
Mormon Patriarchal Blessings - A Discussion | Ep. 1763 | LDS Discussions Ep. 40 

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@kil-roy Год назад
I did not know Joseph Smith Sr was charging $1 a piece for patriarchal blessings. Not unlike a fortuneteller at a county fair, or a telephone psychic service. Wow. Love it.
@catherinesullivan641 Год назад
Like Catholics being charged for indulgences!
@TEAM__POSEID0N Год назад
I'll bet anything that if you went to Joseph Smith Sr. on a Friday afternoon you could get 2 blessings for a pint of whiskey or 5 for 2 pints. But from Monday through Thursday: Cash only.
Depends. I'd compare it more to Catholic Indulgences, because $1 back then was quite a bit of money!
@TEAM__POSEID0N Год назад
@@FIRING_BLIND Yes. Just for perspective, in the early 19th century, $1 to $1.50 was the going rate for one night's lodging (with meals) in many places in New York state. The going rate for budget priced motels (some with a breakfast) in New York state (not including NYC) is around $100 to $150 dollars nowadays for one night.
@scottdixon3727 Год назад
That is 33.00$ in today’s money
@bodytrainer1crane730 Год назад
I am a female and a former TBM. When I was in junior high I had an interest in becoming a medical doctor. I received my patriarchal blessing when I was 15. I felt "prompted" to receive it which looking back I believe I was feeling changes in myself (growing up) and wanted validation of that somehow...this the prompting. Anyway, it was one of the most underwhelming patriarchal blessings out of the general pot of patriarchal blessings. It basically said nothing interesting about me and the only gift it mentioned was that I had the gift of relating well with children and literally that I was a "sweet spirit." It was just boring. Nothing about a career, a mission, adventure and nothing about my humor or my very active imagination and brain. I even remember how unimpressed my Dad looked with my blessing. It was like.....ehhhh, nothing special in this kid. It hurt deeply. I knew that this colorless blessing didn't fit who I really was but I still read it all the time trying to "read into" it something that was ME. Years later one of my younger brothers blessings said he would become a doctor. He is a PA now but I wouldn't be surprised if he went to medical school later just because of his blessing. I'm honestly not sure if he ever would have gone into the medical field without it. Good? Bad? Who knows? It just seems like no one really cares who my brother really is. Just become a doctor because it looks good and can support a large family. Also it hurt deeply to "know" that God saw a doctor in my brother and not in me. I mean...now I see that it was bull shit but that bull shit has affected the directions of our lives in a deep way. What would happen if we all dealt in reality and truth instead of playing these games with real human lives?
@walrusbfv6862 Год назад
Well, to be fair, you are not a doctor correct? So because your blessing doesn’t say you’re a doctor, and you’re not a doctor, yet it does for your brother, who may be one, these blessings are bad? I’m confused.
@maryfillupsherman 11 месяцев назад
Ever heard of self fulfilling prophecy? That’s the point. No need to be confused.
@SilentThundersnow 9 месяцев назад
So well said. Wow, I think that's tragic. Just pure mental manipulation. And what deep hurt for you to not be seen as special, or even as YOU.
@SilentThundersnow 9 месяцев назад
​@@walrusbfv6862 gross job of blaming the victim. You're confused? That's your sign. You need to be 'fair' when someone expresses their hurt to you? She already said she didn't know if it was 'good' or 'bad' but you had to add pain. I'm sorry that nobody validates your feelings, or you wouldn't be so cruel. The point is, she wanted to be a doctor, they didn't say she was going to be a DR, but they did about her brother. That could easily have an impact on a child to make them lose heart and not aim for being a DR. And the whole point is, it's Fortune telling. They have no business playing with kids ' minds and pretending they can see their future. It can and does hurt many people.
@hanako4475 8 месяцев назад
Same here. The only thing about me was I'd marry a worthy son, and I have the gifts of "kindness, gentleness and meakness." which is so general and I'm NOT meak. (But I was anxious and quiet I met him. I knew then I should have shown more personality... Which proved something else.)
@kirstenkk6493 Год назад
My daughter received her patriarchal blessing at about age 15. That was the day she began her faith crisis. It was slow at first but by the time she turned 18 she didn't want anything more to do with the church. I began falling away as well.
@notme9881 Год назад
Sounds to me she is smarter than people twice her age. She didn't fall victim to it like most.
@kirstenkk6493 Год назад
My daughter has always been very open in with feelings to me. I knew things began changing for her because on the way home she said she was expecting it to be at least somewhat spiritual. She said there was nothing. And the blessing was so basic and generic that she felt like the patriarch was just reading it from paper. I don't think she realized at the time that that this was the beginning of her faith crisis but by the time she was 18 she had lost all interest in the church. She is now 30 and has no regrets in leaving. I was a convert myself at 17 but did not become really active until I was about 30. The ward I lived in was very good about fellowshipping and I felt very welcomed there. But after 14 years later I got divorced and moved away. I had a few negative visits with bishops and realized that my feelings for the church were completely wrapped up in my old ward. I stopped trying and haven't looked back. My son was 16 when he stopped going as well. Said he never really liked going. He only did it for me.
@LittleOrla Год назад
I was raised in the Catholic Church. I had my awakening at age 19 when I read the bloody, money driven history of the church.
@wendyromero2463 Год назад
I got my blessing at 17 and have hated it ever since. It says that I’d see death in my own family and that I would experience death early. It’s had me stressed out for 30+ years. I’ve always been terrified that one of my kids would get cancer or be killed in a car accident or something. 😢 I also went with my daughter in law to get her blessing. She was a new convert and the Patriarch didn’t know her at all. He literally asked her questions and got to know her for a good hour before starting. He had to get some idea about her because how else would they tell her anything meaningful 😂😂😂
@bodytrainer1crane730 Год назад
Oh my God! I am so sorry. 😖
@thermalfusionist Год назад
My blessing said I'd serve a mission. I had a life altering accident 1 week before my departure date. That led to many years following of confusion and wondering of how I disappointed the Lord to cause the accident.
@Kikithewildling Год назад
Wow. I’m sorry. That must have been really hard. Hugs!
@valkoinendev6328 Год назад
Messed up. So sorry.
@bodytrainer1crane730 Год назад
That is messed up. The LDS church is so corrupt.
@icecreamladydriver1606 Год назад
How very sad.
@walrusbfv6862 Год назад
I don’t think you disappointed the lord. I’m sorry to hear that you experienced a bad accident. Breaks my heart
@hlnbee Год назад
My grandfather was told he would have a long life-he died at 29! My blessing was short so I assumed I wouldn’t live as long as my friends with much longer blessings.
@sarahaas183 Год назад
I’m so sorry for your loss? How did he pass away?
@hlnbee Год назад
Heart problems-some type of infection.
