Mormon Stories Podcast
Mormon Stories Podcast
Mormon Stories Podcast
Mormon Stories Podcast is the longest-running and most successful podcast in Mormonism - hosted by Dr. John Dehlin. At Mormon Stories we explore, celebrate, and challenge Mormon culture through in-depth stories told by members and former members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We also occasionally interview scholars, authors, LDS apologists, and other professionals. Our overall mission is to: 1) Facilitate informed consent amongst LDS Church members, investigators, and non-members regarding Mormon history, doctrine, and theology, 2) Support Mormons (and members of other high-demand religions) who are experiencing a religious faith crisis, and 3) Promote healing, growth and community for those who choose to leave the LDS Church or other high demand religions.

Mormon Stories Podcast is a product of the Open Stories Foundation - a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to supporting Mormons in religious transition.
Satan in Mormonism w/ John Larsen | Ep. 1870
3 месяца назад
@debrawebb1234 7 минут назад
Another amazing episode!
@emilywilliamson8560 13 минут назад
Such an excellent interview thank you Bishop Hinckley! I grew up mormon in Australia and find it so interesting about Joseph Smith not being known to practice polygamy. I remember my parents talking about it and a lesson in relief society about Emma Smith pushing another wife down the stairs. This was in the very early days of the internet (late 90s/early 2000s).
@tannerfrancisco8759 31 минуту назад
Are they actually getting saved and becoming real Christians or are they leaving to be worldly?
@jeffwilson4693 33 минуты назад
Dehlin the interviewer was excommunicated from the Church ten years ago for teaching immorality in contradiction to Church doctrine and conscience.
@heatherhammersmith8997 44 минуты назад
Megan is on the right track with the reason for the firing squad situation. Over the last 20yrs it's been increasingly difficult to acquire the lethal injection drugs because no medicinal company wants to be associated with execution. As the number of those sentenced to death and being in (appeals exhausted) has increased, firing squads are one of the more recent alternatives being instated. I'm only 45 minutes in on the video but I'll say Megan is also correct about the death penalty being far more expensive than life in prision and I would think that a sentence could include communication restrictions, couldn't it?
@wowmerica 45 минут назад
I'd be super interested to know more about the "sealed portion". It's such a weird part of the story and I'd love to know what the deal is with that.
@adriennepatterson6113 49 минут назад
Enter AJ, stage left ;)
@barbaralael5092 55 минут назад
What an honorable couple! Your story meant a lot to me.
@lucygreene9340 Час назад
6/1/24 Lori's and my story are so very similar. Listening to her brought back so many terrifying times in my journey out of Mormonism. My current husband, a nevermo, has watched me make this escape. It has been 6 years and I still am trying to erase all the indoctrination. I was headed toward suicide because the invisible expectations of being the perfect LDS wife and mother were impossible to attain, hence, I was a failure. My first husband was on the High Council and I was in the Stake Relief Society, so we travelled to the same wards. We have a daughter that became diabetic at age 6. There was no one trained to attend her while we travelled 2 to 3 hours to visit the outlying wards. I would bring her with me on these visits. The Stake President was not happy about this happening. I went around and around with him on families come first. I finally told him that I was quitting the position and that shook him to his core. How dare I! It took several more years before I finally walked away. My life now is wonderful, peaceful and I'm not riddled with guilt.
@ED-wj5tp Час назад
Well you don’t have to go out on a mission, you can just Google, the cult of Mormonism and find out the entire misinformation of Joseph smith and Brigham young and the rest of the Mormon community. Or you can get it live going door to door having people tell you to your face that you’re in a cult.
@davidwasden2001 Час назад
What seems to be overlooked and not addressed, is the divine laws that govern life itself! The sacred divine masculine and sacred divine feminine! It’s manifested in the simple union of positive and negative polarities of say a battery. Without the equal balance of the two polarities, the battery cannot produce usable energy! Two positives (males) or two negatives (females)cannot perpetuate life or energy! Understandably there is great disparity and suffering trying to balance those polarities, but it’s in the effort to continue to find that balance, not eliminate it! It’s pretty biased and misleading to your audience to make statements that the church should announce “open hunting season on the LGBT community”, when their position on gay relationships is clearly stated in the ‘Proclamation to the World’ “That marriage should be between one man and one woman!” Life would and will cease to exist in this world without that divine union!
