believe that to some degree the tendency to be monogamous or not is innate, & should be absolutely respected.
@KaitLynnHt Месяц назад
I need to talk toy dr about this... Everyone seems split on whem to start. I am coming out of a 15 year dry spell because of anxiety, but on top of working on the anxiety, I'm 3 years on testosterone. So on one hand since Im not yet active again, so ive been told i dont need to start yet. But Im looking for a partner and if i had my way, my T makes me feel like humping everything that moves, so in that case i would want prep. Its like, i should start before I become active, at the same time I have no idea when that will happen. I could be on prep for months still into my dry spell and ive been told that the side effects arent worth that if im not active.
@dalailarose1596 Месяц назад
It might be worthwhile to try prep to find out if you'll have any negative side effects, because a lot of people tolerate it just fine. My NP was on prep for a while, & didn't notice any negative side effects at all, they just got lazy & stopped taking it because I'm their only partner right now.
@KaitLynnHt Месяц назад
@@dalailarose1596 thanks. I'll talk to my doc about it
@GaryOPostle 2 дня назад
Correct me if I missed something but I googled it and we're not in another Aids epidemic so she's just saying that to falsely justify her bad faith stance
@nullusanxietas2379 Месяц назад
I hate it when poly people oppress the good and pure monogamous people, who shouldn't have to understand things or get stuff.
@SatansRoerhat Месяц назад
@ackzk Месяц назад
The polyamory copium is so bad.
@UnhingedArtist7 Месяц назад
Genesis 1:27 we read, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." The man and woman are not named and both are created at the same time out of the same red earth.
@bloodqueef4147 Месяц назад
Okay and?
@justjess6636 Месяц назад
Human beings wrote the Bible. We made this up.
@LuNa_097 Месяц назад
That's literally a fairytale tho sis
@voltijuice8576 Месяц назад
Lilith built my hotrod!
@dalailarose1596 Месяц назад
Well... Genesis also claims Adam was made first, then the other animals, & then god made Eve (not from Adam's rib, but from his side), because Adam didn't want to fuck any of the animals. Both versions appear in the bible, side by side. Anyway, did you have a point? I'm curious why you brought up that particular mythology.
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