@hlnbee Год назад
Then my grandma lost her middle daughter from a ruptured appendix at the age of 6. 😢 My grandma was born in 1889. She lived to the ripe old age of 95! (I’m 80)
@nancykindt6487 Год назад
Both my father and grandfather were the longest serving Patriarchs at time in their respective areas. I used to type up the Patriarchal blessings my father gave and did find them quite similar in many ways, but individual in others. My father gave all his children their PB's and they also basically followed the same pattern. Interestingly, however, the one he gave to my sister (who passed away at 15 yrs. old) is much shorter than usual and doesn't talk about marriage and children. This leads me to consider the possibility that there may be other spiritual forces at work (not of God) behind some of these blessings...just like some psychics claim they have spirit guides. When I asked my father at the end of his life (at 96 yrs. old) about his process of performing these PB's, he said, "Oh, you just sit and talk with them for a while and ask them questions." That didn't sound much different than how any charlatan would pretend to be a psychic, except that I'm sure he believed he got his inspiration from God. He didn't mention anything about a spiritual influence at all...which I found odd, considering how staunch his belief in Mormonism was. I had serious doubts about the veracity of Mormon claims since my teenage years, but didn't know definitively about how deep the fraud went until I dared to research the problems of Mormonism online in my 50's. Like most exMormons, because I felt that my trust had been so painfully betrayed, I spent some years in agnosticism, doubting even the veracity of the Bible. But I continued my search for the next 6-7 yrs. until I finally found solid, reasonable answers I needed in order to fully embrace the reliability of the Bible story. I feel very sorry for lost exMormons who have thrown out the baby with the bathwater. But I understand it. So far, I'm the only person in my entire immediate (and most of my extended) family who doesn't believe in the Church. It's a very lonely way to live. I don't hate Mormons, but I do hate MormonISM because it's evil. So, while I continue to suffer in some ways from the effects of the Mormon deceit, I've finally found great joy and peace in the truth of Christianity. God is so great and good.
@smartismarti4049 4 месяца назад
I've struggled and found peace in true Christianity as well. I'll add you and your family to my prayers.
@alexandertwol Год назад
Genuinely hope Nemo or Sam is on every single one of the rest of these because every time I see Nemo on these LDSdiscussions vids my wife and I both yell out “NEMO!!!” And we know it’s gonna be a great one.
@cheryltaylor5265 Год назад
That's funny!!! I'm always super happy when Nemo is on these discussions too!!!😊❤
@yeshalloween Год назад
Nemo is the absolute BEST. I can’t get enough of his content or commentary.
@jasminerae300 Год назад
Receiving my patriarchal blessing was the the one of the best events of my life. I felt completely enveloped in love from God. Prior to that I wasn’t really a full believer in the church. Everyone has their own experience. Let each find their own path and to each person let their experiences be true to them ❤
@Trevor99999 8 месяцев назад
I think you missed the point of the podcast then if you even watched it fully. Whether you want to accept it or not the church has a very problematic history with truth claims and “revelation.” The issue is that for the church claiming to be the One True Church, they’re not very transparent at all with the body of the church and constantly try to find loopholes to explain these issues. In this specific context the church has had many issues with giving very specific details in patriarchal blessings like “you will have many children” just for a mother to end up being infertile. Can you imagine how devastating that would be? The church claims these blessings are directly from God but then have to give their patriarchs stipulations like “don’t tell people they’ll be alive during the last days”, or don’t tell people they’ll baptize many on their mission because more often than not people end up dying before this supposed second coming or a missionary ends up baptizing only 1 person or no one at all on their mission. The church has so many issues that you should really look into, that aren’t just “anti Mormon doctrine” these are things that the church acknowledges but now puts the burden on you to choose by telling you to pray and see how you feel. You can’t tell me the pearl of great price is a pure translation from God. It’s been proven to be not. You can’t tell me that Joseph Smith marrying almost 40 women of which many were already married to, at the time, living men who were serving missions for the church is ordained of God. You can’t tell me the church shelling tithing money, a non taxable asset, through different companies into the stock market to build their wealth is ordained of god. It isn’t because it’s not only highly dishonest but it illegal. What god would ordain illegal activity especially given our own articles of faith state we believe being honest and holding to the law of the land. The church is a fraud and it has been since the get go. Please do some actual research
@jessicakuhn2543 7 месяцев назад
Mine was so on point!
@DelphineTheWorstBladeEver 7 месяцев назад
I'm glad it works for you. But if your faith is so unshakeable, maybe you should listen to how many people have the exact same blessing and how dangerous they can be to people when they promise a devout wife children, who can't have children. You can ignore it if you feel better for it, but honestly it scares me how many people still refuse to look at things for what they are, because they are scared.
@edenloveless36 3 месяца назад
That’s very reasonable to be upset about. The truth is. No matter where you go Church or no Church things are going to always be a little bit shaky. Example: You buy a brand new car that you adore. Next thing you know some drunk teenager rear ends you. Even if you had the whole day planned and made extra precautions. Life always finds away. Because Choas if a reaction of life itself. Without choas we would never appricate the mountains without contomplating the mass of energy it took to cause such beasts. My Patriarical Blessing wasn’t anything special. And to be honest I’m very grateful it wasn’t. Because at the time when I got it I was in need of extra strength beyond my own and was hoping to get it in my patriarical blessing. If you read the scruptures many times it will say that “God will judge All by the desires of their hearts.” Everyones job while being here on earth is to decide figure out that. God can’t just tell you. He can inspire you and even motivate you but do everything for you. And, that’s what I truly believe that’s what Patriarichal blessing are. Inspiration from God. I was reading a comment from a lady that said her mom’s blessing said she would be fertil but instead was barin and had to adopt her daughter and she said that her mother grieved her whole life because of it. But What I have to say is that he mother was fertil! She did have a daughter. It said that she would be fertil and have children but never said that that child would be growing in her stomach for nine months. Fertilty is more than a whom. It’s healthy dirt and earthly plants that are plentiful, but to God there isn’t just one type of gift to receive in this world of plenty. There are many gifts. And the gift of adoption is one of many. Patriarchs are just Men. They are not God. Joseph Smith was a prophet and he was just a man like unto any other. You can critize Joseph, but you’ll also have to critize Moses. I mean didn’t Moses himself kill a man in cold blood? So, to answer your question about the concern of blessings be copied or even pasted from another. First of all. I’ve never in my whole life as a Lds member seen a copied Patri blessing. Similar but never the exact same. God gives unto men(woman) agency. What you think or feel about the lds church or Patriarchs are really none of my buisness; but, if I may say one last thing. God intended men to be weak so that they would come to rely on him. I am weak. I sin. I’m not perfect. The problem that I have seen after reading many many comments is that almost everyone here expected their lives to be “perfect” or “change” in some way to the point of even becoming obsessed with it. The blessing was never meant to fix your life. It was meant to inspire your life. To help you deside what you want. If God inspires a man to give you a blessing the. let him. Listen. And decide what you need to do to with your life.
@ryanhollist3950 Год назад
When I had my patriarchal blessing, I realized at the time that it seemed rather generic. I don't remember it having anything that seemed all that specific just for my life. About everything in it just seemed like the kind of advice and promises made to any and every member of the church.
@thomasgilson6206 Год назад
My experience exactly
@melissaw6427 Год назад
After years of trying to find myself in my most generic blessing, I threw it away.