@astrayavansickle3265 Час назад
Megan- I always appreciate how you share facts and remind people that there’s another side to the story. I find this informative yet pragmatic. As a former LDS member, a victim of child sexual abuse, and current psychotherapist, I wish you would call it sexual abuse instead of SA- it’s amazing how many people still doubt the level and scope of sexual Abuse, and do not understand what you mean when you call it “SA”. I think we need to call it what it is and open the worlds eyes to its prevalence.
@nancylowe2692 Час назад
Maybe they listen to you, John. You talk about "our" missionaries, as if you have no part in destroying their faith! As if you are a faithful, true, believing Latter-day Saint. "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles?" Matt 7:15, 16. Your fruit is broken families, broken faith and bitterness of soul.
@Secular-Serenity Час назад
I wish I had it in me to speak up for myself like Brin…and I’m 69 years old.
@snoyes5687 Час назад
Why? Because they know it’s a cult?
@sananton2821 Час назад
"Four of the twelve apostles" lmfao what are they teaching you Mormons? Holy hell.
@user-lt9gv9nt2u Час назад
DONT EVER USE THE BIBLE in the agreement!! dont this will lead to the wrong path!
@maiathebee410 Час назад
Margi did such a wonderful job choosing these panelists. Not only were they each so eloquent and thoughtful, but they also had differently outlooks and experiences. I really value a panel like this where, for questions like, "Do you have any regrets?" their answers are so different. But still, the combination of their experiences reveals some real cultural issues both in the church but also our more conservative american cultures of recent generations. Shelley's way of speaking was especially so sweet, and I would listen to Marian if she had her own podcast! I wish them all the best.
@danpiedra3910 Час назад
The best investigation into this topic was done by Church History Matters - podcast which provides much more details and explains the 'why' of it. The fact that a man is called to serve as an apostle or as the president of the Church does not take away his free agency. In fact. free agency is so sacred, that even God does not get in the way of decisions and opinions which his servants can and will make from time to time. In other words, these individuals can and may make mistakes from time to time, but the Lord's work cannot be thwarted. The ban on priesthood and temple access to blacks can be attributed to three things that you have loosely touched on. 1. Incorrect interpretation of scriptures (Curse of Cain, curse of Ham, etc.) ... neither of these or any other scripture supports a ban to those who may have come from either lineage. While those individuals were denied blessings of the priesthood, nowhere does it indicate that it would apply to their descendents. 2. Incorrect assumption that blacks had been somehow less faithful in the pre-mortal life and as such now had to suffer without the priesthood. This was an idea first espoused by Orson Pratt, but again, completely incorrect and without any scriptural or revelatory evidence. 3. Failing memory - several apostles and presidents in the early 1900s turned to an assumption that the ban on blacks had existed since the times of Joseph Smith - again, incorrect and without an actual basis for it. Joseph ordained at least two black men to the Melchizedek priesthood and at no time taught that they should withhold the priesthood from them. You can blame Brigham Young and many others for incorrectly interpreting things in accordance with the above. As we progressed through the 20th century, most of the presidents refused to re-visit the topic even though many like David O. McKay moved closer to removing certain practices. Spencer W. Kimball was the first to take it upon himself to seek out unanimity among the Q of Twelve and in doing so, seek approval from the Lord to lift the ban. Bruce R. McConkie, Boyd K. Packer, and Thomas S. Monson provided a thorough report to the first presidency which once again, validated the fact that there was no scriptural defense for a ban on the priesthood and temple. In the end, it was an error on the part of many who were also influenced by societal norms and perspectives. However, the Lord's work moves forward despite these errors. His servants (men and women) are not without error yet the Lord uses them to the best of their ability to carry his work forward.
@trentc7329 2 часа назад
Idaho rushed the firing squad bill through for Brian Kohberger for the four college students stabbed to death in their house. They wanted an option on the books in case they could not get lethal injection drugs.
@user-tp3fn3wf5s 2 часа назад
Jesus is Lord
@artbydawnae 2 часа назад
I remember an experience I had in 10th grade when I was overwhelmed and depressed. I told my parents I was quitting school and my parents told me I was not allowed because when is educated she teaches generations. 🤨 so ya education was for my kids and posterity but not me.
@ryanbedford9615 2 часа назад
My ancestor is Thomas Bedford. If you want. I can go into details on what lead up to Strang’s assignation.