@ambervore1795 Год назад
YES about the children. My blessing specifically said I would provide earthly bodies to children (plural) and such about being a mom, and then we suffered secondary infertility and I kept looking back at this and thinking why would it say children if I can only have one. It was devastating (on top of language in the church about "being trusted with children" and such).
@DelphineTheWorstBladeEver 7 месяцев назад
I bet you spent too much time wondering if God took that away from you because you strayed somehow. How dangerous...
@AchievingAllOfMe Год назад
I only had Dread, Terror, and Nausea as a Mormon child and adolescent thinking of my future PB…I remember thinking there was no way I would allow myself to get one, but not sure how to get out of it… This passionate abhorrence I had for PB was a direct result from the blessing I receivebd in a room alone from the 3-4 elders moments before getting baptised. Up until then, I believed this to be the best day of my life and so confident in this “decision” I had made to get baptised. Of course that is what the church teaches all children. However, I believed it even more so because my father being a ex- missionary turned a excommunicated Mormon, he would not give me permission for my devout LDS mother to arrange the missionary teachings for me when I was 8. He finally gave in to my pleadings at 9…. But, at the moment those elders laid their hands on my head, I suddenly felt as if the floor opened up and something was trying to pull me down into darkness. I felt so heavy and dizzy and almost drugged. Everything slowed down in such a way I felt nauseous… I felt Fear, Dread, Darkness, and honestly Evil. I don’t know how else to explain it and I never since have experienced anything else like it. I just knew everything within me from there after would never allow myself to be in that position again. So, on my baptism day was the day I knew I would only be Mormon On the outside- and would leave the church as soon as I could which turned out to be at age 15. I didn’t recieve a PB, but that blessing on my baptism day led to such confusion, and years of my questioning if I was the reason why I felt like that that day. Maybe I was the source of darkness or evil I felt…. So, I totally understand how PB’s led so many people to feel the same things.
@bradleyvaughn1605 Год назад
I have a strange patriarchal blessing story. Before my mission, I got mine. It was one page long. While in the MTC with my friend, he let me read his girlfriends blessing. It was over five pages long. We had the same patriarch. The deal is, my friends girlfriend's was the granddaughter of the patriarch. Weird.
@alentia_thegreat Год назад
I knew somebody whose blessing only gave information up to going on their mission. They went on a mission (without telling anybody about their the blessing) and when they came back, they explained that they thought they would die on their mission, or on the way back, because there was no 'guidance' for after the mission. I can't imagine how scared they must have felt but every time they spoke about going, it was always with reverence and obedience to the church.
@Lovecatholicfaith Год назад
John thanks for keep up the good work! My sister passed away from cancer it was so fast she started to getting sick and when she went to the hospital she passed away. Only 30 days in the hospital. On her patriarchal blessing they said she was be alive in a second coming 😢this tragic episode in my life was helping me to awake up from all of the JS lies.
@daffodilfleur Год назад
Why can’t she come back again during the second coming? I mean she’s alive now, she just doesn’t have her body with her and has gone back home, but once she’s resurrected she’ll have her body once more. If Christ can heal and do miracles, He can do whatever will be necessary for your sister to be here when He returns.
@Lovecatholicfaith Год назад
@@daffodilfleur as a Christian we don’t give so much emphasis on the second coming because we don’t know when it is going to be . Our focus are living a life as a Christ wants to us live thus we can live with him whatever place and time He wants for us. Always when I’m trying to explain it to a Mormon person they have a lot of different sort of excuses for it. I used to be Mormon for about 30 years in my life , I went to seminary, institute, I used to teach new members and visitors. I was Relief Society concealer, and so on. I know the doctrine. That’s why I quit because the more you learn the real truth pops up.
@daffodilfleur Год назад
@@Lovecatholicfaith A lot of people do think that any comment given is making an excuse, but I said what I did because I know our loved ones aren’t far away and there’s a whole Millennium to look forward to where all unfairnesses will be rectified and compensated for in the best ways. No human knows when the second coming will be, but I just know it will happen one day. I know it’s terribly hard to lose someone so loved, and I hope you have peace in this in your life. I wish that for you, Juliana. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
@mormonskeptic6836 Год назад
My grandfather was a patriarch. He suffered Alzheimer’s and dementia near the end of his life. After he passed, we found hundreds of blessings dating back more than a decade that he had forgotten to send to Salt Lake. It created quite the scandal.
@ChrisS-dt3vq Год назад
@helenr4300 Год назад
they have to send to SLC?
@mormonskeptic6836 Год назад
@@helenr4300 oh yeah. Church keeps a record of EVERY patriarchal blessing.
@bessmertni Год назад
I had a member of my ward who suffered a heart attack (he's ok now) from the stress of one of his children giving up on the chuch. He felt he had failed god and failed as a father because his blessing said he would have rightous children.
@TassieAdams 3 месяца назад
I’ve been there. I’m sorry about your neighbor but glad to know he’s okay.
@juliekidd9750 2 месяца назад
Everything about the church is magical thinking.
@kimgoeckeritz6320 Год назад
My ancestor was one of the first patriarchs of the church after Joseph Smith Sr. I used to be so proud of that…now not so much.
@trevavaile 10 месяцев назад
I’ve been listening to several episodes. My sons served wonderful missions. They don’t regret it but both of them have been distancing themselves from the church and no matter what I love them but I was telling my son that I was having a crisis of faith like cognitive dissonance.. for real. But he was relieved on one hand but also had to go through it too. They both did.
@paigemathews8666 Год назад
A very dear friend of mine just recently got out of this religion which she considers a cult it just caused her much heartache and grief disable least I'm watching this to help her get through her immense disgust of what occurred when she received her "patriarchal Blessing"
@lettiejohnson447 Год назад
I was a convert to the church. My husband never joined. I was told in Patriarchal Blessing he would join and be sealed in Temple if I remained faithful. Well. I remained faithful until I started listening to your podcast plus Doris Hanson and Sandra Tanner. I left the church Dec 2018 knowing he would never join and I wanted no part of a cult
@rickskeptical Год назад
I remember how extremely holy the experience seemed to me at the time. I was so absolutely dedicated. I have the blessing still....stored somewhere but it has no meaning other than a momento of disallusionment. At least it has some purpose beyond kindling.
@lettiejohnson447 Год назад
When I left the church I shredded mine. Wish I had kept it and compared to others online. The only thing about my patriarchal blessing would be entertainment for sure
@rickskeptical Год назад
@@lettiejohnson447 I wonder if any local museum would be interested in it along with my temple costume.
@Boo-YouDoYou Год назад
Thank you so much for this episode. I’ve just discovered your channel today. I am an endowment member since august last year and became less active in January. And these are the exact thoughts I’ve had and you spoke my mind to a T. I’m looking forward to listening to further videos in your channel.
@ghosty22xx Год назад
thank you for all the work y’all do for this channel ❤much love and appreciation
@HaleighMarkar Год назад
I cannot believe it is just now occurring to me that at 17 when I went into a bishop interview & told him I’d been breaking the law of chastity, his recommendation was to get my patriarchal blessing & attend the temple to do baptisms for the first time. Because THOSE things keep you trapped in the church! You HAVE to be worthy to attend the temple & receive the blessings promised in your patriarchal blessing. You HAVE to keep going along the Mormon path once you do those two things. And they seriously changed the entire trajectory of my life. Wow wow wow. So manipulative!!
@ML-fg9tv Год назад
@smileysun9212 Год назад
I left the Church when I was 16 & 20yrs later the Lord blessed me. I went back to Church & got my Patriarchal Blessing. I was blown away what it said because only the Lord knew those things about me & not the Patriarch. They are so sacred & the Lord took mine away because my heart was full of anger & I wanted answers. It was on my desk in an envelope in a pile of papers. I gone through those papers 3 times shaking each one & it was not there. A thought came to mind that I needed to pray. I prayed for forgiveness & softened my heart. I went back to that pile of papers & after lifting the first paper off there was my Patriarchal Blessing. A year later I started doubting the Church again & I was going to prison. I prayed to be saved & I promised I would always follow Him. There was a miracle in the courtroom & the Judge lowered his head saying he didn’t know why he couldn’t send me to prison. I’ve been faithful to the Lord ever since & His Church is restored but there’s wicked men running His Church. I only listen to the Lord & not any Church leaders because I’ve been deceived before. I know the Book of Mormon is true because the Lord revealed it to me.
@coppersky Год назад
That’s the weirdest story ever & not in a good way lol. Talking about looking for your lost PB & then going to prison & then the judge saying he can’t send you but doesn’t know why & then saying the BOM is true? Uhhh wtf? I’m so confused 😂
@smileysun9212 Год назад
I was confused until the the Lord showed me the way. It all started when I was about to end someone’s life. If there was a God I needed Him now. That’s when I found a dusty BoM on a shelf & prayed with it. When I opened my eyes that book I once hated was opened & there underlined was 3rd Nephi 11:29-30. It was as if the Lord was speaking to me telling me I have the spirit of contention from the devil & such things should be done away. After reading away I felt the hand of the Lord remove all that anger from me & I never been that angry since. That’s when I gained my testimony of the BoM but then I started having doubts when this girl came into my life & I was going to leave the Church for her. The Lord did warn me about her but I wouldn’t listen until I got in trouble with law. That really opened my eyes. God bless
@smileysun9212 Год назад
One of the reasons I left the Church was because of Smith & I thought he made up a book. I started hating Mormons & started attacking them. I would throw rocks at them & their windows. I would even get into fights with them because they acted they where better than anyone else & only God loves them more because they’re the chosen people. God dosen’t love them more & I was surprised they never pressed charges on me but they forgave me & welcomed me back with opened arms after the Lord removed anger from me. My spiritual eyes became opened & I was so ashamed of my wrong doings but later on I started having doubts. Was the BoM really true or was that just a coincidence how the Lord blessed me. I started praying & doing research to find evidence of the BoM. My prayers were answered & I’m amazed how much evidence there are but I really didn’t need physical evidence because the Lord has blessed me enough to know that it is true. I could go on an on how many times the Lord has blessed me & has healed me by following Him. I had a miserable & messed up life before turning my whole heart to the Lord. I’ll be honest to say I don’t agree with some the Churches teachings & I don’t follow Church leaders. I only follow the Lord & He has never deceived me. There is a God & I know Him. I also know without a doubt the BoM is true.
@adamanderson8838 6 месяцев назад
@@smileysun9212 It’s not true & God will eventually see you out of it if you really do follow him.
@smileysun9212 6 месяцев назад
Last night I’ve been to an amazing Testimony that confirmed to me again that the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints is true. It’s not easy following the Lord because so many distractions in the world. The Church is ran by imperfect people & I only listen to the Lord. Thanks for the replies.
@TEAM__POSEID0N Год назад
The standard Patriarchal Blessing is basically like promising the standard Mormon "Happy Meal" to everyone who is well-behaved, subject to caveats and disclaimers set out in invisible footnotes.
@brookeroberts3928 Год назад
Switching back and forth between this and this Lori Daybell verdict
@LauraOttawa Год назад
When you were talking about people finding out which tribe they were in, it reminded me of the sorting hat from Harry Potter
@rickbarnesmusic Год назад
My blessing daid i knew all the world leaders and am best friends with jesus christ . Was told i was one of the souls to throw satan out of the heavens . Was also told to not swear as a young teenager inwas a bit rebellious and did swear . I was 16 when i got my blessing . For a long time i wanted to do good so i can hang out with jesus again i dodnt want to disappoint my so called best friend. Was told id work with children . Im on the medical field lol i fell from the church in my 20s. Due to too many lies and whatnot .
@lyndachele 3 месяца назад
I come from a Freemason family and Presbyterian, U.S.A. My great grandfather was a 32nd degree Past Master. Mormonism is so far removed from Freemasonry that it boggles my mind.
@1000huzzahs Год назад
Judah and Benjamin are the 2 tribes that weren't "lost," because they settled in the south in the kingdom of Judah, and those who settled in the Kingdom of Israel went into captivity. It makes sense to me that Mormons would choose the "lost" tribes to assign people, because that's a tenant of Mormonism, that the lost tribes are recovered.
@helenr4300 Год назад
Except they were never lost. There were 2 ways to conquer a place - one is move your own people in and let interbreeding cause a single mix of people. This happened to Israel (the northern kingdom) and is why even generations later in the time of Jesus the Samaritans, the inheritors of the mixed communities, were seen as worse than gentiles as they were a mix of jewishness and gentile and tried to carry on YHWH worship but not at Jerusalem ( see John 4 where Jesus speaks with a Samaritan woman and she brings up the issue of worship) . The other approach is to carry off the brightest and most important from the conquered nation into your nation, to leave the rest leaderless and just trying to survive. This happened according to the conquest of Judah (the southern kingdom). The side effect of that is that those deported can double down on their distinctive culture. It is thought that much of the early books of the Bible were written down and edited during the exile. And when they returned they brought that cultural reaffirmation. Thus the southern kingdom tribes are affirmed as present because they retained their distinctiveness whilst the northern 10 were called lost because their faith expression was diluted .
@kathryn2826 Год назад
My patriarchal blessing told me I was not from any of the tribes, but because of my faith I will be adopted into the tribe of Ephriam. I always thought I was not worthy of anything (being a convert) but out of the goodness of someone’s heart I can be adopted ! WHAT.?? I liked being exactly who I was…no adoption!
@prestonflatt Год назад
My patriarchal blessing seems to be on track and coming true, and I haven't been a Mormon for years. Am guessing that the Heavens bless us through whatever framework it can, perhaps even through patriarchal blessings.
@TEAM__POSEID0N Год назад
It can be interesting when something very specific and also not typical comes to pass. Most PB's that I've seen basically promise the standard, generic package of generally attainable "good things" (especially from the Mormon perspective) that people want to happen in their lives, so it wouldn't be surprising if a significant percentage of those types of good things come to pass. LIke 1 out of 5 may find that nothing really worked out. But for those who have reasonably good health, get married, have good children and so on, it may seem like the PB "promises" are being fulfilled, even though there is a sizable portion of the population (Mormon and non-Mormon) who have basically the same types of experiences in generic terms.