@nerianasims1849 2 часа назад
The death penalty is unfairly applied, and innocent people ARE executed. Chad Daybell is not innocent, but we cannot have a death penalty that only catches the guilty -- it's not a thing. I'm glad he was found guilty. I'm sick that he's going to be killed. Also because I don't care what someone did: No one deserves to be killed. Sitting in jail for the rest of his life though, sure.
@mariatucker7213 2 часа назад
Im so confused! So r there Mormons who believe in the stuff chad was saying.?? I mean they dont think its a little wild?? Im sorry i have nevet been around Mormons
@hannahviolette4553 2 часа назад
@sananton2821 3 часа назад
linnage? You mean...lineage??
@lynnhartin8974 3 часа назад
There isn't one thing in the Bible that says the Earth is 6,000 years old in fact it shows different
@lynnhartin8974 3 часа назад
So as far as these Mormon doctrines go none of that is scriptural you will find none of that in the Bible
@sananton2821 3 часа назад
This man is the devil. He doesn't believe in 99% of Mormon doctrine, but he happily spends his life spreading its lies throughout the world to people who will not be given the option to have an à la carte membership.
@lisedale6767 3 часа назад
@duketta 3 часа назад
I don't believe anyone has the right to criticize Summer for not giving a victim impact statement. The recording of her to Lori was already so completely impactful. She's been through so much and deserves to be supported by her family members.
@judytaylor4265 3 часа назад
If I went in my closet I would suffocate before having a chance to pray!! What is wrong with praying in the open?? So many crazies out there!!
@janetsmith7306 3 часа назад
Lori and Chad WERE 2 and NOT ARE 2 members of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints they have both been excommunicated.
@sananton2821 3 часа назад
Liberal bullshit. What is "too much" power? Why is it my problem or fault if someone is weaker? Is weakness a virtue?
@sananton2821 3 часа назад
"That's where the data point." "I've always tried to follow the data where IT leadS" Back to back. Dude's got the grammatical consistency of Joseph Smith.
@leeclarke8993 4 часа назад
Mormons taught the word “agency”.
@sananton2821 4 часа назад
Why would he change his name's spelling for the benefit of Spanish readers...and include a k? The hell kind of Spanish education did he receive? Se escribe clavo, incluir, clave, etc.
@chaos9495 4 часа назад
I believe that John is 100% correct that the teaching of LDS have gone astray and I just need to stop being exposed to this now. This was not a one off and I need now to just look away
@chaos9495 4 часа назад
Having the death penalty puts him basically in solitary where he can not expose other inmates with a potential release to his evil ways. They may never follow through but he will be caged and silenced.
@terywetherlow7970 4 часа назад
Shout out to Miss Walters who was in Albuquerque, N.M. ❤Tee
@JulianS-xu6ff 4 часа назад
Favoured leaders, favoured members, control the ignorant sheeple,don't address any serious issues and problems. The church will continue to lose members. An exodus of worthy members is inevitable.
@laurataylor8179 4 часа назад
Good day for justice
@THEBIGREDAPE 4 часа назад
They're seeing the real world and realising what they're missing out on.
@stephenslater412 4 часа назад
Magic underwear, baptism of the dead , gods from Kolob, Jesus and Lucifer as brothers, celestial marriage... come on, how can a practising Mormon be a scholar?
@sarajomendez7994 4 часа назад
Hopefully they are realizing that Mormonism is a cult! Read The Word of God without the Book of Mormon. The Truth will set you free! 🙏
@lisedale6767 4 часа назад
Id like to point out that secularists have a great track record helping people too.. Zombie liberals like me have a great track record helping people. I just dont promise you the moon after you die for being a good person.
@Eli12344 4 часа назад
What that heck. This is not a mormon podcast. This is antimormon podcast. Change the name man.
@harryniedecken5321 4 часа назад
Not surprised at all. Heard too many stories about things. Just an example, a family we know, daughter married a Mormon. Parents couldn't attend their own daughter's wedding. Evening of the wedding, groom tells his wife that the next day they are going on a mission and she won't be able to communicate with her family more or less for a year. It's called cult behavior. Having Romney out there destroying businesses doesn't help either.
@SuperUltraDevin 5 часов назад
I get a lot of missionary in my town and whenever one comes up to me I go tell them to read the gospel topics essays on the church’s website. I’m doing god’s work.