@prestonflatt Год назад
@@TEAM__POSEID0N Yes. If generic or if artfully vague, can be interpreted in a whole variety of ways, many of the outcomes might seem like a fulfillment of the blessing.
@helenr4300 Год назад
There is something called confirmation bias - I note and celebrate every time I prayed and something in that prayer, however vague, happens then I put this in my evidence file. However all the many things I pray for and see no hint of a solution, are not recorded. So we can cite all the evidence for , whilst discounting anything that suggests otherwise
@bingbingbaobei Год назад
Hopefully my TBM family won't read this. If my sister is reading this, stop here. So I got mine at the same time as my older brother, when I was 12 or so. My parents figured we should get it done. My sister had already gotten hers from the same patriarch. My memory of this patriarchal blessing was that I started fidgeting and opened my eyes. I was looking around to see if anyone had realized what I had: my blessing was *exactly* the same as my brother's. There may have been 1 or 2 different phrases or sentences in a slightly different order, but it was extremely obvious that it was memorized. I left and never talked about it... because you're not supposed to. Turned out that my parents went to the stake and I guess the stake president had a binder of all the patriarchal blessings. They were found to all be exactly the same. This was sent on to the 1st Presidency. The patriarch was "reeducated," and my parents were told not to talk about it with us or anyone else as it could hurt our faith. However, when we grew up, we could get new ones. So I spent 12-24 or 25 years old having mini anxiety attacks filled with guilt and shame whenever patriarchal blessings were brought up. In my very young mind, I had obviously done something to lose God's love... hence He didn't love me enough to give me a real one. It was incredibly harmful, as I went through substantial emotional abuse at the hands of a bishop and stake president as a teenager. So when I was 24 or 25, I was preparing to move overseas for grad school. I think it was quite obvious that I had 1 foot in and 1 foot out. So my parents revealed everything about the patriarchal blessing. My brother already knew, but I don't know what he chose to do. They didn't tell my sister, as hers had a clause about controlling her temper. They wanted her to do that, so they wanted her to believe in a patriarchal blessing which they knew was fake. I always found that manipulative. I decided to get a 2nd. I had to get permission from the 1st presidency, if I remember right. To be honest, it was more specific to me... but in the ways that one would be if you knew I'd spent a great deal of time abroad and planned to go to grad school there. As for lineage, the literal lineages make no sense to me. I mean, if you have the literal blood of 1 tribe, you probably have the literal blood of many or all tribes... so what's the point of saying that? Just say your mission aligns with that of x tribe. Or we're only recognizing your x lineage. My husband is Persian. He is not LDS, but I have always wondered what lineage they would have put him in. Based on Western exoticism, I bet it would not be Ephraim. However, anyone who knows the history of Persia would know he probably has the blood of all 12 tribes.
@samanthamurray3548 Год назад
Same happened to me …my best friend and I got them same time and they were almost word for word the same. A few years later I read my mums who had got hers many years before me but from the same guy and yep…almost exactly the same 😂
@bingbingbaobei Год назад
@@samanthamurray3548 I mean, the part I find most disturbing (aside from my parents still manipulating my sister, who is well into her 40s) is how secrecy was dictated all the way from the 2st Presidency. If they truly went through all the other blessings and found them to be the same, don't those people also deserve redos? Or at least to be told... If a mistake was made, why did it have to be kept secret? Couldn't they just say that humans make mistakes? I now find this all to be highly disturbing. I'm sorry you guys also got the same blessings, and I hope you were able to deal with it in a healthy way.
@tuesdaycurtis163 Год назад
Persia is modern day Iraq. I know this because my husband's father is from Persia.
@bingbingbaobei Год назад
@@tuesdaycurtis163 Persia is Iran. Iraq is Babylon. Persian is literally still spoken in Iran (called Persia until the early 1900s).
@Laurie6049 Год назад
I just ordered Chapt gpt to put a blessing together for a young woman and voila! It wrote one!
@SawyersSoap Год назад
I did that too! So fun.
@jesusitaenchihuahua Год назад
I am a convert to the church. I got baptized at 18 and received my patriarchal blessing at 19-20 years old. Being a new member, I didn't really know I was supposed to keep it secret. I was really excited about it , so the following Sunday, I shared it with all the girls in the ward. They said their PB and mine were very similar. The only one I ever saw was my now sister in law's PB (we were in the same ward) and is word for word like mine. It only changes the name. Years later, when I married my husband, I was told that the patriarch that gave me that blessing (and around the same time) wrote a love letter to my mother in law. She was married, and the patriarch was also married. Disgusting! Now my sister in law wants to get a new PB, but of course, that's not going happen... as for myself, I don't believe in any of it anymore.
@jeffk464 Год назад
They sound kind of like fortune cookies.
@lettiejohnson447 Год назад
A new patriarchal blessing. What makes her think that one was from God? It was from a man who was lazy and just copied word for word so he wouldn't have to exert his brain for more ideas of a patriarchal blessing
@goatymacgoatface6544 Год назад
Someone I know had an "adoption clause" in their PB. They turned out to be infertile and we both took the blessing as proof of priesthood inspiration. Now I wonder if the patriarch just knew about their health issues?
@samanthamurray3548 Год назад
When I got mine done the guy interviewed me first and asked me about my life ..then surprise surprise everything I mentioned was in the blessing. My best friend got hers done at same time and our blessings 0:57 were the same almost word for word 😂
@janinemaxwell4297 Год назад
I was interviewed for about 30 minutes before I got mine and I felt at the time that he used that info to give me a blessing
@swankhood Год назад
Every ward has auxillary head meetings and they opening talk about members and couples problems and struggles. They know everything.
@sherriewheelwright4137 Год назад
My blessing said that I would be visited by dead relatives in order to provide me with information about my ancestors. At the time it scared the shit out of me; luckily no ghost visits as of yet, and one of many reasons I don't want to go back to church 😉.
@SR-bw3sc Год назад
"Therefore it is imperative that we should renounce our particular prejudices & superstitions if we earnestly desire to seek the truth. Unless we make a distinction in our minds between dogma, superstition & prejudice on the one hand, and truth on the other, we cannot succeed." -Abdul-Baha, Baha'i Writings
@faith.reason Год назад
I remember during my mission we mentioned the PB to one of our investigators and the person said that it's like a sorting ceremony of Hogward because you will know which house you will be assigned to. lol
@lyndachele 3 месяца назад
Paying for a blessing reminds me of the moneychangers in the Temple.
@slconley Год назад
I feel like the blessings are just Mormon fortune telling. And they lead us to confirmation bias because we get theses blessings as children, then spend decades trying to look for signs to confirm it’s validity.
@katphyre Год назад
My brother, sister and I all received our blessings the same day so we were all in the room for all 3 of them. I noted at the time that they were all very similar in content. I was told perhaps it was because we were family and would experience similar challenges but I now feel quite sure he just had a lot of rote phrases and predictions. I wonder if everyone in my stake had the same things but because you're encouraged not to share them except with a spouse, I'm sure nobody compared them.
@robertthompson3447 Год назад
My patriarchal blessing said something along the lines of being in the middle class. The blessing of my first wife said that she would be at poverty level. It was confusing at first but fast-forward three years and we're no longer together.
@walrusbfv6862 Год назад
Blessing came true, right? very interesting
@jordonbright6326 Год назад
If you do a google search for "Patriarchal Blessing Revelator" you can find a data base of about 390 blessings dating back to 1834, plus an analysis of common themes. E.g., marriage shows up in 92% of male and 89% of female blessings.
@RoughStoneRollingLapidary Год назад
‘Missionaries are more for the missionaries than those they teach.” Say it again for those in the back! Solidifying lifelong devotion is the point. And if they recruit a few for the pyramid scheme, even better.
@mauritaschut8466 Год назад
Thank you for this! I'm so heartened to see people from various religions (particularly fundamentalist, dogmatic sects/denominations) not only having their own "waking up" experiences, but even more importantly, sharing it on various platforms like this so that all the people out there who have felt so alone and different and probably filled with shame, guilt and unworthiness, finally feel like they're not alone and they're really not a bad person who "God hates" I am not mormon but I did grow up conservative, fundamentalist christian (which I realize was still a very different experience than those shared here). I grew up going to schools and eventually college that were all from my denomination. I feel I was very lucky to have had very loving parents who never tried to cram their beliefs down my throat, despite believing it all fervently and really hoping I would walk the same path. Bible reading as well as reading the writings of the main prophet for our church was part of daily life, and because I love to learn and I really NEED to understand things, I started questioning so many things that didn't make sense to me in my tweens and this just grew and grew as I got older. I couldn't understand why others around me didn't seem to notice these things or care about them, and all I ever got from the adults (leaders and layoeople) were pat answers like "It is only for God to know", or "Gods ways are higher than ours and it is not for us to question him". Etc. I finally stopped going to church in my late teens for the most part and despite the fact that this was not remotely done out of rebellion, I always felt terrible for disappointing my parents. I tried to come back in my adulthood more than once, wondering if i was just questioning things too much (that's something that you often get told when you question a lot), but I just couldn't reconcile all the inconsistencies (in the Bible, in church doctrine, and even in the portrayals of God as unconditionally loving his children yet often being portrayed in the bible as an incrediboy egomaniacal, narcissistic, authoritatian, jealous figure who commanded his children and if they didn't follow his orders, would rain down fire and brimstone on them and cut them off from him and his unconditional love eternally.. When i became a parent, that seemed more foreign to me than ever, and certainly didn't equate in my mind as an unconditionally loving father who loves their children more than we can love? One our own. I finally became agnostic and stayed that way for quite a long time, but now, I would say that because of some absolutely incredibly, amazing personal experiences that started happening a couple or so years ago, I'm now a spiritual person, and it has been such a freeing, beautiful experience. I can say without a doubt that I have felt the extreme love from whatever it is out there beyond us in such a profound way and it's so far beyond the love we experience here. It's indescribable and peaceful and incredibly joyous!
@Songsofourown23 Год назад
Lmao .I remember Miss Cleo! Yes my Patriarchal Blessings is as accurate as anything she said. I was so disappointed when I finally got mine because most things it stated seemed impersonal or very generic and some things were not possible. The most offensive thing was that my name was spelled incorrectly on it. Not at the top where names go, but about every other line it referred to Me as Sister _______. And every other line it was spelled wrong. So I thought why is it that Heavenly Father does not even know how to spell my name and had commanded the patriarch to misspell it repeatedly. This was a significant item in breaking my faith in the church.
@princessadora Год назад
I don’t think the patriarch spelled it an admin does it. Mine had twink (correction fluid) on it even on my name at the top I think and some mistakes weren’t corrected at all
@tuesdaycurtis163 Год назад
Mine was I would work with children. I can't stand being around other people's kids. I hated teaching them, they were ass holes. The bishop and stake president kids were vile. But they did tell me stuff about their parents 😂😂😂
@daffodilfleur Год назад
I realize that must’ve been irritating, but usually the patriarch’s wife types them up. Most of the patriarchs are elderly as are their wives. Maybe she had poor eyesight, but Heavenly Father really had nothing to do with the spelling errors & He knows perfectly well how your name is spelled.
@Songsofourown23 Год назад
@@princessadora I'm sorry that is so sad. More proof they are made up and not based on truth.
@Songsofourown23 Год назад
@@daffodilfleur ok. But what about Tribal houses? They are Jewish right? I am not Jewish nor do I have any Jewish Blood, like Nephi huh?
@ashleyingoldsby Год назад
Mine has helped me so much and I cherish it.
@susanrobinson641 10 месяцев назад
When you guys mentioned members of the same family being members of different houses, it made it sound like Patriarchal blessings are Mormon sorting hats.
@thanksformutton1037 4 месяца назад
I had such a fear of God in my teens. Receiving a patriarchal blessing would probably have had long lasting damage on me. I would have been obsessed with it.
@resonnezforward2071 Год назад
I believe there is so much good that the church offers. I believe it’s true, but I have mostly been bothered by my PB. “The blessings of the earth are pronounced upon you. The earth shall give forth in abundance for your benefit and the benefit of others. You shall prosper exceedingly and use this abundance to bless the lives of others”. We were a young struggling family. I was a stay at home mom. I looked for ways on the side to earn extra money thinking that it was going to prosper. Always in school or mortgage debt. We broke free of our school debt. But we did not proper exceedingly. Until our late 50s we paid off our home and bought a new one. Paid it off. Always a struggle. I was frustrated so many times by my PB.We paid our tithes but never made enough money to donate large sums of it away. We never used it to bless others lives.
@SawyersSoap Год назад
I'm not LDS, so I asked Chatgpt to write a patriarchal blessing for me! So much fun.
@GrandmaKnightLife Год назад
I tried that and this is what I got: I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that request. A patriarchal blessing is a deeply personal and sacred religious document that is typically given by a patriarch within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) to individual members. It's not something that can be generated or written by a computer program. If you have questions about patriarchal blessings or would like more information, I suggest speaking with your local LDS Church leaders or a trusted religious authority.
@jamestrek2570 Год назад
MS. CLEO!!! Haven’t seen her in a quick minute. Man I miss the 90s Would love to receive a patriarchal blessing from her. Lol
@princessadora Год назад
my patriarchal blessing was messed up. there was 3 of us getting them at the same time and he thought i was the wife of one of the others but i was the single one so the wife got my blessings (which were really amazing) and the content was directed at a single person and so the husband got very upset and i think he left the church that day (in his heart at least) he left a couple of years later. our 2 blessings had to be redone and was not nearly as good as the one i got or the one i should have got and also my tribe changed. from manasseh to ephraim. i was most upset about that i liked manasseh. the 2 married people divorced a couple of years later (they were sealed in the temple)
@helenr4300 Год назад
wow that is quite a story. Since it is supposed to be God's direct voice, mixing people up is a pretty basic mess up
@princessadora Год назад
@@Coalition4NewerVision it wasn’t she was only there because he was a member and she converted. They were young when they married and she did some things that really hurt him. She remarried outside of the church he never did but lives with his longtime girlfriend and her children.
@jaimesnapp2927 Год назад
God does speak to us, but not through a prophet. He does that directly through the Holy Spirit. Since Jesus gave us his spirit, we no longer need prophets.
@RoughStoneRollingLapidary Год назад
1:14:44 I remember asking my dad what the difference between clairvoyants and psychics were from patriarchs.
@rebeccasirrine947 Год назад
The thing I appreciate most about this podcast, is that none of you called it a "patriarticle" blessing! 😂😂
@tracythorpe1856 Год назад
*PLEASE: Male infertility at nearly the same rates as women. Mike got it right when he said both men and women suffer with infertility. Then John looks up infertility rates in the U.S. and only reports on married women 15-49 yrs. Studies show up to 50% of fertility problems within heterosexual couples are due to men. At the very least, 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men are infertile. So why is the only acceptable narrative one in which women struggle with fertility issues? Is it just too unthinkable, too taboo, to hint that a man might not be virile enough to populate an entire world? I’ve known women whose husbands were infertile, yet these women did everything humanly possible to project they were the ones with the issues, not their husbands. Why are we still protecting the male ego? Let’s have some honesty that is backed up by science. I don’t blame John for assuming and discussing only women’s infertility because it is, after all, the only acceptable narrative in our society.
@paulanix7561 Год назад
Google....infertile couples eat all organic diet. 100% were able to get pregnant....true study
I started seeking LDS content because I wanted to support a LGBTQ student that was struggling. They are out, transitioning, being an artistic activist and living their best life ❤
@hlnbee Год назад
Look within. The answers are within.
@suzannaharbon4365 4 месяца назад
My brother was told that he would die young and so growing up and even today (being out of the church) I fear he will be in a car accident tomorrow and die without me being able to say goodbye. Ironically, today’s his 27th birthday and he is very much alive.
@sandaroocompilations5182 6 месяцев назад
I have so much to say on this: -My father in law recently was called to be a patriarch. When he was called he asked all adults in the family (12 of us) for copies of our blessings. He said he wanted to study them to know what to say in the blessings he’ll give. I found this to be very odd. -I have a friend from the Portland area and her local patriarch is a child molester. He molested her sister in law and multiple other girls in their stake. Everyone believed he was a great man, ignored all victims. He continued giving blessings after multiple girls came forward saying he was an abuser. -During my sister’s baby blessing, my dad never mentioned that my sister would marry. My mom interpreted this to mean that my sister would die soon. And thus my mom completely ignored my sister from baby until 8 years old. I remember being a young kid and my mom mentioning multiple times that my sister will die soon. My dad and aunt also talk often about how my mom completely neglected my sister because she was going to die soon. At my sister’s baptism, my dad said in her confirmation that she would get married. My mom then decided she could now pay attention to her. This is the perfect example of how the church’s teachings in blessings can completely destroy someone’s life and negatively effect a family.
@tvtecna Год назад
My PB says I'm from the tribe of Benjamin. I do have Jewish bloodlines through my family, quite a lot actually. Didn't know that BEFORE receiving my PB, or before I did DNA testing. Found it fascinating.
@tvtecna Год назад
@kellyreilly-robinson2130 I don't know how they would have known beforehand, and I'm not suggesting they did the research ahead of time. I just think it was interesting. I converted to the church 8 years ago. I was a member for 3 months before I received my PB. The patriarch of my home stake was actually out of the country at the time, so I was assigned to a patriarch in another town and stake. The experience for me was incredibly life-giving. I realize for many, it is the opposite. About 3 years later, I did a DNA kit thru ancestry and found out all about the Jewish roots. Had no idea before that. When researching the tribes, I was surprised by how accurate things were, even down to the relative areas of origin.
I love this series! Can we please get another weekly series with Mike? 🙏🏾 I’d love to hear an in-depth series on Joseph Smith’s history and background. It could take 2 years; I’ll gladly pay for a subscription ❤
@jilliankovach8914 15 дней назад
How many of us are going to survive to see the morning of the first resurrection?
@RebeccaRaven Год назад
People can believe what they want because belief isn't fact-based. But there's a reason I'm atheist after years as a catechist and charismatic Christian. ;)
@babs629 Год назад
After I received my Patriachal Blessing I remember being so disappointed in it. I couldn't remember exactly what was said so receiving the typed version was like reliving the moment for me. But after I read it I was still disappointed because it was so generic as if it was written for anybody to have. Almost like reading your horoscope in the newspaper. It felt like God had no idea who I was or that I even existed. Then I felt so guilty for thinking that way so I told myself that I was being selfish for expecting so much more. Then on day I read my husband's Patriachal Blessing (not from the same guy) and to me it also read very generic. Then many years later my son's blessing sounded just as empty to me. I couldn't understand what all the excitement was about on getting these stupid blessings done. All this time I have felt confused and super guilty about my behavior towards the church. I was certain that something was very wrong. I have been praying for clarity and I am finally now finding my answers. Thank You Lord for inspiring these men to do this work!
@susanwilliams70 7 месяцев назад
I got my patriarchal blessing as a convert at 19-20.
@princessadora Год назад
my patriarch didn't know anything about me or my family he was based at an out of town chapel in a place no-one had heard of and we had to drive out there to get it done.
@beerman1957 Год назад
PB are the Mormon version of Tarot and Palm Readings.
@princessadora Год назад
Speaking to spirit?
@tuesdaycurtis163 Год назад
My mothers said she wouldn't taste of the death of man. Well she is dead, so she did taste of the death of man. Then they say, "Oh she probably wasn't worthy enough" or other rubbish. This was the start of me thinking ummm this isnt right. So gradually God showed me the truth. Im free from the Mormon lies. Its amazing
@hlnbee Год назад
Oops, when I got mine in HS, we shared ours with each other at a slumber party. Mine was shorter than the others so I left inferior. 😢
@ChrisS-dt3vq Год назад
Mine was 4 pages typed from the original legal pad. My BYU roomie's was a short one page, original. She felt really cheated.
@BunnyWatson-k1w Год назад
My BP is rather long compared to others. It ended up being nine pages long. It was recommended to me to read a copy of my BP in the celestial room of the temple since the contents would make more sense.
@ermannos Год назад
For those curious. 1$ in 1830 is equal to 32$ today. Not a bad business giving patriarchal blessings! 😂
@herminiavillegas479 Год назад
My PB was more a curse than a blessing. It predicted so many illnesses and tragedies. Nothing good in it.
@GoingApeCostume Год назад
I've been scanning family records and paper keepsakes lately. I hand the stacks to family members who can decide what to keep and what to shred. I scanned my husband's blessing, laughed my ass off at prediction that he'd marry their version of a virtuous woman, and then asked him if it was in the shred pile. It's the same generalized blessing that everyone else gets so shred it was. I never got mine. I left the church at 14. I figured that if God wanted me to know what to do that God didn't need a middleman to communicate it. I'm smart and in tune and God certainly is all powerful, so old coot with bad breath can stay home.
@BlackEyeBobBlackEyeBob-up6ch 2 месяца назад
Mine in 1966 I was promised I would see the second coming in my life time. In my mother's she was promised the same. She was disappointed when she died waiting.
@RoughStoneRollingLapidary Год назад
Mine was so generic i only read it once or twice and never read it again.
@KathyStrickland-nh9vx 7 месяцев назад
I am not mormon but I am Christian and I am a firm believer that one wrong prophecy proves you're not a true prophet. If God speaks to us, why do you need it to come through another man instead coming directly to you? I don't believe God speaks through someone just to tell you something. I believe He will go to you directly. I am sorry so many people are being mislead by controlling men in a cult like mormonism.
@emmiavalos8272 Год назад
i fucking love you man, seriously
@BunnyWatson-k1w Год назад
My current stake Patriarch told me he only does less than 100 BPs a year. And that's for a stake with over 5,000 members.
@deannapowell7237 Год назад
For your entertainment only!! Perfect.
@kaileepilcher6197 7 месяцев назад
My son's father patriarchal blessing ruined his life and I will never forgive that patriarch. It has kept him from having the life and happiness he deserves to have seing he is a good man and father but the things said in that blessing keep him from seeing that about himself.
@michalptacnik1 Год назад
Southern tribes were Juda, Benjamin, Levi and part of Simeon. Northern tribes were all the rest. The deal with Ephraim and Manasse is that they are half tribes from the tribe of Josef. That tribe is prophesied at one point to be the leading tribe, before the lead was given to Juda to sources aligned with the Juda people (presumably). It was traditional in the 19th century neo israelist Christian circles that they identified the white people with the tribe of Joseph, hence Ephraim and Manasse.
@SilentThundersnow 9 месяцев назад
My grandmother was declared from Ephraim, then later she was declared from Manasseh. My grandmother's patriarchal blessing was lost decades ago. The church couldn't find any copy of it anywhere. They finally agreed to give her a new one. She was shocked that they changed her lineage from Ephraim to Manasseh. It really bothered her, but then i started wondering why i wasn't the same as her. Then i started wondering what percent made them decide, if you were mixed. Confusing.
@JP-JustSayin Год назад
My parents were both of ephraim ... but of us kids we had ephraim, dan and benjamin (left handed sibling was from the tribe of lefties in the bible, go figure)
@trevavaile 10 месяцев назад
Also the husband that committed the crime also baptized my daughter from a previous marriage. Very complicated.
@elvanwyk6573 3 месяца назад
Is there any active member of the Church of Jesus Christ right now on this platform?
@sheldonmurphy6031 8 месяцев назад
I was recently asked about getting my patriarchal blessing. I am very curious. What would happen if you denied/turned down getting the patriarchal blessing? I can not find any person whom has said no. I will be doing that very thing coming this weekend. l I dont think there will be a single high five! 😆....This is going to be rough.
@papabear2515 Год назад
It’s stunning how gullible people can be and therefore, how controlled they allow themselves to be … lining a less than a full life, where self introspection and ongoing questions are abundant, welcomed and needed for growth! If the fear of death were ever truly addressed … religion vanishes.
@helenr4300 Год назад
people grow up in a culture where a certain set of beliefs are considered the norm. This is not about being gullible but seeing something as the 'way life is'. Non religious norms can also have issues of conformity to the community rather than evaluating personally
@princessadora Год назад
Life is garbage outside of the church. Unfulfilling, disappointing and unhealthy. I’m not missing out on anything.
@papabear2515 Год назад
@@princessadora so sad you see it that way. I find life w/o church to be beautiful, glorious, healthy, rewarding, fulfilling, meaningful, abundant and such an ongoing source of inspiration and gratitude. All the best to you.
@rkn2800 8 месяцев назад
My patriarchal blessing was Ephraim and Menassah. The patriarch was surprised.
@Brighid45 Месяц назад
Speaking of miss Cleo . . . I worked for her for about 2 months back in the day, before I found out what a total scam her network was. I left the Church partly due to exploring paganism at the time, and had been reading tarot for several years. During my time with Cleo's network, I made it clear to my clients that there was nothing supernatural going on. I already knew anyone calling the line was very likely in need of clarification on a decision, or at a crossroads; I'd ask the person a couple of questions to get an idea of what they wanted to know, and any cards pulled would be slanted toward that topic. I was always up front about that, no woo-woo involved. (Not much money involved either, I was lucky to get 5-10% of the fee, about $10-15 per call. Reading on my own usually got me about $75-100 for a full ten-card spread and an hour to interpret/discuss and ask further questions.) In my opinion, my readings were a lot more forthright and honest than my own patriarchal blessing (I'm Manasseh btw, despite being English, Scottish and Irish with a smattering of Finnish and Norwegian--no Jewish moms in the house apparently!). I never claimed divine inspiration, and interpreted the reading according to the question or problem presented. My blessing said I'd get married and have kids, do a lot of genealogy work and become a beloved mother in the kingdom. I'm single, no kids, and out of the Church. Who knew? :D Another great discussion guys!
@Notfromhere347 Год назад
$1 in 1840 equates to about $35 in 2023
@RoughStoneRollingLapidary Год назад
1:02:17 does mike not realize Monson was our last prophet just a few years ago? He referred to him as an early church leader and is trying to show a difference over time implying it had been a long time. The church does change quickly even after Monson on some things. But this sounded different. Am i wrong?
@lj9524 Год назад
The Catholic Church also at a time charged money to their followers to get their sins absolved. Thus Martin Luther and the creation of the Lutheran Church. Reminds me of other old white men politicians.
@TEAM__POSEID0N Год назад
I predict that in the near future they will try to make the PB program seem more realistic and credible by injecting some cold wording in 5% of the blessings. (The precise instructions will be given to the new Stake Patriarchs in super secure sound-proofed isolation rooms in the basement of the Church Office Building.) According to my always anonymous, highly placed source, who hides behind the curtains in the Holy of Holies, there are two dozen prototype templates that have been prepared for "cold wording" Patriarchal Blessings, soon to be trialed in select locations in Utah and California. Here are two that he was able to photograph: (1) "The Lord has noted that you were not particularly valiant in pre-mortal life and that you are not deserving of many blessings in this life. In his infinite mercy, however, the Lord has prepared blessings for you suitable to your station. You will struggle to find adequate housing. But if you pay your tithing and obey all of the Lord's commandments and seek diligently for affordable accommodations the Lord may make it possible for you to live in a van, down by the river or next to the industrial park or in a clearing on the other side of the scraggly woods." (2) "The Lord may bless you with children who were also not valiant in the pre-mortal life. They will not be particularly bright. But if you have three, two of them will be well-behaved and the other one, according to the Lord, may be the spawn of Satan sent forth to try you and give you trials that you failed to pass in the pre-existence. You obviously will not live to see the Second Coming(TM), but you will by and by be saved from outer darkness, unless the Lord decides that he still does not like you."
@HawaiianRiverGirl Год назад
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